Fri Aug 24, 2012
thurs jan 24, 2013
DVP noise warrants extended barrier: residents
Cops for cancer heads to yorkdale
Staff photo/Dan Pearce
police ready for close shave: Cancer survivor Det. Tricia Johnston, of 22 Division, Cops for Cancer ambassador Alexandra Connor, and participant Const. Cheryl Tomlinson-Thompson at the Cops for Cancer launch at Yorkdale Shopping Centre Wednesday. See story on page 3.
Residents in the Three Valleys community between York Mills Road and Lawrence Avenue East got the ear of the city’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Wednesday, to reassess the level of noise they’re suffering from the non-stop traffic on the Don Valley Parkway. The residents had submitted a petition, asking that an existing noise barrier along the west side of the highway be extended to muffle the sound. But city staff pointed out that a 2006 noise assessment indicated existing and future noise levels wouldn’t warrant a barrier, which could cost as much as $1 million. Resident Dana Dvorak argued that the noise study wasn’t repre>>>city, page 5
Plan for year-long Allen closure meets resistance Alternative sought on plan to close expressway during light rail construction RAHUL GUPTA A spokesperson for Metrolinx acknowledged it is considering
abandoning a plan to close a portion of the Allen Expressway for one full year to speed up construction of the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown light rail transit line.
Jamie Robinson said the transit planning agency hasn’t completely ruled out its original plan to close off the northbound lanes of the Allen from Eglinton Avenue to Lawrence
Avenue for all of 2014 in order to save time on Crosstown tunneling for the underground portion of the line traveling east from Black Creek Drive along Eglinton Avenue.
But because of concerns raised by the city’s transportation department, Metrolinx is researching another plan to excavate a smaller diameter tunnel directly underneath Eglinton West station. “We’re looking at another alterna>>>metrolinx, page 5