The Northern Light October 8, 2013 Issue

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UAA offers clothes for students’ interview needs



RSVP for TNL’s murder mystery party

6 youth insist state of Alaska Senshi-Con, a smash with Alaskan geeks addresses climate change By Evan Erickson

Last Thursday the Alaska Supreme Court traveled to Barrow to hear oral arguments in a lawsuit brought against the State of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The plaintiffs are asking the courts to rule that the atmosphere is a public trust resource as a way of compelling the state of Alaska to regulate its carbon emissions. Students and members of the community packed the Barrow High School auditorium to observe the judicial process as part of Alaska’s Supreme Court LIVE program. Oregon-based nonprofit Our Children’s Trust and Eagle River attorney Brad De Noble represent the six young plaintiffs. “Our Children’s Trust has supported youth in the filing of legal actions in all 50 states and against the federal government to compel reductions of CO2 emissions that will meaningfully reverse global warming,” states the group’s press release. The arguments heard Thursday in Barrow are part of an appeal process to bring the suit back to trial court after Anchorage Superior Court Judge Sen Tan dismissed the original suit in 2012. Tan’s ruling was based on the political question doctrine, which says courts only have the authority to hear and decide legal questions, not political ones. “When the legislative and executive branches are violating the law it’s the responsibility of the courts,” said Julia Olson, executive director of Our Children’s Trust. The public trust doctrine protects natural resources for public use and requires the government to maintain them as necessary. Legal uses of public trust go back well over 100 years, but recently environmental groups have used the doctrine effectively in the fight against perceived human-induced climate changes. In the 2012 case Angela Bonser-Lain, et al. v. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas district court judge Gisela Triana ruled “the public trust doctrine is not exclusively limited to water, but all natural resources.” Some scientists believe that 350 parts per million is the maximum amount of atmospheric car-

bon dioxide the earth can withstand without triggering runaway climate change. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, global CO2 is now hovering around 400 ppm. The lawsuit against the state of Alaska calls for a 6 percent reduction in state carbon emissions. Two of the six plaintiffs in the suit, Nelson Kanuk and Katherine Dolma, were present for the hearing in Barrow. Kanuk, 19, is from Kipnuk, a village of around 600 people in southwestern Alaska. He has become the face of the group’s Alaska actions. A short documentary about Kanuk is featured on the Our Children’s Trust website. Nelson’s village and his family’s home are being threatened by severe erosion he believes to be a consequence of rapid human-induced climate change. “I thought being able to sit during the hearing was a good opportunity to understand what we’re facing. If the courts agree to the atmosphere being a public trust, hopefully there could be a climate reaction policy plan assisting villages,” Kanuk said. Kanuk was spurred to action when as a high school sophomore he attended a 2011 conference of the Alaska Association of Student Government in Cordova. There he met another high school student, Alec Loorz, who was the plaintiff in a similar suit against the federal government also citing the public use doctrine. “I think it shows a lot of courage. It shows these young people are feeling empowered in taking on the state of Alaska,” UAA Alaska Native Studies Director Maria Williams said. Arguments made Thursday on behalf of the state of Alaska acknowledged the gravity of atmospheric issues but continued to emphasize the political question doctrine. “We think the superior court got it right. The policy decisions on what to do about greenhouse gases is something for the legislature to decide,” said Steve Mulder Alaska assistant attorney general for environment. The six young plaintiffs have at least several months before they will learn whether their appeal was successful. Federal and state governments will continue to grapple with these tough issues in the meantime.

Puppy therapy on campus?


Some UAA students have spoken in favor of “puppy rooms” on campus. Puppy rooms have been shown to benefit the health and wellbeing of humans.

By NIta Mauigoa

Feeling stressed? Pet a puppy. According to Doug Markussen, director of the campus Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Support Department or EHSRMS, UAA could join other campuses throughout the United States that have therapy dogs to help relieve stressed out students. The key word is “could.” “I’ve had many students and faculty, even administrators above me request animal or puppy therapy on campus,” Markussen said. “But no one has taken the initiative to make it happen.” Last year, Yale Law School’s website introduced their therapy dog, Monty, which caused a worldwide media frenzy. According to the article written by the dog’s owner, Jason Eiseman on Yale Law School’s website, students can book 20-minute appointments with Monty at the library. Monty’s presence helps calm law students so stressed that their overloaded brains could explode unless they pet a puppy. Harvard Medical School has a 4-year-old Shih Tzu at its Countway Library as a registered therapy dog. Harvard Medical School published an article that states, “Pets have been shown to lower blood pressure, improve recovery from heart disease, and even reduce rates of asthma and allergy in children who grow up with a Fido or a Frisky in the house. Pets also improve people’s psychological wellbeing and self-esteem.”


Live action role playing, or LARP, enthusiasts show off their armor in front of their booth during the Senshi-Con event at the Egan Center Sept. 28-29.

George Hyde

The mornings of Sept. 28 and 29, 5th Avenue drivers were treated to something of a shock. Geeks in costume lined up these mornings to attend Senshi-Con, Alaska’s oldest and most reputable anime convention and nerd mecca. Senshi-Con had its humble beginnings in 2005. It was hosted in West Anchorage High School’s cafeteria by the school’s anime club. Since that first year, the event was held in UAA’s own Student Union, where it remained and hosted famous guests, such as voice actresses Caitlin Glass and Laura Bailey. Now the event has expanded to a new, even bigger venue: the Egan Center, where it hosted its largest audience yet. Over 1,500 people attended. This year saw more special guests hit Anchorage: Katie Diedrich, designer of the webcomic “Awkward Zombie,” and Chuck Huber, a popular voice actor famous in the anime community for his roles in “Soul Eater” and “Hetalia Axis Powers.” “I’ll do this for as long as I can. I will always do conventions,” Huber said during a panel. “This is too much fun, and you guys are way too cool for me to stop doing it.” The convention holds many opportunities for Alaska’s geek culture. For example, it allowed vendors to display and sell art and other wares. Other events held at the convention included video game tournaments, cosplay contests, a talent show and a dance. The organizers are enthralled about the popularity of the event. “It’s about everyone that likes the same genre coming together and being accepted and networking,” said director Braxton Bundick in an interview with the Anchorage Daily News. “It used to be looked down upon, but it’s this amazing thing where nerds are the great thing.”

Last month, the UAA Bookstore posted a picture of a “puppy room” from a university in Canada and asked students what they thought. The comments came flooding in: Yes! Absolutely! We should! Markusson offered his contact information on the post, should anyone want to initiate a “puppy room” on campus. He never got that call. Still, the post got the wheels spinning in people’s minds. Bookstore events coordinator Rachel Epstein said she already has envisioned a grassy courtyard near the store’s ramp where the puppies could be. She said student clubs would be ideal in running shifts where visitors can come and shake paws with man’s best friend. “I think it would also be great if we could work with animal shelters or other places that take in animals that need homes,” said english student Younger Oliver. Markussen said if anyone wants make a “puppy room” happen on campus, there are several regulations under EHSRMS’s Policy 39 that must be met. He could provide specific details to those interested. Studies such as those conducted by Harvard Medical School provide evidence that puppy therapy promotes calmness, general happiness and friendliness. It’s a healthier alternative to booze, drugs and cigarettes. So, who will take the initiative to bring the puppies to campus? Those interested in a possible puppy therapy or kitten therapy room can contact Doug Markussen at


One of the vendors, dressed as Waldo, hides behind a sign at his booth during the Senshi-Con event at the Egan Center Sept. 28-29.

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The Northern Light October 8, 2013 Issue by The Northern Light - Issuu