Looking for Cinderella POLICE have issued an appeal for a ‘Cinderella’ thief who left his trainer at the scene of a crime. The wanted man ran away from officers after he was caught drinking alcohol on the streets in Chipiona, Cadiz. He was in such a rush he forgot one of his shoes, as well as a bottle of rum and a bag of ice. Police tweeted a photo of the trainer, hoping someone might recognise it. They joked that they were on the hunt for the ‘little princess’. “We don’t know if the shoe jumped off due to the acceleration of his departure or it was a logistics failure (it was not properly on) but the reality is that that shoe is being well cared for.” They also joked that a man who wears ‘€140 trainers drinks cheap rum from an €8 bottle’. However they added: “Running is for cowards and bad bullfighters and is uncomfortable with a single shoe. “If you run it is because you know you have done something wrong”.
Relax with a book this summer with our guide to the best reads on Spain
Vol. 5 Issue 112
Your expat
voice in Spain August 13th - August 26th 2021
See page 12
Expats swim their way around Mallorca for charity By Katherine Brook
LOST: Cinderella’s shoe
WE have winners of our competition to see the fabulous Paul Maxwell in The Elton John Experience, playing alongside the Malaga Symphony Orchestra. John Cahill and Kirsten Prydz each win a pair of tickets to the show at the Marbella Arena on August 21. They both answered correctly that Elton John has had 69 UK Top 40 hits. You can get tickets for the show at www.corteingles.es or call 0034 633647260 for more information.
TWO Brits have just snorkeled round the entire coast of Mallorca in just 33 days. Team Mallorca 360 set off on their sea adventure on June 30, from St Elm bay in Palma, with the aim to swim around the whole Island in support of two charities: Yachting Gives Back and Save the Med. They are also hoping to raise awareness of the problem of plastics polluting the world’s seas. The two Brits, Pete Langan and Tim Galgey, were in the water between seven and eight hours per day, starting at first light.
They took it in turns to pull along a kayak, strapped to their leg, carrying their belongings, which included food, water, cooking equipment, their sleeping bags and a roll mat. In another kayak was Pete’s girlfriend Joanna Zet, who had a challenge all of her own: to paddle alongside the boys the w h o l e w a y around the Isl a n d , capturing footage and making sure they had a constant supply of food and drink
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CHALLENGE: Tim Galgey (left) and Pete Langan spent up to eight hours a day in the water
(and keep herself sufficiently fueled!). “We swam an average of 12km a day, stopping on beaches, boulders and rocks to recover and sleep before going again the next day,” said Langan, 47 from North London. “Our breakfast each morning was a 1200 calorie mixture of oats, protein and dried fruits, then we’d graze throughout the swim too,” he said. Come evening, the team would fill up on tinned fish, pasta or noodles. Luckily, they were able to replenish their water supply most days from shops near to where they stayed. By day 22, word had spread
about the epic challenge thanks to 35-year-old Zet sharing updates on social media, and people started meeting them at their overnight locations, bringing cakes, biscuits, curries and fruit. “We are so thankful for the food brought to us. Being in the water for so long each day was hard, especially when it went over the seven hour mark,” said Langan.
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Although they had all prepared as best they could for the challenge, there was no knowing how the body would react to being in the water for such sustained periods at a time. “We were pretty lucky. The worst thing was that any cuts didn’t heal but we took a lot of vaseSee page 16 line and sudocrem!” said Langan. As they swam around the island, the team
said the scenery was beautiful though they were slightly disappointed in the lack of wildlife they saw: “We spent more than 170 hours in the sea and the best fish we saw was a metre-long Sand Ray… about one minute after we left St Elm,” said Langan. Mallorca 360 set off with a target to make it around the island in 30 days, which technically, they did. “We had to stop for four days due to bad weather, so we actually completed it in 29 days!” he said. Since they arrived back on land Langan hasn’t yet been back in the water but 52-year-old Kent born Galgey is ‘like a fish’, and has already been snorkeling, said Langan. When the Olive Press asked the boys what their next adventure is, Langan said there’s a ‘few’ in the pipeline but they will most definitely be ‘on water, not in it’. Donations are still open on the Go Fund Me Mallorca 360 Snorkel Challenge page.