Nmc committee minutes 2015 04 approved

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NMC Committee Minutes Tuesday 14th April 2015 Attending John Dalrymple (JD), Ian Birtwistle (IB), Andrew Shanks (AS), Alastair Boardman (AB), Ed Sciberras (ES), Pete Hubbard(PH), Steve Blake (StB), Peter Flegg (PF), Sarah Follman (SF), Dan Leadbitter (DL)


Apologies David Angel (DA), Sonia Byers (SnB), John Spencer(JS), Pete Hubbard(PH), Adrian Wilson (AW)


Approval of Minutes of last meeting Corrections noted to minutes: •

Incorrect date for this meeting

PH mistyped when referring to navigation course

Capitalisation issues

Minutes approved JD, IB


Action Points and Matters Arising •

StB reported on restoration work at Bowden doors ◦

The wall and the line of the fence have been repaired

Rubble and debris has been cleared from the top – debris remains on the lower path but does not present a serious obstruction

Small debris is expected to be a minor issue on the route for the near future – it is expected that there will be debris on the route, but climbers can clear it as they go.

StB recommends the club purchase two stiles to be installed with the new fence – he will consult with Tony for the requirements.

JD has produced sample signs for the major crags ◦

Changes to the signs were proposed by the committee, IB will circulate designs by email for final approval immediately prior to printing.



Meets •

AB is organising a Peak district meet in August, 6 members have already signed up.

The general consensus was that the weekend meets list was sufficcient. JD proposed a policy of frequent informal weekend meets to general agreement

There was discussion of the possibility of using Fell and Rock huts

No progress has been made on the film night – the Quilliam Brothers Tea House has been put forward as a possible venue

AB proposed a repeat of the Rumbling Kern barbecue this year

Correspondence •



Communications •

AW's online membership form is now linked from the NMC website

AB raised the issue of only out-of-date events appearing on the calendar associated with the NMC website. IB will replace all calendar events with a yearlong event containing a link to the Facebook calendar

JD will host the currently produced guides on ISUU and link them from the NMC website

The county climber is delayed due to teething troubles with inDesign. IB to assist JS with the production



No correspondence


Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 19th May – venue, ED's house.

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