Fri Aug 24, 2012
wed dec 26, 2012
Hospitals score well on mortality rates Humber River, NYGH, Sunnybrook all better than national average LISA QUEEN North York General Hospital is best in the Greater Toronto Area and second best in Canada. Humber River Regional Hospital has made a dramatic improvement. And Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is holding steady with an above average grade. North York’s hospitals have fared well on a national report card, formally known as hospital standardized mortality ratio (HSMR), which ranks hospital death rates. The report card, released last week by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), compares the number of deaths in a hospital to a national average score of 100. CIHI bases the score on a number of factors such as a hospital’s fiveday mortality rate following major surgery and its 30-day mortality rate following a stroke. The lower the score, the better a hospital’s mortality rate. All three of North York’s hospitals recorded a better death rate than the national average. What’s more, each hospital has improved every year since the report card was first made public in 2007/2008. >>>CONSISTENT page 3
Staff photo/Nick Perry
Villa Charities president and CEO Pal Di Iulio, left, signs a document commemorating a joint development project between the Toronto Catholic District School Board and Villa Charities during a ceremony at the Columbus Centre last Wednesday afternoon.
Columbus Centre and Dante Alighieri Academy to unite under one roof FANNIE SUNSHINE Housing the Columbus Centre and Dante Alighieri Academy under one roof is one step closer to fruition after an official signing ceremony last Wednesday. The Toronto Catholic District
School Board (TCDSB) and Villa Charities, which operates the Columbus Centre, joined forces to launch a project that will see culture and education come together in the Dufferin Street and Lawrence Avenue area. The $50-million redevelopment project is considered to be
the first of its kind in Canada and will accommodate a new school for Dante Alighieri Academy, Columbus Centre, Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery, a daycare and other services currently provided by both organizations. It will also provide much needed capacity to service Toronto’s growing perform-
ing and fine arts community. The project, which includes construction of the new school, is targeted for completion in September 2016. The building, which will allow for Dante Alighieri’s 1,300 students to be in one location, will include shared >>>OLD, page 5