Heroes On a Journey This April, seven Scottish Rite Masons from the Valley of Springfield, Illinois, caravanned to the Valley of Guthrie, Oklahoma, SJ, for their annual Spring Reunion featuring exquisite presentations of all 29 degrees, 4˚ through 32˚, presented in order over three days. The days are long, but the experience makes a lasting impression and stands out as a highlight of Masonic life.
The group in front of the Valley of Guthrie, Oklahoma.
seven of us—Steven L. Scaife, 33°; Paul L. Wiseman, 32°; Kyle R. Koestner, 32°; Ryan G. Flanagan, 32°; J. Jordan Kelly, 32° (2nd visit); Kevin L. Stevenson, 32° (5th visit); and I (Perpetual Member, 8th visit)—arrived equipped with certain signs, tokens, words, our points of entrance, and most importantly, our NMJ membership cards (although they can look you up if you forget yours). We were warmly welcomed at registration early Friday morning into a grand atrium that opens in every direction to interior design splendor. The grand auditorium is multi-level, ornate, and easily worthy of Broadway. Surrounding the atrium, historically themed rooms convey rich grandeur from Egyptian to Victorian periods. Superb craftsmanship in original glasswork and chandeliers, rugs, furniture, carvings and woodwork is
evident everywhere. Take a peek at the website (https://www.newspin.com/ tour/?site=25&scenename=452) and catch a tour if you can.
The experience makes a lasting impression and stands out as a highlight of Masonic life. Following an impressive opening ceremony, candidates are instructed that they are undertaking a quest. This is a personal Hero’s Journey to discover Masonic light, great truths, and a deeper look within oneself. But no hero completes a quest without experiencing change. The search for truth lies within and begins with mourning the death of Master Hiram. The Lodge of Perfection, Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Kadosh, and Consistory are arranged by theme to deliver crafted encouragement
The Northern Light