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16 words spell free tuition York U. student gets news of win via text LISA QUEEN

Staff photo/LISA QUEEN

York University student Jacqueline Tran was awarded a year’s tuition Wednesday after winning a promotional contest for the school. Students were asked to state in 140 characters or less how their York degrees would help them achieve their goals and impact society.

Eighty-eight letters. That’s all it took York University student Jacqueline Tran to come up with a winning slogan in a contest that awarded her a year’s free tuition, worth about $6,200. Part of the university’s This is My Time campaign, the contest challenged students to use no more than 140 characters to describe how their York degrees will help them achieve their goals and impact society. Out of 3,482 entries, Tran was declared the winner Wednesday afternoon at the university’s Red and White Day celebrating York’s spirit. “I develop a compensation strategy that eliminates the gender wage gap and inequalities in the workplace,” Tran’s winning entry said. A judging panel selected hers as the winning entry. Tran, who lives in the area of Lansdowne Avenue and Dundas >>>WINNING, page 5

Public meeting set for controversial development at Leslie and Sheppard LISA QUEEN A controversial proposal to tear down an aging North York social housing neighbourhood and replace

it with a new development will be discussed at a public meeting this month. The Toronto Community Housing Corporation and developer Deltera Inc. want to demolish 121 social

housing townhouses on Adra Villaway, Grado Villaway and Tomar Villaway on the west side of Leslie St. north of Sheppard Ave. W. They would be replaced with 127 rental units and five residential

buildings ranging in height from 10 to 18 storeys. Deltera is part of the Tridel Group of Companies, one of Canada’s largest residential developers. The proposed development has

generated strong feelings in the community. At a North York Community Council meeting in September, resident Tara Riley told The Mirror >>>FORUM, page 5


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