Fri Aug 24, 2012
41 16-6 633-1993
thurs dec 6, 2012
Newtonbrook teacher wins GG’s award
cardbord contest
Staff photo/Nick Perry
making waves: Daniel Louise Tamayo of Downsview Secondary School paddles his team’s boat in the Skills Ontario Cardboard Boat Races at Bendale BTI Tuesday afternoon.
It’s not unusual for a teacher to read a Dr. Seuss book to her pupils after serving them milk and cookies. But for Grade 11 students? Teacher Milena Ivkovic uses any number of teaching methods to lift history off the page for her students at North York’s Newtonbrook Secondary School. So, if that means reading them a children’s book, participating in an annual Amnesty MILENA IVKOVIC International writing campaign for human rights, analyzing documents on social issues from different perspectives, taking field trips, inviting in guest speakers, playing games, acting out scenarios, encouraging students to dig deeper into their studies and urging them to make positive contributions to society in their daily >>>teacher, page 3
Downsview Park’s future ‘in limbo’: residents LISA QUEEN After years of hashing out a truce for Downsview Park with the former board of directors, residents are fearful of what an abrupt change in direction imposed by the federal government means for the future of the park. “We don’t understand what this
means,” said Albert Krivickas, vicepresident of the Downsview Lands Community Voice Association Inc. (DLCVA). “We’re in limbo.” Last Thursday, Public Works Minister Rona Ambrose announced management of the park, along with the Old Port of Montreal, is being handed to Canada Lands Company.
According to its website, Canada Lands “manages, redevelops and/ or sells strategic Government of Canada properties across Canada that are no longer required for program purposes. The company’s core values are innovation, value, legacy; the company continually strives to create projects that reflect these values.” Canada Lands is a self-financing
Crown corporation that operates at arm’s length from the federal government. Manon Lapensee, Canada Lands’ director of communications, said the organization is now conducting an internal operational review that is expected to be completed early in the new year. “From there, we will develop a transition plan,” she said, adding
Canada Lands has no idea yet what that will mean for the park’s future. “We don’t have any plan. We don’t have any preconceived notions of what may transpire. We really don’t know.” In the meantime, it is “business as usual” at the park, Lapensee said. York Centre MP Mark Adler said >>>MP, page 5