The Path Forward and “Journey On”
by Linda Patch, Director of Marketing and Communications
Why Create “Journey On” Now?
We developed the “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” campaign to attract worthy men to Freemasonry. And it’s working. Now with “Journey On,” we are inviting all Master Masons to continue answering the call to journey deeper into the Craft. Although there is no degree higher than that of a Master Mason, the degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry enrich and expand the teachings of the symbolic lodge. “Journey On” celebrates the Master Masons who are committed to continued self-improvement, deeper Brotherhood, and extended learning of the ethical teachings and philosophies of Freemasonry.
What’s the Difference Between “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” and “Journey On”? “Not Just A Man. A Mason.” focuses on helping men take the first step to becoming a Freemason.
“Journey On” reminds Master Masons that there is always more to answering the call; there is no last step in our journey through the Craft.
What does the Campaign Include?
Currently, the campaign consists of seven videos (a major anthemic piece and six videos which highlight our Core Values in everyday life), accompanying print ads, and other promotional materials. The entire campaign is available to all Valleys throughout the NMJ at
On the website, you can find the videos and the assets sized for signage, social, and websites. If you want any of these assets customized with call-to-action or your Valley’s information, you can order at
Website refresh
Have you visited our newly refreshed website? Our “Journey On” campaign touches every part of the Scottish Rite experience—one we hope to make richer, more connected, and meaningful for our Brethren. On the website, be sure to link your Master Mason friends to our new easy-tofollow join area, access important resources in the leadership center, and download the campaign to use in your Valleys!
The Northern Light