2015 ONN Annual Report

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A Strong and Resilient Nonprofit Sector. Thriving Communities. A Dynamic Province.

ONN MISSION To engage, advocate, and lead with—and for—nonprofit and charitable organizations that work for the public benefit in Ontario.




COURAGE to take risks and do things differently.

DIVERSITY of perspectives, CREATIVITY, and EXPERTISE to get stuff done. “It’s increasingly clear OPTIMISM and DETERMINATION. that our sector is vital to the health of Ontario, and needs to SOLUTIONS created by the sector, with the sector, for the sector. continue to play a central role in the provCELEBRATING our successes and LEARNING from our experiences. ince’s policies and planning. Our work at ONN is guided by our vision that a healthy nonprofit STRENGTH that comes from working TOGETHER. sector leads to thriving communities, and in turn, a resilient province. We are an organization that always looks forward. Every year we seem to succeed at doing more, achieving more, and having a greater impact than the year before ­ working side by side with Ontario’s large and 7,000­-strong network diverse nonprofit sector so it can continue 300+ volunteer leaders to grow and thrive.”— Jini Stolk, “Not a 9,500+ engaged social media followers ONN Board Chair day goes by, that we 1,500+ special events guests (Conference, webinars, etc.) don’t hear from the sector— ideas for collective action, what is ONN Projects, Working Groups, & Advisory Committees: keeping them up at night, reflections • Rural Social Enterprise on our work (good and constructively • Connect the Sector critical!), ideas for membership services • Shared Platforms and blog posts and so much more...we cannot • Evaluation do this work in isolation and living our values • Accessibility means that we are part of this amazing ecosystem that is Ontario’s nonprofit sector. • Labour Force Valuing diversity and creativity and simply • Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act getting stuff done keeps us • Sector Purchasing motivated.”— Cathy Taylor, • Accounting Standards ONN Executive Director


ONN WORK WITH AND FOR THE SECTOR OUR SECTOR Comprised of over 55,000 organizations Employs over 1 million people Engages over 5 million volunteers Contribues over $50 billion to Ontario’s GDP


Including: • Police Record Checks • Labour Force Strategy, Pensions, and Decent Work • Accessibility: EnAbling Nonprofits Ontario


Including: • Funding Reform • Social Enterprise Strategy • Social Procurement Strategy • Social Impact Bonds • Sector Financing & Loans • Reclaimed Assets • Public Lands • Access to Vendor of Record


Including: • Shared Platforms • Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act • Accounting Standards • Provincial Budget: Recommendations, analysis, & sector reactions


Including: • Sector Driven Evaluation Strategy • Community Hubs • Data Strategy for Ontario’s Nonprofit Sector

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