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inside We visit the newest Aga Khan exhibit / 8
Sounds of Chanukkah and more in our community calendar / 10 photos Spirit of the season in our community snaps / 24
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Dreaming of a bright Christmas Fannie Sunshine fsunshine@insidetoronto.com Benjamin Boake Trail residents don’t have to look at a calendar to know Christmas is around the corner. All they need do is look for the house with the dazzling light display to know the holiday is near. For the 15th year, Amatore and Pat De Sario have outfitted the exterior of their Keele Street and Sheppard Avenue area home with 50,000 LED lights and countless inflatable decorations, which serves as a fundraiser for The Hospital for Sick Children. The De Sarios spent time at the downtown hospital after their daughter, Angela, was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes years ago, and this is their way of giving back. A collection box is situated out front, along with a book for visitors to sign. >>>lights, page 5
Staff photo/Nick Perry
John Tzavelas, left, his daughter Apollonia and son Lazarus get a close look at the Christmas light show Saturday evening at 165 Benjamin Boake Trail. For more photos from of the display, visit bit.ly/northyork_galleries
Temple Sinai hosting Touques and Socks Drive this Sunday The cold months of winter are here, and Temple Sinai is helping those in need keep warm. The North York congregation is holding a Toques and Socks Drive Sunday.
In addition to new socks and hats, people can donate new and used winter adult clothes; items most in need are winter jackets, scarfs, hats, blankets and men’s and women’s jeans.
The clothing will be given to Ve’ahavta, a Canadian humanitarian and relief organization that assists the needy at home and abroad, through volunteerism, education and
acts of kindness, while building bridges between Jews and other peoples. Bring your donations to Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto, 210 Wilson Ave.,
between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. For more information, email social_action@templesinai. net or call the temple office at 416-487-4161.