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inside David Nickle looks at making lemonade from lemons as a political strategy / 17
Check out the events in our weekly community calendar /5 news York U. announces new school of continuing studies / 3
Earl Haig students bring social anxiety into the spotlight CLARK KIM ckim@insidetoronto.com Two North York Grade 12 students are tackling an issue they say is becoming more common in teenagers like themselves. Christine Chen and Ana Stajkovic, both in their final year at Earl Haig Secondary School, ran a school-wide campaign called “Break Your Shell” to raise awareness about social anxiety. “It’s an issue we see in our everyday lives, especially in high school. We both felt it
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was an issue that was getting overlooked,” Stajkovic said. “And we both have had experiences ourselves,” Chen added. So they recently held two interactive events to help shed light on social anxiety. The first event was based on the concept of speed dating in which they set up chairs in the main hall of the school during two lunch periods. Then they motivated students to get out of their comfort zone by having a conversation with someone >>>school, page 16
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Have your say on ward boundary review process DOMINIK KUREK dkurek@insidetoronto.com North York residents are invited to give their input in Toronto’s ward boundary review at a few meetings this week. The next public meetings are today and Saturday. The intent of the review is to ensure that each person in the city has equitable representation at city council. Growth in the city has resulted in wards with populations above or
w Thursday’s meeting is at Northern District Library, 40 Orchard View Blvd., from 6 to 9 p.m. w Saturday’s meeting is at Edithvale Community Centre, 131 Finch Ave. W., from 9 a.m. to noon. below the average of 61,000. Some wards have populations of 30 to 50 per cent above the average, according to a City of Toronto release. >>>city, page 16
Photo/Nancy Paiva
Angela Cole-Kim and her daughter Avielle Kim, 2, try the beginners’ slope on the opening weekend of the season Sunday at the Earl Bales Park ski hill. See more photos on page 19.