NMC Committee Minutes Tuesday 11th July 2017 Attending Felix Larieu(FL), Andrew Shanks (AS),Joe McCarty(JMcC), Craig Harrison (CH),Steve Blake (SB),Radoslaw Florczak(RF), Emma Smith(ES)
Apologies Eva Diran (ED), Megan Denman-Cleaver(MDC), , Claire Robertson(CR), Camilla Mapstone(CM), Adrian Wilson (AW),John Spencer(JS),Keira Barret(KB), Joe Rudin (JR)
Approval of Minutes of last meeting Minutes approved by JMcC and FL
Action Points and Matters Arising •
RF reports that almost all medium male T-shirts have been sold ◦
It was agreed that it was likely that everyone who wants an NMC T-shirt already has one, and there wouldn't be a new run until there was an influx of new members or another indication of strong demand
FL proposed that next year the club do more to promote the sticker competition, including a notice with the handbook and presenting the finalists on a display board at the President's Meal ◦
the possibility of another photography competition was raised
The issue of selling gear via the NMC Facebook page was discussed and SB proposed the rule that members be allowed to post gear for sale, but that postings be restricted to members
SB will get in touch with CR to recreate John Dalrymple's system for keeping updated on newly developed routes
Publications •
SB reports that the Climber's Club are working on a database of definitive climbs and an app that can produce a guide from the data, as part of the wired guidebook project ◦
SB believes the NMC should assist in transcribing the NMC's guide information to the Climber's Club database
Work on the North of England selected guide is progressing
Joint meets with other clubs in the region were discussed ◦
It was decided that it would not be a good idea to have joint meets with the Wanneys club
JMcC proposed that the Wanneys could open untaken places on hut meets to the NMC and vice Versa
More cooperation with the NUMC was considered
SB has been in touch with the BMC regarding the anniversary book, and they would be willing to provide a low interest loan ◦
SB has produced a draft script for George Trevelyan's time through to the start of the fifties
JS will be responsible for covering the fifties and sixties
SB will cover the 70s and Mark will cover the 80s onwards
Next Meeting •
Tuesday 2nd August