manheim township’s
newsle er
Alumni Fund d Drive - page 2 MTEF Community Partners - page 3 Dis nguished Alumni Award - pages 4-6 In the News - page 7 Town Grads in the News - pages 8-9 Dancing with the Streaks - page 10 Class Reunions/ Contacts - pages 11-12 In Memorium - page 15
Upcoming Events May 31, 2012 - Class of 2012 GraduaƟon May 31, 2012 - DisƟnguished Alumni Awards and Breakfast March 2, 2013 - Dancing with the Streaks
Recent Events Feb 25, 2012 - Dancing with the Streaks (see Pg 10) For more informa on about events, visit\mtaa or call Kim at (717)735-1751.
volume 18, issue 1, spring 2012
manheim township educa onal founda on Alumni Fund Drive!
Thank you to all MT Alumni who donated to the fund drive this past fall. Over $3,000 was received and will help to fund educa onal grants awarded to the teachers and students of the MT school district. Grants awarded for the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 school year totaled over $ 91,000! Polar Heart Rate Monitors, Health & Wellness Dept at the MS Project Manhood / Women in Leadership, a HS Mentoring Program Who Wants to Be a Reading Millionaire – Neff Elementary Sch. Biology Stream Study – HS 10th Grade biology classes Brecht Spiral Up Phonics Leveled Literacy Interven on – Brecht Elementary Middle School Quiz Bowl Team The Lancaster Symphony produc on of Fantasia First In Math – MTSD students – K thru 4 Staff Development Speaker, for the staff of the MTSD Elementary Counseling Program Razzy Readers, for all MT Elementary MT Summer Robo cs Engineering Camp Reading Counts, a pilot program at Schaeffer Elementary School
Who Wants to be a Reading Millionaire
EITC Funded Programs: F1 Engineering Program (see page 6) Brecht Arts Integra on Sprou ng Readers, for Extended Day Kindergarten students Electrical Wiring Project, HS Science Department JA Biztown – MTSD 5th graders Memorial Fund Grants: Brecht Book Grant – Louise Engle Memorial Fund Lego League – Ar e Shirk Memorial Fund
Project Manhood
For more informa on about these grants, please visit or email Women in Leadership If you would like to help support these important, innova ve educa onal programs, please mail your tax-deduc ble dona on to: MTEF, PO Box 5134, Lancaster, PA 17606-5134 or to donate via PayPal, go to and click on the “Donate” tab. ““The role of the Alumni should never be under-appreciated. Alumni are iimportant in maintaining tradi ons and preserving con nuity. They sstrengthen the school for the future . . .” -Na onal Associa on of Secondary School Principals. Biology Stream Study
community partners
Here’s to A “Banner” Year! Ever wonder what those adver sing banners in the High School football stadium, basketball arena, and other athle c fields are all about? Who’s selling them? Who gets the money? What is it used for? And how can I get my company’s name up there? All good ques ons I’d be more than happy to answer. I’m Leigh Anna Hilbert, a long-term resident of Manheim Township, mother of three MT students (a sixth, third, and first grader), and the new Sales Manager for the recently created Manheim Township Educa onal Founda on Community Partners ini a ve--MT Community Partners, for short. MTCP is a progressive program that was created by the MTEF Board of Directors and the MT School Board in 2011 to help compensate for declining revenues. By partnering with local and regional businesses who share the same commitment and vision of enhancing our school experience, and by allowing them to promote their products and services through the sale of corporate naming rights, sponsorships, and adver sing within our schools, we can generate addi onal income to give our school district the opportunity to provide programs and courses that we otherwise would not be able to afford. The result is a mutually beneficial partnership between sponsors, schools, and fans. In other words, MT Community Partners is about more than selling banners to generate sales for businesses. It’s about building rela onships to create a brighter future for our kids. The realm of school district sponsorship is a vastly untapped market! If a company’s goal is to increase their visibility, or to ini ate traffic to their loca ons, MT Community Partners will help them reach a significant amount of poten al new customers. Benefits of becoming a Community Partner are numerous: -Increases and maximizes brand awareness -recogni on of the importance of educa on as an integral component in our community’s future -Creates a quick return on investment—companies aren’t limited to just one event or venue. -Exposure extends throughout the high school campus, poten ally reaching every resident in the school district. -Benefits students through the funding of innova ve educa onal programs, mentoring programs, and other important programs not covered by the regular school budget. -Also benefits residents, as corporate partnerships help control the local school-tax burden and budget shor all. I sincerely hope you support the businesses that have supported Manheim Township. This newsle er features those partners who have teamed up with us to make 2012 a “Banner” Year.
IIf you have any ques ons, or your company is interested in building loyal rela onships bettween the fans, families, and patrons of our organiza ons, please feel free to contact me at ((717) 735-1752, or by emailing
LLeigh Anna
grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
dis nguished 2012 alumni awards DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD The purpose of the Manheim Township Dis nguished Alumni Award is to recognize graduates who have achieved noteworthy and outstanding accomplishments in their chosen fields, who will serve as role models for students currently enrolled in the Manheim Township School District, and who have displayed a high level of community involvment.
Distinguished Alumni Awards 2012 You are cordially invited to the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Awards and Breakfast Thursday, May 31st at 9 AM Calvary Church 1051 Landis Valley Road, Lancaster This year’s recipients, Merrell Clark ‘56 and Neil Kochenour ‘59, will speak to the Class of 2012 at gradua on prac ce, which begins at 8 AM. An awards ceremony and breakfast will be held immediately following their student presenta on, in the cafe at Calvary Church. If you would like to a end the breakfast and awards, please RSVP to Kim Draude (717) 735-1751 or The cost is $10 per person
dis nguished 2012 alumni awards
Neil Kraybill Kochenour ‘59
Neil Kraybill Kochenour graduated from Maheim Township High School in 1959. After high school, Neil graduated from Cornell University, the University of Colorado, and the University of Louisville School of Medicine. After a successful career as a private physician, he became the Medical Director at the University of Utah Hospital and Clinics, Salt Lake City. Following retirement, Dr. Kochenour became Professor Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City. The MTAA is proud to select Neil as a 2012 Manheim Township Distigushed Alumni. Educa onal 1959 Graduated From Manheim Twp. 1964 BME in Engineering, Cornell University 1965 Graduate School, Dept. of Psychology, Cornell University 1969 MD degree Cornell University Medical College 1969-1970 Internship in Internal Medicine, University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado 1970-1973 Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado 1973-1975 Army, Fort Knox, Kentucky 1975-1977 Lewis Samuel Mcmurty Fellow in Maternal-Fetal medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky November 1975 Board Cer fica on, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1989 Re-Cer fied February 1981 Board Cer fica on, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Principal Employment 1978-2006 Faculty Member and Physician, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt LakeCity, Utah 1994-2006 Medical Director, University of Utah Hospital and Clinics, Salt Lake City, Utah 2006 Re red 2006-Present Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah Community Service 1985-2006 Utah Women’s Health Center, Quality Assurance Commi ee 1985-1989 Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coali on 1988-1995 Utah Adop on Service, Board of Directors 1993-1996 Utah State Health Dept. MCH Advisory Commi ee 1997-2003 Cornerstone Counseling Center, Board of Directors 2002-2003 Cornerstone Counseling Center, Chair, Board of Directors 1998-2006 Governor Sco Matheson Center Advisory Council 2000-2007 Water Quality Board, State of Utah 2005-2007 Columbus Community Center, Board of Directors Other Significant Informa on Honoraries 1960 Phi Eta Sigma, Cornell University 1964 Pi Tau Sigma, Cornell University 1969 Alpha Omega Alpha, Cornell University Medical College Awards 1969 The Gustav Seeligmann Prize for Proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cornell University Medical College 1971 Galloway Fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology, Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases Licensure 1973-1975 Obstetrician-Gynecologist 1969 Colorado 1973 Kentucky 1978 Utah
grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
dis nguished 2012 alumni awards Merrell Clark ‘56 A er his Gradua on from Manhemi Township in 1956, Merrell Clark a ended and graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, where he majored in accoun ng. A er gradua on, Merrell began a career at Armstrong, where he spent 10 years as an auditor. In 1970, Merrell and a friend started a company in Lancaster, PA called Lawn Equipment Parts Company (LEPCO). He later became President and Chief Execu ve Officer where he served for 30 years. He has since re red and serves and Chairman of the Board. In 1996, Merrell was named Small Business Person of the Year by the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce. His philanthropy led him to establish the Clark Family Founda on in 2004 which supports non-profit organiza ons in central Pennsylvania and provides assistance to at-risk children. His many accomplishments have led Merrell to be named a MT Dis nguished Alumni recipient in 2012.
Educa on - 1956 Graduated from Manheim Township High School - 1960 Graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with a degree in accoun ng. Employment - Spent 10 years with Armstrong as an auditor - 1970 - Founded Lawn Equipment Parts Company (LEPCO). Served as President and Cheif Execu ve Officer of LEPCO for 30 years. Re red in 2000. Presently serves as Chairman of the Board Community Service - 2005 - Established the Clark Family Founda on. Awards - 1996 - Recognized by the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce as the Small Business Person of the Year. 6
grads news in the
The Manheim Township Alumni Association is proud to announce the hiring of Kristin Sponaugle Kopp as the new Director of Alumni Affairs. Kristin attended Manheim Township schools from 1st through 12th grades and graduated in 1989. While at MT, she participated in field hockey, tennis, and basketball, was an editor for the newspaper, was a member of the National Honor Society and Student Council, and was a class officer. She then went on to attend Cornell University where she earned her undergraduate degree. In 2002, Kristin moved back to Lancaster, where she married Brian Kopp. Kristin and her husband now reside in Manheim Township with their two sons (4 & 2 years old) who are future MT students. Besides her work as a mom, she volunteers with the Junior League of Lancaster and Junior Achievement. She also enjoys running in races and playing tennis. Kristin is very excited to be stepping into the role of Director of Alumni Affairs under the Manheim Township Educational Foundation. She looks forward to re-engaging alumni locally, nationally, and globally. Stay tuned for opportunities to catch up on what’s happening in MT schools! Kristin can be reached at or at (717) 940-0861.
MHTS F1 Team
For the second year in a row, the Manheim Township EEduca onal Founda on, with help from MT alumni and the sstate EITC program, has sponsored the MTHS F1 in Schools EEngineering program. On March 17th, while everyone was celebra ng St. P Patrick’s Day, the F1 team was hard at work at the State C Compe on. They performed respectably with a me of 1.115 seconds, which was within 2 hundredths of the winning me, as well as winning the Best Por olio Award, Best Verbal Presentaon Award, and 2nd Place Overall. This qualifies the MT team to compete in the Na onal Compe on at Michigan Interna onal Speedway on May 11th and 12th. They are currently preparing for Na onals to improve their car, as well as their por olio, pit display, and presenta on with the hopes
grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
grads news in the
Molly S eber
Molly S eber, who graduated from Manheim Township in 2 2008, is a senior at the University of Pi sburgh, where she iis president of the student government. According to Mollly’s father, Molly received a 5 Star, 3-minute introduc on ffrom the college chancellor, who spoke about the amazing q quali es and qualifica ons of the school’s student body. H He then looked aat Vice President B Biden and said, ““Lawyer to lawyyer, this is my EExhibit A, Molly S eber.” Even m more impressive, Molly has been advoca ng for more educaon funding in Pennsylvania, not less, including tes fying before educa on commi ees in Harrisburg. She gave such a speech on Friday before introducing Biden.
grads news in the
Danah (Beard) Boyd A er gradua ng from Manheim Township High School in 1996, D Danah graduated from Brown University, where she earned her Ph. D. in IInforma on Studies. Currently, Danah is employed by Microso and New YYork University, where she is producing essays and blogs on topics relateed to young people and social networking. To read some of her informaonal works go to h p:// Craig Miller Craig Miller, Manheim Township class of 2006, has been elected to the Pennsylvania High School Track and Field Hall of Fame. Craig is an outstanding distance runner, whose accomplishments include: --Two District 3 tles in the 800m --Best 1500m me in the state in 2004 and 2005. --Two PIAA state tles - and two state meet records - in the 1600m --Third in 1600m at na onals in 2004; second in 2005 --One District 3 tle in the 3200m --An indoor Pennsylvania record - and the fastest me in the US - in winning the 300m PTFCA state tle in 2006 --Three PIAA state cross country tles --All American: Track & Field News 4th team 1500m (2004) and 3rd team 1500m (2005).
notes grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 at the MT High School, the Manheim Township Educa onal Founda on presented the 2nd annual Dancing with the Streaks fundraising event. Fourteen couples competed to raise the most funds and perform the best dance, as chosen by a panel of judges: • Ross Peeples, pitcher for the Lancaster Barnstormers • Lenise Spracher, owner of Pas de Chat dance studio • “Papa Gaga,” be er known as Dr. Gene Freeman, MTSD Superintendent. The winner of the Highest Fundraising trophy as well as the Best Dance trophy went to Brecht Elementary school’s Mike Azzalina, 2nd Grade teacher, and Jeff Illig,4th Grade teacher. Second place in both categories went to the Bucher Elementary team of Heidi Zook-Payne and Shawn Seibert. MTEF is pleased to announce that DWTS 2012 raised $42,593.02! All proceeds from this event are awarded back to the students and teachers of the Manheim Township School District in the form of grants for innova ve educa onal programs that are not covered under the regular school district budget. Programs that have been funded by DWTS proceeds include the MT Quiz Bowl teams, Ar st in Residency Programs, Biology Stream Studies, Odyssey of the Mind, the F1 Engineering Program, book grants for the classroom and many, many more! Please visit to view a list of the over $600,000 in grants that have been awarded since 1993. 2012 Winners! Brecht Elementary School teachers, Mike Azzalina and Jeff Illig
Alumni Involved
Cheering Coach Kim Banzoff, and Jay Ridinger, Class of 2007 and MT football coach
Linda (Torres) Peffley, Class of 2001 and MTHS teacher, and her partner, Greg Seiger
Upcoming Reunions
Class of 1962 MTHS class of 1962 is holding their 50th reunion the week-end of Sept. 7th & 8th 2012. Friday evening will be an informal get together at the Tennis&Yacht Club and a dinner on Saturday Sept.8th at the “Barn” at Overlook. Further informa on will be mailed during the month of May. We will also be taking a tour of the new high school on Saturday morning. A er receiving you invita on in May, if you have any ques ons, please contact: Thank you and hope to you see you all there.
Class of 1966 A 50th year reunion is planned for 2016! Stay tuned . . .
Class of 1967 It’s Class of 1967 reunion me again. We will be mee ng at a the Roseville Tavern at 7:30 on Friday evening, August 3, 2012, and having dinner and music at Barny’s (same place as 40th reunion) Saturday, August 4, 2012, 6-11 PM. Come on out and see everyone! For ques ons or to add your info to our mailing list, contact Sandra VanDusen at or 397-0496.
Class of 1978 Graduates of Manheim Township’s Class of 1978 are already planning for their 35th reunion. The main event will take place on the evening of June 29, 2013 at the Landis Valley Farm Museum. Organizers ask all 1978 classmates to save the date and also to spread the word. Informa on on the reunion and other weekend ac vi es will soon be available via Facebook and, a website now under construc on. In the mean me, a top priority is to obtain contact informa on for all classmates. Those reading this newsle er are asked to email and provide their married names (maiden if female), email address, home address, phone number and any other contact informa on they wish to convey. All informa on will be entered into a reunion database and remain confiden al. Planners hope you share their enthusiasm for the best 1978 class reunion ever! So please stay tuned, submit your contact informa on, and spread the word!
Class of 1987 The class of 1987 will be holding their 25th year reunion Fiday, October 5 2012 at a home football game against Cedar Crest. The next day there will be a tour of the new high school building followed by a happy hour buffet dinner at Conestoga Country Club from 6-10pm. For more informa on contact us at our Facebook page “Manheim Township High School Class of 1987” or contact Melissa Werner at
Class of ‘86 Reunion Class of ‘81 Reunion
grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
class contacts 1938 1939 1940 1942 1943 1944 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975
Mary Trimble Ralph Smith Mary “Polly” Walls Eshelman Dr. Henry Stauffer Marvin Shearer Arlene Templeton Pauline (Polly) Gibble Nat Netscher Gerry Sigle Peg & Tom Atkins Lois Morgan Carole Herr Lu enberger Robert Wertz Kent Strickler & Shirley McMinn Movita Groff Betsy Kelly Bill McCoy Charles Gaston Fred Schneider Linn Mar n Ed Waidley Jr Penny Morrow Long Marilyn Goddard Sander Bobbi Murphy Glass Donna Price Savage Priscilla Longenecker Hodecker Karen Weaver Fuerst Connie Orndorf Jeff Kirk Gille e Pa Gaston Dodson Walt Rowan Jeff Duke & Jamie Holbrook Karen Horning Becky Swarr Gotwalt & Bob LeMin Brad Harris Debbie Graham
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Darry Longenecker Joe Gallagher Jane Baker & Therese Schaller Angellini Kris e Sindorff Anita Liepa Ma ern Lynn Diamantoni Kim Sterner Sherri Beitzel Amy Wolverton Darrin & Lesley Shuss Foulk Sco & Shannon Campagna Melissa Deiter Werner Jim Zervanos & Dave Henneman Kris n Sponaugle Kopp Erin Pyo Kimberly Springer Wendy Sponaugle Booker Kris Pangburn Joy Poneros Christopher Wagenseller Stacy Kuhn Christa Yeager Mark Walz Sarah Baumgardner & Lauren Vajda Ellen Shen & Elizabeth Zell Kim Dang Kathleen Eager & Ka e Tsoflias Annikea Miller Aimee Jenesky & Maggie Deim Jared Itkowitz Ka e Calhoun C J Socie Martha Tahsler Reid Phillips Rachel Veronis
For class contact informa on, call or email Kim Draude at (717) 735-1751 or 12
you thank Thank you for your Support! Thank you to all of our donors! With your help, MTEF is able to con nue its mission of strengthening and enriching the varied educa onal experiences of Manheim Township students thru innova ve educa onal grants.
Dancing with the Streaks Supporters Alicia W. Reed All State Insurance Angelo’s Soccer Arigato Japenese Restaurant Atomic Design/ Rental of Li tz Bal more Life Barbara & Thomas Yingling Barley Snyder Barry Hogan Berries Beth & Louis Cesarone Blue Orchid Brightbill Transporta on Buck Motorsports Park Chris & Randy Haluck Chris ne Aronson Christopher J. Peterson Ciro’s Clair Brothers Costello Builders, Inc. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh Assoc. Design With Character Diane G. Palmer Donsco Incorporated Dr & Mrs. Lawrence R. Stender Dr. & Mrs. Robert Springer Dr. Thomas Winters ECW Marke ng Edward Carr, Jr. Fine Line Photography Georgelis Orthodon cs Gerbert Ltd. Gibbel, Kraybill & Hess
Glenna Kirchner H & F Tire Hagelgans & Veronis Hartman, Underhill & Brubaker Hear Here Hennessy & Assoc. Hitz Consul ng Integrity Bank Iron Hill Brewery Jen’s Po ery Den John and Hannah Bartges Kegal Kelin Almy & Grimm Kelly & Neil McCauley Kitchen Ke le Village Lanc. Otolaryngology Lancaster Barnstormers Lancaster County Motors, Inc. Lancaster Leaf Lancaster Neuro Science & Spine Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates Lanco Mini-Storage Center, Inc. LaPiazza Laura Begin Lawrence R. Stender, DDS Lisa Driendl Miller Loeffler-Pi Dental Associates Long Orthodon cs Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream & Treatery Meeder Devlpmt Co. Michael R. & Cindy Pavlica Michael T. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Randy Haluck Neptune Diner
Nicholas & Hohenadel Orthopedic Assoc. of Lancaster Olive Garden ParenteBeard Paul G. & Barbara Newman Phoenix Packaging Premiere Insurance Agency RBC Capital Markets Reidenbaugh PTO Richard H. & Nancy Brenton Robert A. & Kathryn Brandt Robert E. & Margaret Lee SKH Sonic State Farm Insurance Steven L. & Dana Kemper Subway Summit Advisory Susquehanna Glass The Blue que The General Su er Inn The Manheim Township School Board Thomas E. Stephenson, Jr. TICC, Inc Timothy & Jennifer Gaalswyk Trout Ebersole & Groff Universal Athle c Club William T. & Joi Monacci Worley and Obetz Your Language Connec on
Please consider providing support for educa onal programs not covered by the regular school district budget, by sending your check to MTEF, PO Box 5134, Lancaster, PA 17606-5134. grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
you thank EITC Business Donors Capital Advantage insurance Co. Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate Inc. Ephrata Na onal Bank Fulton Bank Giant Greystone Bank Highmark Inc. Jerome H. Rhoads Lancaster Leaf Tobacco Co. M.A. Brightbill Body Works Merck Partnership for Giving The VF Founda on Tomlinson Bomberger
Community Partners Albright & Thiry Orthodon cs Aun e Anne’s, Inc. Beth Cardwell Brent L. Miller Jewelers Caruso’s College Funding Advisors Hagelgans & Veronis Interstate Ba eries Lancaster County Motors Lancaster Nissan Lancaster Toyota Laser Dome Li tz Academy of Dance Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream & Treatery Mathnasium Orthopedics Associates Robert H. Ranck, Inc. Steven Do er Stoner, Inc The Inn @ Leola Village Wes ield
Other Thanks To: Envisions Enterprises Google Matching Gi Program 14
MTSD Staff Donors Lize e A. Anders Kathleen E. Arnold Dennis E. Baker Dellawanna M. Bard David M. Bear Sandra S. Beyer Rebecca C. Bisking Beth E. Bradnick Sara J. Bright Marcie A. Brody Michael J. Bromirski Gale M. Burkhart Christopher R. Burrowes Shu-Hua Chiu-Kent Kelli I. Euchus Brian E. Ellis Kurt E. Enck Kerri R. Frederick Robert E. Freeman Julie A. Frey Ami L. Gallo Sco D. Gehres Jill P. Greiner Tanya R. Heberling Laura G. Heikkinen Mary E. Hendrick Kaehla C. Hershey Michael J. Heverling Gail A. Huber Judith A. Johnson Mark D. Jordan Candace L. Kauffman Jennifer B. Kaufmann Robert J. Kennedy Tracy J. Kirchner LIllian H. Koch Karen E. Loke Rene B. Lamp Cynthia Longenecker
John A. Loose Christophe J. Manning Heidi B. Marshall Deborah A. Miehl Donald R. Miller Jan S. Minnich Deborah N. Mitchell Kris na M. Nissley Allison E. Noecker Barbara J. Peachey Kellyann P. Pulskamp Janet E. Purcell Francine E. Rickert David T. Rila Shawn P. Robbins Douglas R. Roehm Kresson S. Romanos Patricia Roscoe Jeanne R. Ryan Milagros Saez Drew R. Scheffey Kenneth B. Schoch Gregory S. Seiger Juliana E. Sergovic Judy L. Shertzer Douglas K. Sing Kimberly A. Steinman Emily K. Summers Marliese H. Summersgill Sheri L. Usner Jody M. White Timothy P. Williams Emily C. Wood Garre W. Woznicki Elaine R. Young Virginia M. Young Christopher M. Zander Patricia C. Zanghi Elnora Ziegler
Manheim Township Age Group Swim Program Merck Partnership for Giving
you thank thank
Alumni Donors
Jeannie Alexander Moshos Angela Douglas Ayer Daniel K. Bare Thomas III Beaver Bob & Julie Belser John Booske Darren Bovie Stacey Brennan Barbara Brooks Steven Bucklen Bonnie Dorsey Fred Engle Richard Feit Gregory Fishel Calvin Jr. Flury Glenn Forman Margaret Gerhard Philip Gerhard Jody Gi ell (Hoffer)
David Granger Suzanne Groff Barry Hauf Donald O. Henry Jim Hufford Linda Jacob Michael Kane Barbara Keith Dolores Kessler Kristen Kopp William Krantz Vickie Kutz Alan Loss David Mar n Sarah Mentzer Angela Moshos John W. Owen Tom Plihcik Walter Pogue R. Bradford Reynolds
Beverly Ru Chris ne Sable Leon Sample Lois Schrock Chip Seiple Dennis Sensenich Nancy Springer Richard Spro Steven Steinsnyder Mark Stoner Wayne Strasbaugh Michael Styer Jon Sweigart Nina Terelmes Mark Vogel Jack Vogel Christa Walck Anne Warner Chris ne Wolf
Please consider providing support for educa onal grants for students of the Manheim Township School District by making a gi using PayPal online. Simply go to www.mtef. net and click on the “Donate” tab.
In Memoriam Margaret “Peggy” Hower
Martha Stoner ‘34 Janet (Stolartz) Althouse ‘59 Judith (Keller) Showalter ‘59 Francis (Rubin) Schecter ‘59 Terry Spro ‘59 Ruth (Stumpf) Dice ‘60 Daniel Hahn ‘79
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 a re red teacher, Peggy Hower, passed away. Peggy worked at Manheim Township for many years as a physical educa on teacher and a hockey coach. She will be truly missed.
grants 4kids on manheim township high school alumni on
P.O. 5134 Lancaster, PA 17606
r The Manheim Township Almuni AssociaƟon partners with the Manheim Township EducaƟon FoundaƟon to provide grants for innova ve programs to benfit students of the Manheim Township School District. Please mail your tax deduc ble dona on to: Manheim Township Alumni Associa on c/o Manheim Township Educa on Founda on P.O. Box 5134 Lancaster, PA 17606
Or use our Online dona on services at Visit our website now at to view the exci ng programs made possible by you!