3 minute read
“Journey On”
by Linda Patch, Director of Marketing and Communications
“Journey On” is the new, inspiring platform for messaging and programming exclusively for the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. “Journey On” is about continuing one’s growth as a man and as a Mason. In the Blue Lodge, the profound secrets and lessons of Freemasonry are learned. For most, it is a life-changing experience driven by selfrealization, self-improvement, and spiritual awakening. Men of the Scottish Rite journey on through 29 degrees that expand Masonic teachings to help good men become the most noble versions of themselves.
“Journey On” Inspired by You
“Journey On” was created to capture what you clearly expressed in our most recent member survey. Your input made it evident that the time was right to create a campaign exclusively for the Scottish Rite, NMJ— a campaign that breaks through the noise and articulates the iconic values to our members and to worthy Master Masons looking to join us. “Journey On” is also a moving and comprehensive review of what we can provide in the way of additional member programming to add richness and value to your membership. Our plan is to have “Journey On” positively impact all aspects of your Scottish Rite experience.
You Told Us and We Listened
Results from the 2021 member survey were clear. The men of Scottish Rite are bound by their love and commitment to the Craft. There is a profound desire to go deeper—“journey on” if you will—into Freemasonry’s tenets and teachings. Here are some of the findings that directed and galvanized the “Journey On” campaign:
89% of members agreed they joined the Scottish Rite to continue their journey in Freemasonry.
81% of members agreed that they joined to continue their personal journey of self-improvement.
82% of respondents were drawn to the Scottish Rite to experience additional degrees.
60% of respondents were inspired to join by the educational opportunities we make available.
“Journey On” Objectives:
Inspire Scottish Rite Masons to reconnect with the power and fulfillment that comes with seeking more light. We hope all Scottish Rite Masons will reawaken to their singularity as men committed to journeying deeper into the highest principles and ideals of the Masonic Craft while bound in Brotherhood to other worthy, like-minded men.
Introduce Blue Lodge Masons to the Scottish Rite. This campaign will work to explain who we are and inspire more men to continue their journey to a deeper sense of purpose through our degrees, Core Values, and sharing Fraternal Brotherhood with other Scottish Rite Masons.
Challenge Scottish Rite leadership to respond to member needs and desires and create an even more gratifying Fraternal experience. “Journey On” is much more than videos and ads. Thursday Night at the Rite will continue this winter and spring. Virtual Reunions will be deployed as needed to service our Brethren who enjoy receiving additional degrees and to welcome Master Masons who want to join. On our new website this spring, look forward to a dedicated area featuring resources to help you go deeper into our degrees.
And that’s just the start. Stay tuned for additional programming and events coming in 2022.