manheim township’s
alumni Bob Belser ‘83 & Steven Schmitt ‘71
Andy Fensternmacher ‘01 Katie Erret ‘02
newsletter Cherie Messner ‘80 & Kirk Jenkins ‘80
Kim Doutrich Wilson ‘80
Greg Will ‘77 Barb Witmer Forster ‘77 Brian Ellis (MTHS Asst. Principal) Melissa O’Connor Ellis ‘95
Alumni Fund Drive - page 2
Doug Cherry ‘76 Karl Willems ‘79
Don Carr ‘63 Ted Watt ‘63 Jay Schroeder ‘59
Grads in the News - page 6-8 Distinguished Alumni Award - page 4,5 Class Reunions - page 9
Steve and Dana Kemper ‘80
Kristie Reel Aruand “00 Elizabeth Myers ‘00 Katie Davis Leatherman ‘02
Upcoming Events Fall 2011 Oct 14 & 15, 2011 February 25, 2012
Alumni Annual Fund Drive Homecoming Weekend Dancing with the Streaks 2012!
Recent Events September 9, 2011
9/11 Tribute to Jean Hoadley Peterson, Class of 1964
For more information about events, visit\mtaa or call Kim at (717)735-1751.
volume 17, issue 2, fall 2011