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New Book Available
Freemasonry by Questions and Answers is Brother Kamel Oussayef’s annotated translation of a French manuscript. The book not only describes the rituals that were used at the conception of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, but it also includes a groundbreaking ritual in three degrees for a female Masonic Lodge and takes the reader on a journey through the history, philosophy, religion, and social politics of the Enlightenment, presaging revolutions to come.
The manuscript is dated 1761, which may pique the interest of Masonic scholars. Though sources attest to Scottish Rite rituals being practiced in Paris and Bordeaux as early as 1743, it wasn’t until August 27, 1761, that the higher French Masonic authorities granted Brother Stephen Morin—an intercontinental merchant—a patent naming him Grand Inspector General and “authorizing and empowering him to establish perfect and sublime Masonry in all parts of the world.”
Finally, the document includes a regrettably brief, but interesting ritual for a Lodge of Adoption or women’s lodge. At the time of the creation of these lodges in the 1760s, they were all under the control of Masonic Brothers who had to be members of regular lodges. These Brothers presided over their meetings, assisted by Grand Mistresses and other female officers. These men were like responsible legal guardians watching over minors. After years of trials, trepidations, and tribulations, these lodges would, in the 20th century, metamorphose into the present day exclusively female or mixed lodges.
Those familiar with The Francken Manuscript published by the Supreme Council will be familiar with the format. A high-resolution scan of the original page will be on the left with the typeset translation on the facing page.
Kamel’s work brings a greater understanding of the higher degrees as they were practiced around the world, as well as a furtherance of the understanding of the origins of the degrees practiced by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.
Freemasonry by Questions and Answers can be ordered at TheMasonicMarketplace.com or Amazon.com
Kamel Oussayef
Kamel Oussayef, 33˚, is a member of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America. He was born in Sétif, Algeria; schooled during his teenage years in Sceaux, near Paris; and resided, studied, and worked in France for many years.
In 2020, he was inducted into the prestigious Society of Blue Friars as its 110th member. The organization was created 1932 to recognize authors for their innovative contributions to Masonic literature.
Kamel has worked as a volunteer at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library in Lexington, Massachusetts since 2003. His books are a contribution to the study of the genesis of the rituals of the Higher Degrees of Freemasonry. Previously published are The Book of Wisdom, The Spirit of Freemasonry, and St. Edouard, a 1748 Masonic Lodge, during the French Enlightenment. All are annotated translations from the collection of rare French Masonic manuscripts at the Museum.
Kamel and his wife, Mary Park Lenox, live in Winchester, Massachusetts.