& Beyond
June 30, 2021
A Special Supplement to the
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Summer Destinations
Real People. Real Life.
P.O. BOX 39 n MARYSVILLE, WA 98270
Vol. 14 No. 42 n
June 30, 2021 - July 5, 2021
Arlington's splash pad opens By Christopher Andersson christopher@northcountyoutlook.com Arlington’s splash pad at Haller Park officially opened for the summer on June 24 and families came down to beat the heat wave that was expected to have unprecedented temperatures. The city was originally targeting a July 1 opening for the splash pad, but were able to open early. The splash pad operates on a recirculation system and after more than a year of not being in use the splash pad needed some parts replaced. “We were able to receive the parts and the crew was able to get ready for the maintenance,” said Arlington Mayor Barbara Tolbert. Those parts took a while, in part, due to supply chain issues that many industries are experiencing because of the pandemic. “With the heat wave that is already here it seemed like a good idea to open early,” said Tolbert. Parents were happy to be able to come down to the splash pad on opening day. See SPLASH PAD on page 2
Vera Kamenchuk, food service worker with the Marysville School District, prepares some of the lunches available at Totem Middle School on June 25.
MSD will provide free meals to youth By Christopher Andersson christopher@northcountyoutlook.com
Colton Gobel enjoys Arlington’s splash pad on it’s opening day on June 24.
Marysville schools at five locations will have free summer meals available starting on June 22. Meals are available from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for kids age 18 and under. Unlike most years, the
summer meals program this year will be grab-andgo and not provided with on-site eating. The meals are given at Allen Creek Elementary, Grove Elementary, Liberty Elementary, Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary and To-
See MEALS on page 4
Restored totem pole raised at M'ville school By Christopher Andersson christopher@northcountyoutlook.com Totem Middle School’s newly restored totem pole was raised during a ceremony at the school on June 24. The pole was originally a 2006 project. Students helped design a totem pole that was created by Master Carver Kelly Moses Sr. from a tree that was given by the Tulalip Tribes and came from their reservation. Ervanna Little Eagle, a member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and a Marysville teacher, helped start the project at Totem Middle School. “Coming in as a new teacher it was very impressive that I had an opportunity to come here with a model that I knew supported Native students,” she said. She worked with Native liaisons at that
time and the idea of a totem pole that could be worked on by both Native and non-Native students came up. “Let’s take some students out and bring in a project that is hands on,” she said. “It took a year of planning to be able to put it together." Students also traveled to Canada to learn more about the history of totem poles. “We immersed them in the history of what it means to be a carver,” said Little Eagle. Students at that time decided on their vision of what the totem pole should be, and chose representations of the owl, bear, raven and a thunderbird. Students helped with carving their design and it was put up in 2006. See TOTEM on page 2
Staff at Totem Middle School bring in the school’s restored totem pole during a ceremony on June 24.
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Real People. Real Life.