FINAL ROUND - To the bloody feud that killed 18 people? See page 6
Vol. 5 Issue 113
Sharp exchange
Your expat
voice in Spain
August 27th - September 9th 2021
ANIMAL MAGIC SPECIAL Phew! We survived the heatwave with a bit of help from our friends....
By Fiona Govan
(Free or paid for)
Vol. 3 Issue 54 www.theolivepress.es May 10th - May 23rd 2019
consolidates its reign
as the number one English inroperty Spain…. see page 7. For We reveal the site P news more exclusive content property portfolios visit www.theolivepress.es of Spain’s leaders A tour of Spain’s
most prolific ‘pavilion’ creators, SEE PAGE XII
Issue 29
The places they
May 2019
SHOULD have filmed
Game of Thrones
in Spain...
...Plus our pick the best castles of for sale in Spain this year
See page XVIII
Winter isn΄t coming
ONE of the Costa lieves the stalling del Sol’s leading agents be- and of Brexit has brought with cellent window to buy. an ex- so many the pound staying low at around 1.10, people failed to make The six-month delay a decision to buy. “But added to Parliament of the UK leaving Europe, rulednow that a hard Brexit has been practically Brexit, has left a effectively ruling out a hard hood out and the markets are seeing the buyers, believes Benhealthy situation for British has of staying in the customs union the likelistrengthened a lot. pound Bateman, of Holmes erty Sales in Sotogrande. Prop- “With it being steady at around Not only is the pound 1.16 for a few weeks level against the euro approaching its strongest your now it means you can get a lot more for growing anxious to since 2016, but sellers are ralysispound and also take advantage of the paerties on the market sell, having often had prop- want.” and maybe get a better deal on what you result of the Brexit for longer than expected as a He believes there are “While the pound uncertainty and delay. waiting to buy… and many buyers hovering and has strengthened prices en’t really increased,” as an analogy he cites explains the boss hav- weather and swimming. the togrande’s longest-established of So- “They’re already in their shorts agency. “Many buyers who and ready swim. ket towards the endput their homes on the mar- will They’re dipping their toe in the pool,for a but to sell as quickly of 2017 have not been able so? they jump in right away or wait an It’s as we had forecast hour or now been on the market and have “All I just a matter of time. would for 4 to 6 months ger than they had lon- best time to say is don’t miss this window, the hoped for, due to a buy is now.” in the market. paralysis Other agents have reported “With months of similar findings, such uncertainty regarding Brexit
Agents report good start to 2019 as confidence from Brits returns
Dream Killas REuse REduce REcycle Continues on Page
We use recycled paper
2017. decree was Last month, a royal in Spain passed giving Brits living to apply for until December 31 2020 granting a Foreigner Identity Card, TM after country them legal status in the Brexit.
ll about
Santa Catalina
Vol. 3 Issue 53
hippest barrio? a week The Olive Press spends in fashionable Santa Catalina
TALENT: Masterchef Arber at Tema
April 26th - May 9th 2019
HIVE: A market trader with his wares and an se class in a Santa Catalina square
impromptu exerci-
One of Spain’s most cosmopolitan neighbourhoods, and Santa Catalina is a true melting pot for foodies people watchers, writes Jon Clarke and Gillian Keller
DESCRIBED by locals as ‘the village in the city’ Santa Catalina has the same charming feel of Montmartre in Paris or Hampstead in London. At the same time Palma’s trendiest neighbourhood has the sort of hip locals you would more normally expect to find in Ibiza or New York’s Greenwich Village. With the city’s best food market, some of its most exciting restaurants and, bit by bit, some of the coolest shops, it is little surprise that this achingly cool barrio has become - by the square metre - one of the most expensive places to buy in Spain. The area may be small - only seven streets wide, stretching from Feixina park to busy Calle Joan Crepsí - but it has literally explod-
ed over the last few years. There has been a huge influx of expat buyers, in particular Scandinavian over recent years, and Santa Catalina today is vastly different to the area that Palma residents remember a decade ago. “It’s amazing how much it has changed in such a short time,” explains estate agent Miguel Llinas, from First Mallorca. “We have seen houses selling there for up to two million euros and it is not just the international market that loves Santa Catalina. We are increasingly getting local Mallorquins also looking to buy,” he explains. This is perhaps no surprise, as the suburb increasingly becomes THE place to eat in Palma and more and more hip and trendy
FELAFEL KING: Ronan at Simply Delicious
Investment Opportunity
Continues on Page 12
Is this Mallorca’s
they ‘want to “Some of them just say escape the UK’.” were 10,315 By the end of 2018 there in MalBritish nationals registered in 2017. lorca, compared to 10,196 mostly The drop of expat numbers due to the happened since 2013 which was deep six-year recession, the worst in Spain’s history. in reverse in This now looks to be Brexit. Spain as a whole, despitepeople who “I know many British to Spain,” are continuing to move in Malaga said British councillor Dean Tyler Shelton. Brexit has “At the same time I think more Brits been a factor in pushing Most have no to register in Spain. he added. intention of going back,” registered There are 330,911 Brits has the as living in Spain. Alicante reg69,289 highest number with 66,397 in istered in 2018, up from
British resiHUNDREDS of new to live in dents have registered Spain. UK naThe number of registered despite the tionals has zoomed up spectre of Brexit. 119 more In Mallorca there wereend of last Brits registered at the year compared to 2017. expected to And the numbers are the last quarhave risen further over ter, believe experts. are worried, “I think many peopleregistrations,” so that has increased of naAnne Hernandez, president Brexpats in tional support group Spain told the Olive Press. are currently “And a lot of Brits they don’t moving to Spain, because move any want to leave their dream longer.
tel: 971 09 38 00 tel: 699 704 502
Block with 8 apartments for sale in Santa Catalina
Just 1.5 million Euros with 7.5% yield Call 686 359 268 for more info
Carrer de la Fàbrica, 2, 07013 Palma
Coupe Cocktail Bar coupecocktailbar
“I spent two years saving up for this trip, and we just can’t afford to pay for a new villa. The kids are devastated.” We helped the family make a police denuncia, as Deleslie will lose ‘more than €12,000’ as flights for 18 members of her extended family were already booked. She showed the Olive Press emails asking Dream Villas Spain for a full refund, after which ‘general manager’ Rosella Alba Gutierrez has shut off contact. Spain’s Companies House reveals that Dream Villas Spain, which is registered as Digital Dream SL, was incorporated in 2014 for ‘data processing and web hosting’. Based in Carrer de la Fe, in Palma, Mallorca, it filed tax returns from 2014 to 2017. There is no available phone number (the one on the website has been disconnected) and the name Rosella Alba Gutierrez appears nowhere in
Untitled-1.pdf 16/06/2017 Spanish teenager who zoomed into1Lewis Hamilton’s racing line, see page 3
LIVERPOOL and Tottenham fans have been advised to fly via Palma to Madrid after flights shot up to more than €1500 this week after the British teams’ decisive victories. The English clubs booked their spots in the Champions League final on June 1 after pulling off two of the best comebacks in history by beating Barcelona and Ajax, 4-0 and 3-2 respectively. Alternative routes have quickly been revealed for those travelling to the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium, including flying from Manchester to Brussels, to Palma, and then Madrid, and returning to Manchester via Berlin, working out at just €175.
syndrome’ have children contaminated medication were given on the Costa del Sol. Infants developed hypertrichosis - excessive body hair growth omeprazole which had - after taking been contaminated by minoxidil – the active ingredient for alopecia medication. Some 13 babiesIs had this Mallorca’s initially been diagbarrio? nosed with thehippest condition more cases linked to the before three tainted drugs CATCH THESE were discovered earlier this month. CONMEN Officials believe the could have affected up contamination to 30 Andalucian Tel: 952 147 834pharmacies 902 123 282 and more than 50 batches of the drug. G YEARS R AZIN EP O AM
By Mason Edwards
expat paper in Spain
Here to make your life easier...
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We’re here to stay!
Vol. 3 Issue 53
(Free or paid for) April 26th - May 9th 2019
HUNDREDS of new British residents have registered to live in Spain. The number of registered UK nationals has zoomed up despite the spectre of Brexit. In Mallorca there were 119 more Brits registered year compared toat the end of last And the numbers2017. have risen further are expected to ter, believe experts.over the last quar“I think many people so that has increased are worried, registrations,” Anne Hernandez, president of tional support group Brexpats naSpain told the Olive in Press. “And a lot of moving to Spain,Brits are currently want to leave theirbecause they don’t dream move any longer.
ll about
Vol. 3 Issue 53
Birthday special page 8
Santa Catalina www.theolivepress.es
April 26th - May
“Some of them just say they ‘want to escape the UK’.” By the end of 2018 British nationals there were 10,315 lorca, compared registered in Mal-
TALENT: Masterchef
Arber at Tema
9th 2019
HIVE: A market trader with his se class in a Santa Catalina wares and an impromptu exercisquare
One of Spain’s Santa Catalinamost cosmopolitan neighbourhoods, people watchers,is a true melting pot for foodies and writes Jon Clarke and Gillian Keller
DESCRIBED by locals as city’ Santa Catalina ‘the village in the ed over feel of Montmartre has the same charming the last in Paris or Hampstead There has been few years. London. a huge influx in in particular At the same Scandinavian of expat buyers, and Santa Catalina bourhood has time Palma’s trendiest over recent years, today is vastly more normallythe sort of hip locals you neigh- to the area that different would Palma residents expect to find York’s Greenwich in Ibiza or New a decade ago. remember “It’s amazing With the city’s Village. how much it such a its most excitingbest food market, some has changed in restaurants of Miguel short time,” explains estate some of the agent coolest shops, and, bit by bit, “We Llinas, from First Mallorca. that this achingly have seen houses it is little surprise selling there two million euros the square metre cool barrio has become for up to and - by national - one of the most places to buy market that it is not just the interexpensive We loves Santa The area mayin Spain. are increasingly Catalina. getting local also looking wide, stretchingbe small - only seven Mallorquins to Calle Joan Crepsí from Feixina park tostreets This is perhapsbuy,” he explains. no surprise, - but it has literally busy increasingly as the suburb becomes explod- Palma and more and THE place to eat in more hip and Ronan at Simply trendy Delicious
to 10,196 in 2017. The drop of expat happened since numbers mostly The Olive Press spends 2013 due to the TO deep six-year recession, 11 which was in fashionable Santa a week the worst in Spain’s TURN history. Catalina This now looks PAGE Spain as a whole,to be in reverse in despite Brexit. “I know many British people who are continuing to move to Spain,” said British councillor in Malaga Dean Tyler Shelton. “At the same time been a factor in I think Brexit has pushing more Brits to register in Spain. Most have no intention of going There are 330,911back,” he added. as living in Spain. Brits registered highest number Alicante has the istered in 2018, with 69,289 regup from 66,397 2017. in Last month, a royal decree was passed giving Brits until December 31 living in Spain A BRITISH TV star 2020 to apply for a Foreigner Identity has Card, granting bogus Palma based travelslammed a Kent, revealed them legal status that when his family company that stole ₤5,000 in the country TM after rental. Brexit. for a non existent arrived this month, the owner, who gave his name as found dozens of Klaus, was comProfessional chocolate pletely scammed out of tourists had been taster Angus about baffled and knew nothing millions of euros the rental or website. Kennedy from various sites, lost which illegally the money when Kennedy told the Olive Press uploaded villa photos the from legitihis family dis- had chosen the seven-bedroom they Press.press” Angus told the Olive mate sites. villa covered a Ger- in Arta out of 780 different Among those scammed homes “I think many more were British man man living for rent on the site. have been Rugby Union star duped and the scam at the Mallorcan But he only realised they had could be worth who lost €50,000 Dean Schofield, been millions.” on a fake villa in villa they had scammed when an airport Mallorca. pick-up Sadly this seems true, booked through never arrived, and they caught after we ex- This time, the website Untitled-1.pdf a taxi posed a string to the €600-a-night used to book 1Dream 16/06/2017 property to find sites duping of fake holiday web- the trip, dreamvillasspain.com, Villas 15:36 the bewildered See page 32 tourists coming Spain. was German. Spain two years to remarkably similar to those created ago and again last Kennedy, from “I was determined to get before. to the year. house and immediately Among its claims contacted In a series of is the goal to ‘creinvestigations we Investment
Block with 8 apartments for sale in Santa Catalina Just 1.5 million Euros with 7.5% yield Call 686 359 268 more info for
on Page 12
tel: 971 09 38 00 tel: 699 704 502 Carrer de la Fàbrica, 2, 07013 Palma Coupe Cocktail
British families out of thousandsscammed from fake holiday rental sites
902 123 282
Continues on Page
*Offer ends 30/11/18. N o t v a l i d f Co r renewals. Su bject to con ditions.
FAKE: Website while (right) previous issue
2/8/18 17:01
the list of employees. Another victim told the Olive Press this week she had booked a villa in Marbella as a surprise getaway for TheOlivePress-256x170-B18-year-old IKE-4.indd 1 four friends and five daughters as a post-A Levels present. Sarah Adam, based in London, told us she is convinced she has also
Long road to Madrid
British families scammed out of thousands from sites fake holiday rental
had been found dozens of tourists of euros scammed out of millions illegally that when his family from various sites, which who slammed a Kent, revealed from legitiA BRITISH TV star has company arrived this month, the owner, uploaded villa photos comhis name as Klaus, was bogus Palma based travel mate sites. nothing a non existent gave British that stole ₤5,000 for pletely baffled and knew the Olive Among those scammed were Schofield, the press” Angus told the rental or website. rental. Rugby Union star Dean taster Angus about Olive Press they Press. on a fake villa in Professional chocolate lost Kennedy told the villa “I think many more have been who lost €50,000 Kennedy chosen the seven-bedroom could be worth Mallorca. the money when had used to book out of 780 different homes duped and the scam This time, the website his family dis- in Arta millions.” ex- the trip, dreamvillasspain.com, was rent on the site. covered a Ger- for he only realised they had been Sadly this seems true, after we created holiday web- remarkably similar to those man man living But posed a string of fake when an airport pick-up a taxi sites duping tourists coming to before. at the Mallorcan scammed arrived, and they caught last Among its claims is the goal to ‘crevilla they had never €600-a-night property to find Spain two years ago and again 4 Continues on Page booked through to the German. year. 15:36 the bewildered Villas 16/06/2017 of investigations we 1Dream get to the Untitled-1.pdf was determined to contacted In a series “I Spain. and immediately See page 32 Kennedy, from house
Olive Press helps victims take action following skyrocketing reports of holiday rental scam CASES of ‘werewolf by Palma-based company grown after 16
THE Olive Press is helping victims EXCLUSIVE take legal action against a MalBy Joshua Parfitt lorca holiday rental company that scammed holidaymakers thousands for rental villas across Spain. also lost €6,000 after booking a villa It comes as this paper was contact- on the Costa Blanca for some some ed by three new victims of Dream ‘much needed family time’ after losing Villas Spain, following our report her mother to lung cancer. on celebrity chocolate taster Angus “My nephews and nieces were reKennedy, who lost €6,000 on a bo- ally looking forward to it as they have gus rental on the Costa Blanca. never been abroad,” Deleslie told the One of the three, Petra Deleslie, 42, Olive Press.
We’re here to stay!
Pic by: SucesosIB
expat paper in Spain
BUZZING: Klopp while (right) Spurs supporters
The mammoth journey does however mean leaving on May 30 and not returning until June 4.
Avenida Find out Rey more Jaime on 1, Santa pagePonca XX 0034 871 510 277
been scammed. The company, which Malaga-based pharmaceutical steals from other holiday company pictures Farma-Quimica to conditions. Sur the SL has rental and pockets de- been foundwebsites tounsuspecting be the sourceholidaymakof the batch. posits The of not batch toisrequests ers, hasaffected responded from lot 11072/10/42 2/8/18 17:01 and Olive most Press for comment. The has rehave been called while the anywebsite also reported as fraudumissing packets are being lent to atracked web hosting down.provider.
*Offer ends 30/11/18. Not valid for renewals. Subject
Vol. 3 Issue 62 www.theolivepress.es
Opinion Page 6
12th 2019
The British expats who Brexit and proud SEE are proPAGE 7
Dream Killas
Vol. 4 Issue 82
Introducing News Editor Laurence Dollimore and Reporter Joshua Parfitt
THE Olive Press is helping victims take legal action against a holiday rental company that scammed holidaymakers thousands for rental villas on the Costa Blanca. It comes as the paper was contacted by new victims of Dream Villas Spain, following last issue’s report on the plight of the Bolton family, who lost €2,000 on a Moraira rental. Petra Deleslie, 42, has now contacted us after losing €6,000 booking a villa in Moraira later this year for her extended family of 18. We agreed to help after she told us she was ‘desperate’ for a break after losing her
mother to lung cancer a few years ago. “My nephews and nieces were really looking forward to it as they have never been abroad,” Deleslie told the Olive Press. “I spent two years saving up for this trip, and we just can’t afford to pay for new villa. The kids are devastated.” We helped the family make a police denuncia, after Deleslie said she will lose ‘more than €12,000’ as flights were already booked and her bank were unable to claim their money back. She showed the Olive Press emails asking Dream Villas Spain for a refund, after
Contact them with any stories or news on 951 273 575 or email newsdesk@theolivepress.es (Personal contacts on page 6)
JAVEA Town Hall has begun legal proceedings against the owner of a property who cut off public access to a heritage fishing ground in Balcon al Mar. The unknown owner, who has a luxurious four-storey villa overlooking Cala Ambolo, built a ‘stone staircase’ with ‘metal railings’ that cut access to the Llavadora del Pinet fishery. Councillor Isabel Bolufer said
the Town Hall began proceedings after learning that the owner had intentionally reformed the stairs, closing access to the ancient site from Calle Samuel Adler. “These works represent a very serious attack on a heritage that corresponds to us all,” said a spokesperson for Jávea Oceanographic Research Institute (IROX).
Socialist win
Gong for Candy!
: Various witnesses
being seen ‘pacing frantically’ by the railings. A neighbour, who asked not to be named, told the Olive Press he man ‘peering saw the woover the edge’ after squeezing between a fence and a pillar at one steel support end of the bridge. It was about re police werean hour befosuicide attemptalerted to a over the dry Gorgos riverbed while children played football pitch. on a nearby “She was holding a white paper bag and in the bag and kept looking over the edge,”then leaning the neighbour told the “I wanted to Olive Press. ask her what she was doing, rried she spoke but I wonish and assumedonly Spashe was feeding stray cats.”
Just after 7pm
another Spanish Tuesday Stadlhofer, the holiday due 40, co-owner for June. Susan eyewitness revealed told the Olive of Xabia’s Bikes, she Bolton, 61, soon realised “We were this close to leaving she had seen had lost the for our the woman jump “I’m not sure Press. sit when Dream ₤1,300 depo- existed,” holiday that never from the they knew what eastern of two Bolton told the they were doing Villas Spain, based Olive SCAM: Brit family the Avenida de bridges on ked over a bike as they knoc- contact.in Mallorca, shut off all Press. caught by fake “I knew we had He “I was walking Augusta. villa website and didn’t takeworth €12,000 The been conned had told the Olive Press they mother-of-two when it—which is chosen the na when I saw to Mercadotations’. great for us.” from the ding I contacted them regarWest Midlands different homesvilla out of 780 The scam an airport pick her shoes, climbher take off up and got site. for rent on the ks finding the had spent wee- no response. comes almost perfect holiday years since two and no more,” the railing, It me suspicious.” made me beco- They only exclusively the Olive Press told the Olive the woman realised they She added the Press. “It all been scammed had fake holidayexposed a string of happened websites duping not respondingcompany is now port pick-up when an air- tourists so to any calls or Three police quickly.” coming to Spain. emails. and he caughtnever arrived, In a series cars and A BRITISH expat Meanwhile, celebrity property to find a taxi to the we found of investigations ambulance raced to the an scecalled in police ne to the bewildechocola- red German. dozens dogs chained te taster Angus after finding had been scammed of tourists Policeretrieve the body. in an abandoned Roger Ballantine ₤5,000 when Kennedy lost “What was confirmed the house without a group of millions of euros his family disfood. the dogs while contacted the Guardia covered a German case is I was different in our which from the various sites, of death as suicide, cause while a Ballantine had out walking near Orba. Civil after finding at the Mallorcan man living to the house,determined to get photos illegally uploaded villa spokesperson ‘pungent smell’ decided to investigate when Hall said the for the Town booked through villa they had ted the press”and then contac- Among from legitimate sites. lady Dream Villas he noticed a Inside he foundcoming from the ruin. Spain. Olive Press. Angus told the British those scammed were sh and had lived was BritiRugby in a block kept on short scenes worthy of a horror Kennedy, from “I think many Dean Schofield, Union star of flats next to the river chains surrounded film more have been excrement. that when the Kent, revealed duped and ‘for who lost many years’. by trash and with dogs €50,000 the family arrived their own “It was despicable,” this month, worth millions.”scam could be llorca. on a fake villa in Ma- Neither police the owner, who or the town clear that farmers Ballantine told the gave his name The website hall would reveal Spain Dream Olive Press. “It as Klaus, was he used to book have chained completely baffled her name, is the these four dogs.” rate as Digital Villas, who ope- suggesting it and knew com, trip, dreamvillasspain. Dreams SL, de- problematic was proving nothing about claims its clined to comment. the rental or website. te your dream goal is to ‘crea- JWe were next of kin to contact her holiday expeunable rience and exceed anyone at Dream to contact None of thein the UK. your expecresidents in the Villas Spain area as we went to by the bridge press. knew
Animal horror
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makers out of thousands 952 147 834 has finally shut down following an extensive AT Olive Press campaign this LAST: Scammers Dreamvillasspain. year. Press campaign (inset com nailed after Olive Dreamvillasspain.com left), while (right) was behind victim Angus and family countless tales of heartbreak as it It soon dawned seduced holidaymakers on Angus he’d lost fielding calls concerning bogus chasing villa rentals that into pur- his €5,500 and urgently needed achs never ex- place to stay a isted. with his wife and five rentals from Tenerife, to Marbella tacticslurch as they read of the scam and Moraira. One of the of young children. The first case was reported most heart- the Olive dreamvillasspain.com in breaking was from Petra Press. Olive Press to the Guardia by the “I think many more have Deleslie, April when professional Civil in duped and the scam could be been 42, and the collapse of her €6,000 The way the scam operated was that worth month-long villa prospective renters would chocolate millions,” taster Angus Kennedy Angus told this paper rental on the Costa an receive at Blanca, booked for email from ‘general manager’ 2/8/18 17:01 a villa he had paid for inturned up at the time. this Mallorca. Rosella Alba Gutierrez The mum-of-two from October. With mounting He was met with bewildered offering disKent was all counts for Ger- made a collectivecases, this paper set to travel with 18 extended up-front payments on reman owner, Klaus, Untitled-1.pdf denuncia at the members family spective villas. 1 who had no 16/06/2017 15:36Guardia Civil in Moraira for knowledge of ever putting on behalf following the a ‘much-needed break’ But once paid, Gutierrez his house of UK-based up for rental. death of her mother to would shut victims. off all contact, as it turned lung cancer. Soon after, the Olive out the Press was “My nephews and nieces were re- company’s phone was a fake. For months nothing was heard ally looking forward - unto it as they have never til a major UK news network got in been abroad,” Deleslie touch saying the website had been shut down. told the Olive Press. The Olive Press can also reveal “I spent two years sava ing up for this trip, and second site - named and shamed in I just can’t afford to a separate article - is also no longer pay for a new villa. The live. Travelvacationtour.com kids are devastated.” operated Deleslie added the cu- with exactly the same layout and mulative loss of flights houses as dreamvillasspain.com, would cost her family and scammed Brit Donna Archer out of €5,500 for a Tenerife €12,000 in total. villa Then there was Sarah booked as a post GCSE gift to her Adams, who booked son and his best mate in May. It is not yet clear if legal action has a surprise getaway to Malaga for four been taken against the companies, Find out more on page friends and their joint- as both are listed as ‘active’ on XX five daughters as a Spanish Companies House. Guardia Civil could not comment post-A Levels present. Both Deleslie and Ad- before we went to press. ams felt their stomOpinion Contact Isabel
Come and
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E n d s
698 769
* O f f e r
swore to police
they saw three-year-o
ld Maddie get
out of a VW
van and go
into the Tunnels
EXCLUSIVE By Dilip Kuner
8th 2019
Mystery suicide
MYSTERY surrounds the apparent suicide of an elderly British resident on the Costa Blanca. The 84-year-old expat threw herself in Javea afterfrom a bridge
Swallow the bait
Wheely fast!
April 25th - May
25th 2020
EXCLUSIVE: Did Maddie kidna pper in his distin her ctive van tobring Valencia restau Closing in, Page rant? this 2
VOX’S top candidate for Benidorm mayor has been replaced after revelations he received a A BRITISH two-year prison sentence for expat is being handed tigious British domestic violence in February gong by the Queen a presservices to tourists for her 2018. Candida Wright in Alicante. will receive an THE socialist Davidparty Perez Brigido was banher charitable MBE for two (PSOE) work will hold on ned the election,thedespite largest hospital as an interpreter in dor years ago from the British to from the Valencian government in the Marina to Spain. AmbassaMay 16. two-year in the upcoming sentences sometimes Alta, on Though regional elections, she is a professional The if58-year-old, waived in Spain according the Candida to a marketbeing known as ‘Candy’, interpreter, volunteered research company. has violence often represents victims of with HELP has no previous Sigma Dos accused sexual in Spanish courts na Altaconrevealed PSOE since it launched of Denia & Mari- as offering for free, as well victions. take between will in 1984. During that time financial support 29-30 seats, whicharity. le the Popular she has helped through her Perez Brigido was found through to have Party expats cancer, bereavement, (PP) will see its representation cy and ‘repeatedly bureaucra- “One of the hardest things is his ex-wife, court battles. fall abused’ from ne comes to the 31 seats to 22-23. when someothe president after he ‘shoved and As desk saying threw her But with the the help desk at of the charity, she runs died and I don’t know what ‘my husband totalground, to the seats inpulled her hair the Marina Salud lained Candy, Valencia’s Generalitat to do’,” expin Denia. who lives in Ondara hospital her at 99, and punched PSOE will again her in the Spanish husband. face’. with “The SCAM: Dream Villas Spain site conned Brits abroad most exciting to form Her two children, 35 and 25, live coalition to reach Theneed judge alsoa found vitation the card dis- I was thing was the pink in- respectively. in Madrid the absolute majority of 50 posted with the which ‘general manager’ Ro- returns from 2014 to 2017. graced BP (Buckingham While she helpsand Valencia seats. far-right politician had The poll suggests Palace),” Candidawords tal procedures, with hospitheand sella Alba Gutierrez has shut Olive‘defrequently burials and repatriation, the PSOE‘insulted’ Press. told she’s often There is no availablemake phone will a pact meaned’ “I thought it meant called upon to with Valencianist Spain’s Companies House number (the one on the the woman, just be a ‘helping who was hand’ to Compromis British Petroleum web- (17-18 first.” she joked. seats) at “You’re someone in need. and reveals that Dream Villas site has been disconnected) left with post-traumatic left-wing populist and stress sometimes dealing The expat, who Podemos Spain, which is registered as and the name Rosella (6-7 seats). disorder. with people years, received has lived in Spain for 45 who are cancer patients, or need amputaa ‘Points of Light’ tions, The Alba regional elections Digital Dream SL, was incor- Gutierrez appears nowhere award eling and it just gives you a wonderful in fall to think ‘I really porated in 2014 for ‘data pro- the list of employees. on May 26 the same daywill fehelped them today’.” as the European cessing and web hosting’. MEETING QUEEN: Another victim told the Oli- elections. Candida Based in Carrer de la Fe, in ve Press this week she See had our election guide Palma, Mallorca, it filed tax booked a villa in Marbella as on page 6 a surprise getaway for four friends and five 18-year-old daughters as a post-A Levels CON artists have scammed a present. British pensioner out of €300 Sarah Adam, based in Lon- after pretending to help him redon, told us she is convinced cover money left at a cashpoint she has also been scammed. THE owners of in Javea last Saturday. a bike shop are The company has appealing not res-for witnesses Brian Stokes, 77, was approatheft of €40,000 ponded to email requests a British for ched byof two ‘20-something’ families scammed just one minute! of stock - in comment. Spanish men outside thousands the Saout of The theft at Meanwhile, DarrenMoraira Coombes Xabia’s badell Bikes in on Cabo de la Nau from saw nine bikes bank fake holiday EXCLUSIVE from Alicante-based Dream stolen he had left Pla claiming at 4am €20 in last Wednesday By Joshua Parfitt Villa Spain told the Olive mor- A ning. Press the cashpoint. The thieves then BRITISH family the fraudsters are One who cashing of the in a week’swithdraw bikes, claimed they couldn’t a Trek LR10, holiday on thebooked villa, in Moraira, wasdrawing worth €13,000. on his credibility and before transCosta Blancaand cash themselves wereasked shocked to see ferring the deposit. “Two thieves their villa advertised users from his legitimate She has now pro- broke Stokes in andtoin re-insert card, as avai- her just a minute confirmed that lable on ahis andwhich perty business website. family have been a half they completely different stole stole. nine bikes,” Martin scammed website. over
voice in Spain
www.theoliv epress.es June 12th - June
SEEN THEM:Van or paedophile Brueckner, Christian believed to have taken Maddie?
May 9th - May 22nd 2019
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The Olive Press helps victims take action following skyrocketing reports of holiday rental scam
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Rental websites which scammed British holidaymakers out of thousands FINALLY shut down following Olive Press exposes
voice in Spain
August 30th - September
A RISING football star Health authorities are is one of at least 51 cusreportedly preparing heavy sanctions for failures raised tomers believed to have when in the handling of food and ‘structural deficiencies’. 19-year-old been poisoned at A top scorer in his club restaurant in Mallorca. a Japanese Carlos Mora Baunbag was last year and standing at 6ft 2, Real Mallorca B footballer entered the Victor de English Premier League tipped to be signed by Baunbag is among the emergency In November, agents club Liverpool. fallen ill this week after dozens to have room the morning after eating at Drageating at the restaurant. on Sushi on Calle Blanqerna 19-year-old’s qualities from the Reds said the However it wasn’t until ‘could fit well’ in EngThe Cameroonian forward, in Palma. land and made it known Dragon Sushi was closed two days later that that they were trackborn in Madrid, is one of many ing him. tors, who ordered tests by food safety inspecwho have already to be performed. tested positive for Salmonella The rising star will now While the current number - the bacteria of victims stands at found in uncooked meats while he recovers from be firmly off the pitch 51, authorities believe and seafood. sickness. that figure could climb The alarm of the Salmonella much higher. The restaurant outbreak was first until the case is complete. will remain closed
Parents have been advised medical help if their child to seek given the formula and check has been with their pharmacy if they have purchased an affected lot. Hypertrichosis, known as ‘werewolf syndrome’, is tion characterised by a rare condiexcessive hair growth anywhere on a person’s body. Those with the condition cally been subject to greathave historiin somes cases forced interest and to perform in travelling circuses and freak Spanish TMauthorities have shows. said this incident is isolated to children’s formula and that adults taking omeprazole capsules should not worry oping symptoms. When about develthe children A FRAUDULENT stopped taking the prescription villa rental webtheir site that tricked British hair growth subsided. holiday-
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9th s April 26th - May
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Vol. 3 Issue 53 www.theolivepress.e
Here to make your life easier...
FLASHBACK: Our first exclusive probe into the scams was in June, 2017
in Alcossebre
in May 2007
Pic by Joshua
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By Mason Edwards
Birthday special page 8
Here to make your life easier...
paper in Spain
By Mason Edwards
property Malaga’s bestmagazine
Continues on Page 2
National court probe launched after €600,000 stolen from tourists after FOUR years of fake rentals scams
It is unclear who grabbed a knife first, but both are being treated for stab wounds, one at Son Espases hospital and the other at a nearby clinic. The holidaymaker is reportedly being treated for leg, stomach and arm injuries. The waiter suffered a deep cut to his hand, according to Cronica Balear. A spokeswoman at Santa Margalida police station confirmed to the Olive Press that an investigation had been launched. The Don Denis restaurant has a 4.5 rating on TripAdvisor with 236 traveller reviews rating it as
See page 3
A ROW over a bill has ended up with a British tourist and a waiter in hospital suffering from stab wounds. Both needed stitches after the pair got into a fight over a meal at Don Denis restaurant, in Can Picafort. The scuffle broke out after the tourist complained about his steak and refused to pay the bill. After heated words between the waiter, 60, and the Brit, said to be in his mid-40s, the argument turned nasty.
Demands from victims as convicted holiday rentals conman avoids prison AND back stolen paying
fees A BRITISH couple conned €2,800 through out of site have turned a fake holiday webSpanish fraudsterdetective and had a convicted. However, the angry holidaymakers are now demanding action conman with Valencia links after the return their money, failed to despite a court order. The couple, Lucia and Peter both 54, from London, are Myers, that Alvaro Lopez furious Uribe only paid SCAMMED: one installment Brit Lucia Myers after being foundout of an agreed 11, had Uribe (right) guilty of the elaboconvicted over rate scam. suspended the luxury villa term on condition A Spanish court rental (above) re-paid the couple. he sentenced but “I thought that six months jail now conman Uribe to But Uribe the lockdown is ‘bankrupt’ has now declared have day in Mallorcafor ruining their holi- insolvent and free himself ment been why we have had might warned.“It turned last year and and the court no payfor months, out these then fore declared has the case over. there- email informing but then I got an mers had simply stolen the scam- bank account was now ended,” us that the matter from the internet and set pictures also used by in Valencia that was site,” Lucia explained. the same scammers. up a fake “The IT specialist told the Olive authorities Press this week. Lucia money to be returned to take this very in Spain don’t seem She and husband was refused there were no funds in the account.as tinued. “But to seriously,” she conruns a computer Peter, who Lucia my had handed over business, couplesmanaged to find two other crime. How much mind this is a big money has been a bank transfer the cash via scam. who had fallen for the same stolen from innocent One of them people?” While Uribe one-week stay to pay for a Mallorca turned up claimed ket villa near at an upmar- find they with their two children in guilty and other shadier he was not to behind had nowhere But just the Palma, in 2017. the scam, she figures were to stay. day before they believes he should pay for UK BASED were due to fly he is convicted. the crime for which told the villa out, they were was no longer DeterminedDossier “This puts us available. off visiting Spain. that no-one else have gone fall victim to The couple, who the site, she should past few to Corfu instead for We ling with their were travel- to have it closed managed the years. Scams two down like not children, this are after making good for Spain Julia, 15 and an – the authorities should realise the time, were Alicia, nine at Sheofficial complaint. for Spanish this and make also went to harder for another villa. forced to book which the it eventually tookGuardia Civil, and easier conmen to work online residents Incredibly, on for people to on the case, money an internet with Lucia twice get their search for a last minute ness to Granada. flying out as a wit- A homeback.” www.globeli rental they were address given nk.co.uk to the court offered the “The court paid the by Uribe in Granada actual villa by expenses, but I think the defendant’s appeared empty this week. and told that the real owners surprised to see me. lawyer was Neighbours the victims of they had been turned 96 626 5000 up, that would If I hadn’t had not seentold the Olive Press they that has caughta classic scam have been the An him for ‘some +44 (0) 1353 time’. official address over the last fewhundreds out end of the case,” she 699082 for his ‘holiday said. years, as the During the lettings Olive Press two year investigation empty business’ turned out has frequently she compiled with local businesses to be formation – a huge dossier of in- they had never saying including details heard of him. of a Opinion Page 6
CONTINUAL REMINDERS: From 2017, we have exposed many more fraudsters TM
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2/8/18 17:01
SUFFERER: Of hypertrichosis
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BLOODY SCENE: Stab victim is attended to
SPAIN’S National court has taken over the investigation of a long-term holiday rental scam. At least 300 tourists have been conned by the phantom rentals scheme around Spain over the last few years. The maj o r i t y were tourists from northern Europe, with at least 100 cases taking place in the Balearics alone. In total, the scammers, believed to
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and husband Peter forked out nearly €3,000 to a fake website last year for a villa rental in Mallorca. Lucia turned be based on mainland Spain, pock- detective in a bid to get her cash back and traced the payment to a bank in eted at least €600,000. Most of the money came from de- Granada, eventually identifying Alvaposits paid for holiday rentals when ro Lopez Uribe as the recipient of the unsuspecting punters visited bogus money. He was eventually sentenced to six months jail after she made mulwebsites set up by the conmen. On some occasions, as reported by the tiple trips to Spain to testify against Olive Press, victims even turned up at him. their holiday homes to discover they She told the Olive Press: “The authorities in Spain don’t seem to take this had been duped. They included British rugby league very seriously. To my mind this is a international Dean Schofield and wife big crime. How much money has been Gemma who together with a group of stolen from innocent people?” pals forked out an incredible €50,000 As in the Myers’ case, a group of hackfor a six bedroom luxury villa in Mal- ers managed to clone the websites of several travel agencies to undertake lorca. Gemma told the Olive Press: “We the latest scam. were very angry when we found out. They often took the details of individIt was a horrible moment and we did ual homes and hijacked contact numbers. not know what to do.” Another victim was Lucia Myers. She Using a series of websites, including Palmasur and Mallorca Letting, they cleverly seduced clients into parting with large sums of money as deposits for See page 5 & 14 holidays. The money was sent to a series of bank accounts in Valencia, Madrid and 96 626 5000 +44 (0) 1353 699082
By Elena Gocmen Rueda
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2/8/18 17:01
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Castellon. It comes after hundreds of denuncias were filed with police stations around Spain. There were so many victims it was agreed that one Valencia court in Requena would amalgamate all the claims into one case four years ago. But now - with over 300 victims - the court asked the Audiencia Nacional to step in as it had become ‘overwhelmed’. Page 6
A judge this week agreed to take on the case in Madrid given the ‘extremely serious damage caused to the confidence and image’ of the Spanish tourist industry. Alarmingly the victims are certainly not the only people scammed over the last decade. The Olive Press has reported on and knows of many other cases, which have fallen under other jurisdictions, or not even been reported. Last year, a 24-year-old Ecuadorian was arrested in Alfafar, in Valencia, accused of taking over €6,000 from various bogus rentals in Menorca and Mallorca in the summer of 2019. Opinion Page 6