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Toronto’s transportation woes hit ‘tipping point’
Staff photo/DAN PEARCE
FIRST-PLACE FINISH: Cameron Bruce takes first place in the boys 15 and under high jump event at the Royal Canadian Indoor Championships Saturday at the Metro Track Centre. See more photos on page 3.
While no tax would be popular, Geordie Graham and Richard De Gaetano discussed the least objectionable way to come up with the $2 billion a year needed to solve crippling transportation challenges facing the Greater Toronto Area. At first, Graham leaned exclusively toward taxes imposed on drivers, such as a fuel tax and highway tolls, which he felt would persuade drivers to take public transit. But De Gaetano argued increasing personal income and corporate taxes is fairer because they are the least regressive of all taxes. When it comes to solving the transportation woes of the GTA, the economic engine of Ontario, he would rather see the discussion focus on how we collaboratively build the city we want rather than how do we make the “bad people” (drivers) pay. Overall, Graham agreed with that approach, although he still sees room for tolls or levies that help change behaviour. “You use a big carrot and a few little sticks,” he said. >>>FERRIES, page 3
Three North York MPPs promoted to Wynne cabinet LISA QUEEN When Aboriginal drummers performed at Monday’s swearing-in ceremony of Premier Kathleen Wynne and her cabinet, Willowdale
MPP David Zimmer, Ontario’s new Aboriginal affairs minister, admits he had tears in his eyes. “One of the most moving things was at the end, for the first time (at a swearing-in ceremony at the legislature), they had, it was Aboriginal
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women drummers and singers (who) played and sang the most moving songs,” he told The Mirror. “It’s a beautiful thing to listen to. It was haunting.” The performance signalled the importance Wynne’s government
will dedicate to issues related to the Aboriginal community, Zimmer said, Concerns of the community have taken on prominence in recent weeks through the Idle No More movement.
Zimmer is one of three North York MPPs that Wynne, MPP for Don Valley West, elevated to cabinet positions. Don Valley East MPP Michael Coteau is citizenship and immigra>>>ZIMMER, page 6
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