The Brand New Man Newsletter Teen Challenge of Baltimore, Maryland
April 2012
Giving to Teen Challenge
Was Dead, But Now I Am Alive In Christ
Teen Challenge of Baltimore is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit corporation; therefore, your gifts are tax-deductible. Because of your generous support, we offer low-cost services to those in need at a fraction of the cost of most substance abuse and prevention programs. Teen Challenge Needs Your Email Address: Because of the increasing cost of printing and postage, wherever possible we would like to communicate with you via email, our website, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Sending your email address to us will help us communicate faster and with less cost.
Matt Walsh My father died when I was almost five, but Mom worked hard to give us a good life, though we were poor. Despite mymom’ sbes tef f or t st or ai s e me right, I started smoking weed and drinking by age 13 to escape my bitter reality, Throughout high school I tried every drug I could get my hands on. Friends told me that God loved me and warned me
Please email us at: to request the digital Newsletter.
about hard drugs, but I ignored them. With all the bad things I had experienced, I had a hard time believing that God loved me, so I continued to use drugs regularly. In my late teens I fell in love with a girl, and because my focus and attention was so much on her, I would only drink or smoke weed occasionally. When she left me after five years, I was devastated. I jumped headfirst into drugs to ease the pain and heartache. After attending a 30-day program for OxyContin addiction. I stayed clean for two years but relapsed again. I suddenly realized that everything my friends had predicted was true; I was addicted to hard drugs. During the year before I came to Teen Challenge, I regularly shot up
Sign Up for Annual Teen Challenge Golf Tournament Monday, May 21, 2012
Inside this issue: Dead Man Now Alive
Golf Tournament Coming 1 Sidewalk Son-D School
Cuba Mission Trip
Impact Baltimore
New Building Fund
Volume 2: Issue 1
We are happy to announce our 9th Annual Teen Challenge Golf Tournament and Silent Auction, May 21st, 2012. The cost for a single player is $200, and a basic foursome is $800. There are a variety of business or organizational sponsorship opportunities available that can provide great advertising and PR, from a simple hole sponsor up to the Title Spon-
sorship at $8,500. This premium sponsor enters three foursomes of golf, 18 hole signs advertise the business, and a full-page color ad in our program. Ads are also available in our tournament program. The day includes a cook-out, an excellent dinner and the silent auction featuring some outstanding values. If you have items of value you would like to contribute to this fundraiser, please contact us by phone or email so arrangements can be made to list in the program. Please call Rick Merkle, event coordinator, at 410-382-6286 if you have questions about the tournament.
heroin intravenously. One month before coming to TC, I totaled my car, but walked away without a scratch. Two weeks later, I overdosed and was clinically dead for over a minute on the emergency room table. These events convinced me to change my life. My grandmother told me about Teen Challenge and I came seeking help. On the second night in the program, I gave my heart to God. The Lord has used Teen Challenge to change my entire life, and I am grateful for that. Now I understand His amazing plan for me and that He has a purpose for my life. My life verse is Colossians 1:21-22.
Sidewalk Son-D School
SSS officially kicks off on May 5th with weekly programs planned for Collington Square Park, Clifton Park, and Patters onPar k. I fy ou’ r ei nt er es t edi n being a part of this great outreach to the children of our city, either physically or financially, give us a call, email us, or go to our website for further details. Our SSS committee is meeting now.