April 10 2013

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April 10, 2013


Volume 64 | Issue 16


Spruce Up Your Spring Style


Spring brings warm weather and that means cleaning out our closets. We have to put away that favorite faux fur winter coat, those bulky sweaters and the studded black leather gloves to make room for our spring selections. Personal style in New York is everything. It is how you express yourself and standout from the quintessential hipsters in Urban Outfitters and the Park Avenue princesses in Chanel. Spring is the time to shy away from your flattering black clothes and express your style through different and bold color pallets. They say the color staple for New Yorkers is black, which is true to some extent but New Yorkers are still not afraid to be bold with spring colors. The major step to springing up your wardrobe is to add color. Spring generally means a fresh start, so pairing a pink pastel shirt with black jeans gives your look the spring feel. Color does not only have to apply to clothing. Accessorizing a somewhat ‘wintery’ outfit with a bold necklace or bold colored shoes also makes an outfit stand out. Accessorizing becomes important during the shift in seasons, when the weather can be unpredictable like it is now. A bright accessory can work wonders to refresh your outfit and your outlook. Enhance your outfit with a bright new bag, or a pastel scarf, or try adding a punchy belt to your skinny jeans. Adding color to your wardrobe doesn’t mean you have to overdo it. Remember last year, when wearing bright neon colored everything was a trend? Yes, this spring season let’s try to stay away from super bold colors. The key to springing up your wardrobe is being able to find the balance between winter and summer colors. You have to try one or two bright colors at a time. You cannot pair up a neon green shirt with purple jeans. Combining warm and bright colors like a blue shirt under a dark blazer makes the outfit without making it look circus clown chic.


NEWS North Korea threatens U.S. mainland PAGE 3

Brianna Gamble, junior, recommended that, “instead of pastel colors, go even more bigger by incorporating electric colors to your wardrobe this spring, but in a way that you also look fashionable.” Spring is not all nice and sunny; some days might be a little windy and chilly. The best way to not freeze on a beautiful day is to layer your clothes. Layering is simply wearing multiple clothes. A black leather jacket might pair up nicely with a colorful patterned dress. A cardigan can make a tank top look less casual and also keep you warm. Trying different textures also helps you fight away Mother Nature’s windy days. Winter is the season of heavy textures like thick knits and cashmere sweaters, and the warmer spring days allow you to experiment with lighter, softer textures. Pack up the heavy winter clothes and opt for soft fabrics like cotton and silk. Layer these textures with cardigans and leather jackets for a stylish look. “If you are not wearing prints this spring season, you are missing out”, Michael James, junior, exclaimed about new spring trends. Prints are the in trend this season. From Kenzo to DVF, designers showcased spring collections that embraced wild Aztec prints and unique print designs right out of the paintings at the MoMA. Wild prints mean floral prints and bold graphics—but wearing them can be tricky. Similar to clashing bold colors, prints cannot be paired up together. Prints work better with a dark, solid color as a contrast. A print dress, shirt or pant makes an outfit on its own. It shows a person’s adventurous side and their ability to take risks with their styles. Remember, spring is the time to be adventurous with your style. It is the time to pack away the heavy jackets and showcase your more colorful side. Hide all your black clothes, be bold, and strut down the streets of Manhattan in your colorful peplum skirt or fashionable, pastel pink skinny jeans. You are going to stand out from the crowd and be on trend. v

ARTS Chaos and Culture comes to the MET PAGE 11

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FEATURES Did gentrification wash away NYC’s culture? PAGE 9

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April 10, 2013

University calendar chosen by small group of professors THATIANA DIAZ Features Assistant Every year, an official academic calendar is released covering the fall, winter, spring and summer semesters, and is generally released to the University community at least one year prior to use. The dates to specific events such as Spring Break and the last day of the semester vary each year, leaving students to wonder who exactly makes the calendar, and has the final say on significant vacation dates. The academic calendar is prepared by the University scheduling and calendar committee, recommended by the location faculty councils, and approved by the Provost. In the case of a dispute among the councils, the joint faculty council makes the final faculty recommendation to the Provost. Faculty are expected to respect and consult the academic calendar when preparing course schedules to ensure that State and Federal guidelines are followed. The Location Councils are one of the principal forums for faculty discussions and decisions relating to campus and University-wide faculty concerns, responsibilities, welfare, and matters of significance to the general welfare of the University. New York and Westchester have separate Location Councils. The Provost, Uday Sukhstme, is the Chief Academic Officer for the University and, subject to the direction of the President, has primary responsibility for all academic affairs. The Calendar Committee is made up of faculty, staff, and administration of the University. The committee is chosen by the New York faculty council, and individuals are nominated or undergo self-nomination. The larger body then votes them onto the committee. When it comes to deciding when the semester will start, classes have traditionally

been scheduled to commence after Labor Day, even though most universities start their classes in late August Once the start date is chosen, the end date is based upon fulfilling the required numbers of weeks/classes (generally 42 hours per 14 weeks for 3 credits). The initial day of classes is a small debate among faculty, as some wish to have it before Labor Day as most universities do, while others demand that courses begin after labor day in order to adhere more closely to their schedules. Most breaks are usually synchronized with holidays. The spring semester is set to begin after Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Spring Break is coordinated with the Easter and Passover holidays. Professor Joseph DiBenedetto says, “The committee is usually not troubled by the timing of the Spring Break, and occasionally it comes early and occasionally it comes late.” Religious holidays are a long tradition at the University. The Christmas break and the Jewish holidays have long been observed. Professor Harold Brown shares, “The general explanation for suspending classes on certain Jewish holidays is that in their religion they are to suspend work for these days and ‘go to the synagogue’.” DiBenedetto believes all religions should be represented in the University and no specific holidays should be celebrated, “There are many religions represented at Pace and unless all are treated equally then any calendar is discriminatory against someone… I believe that the best solution is to ignore all religious holidays, observances and design a calendar that is completely secular.” Doing this, he believes, will “give faculty and students the right to observe their own religious beliefs without imposing those beliefs onto others or on the calendar.” The mysterious conversion days, where Monday classes are held on Fridays to make up for Monday holidays, are set because the calendar cannot interfere with students’ work schedules. As for drastic changes, the University currently plans to keep their formulation of the calendar the same as it has for the past 42 years.

“There are many religions represented at Pace and unless all are treated equally then any calendar is discriminatory against someone… I believe that the best solution is to ignore all religious holidays -Joseph DiBenedetto Professor


NATIONAL NEWS 14 students at Lone Star College CyFair campus in Texas were injured—two critically— in a mass stabbing. 911 phone calls reached dispatchers reporting a “male on the loose stabbing people. Most victims had lacerations to their head and neck according to CNN. This is the second incidence of violence at Lone Star. Two months ago, three students were wounded in a shooting at the college’s North Harris campus in Houston.

SPORTS NEWS The Louisville Cardinals won the NCAA basketball championship Apr. 8 against the Michigan Wolverines. The Cardinals started out poorly but managed to decrease the point deficit by half-time with the help of MVP, Luke Hancock. The final score was 82-76.

WORLD NEWS Margaret Thatcher passed away Apr. 8 after a stroke. Thatcher served as the Prime Minister of England for over a decade from 1979 until 1990 and was the first woman to hold the office. The controversial politician was a staunch conservative. Her funeral service is scheduled for Apr. 17 and will have full military honors as well as a precession from Westminster according to BBC.

April 10, 2013




North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un with high ranking military officials SHANNON MCMAHON News Assistant North Korea warned early April 4 that its military has been cleared to attack the U.S. using “smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear” weapons, while the U.S. stated it was strengthening protection and seeking to defuse the situation. North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, is asserting his power through the threat of dangerous nuclear weapons that could potentially be launched on the U.S. Tensions in the Korean area are in a sensitive state following new reports that North Korea has prepared missiles for launch, while South Korea has deployed naval destroyers to its coasts. It has also been announced that the Pentagon will deploy a missile defense system to the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam in order to increase regional protection against a potential attack. North Korea has united against joint U.S. and South Korean military implementations taking place in South Korea, and has expressed anger over intensified sanctions from the United Nations for its February nuclear test. Recently acting on one of its threats, North Korean border authorities have refused to allow entry to South Koreans who manage jointly run factories in the North Korean city of Kaesong. Adding further controversy, this spring’s annual U.S.-South Korea drills have incorporated fighter jets and nuclear-capable stealth bombers—though the allies insist they are routine exercises. The U.S. has a troubled past with North Korea, following the three-year Korean War, which ended in a truce in 1953. The divided Korean Peninsula remains in a technical state of war six decades later, and Washington retains 28,500 troops in South Korea to shield its ally. In Pyongyang, the military statement said North Korean troops had been authorized to counter U.S. “aggression” with “powerful practical military counteractions,” including nuclear weapons. “We formally inform the White House and Pentagon that the ever-escalating U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and its reckless nuclear threat will be smashed by the strong will of all the united service personnel and people and cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear strike means,” an unnamed spokesman from the General Bureau of the Korean People’s Army said in a statement, referring to North Korea by its formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. “The U.S. had better ponder over the prevailing grave situation.” However, North Korea’s nuclear strike capabilities remain ambiguous. Pyongyang is believed to be working toward building an atomic bomb small enough to mount on a long-range missile. North Korea argues that it needs to build nuclear weapons to defend itself against the United States. On April 1 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un led a meeting of party officials who declared building the economy and “nuclear armed forces” as the nation’s two top priorities.


thesun.co.uk The British Foreign Office has also said North Korea told British officials it would not be able to guarantee the safety of diplomats in the capital if fighting should occur. “We are consulting international partners about these developments,” the British Foreign Office said in a statement. “No decisions have been taken, and we have no immediate plans to withdraw our embassy.” A spokesman for Sweden’s ministry of foreign affairs said the North Koreans “did not urge us or ask us to evacuate,” but offered aid for those who wished to evacuate. The Swedish Embassy in North Korea acts “as the United States’ interim protecting power and provides basic consular services to U.S. citizens traveling in North Korea,” according to the U.S. State Department. Two medium-range missiles have been loaded onto mobile launchers in North Korea and are preparing to be launched, according to South Korea’s semi-official Yonhap news agency, citing military sources in Seoul. Additionally, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the information told CNN on Thursday, April 4 that up to two missiles and launch components had been relocated to the East coast of North Korea very recently. Yonhap said the missiles have been concealed in an unidentified facility. In response, South Korea has sent Aegis destroyers armed with advanced radar systems to both of its coasts, Yonhap said. North Korea has also said it planned to restart “without delay” a reactor at it’s central nuclear complex that it shut down five years ago as part of a deal with the United States, China and four other nations. Despite the looming fears, however, many analysts do not expect a nuclear attack by North Korea. They argue that the move could trigger a disastrous war that no one in the region wants. Many observers say that North Korea is still quite some time away from having the technology to dispense a nuclear warhead on a missile. Many analysts also say that the increasingly belligerent talk is aimed at reinforcing the domestic authority of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Junior Leah Burgess weighed in on the issue, stating: “I don’t think that these threats should be taken lightly at all, but I don’t think that North Korea is going to actually try to attack the American mainland. That’s just not going to happen. It would be a nightmare for North Korea, and I think they know that. So I do think Kim Jung Un is trying to assert his power in throwing that rhetoric around, but I don’t think it’s something that we should just laugh about. The main danger is what they will do to South Korea.” Following the growing tension, a U.S. State Department spokeswoman said Thursday that the situation did “not need to get hotter,” reflecting efforts from the Obama administration to calm its rhetoric and cool tensions. The latest missile developments by North Korea, which has blamed the United States for pushing the region to the “brink of war,” could indicate a missile launch soon, according to officials. As tensions continue to rise, the United States has refined its message. The Pentagon now says it is working to decrease the strain with North Korea, as it maintains an honest and vigilant stance toward the threats.



April 10, 2013


Defense of Marriage Act reaches Supreme Court SHANNON MCMAHON News Assistant

In the past week, the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against Proposition 8, a California law that prohibits same-sex marriage, and the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law defining marriage as solely between a man and woman. After hearing arguments over the constitutionality of California’s ban on same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court will continue to delve further into the issue of gay rights as it hears a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act in upcoming weeks. Federal appeals courts in both Boston and New York agreed in separate decisions that the law unconstitutionally discriminated against married same-sex couples last year. The Obama administration’s lawyers have stated that they agree DOMA is unconstitutional, and U.S. Solicitor Gen. Donald B. Verrilli Jr. will urge justices to overthrow it. But Paul Clement, who was solicitor general under the George W. Bush administration, will argue on behalf of the law. He is representing the House Republicans who believe federal recognition should be strictly limited to “traditional marriage.” During the recent debate over Proposition 8, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter were flooded with opinions on the subject of same-sex marriage—most notably Facebook users’ posting of a symbol—an equal sign on a red background – that went viral. The picture was intended to raise awareness about Proposition 8 and promote equality. When asked about the profile picture changing frenzy, and the effectiveness of the movement in raising awareness and changes, junior Meghan Talasco responded: “I was one of them! I hope it was effective, but ultimately I don’t think that anyone is going to change their views on gay marriage because of a changed profile picture, I just think it made people more aware of how many people support it and are pushing for it” Freshman Kristina Grimmer shared similar thoughts, stating: “I think it helped to raise more awareness, but I don’t think it was necessarily very effective in helping with the decision. I think for the most part though the people who are already involved in it are the ones who are going to be effected by it.” The symbol is an altered form of the Human Rights Campaign’s standard blue-andyellow logo. The advocacy group, which “seeks to improve the lives of LGBT Americans,” had called on its supporters to show encouragement for marriage equality by wearing red on Mar. 28. The special logo was shared more than 26,000 times Mar. 28, according to Facebook. Many users have also kept their profile photos the same since then to show steady support. On March 28, the two sides rested in their opinions regarding California’s Proposition 8. The fate of one of the nation’s most divisive issues is now in the hands of the high court. When asked how she thought the court would rule, Talasco stated: “I’m not so sure if the Supreme Court will vote in favor of it. If I had to guess what will happen, I’d say they are going to want to leave it at a state by state issue. I don’t think that’s the right decision though. I think equality is equality and people should be treated that way no matter what state they are in” The issue of marriage equality has been a controversial topic for years, but recently public opinion has shifted considerably in favor of granting same-sex couples the right to marry. In 2004, according to a poll conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News, 55 of respondents percent said it should not be legal while 41 percent said it should be legal. Today, in 2013, 58 percent responded that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, while just 36 percent responded that they should not. When asked if people appear to be more accepting of same-sex marriage, Grimmer responded: “I do think that people are more open now to gay marriage, and I do think they’ll make a decision in favor of it. It’s more likely to happen because of how far we’ve come with awareness” Many, however, are expecting the court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which would terminate federal regulation of same-sex marriage and allow states to decide their own marriage laws. Despite the slim chances of a landmark Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage rights, proponents of marriage equality say that it is a remarkable step that the case is being heard. A decision is expected sometime in June.

Students rallying for marriage equality in Washington D.C. mashable.com

Picture Facebook users used to raise awareness articles.chicagotribune.com

April 10, 2013




DISCLAIMER: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration and staff) to The Pace Press. These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind of arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.

Fotini Sachpatzidis Editor-In-Chief

GlAAD is the new PETA

Damien Morgan Creative Director


CAITLIN MCNAMARA Staff Member Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has been coming under fire recently for some pretty shady behavior. In the beginning of March, E! Online reported the organization was strongly “urging” Carly Rae Jepsen and the band Train, who were scheduled to perform at the Scout Jamboree this summer, to rethink this decision. The Boy Scouts of America have recently been publicly scrutinized for their homophobic attitudes. Jepsen and Train were to open and close, respectively, their July 2013 Jamboree. The call to arms, and a link to a petition, were posted on GLAAD’s website with a parody poster of Jepsen’s hit song “Call Me Maybe”: “Hey! I just bet you think this ban is crazy! So here’s your chance to speak out maybe.” The poster has an image of Jepsen and Train on it, and the ban they are alluding to is the issue being raised in the Boy Scouts world right now. The post goes on to inform about the homophobic ways of the Scouts and their ban on gay scouts and scout leaders. The GLAAD post also informs of Jepsen and Train’s stance on gay rights, both of which are supporters of equality and gay marriage. Readers may be surprised that such advocates of equality would even associate with such an organization that is all over the media right now. It’s no secret how the Scouts feel about homosexuals. GLAAD also seems surprised by the decision, which is perhaps why they felt the need to inform the performers. In a quote from the E! News website, Train stated “that they were ‘not aware of any policy barring openly gay people from participation within the organization’ when they booked the show.” Sounds a little fishy; do these guys have no access to T.V., Internet, or Newspapers? Either way the people of GLAAD felt the need to put the spotlight on this issue and one can’t help but compare this tactic of public scrutiny to another rights organization: PETA. Granted, this act is nowhere near the vile acts that have been committed by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. PETA is famous for their in-your-face advertising and their use of gruesome images and videos to force people


Katrina Abreu Ads Manager Nicole Morales Managing Editor

Sarah Aires News Editor Olivia Beteta Arts Editor Erick Mancebo Features Editor

into veganism. PETA is a great organization in theory, but in practice they are the pits. Animals should not be treated cruelly as they are in our world today. Our chicken should not be stuffed in cages from the time they hatch until their eventual death. Dogs should not be starved then forced to fight for sport. This is all inhumane. But throwing paint on people in fur, and using naked women in overtly misogynistic and sexist ads, are not the right courses of action. Neither is passing an organization off as a rescue for animals when, in fact, in 2012, out of the 1110 cats received by PETA for rescue were euthanized. Out of the 733 dogs, 602 were put down. These are the numbers that can be found on Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) website. So much for saving the lives of animals. Again, this GLAAD incident is nowhere near the tactics pulled by PETA, in terms of extremism that is. But is this just the start? Carly Rae Jepsen pulled out of the concert only days after GLAAD put up their post. According to entertainmentwise. com Carly stated, “that she wasn’t ‘comfortable’ supporting something which she doesn’t agree with.” Again, have you no access to the news? To be fair, Carly did say “it wasn’t necessarily something that [she] felt comfortable backing once [she] learned more about it.” Next time, lets research before you commit. Train eventually followed suit, pulling out from the Jamboree as well. So this tactic obviously worked. But is it fair to bully stars and to punish the nationwide members of the Scouts who don’t hold to homophobic beliefs? The world is changing and The Scouts should keep up with the times, but it isn’t fair to force ones beliefs onto others. Perhaps GLAAD could have taken another route that would not have come off as shady. Let’s hope that this win doesn’t force GLAAD to up the anty. Let’s hope they keep working for change through peaceful techniques and leave out the public shaming aspect. The World doesn’t need another PETA.

Brian Rentas Web Editor Kathryn Bosch Circulation Manager Stephanie Hsu Faculty Advisor Shannon McMahon News Assistant Christian Gomez Arts Assistant Irene Schultz Arts Assistant Michael TJ Williams Features Assistant Thatiana diaz Features Assistant

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The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited.


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April 10, 2013


University student tackles food ERICK MANCEBO Features Editor AliReza Vaziri coolly dismounts from his bicycle as he approaches the camera. It’s 2:00am on July 4, and Washed Out’s “Feel It All Around” is providing the chill, funky soundtrack to the short preview of Vaziri’s documentary, “All You Can Eat.” Throughout the next three minutes, Vaziri’s busy summer night is catalogued: A pit stop at a couple of Penn Station restaurants who have generously decided to donate leftover food; a few moments of Vaziri passing out loaves of bread and pastries to the homeless in the station; a 4:00 am trip to the Lower East Side’s Bowery Mission—three miles away. But Vaziri isn’t the only one concerned about food waste in the city and country. New statistics, like “40 percent of food in the United States today goes uneaten… more than 20 pounds of food per person every month,” found in the Natural Resources Defense Council’s August 2012 report, have encouraged scientists, environmentalists and citizens alike to pay more attention to America’s food waste. Because that 40 percent of uneaten food matters, especially when taking into account separate reports of widespread food shortages among the nation’s poorest citizens, affecting a startling number of underprivileged schoolchildren who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. “Ignorance is an issue,” admitted Vaziri in an interview with The Pace Press. “50 million children are food insecure, one out of every four child [sic] are food insecure and 50,000 people in New York City are homeless. And the numbers are increasing from last year to this year.” All that said, however, Vaziri shied away from standing on a soapbox preaching about food waste, saying, “It’s so easy to be critical

and say…this is bad, this is wrong, and…sitting there and complaining. But... [instead, we can say] ‘There’s something you can do, and it happens every single day at your plate, and when you go shopping.’ So it’s just about educating yourself, and spreading awareness, and having this conversation.” And that conversation included a candid discussion about the obstacles he and others concerned about food waste face when trying to convince stores and restaurants to donate their food rather than destroy it. “A lot of people say that…it’s a liability. …The managers are… misinformed of the Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, that protects any company from donating food to a Not-For-Profit organization. ...So a lot of people are just like, ‘I’m going to get in trouble.’ Or ‘If someone gets sick, we’re going to get in trouble, and I’m going to lose my job,’” said Vaziri. “Even though they know that they may be throwing out a lot of food, and in their eyes it’s wrong.” “The second place I went to [collect food from on July 4],” recalled Vaziri, “the lady...she had to put in a book, she had to make a record of how much food she threw away at the end of the night. And there had to be—there was always a number. So it would have just been weird for her to say that on that specific night, there wasn’t any food, so she was like, ‘I have to throw some of this away.’ She couldn’t give me all of it.” Vaziri said that along with business owners not understanding the Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, another issue he and others face is a lack of resources. The stores and restaurants that do wish to donate food are unable to designate a driver or vehicle with which to safely transport the donations, and the shelters and food banks that accept donations don’t have the staffing to retrieve the food. Unfazed, though, Vaziri said this obstacle could help grease the wheels on the movement: “This could create a whole bunch of green

Kevin Ware leg injury shocks sports fans THATIANA DIAZ Features Assistant

media.zenfs.com Player Russ Smith

Louisville coach Rick Pitino and the Cardinals desperately wanted to experience the full joy of their dominant 8563 victory over Duke on Sunday, Mar. 31st in the NCAA Midwest Region final. However, as the Cardinals put on their championship caps after dispatching college basketball’s biggest brand name, their minds were elsewhere. They were thinking about their teammate, sophomore guard Kevin Ware, who was lying in a bed in nearby Methodist Hospital after suffering a gruesome leg injury midway through the game. “We wanted to do this for Kevin,” a devastated Pitino said. “We’re all choked up. We wanted to win this for him. We wanted to get back to Atlanta (site of the Final Four). Every timeout, all we kept saying in the huddle was, ‘Bring Kevin Home.’” Ware, who was born in the Bronx and went to Rockdale County High School in Atlanta, broke his lower right leg in two places with 6:33 left in the first half. He was recovering the same night following successful surgery. School officials said the sophomore had the bone reset and a rod inserted into his right tibia. When Duke guard Tyler Thornton went up for a 3-pointer, Ware came flying out to block it at a 45-degree angle. The shot went in to pull the Devils within 21-20 and there was no contact. But Ware landed awkwardly and his leg buckled and then snapped. Ware was curled in agony in front of the Louisville bench and trainers rushed to cover the leg with a towel before placing Ware on a backboard and lifting him onto a stretcher. Ware told ESPN that he only realized how bad the injury was after he saw the reaction of his coach. “I jumped and my leg felt kind of funny,” he said. “When Coach P tried to help me up, he gave me a funny kind of look. I’m looking at him and then I look down and I see my bone sticking out. It wasn’t a hurt feeling. I just went into shock. In the moment, you don’t know what’s wrong with you. You’re just looking,

thinking, ‘How did this happen?’ I never watched the replay. I never want to.” Ware’s injury dominated social media Sunday night, and Pitino said the sophomore guard has been moved by all the messages of support. Joe Theismann, whose NFL career was ended by a horrific broken leg in a Monday Night Football game against the New York Giants, has called Ware, Pitino said. On Sunday, Theismann tweeted, “Watching Duke/ Louisville my heart goes out to Kevin Ware.” Many basketball players are now frightened from this injury and speak out. Junior Jonathan Rivera says, “This is something I don’t even want to think about since I play basketball and it’s scary to think this could happen to me from just landing wrong.” The Louisville players were also very upset. Some went over to the trash can just off the elevated court and threw up. Several, including guard Russ Smith, center Gorgui Dieng and Behanan, sank to their knees, then embraced each other and began crying. Even Pitino had tears in his eyes during the entire delay. Ware was eventually carted off the floor to a standing ovation from the Louisville fans, who chanted “Kevin! Kevin!” Kevin Ware, who is now up and walking on crutches, says, “This is a minor setback for a major comeback,” and he vows to return back to playing basketball. He was cleared to travel with the team to Atlanta for Saturday’s April 6th national semifinal game against Wichita State. The sophomore guard returned to campus the afternoon of April 2nd after being released from an Indianapolis hospital, two days after millions watched what some are saying the worst injury in sports’ history. Adidas has made a shirt that says “Ri5e to the occasion,” using Ware’s jersey number, for Louisville to wear during warm-ups for the Final Four. Louisville associate athletic director Brent Seebohm said the university waived any licensing royalties, so it will not make any profit from the shirts’ production. Adidas will donate a portion of the shirt’s sales university’s scholarship fund. v

April 10, 2013




waste within school and NYC jobs for college students. To just have a car, have a bike, pick up food, and [help stores and restaurants] donate it [food] to a Not For Profit or food bank.” For now, that idea only illustrates part of the vision Vaziri and others have for the future of the movement. At the moment, there are a number of things regular citizens can take into account and question within themselves in order to become more responsible consumers. “We’re very picky consumers. In that we’re always constantly searching for the perfect banana, and the perfect fruit or vegetable that doesn’t have any blemishes, that doesn’t have any damages. And in this large spectrum of food production, a very very tiny percentage of our fruits and vegetables are perfect,” said Vaziri. Marketing techniques don’t help matters, as fruits and vegetables are usually stacked high in order to sell more to consumers, damaging the ones on the bottom. But some markets have begun to curb their food waste by selling blemished fruits and vegetables at discounted rates, or repurposing fruits and vegetables that are undesirable to the average consumer for use in the deli—tomatoes, for one, can be used in sandwiches, or in any number of freshly-made sauces and marinaras found behind the counter. Vaziri also said consumers can be more aware of their shopping habits. “The majority of us are single, the majority of us are not shopping for huge families [so]…we buy more than what we need. Some people suggest buying food for one day, [or] food for two days instead of buying food for the whole week. Because you go shopping and…you’re inspired to cook a lot this week, and your schedule gets crazy and your schedule is out of your control and you get busy or a trip comes up and you don’t cook, so you throw out the food.”

And when buying food, being knowledgeable about “Sell By” and “Use By” dates can be helpful. The two dates—which confusingly enough do not specify when a food will spoil—are in fact used to alert consumers to the food’s peak taste and quality. “So ‘Sell By’ is basically a date that’s saying, after this day, the milk, or the whatever it is, is not going to taste as good,” explained Vaziri, “It’s not going to taste perfect. It may taste not as perfect or as delicious. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gone bad.” As it happens, Vaziri is not the only student at the University concerned about food waste. After requests from multiple students, Chartwells has begun investigating taking part in city food donation drives, or organizing weekly donations of foods that are usually thrown out at the end of the day. According to Vaziri, Tyrone M. Ellen, senior director of Chartwells Dining Services has agreed to pass along information on the Good Samaritan Food Donation Act to University CFOs, and hopes to hear back soon. Whatever the result, the issue seems unlikely to be put off for long. As food waste becomes more widespread and gains more media attention, the pressure will be on the city’s institutions to help in any way feasible. Until then, however, students and faculty will be able to view an extended clip of Vaziri’s documentary starting Tuesday at the Art Department’s student set show. “The point of my documentary is of course to say that we waste a lot of food. But it’s also to just educate people and be like, this is what’s going on, this is an issue, please just educate yourself and from there you can choose,” said Vaziri. “We are so connected to food, and without food we wouldn’t be able to exist. We’re so connected to it on a daily basis that we forget sometimes how sacred and how valuable it is.” v

Prepaid start up Kiboo targets University students MICHAEL TJ WILLIAMS Features Assistant Kiboo is a relatively new technology start-up company aimed towards college students. With Kiboo, one is able to use their Kiboo MasterCard Prepaid Card at millions of different retailers including movie theatres, restaurants, sports arenas and ultimately, anywhere that accepts MasterCard. Tatiana Tilearcio, Brand Ambassador at Kiboo and University freshman, explained the reason for getting a Kiboo Card. “Why not? Kiboo improves the way you use your money, so you can figure out things like exactly how much you spent last weekend and save up for goals like spring break. It’s good for college kids because it’s hard to go to school in NYC and not be broke.” Kiboo is not a typical debit card, but instead is a prepaid card that has multiple unique features. Kiboo tracks where money is being spent. If it is used at Chipotle, it will categorize this transaction as ‘Food’, or if used it at Abercrombie and Fitch, this transaction would be categorized as ‘Clothing’. With a feature like this, it is now possible to see where all the money is being spent, and with this information, it is easier to see what spending can be cut down. Also, one cannot spend more than they have on the card. On the card, there are even saving tools to help you get the things you want. For those who are trying to collect enough money for an upcoming vacation or for textbooks, Kiboo offers the ‘Goals’ feature, which estimates how much should be saved per week so that you can reach your goal. Soon, even friends and family will be able to contribute to your ‘Goals’. If someone does decide that they need to access their savings sooner than later, the funds can always be easily transferred from the ‘Savings’ section of the Kiboo Card to the ‘Spending’ section. On the Kiboo website, there is also a section titled,

‘Know Your Money’, which provides Kiboo’ers and nonusers with helpful tips and such on how to manage their money. Some recent posts include ‘Find the Cheapest Phone Plan’, ‘How to Save Money on Your Groceries’ and ‘When to Start Saving?’ Kiboo also archives all posts into categories like ‘Car Stuff’, ‘Going Green’ and ‘Spending’, so there is always something for everyone. Other features include parents being able to easily transfer money into their children’s accounts instantaneously, and customer service that can be contacted through social media, Skype, phone and email. Tilearcio also stated, “To me, there are no disadvantages to this card. I really like it because there are no monthly fees or costs to sign up. It’s convenient because I can use it for pretty much anything, like at campus hot spots or on vacation, and all my spending will be tracked. That’s why I bring it everywhere with me.” Indeed, there is no cost to open up a Kiboo MasterCard Prepaid Card, but the card is not perfect. Kiboo’ers can use 20,000 ATM’s nationwide through the MoneyPass network and not be charged fees, and can withdraw from any other ATM once per month for no fee. However, they are charged $2.00 for a domestic ATM withdrawal, and $3.00 for an international ATM withdrawal. A ‘Kiboo Tip’ to prevent these fees is to plan how much money is needed ahead of time and withdraw that amount. If there is an issue and someone needs more cash but does not want to pay for the ATM fee, there is a “Cash Back” option at select stores. Other fees include $5.00 for an inactive card over a duration of 60 days, and it costs $10.00 to close your Kiboo account if you request a check for any remaining funds on your card. Overall though, the Kiboo Card appears to be quite helpful in improving how college students manage their money. Chelsea Ritschel, freshman, 7explained, “It [the

Kiboo Card] does sound like it would be helpful, but I probably wouldn’t get because it’s a new thing so I don’t know if I would trust it. Possibly after seeing how other students benefit from the switch I would change. But for now, I probably wouldn’t.” On the contrary, Luigi Vergara, freshman, said, “I get monthly paychecks from my job and I get money from my mom every Sunday. I think it would be good to regulate how I spend this money because I hate when I waste it on things I don’t need. So, yeah, I would be interested in learning more about Kiboo.” If interested in obtaining a Kiboo MasterCard Prepaid Card or simply learning more about it, visit Kiboo.com, the ‘Kiboo Pace’ Facebook Page, or scan the QR Code below. v




Local gentrification benefits University MICHEAL “TJ” WILLIAMS Features Assistant

Following the attacks on Sept. 11, Lower Manhattan has been experiencing a positive gentrification of Lower Manhattan. Franchise diner Denny’s is set to move in across the street at 150 Nassau Street, the Fulton Street Transit Center is in development, South Street Seaport is being renovated, the World Trade Center is close to completion, and the Woolworth Building, as well as the Beekman Tower will serve as two luxurious housing options in the neighborhood. Denny’s recently signed the lease to open its first Manhattan location at 150 Nassau Street, in a 23-story luxury condo building. This specific Denny’s franchise has decided to also sell beer and wine to better please the upper-class residents within its location. However, residents living in the area are not happy. “We certainly do not want a Denny’s in this building,” said one anonymous resident. “Maybe a high-end coffee shop or a restaurant, but not a Denny’s — people who live here are definitely angry about it.” However, Lower Manhattan is changing and becoming a more family-friendly place. Opening a Denny’s in the neighborhood will positively embrace this new atmosphere, and offer a new dining option for parents to take their children to after school. It will also be a convenient place for University students to get a cheap meal and be able to study in the wee hours of the morning with the Denny’s intended 24-hour schedule. Ariana Contessa, freshman, stated, “I think Denny’s would be great because there are not many 24-hour diners in the Lower Manhattan area, if any, for college students to study and get food at any time. Also, this new location will be very convenient for Pace students. It would be awesome.” Many residents are worried about 150 Nassau Street becoming a college hangout, but it is not much different than stepping out the condominium doors to seeing an influx of college students each day. In June 2014, the Fulton Street Transit Center is estimated to be completed too, adding to the gentrification of Lower Manhattan. The transportation hub will serve the A/C/E/J/ R/Z/1/2/3/4/5 subway trains for thousands of daily commuters. This is $1.4 billion project, will serve 300,000 customers, making many commutes much easier for passengers. Fascinatingly enough, the solar reflective panels on the Fulton Street Transit Center will shed light even in the lowest parts of the building. After its estimated completion, the transportation hub will eventually connect to the World Trade Center Site, the PATH Trains, and the Hudson River ferries at the World Financial Center. Additionally, the Fulton Street Transit Center is connected to the Corbin building, which will serve as a place for retail and dining services. This new building will not only serve as a beautiful site, but also as a very important asset to the Lower Manhattan area. Melissa Persaud, freshman, said “It’s going to be really good and will be a very convenient transit center, especially for commuters like me. Also, all the dining options and retail will really make it a great place to hang out.” Due to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, the South Street Seaport is being renovated. From the many stores such as the Seaport Museum and Fulton Fish Market that once made up the South


South Street Seaport

April 10, 2013


April 10, 2013



Did we lose New York?

Gentrification continues to wash away the city’s culture ANA SOSA Contributor

Gentrification is happening around us. From neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens to right here in lower Manhattan. Generally, gentrification causes rent prices to go up, causing lower income citizens who cannot afford their rent to look for new homes. Entire communities are sometimes pushed out of an area, and local “mom and pop” businesses are replaced by new franchises run by large corporations. Arguably, there is a silver lining, as some say this process allows for so-called decrepit areas to be fixed up and set for development. Jobs grow as a result of new businesses, and cities grow as a result of more jobs. Prof. Michael E. Levine, member of the American Planning Association called gentrification a natural aspect of a growing metropolitan city. “Cities change all the time and if it stops growing, it dies.” Prof. Levine insisted that gentrification is necessary for a city to stay “economically healthy” since old buildings are recycled and new communities expand the social economic ladder. Prof. Levine highlighted the fact, however, that the government has not found a solution for the displacement of lower income citizens: “The unanswered questions remains ‘how to protect the communities?’” Another factor of gentrification is the cultural repercussions of modernization. For example, in the 1960’s, several artists and hippies congregated and resided in the Lower East Side’s northwest corner creating a sub-culture in the city of New York. Eventually, it became known as the East Village. In the early 2000’s, the arty culture of the East Village trickled down to the Lower East Side, and soon it became gentrified into one of the most expensive areas to live in the city. The apartment buildings of the Lower East Side are no longer replete with hippies and artists; instead they are home to upper class citizens that can afford the inflated rent prices. Time Out New York refers to the Lower East Side as home to the lucrative “hipster zombies.” Many of the displaced crowds from the East Village and Lower East Side have found new homes in areas of Brooklyn. In fact, because of this, Brooklyn is going through intense price increases in housing. Families, college graduates, and artists are beginning to seep into the neighborhoods of

Gentrification continued from PAGE 8


Street Seaport, there is something quite ‘fishy’ going on with the upcoming renovation plans. Although the documents were hesitant to relay its true plans about the new Seaport, it is now apparent that the end goal is high rise hotels, condos, and upscale retail stores, ultimately destroying the once-historic area that was Seaport. The World Trade Center is going to be a marvelous site and a place that garners multiple tourists. There will be five new skyscrapers, the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub, a performing arts center and over 550,000 square feet of retail space. 1 World Trade Center, commonly known as the Freedom Tower, is expected to be completed by late 2013, with some interior work continuing in 2014. The Beekman Tower and the Woolworth Building will provide luxurious housing options to many. The Beekman Tower, whose official title is the New York by Gehry, is the tallest residential building in the Americas. From studios to apartments to

Boreum Hill, Carroll Gardens, and Cobble Hill. According to The New York Times, the median real estate price for these areas is now up to par to those of the northern areas of the Upper and West sides of Manhattan. Williamsburg and Greenpoint are places where people have already been priced out due to gentrification. Vulnerable minorities such as the elderly, immigrants and members of the Hasidic community have had to move due to increasing taxes on their rising property values. Delaney Yeager, senior, spoke about living in Williamsburg and noticing its gentrification: “Its definitely been gentrified. It’s all young, mostly white [residents]…rent is going up and is continuously getting higher and higher. It is still a Hasidic and Latino neighborhood however, but if you walk down Bedford it’s all relatively privileged artists.” Many blame gentrification for the death of New York’s culture. The invasion of chains and franchises seems to put a damper on even the most original neighborhoods; the aesthetic killjoy of seeing a new Duane Reade or CVS right next to a colossal mural in Brooklyn is an unfortunate event. The Decker Building in Union Square, once home to Andy Warhol’s studio, now houses The Puma Store. TriBeCa is better known for The Smyth Hotel’s famous residents like Kim Kardashian, than its historical landmarks such as the Powell Building, and the New York Telephone Company building (with its Mayan-inspired Art Deco motif). In past decades, New York City was full of ubiquitous danger, evolving art, and an underground culture that lured all the equally artistic and ambitious men and women in. A lot of the youth that moves to New York is seduced by the city as portrayed in Audrey Hepburn’s Funny Face or J.D. Salinger ‘s “Catcher in the Rye” (and many other pop-culture from past decades). Cities change however, and with gentrification some of the culture that was found in movies, books, and art, has dissipated, or disappeared completely. There is no answer to the problem of displacement, just as there is no answer to the problem of cultural erosion. In the end, baby New Yorkers who come here to search out the cultural movements that made New York famous find that instead the culture has been replaced by a new Zara store. Authenticity has become harder to find, as gentrification along with other factors make the city more commercial. v

penthouses, every resident is satisfied in these deluxe condominiums, but it is truly the views that make this building so appealing. The Woolworth Building is a recent addition to luxurious living in New York City. In late August, Alchemy Properties made a $68 million deal with the building owners to transform the top 30 floors into 40 luxury apartments. This new condominiums in the Woolworth Building are set to hit the market next year. Not only is this a landmark building, but is in the wonderful Lower Manhattan area. Kenneth Horn, the founder and current president of Alchemy Properties, said, “Lower Manhattan has an entirely different feel than it did a decade ago. I can’t think of another area in New York that’s going to go through such massive change over the next five years.” The Lower Manhattan area is going through a positive change that the University will benefit from result of this change. v




April 10, 2013

Jack White brings call to action for Record Store Day NICOLE MORALES Managing Editor In 2007 Chris Brown, an employee at the independent record store Bull Moose in Portland, Maine came up with the idea to have a day where fans could come together and celebrate the art of music. His idea of Recrod Store Day (RSD), spread like wildfire and soon independent record stores and muscians around the country began to observe the third Saturday in April as a day to promote record sales with exclusive bundles packages featuring rare covers, B-sides or early releases on vinyl. In addition, both local and big name musicians from all over the country perform in local record stores and neighborhood shops to show their support. RSD has grown over the past few years to even include Record Store Day Ambassadors acting as spokespeople for the year’s festivities. Last year’s ambassador was Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Iggy Pop. This year Jack White has been chosen to be the 2013 RSD Ambassador. This should come as no surprise, as White put emphasis on the importance of buying physical CDs and records. White is the founder of Nashville based Third Man Records, which puts out exclusive releases from famed musician friends of White as well as White’s debut solo album Blunderbuss. As if exlusive relases weren’t enough to entice fans to buy Third Man Record releases, White also has a Rolling Record Store that travels around the country, eventually giving even those who don’t have access to record stores a record store experience. Coinciding with his efforts White broke vinyl album sales record in 2012,

selling more than 33,000 vinyl records. This knocked The Beatles three consecutive year record for most vinyl record sales for their Abbey Road album. In his RSD Ambassadorial Wake Up Call speech White says: “We need to re-educate ourselves about human interaction and the difference between downloading a track on a computer and talking to other people in person and getting turned onto music that you can hold in your hands and share with others.” Throughout the speech he uses the phrase “Let’s wake each other up” as he urgently insists that our youth should be exposed to the beauty of experiencing a music that is tangible and real. His romanticized points about the beauty of music conclude with: “As Record Store Day Ambassador of 2013 I’m proud to help in any way I can to invigorate whoever will listen with the idea that there is beauty and romance in the act of visiting a record shop and getting turned on to something new that could change the way they look at the world, other people, art, and ultimately, themselves.” Fans should be sure to expect great new releases this RSD, including the Flaming Lips’ highly anticipated early vinyl release of Zaireeka, a 4 LP box set. The Notorious B.I.G.’s Ready to Die will also be released for RSD, as well as the Black Keys and Iggy and the Stooges’ 7-inch vinyl Side By Side: No Fun. Here in the city J&R , recordstoreday.com Bleeker Street Records, Other Music and other record stores will be hosting exclusive performances and giveaways to encourage all fans of music to come out and enjoy the beauty in buying a tangible piece of music and even exposing ourselves to new musical experiences, both live and recorded.

Chaos and Culture comes to the MET CHRISTIAN GOMEZ Arts Assistant The Costume Institute at the MET will be opening Punk: Chaos to Couture this spring. Punk: Chaos to Couture is an examination of how the punk movement affected high fashion from its birth in the 70’s to the present day. Punk fashion was a radical change from the musicians of the 60’s who dressed up and wore more formal clothing, the MET offers over one hundred designs for men and women that speak to the rebellious and simple ready to wear clothes that still hold onto punk’s visual style. With vintage pieces trapped in time from the 70’s to modern apparel that keeps the punk dream alive. High fashion and punk isn’t typically something that goes hand in hand but the MET presents the punk ideals of DIY fashion and blends it with the high concept and price tag of couture, organized by materials, techniques and the many anti-establishment messages of the punk genre. The MET is telling a tale of New York and London’s two very distinct cities that together comprise the origin story of the punk movement. Moda Operandi has made the exhibition possible offering her personal collection along with the help and collections of other top fashion designers, who in collaboration of Conde Nast has pulled together the one hundred piece exhibit. Designers for the exhibit include Miguek Adriver, Thom Browne, Burberry, Hussein Chalayan, Balmain, Dior, Domenico Dolce, and many other big brands and fashion icons. The exhibit has been organized by Andrew Bolton who is also Curator in the MET’s costume institute. The MET is putting a large amount of effort into the Punk: Chaos to Couture after last years over looked and underappreciated costume exhibit that failed to produce profit. Punk is an attractive style that many designers gravitate toward because of the aggressive, rebellious and youthful energy that comes with the clothes and the MET aims to capture this with the exhibit. Of the seven galleries is meant to have a theme based around the “heroes” of the exhibit with the first gallery on display devoted to CBGB in New York with the hero Richard Hell. Following the first gallery are galleries with Malcolm McClaren and Vivienne Westwood inspired clothing from the 430 King’s Road in London boutique. DIY is a major part of the punk culture and where high fashion grabs its most inspiration for the rebellious movement and the exhibits four final galleries focus on the DIY nature of punk. Studs, spikes, chains, zippers, padlocks, safety pins, and razor blades are all iconic of punk culture and have the hero of Sid Vicious represent the DIY hardware section. Debbie Harry is the hero of DIY Bricolage where punks ethos meets the cus-

tomization of high fashion blending recycled materials from trash and consumer culture. The hero of DIY Graffiti and agitprop is the band The Clash that explores the tradition of provocation and confrontation through images and text. DIY destroy is the final exhibit and focuses on the punk rip it to shreds spirit of destroying their clothes with torn and shredded garments meant to be associated with deconstructionism.

Left: Sid Vicious, 1977, by Dennis Morris. Right:Karl Lagerfeld, by David Sims metmuseum.org


April 10, 2013

Turn water bottles into crafts MARIANELLI AGBULOS Contributor When a plastic bottle is thrown into a trash or recycling bin, a person’s mind immediately adapts the “out of sight, out of mind” behavior – the bottle is gone, so its aftermath is of no importance to the thrower. Assumptions tell us plastic bottles will be foraged by homeless men or make their way to the recycling plant. In essence, those thoughts are true – though both need to shed light on the truth behind plastic water bottles. Only 10 percent of plastic bottles sold are recycled after use., with the remaining 90 percent found floating in the world’s oceans. Five giant “trash islands” in the oceans collect man made waste, destroy marine life, and ruin beaches’ existence. Plastic bottles are the most prevalent form of man-made waste on beaches, and their plastic bits are integrated in the bones of deceased creatures in the sand - instead of coral, seashells, and rock. This is not a pretty sight, neither is it comfortable to walk, run, or play in. Contrary to the popular belief that bottled water is safer than tap water, research conducted by Tapped (2009) proves the health risks of drinking bottled water. Dr. Stephen King, an epidemiologist and toxicologist with Toxicology Inc., tells viewers that plastic bottles expose people to chemical compounds such as Toluene, Styrene, Diethyl Phthalate, Dimethyl Phthalate, and Di-n-octyl Phthalate. Toluene is a constituent in gasoline, a substance used in paint thinner and a neurotoxic agent. Styrene is a cancer causing agent; and Diethyl Phthalate, Dimethyl Phthalate, and Di-n-octyl Phthalate cause dysfunction in the fetus. One common consequence of those chemical compounds is that they cause adverse reproductive effects on newborns – which means plastic bottles are already harming the future generation, before even coming out of their mother’s wombs. Bottled water was introduced in the 1970s. Despite the economic downturn of sales from 2008 to 2009, its consumption has increased over the years. Beverage Marketing Corporation research shows bottled water sales went up by 4.1 percent from 2011 to 2012. The good thing about plastic bottles, however, is that since it was a trend introduced in 1989, it is a trend that can go out of fashion. Plastic bottles will not disappear overnight, but that does not mean nothing can be done in the meantime. The three Rs drummed into the public’s heads are: “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.” “Recycle” is the easiest of the three Rs, yet it happens so inconsistently that it cannot be relied on. “Reduce” is the second easiest of the three Rs; but it faces the maxim “Easier said than done” since it takes time for a person to change their habits. “Reuse” is the R that requires patience and creativity to remake something for another purpose. For example, one can rescue forgotten and neglected bottles and make something out of them. Stumped? Never fear, the suggestions below are meant to tap into one’s inner artist and scientist together to combat the plastic bottle epidemic. All anyone needs are plastic bottles which one has used or found, craft supplies, and a friend or more to share in the fun. Hand-made jewelry is a trend that will never fade. Bangles can be made by cutting the designated width of a plastic bottle with a Xacto knife or scissor. The size of the plastic bottle can be easily adjusted to your wrist size by looking for a bottle with a bigger circumference, and adjusting its size by cutting the plastic cut-out in half and taping it to the average wrist size. Wrap the plastic edges with ribbon, and get creative with the design. Enjoy making plastic bottle bangles? Take the challenge to make plastic bottle earrings. In need of containers and cup holders? Look for 2L soda bottles, and wash and dry them. Use a Xacto knife to cut the bottle into the proper size of the objects that will put in them. For pens and pencils, cut the bottle in half. Small office supplies or hair accessories need just the bottom of the bottle and a few inches above it. For paintbrushes and other objects of the same size, cut the bottle a little above half so the bottle won’t tip over. The remaining cut bottom of a 2L soda bottle can be used as a mini palette. Likewise, ribbons can be stored by cutting off the “cone” (slanting slope) of a 2L bottle, and then cutting the end of another bottle to use as the cover and secure with tape. Herbs or plants can be housed in 2L bottles and regular water bottles, as their plastic component makes them sturdy planters. Just like how the containers were made, the same principle is applied when creating planters. To vary the size of planters, cut the bottle diagonally to make your planters’ shape intriguing. One 2L bottle and a CD can make two plastic bottle vases. Cut the plastic bottle in half, and take the upper half. With a glue gun or any other gluing device, glue the CD to the cap and wait for it to dry. Once dried, decorate to the heart’s delight by drawing designs with a glue gun. When dried, paint over the glue with acrylic paint or spray paint. Plastic bottle vases can also be savvy cylindrical gift containers for candy and other treats. With approximately 35 to 45 water bottles, depending on the size, transparent sticky tape, scissors, cardboard, foam rubber or padding, old T-shirts, spray adhesive, fabric of your choice for the exterior, fabric shears, staple gun, and no stitch glue one can make a footstool. Bond soda bottles together with transparent sticky tape. The easiest way to do that would be to put a bottle in the middle, then put other bottles around it in a circle and tape those bottles together till the desired size is achieve. Cut two pieces of cardboard and tape them to the top and bottom of the taped soda bottles, taping them until secure. Grab and cut two round pieces and one rectangular piece of foam rubber or padding, and join it with No Sew Stitching glue. Cover the top and sides with old shirts or jeans until satisfied.



G.I. Joe comes back to theaters NICOLE MORALES Managing Editor The adventure continues for America’s favorite action figure G.I. Joe in the highly anticipated film G.I. Joe: Retaliation. The film is a sequel to 2009’s G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, which received mostly negative reviews for its scattered plot and unnecessary deterrence of the G.I. Joe storylines found in the comics and cartoon series. In Cobra, Channing Tatum played the character of Duke, an American soldier leading a NATO troop that must deliver four warheads sold to NATO. Co-starring alongside Tatum for this journey is Ripcord, played by Marlon Wayans and the Duke’s evil ex-fiancé the Baroness, played by Sienna Miller, who ambushes the troop. The film deterred from the comics in small yet significant ways, enough to disappoint fans and critics alike. Soon after the release of Cobra, Hollywood got to work right away on a sequel, and although the film lacked direction, the big name actors and popular G.I Joe mythology managed to pull together a high grossing film. The production for Retaliation was somewhat problematic, involving an almost entirely new cast, a director swap and a delayed release date by nearly a year. The only cast members from the original to appear in the sequel were Tatum, Snake Eyes played by Ray Park, Storm Shadow played by Byung-Hun Lee, and Jonathan Pryce as the President of the United States. The rest of the cast, including Cobra Commander originally played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, were replaced, which ties in with the use of Jon M. Chu, a director new to the franchise. The new cast features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Roadblock, one of three surviving soldiers who were attacked by Zartan for allegedly stealing nuclear warheads from Pakistan. Zartan impersonates the President of the United States when he orders that the Joes will no longer be of use to America as a protection unit. Suspicious, Roadblock takes the remaining troops to General Jospeh Colton, played by Bruce Willis, who assists the Joes in uncovering the truth and ensures justice is served. Though the plot borders in the messy and mindless territory many action films tend to take, the CGI and 3D effects are impressive. The use of 3D is not over done, but well executed during explosions and danger traps. There is a scene in particular that sticks with viewers during the height of the film involving a mountain escape with breathtaking scenery enhanced with CGI effects. Sadly, the film’s decision to delay the release date in order to include 3D effects is the films truest saving grace. Without it, the film would be forgotten in a void of mindless “shoot ‘em up” films, but instead this takes the place of a decent sequel to a subpar franchise. Another complaint of the film is the lack of character development; however this particular genre of film hardly makes room for character analysis. The film serves its purpose, which is to distract audiences for an hour and a half with favorite actors in typical bad-ass fashion surrounded by visually stunning effects. It’s not a film in which viewers should expect to be wowed with plot lines or classic performances. It’s a film of now, highlighting how far graphics in film have come and it should be appreciated as such. With talks of a third G.I. film in the making, audiences may be able to find closure for their favorite action heroes within the next few years. While one may not expect a sturdy plot line, one thing is sure that viewers will likely be blown away by the stunning visuals. For the grand finale, cover the whole product with the fabric of your choice and put your footstool to relaxing use. Bottle caps are the forgotten counterparts of plastic bottles, but they also have a fun purpose in challenging roommate(s) to a game of tic-tac-toe! Instead of using paper to write the game out, use a Sharpie to mark the inside of bottle caps with an “X” or an “O”. Make nine pieces each. Using cardboard, cut out a square, and draw the 3 x 3 square format. Play several matches, and make sure to keep the “X” and “O” tokens altogether in a plastic bottle container. Besides practical usage, decorative purposes for bottles also exist; and that can unify artists in promoting the application of the material used. In the case of Michelle Brand and El Anatsui, discarded plastic bottles highlight how these artists transform the problem into a solution. Manchester, United Kingdom based eco-designer Michelle Brand’s work was featured in Stockport Town Hall to welcome the Olympic Flame to London, and also used as displays in weddings. Brand uses the ends of discarded plastic bottles to construct indoor/outdoor light fixtures, lamp shades, curtains, room dividers, and sculptures. Similarly, abandoned bottle caps are visible in contemporary Ghanaian sculptor El Anatsui’s work. Anatsui uses flattened or rolled aluminum caps and seals from liquor bottles to make his wall blankets. Eighty million plastic bottles are consumed every day. If bottle water usage is eliminated or significantly reduced, it will decrease the number of bottles that end up on beaches’ shorelines and trash islands. Water is used to produce and transport everything proving the global dependence on it. Less water usage impacts not just one’s personal life, but its effects magnify on a national and global scale. Also, reducing and reusing saves money. Take the initiative to change old habits and encourage others to be just as concerned about the Earth.



April 10, 2013


The Summer Set encourages fans to wake up and be awesome with their new tour

Left: Zacarecas, Michoacan, Sonora, Guerrero; Top Right: Distrito Federal and Morelos; Bottom Right: Tortilla Neapolitian All photos by Olivia Beteta OLIVIA BETETA Arts Editor The Summer Set came to Gramercy Theater on March 19 with the Wake Up and Be Awesome Tour. During the sold-out show the band was accompanied by For the Foxes, Go Radio and We Are The In Crowd. Fans were packed into the theater waiting with baited breathe for the headliners to take the stage. As anticipation filled the air as For the Foxes took the stage. Fans welcomed the New Jersey natives with screams of excitement. Though the band played a short set lead singer Nicholas Dungo’s riotous energy was more than enough to get the fans hyped. Soon after For the Foxes left the stage Go Radio came on to a thunderous crowd. The claps and stomps of the crowd seemed to shake the theater. The band played song after song as the men on stage charmed the audience. As Go Radio left the stage fans earnestly applauded their set. It was a home show for the Poughkeepsie natives We Are The In Crowd. Walking onto stage and diving into their first song the fans could barely control themselves. The crowd erupted into song; matching word for word the lyrics lead singers Taylor Kathleen Jardine and Jordan Eckes belted. Throughout their entire set the passion of the crowd did not let up and the band was quick to equal the crowds enthusiasm. As the last chord was stuck fans let out a collective sigh, sad

to see the five go. The sorrow only lasted a few moments as anticipation for The Summer Set began to grow exponentially. The lights began to dim and the crowd’s excitement mounted an all time high. Cheer erupted throughout the theater as slowly the band began to take the stage. The band opened with one of their newest songs “Fuck U Over,” yet still it seemed most of the crowd new every word of the song. The band barreled through another couple of songs before properly introducing themselves. Lead vocalist Brian Dales used the pause between songs to express the band’s excitement for the show. In the past The Summer Set had played in NYC in the past but this marked the first headlining tour the band hosted in the city. The band took a moment to savor the feeling but before long began playing again. The Summer Set came back from their minor break with a force. They played song after song. Switching flawlessly through their typical fast paced song to the slower long songs. At one point the stage started to clear. Only Dales and guitarist/backup vocalist John Gomez remained. The lights dimmed yet again as Dales picked up an acoustic guitar and began to harmonize with Gomez. The two played a couple of songs, most notably “Where Are You Now,” with Gomez taking the role of Dia Frampton. Soon the rest of the band returned to stage to cover the Bruno Mars hit, “Locked Out of Heaven.” It was

at that point the crowd entered pure pandemonium. The band took the popular song and made it their own. Dale’s voice really leant itself to the lyrics and helped to make it more than just another cover. The song was exclusive to the tour as Dales said they would no longer be playing it after the tour. Crowd surfers flooded the gate and the entire audience moved in time to the beat. Soon after the band launched into another new song “Boomerang.” The crowd was only to happy to oblige when asked to sing along to such poignant lyrics as “If I was Jay-Z, you’d be my Beyoncé, we could rock the nation like they do.” As the night began to wind down Dales took to the mic again and began to explain the band’s newest song “Legendary.” The song, inspired by How I Met Your Mother, is the title track of the band’s soon to be released album. After the song the band left the stage with the crowd screaming for more. Chants of “one more song” and soon “two more songs” thundered through the theater. The band returned for one more song, the fan favorite “Chelsea.” A sea of crowd surfers rose from the audience and Dale met them from his place in the middle of the crowd. The extended version of the single was enough to satisfy the audience and as the theater emptied chatter about the show populated the discussion. After a sixteen song set fans got their money worth with the show.

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