Adinfinitum vol 2

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Editor’s Note


iariong Tagalog, published in 1882, is the first printed publication. It contains cries of anticipation of the unprivileged for changes towards better government during the Spanish times.

The existence of Diariong Tagalog before has affected many lives for good. It was the agent. It was like a rock that was thrown into the still water creating a countless effect – a ripple effect. Today there are a number of newspapers in the country. They serve as the country’s mirrors letting the common people know what is really going on. Newspapers have affected countless colonial periods and administrations to improve and earnestly serve the citizens. Ad Infinitum is one of the ripples created. As a school magazine, it ones with those purposes. All students serve as its caretakers. Occupying the station as I do, I amenably extend the responsibility on you to sustain it. Students are the immediate patrons of the Student Publication office. So when you want to say something to our school administration, do it here. When you want to be heard, do it here. When you want changes for our school, do it here. Be involved. Be heard. Be an insider.

Ruth Deborah Y. Tojong - Editor in Chief

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Magazine Team

Editor in Chief: Associate Editor: Managing Editor: Circulation Manager: Lay-out Artist:

Ruth Deborah Tojong Crystal Jade Busbos Rolando Gaspar Jr. Gabriel Medalla Kenny Abella

Adviser: Adhoc Adviser:

Dr. Cecilia Avellana Ronafe Galapin


Yelena Mae Taba Mark Angelo Paña Merli Grace Salazar Carlo Jarito Ronie Malinao

Photojournalist: Cartoonists:

Christian Jarito Arnel Bucles Romer Arradaza

Ad Infinitum magazine is published once in a semester by the Students of Eastern Visayas State University - Ormoc City Campus. All Rights Reserved. 2013


OPINION 5 6 7 8 8


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


Due to reluctance of fulfilling a certain task which is essential to our academic performance...


Mainstream media have this ”walang kinikilingan, walang pinoprotektahan”...


After long hours of class some instructors gives us some tasks as extension or elaborations...


The unwanted burden and underlying affliction must end.

FEATURE 10 12 16 20 21 24 26


“Heads!”--- You might probably have heared this many times in the fields of EVSU-OCC.


Due to the increasing price of tuition fees in college, many families are facing substantial challenges...


Every achievement.


Most gamers who had been addicted to a video game can probably relate to the fact...


Life is not a destiny, it’s a choice .


With the advent of K+12 program in the curriculum of education in the whole Philippines...

THERE’S MORE TO ENGINEERING Engineering Department is the center of engineering students in Ormoc City.







Students nowadays preferably want to enroll at an institution that provides quality education...

Who would have thought that an “annoying” student of EVSU-OCC who has been accidentally interested...

“We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn.“



With the countless range of technology releases last year, no wonder that 2012 is...


Tugob adds to the long list of festivals celebrated annualy in Eastern Visayas.





36 38

The Supreme Student Government officers of EVSUOCC would like to extend our sincerity and heartfelt gratitude...





40 41 42

I have seen a post on Facebook that earned the rants and raves of younger Filipino users. It was about a Korean actress who mimicked American, British and Filipino English on a TV (talk) show. They consider the whole video clip insulting especially as not all Filipinos speak English that way. With the influence of the media and internet young Filipinos can more spontaneously speak English with the accent of a native speaker, even when they have not set foot on the native speaker’s country. But of course there is a generation of Filipinos who speak English differently. Blame it on the inadequacies of the educational system of their time, the lack of facilities and their having to sit under teachers who are also non native English speakers. But the video to me was not necessarily insulting. On the contrary, I feel honored that unknowingly, we are evolving a different kind of English but which is understood and accepted by other people. For a people who are multilingual, with every region having a different language, to be considered as having a language that is peculiar to us is quite an honor. The nationalists may frown at this, but it is a fact that if two Filipinos don’t understand each other in their respective languages, they resort to English. That is regardless of whether or not they could produce the appropriate sounds of the language. And who knows Filipino speakers of English may just as well in the future influence how the language is spoken globally. For a language that is dynamic and growing, change is inevitable. Only dead languages can not change. As for English which is an international language, and is the language of science and technology nobody can really tell which direction it is changing. Nowadays one can observe many indicators of these changes. Some can be attributed to the advent of technology and which hard core grammarians may find objectionable. I have heard from many, utterances like “Please message me if you need any help” “I texted you but you did not reply” “Please accept my invite.” and many more. Well I am naturally treading on the more subtle changes of language as influenced by technology. More fearsome is the development of jejemon, which is internet slang, prevalent among internet users and text message senders not only in the Philippines but other Asian countries. And while the video clip referred to the varying accents of British, American and Filipino users of English, not to changes in semantics or syntax and other aspects of language, I would say it is still part of the way we use the language here in our country. We may influence language change or be influenced by the menacing comments others have about the way we speak English. So what? It is still English, regardless of how far different it sounds from American or British English. It is Filipino English. What is important is that it serves its purpose of communication whether at the local or international level. Please look up: korean actress lee dahae insulted Filipinos watch?v=D03qGvExXtM

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| Romer Arradaza


Institutional Problem: School facilities “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela


owadays, it is undeniable that education plays a big role not just for the development of the youth but also for the growth of the different sectors of our economy. Education means a lot for today’s generation. Subsequently, a student with better learning experiences, has far greater chances in landing a good job. This is the student who is developed totally; who learns all theories in life that would somehow be a tool for a meaningful life; who has concepts and disciplines that are necessary and that have been honed through a school where facilities adequately give effective trainings and useful practicum. It is inevitable that laboratory experiments and practical are part of the curriculum for the students to better understand the lessons they are taking up. Here goes the role of school facilities. What really are school facilities? School facilities are all the concrete things seen

around the school premises designed or created to provide a service or fulfill the needs of students. It includes lecture rooms, laboratory buildings (computer laboratories and laboratories under each course), chairs, sports equipment, etc. that help students obtain real learning experiences. Our school owns (let us say) a number of facilities. Unfortunately, these facilities are still not enough to cater all students. Apparently, we have inadequate school facilities and here are the two major reasons why we have this institutional problem: Low tuition fee. Having a tuition fee of approximately less than 10,000.00 every semester is not enough to buy satisfactory facilities as there are three existing departments. Each has different laboratories and needs types of equipment. Also, the maintenance of such facilities involves monetary value. Another is the students themselves who need to put in their cooperation in maintaining these facilities. It is observed that some facilities are destroyed and damage through reckless use or treatment of such. It seems like they put their grudge against the professors and instructors unto school properties

not knowing they will be the one to bear the brunt. When existing facilities are damaged or worse, destroyed, it would mean a need to purchase again. Facilities are provided for a reason –to let the students practically evaluate knowledge, put into practice all the lessons learned, and to attain broader realm of knowledge. Without school facilities, the application of learned lessons hangs in jeopardy. It’s like a student learns everything yet too hollow to understand everything. Not having enough facilities may lead to what Albert Einstein said: If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. Learning can be on its fullest potential when there are enough (and of quality) facilities to explore upon, just like a treasure hunter who sets out to finds the way to riches but nonetheless finds no gold but beauty of nature. The true mark of education is a well-founded learning in all aspects of life since it is a treasure to be kept. It is said to be something that cannot be borrowed, pawned, or stolen. It is inherited and passed on from generation to generation.

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Straight to the Point | Gabriel Medalla

Procrastination: Hinders A ca demic Succes s Due to reluctance of fulfilling

of replacing high-priority actions with

Another cause of procrastination is the

a certain task which is essential to

tasks of lower-priority or less value.

planning fallacy. In Wikipedia, planning

our academic performances, we are

In other words, putting things off for

fallacy is the act of underestimating

justifying procrastination to ourselves

tomorrow. We will be called procrasti-

the time required to analyze research.

and may result in devastation of our

nators, when we are reluctant in doing

We are given a certain period of time

entire life.

our projects, assignments and other

just to finish a certain task but there is

tasks that we have to do. It really para-

something that rolls over our minds----

paperwork including researches and

lyzes us in the sense that we cannot

the method of “cramming”. That is why

each task has a corresponding dead-

make use of our whole potentialities

not all of us can finish a task abruptly.

line. But then, we believe that the best

because it damages our whole person-

Some may submit projects after dead-

time to work is when we are under

ality and our upcoming bright future.

lines, which professors kindhearted

We are confronted with much

pressure. This then results to create a

as they are accept, as they want the

motivation of postponing. As we dig

tinator. There was a time when our

deeper into this bad habit, we may find

instructor gave us a research project

that there might be as many conse-

but I underestimated the time that was

mention a friend who quoted in her

quences of such practice. Let me start

allotted to us and then I found myself

text message: The lesser we do today,

with an example: We are given a defi-

doing nothing while my classmates

the more we have to do tomorrow. Do

nite task but we set it aside thinking

were busy doing the project. As the

not put off things until tomorrow what

we have much time. But this eventually

day of submission neared, I was not

you can achieve today. It made sense

leads to cramming and often results

able to put all my best effort to it since

and points out about procrastination.

to the decision of not passing such as-

I did not have much time anymore. I

Now, with all the cramming and in

signments on the day of submission. It

was practically cramming in the little

probable failures caused by procrasti-

is undeniable that we are accustomed

time that was left.

nating, would you still choose to put

to this habit. Another is when our pro-

Obviously, some students are

student to pass after all. To wrap up my point, let me

off things for tomorrow?

fessors give us projects or assignments

suffering from “student syndrome.”

in a reasonable period of time but we

This syndrome refers to instances

solve procrastination is to set priorities,

are blinded with something that is

wherein the students usually set their

since we are still students we have the

mirthful and this causes us to put off

attentions first in jamming moments

luxury of time. It is a must to spend

important tasks to a later time. Then in

rather than working on assignments

time wisely and effectively. Do away

that sense procrastination has already

and research projects.

from things that can rob you of your

enthralled us. But what is procrastina-

According to Sigmund Freud, the

I would say that only way we can

focus. The best way to solve procrasti-

tion telling us all about? Does it really

pleasure principle might be respon-

nation is to stay away from delight and

damage our whole individuality? As a

sible of procrastination. According to

enjoyment instead let your to-do-list

student, in what way does procrastina-

him, “Humans do not prefer negative

push you and you will not leave right

tion harm us?

emotions, and handling off a stressful

things undone.

Procrastination refers to the act

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I, for once, became a procras-

task until a further date is enjoyable.”


AS FOR ME | Ruth Deborah Tojong

Biased Media A

Mainstream media have this

balance of news is still present as it is

endorsing a former CJ,what I mean is,

“walang kinikilingan, walang pino-

part of the Journalist’s Code of Ethics.

some writers are unconsciously biased.

protektahan” (none favored, none

Moreover, a campus journalist

However, student writers and

protected) motto. They have this

who favors the side of the students is

students should have a give-and-take

“straight and objective news” service to

a CJ who is in the right track primar-

relationship. The support for each

the public. But campus journalism is a

ily because campus journalism is a

other is present in order to come up

bit different, I would say that CJ is not

student publication. Students run it,

with an effective campus publication.

just about getting the two sides of the

students fund it, and students read it.

So when a staff wants your opinion,

story and writing the (objective) news,

The writer’s way of extracting

never hesitate to give it or to air it out

it’s about writing its impact to the stu-

news also makes it biased. Let me

because a CP is not about the student

dents. This makes it a biased media.

present an excerpt from campus news

writers alone, it’s more about you—

of the vol.1 no.1 of The Observer:

students. Also, when you are asked

We don’t always go for “good publicity” for the campus; we go

On his speech he emphasized the

for an article, pass a persuasive one,

for the interest of the students. To

magnitude of the school for being the

further illustrate, I’d say that when

only Institution in the city which offers

students complain for the unconducive

quality education at a very affordable

(for learning) classrooms, unquali-

tuition fee, thus helping the less fortu-

fied teachers or not enough school

nate parents who can’t afford to send

writers and students should sustain

facilities, we go with them. I am not

their children to private schools.

each other is because the campus

suggesting that Campus Journalists

The use phrase “being the only”

something that calls for an action. Do not let The Observer die again. Another reason why student

publication is the medium of the

are rebellious and all that, as long as

suggests that EVSU-OCC is the “sole”

students in expressing their views and

decency is present, we do it. In this way

institution in the city where parents


the publication better serves the as a

should be sending their children to.

mirror of the campus and its publish-

Now the use of the word “very” some-

that it does not matter if you are

ers - students.

how indicates the said campus has the

biased,what matters is who you are

lowest tuition fee among all schools in

biased for. Campus journalists write for

the city.

the students and students express their

In our voxpop section, we don’t ask the opinions of the school administrators (why would we, they are the

To expound, “writers use such

I learned from a convention

ideas through us.

administrators in the first place.) We

(bias) phrases because of the possibil-

give favor to the students, now this is

ity of hinting at a meaning without

view and undeniably this helps create

This is what I perceive. This is my

what makes it even more a biased me-

committing themselves (Bias words,F.A.

the facts about campus journalism.

dia. Let me clarify that the fairness and

Philbrick).” I am not refuting nor

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Request Line

Make it Write

| Merli Salazar

| Rolando Gaspar Jr.

Homework: Harmful or Helpful?

After long hours of classes, some

However, let us look at the very

instructors gives us some tasks as an

reason why homework is given. Home-

extensions or elaborations of classroom

work is one of the strategies for teaching

works. This may include long hours of

and learning as proven by research. I, for

reading, writing or typing and solving

once, used to consider it a burden but

problems or even practicing some skills

my attitude towards it changed. I real-

taught earlier in class. It consumes a

ized that homework is my helping tool.

considerable amount of time and effort;

It affords me to broaden my knowledge

these are enough grounds to stay late

and gives me room to evaluate my pre-

at night.

sent achievements.

The thought of doing even more

Homework is part of schooling

schoolwork after a tedious day at the

and it must be dealt with. Because of it, I

campus seems to overwhelm us. That is

learned the importance of time manage-

why homework is cited as “grind work

ment. Furthermore, one of my acquaint-

designed to take up student’s time with-

ances told me “doing a thing for a day is

out offering tangible effects.” It is sug-

not enough, you have to evenly spread

gested that homework is not to be given

your time within your responsibilities.” I

to students because they won’t be able

prioritized my time to studies but I also

to do it for the very reason that they

have to consider how to manage time to

are already exhausted. This may sound

be intentionally productive.

irrational but the best way to develop

I would say that building character

a student’s study habit is to give them

is the important by-product of doing

some time to relax and get ready for

homework. I would acknowledge that it

another day. Besides homework keeps

assists me in cultivating self-discipline

students from doing their assigned

and sense of responsibility. Also, I

household chores. Responsibilities are

gain self confidence that I can start to

left untouched because homework is

do things on my own. Homework is

keeping our feet tied within our study

designed not to give stress but rather


to teach us to be mature in facing life. We also have our responsibility

Besides, studies show that students who

in our home but we tend to finish the

usually do homework are more success-

homework and do chores after. This

ful in life than those who don’t.

would mean “work after work.” But we

The next time we face another

know that “all work no play makes John

bunch or piles of schoolwork, let us

a dull boy.” The point here is that much

consider it a challenge. May we also

work can lead to loss of interest (in

realize that the way we think about our

learning). Thus a student would either

tasks can affect the way we respond to

just copy another student’s homework

it. So let us be optimistic. If we are go-

or be absent in class so he can have an

ing to do this, rest assured that being a

alibi for having no homework. Ironically

responsible student is more enjoyable in

speaking too much work can be both

an educational way.

delightful and dreadful

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“The unwanted burden and underlying affliction must end. Don’t get ruined, stop bullying!” Aside from the stress of academic works and extra-curricular activities, unfortunately some students bear an additional burden --bullying. This often takes place during childhood days but not only then does this exist. Laughing at the mistakes of others, vocally criticizing the physical appearance or even the unusual behavior, and misnomers (tagging/calling someone with something other than his own name) are just few of the most common forms of bullying. This public misconduct starts to be a norm to some group of people in our campus. Only few of us have realized this and this is one of the factors that make up such problem. I know that teasing is part of growing up and that almost everyone will have to experience it. But at what point may it be considered harmful? When it becomes bullying. Teasing becomes bullying when it is repeatedly done with conscious intent to hurt. Furthermore, it is a form of repeated instance of aggressive behavior in which a bully intentionally abuses, intimidates, manipulates and causes discomfort to others; perhaps on the grounds of race, religion, sexuality or ability. People bully others to make themselves feel superior. They probably have low self-esteem and often fail in


Unleash a BULLY-FREE


other aspects of life. Most of them are bully victims themselves. The first line of defense against

point, it can ruin the lives of the victims.

Until one day she tweeted, “I can’t,

Hence, the cumulative effects and

I’m done, I give up.” Days after that

negative lifelong consequences, both

wide-spreaded tweet, her dead body

the bully is not retaliation but rather to

for the bullies and the victims, could be

was recovered in front of the train. She

behave well where they have behaved

devastating. Academic failures, social life

jumped over the railway. Her friend

badly. To cause the same experience

obliteration, lack of self-worth, depres-

Alissa Compitello pointed out that the

unto others is not the most effective

sion, physical harm, and even death

relentless bullying Felicia dealt in school

answer; in fact it will only worsen the

(according to statistics) are such.

had driven her to take her own life. “She

situation. I would say that this is not best

Let me share real-life stories with

was bullied... She wouldn’t have done

remedy. But whenever kindness doesn’t

you. You might have heard already

it if she wasn’t bullied”, Alissa tweeted.

seem to work, then it’s time that you tell

about Amanda Todd, a Canadian teen

Her friends hardly believed what she has

someone who could help. The concept

who posted soundless, black and white

done because she was a good kid. “She

of someone in the authority failing to

video showing one card after another.

was never upset, that’s the thing. None

address the problem is simply not ac-

Each card painfully sinking the viewer

of us saw this coming” added Alissa who

ceptable. However, grade-school days

into the anguish too many teens have

also revealed that Felicia was bullied

are over, which also means you can no

experienced. “I’ve decided to tell you

because “She was different”.

longer rely on reporting such incidences

about my never ending story,” she

to the school superior and even to your

said. Months after that video gained

they choose to tragically end their lives,

parents. Well here’s the news. You can

thousands of views, her struggles with

leaving unresolved wounds behind for

help yourself from being stuck into that

anxiety and depression brought about

those who were unable to stop it. So

lame role. School life is too good to be

by cyber bullying was ended. She took

here’s the probe: how many more lives

ruined by bullies.

her own life. She was 15.

must be wasted before something seri-

I say, boost your self-esteem. That

As I was watching the video, I had

When victims see no way out,

ous is to be done?

way, you can easily resist them by any

no idea that I am to be led on the most

As for self-expression, we should

means because you believe you don’t

agonizing journey, one that pushed the

reserve for ourselves the right to point

deserve it. Therefore, you will never al-

premier of British Columbia to issue a

and laugh at someone. Making fun or

low them to do it to you no matter what.

stern warning against bullying. It even

beating up on others gets you nowhere

Remember, there are only two kinds of

birthed numerous Facebook pages with

in life.Bullying is not a funny matter.

people; those who make it happen, and

thousands of people commenting and

Thus, it needs to stop. It’s either you are

those who let it happen.

offering condolences. I was even one

part of the solution or you are part of

of the 554k people who “Liked” one of

the problem. Let’s stop bullying before

that makes it really difficult to eradicate?

these pages (

it stops us.

A vast contribution from bullies who


Moreover, what is it in bullying

have mastered the art of creating awk-

Felicia Gracia, 15, has another

ward and embarrassing moments keeps

story. In social media, she had written

it going. Similarly, if someone condones

the details on how long she had been

bullying, they are actually taking part

disturbed by school bullies. Her posts

of it. You may not know it but, at some

were becoming increasingly intense.

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| Roentgen Clark Yray & Thomas Mari Mosquera

“Heads!” ---You might probably have heard this many times in the fields of EVSU. By the time you have heard someone shouts this, it’s best that you’ve covered your head or have ducked ‘cause you might get hit by the newest craze in town that slowly taking the Azkals out of bounds---- the sport for the fast and the furious’-----The Ultimate Frisbee! It’s the ultimate sport ever created.

In the Philippines, this new sport is now gaining popularity amongst the athletic sectors in the country. Curious and you want to learn more about Ultimate Frisbee, or “Ultimate” as what it’s fondly called? Here are some important insights that you need to know about the game itself to give you heads up of the game.

THE BASICS Ultimate is best described as mixture of many different sports but primarily, it is more

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of a fusion of the athletic endurance and player movement in the field of soccer, transitions and quick turnovers of basketball, and the aerial passing skills of football. It is played in a 64 by 37 meter rectangularshaped field with end zones of 18 meters deep at each end, in which it is almost the same as a football field. Typically, the game is played with a maximum of seven players in each opposing team. Three are called handlers which are usually more skilled at catching and throwing. The other four are called cutters. They move back and forth vertically between the end zone and the handlers. Their job is to open up or “cut” for the handlers and to pass the disc onto other players on the field. The primary objective of the game is simple: to work your way down the field by passing the disc back and forth to teammates while avoiding opposing player’s defense until it reaches to the opposing end zone and catching a pass in that end zone.

For the sake of being more thorough, here are some of the basic but important rules of the game: • At the start of each point each team lines up to their respective end zones where the team on defense throws (or in other words “pulls”) the disc to the offensive team. The team on offense then passes the disc to one another while defense attempts to intercept the disc or to cause a drop to the other team, preventing them from advancing towards the end zone. In the event that the team in defense is successful in preventing a pass (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block or “D”, interception), the team on defense immediately takes possession of the disc and instantly becomes the offense. • Sometimes players in possession of the disc tend to hold onto to it just to stall the game so whenever this happens a defender takes the responsibility of making the stall count of ten in order to prevent that player from holding on to the disc for far too long. If the thrower does not

Feature get rid of or pass the disc within those ten counts, it is considered a turnover. • Players are also not allowed to run while in possession of the disc, but may pivot around to make a pass to any of his or her teammates on the field. Like in basketball, violation of this rule results to a travel. • Players not in the game may substitute players in the game only after each point and during an injury timeout. • Players should maintain a disk distance between them, preventing body contact. When a player initiates contact on another player, a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone. Picks and screens are also prohibited.

THE SPIRIT OF THE GAME Similar to any other sports, Ultimate always stresses a strong sense of sportsmanship among players for they are responsible for their own fouls and line calls. There are no whistle blowing referees in the game itself. Ultimate is known distinctively for its ethos on the “Spirit of the Game” (a tradition of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on the players rather than on the on the referees). “The integrity of ultimate depends on each player’s responsibility to uphold the Spirit of the game, and this responsibility should remain paramount.” (from the Preface of the Official Rules of Ultimate) The following is also a description of how the sport takes reverence to its core values: “Ultimate has traditionally relied upon a spirit of sportsmanship which places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of the bond of mutual respect between

players, adherence to the agreed upon rules of the game, or the basic joy of play. Protection of these vital elements serves to eliminate adverse conduct from the Ultimate field. Such actions as taunting of opposing players, dangerous aggression, intentional fouling, or other ‘win-at-allcosts’ behavior are contrary to the spirit of the game and must be avoided by all players.” (from the Official Rules established by USA Ultimate) Most tournaments also give credits and awards to the teams who are the most spirited in the game, as voted by all the teams taking part in the tournament.

THE BENEFITS Ultimate is acknowledged to be one of the most demanding sports in the world for it requires endurance and skill just to play the game. But, it also brings about many benefits that would surely make you come back and play the game even more. • First of all the game doesn’t really demand many types of equipment. All you really need is just a playing field and a disc, and you’re ready to play. • In the aspects of physical fitness, the game itself helps you get into shape; exercising your arms as you execute more and more throws thus building it up to a more firm and muscular tone. Running is also a crucial element of the game hence it burns more of your calories in the body and it also exercises your legs as you continuously move around the field as the game is being performed. Your circulatory system then operates double time to compensate for your continuous motion, resulting to a better blood circulation, endurance and muscle power. • The game itself also provides a safer and risk free environment. So you don’t have to worry of getting hurt as you enjoy the game. Unlike its ancestor sport soccer where contact injuries and many other concussions can occur

during a game, Ultimate almost eradicates all those risks for the rules of the game include that no physical contact is allowed in the game. If circumstances like this would take place, well, you can just call for a foul on your opponent. • Finally, it also promotes the improvement on the social aspects like camaraderie, group coordination, sportsmanship and many others. Social interactions made by the sport do not limit within the team but also with other teams, and this is made possible by competing in “hats” and in other official tournaments. As teams compete with each other, and with the uplifting of the Spirit of the Game, players gain mutual respect and bond between them and thus, enjoying the delight of playing the game.

AS A SPORT Despite of the athleticism, stamina, skill and coordination required to play Ultimate, many neither respect it nor consider it as a sport. In 2001, a major milestone occurred where the game was included in the World Games for the first time as a full medal sport. Yet, an Olympic status would likely change its perception by the general public from what many currently regard as a “hippie sport” to a real full pledge mainstream sport. And before it can be eligible to be an Olympic sport, it must first experience a tremendous increase in popularity on the international level. Nevertheless, because of its rapidly rising popularity around the world, I can tell that it will soon become recognized as an Olympic sport someday. At a glance, you may view the game as dreary. Initially, that’s how I thought of it the first time. But once I got the chance to try for myself, I realized the reason behind the craze. I can definitely assure you, that when you get the chance to try it, you’ll be begging for more. So what are you waiting for? Play Ultimate now and find out what makes it Ultimate Sport!

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price pay


to | Rolando Gaspar Jr.


ue to the increasing price of tuition fees in college, many families are facing substantial challenges in financing their children’s education. The growing number of out-of-school youth is a consistent proof that the financial burden of college tuition is significantly rising. Statistics shows that as one response to this hindrance, students are working while in college. Consider our fellow EVSUans Gekyll Bajo, a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering student and Adrian Donayre, a Bachelor of Secondary Education student, they do not see poverty as a hindrance to education. They have been working since they were in college to help cover expenses. Their earnings undoubtedly help to alleviate their families’ financial struggle to pay for college in the short run. But the extent of working while in college raises important questions. In particular, what is the over-all effect of work? Does it have a beneficial effect in the long run by building discipline and strong work ethics in students, or does it have a deleterious effect by diverting student’s effort from schoolwork? The empirical evidence denotes that the answers depend on how much a student works (full time vs. part time), what type of job he has, and its relation to academic environment (an on-campus vs. an off-campus).

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Feature GAINS





and being


are just few of the benefits I’ve acquired through working.”

Student employment can be a positive experience. Say for instance, some workers may gain experience from their job that helps them in classroom or in their career fields after college. “Broader knowledge, initiative, self-discipline and being productive are just few of the benefits I’ve acquired through working.” said Adrian. On-campus jobs may build their connections to academic departments or the community at large which in turn may make collegians more likely to stay in school. It will also engage them into productive activities rather than being hooked in mass media (T.V, online games) or hanging out. “I’m sure that I can handle time-management now more than ever,” he added. They are more motivated to complete the degree with flying colors than their nonworking peers because they have a higher understanding on how important education is. Moreover, working provides the student with the opportunity to view the working environment in advance and develop professional contacts that may help them land a job after graduating. Their part-time job during college might lead to a full-time position after graduation. It also offers the opportunity to gain insights into the adult working world, witnessing and being a part of an exchange of perspectives, ideas and protocol, that shapes the professional work environment. Even if their jobs are not related to the student’s career path, they will still develop work related competencies and many work place skills that are transferable to any career sector. Thus, when an employment position comes down to several candidates with the same educational qualifications, employers are more inclined to hire the graduate who has work place experience. Having a job while attending college gives the potential employer an impression that you are able to manage your time, stay organized, work hard and do multi-tasking.

DRAWBACKS Accomplishing this admirable endeavor can be beneficial to the dedicated student. However, drawbacks are also present in this high-paced and driven lifestyle. Negative effects typically arise because hours spent at work takes time away from studying which may lead to less attractive post-college opportunities or taking longer time to graduate

and even dropping out of college. According to Gekyll, some of the challenges they have encountered were time conflict and the confusion of what is really needed to be prioritized. “There came a time that I really had to choose between going to work and attending to school. I was even thinking of giving up either.” said Gekyll. “But at some point in time, I have realized that I am working to sustain my studies but why should my studies be hampered most of the time because of the demand of the work? If only my parents were able to send me to school without making me work, I would have focused my studies and make it as my top priority”, she added. Furthermore, working interferes with a student’s ability to participate in various extracurricular activities such as sports, school events, and organizations. Additionally, burnout is likely to occur if the student is unable to spend time for socialization or personal interests. The point to where student employment moves from being beneficial to being counterproductive may vary from time to time, But it is for certain that earning while learning may impair either student’s work performance or academic performance that will have a modest impact to the lifetime gains from completing college. For these students, the research suggests that, if possible, it may be prudent to find other ways of financing college like private or academic scholarship programs inside or outside the campus. With that, they can maintain their academic performance, complete their degrees, and thereby reap the long-term benefits of a college education. Adrian has already graduated recently while Gekyll is now graduating. Both decided to leave the leading food chain they were working into in order to prioritize the nearcoming of their educational attainment. Enjoying education without the need to work for the tuition fee is indeed a thing to be thankful of. There are a lot of youth out there aspiring to study but are unfortunately financially incapable. Put that in mind and be motivated to strive harder and earn grades that might as well qualify for scholarships or to show gratitude to those who send you to school. Hard as it may seem but nothing is impossible through hard work. It isn’t how little you learn that matters but how anxious you are to learn. After all, the price to pay will be the price worth paying for.

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ScieTech With the countless range of technology releases last year, no wonder that 2012 is treated as another successful year in the vicinity of tech market.

| Kenny Abella 2012 simply ended just like the way on

how the previous years ended. Well maybe it is not the year that you have always wanted but surely — it is the best year for some people who are craving for what is fresh on the tech front. Numerous numbers of high-end technological advancement has been released last year from sleek tablets to nifty smartphones and drop down to Ultrabook ‘till OS (Operating Systems). So as the year 2012 successfully ended, let us take a look back on top 5 remarkable tech releases that banged the people’s wallet.

HP Envy Spectre

Asus Padfone

Fourth place in the list is the Asus Padfone. Originally written off as a funny turn from the Taiwanese firm, the Asus Padfone is a retooling of the Atrix’s “Thunderbird 2”. It is a dualcore Android smartphone that docks seamlessly into its mothership to become an Ice Cream Sandwich OS tablet. The screen grows to 10.1 inches together with an extended battery life which makes you to efficiently have two great gadgets for just the price of one. Not just that! You can even plug the Asus Transformer Prime’s keyboard in to turn it into a laptop. To make this even more astounding, the PadFone Station uses the PadFone’s 3G connection for internet access. Therefore, what you’ll only need is just one data plan for two devices and that translates to a whole lot of savings every year!

They push the boundaries of what a PC can be. The HP Envy14 Spectre, a premium Ultrabook designed for those who expect the extraordinary. This premium Ultrabook defies conventional design with an unparalleled use of glass inside and out. What’s the good thing about this product? Simple! It is tough, scratch resistant, 20 millimeters thin and just under 4 pounds that never weighs you down.

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iPhone 5

Windows 8

People in the PC world were totally shaken as few would have thought that Microsoft makes a Windows refresh after the Windows Vista easily clogged out the arteries of the PC world then it comes to have Windows 7 and Windows Phone Mango which slightly wanders into town and revitalised Microsoft’s image. Microsoft considered this as the next step of an integrated operating system which is designed to work seamlessly across portable, touchscreen devices and desktop/laptop PCs with the WP7- style “Metro” tile interface holding it all together – Start button RIP. Base on its consumer preview, it is the first truly next-generation OS that we have as of 2012.

Soaring up on the first rank of our hit list is the ever intriguing iPhone 5 that happens to have the longest queue of customers that are longing for the latest version of iPhone. This release of Apple Company is packed up of Dual-band 802.11n wireless connectivity that accelerates your Wi-Fi experience up to 150 Mbps. It also support more networks all over the world and that includes advanced networks such as HSPA, HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA so you can now download and stream content at ultra-fast speeds within your palm. This gadget features a 4-inch display designed the right way: it’s bigger, but it’s the same width as iPhone 4S. So everything that you’ve always done with one hand — typing on the keyboard for instance — you can still do with one hand. On a larger canvas that will let you see more of every web page, more of your inbox, more events on your calendar and even more apps on your Home screen. This isn’t just a larger display. It has also a larger Retina display as stunning as the Retina display on the iPhone 4S which gives you 18 percent more pixels for an impressive 1136x640 resolution. At 326 pixels per inch, the pixel density is quite high that even your eye can’t distinguish individual pixels. Colours get a boost too, with colour saturation that’s 44 percent greater than before. So with iPhone 5, the games you play, the words you read, the images you see and the apps you love to look and feel is incredibly vivid and lifelike. For big-time entertainment, iPhone 5 lets you watch widescreen HD video in all its glory — without letterboxing.

HTC one X

One of the first smartphones to launch with Ice Cream Sandwich OS, the HTC One X, is one of the most powerful Android mobile of the year 2012. Together with its 1.5GHz quad-core processor that has topped off by a 4.7-inch 720p screen and an eight-mega pixel camera with dedicated imaging chip which happens to paired with a very canny collaboration, your outdoor lifestyle will never be hooked up. And to add that up, HTC One X is also bound up with Beats Audio that handles the audio for you together with the Dropbox software for a smoother cloud storage experience.

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Grace behind Sugarcane’s

Tugob Queen | Crystal Jade Busbos

LEFT: Allen Flores flashes her sweetest smile towards the lenses as she was hailed the second runner-up. ABOVE: EVSU-OCC’s Sugarcane Queen in the making.

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very achiever has a tale to tell. Some are raised Some are raised from humble beginnings while others are born fortunate. Either way, our very own Tugob queen surely has something to impart as she reigns upon the limelight in both beauty and intellect. The selection for the muse of our sugarcane contingent was stringent. There was a thorough room-to-room search conducted by Mr. Guillermo Sudomia (Head, Student Affairs) himself. To be qualified, one ought to be tall, witty, smart, and pretty. Eventually, in one of the rooms at the Technology Department, with approximately forty students, he spotted one particular lady who met the qualifications. She was a five-feet-two-inches-morenachinky-lady, Miss Allen Dausan Flores. This BSHRT student was raised at SabangBao, Ormoc City by her mother Lucita Udtohan and stepfather Eric Udtohan. Despite being novice to such an event, Flores proved herself when, among 12 ladies, she was hailed second runner up during the Search for Tugob Festival Queen 2012 last October 17 at Ormoc City Superdome. In this issue, Ad Infinitumtook part of the celebration by listening to her experiences. AI: Being a first timer, how does it feel to compete and represent our school? Allen Flores: I felt nervous but at the same time so lucky for being chosen to represent our school. Some of my co-finalists already have experiences in pageants unlike me but I did not consider it as a reason not to stand out, instead this gave me the courage to project my very best in the prestigious event. AI: What were the major circumstances that you encountered before, during, and after the event? Allen Flores: During the practice, I felt so down with myself. I always thought about something that made me weak. But through the help and support of my family, friends, classmates, and most of all, the

Lord, I was able to gain self-confidence. However, the negativity in me lingered through the pageant night. AI: Did you expect to win? Allen Flores: Considering that my cocandidates already have experiences and thinking that they were way better than me, I would say that I did not expect to win. Allow me to say that I did not aim to win the crown, all I was after was to represent my school and to show to everyone that I am proud to be an EVSUan, wishing that my co-students felt the same way too. AI: How did it feel when you were announced as the 2nd runner up? Allen Flores: I was a bit shocked because I really did not expect to win. For me, it was already a big achievement for a first timer and for someone like me with no experience and cues in joining a pageant. But, all the hard work that I gave in the event was all worth it. The other contestants were all pretty. It was not that easy to compete with them. Pero, bahalana ang show, ‘Te basta kay maningkamot nalang ko. Win or lose, but, at least I did my best. AI: What have the Tugob Festival made you realize or what have you learned in joining the event? Allen Flores: I learned a lot. It’s importance. How the Tugob Festival promoted the Tourism here in Ormoc City, the abundance, and uses of its resources and to how it contributed to people outside Ormoc City, and most of all, we, Ormocanons. In joining the event, personally, it helped me develop my confidence, and to show what’s hidden in me.

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Cover Story

Gratitude A celebration of

| Ruth Deborah Tojong

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Cover Story


ugob adds to the long list of festivals celebrated annually in Eastern Visayas. It is Ormocanon’s way of expressing appreciation for all the blessings poured into the humble city and this is what makes it unique among the 22 beautiful and colorful festivals in the region. There are 12 abundant riches magnificently featured this year. These treasures helped the city rise from the 1991 calamity that once devastated it. But the resources are just the instruments, what really builds Ormoc is its people laden with hope, gratitude, charity and persistence to move on to a glorious and more abundant life.

THE FESTIVAL AND THE CITY The celebration of Tugob falls on the charter day of the city. This year, the city celebrates its 65th birthday. It is a day of grand celebration,

a day of gathering of all the Ormocanon and a day of service as many people shared their talents and devoted their time to make the festival possible. The Tugob Festival is one sure indication of the progress of the city. It is impossible to hold an event as pompous as the Tugob Festival without financial back up. Besides the many committees and business establishments who worked side by side to make the different events successful, the local government reportedly earned 417 million income last year, enabling it to spend for other necessary expenses involved in the Tugob Festival. This is yet another blessing to be thankful for. It is hoped that the festival will become a yearly event, and this would surely boost the city’s tourism. Maybe one day it will attain the stature of the famous Sinulog festival of Cebu.

THE COSTUMES It was a feast of gay and vibrant colors

as the contingents flaunted their costumes that show the abundant resources they were representing. It was such a sight to behold as there were also props that supplemented the costumes. Dedication and hard work was evident among the sugarcane contingents as they made 218 props including non-held props and costumes. Undeniably, the said contingent had the costumes that awed the public (beside their performance.) On the other hand, all were fascinated at the jaw breaking props and costumes of the fish contingents. It was like there was a separate festival of fishes because they surely had almost all the marine creatures (props) proudly waved and showcased. Indeed, the fish contingent represented by the Western Leyte College bagged the best in costume award in this year’s Tugob Festival.

THE GRANDEUR DAY There was so little sunshine when the grandeur day of the performance came. However, the rain did not dampen the spirits of the citizens, as still they watched the festival with their families. Ormocanons were not accustomed to the sight of colorful costumes and dynamic performances (witnessed during a festival) in the heart of the city, that is why even when there was rain shower, citizens still watched the showdown. Many umbrellas were opened on that day but under those umbrellas, radiated the sweet smiles of Ormocanons. Ormoc that day was a city of smiles. The celebration started with a parade of all the LGU and NGO sectors in Ormoc. At the tail of the parade were the 12 contingents. They were there on purpose for after the parade was the street dance. It was performed in four different stations (Amber Mia Pension, Fabulous Mktg., Mercury Hardware and City stage) and it

seemed that the citizens were also fractioned in groups. Ormoc City superdome, where the grand showdown was held, was packed with people who were delighted to witness the impressive performances of the contingents. Meanwhile, there was a live on-screen audio visual presentation played in front of the dome for those who did not manage to enter the dome. What happened last October 20 became part of Ormoc’s history.

THE CHAMPION It is one thing to win and another to do it again and again. There was no plan on making it. Every count, move, flip and turn have paved the way towards victory. Eight weeks before the showdown, 60 dancers for the sugarcane contingent gathered

in front of the cashier’s office each time the clock struck at 5pm. There were times when exhaustion and pressure (as the defending champion) would set in, but throughout the entire preparation, there was perseverance because they knew the sacrifices they made were worthwhile. They relied heavily on prayer and practice especially on the days leading up to the showdown. We follow Napoleon’s dictum that victory belongs to the most persevering. They do overtime in their practice and in the making of props. Also, it is such a humbling sight when the dancers line up for water to quench their thirst and rest for a while during their break. Moreover, the rain showers, the scorching heat of the sun and the reproach of the choreographers; all these were endured by the group. All the sacrifices were paid off. Our contingent, for the third time, got the trophy and this made them the grand slam champion.

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Not A Virtual Reality | Mark Angelo Paña

”Most gamers who had been addicted to a video game can probably relate to the fact that this kind of addiction is real.”

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ideo games had been a source of entertainment and fun for most people these days. It helped us enjoy our free time and somehow lifted our spirits up during times of difficulties. Everyone has their own taste on selecting what video game to play, luckily there are a lot of games, there are games specifically designed to make the player or user interact, most games have their own game play, graphics quality and storyline which attracts the users to play the game. When I was a kid I always liked physical activities and usually read a lot. But when I was introduced to Video games, my first reaction was, it was cool and fun but after a few months of constantly playing. I felt addicted to it especially during the time when my parents bought a computer. I realized that it somehow diminished my interest towards my studies and other hobbies. According to Wikipedia “Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from family and friends or from other forms of social contact, and focus almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than other life events, and exhibit lack of imagination and mood swings. There is no formal diagnosis of video game addiction in current medical or psychological literature. Inclusion of it as a psychological disorder has been proposed and rejected for the next version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).” Most gamers who had been addicted to a video game can probably relate to the fact that this kind of addiction is real. Even I can contribute to the fact that Video games can be addicting because after years of playing. I felt that somehow I am actually missing more things in life and that I have not enjoyed my life like normal people do. Instead I am lost in the world of gaming where everything is just fantasy and graphics. Eventually I realized that I have been spending more time playing video games than spending time with my relatives and friends. It somehow interfered on how I socially act and on how I decide. Especially, because most video games nowadays are becoming more and more complex and each of them offers their own unique style of game play, graphics and their own strategic challenges, so

it would not be surprising that me and some gamers would rather play video games than interact with their real life. In some countries such as Netherlands, South Korea, China, Canada, and the United States have already responded to the perceived threat of this kind of addiction. This new kind of addiction is not new, for the fact that these countries have encountered several cases that concerns most of the gamers who play more than the usual time that should be spent playing, thus concerning the government of these countries to make an action which would help those who are obsess by the enslaving properties or traits of a video game. The said countries have opened Clinics and Treatment Centers, some of them even have Hospitals with Computer Addiction Services. China for one where more than twenty million people play online games, introduced an online gaming restriction limiting playing time to three hours, after which the player would be expelled from which ever game they were playing, though this rule is only implemented to the their citizens under the age of eighteen. Sadly this wide spread of addiction is not new to us especially to those who were born in the late 90’s where technology is at its peak of evolution. But furthermore I am not saying that Video games should be banned because there are a lot of gamers who play for few hours a day while successfully balancing their social life, grades, school activities and family obligations. But if you are one of those who are enslaved by this kind of addiction, then there is a lot of ways to divert your attention from Video games. These would be doing productive activities which would help you enjoy yourself and your life. Interacting with your social life, doing sports, being active in your studies or simply by focusing on how fun and enjoyable life can be with less influence from video games or you could simply find your so called inspiration or choose an amusement. But the best way to avoid being enslaved by any video games or any kind of addiction is to be responsible enough on your decisions, which would eventually make you better in controlling or limiting yourself from playing or using the computer.


L ifetime


INVESTMENT B ryan S alapantan

Romer Arradaza



ife is not a destiny, it’s a choice. Many of us believe that kismet might give abundance in the future but the reality is, our decision depends on our hands today. Your chosen course now in college is a start of building your lifetime investment. An investment that nobody could deprive it away from you. It’s a career which you’ll be working after you graduate. Be hungry of knowledge to improve the building blocks of your incoming profession and to know better how to handle it towards your goal. Many of the high school graduates want to proceed to the tertiary level despite poverty but

parents don’t gamble for they might lose food to eat and other basic needs. You are lucky for being here in EVSU-ORMOC. Your parents are ones of those who are willing to venture just to give you a brighter path and they’re guiding you along the way. It does not matter how many times you fall down, what is more important is getting up after each failure. When you seem to feel the world go against you, just put on your mind and heart, “NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!”. When you have it, what your mind deceives your body can achieve. Are you planning to shift to another course

because you can’t handle it? 55% you will still fail. Why? It’s because you easily quitted at the first time, how much more in the second or third? Not unless you will change your outlook. It’s not about the difficulty of such situations you are bearing in mind but it’s actually the attitude you have in striving against complexity. Interest, passion, courage and determination are the keys to meet up your goals. We’ll have also to remember that ‘Intelligence can bring us to success but it’s our attitude that takes us there’. Try to read this article twice with comprehension and having a feeling of acceptance. If you’ll do so, YOU JUST INVESTED!

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ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT bACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (BScE) bACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (BSEE) bACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (BSmE) bACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (BSit) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT bACHELOR OF Secondary education (BSEd) major in: Mathematics biological science physical education bACHELOR OF science in industrial education (BSEd) major in: Automotive technology civil technology clothing, textile and related arts bACHELOR OF teaching home economics and livelihood education (Bt hele) Technology DEPARTMENT bACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN industrial (BIT) major in: food technology electronics technology bACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN hotel and restaurant technology (BSHRT)

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World Class State University promoting positive values in the professional and advanced technology fields for human development and progress.


Provide quality education and professional training in selected areas of specialization through instruction, research, extension services and production.

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T he

b right



Education Department | Gabriel Medalla


ith the advent of K+12 program in the curriculum of education in the whole Philippines, the need of providing effective teachers in the near future will be very crucial. Subsequently, the Education department produces many licensed teachers every year and this fact contributes to the credibility and proficiency of the campus. Simply put, if someone wants to teach in schools, he must acquire a degree in education related to teaching. This University offers programs that focus more in professional education (Prof. Ed) subjects. These subjects tackle about strategies, methodologies, lesson planning, classroom management and other concepts that deal primarily on the characteristics of the students. The university has peculiar ways of molding and equipping students to the adjustment of their lives. As what the campus director, Dr. Lilian D. Estorninos said, “EVSU-OCC intends to mold you as future leaders to a way of life equipped with moral background training which will serve as a solid foundation for a country full of prosperous and upright citizens.” Changes are not just seen in the infrastructures alone but also in the faculty members as currently it has teachers that are highly qualified. These teachers are filling the lapses that the past teachers made. Some past teachers were not qualified to teach certain field as a result, their teachings are not so effective and students learned less. However, the department of education today is still in need of more effective teachers. The improvement of education department is now aided with the expertise of Dr. Cecilia R. Avellana. She has a degree in Doctor of Arts from the Leyte Normal University and a

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certificate of Communicative Language Teaching from the University of Lancaster, England. At the same time, she is serving as the Student Publications Adviser. According to her the sense of being a teacher, teaching is not an easy task for it involves social service, patience and passion in dealing with the individual differences of the learners. According to some students, the dean of education department is approachable and caring. The courses offered in the Education department are: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics, Biology, and Physical education, and the Bachelor in Teaching Home Economics and Livelihood Education (BT-HELE). Recently it has offered Diploma in Teaching Secondary for second courses who want to teach in the secondary. With the K to 12 program, the DEPEd needs a lot of teachers in the next couple of years. There are also course-related organizations such as the Math Wizards Club which is organized by the Mathematics students; Young Scientist Guild for the students majoring Biology and the HES (Home Economics Society) that is officially run by the BT-HELE students. These organizations are purposely organized and implemented to build strong bonds as well as to enlarge the ground of vocabulary of the students in the field of their specialization. Also, to unwind them from their hectic and stressful days through activities that is being imposed during their organization days. Since teaching is considered as one of the most difficult, technical and challenging profession, the department sets up laboratories in order to alleviate the difficulties experienced by the students. These include Bio-lab and Chem-lab. These are used in order to widen the grasp of knowledge by exploring and discovering something through experimentations. Although education department

lacks facilities, still they are doing their best to meet the expectations of the students. The department provides seminar to all fourth year students regardless of the courses they are taking. This seminar offers concepts that are highly useful when they will be having their actual work in the field. In addition, the fourth year students are sent out to different schools in the field for their practicum. They also field teachers to the different schools in the city and nearby towns where the students come from for localization purposes. The education department truly contributes to the undying success that EVSU-OCC is experiencing. Through the help of its administrators the department manages to keep a quality of education that is essential to all students. If your heart really shouts to become a teacher then make it into reality. Education can greatly influence us, as what Congresswoman Lucy Marie Torres-Gomez once said, “The difference between poverty and wealth is education.” It is the main source of social mobility---from poor class to rich class. “Obtaining an education is the best ways of improving one’s lot in life and thus climbs the social ladder” (Foundations of Education, 1977). Some students have worked and at the same time studied, but they have been successful in their professional career. The same is true with teachers, they are still studying and acquiring knowledge in order to uplift further the skills they have. I have read a book that says, ”Teachers, like leaves, everywhere abound, Effective teachers, like fruits, are rarely found.” Thus, being an effective teacher is a great advantage for it encompasses all the good qualities of a person.


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There’s more to

Engineering | Carlo Jarito


ngineering Department is the center of engineering students in Ormoc City. It is undeniable that throughout the years, enrollment in the said department is increasing. Aside from being situated at a populated area and having a low tuition fee of less than Php 10,000.00 per semester, let’s focus on some turning point why students are rushing to enroll as engineering students. Here are some points to witness about EVSU-OCC engineering department:

OBJECTIVES • Mission Develop globally competitive professional engineers and technologist involved with positive values through instruction, research, and extension activities. • Vision A premier institute in the fields of engineering and technology supportive of regional and national development.

FACULTY Engineering department would become senseless without its good teaching staff and supportive faculty. The department is headed by Engr. Robert G. Navarro, 32 years old, a registered Mechanical Engineer. He rendered eight consecutive years of service as an instructor before he was appointed as the new department head. Throughout his years of service, he has contributed a lot to the improvement of the students and also to the faculty not only by his good teaching skills but also by being a good example of character. On the other hand, along with him are four full-time and 52 part-time instructors. These instructors are highly skilled licensed engineers who mold the students with in different fields of expertise. Hand in hand, they develop the students to be practically involved not just in the field of course they take but also in their capabilities and talents.

COURSES OFFERED The Engineering department offers four courses, namely: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE), Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME), and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

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(BSIT). Along with these courses is specialized On-The-Job Training program for graduating students. OJT is done midway in the 4th and 5th year. The program aims to help the students familiarize all their theoretical lessons and put it to work. It also helps them to know and learn more about their fields of specialization, safety precautionary measures, time and work management and develop self-esteem. Some of the partner companies and/or corporations of the OJT are Energy Development Company (EDC), Renewable Energy, PhilPhos, Hisumco, Leyeco V, City Engineering Motor pool, Mac builders.

COURSE-RELATED ORGANIZATION The Engineering faculty does not only develop its students to be globally competitive engineers and technologists; they also develop students in the field of leadership and good governance. This is shown through the different course-related organizations initiated by the department, namely: Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers (IIEE), Junior Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (JPSME), and Unified Information Technology Society (UNITS). Students who took a particular engineering course are automatically member of the course’s related organization. Organization fees are collected every semester for the organizations to function efficiently. These fees are used for projects, trainings and seminars, and extension activities like tree planting, clean-up drives, community outreach and feeding programs. Such activities are conducted every semester to show that courserelated organizations are not only limited to their fields of expertise but also to emphasize

their love and care to others and to nature.

FACILITIES Aside from the main campus of EVSUOCC, the department has other 2 different campus locations- the DOTC building (with 4 rooms) located in front of NOCNHS gate 1 and the Luna Campus (with 12 classrooms) situated at Barangay Luna. These separate building locations are conducive for teaching and learning and cater to students’ learning process. On the other hand, the department also hosts two computer laboratories- one for Information Technology students and one for other engineering students. Also, another upcoming technical laboratory for BSME students and library are on construction at Luna Campus. There are also other equipment and facilities specified under each course.

BOARD PASSERS Through the joint effort of the faculty and students, the department produces numerous highly skilled licensed engineers. One of these licensed engineers is Engr. Jestoni Guy A. Basmayor, 22 years old, a Registered Mechanical Engineer who is now a Sales Engineer of Technozone Corporation at Sta. Rosa, Laguna. He is known for his good leadership and teaching skills.

STUDENTS Engineering students are considered the asset of the department since they carry its banner (establish the name of the campus in the field of engineering). Since most of the engineering students are boys, they have been regarded as the noisiest and naughtiest, yet the most cooperative students of EVSU-OCC. Just like any other students, they are also


considered as sports lover, smart, talented and competitive students. They showcase their talents and abilities through the different school organizations. Despite the difficulties they encounter in their different subjects, they help each other by having tutorial classes in different academic subjects and are still motivated to continue their course until they finish.

As they say, being an engineering student is hard because of the complex analysis and computations involved in the course, but there’s more to engineering rather than just solving mathematical problems. As what Dean Gordon Brown said: Engineering is not merely about knowing and being knowledgeable, like a walking encyclopedia; engineering is

not merely analysis; engineering is not merely the possession of the capacity to get elegant solutions to non-existent engineering problems; engineering is practicing the art of the organized forcing of technological change... Engineers operate at the interface between science and society.�

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Technology Feat S

tudents nowadays prefer to enroll at an institution that provides quality education “within your reach”. Eastern Visayas State University is the answer to this. It is an institution that is composed of three departments: Engineering, Education, and Technology. These departments help EVSU – OCC gain its label as one of the most populated academic institutions in the Ormoc City. The Technology department is headed by Dr. Sansen P. Tolorio who, with exceptional management skills, leads the department’s operations going and sees to it that all the rules and regulations are implemented in the school. He is a graduate from Visca (now called VSU) with a degree in Agriculture and finished Doctor of Education in Cebu Normal University. What to expect when you’re enrolled in EVSU – OCC’s Technology Department? COURSES OFFERED With the growing number of people who love to work in hospitality industry, it offers courses like Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Food Technology (BIT – FT), Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Electronics (BIT- ET), and its flagship, the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Technology (BSHRT). Courses are TESDA accredited that will produce NC II licenses for all students who can pass the NC II exam. COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS With the mission of providing quality education to every student, the Technology Department employs individuals who graduated with flying colors like Mr. Rogelio Basas from Leyte Normal University, Mrs. Edena Roa from Palompon Institute of Technology; Mrs. Mary Joy Baltonado, Mr. Jonathan Mamalias, Ms. Vernabelle Balmori, Mr. Peter Paul Belarmino, and Mr. Alex Monticalbo from Visayas State University. Some are alumni from our school. These people help the students adjust to the life away from home and provide a

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better panorama of the future in their chosen fields. WORLD-CLASS PRACTICUM This is the only department (in the university) that provides overseas practicum in Canada and Malaysia and onboard apprenticeships for BSHRT students. Skills such as: skirting, cooking (variety cuisines), baking, and repairing electric devices (for BIT-FT students) are being taught through meaningful lectures and useful practical applications so that such skills will be possessed by future food handlers, hoteliers and restaurateurs. ADEQUATE FACILITIES Despite the snide remarks about the lack of equipment and facilities, the Technology Department together with the Administration is trying their best to come up and build laboratories, such as kitchen with state of the art equipment for the students. UNANIMITY ACTIVITIES This realm endows not only moot aspects, but also the camaraderie and unity in every mien. When there are times for serious matters, there’s also a time for hoot. During Technology Days, all the students from different courses gather together as one to celebrate camaraderie and unity among each individual. Above all things, the Technology Department aims to provide the knowledge and skills which will be useful in the future endeavor of its students. The people behind this management are continually giving our school an honor that seeing those alumni who are now happily employed pays off all the efforts in the skirmish clasp of being in the work force of the Technology Department. As what Henry Sy Sr. said, “Success is not just good luck. It is a combination of hard work, good credit standing, opportunity, readiness, and timing.”

| Crystal Jade Busbos


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ho would have thought that an annoying student of EVSU-OCC (tagged as such by some of her instructors), who has been accidentally interested in cosplaying, turns out now to be one of Ormoc City’s lists of pride? Now as we claim she is – the Cosplay Goddess of EVSU-OCC -, Jennylyn Chu, shares on what she really is just simply…


c O s t u m e | Kenny Abella

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ost of the EVSUans initially witnessed her first cosplay during the last annual Acquaintance Party of 2011 where she was

amazingly startled by her appearance. Fast forward to a few months ago of year 2012,

Rockit. Defeating about 15 cosplayers all over Leyte, Jennylyn still bagged the 1st place in Solo Cosplay

Jennylyn Chu proudly represented the City of Ormoc

Competition and was named as the champion of the

representing her former established organization which

with her raging Arika Yumemiya attire from the anime

said category.

is known as the OCB or the Ormoc Cosplayers Brigade.

series of Mai Otome at Stereo Sushi restaurant/café in

So as of now, the Cosplay Goddess of EVSU-OCC

Simply wearing her uniquely attention-grabbing

Tacloban City. The anime-themed event was organized

spoke with Ad Infinitum about her profile beyond her

nurse-type anime attire in pink together with an about

by the Stereo Sushi Halloween Party together with the

high-priced costumes.

one-meter size of injection, people who gathered

other local organizations namely Patik Tattoo Studio,

inside the Ormoc City Superdome at that moment were

Otaku Anime Alliance - Tacloban Chapter, and Pockit

So how did the history of wearing those start? Ever since I was a kid, I was already a fan of anime and I was greatly influenced by DBZ and other famous anime shows and since then I’ve always desired to portray a character from one of those shows one day. Then around 2009, I saw a picture of Filipina cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao but I didn’t know her by that time pa. I saw her profile by an accident lang from a friend’s facebook page. Then that’s when I found out about cosplay and that’s when my interest for cosplay started.

Was there anybody who encouraged you or supported you in your interest? At first, it was really from pure desire to portray a character but I was hesitant. A friend of mine from Cebu then pushed me to cosplay. She’s also a fellow cosplayer and was my senpai (since she started cosplaying a long way before me) and she told me to just try cosplaying once to see if I really like cosplays, etc.

Why was it interesting in your opinion? Dressing up in a unique way or shall I say different from the usual normal clothing and role-playing makes it so interesting. By cosplaying, one can take a break from reality and can be whoever she fancies to be.

What do you get from this particular interest? Satisfaction, more friends, knowledge about other animes out there (this is when you go to events and you mingle with the other cosplayers and you share anime or any game related stuffs), respect from other cosplayers, fun, money (if ever I decided to join on competitions and win LOL!) and memories.

What are the advantages and disadvantages that you are considering in this activity? Hmm. Well the advantages are it can keep you away from other bad habits such as drug addictions (I think). Since, cosplaying is really an expensive hobby and, I eventually learned

to save money for the expenses. Now the disadvantage of this is it really costs a lot. And often, a cosplayer becomes an outcast since we, cosplayers, tend to act and speak in weird way which is the effects of watching too much Anime and portraying them. We are also being bullied or we are judged as weirdos and perverts.

What can you say to those people who seem to dislike your interest? Haters gonna hate and potatoes gonna potate. No, really, I’d like them to know this hobby more and know more about it before they judge and dislike cosplays or cosplaying.

Last and final question. How would you define or describe yourself? I do admit that I’m weird. I’m sarcastic, territorial, loud (very loud), manly, moody, lazy, anime addict, gamer, and I do all sorts of stupid things. Oh! But I am friendly and I’m loyal to my friends.

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Money Talk:


Extra Income | Yelena Mae Taba



s a student, the capability to earn extra income for those instantaneous payments without the need to be exceedingly thrift-wise or demanding our parents for an increase in out allowance is possible. After observing the campus’ surroundings, I sought some ideas that might be helpful for students to earn additional income.


Aside from food, things like paper pads, bond paper, pens, pencils, even accessories (if you have the


Sell any kind of candy or any cheap, easy-to-make delights like munchkins, pastillas, yema, sweetened tamarind or just anything that is not being catered in the cafeteria.

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Cater assistance by encoding (if you have a computer on your own) and be paid you for the service.



If you own an extra phone or your phone is one of those dual-sim types, then you’re in luck! Make an E-loading business. Cater first from your classmates and friends.


craftsmanship to be creative and diligent) can also be sold in school. Don’t just give your papers away or let them borrow your extra unused pen or pencil, sell it instead.

There are various establishments in the outskirts of the city that offers parttime jobs. Some of them are those fastfood outlets scattered around the city. But if you are a regular student (with less free time to spare), there are also other smalltime jobs that would fit you and your tight schedule. Like those who gives out promo fliers from certain establishments. They are being paid for hourly services.



There are different scholarships available in the campus: the Academic scholarship (students who earns a grade not less than 1.5), the Athletic scholarship (students who excel in their respective chosen sports), cultural scholarship (students who are members of any culture and art group recognized by the university) and institutional scholarship (students who are members of the SSG and SPO [per approval of the board of regents]). There are also other governmental and private sponsored scholarships that the school accepts. (E.g. TESDA, CHED).


The most commonly known on-campus job is the Student Assistants a.k.a. SA. All sections/departments on campus offer such opportunity for students.


Have you seen a bag made from (drinking) straw? Or bags made from empty plastic sachets of tetra pack juices? How about pillows made from cut-strips of junkfood packs? Probably once during your elementary or high school days you’ve been asked to create such crafty art. Such work of arts can be for sell.


For book collectors, have your books rented. Same goes to movie collectors. You can have your movies rented out.


This is an advantage to those who have vast knowledge in proper grammar usage. This can be applied to research papers and essays other students written. You can copy-edit their work before having to let them pass it to their instructors.


Seek advice from experienced working students or other working students.


Some couples seek for part-time babysitters. Specially those parents who have “on-call” jobs and only need babysitters when they are being called for it.


Have a garage sale! Surely, you must have a shirt or two that does not fit to you anymore. You can sell them to others in cheap prices. Being a dealer in direct-selling companies such as Avon, Natasha, MSE and others can also be regarded.


Some kids, from toddlers to kindergarten to the last year in grade school, needs tutoring. Most parents heed this kind of learning to their children.



Do you have any neighbors who seek for someone else to do their laundry for them? Volunteer to do their laundry and have them pay you. Washing laundry can be tiresome but it also pays seemingly well.

Can you play the piano? How about the guitar? Are you knowledgeable about knotting or knitting? Do you play any sport? You can earn by teaching your skill to kids of younger age who wants to learn those special skills. Have them come to learn from you rather than those high-paying classes during the summer.

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SSG Corner


report | Romnick Landero


he Supreme Student Government officers of the Eastern Visayas State University – Ormoc City Campus would like extend our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the students, teachers, Presidents and Officers of different Organizations and their Advisers. We are very much thankful for their unceasing support of our different Activities and Programs of the Set of SSG Officers for the School Year 2012-2013, for sharing their thoughts, ideas and plans they have extended and share to make the activity successful. We thank you so much for making this year fruitful and meaningful. We thank you for a year of full of cooperation, understanding and support. Despite the fact that we, SSG Officers, receive a lot of comments and criticism, we are still doing our job and duties the best that we can, to be your voice for your comments and problems. We accept whatever comments and criticism positively and humbly because we all know that this can help us a lot to grow, improve and to become a better person. We, your officers, will not make any excuses and reasons instead we will strive harder to serve, the best as we can. We all know that part of being a leader is to face trials and circumstances, problem are place in our way to make us strong and more responsible. There have been a lot of eyes watching and a lot of questions from the studentry and other people around us, of what the SSG Officers have been doing for this school year 2012-2013. We would like to inform you some of our accomplishment for the first semester. We effectively started our term as the new

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set of SSG Officers on March 2012. In our first month of tenure, we were assigned to assist the recognition day 2012. We also serve as the usher and usherettes for Graduation day. Even though that these were not our responsibility, still we are very happy, especially I myself as your President, because these were the first activities we did together working cooperatively as the new SSG Officers. The following month of April 2012, the selected SSG Officers together with some of the instructors and selected students participated the National Gawad Kalinga Bayani Challenge held at Cagayan de Oro City from April 9-14, 2012 to help clean and build some of the schools and houses that was damaged from the typhoon Sendong. We are assigned to clean and repaint one of the schools in Cagayan de Oro City, while some of our coparticipants built new houses for less fortunate people especially those who were victims of the said typhoon. The Supreme Student Government also served as information officers, assisted the enrollees and transferees especially the freshmen students starting last April-June 2012. The officers gave up their vacation and left their different tasks at home in order to guide and to serve the students. There were many times that we encountered a lot of problems during enrollment period, still through our collaborate effort, patience and understanding we overcome those. We consider this as one of our successful accomplishment. The Supreme Student Government also improved to relationship with The Observer, EVSU-OCC Publication. The SSG and the

publication were also working together and consulted each other regarding up-coming activities and projects. This year is one of the most memorable year for the SSG and the publication, since it is the first time that the two autonomous serving bodies are working together to achieve common goal which is to serve and to inform the studentry. I know that this is a good start having good relationship between the two serving organizations. I salute and admire the hard work and dedication of the Student Publication. To their staff and advisers most especially to the new Student Publication Editor-in-Chief, Ruth Deborah Tojong, congratulations for the job well done. We are also proud to inform you that we, the Supreme Student Government officers, together with the different Presidents of EVSUOCC Campus Organizations are cooperatively working together in every school activities and programs. There are lot of things that we can’t do without their untiring support and brilliant ideas. Together with them we actively participated different activities like Independence Day celebration. We are also very much thankful also for the success of the orientation of the students held at Ormoc City Superdome. The said activity was spearheaded by the Office of the Student Affairs headed by Mrs. Ernita P. Cañete, and in cooperation with the Supreme Student Government. That program will not be successful without Mrs. Ernit, together with our ever active and energetic Supreme Student Government adviser Mr. Guillermo M. Sodomia who happened to be the new O.I.C. of Student Affairs. The orientation is very useful especially during the

SSG Corner

SSG OFFICERS S.Y. 2012-2013 President: Romnick Landero Vice-President: Krystal Jane Antipas Secretary: Veronica Baltonado

Glenn Grana Elenito Daguia Jr.

Education Dept. Representatives: Janeth Anoos Noimie Licaña Rowena Cagoyong Junlee Garciano Judith Carbonilla

Technology Dept. Representatives: Adrian Cuyag Achilles Gatchalian Mary Margaret Yu Jason Celmar Girlie Casas Jenny Castillo

Engineering Dept. Representatives: Shellamay Aying Karl Jay Cabahug Leomar Asis James Unabia

Commisioners: Aikee Decena Rachel Amodia Maria Fatima Satore

the new O.I.C. of Student Affairs. The orientation is very useful especially during the performance of “ Inigmata Cultural Group” wherein they showcase the stage play entitled, “ Si Kristine at Si Paul”. The objectives of the stageplay were: 1. To give awareness in the effects of teenage pregnancy among youth and students. 2. To increase the awareness of young people on the importance of information and education regarding the teenage pregnancy. 3. To promote shared responsibility and sustainability in children and youth program among stakeholders. 4. To raise funds to support the beneficiaries which are the working children to pursue their education a part of the objective of the organization. The Student Government Office also organized the acquaintance pary, held at the Ormoc City Superdome, wherein the students enjoyed especially during the presentations the prizes that were given to the lucky students that night during raffle draw. But we all know that the most important reason of the said party was to acquaint and welcome the new students. We were also assigned as mass sponsor during the first Friday mass. We also served as working committee for the school intramurals 2012 by means of

gathering the scores of the different scores and helping the staging for the Search for Mr. and Ms. EVSU-OCC 2012. Likewise, we also served as the working committee for the universitywide intramurals dubbed as EVSULYMPICS 2012 held in EVSU-Carigara Campus together with the different selected campus organizations and fraternities. We also participated the basic Orientation for Liberal Democracy Seminar, Alay lakad 2012 and charter day 2012. We have also been active in helping activities out in the university like participating in the “Beachurero 2012” with the theme “ Let our coast breathe” a coastal clean-up drive from Naungan to Campdownes. Together with the different campus organization presidents, officers as well as their members, instructors and NSTP students, EVSU-Ormoc City Campus sent the most participants and contributed a lot for the success of the said event. Through that activity the students raised their awareness and responsiblity of maintaining the cleanliness and proper waste disposal. We also participated as the working committee for the Ormoc Youth forum 2012, held at Pongos hotel. The seminar was about youth empowerment, promoting political change & voters education. We, the SSG Officers for the school year 2012-2013, are doing our very best to meet

Peter Ramje Corbo Alexes Orot Reyco Marciano Rex Paton-og John Audrey Laguitan

your expectations, we will strive to serve you better. We are here to support whatever your activities or concerns Again we will live true to our oath and responsibility of bringing your voice, problems and concern to the administration. Lastly we would like you to inform you, that we are planning and preparing for our project this second semester. We are hoping that the project will start as soon as possible and hopefully be completed before our tenure of office will end. We are also preparing for the up-coming activities for the 2nd semester which is the leadership training and organization days. The Supreme Student Government would like to thank all the students, Student Publication Office, president and officers of different campus organization for helping all our activities to make them successful. We will assure you that we will stand and live to our Oath until we end our term as your officers. In behalf of all the SSG Officers for the 2nd School year 2012-2013, Thank you so much for this year’s, hardwork, cooperation and dedication. We are not, what we are today without your support and understanding. Always do your best, be productive and make a difference.

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he student publication office might have changed its name from The Observer to Ad Infinitum, but it didn’t alter its purpose: to be the voice of the studentry and protect its common interest. Ad Infinitum is a medium where students express feelings, ideas and personal stand towards a certain matter. Thus, we constantly seek ways on how to reach out to every student. In this issue of Ad Infinitum, we came up with a question that will bring to surface issues and concerns that hasn’t been raised before. In addition, this will give us ideas on what deserves more attention in the following releases. We roamed around and asked EVSUans about their views towards the question: “What changes do you highly anticipate for our school?” Here are some of the statements that we have gathered:

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“…Is a symbol of ETERNITY that wipes away all sense of TIME, Removing all MEMORY of the BEGINNING And all FEAR of the END.”

And getting EVERYTHING out of that nothing.”

“…Is a BRIDGE that links the SOUL to another; To reach new HEIGHTS, Discover new DIMENSIONS, And find new MEANINGS.”

“…Is often nothing but a FAVORABLE EXCHANGE Between two people who get the most of what they can expect, Considering their values on the PERSONALITY MARKET.”

“…Knows no BOUNDARIES Therefore, should NOT be governed by LAWS OF MAN.” “…Has all encompassing basis without QUESTION of WHO, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT, HOW AND WHY; Because one cannot reach the THRESHOLD of love if there are LIMITS.” “…, As TANGIBLE, as COMPLEX, and as PERSONAL as it is, Still needs EXPRESSION Between those who SHARE it.” FOR “…Is not GETTING what you DON’T HAVE… Not even getting what you DESERVE But rather getting NOTHING

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BETTER STILL “…Is known best by the BLIND. For it is meant to be known by the HEART not by the EYES.” BUT EVENTHOUGH IN REALITY “…Is only a dirty TRICK played on us to achieve CONTINUATION of the SPECIES.” KEEP IN MIND THAT “…Is a GIFT from God that we must CHERISH. For without it we wouldn’t be here in the first place.” -Roentgen Clark Yray


I carry an unquenchable Void, For in my heart, the memory of you still reminisces. Your face reminds me of my unentertaining solitude Though you left my heart hanging, I will continue living on.

As my heart turn to pieces, A recollection of you is like, A crimson sky that has been painted over With a deep dark blue. The dark night sky, The spiral wisps of clouds, And the bright white moon; That’s all that is left of an extremely beautiful memory. You may no longer be here, But I have to say what I’ve forgotten earlier, I love you and I will live my life As bright as a vermillion flower -Jomarie Perosa

| Apple Jean Cata-ag


You Left Me in Pieces

Tormented The Power of Soul Kindness

When I was once broken You made me whole When I lost hope You gave me courage.

As the night rages down to my senses, You my dear dashes to my mind. My symphony of thought and recognition Simplifies your face and smile.

When I don’t know how to smile You thought me how to laugh When I don’t want to live You helped me to survive.

You’re like a flower that graciously blooms, With the glimpse of your smile that never fades. The scent of your fancy perfume Lingers to my shirt that you borrowed Reminiscing the times when were together.

You showed me your love And I believed in that But now you left me alone You left my heart in pieces. -Dianarose D. Nazario

I hope this night will never end Hoping that the moon and the stars will petrify the sun ‘Cause tonight, in my dreams, I own you, in my dreams, We can never be apart. Hope this moment will last ‘Cause when the sun casts its first light I might see you with somebody else And seeing it is like Torment to my soul.

Kindness has the power to soften hearts And encourage others to live in a righteous path Kindness has the power to unlock hard hearts Since, we are living in an atmosphere full of wrath.

Living in a benevolent way is not easy For there are temptations that might lead our way But choosing kindness will not make us gone astray Instead, lead us to a life full of friends and far from ennui. It is my privilege to challenge all of you To live in such a way, in love and kindness Because kindness keep you away from foe And kindness will lead you back to celestial kingdom where God awaits you. -Gabriel Medalla

-Jomarie Perosa

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At 828 m (2,716 ft 6 in) tall, the Burj Khalifa (Kha lifa Tower) in Dubai, UAE, became the tallest building in the world when it was officially opened on 4 January 2010. Part of a 2-km’(490-acre) development called Downtown Dubai, the Burj has residential, office and hotel use.


New Zealand score 95% on the corruptions perception index.


The lake responsible for the most deaths not brought about by drowning is Lake Nyos in Cameroon, west Africa, where toxic gases have claimed nearly 2,000 lives in recent decades. On one night in August 1986, about 1,700 people and countless animals were killed by a large natural release of carbon dioxide gas.


Manila, capital of the Philippines, had 1,660,714 inhabitants according to its 2007 census. Crammed into just 38.55km2 (14.88 miles2), its population density is 43,079 people per square killometer.


The largest school in terms of pupils is the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, which had a record enrolment of 39,437 children on 9 August 2010 for the 2010-11 academic year. The school admits boys and girls between ages two and five, who can then continue their education to degree level. In 2002, it won the UNESCO Prize for Peace


Unveiled on 28 October 1886, the Statue of Liberty weighs 24,635.5 tonnes (27,156 tons), of which 28.1 tonnes (31 tons) is copper, 113.4 tonnes (125 tons) is steel and 24,494 tonnes (27,000 tons) makes up the concrete foundation. It was presented to the USA as a gift from France to commemorate friendship between the two countries.


Located on the border between Canada and USA, Niagara Falls receives 22.5 million visitors a Year It is also the fifth most Popular tourist attraction in the world , beating the Disney theme Park, the Gotre Dame Cathedral in Paris France, and the great Wall of China.


Thomas Blackthorne (UK) lifted a 12.5-kg (27-lb 8.96-oz) weight hooked through his tongue on the set of El Show Olimpico, in Mexico City, Mexico, on 1 August 2008.


Sultan Kosen (Turkey) is the tallest person alive today. He was last measured in Ankara, Turkey, on 8 February 2011, at the age of 26 years, when he stood at an incredible 251 em (8 ft 3 in). This photo shoot took place on a basketball court in Manhattan, New York, USA. Sultan is a big basketball fan - as a teenager, he was signed to the Galatasaray team but proved too big to play!


Is the fear of sharks, but you have very little to worry about. Movies such as Jaws (USA, 1 975) - the first blockbuster movie - have unfairly portrayed sharks as ferocious maneaters, but statistics show you’re more likely to be killed by lightning or a falling coconut than by a shark. However, sharks are apex predators and will attack you if they mistake you for prey.

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Ninja Moves 101

Kabantai ka ni ---? Ahy sori, wala diay tuod kay nikalit lang ug kawala. Mas pabor niya if mag attendance usah mag sugud ang klase. Maka ana ka ba na: “hala! Diba naa man to siya ganina?” Ayay to-a na diay neh Ninja Moves na. Ang Ninja Moves kay naay mga levels. -Easy, kanang ang klase kay sa terminal rooms (wala man gud purtahan tas pwede ra pud mo exit sa kilid since malutsan man og tao); -Medium, kung ang klase kay sa mga rooms naa nay pultahan tas dapit ang board sa purtahan. -Hard, kanang sa mga laboratories ang klase kay sirado man jud na ang pultahan ana.


Kasagaran sa mga estudyante kay naay mga nahibaw-an na Jutsu ug actually adlaw-adlaw nang aktibidadis ngaria sa evsu. Unsa ba? Whokie, labing gipailaila ang Transformation Jutsu, isa ka technique kung diin for-a-moment estudyante kaayo ang porma pag sulod sa gate, then pag naa na sa unahan wo0sh! Transform nayan! Naa nay mosud og mogawas sa bag (guess what?) Askan maayoha jud sa diskarte. Naa say uban na kahibaw anang Copy Jutsu, usa ka matang sa lihok sa pagpangopya sa assignment ug mosayo pa sa skol aron

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mangopya. Mag remind pa sa text nga: Sayo ta ugma ha (with smiley). Lakip gihapon sa maong technique ang pag gamit sa mga grabehan ka tin-aw nga mata para maka Byakugan tas zoom-in dayun sa mga answer sa katapad pag mag test na. Pero ang biliban jud pag mayo kay ang-- “Hidden Scroll Jutsu.” Basta dili na gani magkita si Mam/Sir ahw gawas dayun nang mga gagmay nga papel, manglupad pa gani ang uban. Pero ‘wag ka kay naay pang-atbang si Mam/Sir ana, ang counter-jutsu. Kana nang pagpaso-paso sa tungod, pagtapad ni Mam/Sir sa lingkuranan or ang pagpwesto sa dapit nga klaro ang tanan (bird’s eye view ang dating).

The Tools

Mao kini ang mga butang na dad-unonon nato sa skwelehan sama sa ballpen, papel, notebook. Pero ang mas dad-on kay ang pang pagwapa ug pagwapo (char), sanglit uso ang line nga: “Kinsay naay ¼ ngara?” Ug “naa kay extra ballpen? “ Ang uban pud kay magdala ug gadgets, pampawala daw sa laay (unya ang bayad sa TF oe?) Anaa sad uban nga sige og check-up (mura lang og doctor ba) sa ila apirans. Hmmm, every hour, every minute magkinita sa samin. Sir Giling naana diay tay sunod nga pangbato sa Ms. EVSU puhon.

Ninja Training Days este Lecture Days

Ehem, kung imo mabantayan mao ni ang mga adlaw na makitan nimo ang pagka ninja sa mga estudyante. Gi-classify na sila into three classes: -Ang Legitimate Learner, mao ni sila ang mga naminaw jud ug tarong sa instructor; -Ang Role Player, mao ni sila ang kadtong kusog kayo mang sumay2x sa lecture, -Ug ang kusog mo ulog2x sa maestro ang mga tabian ba; ang mga KNOWING, kanang mga hilum kunuhay ug naminaw kunohay pero lain diay ang gihuna2x; ug lastly ang mga Ninja, kanang mga kusog mag pa kahoy2x, pa salipud dayun ni classmate then matug, ang kadtong mawagtang lang ug kalit kay ni cutting na diay, hagoy ambot nalang jud, kapoy describe nila. Haha!

“Tabi“ Ninja

Nganu ug nganu man jud na nga mag-chika sa agianan man jud? Ang mga moagi sa pathway nalang ang monaug kay di madungog ang imo pag “excuse me.” Ok raman pero ibang usapan na pag mag-uwan. Instant raba na magka swimming pool ang campus ha, di pwede monaog kay nay pool sa grounds, atimana kaayo. Another favorite spot nga tabian ang pultahan. Ano yan boy/girl next door ang feeling? Maulaw

man sad ta. Lami lang ipiton sa pultahan si Garfield ay este ang tabi-an diay.

Blue Moon Ninja

Mao ni ang mga estudyante na ibang level ang confidence sa kaugalingon. Dili sudlan ang mga klase. Once-in-a-blue-moon ang drama. Mosud lang pag naay quiz, activities ug uban pang adlaw nga naay puntos ihatag si Mam/Sir. Pero ari ta mobilib anang mga walay hapit attendance, walay project, wala kaayo’y quizzes, pero pag ting exam daghan ug answer, mopasar pa jud! Mga Ninja kaau noh? Biliba jud! Unsa kaha nga Jutsu ang gigamit ani nila ay or are they simply exceptional (pero atik ra).

Mo “Ninja” pa jud ka!

Mao kini sila ang mga estudyante na bisag nasakpan na, mangita pa jud ug lusot. Pareha anang nasakpan na nga nagkodigo, motubag pa jud ug “scratch man ni.” Kana pu’ng lalaki na nasakpan nang aryos, ay dali2x dayun ug tang2x bah sabay estorya ug “Hah? Aryos Mam ba? Wa Mam uie.” Naa sa’y uban nga nag tuo nga makasulod sa gate na way uniform, confident lang kaayu mosud, nya pagsitahon sa guard or sa cadet officer mo estorya ra ug “ahw, kinahanglan diay mag uniform?” Ang uban pud “Naa ra man ko dira dapita guard, kadiyot rajud kaau guard”

Wow ha? Estoryahee imo sensei!

Ninja Picture

Pa picture ta ninyo oe! (sabay pose sa may tanum) Tas ibton pajud ang flower kay ibutang sa dunggan. Wow naman! Kawawang tanum. Adto pa picture sa kuan oh. Daghan gimingaw nimo ngadto (mga kalag).

Ninja Reactor

Haha... makatawa jud ko anang klasmet nga wagas maka react ayh. Naa kay isulti bah mureact man daun ang mga ungo. May untag sakto ang response, dili baya. Naunsa ka oe? Magpahebung-hebung baya daun kung unsa ang na tubag. Na kalimot kunuhai cya kadali. Perfect jud! Kana pu’ng mag-GM tah ug char2x nga message, mu react daun... diba pweding mag emote ana’y kadali? May pag mag signature ug “Reactions are not necessary!!“

Ninja Tangaun

Tara na ui mag hemo nata sa ato project. Asa ang kartolina? Imo ge dala? Hala wala raba. Hala katanga neya! nalihian cguro ka sa bag-ong tuig mamang. Mag test na si teacheret. Butangi ug name inyo paper ha, ingun si Mam. Unya magchecking na gani mahebung imo usa ka klasmet wala cyay iskor. Haha. Mao diay kay gi kalagkalag man diay cya oe. Nakali-

mot cya ug butang sa iya name! Tangain ever!!!

Hot and Spicy Ninja

Hagoi kaihi-on ko. Muduaw nasad ko aning ato C.R. na makahilak. DMD man gud ang ka angso oe, hapdos na kaayo sa mata! Arrgh! Unsaon nga biya-an ra man gud diretso aning mga gahi ug nawng pagka human nila ug gamit. Gahi jud ug nawng oi kay di gud mauwaw sa nagsunod nila. Naanad na siguro kag Hot and Spicy noh? Oh bacn nag conserve lang kag tubig? Hala cge! Maulaw pad ta nimu oe.

Order sa Ninja Master

Dili biya daw makasud sa EVSU kung wa ka naka org shirt. Unsa to? Unsa to? Di makasud? Oh really?! Mao man daw ang order sa taas matud pa anang mga naa sa gate. Nganu makasud man lagi ang naka intrams t-shirt? pareha ra diay ng duha ron? kanus-a lang? Unya ang naa sa letter kay : ”we would like to ask permission from your good office that the students of Eastern Visayas State University Ormoc City Campus can enter the school premises wearing their organization t-shirt.” Geh daw asa man diha dapita ang di makasud nga kung buot huna-hunaon kay Org. days man unta? hmmm...pag xure. Pabadlong ha.

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