The NORSUnian 6th issue

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August 10–28, 2013

Vol.XXXI Issue No. 6

Real imposes more academic, less extracurricular activities By Mary Grace G. Bornales and Ariel B. Dizon

N E G R O S O R I E N TA L S TAT E U n i v e r s i t y s y s t e m will now be academically c e n t e re d i n s t i t u t i o n t h a t i s focused on educational and scholarly scheme of activities as per instruction by the university president Dr. Don Vicente C. Real. In an interview this month, Real said he is giving focus on the students’ academic development. He said the more academic and less extracurricular activities scheme shall be followed effective this year. The president said he came up with such implementation due to the complaints of parents for having so many cultural activities that affect the academic performance of the students. “This reform that we are having was an after effect of the complaints of the parents for the cost of the activities which affected them since

they are the ones spending for their children,” he said. Real pointed out that this reform is in line with the implementation of the guiding rules of the university, “Every day is a research day, an accreditation day and a quality service day for NORSU.” He said the activities, like the Hugyawan Festival, that costs too much will be removed to economize the resources of the university. H o w e v e r, t h e p r e s i d e n t stressed that the scheme will not affect other major activities of the university that form part as its traditions like the Founders week celebration and Mr. and Ms. NORSU. Wi t h t h i s , R e a l s a i d t h e university will be inviting topnotchers, academicians or educators to provide proficient lectures for faculty members and students. “We will focus on research work both for the faculty and

the students and this time we are developing the students in the pursuits of community extension or outreach programs as mandated by CHED-PASUC-SUC leveling instrument,” he said.

Norsunians’ varied reactions Business Administration student, Joanna Katrina Ricafort, said the implementation of the new system is a good idea. She said, “bawas gastos and good for students kasi mas may matututunan tayo sa academic kaysa sa extra curricular activities.” However, sophomore Computer Science student, Kryshelle Ann Saraga, said “tsada unta if daghan ang activities pareha sa una para mapakita sa mga students ang ilang mga talents.” Another Business and Administration student, Sarah Mae Alanunay expressed her strong opposition, saying, the new scheme will lessen the “happy times” of the students.

“More academic activities.” Negros Oriental State University President Hon. Don Vicente Real said this first announcement during the 9th Charter Day celebration of NORSU, June 24. (Photo by: Kendrex B. Pael)

CEA stages social dances, SGP-poverty alleviation kalokalike competition scholarship grant launched By Dayanara G. Villalon and Jireh Joy J. Sayon

Spot the difference: Salem Namayan (3rd from left) a.k.a Manny Pacquaio of the civil engineering department glean s with a smile as he receives trophy for winning the Kaloka or kalokalike event during the CEA masquerade acquaintance party on August 9, 2013. (Photo by: Kendrex B. Pael) By Joeylen A. Dela Cruz and Jessie P. Dolia

CREATING A FESTIVE and merry masquerade is the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) type of aquaintance party that staged a trending national entertainment kalokalike and social dances competitions bearing with the theme: “the modern prom and masquerade” at the Lamberto Macias Sports Complex on August 9, 2013. Salem Namayan known as Manny Pacquaio, who represented the civil engineering department won 1st place in the ‘kalokalike’ category while Allan Cyphor Durante a.k.a Matteo Guidicelli of the mechanical engineering department and John Michael Mercullo a.k.a Enrique Gil of the architecture department won 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

Meanwhile, the geothermal engineering department with ‘samba’ as its contest piece, emerged champion over the seven vying college contenders. CEA Governor Janethriz Aso said, “we are trying to do something unusual like Mr. and Ms. Macho Gay etc., incidentally, we come up with ‘kalokalike’ CEA version since it’s so trending on the It’s Showtime TV show.” The governor said the idea on initiating the social dances competitions arose from their acquaintance theme which was technically inspired from casting out the real skills and talents of the students whose field of preference varies from person to person depending on one’s inclination. However, the governor exclaimed “with the catering services, I was really disappointed. I was just thankful that the social dances and

CEA STAGES SOCIAL ... to page 5

TO SUPPORT THE education of poor but deserving students, the Students’ G r a n t - i n - A i d P ro g r a m f o r P o v e r t y Alleviation (SGP-PA) scholarship grant was launched through the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement by Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) and three other government agencies. The program is made possible by the collaborative efforts of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and Department of Social Welfare Development (DSWD) and NORSU, which aims to financially aid the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries.

SGP-PA scholarship grant covers free tuition and miscellaneous fees of the recipients, lodging, book and monthly allowances that summed up to P30,000 per semester. A total of 48 students mostly enrolled in the College of Education had been enjoying the said scholarship grant. These scholars were chosen based on their general average with 85 percent as the minimum grade rating and whose parents are 4Ps’ members. Failure to maintain the grade requirements or failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions set by the program is an automatic ground for disqualification or termination of the scholarship of the scholar. Moreover, the SGP-PA SCHOLARSHIP ... to page 5

Strengthening ties. Dr. Noel Marjon E. Yasi (left), Care Center director and Dr. Peter T. Dayot (2 nd from the right), vice president for Development, Planning and Administration assisted the parents in signing the Students Grant-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation Memorandum of Agreement, August 2, 2013. (Photo by Kendrex B.Pael)


Vol.XXXI Issue No. 6

August 10–28, 2013

For better or for worse? Starting this academic year 2013-2014 throughout the term office of the university president, Negros Oriental State University shall adopt a new scheme of activities which aims to give more time on the academic side of development for students. This is the ‘more academic and less extra-curricular activities’ scheme implemented by the university president Don Vicente C. Real. This means that the entire university system will focus more on the academic endeavors which can help improve the academic status of the university and lessen the extra-curricular activities by eliminating those that cost too much production and consume much time. This reform, according to the university president, is in line with NORSU’s guiding principle that states “Every day is a research day, an accreditation day and a quality service day for NORSU.” Having this new system, NORSU is expected to have more academic convocations and lectures to be conducted by some prominent academicians and educators in the different fields of specialization which are beneficial to both faculty and students of the university. Since the new scheme includes lessening of extracurricular activities, it is also expected that some of the annual activities will be eliminated. To name one, the Hugyawan Festival will no longer be staged on the Founders Week celebration, which falls in the second semester since it requires much time for the preparation and a lot of penny for production. This transformation could only mean one thing: the president is working so hard towards the academic development of the university. And it will be made possible with the cooperation of the whole NORSU community—the students, the faculty and the stakeholders. There’s no harm in trying new techniques anyway as long as it aims for the betterment of the whole NORSU community. This move is something new to us. It may lessen our enjoyment in our stay in the university but in return, it can give community success which is a way more than enjoyment can provide.

Mining Bigotry “If we ban mining, we ban quarries. If we ban quarries, it means zero construction. That is where you get your cement, your concrete bato, and buhangin to build your houses. When someone bans mining without considering quarries, I do not know what they are talking about. They must be ignorant.”—ANC Interview with Dr. Carlo A. Arcilla, Director, National Institute of Geological Sciences. “Are you pro or anti mining?” This question is often asked by my instructors on my major subjects. At first, I did not care to ponder about this hotly-debated topic. However, as I ventured the world of mining, Earth Science, and Geology, I have discovered that most, if not all Filipinos, do not know the real deal with the mining industry. The PNOY administration is not supportive to one of the world’s most essential commerce. Other groups, not supporting the business, include various “environmentalists” NGOs, the law makers who are not oriented in Earth Science,

Editor-in-Chief Jessie P. Dolia Associate Editor Joeylen A. Dela Cruz News Editor Rujonel F. Cariaga Features Editor Jirah Kim R. Quinamot Assistant News Editor Ariel B. Dizon Assistant Features Editor Arean Fel E. Dorio Arts and Graphics Unit Head Mayette Hanna F. Diez Senior Reporters

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Les Misérables The title seems catchy .Of course; this is from the all-time novel classic by my one of my writing models, Victor Hugo. This is one of the books that I have loved to read even with teardrops. It depicts prejudice to forgiveness, imprisonment to redemption, and hatred to unconditional love and sacrifice. This time, allow me not to talk about it.Let us talk about something, something about a real life. So, the next is a true story, but some names were changed to protect persons` privacy. “I am your mother –,” she said to the surprised kid and continued while pointing to the man standing before the door of an old Spanish house, “by the way, he is your father!” That Saturday of the year 1993 was still fresh in his memory when the couple took him from his grandma. Yes, the couple had a well-off life. And who would wish more? The agri-business managed by the woman was good; while being a dental technician, the man`s job meant a handsome money. By just a year, the kid was a kuya of a baby girl. Almost every day, people would come and go through their

and the uneducated rural folks. These people do not really understand the importance of the mining industry and are ignorant to the following truths: The clothes we wear need metals to be manufactured; thus, human race will be naked without excavating mineral resources. The commonly used materials in dressmaking are needles, and in the case of large producers of clothes, stainless steel machines. For the information of all, steel is mined from the underground. The containers of the food we eat, and the materials we use to cook them need raw materials from mining in order to be manufactured. The 21 st century cooking and eating isn’t the same as the primitive times. Since we are fast-paced, we eat food preserved in cans, and cook them in steel stoves with fueled by natural gas. Again, these materials are from mining merchandises. The materials we use in constructing a 21 st century home are from the mines. Where do you think you get the materials from making elegant concrete houses? The answer is this that openpit mining industry allows us to gain access on the materials for cement. We get stones from the industry, the sand, and the tools. Without it, it is not possible for elegant buildings and abodes to exist. Computers need silicon-germanium and gold. In order for computers to work, it needs silicongermanium chips, which are obtained by geologists in the field. Our cellphones have a small amount of gold in it so that it will function. What is the problem then? The problem is not large-scale mining. The problem is the small-scale mining industry. They are allowed to operate by provincial governors which MINING BIGOTRY... to page 6

doors. No question, his parents had many good friends. The start? Let someone dare him write about it, surely, a good part of his memoir will be penned. Suddenly, everything fell apart .The man was found out to have some illicit affairs with the nannies. The relationship on that cemented house broke down.Where were their friends? As a kid, he did not understand the happenings, but only he knew were hugs of farewell from his crying nannies. He tried to ask his mother why, but answers were foggy, and hearing words like you-are-just a-kid was saying like his-youth-wouldnot-permit alibi. One day from a grocery walk, he saw his mother forcibly dragged by his father down the stairs. By the next second, he would witness his mother dropped on the floor like a raindrop. Unconscious. He stared the man furiously while grabbing his mother`s arm for life. Desperation. And bitterness.His mother has recovered her cognizance from bruises. The night passed and the morning came, three of them were in the table. His father had a knife or a gun in his side.The father was an angry man, his eyes were like eating the kid`s innocence,his voice was tough.He mistakenly thought the kid as the one who told his mother. Following were chains of consequences from his childish mistakes. The belting in a form of spanking, the locking in his room; and if not because of a neighbor, he would be dead due to suffocation since that ‘someone’ hung him inside a rice sack in their dirty kitchen. At a distant relative in Cebu, he was left with no formal words by his mother but one thing he knew that he was Angelo Alipe, born on September 2, nothing more. He could not spell his mother`s name nor his father’s. Worse, his peers would bully him as anak-sa-liking-kawayan (sonof-a-bamboo) during PTA meetings. That one-fourth sheet of LES MISERABLES... to page 3

Vol.XXXI Issue No. 6

We are not white like other races. God made every one of us unique and distinct from others in many various aspects. Aside from the physical attributes that we possess, what distinguishes us, Filipinos, from other people around the globe is our brown skin complexion. This has been our trademark. If basing on folklores, our race is in fact the best handicraft of the gods. It is said in the stories that the people were made from baked clay. The gods overcooked the first molded silt. The result was a dark product. The gods breathed the clay into life. The burnt clay then became the dark people in Africa and the States. In the second clay were meat stew, it was rare. This resulted from the gods’ anxiety on making an obra maestra. The outcome was undercooked white clay. The gods breathed life to the clay and gave life to white men. After the two unsuccessful attempts, the mythical beings made sure that they would bake a perfect one. And they did! The last man they baked was

August 10–28, 2013

created in perfect timing. Like well-cooked bread, it was brown in color. But the scientific community also has their own reason why Filipinos possess a sun-kissed skin. According to historians, Filipinos are products of mixed races which started hundreds of years ago. We belong to the Malay Race with attributes of brown skin tone, large noses, thick lips and a height of 4’10” to 5’2”. But nowadays, we can observe Filipinos buying whitening products in order to enhance their skin complexion. A certain mother from Palawan, whose name is Phoebe Prajenog, wanted to use whitening products to improve her appearance. What made her desire to use such products is connected to the following reasons: During the Spanish times, being fairskinned means that you are a prominent person. In Dr. Jose Rizal’s novel El Filibusterismo, a character named Donya Victorina portrays an epitome of a woman who wants to conceal her true identity. She hid her real identity and pretended like a European aristocrat. She denied her being Filipina by putting heavy make-up on her face to mask her “Indio” skin. Colonial mentality is also another reason why Filipinos desire to get fairer. They have a feeling of inferiority towards European people to the extent that they attempt to copy their fashion sense and ways of living even if it doesn’t readily suit them. Truths behind whitening products In a study conducted by Procter and Gamble Distributing (Philippines) Inc., it has been found out that more than 71% of the cosmetics sold in the Philippines are actually whitening agents. For every ten Filipinas, five are using these products. Unfortunately, based on tests conducted by visiting Chicago-based scientist Dr. Joe DiGangi, the whitening products sold were found to contain up to 28,600 parts per million (ppm) of mercury—way above the Philippine regulatory limit of one ppm. Materials containing high levels of mercury are said to pose health risks to

humans. Too much mercury ingestion could actually damage one’s kidneys and other organs as warned by the Foods and Drugs Administration. Prajenog, as mentioned earlier, actually used glutathione tablets and eventually noticed that effect of the product. She achieved her desired skin color, so she continued using it. Back then, she didn’t know that it could have tremendous effects to her health. One day, she suddenly felt tumults inside her stomach that she couldn’t bear the pain any longer. Her doctor found out that there were several masses or cysts developing inside it. The culprit was actually the whitening products she maintained that caused the tumors inside her body. She needs to undergo an operation. Otherwise, she will suffer the excruciating pain throughout her life. Now, aside from spending large amount during her operation, Phoebe has now returned to her original skin complexion. See what happens when we try to alter God’s unique design? We end up destroying His magnificent creation and unknowingly WHITE IS THE page 6

and disturbed student, he was so naïve on what to do.An 84-point something in one subject could not make him step on the stage.He did not reach his academic expectation. Depression?He tried suicide but falling on the floor meant he would not do that foolish escape again. He shifted by getting another scholarship, but dropped all his subjects in the latter. He stayed home.Purposeless. Bored of life. Her younger sister was looking for her mother`s memoir and then saw Angelo Alipe`s birth certificate. “Yes, it is you and he is not your father--,” her mother confessed after he asked, crying, “I am sorry son that I hid the truth.” He looked his father in Cebu, and found him, but he was introduced as a cousin to his half-siblings. He wanted to understand, however, hurts and disappointments followed. Although his parents had different says about their tragic love story, it would boil down to the poor-versus-richlove affairs` theme. (If you know what I mean.) He enrolled again, seeing that he should not dwell on the expectations of others.He took up Education, and strove hard for his allowance by doing part-time works online. He harbored sleepless nights ,if he did not have his class, by

critiquing students` research works, tutoring Math, and almost those freelance writing stuffs. He unchained everything in a manner of forgiveness from God.And he still loved his family,realizing there are no perfect parents and relationships.He is thankful to God for using his university teachers who understood students` realities, his friends` stories that molded him to move on, and for his SMCI family for the lasting influence to become a person in the best way possible.He feels very nice to be in the center of God`s will — forgiveness,enjoyment,hope,faith ,and love. After all, why give this story to you? The reasons? First, it is a heart-call for all teachers that not all students are privileged to sit down in their chairs, attending classes,and study. To some students, they have to make money for their daily and school needs. Second, it is a wake-up call for those students to be thankful of the opportunity to have a collegian`s life, and therefore they are to rise up from academic mediocrity towards the pathway to excellence. The LCD? Never up, give your best and God will do the rest. Visit my blog at

LES MISERABLES... from page 2

yellow paper, telling his grade-one teacher that he is Rujonel F. Cariaga, was his birth certificate for school. It was the only thing that his mother has left him through the old woman named Lola Melia.The grade teacher told the older , “This kid has a good interest in academics,you better look for his parents.” Homesickness?He still survived for years of not seeing them.He was left with no choice but to go on with his life.He topped in the class,one thing that made the kid’s caretakers proud.One day ,his distant uncle told him that they were doing ‘treasure hunting (gold)’, and thought his parents were dead due to a landslide somewhere in Negros. “You go with her because she is your mother,” Lola Melia told the kid, crying. And it was four years after the mother left. He was a consistent first honor by the time he graduated,got his valedictory speech in highschool ,and entered college through a scholarship. He did well ,but one day he received a call, telling his father having a stroke. So, he went and attended him at home, for two weeks. He was back in school tired but also disappointed, he could not have make up exams. As first year


I always thought that games are played only by children on the streets. But this is not so. Sometimes, games are played by people in order to escape a situation. I am Reverie. And I will share to you a story. The night of the 18th of January was tiresome. Though the stars in the sky twinkled in their glory, I did not bother to revitalize by watching them. So I went to bed at nine, hoping I could shut my eyes and recharge through sleep. As I begin to close my senses, my cellular phone sounded many times. I knew those were messages. Since I have this attitude of being impatient, I never thought twice of reading. Upon scanning my inbox, I had known that three boys texted me. Three annoying boys who had nothing to do but talk about pervert stuffs. Three hopeless romantic boys I did not like to be associated with. I did not like the flooding of messages they made that night. I had this petty grudge with them since the slumber I was in thirst of ended up a failure because of their doing. After the hassling night, I shunned away from their not-so-nice countenance. However, they never stopped showing their attraction for me. The three men courted me. And it’s just gravely disgusting! Since I did not like the feeling of being snatched away by three beaus, I hatched a plan to get rid of them. I then said yes to Boy number 1. Crazy as I was, I commanded him to tell Boy number 2 to leave me. Maybe because he had that intense affection, he obeyed me. As a result, the two boys had a deep conflict. Boy number 3 liked me so much. I knew that for quite long. Hence, I used his affection to spurn him away. I asked him to walk with me in one of the city’s recreational places, and said to him frankly, “Never in this life would I like someone your type.” After I said those ruthless words, it was poignant that he was hurt. Though his heart was in pain, he stood up with strength and told me that he still wants me. He uttered with a hoarse tense voice, “I’ll do everything you ask me, so you would like me; just say it.” But there was nothing that stopped me from sending him out of the chapters of my life. So, I uttered these words with authority and force, “There’s nothing you can do. If you really want to, just stay away from me!” Then, I left him alone. For the finale, I called the man whom I falsely committed. I dragged him from rest in one of the student lounges, and subsequently said my farewells to him. With a mean tone I said, “I don’t really like you. I just used you for the others to stay away. Let’s just break up. Goodbye!” And there was peace after the series of lies and confrontations. I thought I had perfect clemency. I thought I was liberated from the yoke of awkwardness and disturbance of my classmates who scorn me because of my three suitors. But I was wrong. Instead of liberty, I felt the chaos brought upon by guilt. As my conscience dictated, I asked for an apology to Boy number 1 and 3. To my joy, they accepted my sincere sorry. However, Boy number two is too far to give an apology. I do not know how to contact him whatsoever. As of this time, whenever his memory comes rush back to my psyche, my inner self envelops me with pity. Though I have given all my efforts to blast off men who liked me, and succeeded, I truly did not win. I hurt people. I made memories that forever will lambast their emotions. I was careless of my actions. I should have thought of better ways than the gamble I’ve done. *Reverie (not her real name) is a girl who’s easily confused. She makes reckless decisions when pressured.

Vol.XXXI Issue No. 6

August 10–28, 2013


The chamber of dreams is nothing but a mysterious, baffling beauty that fascinates people from all walks of life. And the rules of reality don’t readily apply in this dimension. They could be the echoes of the past, and could sometimes carry important signs to warn us of upcoming events or provide us important reminders of our past that may be of good aftermath or a disastrous one as we continue our journey into the path we called life. Dreams take us into the past, provide magical pictures of the future, and offer us vivid images of what we want. In our dreams, we can go anywhere, we can be anybody, and we can be anything without any limits. The content of our dreams has long been existing and has become the most controversial and alluring talk in the society. This has been a widely debated topic of study way back 4000 B.C. Modern scientists around the world are fascinated about how our brain can conceive clear scenarios during our sleep. And until today, researchers are still researching and discovering the genuine beauty of the human brain during sleep. Nevertheless, there are a great number of options we can choose from for the interpretation of dreams as provided for by the so-called “dream experts”. In the website, the meanings are provided including the emotions embedded in our dreams and the common objects that appear in it. Below are some of it.

fuzzy visage is trailing behind you? That could mean someone is threatening you in real life, consciously or unconsciously. You might want to contemplate on why there is a possible threat in your life. There is only one remedy for that. You should now start observing each person around you and their relationships with you as well. Don’t be so confident; someone close to you might be your potential traitor. Someone from the opposite sex Have you ever glimpsed of someone of the opposite sex during a saccharine moment in your dream? Is that someone a familiar face to you? If you have dreamt of him/her, then maybe his presence really lingered with you. And that could only mean that you have developed a fondness for him/her. But remember, it doesn’t only limit to your having an infatuation or love to that person. So all you have to do is that you must ponder what really his /her role in your life is. This may be useful in the realization of your feelings.

Being chased Did you ever find yourself running towards an alley where darkness devours even a single ray of light? Did you ever dream like something in a form of a human silhouette having an indistinguishable and

Money Every materialistic person in the world wanted to acquire heaps of money bills. However, it is impossible to be wealthy in a blink of an eye. Even winning a multimillion lotto number takes hours or days to claim prize. When your hands are figuratively throbbing in acquiring riches, then your obsession in craving this wealth will be manifested during your nighttime dreams. To add, winning money during your dream indicates that success and prosperity is on

Sometimes, when we are tired after all the burdens that life gave us, it is wise to reminisce memories. Remember the people that became part of our lives; those people who shaped us to who we are today. Before I became a college student, I was only a young child like anybody else whose future was as vague as the discussion of the RH Bill. With the family I grew up, the topic of college education wasn’t even brought up over the table during mealtime. After a long day’s work at the farm which we call here in Negros baol, my grandfather arrives

at the house and kisses grandma on her cheek. Then, grandpa demands for the battery-operated radio to be informed by the latest news of the day. Meanwhile, I had just earned 12-peso coins after doing errands for a lone woman living at alongside the barrio. Actually, she was my teacher in grade 3 HEKASI, and my classmate Louie asked her if we could fetch water for her in exchange for some coins. I spent my first 6-peso coins in taksi, an obvious gamble which originated in the hinterlands, while the remaining half of my money was spent for buying sopas so that we could have a painit the next day morning. An hour later after the sun has finally hidden itself, darkness would envelope the entire vastness of matter. But I was always ready for that. While grandpa listens to an Ilonggo radio station and grandma chops the vegetables for dinner, I had already gathered all the lamparilya in the house a few minutes before sundown. I always admired the beauty of light that each lamparilya could shed. It is not too hurtful to the eyes, not too bright, just enough to attract the little fireflies accompanied by the cricketing sounds produced by the insects outside. Grandpa squatted, like he normally does, on his chair as soon as he knew that dinner is ready. Grandma, with the use of her chubby hand, shoos away nocturnal insects, making sure that our food is free from contamination. She’s always attentive about our health. One of the odd things that my grandfather usually does aside from squatting on his chair is that he doesn’t throw away the heads of dried fish. Filipino people usually ignore the rich salty taste of dried fish heads after their bodies are

its way. Money could represent selfconfidence, self-worth or success in your life. Mountains Your daily life is coupled with several challenges that test your whole being. Odds are when you are stuck in deciding between critical choices, you see lots of tall mountains during your dream. But, if you find yourself zealously climbing a mountain that means that you still got the determination and ambition inside you to reach your goals. However, if you find yourself standing pompously on the top of the mountain that means that you already have realized your goals. And you must also bear in mind that when the time comes that you dream of falling in a cliff, there is an equivalent meaning to that in the real life. It signifies that you are rushing in your journey to success without thinking the path that you ought to tread. Also, it could mean that you have a predisposition to give or even quit when demanding situations come in your way. So by this time, you should gear up yourself to possible situations that will lose your composure. Roads You commonly see roads in your dreams to keep you guided on the track to your success. If you happen to see a road ahead that is winding, curvy, bumpy or zigzag, then that is a premonition that you eaten out. But not my grandpa, he collects them all, puts them together in a bowl filled with hot water, and squashes every piece of head. He then adds a few grains of salt and a spice of chili. For him, that’s a perfect soup for dinner. And that habit is eventually imitated by my younger sister. I had to leave them when I pursued secondary education. Things were a little bit different way back then. I cooked my own food, washed my dirty clothes and allotted a budget for my own expenses. Grandpa and grandma no longer exist in my day to day life. But even if we grew apart, they always check me from time to time. They loved to ask how my life was going. They would ask me about studies and of course, girls. When graduation in high school was approaching, college education was still as uncertain as the ending of ABS-CBN’s premiere drama series. For that reason, I became used of living without the help of other people. However, I was always optimistic about everything. I do not go to church very often, and I am not that religious like any other Filipinos, but I was always sure about my life. People are praying for my success. And no matter how many times I screw up with my life, things will always fall at their proper places. It was a gift that my family could ever give me—prayers. The gift of a prayerful heart that my grandmother and mother have is something that I failed to have. These two women shaped my life. My grandparents are sweet couple. Every morning, during summer and Christmas vacations, are the only seasons in a year where I

will be coming across predicaments that could hinder you in achieving your goals. But if the road in your dream is not a jagged one and is straight and narrow, then it could only denote that your journey to success is going well. But if the road you’re treading is smooth and bordered by trees or flowers, then it denotes a steady progress and steady climb up the social ladder. If the road is straight and narrow, then it means that your path to success is going as planned.


could spend my time with them. They would walk alongside the road while holding their hands. They would massage each other’s back when one is tired and call each other with some cute endearments. They had a world of their own. Perhaps, it is the fate of lovers. Later in their life they come with kids and their lives revolve around them. But when all of them grow up, they are left alone, just the two of them—the same way when their marriage started. With that, I came to understand the vows of marriage. I am writing this university diary not because my life story is worth sharing. Believe me, my life is not a work fiction and you can hardly find any interesting chapter if a book about my life gets published. Sometimes, when we are tired after all the burdens that life has to give us, it is wise to reminisce past memories. Remember the people that became part of our lives, people who shaped us to who we are today. My grandmother had to bid farewell to her prince two years ago. I am planning to visit my grandpa in Mabinay, Negros Oriental when the first semester ends. Tsung Yoi Fan Yoi Fan Ye Chaw loves to write random stuff about his day to day life. Besides writing, he is also a scientist. In fact, he has just passed the Geologist Licensure Examinations last August. Visit his online live journal at soulhunted.

Vol.XXXI Issue No. 6

August 10–28, 2013

CAF performs low in ALE, LEF By Sheila Mae Guad

THE COLLEGE OF Agriculture and Forestry (CAF) of NORSU posted a low rating in the Agriculturist Licensure E x a m i n a t i o n ( A L E ) a n d L i c e n s u re Examination for Forester (LEF) this year as recorded by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Only seven out of the 29 ALE takers, from the main campuses, passed giving the university a poor passing mark of 24.14 percent. They are Jose Glennyl Bantaya, Sheila Mae Bucol, Joyebill Dunque, Lora Mae Futalan, Joseph Lagradilla, Margarette Magsanay and Kimuel Tabio. Guihulngan campus produced two licensed agriculturists, Ronnel Barillo and Elpedio Dayuday with 33.33 percent passing mark; Pamplona campus has one passer, Jun Mar Mayormita with 33.33 percent passing rate and two passers from Bais campuses with 20 percent passing rates. Meanwhile, out of the nine LEF takers, only Floro Palad passed the exam giving the university a passing rate of 11.11percent. The passing rates of NORSU were far lower as compared to the national passing rates of 35.22 percent for ALE and 29.62 percent in the LEF. CAF Dean Venancia Olasiman, in an interview with the The NORSUnian (TN), said the performance of NORSU in the said board examinations is not so good since the university’s passing rate is smaller than the national passing rate.


DCWD ensures safe NORSU drinking fountains By Joeylen A. Dela Cruz and Jessie P. Dolia

Not too late! Knowing the low performance of their college in July 2013 Agriculturist Licensure Examination (ALE) and Licensure Examination for Forester (LEF), some students of the College of Agriculture and Forestry use their vacant hours for studying showing determination to improve their ratings. (Photo by Arlyn Sarita)

Olasiman advised the future ALE and LEF takers to be serious and focus on their studies. “Kinahanglan mo-focus ug dapat serious sa pag-take ug licensure exam. Bisag unsa kadaghan ang imo i-review pero dili ka serious, wala nay mahimo. Magsige ra gud ka anag repeat,” she said. Lora Mae Futalan, ALE passer said, “the exam was a total brain drain. I was really hopeless then but I hold on to my

SG answers complaints on delayed cf refunds

faith.” Futalan advised her co-takers who did not make it not to lose hope. She said, “everybody deserves a second chance and always believe in the mighty power of our God.” The CAF and ALE were conducted in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu Davao, Ilo ilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Tacloban, Tuguerarao and Zamboanga in July 2013.

TO SHED LIGHT on the rumored contaminated drinking fountains, the Dumaguete City Water District (DCWD) has ensured safe drinking fountains of Negros Oriental State University community as stipulated in the laboratory results passed to the Quality Assurance Management Center Director Jim Villahermosa, May 14, 2013. Sampling points/areas include the drinking fountains located between the College of Industrial Technology ( C I T ) a n d C a r e a n d S t u d e n t A ff a i r s Office (SAO); in the open court; b e s i d e t h e Te c h n o l o g i c a l B u i l d i n g and gymnasium; in the Engineering and Architecture building, and in the Agriculture and Maritime Building. According to the laboratory results released by DCWD, all of these fountains passed the 2007 Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water. It stated the said fountains are potable and that there is nothing to worry about. University Buildings and Grounds S u p e r v i s o r B e n j a m i n Va l e n c i a , s a i d Norsunians must not worry about the rumored water contamination since the


SGP-PA SCHOLARSHIP ... from page 1

scholar must have an annual family gross income not exceeding the poverty line set by the SGP-PA. Commission on Higher Education Region 7 Education Program Specialist Josefino Ronquillo advised the scholars to focus on their studies and that education shall be their sole priority. “Way uyab-uyab usa ron kun dili ang libro usa ang uyab ron,” he jokingly said. Sophomore education student Shala Daisylle Dahunan, an SGP – PA scholar, said, “makatabang jud kaayo siya, dili na me maglisud ug huna-huna ug asa me mangita ug ikabayad.” “Natabangan jud kaming mga poor yet deserving students,” said Marinit Ferolino, an education student.

A mother of an SGP-PA scholar, Helen Benlot, said, “maayo ang ilang programa. Nakatabang kini ug pagpaeskwela sa akong anak.” Mechelyn Sereno, grandparent of one SPA – PA scholar, said, “pasalamat ko na pina-agi aning programaha, sa among kapobre, nakapaeskwela ko sa akong pamilya.” The launching of the said program was held on August 2. SGP-PA aims to stimulate and entice talented Filipino youths to pursue lifetime productive careers and to ensure a steady, adequate supply of qualified human resources which can steer the country towards national progress.

CEA STAGES SOCIAL... from page 1

Federation of Student Governments President Norelyn Talorete (Photo by Arlyn D. Sarita) By Dayanara G. Villalon and Jireh Joy J. Sayon

AFTER HEARING DIFFERENT sentiments and complaints of the students, Federation of Student Governments President Norelyn Talorete finally answered the questions and cleared out issues being thrown to her on the delayed college fund refunds. According to Talorete, the delay of refund of the college fund is beyond their control. She said they cannot give yet the final solution for the immediate releasing of the refunds since they are still waiting for the Sangguniang Panlalawigan meeting. She said, the refund will still be tackled on the said meeting. It is to note that the Board of Regents has initially mandated the decrease of the college fund collection during their meeting on June 14 in line with the complaint of provincial board member Arnie Teves on his Sangguniang Panlalawigan privilege speech on June 5. Talorete, together with her subordinates, said they are doing something to help resolve this issue. She advised, however, the students to be more patient as the refund will follow in due time. In a related development, College of Education Governor Harold Pelaez said the delay of the

refunds constitutes burden in their part. “For sure, kami jud ilang i-blame kay kami baya ang responsable for the collection,” he said. He said, “we, SG officers, need the college refund too because we also paid for college fund and we are also waiting for the return of our money.” Moreover, for College of Business Administration Governor Gerald Grancapal, the process of the releasing of the refund takes a long process, thus, the students must consider it. He said, “it needs due process before we could distribute the refunds so please understand.” Norsunians express disappointments A first year Education student, Jessarry Tubaling, said “maka-disappoint ang dugay na refund. Intended pa unta na siya for my projects and laing panghinanglan.” Psychology student, Vona Fe Ramirez, said she was upset on the delay of the refund, saying, “... sayon ra ang pag-collect but lisod na pag-ibalik.” Elva Somoza, a Business Administration student, said she was disappointed on the delayed refund. He said, however, the students should understand the situation as the SG officers are trying to help them.

kalokalike turned well. If those two went wrong, the acquaintance would have been a disaster.” Engineering and Architecture Student Society (EASS) President Charess Villalva, said she was happy with the overall turned outs of the acquaintance party. “I am happy with the result and overall turned out of the acquaintance party. The work of the officers had paid off by seeing the joyful faces and reactions of the students that night,” Villalva said. Morover, sophomore civil engineering student Jeddon Mark Patrimonio, said, “the party was fun and great. All the activities during

the party was unforgettable especially the intermission numbers of the different courses.” Reyward Josh Bendanillo, another CE student, supported Patrimonio’s say, saying, “makalingaw kaayo jud especially ang Kalokalike version sa CEA.” Third year geodetic engineering student Ivy Villafuerte said the overall result of the party was okay. “Okay ra siya though the original perfect plan of the organizers was not met. We had perfect expectation man gud but at the end, we were bit disappointed. But okay ra man! I enjoyed even though naay food shortage.”

Vol.XXXI Issue No. 6

August 10–28, 2013


NORSU educators present paper in Hawaii By Joeylen A. Dela Cruz and Jirah Kim R. Quinamot

DR. MARIAELSAIlona Bulado and Justine Bulado presented a research paper in the 12th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 29-June 1. The two are faculty members of NORSU main campus. Their research paper entitled, “State University Faculty Retirees, 1990-2010: Quo Vadis?” discusses the personal, socio-economic, physical, emotional profiles, familial and nonfamilial problems and corresponding causes, and the visions and aspirations of retired faculty members of NORSU from 1990-2010. “I am glad that our research paper was accepted. This is a tracer study of our retirees so that we will know what they want and how the school may be able to help them.” Dr. Bulado said in an interview with The NORSUnian.

For Justin, Dr. Bulado’s son, he is grateful of the opportunity he had in presenting a research paper in an international arena for the first time. “It’s a new experience for me. It was really my first time to present a paper in an international conference,” he said. Justin, a master of arts in history degree holder, said, they worked hard in making the research paper presentable. He said, “we worked so hard kay dili jud siya bastabasta samot na kay international conference gud to.” He said they have conducted intensive studies, interviews and researches in order to finely explain the problems, sentiments and aspirations of the retired teachers. He said, “in the paper, we also included the failure of the government in attending to the retirees’ needs,” thereby eliciting the audiences’ interests in the social condition of the Philippines.

B PA P c o n d u c t s GCAT prelim exam By Dayanara G. Villalon

Dr. Maria Elsa Ilona Bulado gives the interview. (Photo By Kent Mapula)

Federation of Student Governments President Norelyn Talorete, said the event has cultivated the interests of the faculty members of NORSU to do more researches. She said, it is a good avenue for teachers to get socially involved with the things happening around through making useful researches.

TO TEST THE computer and English grammar skills of junior Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students, the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) conducted the Global Competitiveness Assessment To o l ( G C AT ) p re l i m i n a r y examination in Negros Oriental State University. The exam was given to BSBA students who are currently enrolled to Service Culture subject (Serv 100) this semester. GCAT is an examination designed to test the basic, behavioral, computer, english communication and grammar skills of a student. It also determines whether an individual in the future may qualify on the Technical Department or Human Resource Department of the Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) companies. NORSU is one of the 17 out of 112 State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the country that chosen to take part in the said exam.

According to Commission on Higher Education Region 7 Chairperson Patricia Licuanan, NORSU is one of the lucky chosen universities due to its competitive students. College of Business Administration Research Coordinator Bernadette Planca said the business administration students are very fortunate to have this exam. “They need to get high scores in GCAT because there is a high employment rate that awaits them,” she said. Mary Jean Sumanoy, an examinee said, “naka-learn me ug daghan, na challenge among vision as well as our speed through answering the exam.” Another GCAT examinee, Jaynel Quinamot, said she was happy for the opportunity and experience. “It would surely help us if ever we work in BPO companies,” she said. T h e G C AT e x a m w a s conducted at NORSU Sky Library on August 10 and was attended by BSBA students from NORSU Main Campus I and other NORSU satellite campuses.

DCWD ENSURES SAFE... from page 5

Pride of the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS). Three academic researchers of CAS, Joy G. Perez, Ph.D., Sami M. Khayat, Ph.D., and Agueda T. Castillo, Ed.D. pose with NORSU research staff after receiving their certificates and plaques of recognition at Research Extension & International Linkages (REXIL) office, Aug. 10. With them are (L-R) research specialist Nena S. Patero, Ed.D., Virginia E. Lacuesta, Ph.D., Bernadette O. Tan, Ph.D. - vice president for REXIL, and Evelyn M. Lazalita, Ed.D., extension director. The following are three best research papers selected during the First In-House Review in August: “An Evaluation of the Level of Technological Literacy Among Undergraduate Students,” by Dr. Khayat and Dr. Castillo of CAS, 1st place; “Spatial and Temporal Maps of Reported Crimes in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental,” by Dan Jerome S. Barrera, Dante A. Capistrano and Sotera S. Cagang of the College of Criminal Justice Education, 2nd place; and “Facebook Usage by Negros Oriental State University Students: An Analysis,” by Dr. Perez and Dr. Khayat of CAS, 3rd place. MINING BIGOTRY... from page 2

give them freedom to get metals, non-metals and other materials. Small-scale mining companies use amalgamation technique in obtaining gold which contaminates the soil; and the contamination causes disease to the people living

near the mines. They are also irresponsible, and do not follow the environmental standards and ethics. They do not care about environmental regulations and destroy nature. Albeit the obvious perils they bring, there is no law

which allows the police to jail them. This is then a wake-up call for the lawmakers. They must make laws to eradicate smallscale mining. And for those who oppose mining, let me say this, “Go back to the Stone Age!”

DREAM METAPHORS...from page 4

Being trapped Are there instances when you find yourself being trapped by immovable objects? Or do you feel like you just couldn’t move to another place no matter how hard you try? Well in your real life, it could only reflect your inability to escape or make the right choice during a serious situation. So on facing such happening, think hard and choose wisely because it may affect who you are in the future.

Our dreams really convey different meanings. It could be a true warning for us. Yet, it could also promise us joy and prosperity. But, it is worth considering that the true meanings of our dreams depend on the happenings in our life. All the details of our dream which symbolize something are always based on what we are experiencing in reality. Thus, we should give importance and attention to our dreams because no one exactly knows how it is significant to you.

WHITE IS THE...from page 3

putting an end to our lives. Why white? Why not stick to what we have and learn to love it? But now that commodities are becoming economical, more and more Filipinas will try using these whitening products until there come such a time when the white ones are actually the old brown ones. Yes, we already know the risks of using these products. But the decision is always ours. It is up to us who will decide whether

you would want to take a risk and use this product to have whiter complexion. We must not tend to stereotype the definition of beauty. We must not view those with paler skin gorgeous because we don’t have same complexion like them. We are, however, created according to God’s perfect plan – having a perfect brown skin. The time is now. Let us open our eyes that the real God in heaven created us perfect.

result says that the water in the university is safe. “Norsunians must not be alarmed. Rumors are just rumors. We already have received the results from the experts and it says that the water we have in our university is safe,” he said. The supervisor disclosed, “we have a very healthy community here in NORSU. In fact, we didn’t receive any complaints from the victims of contaminated water here in the university.” Sophomore Geology student Jirah Villafuerte said, “it is good to know nga naa jud official results from the authority para pud mawala na ang doubts sa mga students.”

Students react over misused fountains Geology student Shimpei Franciso, said the students should observe proper hygiene. “Gihimo ng drinking fountain for drinking purposes only so dili jud dapat na hinawan,” he said. Oliver Lozada, senior Information Te c h n o l o g y s t u d e n t s u p p o r t e d Francisco’s claim, saying, “gamiton rajud dapat ang drinking fountains para imnan. Ug mahimo, dili para sa asa lang then i-repair jud ang angay nga i-repair.” The water testing was conducted by the Department of Health (DOH) Accredited Water Testing Laboratory thru the DCWD on May 9.

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