July 28, 2015

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JULY 28, 2015







‘Werkmeister Harmonies’ is simply poetic

Hitchcock’s ‘To Catch a Thief’ is worth rewatching

H&M store opening draws more than 1,000 visitors



The statue is made to represent the American Lion, the largest cat animal known to man.

An hour after H&M’s noon opening at the Dimond Center on July 16, the line was still very long — and growing — outside.

Stone lion guards UAA Rock Garden By Nolin Ainsworth


The massive feline looks startled as if rudely awakened from an afternoon snooze from commotion outside the UAA Natural Sciences Building — fortunately for UAA students, staff, faculty and visitors, an escape should be no trouble. The beast, after all, is made out of several tons of limestone. Last Friday, a small group of students and faculty gathered outside the Natural Sciences Building to celebrate the arrival of the newest, and fiercest, tenant to the UAA Rock Garden: a sculpture of the extinct American lion. The creature, which roamed the continent several hundred thousand years ago, was part of the Natural Sciences Building renovations that wrapped up more than two years ago. “I wanted something to draw students in,” Summer Sauve said, a project manager with UAA’s Facilities Services who coordinated the lion’s arrival to campus.

The piece of art comes from the handiwork of Kentucky stone and bronze sculptor Meg White. White explained part of her sculpture method for this piece. “I wanted have something where it’s protected, where freezing and thawing would be less of an issue,” White said. White, who is based in Stephensport, Kentucky, was chosen from over 100 applicants to carry out the work by the Alaska State Council on the Arts. The ASCA facilitates the “Percent for Art Program,” state legislation passed in 1975 that allocates 1 percent of all capitol construction costs of public building to go toward the acquisition and installation of public artwork, which was what paid the lion’s way to Alaska. Andrea Noble-Pelant, who helps select the artwork for the program, was also on hand. “It’s a good example of what’s possible,” Noble-Pelant said, pointing out that despite Alaska’s abundance of stone, there are few stone sculptors and bronze artists in the state.

To see process photos of the lion while it was being sculpted, visit Meg White’s blog at http://rockpaperscissorsncalay.blogspot.com.


The line to get into H&M wrapped around the entire ground floor of the Dimond Center twice.

Hugh Ashlock, the owner of Dimond Center, takes a photo of the store opening fom the second floor. Brenda Stiel, who does marketing for the mall, stands behind him.




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