December 18 South

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Fri Aug 24, 2012

Native Child and Family Services of Toronto


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inside Bobblehead proceeds and more donated to Humber River Hospital / 3

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thurs dec 18, 2014 ®

Nutcracker star follows in sister’s dance shoes

Happy Hanukkah!

Looking for baking? Check out our events calendar /7


photos The Nutcracker at Cardinal Carter / 26

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Staff photo/DAN PEARCE

Associated Hebrew school’s Lee-Ron Kaye, left, Simon Lurie and Maya Vidal light the first Hanukkah candle Tuesday at the Reuben Cipin Healthy Living Community in North York.

Gobble, gobble: Turkey giveaway in Downsview Saturday The Toronto Humber Valley Di s t r i c t Ma s o n s w i l l b e giving away 1,000 turkeys in Downsview Saturday. Starting at 10 a.m., the birds

8 off

will be handed out in the parking lot of the Rameses Shriners Temple, 3100 Keele St. The number of turkeys set to be given away this year will

be doubled from last year’s event. The giveaway, now in its fourth year, is supported by Vito’s No Frills on Keele Street,

north of Sheppard Avenue.


The Rameses Shriners Temple is located on Keele Street south of Sheppard Avenue.

Toronto: 61 Overlea Blvd. † Agincourt: 3306 Sheppard Ave. E Agincourt: 3850 Sheppard Ave. E (in Walmart) Downsview: 6000 Dufferin St. † North York: 1500 Finch Ave. E † North York: 1964 Victoria Park Ave. Scarborough: 1900 Eglinton Ave. E (in Walmart) Scarborough: 2370 Lawrence Ave. E † Scarborough: 70 Grand Marshall Dr. † Thornhill: 7562 Yonge St. † Toronto: 793 Spadina Rd. †


any oil change package

Offer applies to the purchase of any oil change and must be presented at time of service. Not valid with any other oil change discount or coupon. Valid at all GTA locations. Prices may vary. Expiry: January 31, 2015 Code: 8607

No appointment necessary. Open 7 days a week and ’til 8pm weeknights.

Seven years ago, a young North York girl was chosen to play Marie in the National Ballet of Canada’s The Nutcracker. Today, Stella Leowinata’s sister, Jacqueline Sugianto, has followed in her older sibling’s dancing shoes, landing the same leading role for this year’s production of the holiday favourite. “It’s so cool,” Jacqueline, 11, said of performing the same role as her sister, who was the same age when she was cast as Marie. “There is one picture where we are doing the same pose. She’s given me advice and helped with some steps.” While Leowinata has graduated from the National Ballet School of Canada and is currently pursing a bachelor of arts degree in dance and performance in England, Jacqueline is just getting started with the downtown ballet school, which boasts graduates such as Karen Kain, Rex Harrington, Veronica Tennant and The Nutcracker choreographer James Kudelka. A former student at >>>NORTH, page 22

† Drive Clean service available. * An official mark of the Province of Ontario used under license.


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