The OUTsiders Ally August

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TheOUTsidersAlly You r Al l I n cl u si v e L GBTQI A Pu bl i cat i on

August 2016

The OUTsiders Ally


Aug 2016


Bi-sexual Transgender




You r M on th l y Al l y Hola SeĂąor y SeĂąoras, My name is Chris Peek and if you haven?t heard about The OUTsiders Ally yet, I am sure you?ll hear all about the content we have provided you inside. If you didn?t know, we are a LGBTQ lifestyle guide, What a busy month for all of us here in the Circle City. From catching them all, to eating the wonderful food in this city, I present to you The OUTsiders Ally August Issue. As many of you know by now we like to try and keep each edition themed. Our featured article this month is our theme: Transphobia. A term that I believe our community doesn?t like to talk about. This month we have a few new writers, one returning, and one brand new. Thomas Risener is our new astrology editor. With a vast knowledge of the stars, moon, and universe he will make sure to help your mind settle each month. Look for his Quickening column every month, as well as his horoscopes. Another writer I would like to introduce today is Keegan Cooper. Keegan is a 28-year-old gay man living in Indianapolis and an alumnus of IUPUI's writing and editing graduate programs. He currently works downtown at New Oxford Shakespeare, an editing project between IUPUI and Oxford University that's releasing four editions of Shakespeare later this

year. We are excited to bring both of these strong writers onto our team. If you are looking for The Meet Cute this month you will have to go online. As many of you know not everything can make it to print, and as we have grown a lot of our content is starting to slowly move onto our website. I again hope that all of you enjoy our calendar of events and even a place to read and print out your own physical copy directly from our website. As always we welcome new writers. If there's something you'd like to say that you aren't seeing here, please email me at We want everyone's voice heard.

Yours Truly,

Here at The OUTsiders Ally we strive to bring you, the community, a safe-space through words, laughter, and voice.

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

By- Th om as Risen er I?d like to start this edition of Quickening off with an apology, and gratitude. I am sorry for being on sabbatical and leaving you metaphysically bereft in the department of literature. I thank you for your patience. This tree hugger is back, however, and ready to cover this month?s topic with passion and purpose. Let?s talk about love; the universal kind. How can it make us stronger psychics, healers, light workers, shamans, and witches? Where is it located? Is it invisible, or can it literally be seen everywhere? Is it an endless resource like most cards, calendars, and inspirational memes say it is? Does the concept of love have metaphysical pertinence? You bet it does! With recent events becoming more inflamed and unnaturally violent it is important to remember what love is at its core, and what hollow human facades are virally disguised as an imitation of thereof. Should you scour for information regarding the word love, you will find many definitions and perhaps a few tidbits regarding the etymology of the word ?love.? This is only what we know to call such a current, but a label does it no justice. You must look outside of that basic categorization. When you hear the term ?Anahata Chakra,?then you?re on to something. Growing beautifully in the sternum is a 12 petal (complete set of astrological personalities,) flower of green light (the color of nature?s undying dedication to her children,) with two intersecting triangles (the balance and union of male and female divinity.) Already there is a clear and organic theme of communal interdependence, connection, balance of extremities, and respiration. The Sanskrit meaning of Anahata is

?the unstruck sound.? Let?s ponder that. When another human is silent, near the one they love, others may not be able to hear it, but its harmony vibrates off the rafters. When you stand amidst a green grove of trees surrounded by lush vegetation, you may be able to hear the wild things moving about, but earth herself is making a sound that cannot be heard. You may feel compelled to tell others you love them (and this is great,) but love is more about how you feel and what you do (or do not.) On the opposite side of this coin, others will use the word love as a lie to give false hope, these people often shout love, but never act it (social media today is replete with this hollow tactic.) Love is a silent action. By being silent in your love, you are listening to another. Take notice of this from now on. The quicker you acquaint yourself with this concept, the better you will understand how to heal the wounds of society. So, ok! Now that we know to be sincere and not just trendy, what else is there? Location, location, and location. I said sternum above, and in metaphysical teachings the Anahata is referred to as the ?heart Chakra.? Rightly so, but in addition to being a witch, I am also a biologist at heart. The nature of this chakra is the entirety of the cardiopulmonary system. The lungs are often left out of this equation. The function of this system is to take in fresh oxygen and to release carbon dioxide, which as we know, plants need and convert into sugar. In a world where advanced technology and sciences are on the rise, we forget the sacred message in the simplicity of first grade wisdom. Could this be humans giving to plants so that they can give back to us? Is this why love is a green light? Or why the bronchioles

within our lungs are shaped like little trees? Oh wow! A pattern. Suddenly you?re reevaluating your definition of love. It isn?t just little candies that say be mine, or when you buys flowers for somebody. It is a universal cycle and responsibility to give back to the collective, selflessly and involuntarily. Give until every being has, regardless of their color, gender, lifeform (plants and animals,) or spiritual practices, because we are all hear breathing for one another. This is true unrequited love with a rose quartz in each hand, and its work-boots on. These wounds we are experiencing as a world culture (everyone included, no outsies,) will be tough to handle in the coming days. While reading this, if you know you?re a light worker, it is your duty to pick up this cause. Take a moment in your garden, with your pets, alongside your loved ones and set aside 15 minutes or so. Shut off the phone, forget the Facebook feed (it does more harm than help really,) and close your eyes. Plant your bare feet in the earth, and breathe green light in and exhale love out into the world. Visualize the faces of all living things; wildlife, people nearby or far off in different villages and cities. See those who share your cause and empower them. See the ones who you may not agree with, or get along with and send them wisdom and compassion. They are humans learning lessons as well. Want meditations, metaphysical advice, or want to see a certain type of material in Quickening? Contact me @

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

Bl ack L i v es M at t er By : N i cci Th om as

In the wake of the recent tragedies involving police action shootings, the # BLM (Black Lives Matter) campaign has seen a surge in participation through rallies, marches and protests. There has also been a noticeable increase in whites and other races joining along in the fight to end police brutality and killing and help bring equality and justice for all. That seems to be making folks nervous. Even in 2016, white privilege is alive and thriving unfortunately and seemingly much more aggressive in light of the Trump campaign. Closet racists have come out letting their hate flags fly now that they have a ?voice? trying to make America ?great? again. I have actively become part of the BLM movement. I am white, but I have 2 black sons and a black daughter. I have countless family members and friends who are black. I also feel as people we should stand up for our fellow man regardless if there are ties to home or not. I think it is reprehensible that in 2016 we still need to march for blacks to have equality, but if it is needed I will do so. What I need for the people who scream ?but all lives matter though? is that while, yes, they do, it?s clear not everyone shares that same sentiment. If they did, black people wouldn?t be singled out in traffic stops for having a ?wide set nose? or the NYPD wouldn?t actively tell their officers to target blacks and hispanics. All Lives Matter is little more than a way to take the focus off the problem at hand and turn the attention back around to the white population. It?s almost a bigger insult than being openly racist; at least they acknowledge their hate. The ?ALM? folks are so self absorbed and so blind to how wrong it is to counter such a powerful movement that they end up sounding ridiculous. I?ve seen posts on social media with outlandish comparisons from white people like, ?well, my cousin Jimmy died from smoking meth, but I don?t see anyone rallying for him?. Why would we? Your cousin Jimmy is an idiot. Alton Sterling was held down and executed by Baton Rouge police. Philando Castille was only guilty of being black with a ?wide set nose? when he was gunned down in Minnesota with a child in the backseat of his car. THAT is injustice. Not your cracked out cousin killing himself with drugs, but black men being slaughtered by police because they?re BLACK. The Black Lives Matter movement is demanding attention and justice. It?s not supposed to be comfortable. Change and evolution usually aren?t. The only time in my life that I have seen similar amounts of hate so up close and personal is when we held the Rally for Equality back in 2010 after some students at IUPUI were discriminated against by a vendor at City Market because they refused to make rainbow cookies claiming it was ?against their religion?. I remember when my best friend told me about it and all I could think of to say was, ?really, people still do that?? We had a huge outpour of support from the community black and white alike, free thinkers, fellow members of the

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

The OUTsiders Ally

co-location within The Damien Center is key to maximizing opportunities for clinic patients to access services that improve quality of life and overall wellness. These supportive services range from housing and financial assistance to nutritional support. Through the clinic?s partnership with Indianapolis, IN? In August 2015, the Center, all patients of Damien Damien Cares Clinic opened its doors Cares have access to the full range of to begin seeing patients, who are living services offered by the Center, with HIV in Central Indiana. Housed according to eligibility requirements within The Damien Center in for each program. Indianapolis?Holy Cross neighborhood, According to the Centers for Disease this new health care clinic offers both Control and Prevention, individuals HIV care and primary care to living with HIV who are on HIV patients? a rarity among providers and medications and have achieved viral a distinguishing factor for the newly suppression not only experience established organization. better personal health, fewer Established as part of a $1.3 million infections, and fewer chronic capacity-building grant from The illnesses? they also decrease the risk Health Foundation of Greater of transmitting the virus to others. Indianapolis, the clinic offers HIV care, The partnership established between primary care, and transgender care, as Damien Cares Clinic and The Damien well as, in collaboration with The Center improves accessibility Damien Center, medical case to both medical care and critical management, mental health and supportive services. Improved substance abuse counseling services, accessibility to a clinic, mental health and access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for those at substantial risk for contracting HIV. The clinic is open to any individual living with HIV or at high risk of acquiring HIV. Using a model designed to eliminate disparities in healthcare for underserved populations of people living with HIV/ AIDS, the clinic?s

New Damien Cares Cl inic of f ers HIV care and primary care under one roof Cl inic designed t o el iminat e heal t hcare disparit ies in communit y-based set t ing

Aug 2016

services, substance abuse counseling, and medical care coordination improve compliance with medical care and HIV treatment resulting in reduced viral loads, healthier individuals, and a healthier Anyone interested in scheduling an appointment or learning more about Damien Cares should contact the clinic at 317-423-0130.

Learn more about Damien Cares by visiting our website at or like us on Facebook @ damiencaresclinic About Damien Cares Damien Cares exists to eliminate the disparities in health care experienced by people living with HIV/ AIDS by providing services that promote health and wellness through quality care and treatment, including medical, mental health, and social services. Damien Cares administers a range of medical and behavioral health services?. To ensure that everyone living with HIV/ AIDS in underserved populations receives essential healthcare needs. Damien Cares Clinic accepts most insurances..

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

Th e Al l y Review By-Bil l El l iott Whit Stillman is a well-respected American film director, though most moviegoers may never have heard of him. He has made only five films in the last 25 years; his first, Metropolitan, a low-budget film about small group of preppy, Upper East Side Manhattanites, was released to great acclaim in 1990. Since then, Stillman has written, directed, and either produced or co-produced Barcelona (1994), and The Last Days of Disco (1998), followed by (after a 13 year hiatus) Damsels in Distress (2011). His most recent film is Love and Friendship, based on the Jane Austen novella, Lady Susan. Whitman?s films are witty comedies of manners about upper crust Ivy Leaguers and ambitious social climbers. They have been described as costume dramas without the costumes. So, it is

somewhat bemusing that it took him so long to make a film based on an Austen novel, particularly as Austen has become, in recent years, a cultural mini-industry. Spin-off novels based on her books (most usually Pride and Prejudice), films, TV shows, and even musicals with Austen-based themes have flooded the market recently. There have been re-imaginations of her classic works introducing vampires and zombies into their storylines. So, Stillman, it seems, was the perfect match for Austen?s world of wit, manners, and social privilege. Matching and mating are key forces in all of Austen?s novels. Mating rituals, however, are generally driven by economics and not biology. While most of her characters would flinch at the idea of working for a living, the fear of loss of

social status, privilege, and money are always ever-present. Marriage is a conduit to a life of leisure, comfort, and support for the rest of one?s family (there are always mothers and sisters to look after). Love is a secondary thought, if it is thought of at all. Austen?s Lady Susan is a story told through a series of letters. In Love and Friendship, Stillman fleshes out the characters and the storyline, presenting the narrative almost as a TV sitcom. (He even employs some classic TV techniques, like introducing characters in freeze frame, accompanied by their character name, prior to their appearance onscreen). The widowed Lady Susan Vernon (Kat Beckinsale) has been dependent on the kindness of strangers ever since her husband died leaving her with little means of supporting

herself and her daughter, Frederica (Morfydd Clark). However, in Austen, having no money is rarely a barrier to continuing to lead a life of leisure and comfort. If nothing else, upper class blood is thicker than water and there are always friendly families happy to help out, if only for a time. Lady Susan has outstayed her welcome at the home of Lord and Lady Manwaring (pronounced ?Mannering?). For one thing, she?s been having an affair with the handsome lord of the manor. So, on very short notice, she is forced to pay a visit to her in-laws, Catherine and Charles Vernon (Justin Edwards and Emma Greenwell). Such unannounced visits are an upper class family?s nightmare as putting up relatives requires months of preparation. But the couple gracefully welcome Lady Susan into their home.

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

Gh ostbu ster s' Rem ak e is No Gh ost By- Lin dsey Tayl or Every time a classic from my childhood is made, I get stoked. I get nostalgic at the possibilities of the new prospects of a movie that I watched over and over in my younger years. I get a feeling of pride when I can share the remake with my kids, so I can inevitably pay homage to the originals (and make them watch them). The Ghostbusters remake did not disappoint. As soon as my household saw the previews we were hooked. We knew that with the new cast, this movie was going to be something. And it was! From the beginning glimpse of a bust of Harold Ramis (Dr. Egon Spenglor from the original 1984 Ghostbusters who passed away at 69 in 2014) to the end face-to-face with Sigourney Weaver (Dana Barrett from original 1984 Ghostbusters), this movie had all the right appearances in all the right places. Action packed with ghosts, kick-ass females (Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones), and twist and turns throughout, the movie was an excellent remake not veering from the original plot-line of ghost-busting awesomeness. As in the original, each character contributed into the originality of this remake. The only major difference besides the all-woman cast was the theme song, but those are differences I can deal with. Call me biased, but with smart female scientists, who are also funny and beautiful (and I mean all of them, their personalities are top notch) - it was every lesbians' dream. I was in heaven! This movie did not disappoint; it was an excellent remake.

Su bito-In dy's best h ol e in th e wal l Tucked in what I like to call the hide away street of Indianapolis, Virginia Avenue, stands a simple hole in the wall soup shop. With a newly renovated building, Subito sits just underneath a tattoo parlor and is a part of the new apartments. Walking up to Subito is very intriguing - as you look through the ceiling to floor window you see? .NO SEATS. Just simply a counter and a kitchen. This is probably why I stepped inside Subito, as it looked original, different, and reminded me of a big city grab 'n go. This sort of thing doesn?t really exist in the Circle City. With many restaurants having seating of some sort, it was nice to see something truly new! Go check them out at 44 Virginia Ave. Some of the best Soup, Sandwiches, and bread around!

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

Th e Tu n n el of Tr an s-ph obia H ow to accept ou r Tr an s-Fam il y By- Lin dsey Tayl or "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is fear of the unknown" - H.P. Lovecraft Fear can cause a multitude of thoughts, actions, and beliefs. When you fear something like race or gender that could be because you have been steered wrong from the beginning and pushed to believe that those are things to fear or judge. Fearing one's life or lifestyle could make all lives difficult causing unnecessary violence (being verbal or physical violence). Transphobia is the dislike or prejudice against trans people. Most people fear or judge trans people based on not knowing about the lives' of people involved. Let's start with the basics. According to, " Transgender: An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/ or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms ? including transgender." And "Transsexual: An older term that originated in the medical and psychological communities. Still preferred by some people who have permanently changed - or seek to change - their bodies through medical interventions (including but not limited to hormones and/ or surgeries). Unlike transgender, transsexual is not an umbrella term. " The transitioning process could take lifetime for some, others are able to accept who they were meant to be and start the process to their true selves at an early age (think Caitlyn Jenner and Jazz Jennings). Some don't have the luxury of acceptance and stay fearful of how they feel and end up hiding their whole lives or worse: suicide. stated, "One of the biggest studies on the experiences of transgender people was the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS). It found that in the U.S., 41 percent of transgender and gender non-conforming people had attempted suicide, compared to a national average of just 4.6 percent." For those that realize their true identity early on, the struggle to find some sort of normality is crucial. Savannah Veronica Jackson said she knew at one and half that something was different, but knew for sure 100% by age three! Savannah was in the closet at age seven and then started transitioning at age 15. She has faced her share of ups and downs she advises on being selective who you tell. "I was blessed with beauty so I could "pass" and hide. To do otherwise was VERY dangerous," said Savannah. "No matter what state your body is in you'll never be universally accepted. Ever." Even against odds, Savannah is still accepting of herself and says that you should love your body at every stage. "It's just skin and sex is fun, not shameful," she said.

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

Soph ie?s Ch asin g ?Tail s? By-Soph ie Peek Ah, it's the dog days of Summer here in the Midwest and for we pups that's a very special ? and dare we say hot ? time, though we have a few other folks we plan to "dog" a bit this month after I tell you it's a big month for me because (ta da) I just turned four so I got a birthday to top it all off! Come by and have a Sophie dog biscuit with four candles on it and we shall all celebrate!... Speaking of celebrating, we know one couple who will not be celebrating anything but being single again --- IF indeed they were ever a duo. Seems they went from Kansas to see friends on the East Coast for vacation and to go to Providence Pride but while there had it out (not THAT thing out) and broke up in a pretty loud and unfun manner. Their hosts told this dog that they were getting' set to hide the kitchen knives when stuff got out of control with one of the duo, but they did settle down eventually (after one went to a local watering hole solo) and headed on home, after which both sent their hosts back east notes saying their friendship was done...and (of course) blaming said hosts for all the ruckus and the break-up! Something about a gift horse in the mouth applies here this pup suspects, but best of luck to them both, which they will probably need being gay in Kansas. Got it, Dorothy?... Speaking of suspecting, I do not know what to think but this dog was sent via a screenshot from Grindr by my cat friends on the coast of the husband of a very well-known Indy LGBT community figure. We understand said cats messaged to say hi (what the pussies were doing on Grindr they ain't saying), but the dude apparently was none too happy to be seen and identified out east so never did reply. What's that old line about fools names and fools faces being seen in public places? Or better yet my mama dog's comments when I was a pup about never being anywhere you'd be ashamed to be seen!???... Speaking of seeing, we at the Ally just do not see the reason, but we were greatly amused to hear tell another Midwest publication plans to change their name later this year. What's funny is we also hear (and know for a fact) that they owe a lot of folks a lot of cash. Could the name change be a way to escape the bill collectors? If so, this pup reminds the owners that they can change names all they want, but it will not fix the balance sheet. In other words, those debts will "dog" you no matter what you call yourself. Or to put that yet another way: repainting a stolen car does not make it any less stolen!... Finally, speaking of stealing, before I steal away for another month I need to mention my owner has graduated from a full cast to a "boot" and should be back walking around as good as new shortly. I'm thrilled since it's hard enough to get his ass to take me for walks when he's 100 percent. When you add a cast and crutches it's been a long recovery for both of us. Look for us back out on the Cultural Trail and along Mass. Ave. in the next few days and enjoy the "dog days". Stay cool! Woof!

The OUTsiders Ally

Aug 2016

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