February 8 West

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Fri Aug 24, 2012



fri feb 8, 2013

Musical mentorship capped with CD release FANNIE SUNSHINE fsunshine@insidetoronto.com


wo Art Starts programs focusing on music and storytelling wrapped up Jan. 31 with a CD release party at its Yorkdale Shopping Centre location. The One World: New Generation CD is the recorded culmination of a four-and-a-half-month music program that provided opportunities for youth from underserviced neighbourhoods to work with professional musicians. Participants were coached in writing, performing, recording >>>art, page 5

Staff photo/Dan Pearce

Harlem Globetrotters Handles Franklin hams it up with a couple of students at Driftwood Public School Tuesday. Franklin and teammate TNT Maddox were at the school presenting The ABCs of Bullying Prevention, a worldwide community outreach program.

Globetrotters wow with tricks and tips Anti-bullying message tossed in with ball tricks for Downsview P.S. students Photo/Nancy Paiva

Krystle Chance performs at the Art Starts community arts centre youth recording program’s CD release party at the Yorkdale Shopping Centre site.

HILARY CATON hcaton@insidetoronto.com If the children of Driftwood Public School were left with one message from Harlem Globetrotters Handles Franklin and Fatima “TNT” Maddox that would be this: Bullying is not

cool. “I think everyone in one point in their life has come across bullying,” said Maddox. “I think that it’s really important that we come and talk to the youth so that they have something that they can build from.” As a part of their visit to the school

at Jane Street and Finch Avenue on Tuesday, Maddox and Franklin discussed the Harlem Globetrotters ABCs of bullying prevention, mixed in with a few ball-handling tricks and skills that floored the grades 1 to 5 students in attendance. The A stands for action: Franklin

encouraged the students to “take a stand against bullying” by telling a parent, teacher or principal. The B means bravery: “Don’t join in,” said Franklin. And C is for compassion: “Care about each other. If you see some>>>action, page 5


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