NMC Committee Minutes Tuesday 15th March 2016 Attending Andrew Shanks (AS), Adrian Wilson (AW), John Dalrymple (JD), Steve Blake (StB), John Spencer(JS), David Angel (DA), Sonia Byers(SnB), Pete Hubbard (PH), Eva Diran (ED), Craig Harrison (CH), Felix Larrieu(FL), Radeck Florczak (RF), Alastair Boardman (AB), Joe Rudin (JR), Joe McCarty(JMcC)
Apologies Ian Birtwistle (IB), Ed Sciberras (ES)
Approval of Minutes of last meeting Minutes approved with corrections – JS, AW
Action Points and Matters Arising •
Joe Spoor has been investigating the possibility of obtaining access to another club's hut ◦
He has had some interest from the Lancashire Climbing and Caving Club ▪
The location was generally agreed not to be ideal
Lancashire Mountaineering club has been approached and is putting the proposal to their committee
Opinion is divided on the value of committing to help at working meets for the purposes of obtaining hut access
ED proposed pursuing an option to make a deal with another club to pay a premium on hut fees for access on members' terms
StB will inform Joe of the views of the committee
Meets •
The issue of liability for overseas meets was reiterated
The principle of unofficial meets arranged by members was approved, on the condition that there was no liability on the club.
AB has booked the Derbyshire Pennine Club hut in Stoney Middleton for the 22 nd and 23rd of July
JMcC and Tom Curtis are organising North Wales meets, with a view to using the late May bank holiday ◦
AW to suggest locations
We expect further BMC crag cleaning meets, and will promote these as they happen
AW will organise a Galloway meet, co-ordinating with JD
The President's Meal is to be arranged for the first weekend in July
The winter meets that have been held since the last meeting have been well attended ◦
Individual reports on the winter meets are to be pulled together into a single report
Lochnagar and Torridon were proposed for winter meets next year
There was discussion of the possibility of having a winter meet on Skye with the risk of conditions being poor – Roy Bridge was proposed as an option with access to Skye and alternatives for poor conditions
The issue of winter meets being over- or under-subscribed was raised and it was noted that predicting the level of interest in winter meets far enough in advance to book huts for desired weekends was unreliable ▪
AW proposed a club New Years meet
ED will book huts for winter meets
JR volunteered to look into arranging a summer trip to Torridon
CH will investigate the possibility of a summer Glencoe meet
FL will look into a Yorkshire meet
RF to look into arranging a Borrowdale meet
Tom Curtis is looking into arranging a meet in the Roaches
AW will create a google sheet to co-ordinate meets
Events •
No progress has been made on arranging Ceilidhs
StB has been in contact with Cotswold Outdoors and they are keen to sponsor a keynote speaker
Services to Members •
Cotswold Outdoors are prepared to offer a 20% discount off RRP to members ◦
It was decided to continue with the policy of booking huts early to get our preferred weekends
They are also offering the use of rooms and the possibility of presentations about kit
StB, AW and AS are named as points of contact between the NMC and Cotswold Outdoors
Communications •
JS is aiming to release an issue of County Climber at the end of June
County Climber will carry an obituary for Basil Butcher
Facebook issues will be raised at next meeting when IB is present
AW is putting finishing touches to handbook and expects the handbook to be published in early April ◦
AW anticipates use of a newsletter or similar to publicise the early meets that will come before the release of the handbook
Membership Renewals •
Correspondence •
Bob Bell has been in touch with StB to indicate that Basil Butcher's widow has offered access to his archive. StB will make contact to discuss the club's handling of the archive
Guidebook Update •
The NMC is formally part of the Wired Guidebook Cooperative
There is a two-year deadline to produce the selective guide
135 renewals have been processed – only 5 outstanding
StB's strategy is to start production of the definitive guide and pull out sections for inclusion in the selective guide
StB has been making contacts with photographers for work on the guidebook
A guidebook working group is to be established
StB has created spreadsheets to task out photography and list crags for the purpose of deciding what crags are featured in which guides
JD and StB will be attending a Guidebook Cooperative meeting in Llanberis on the 14th of May
Next Meeting •
12th of April 2016