Veteran honoured for lifetime of service to Canada 3 From China to North York: teams compare notes on seniors care 5
Staff photo/JUSTIN TANG
UNWINDING BY THE WATER: Stephanie Johnson relaxes at the fountains at Mel Lastman Square yesterday.
The North York Mirror - A Metroland Community Newspaper
not-for-profit art group, a star basketball player-turned community mentor in Jane-Finch, a grassroots organization helping young mothers, a longtime public school volunteer and the president of a local sports club. We’re appealing to our readers to help us find this year’s Urban Heroes. Go online to submit nominations from the North York community. Individuals, groups @NorthYorkMirror
The Toronto Jazz Orchestra will hit the stage at North York’s Mel Lastman Square on Sunday, wrapping up this summer’s season of Sunday Serenades. The orchestra is an 18-piece band made up of graduates of Toronto’s top university and college jazz programs. The musicians will perform big band classics and contemporary compositions. The free concert will take place at Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge St., north of Sheppard Avenue, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sunday Serenades, which began July 8, is a summer series of concerts featuring big band, swing and jazz acts.
■ Turkish cooking show
Mirror looking to honour urban heroes developed to recognize the individuals, groups and businesses that make our communities better places to live. Our focus is the grassroots organizations, the average Joe or Jill – people who do great things but don’t always get the recognition they deserve. Now’s their time to shine! Previous winners included the executive director of a
Sunday Serenades capped off with jazz orchestra
Everyone knows someone who goes above and beyond for their community, for their neighbours, their friends and family or for a cause. It’s time to celebrate those people who make a difference here at home by nominating them for an Urban Hero Award! The North York Mirror and Toronto Community News are proud to announce the launch of the 2nd Urban Hero Awards,
and businesses can be nominated in any of six categories: Arts and Culture, Community, Education, Environment, Health and Sciences, and Sports. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Oct. 12. Please visit www.urbanheroes. ca to access the nomination form and learn more about the awards program, the rules and categories.
A Turkish cooking show will be held next Tuesday in North York as part of Anatolian Cultural Week. The event will take place at 777 Supertest Rd., near Alness Street and Finch Avenue, at 6 p.m. For information, email info@ torontoturkishfestival.org or call 416-269-7670. Additionally, the Toronto Turkish Festival takes place Friday, Aug. 24 from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. at Nathan Phillips Square and Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 25 and 26, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Yonge Dundas Square.
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