April 15

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APriL 15, 2011 VoLUMe LXV issUe XiV

Serving The Community Since 1948

The Pace Press

Digital illustration by hilda adeniji / the pace press

Office of Student Assistance set to undergo new management makeover ivonna thompson news editor

the office of student Assistance (osA) appointed Matthew Bonilla as their new Assistant Vice President. Bonilla is a University graduate and received his B.A. in Management University systems and his M.s.ed in education technology. Bonilla later served the University as the interim Vice President and Chief information officer (Cio) of information technology services (its). “My experience as interim Vice Presi-

dent and Cio along with being a Pace Process Change leader/coach for the last few years provided a skill set that is optimal for osA,” Bonilla said. some of the new specific steps that Bonilla is changing to make a difference to osA include utilizing students to participate in the secret shopper program— where students secretly evaluate services— the newly formed osA student advisory council, consistent attendance at org Council and town Hall Meetings and semester talk Back sessions. osA’s semester talk Back

sessions will enable students to voice their opinions about osA and that progress it’s making. they will be similar to the student Government Association (sGA) meetings in which students will give either positive or negative feedback and make suggestions for improvement. this can help osA assess problems more quickly and revamp the system to provide assistance to students. Bonilla showed that he has an ability to quickly implement student suggestions stating, “i had a clear track record in its of taking student suggestions and getting

them implemented quickly.” Bonilla plans to have 100 percent transparency between osA and the University community. osA semester talk Back sessions will be held twice a semester on both the nYC and PLV Campuses. to improve the flow of traffic at osA at the beginning of each semester, one approach Bonilla is taking is to cross train all of osA staff. the staff will be trained during summer 2011. this is supposed to eliminate internal operational obstacles that prevented osA from working

quickly. By doing this, all areas of osA will collaborate and work together in order to work efficiently during peak times such as the beginning of the semester and during class scheduling. osA will also be working closely with the Financial Aid department to become more, well rounded when handling student inquiries. one feature that has not been implemented in a few years is the osA survey. the surveys will be sent out to the University once a semester. it will measure the satContinued on Page 3

Emma Roberts discusses her latest role in Scream 4 on page 7 • eduhookups offers twist on personal ads page 10

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April 15, 2011

Information Technology Services brings new changes to the University - Mobile website made accessible on smart phones and tablets - Video conference technology improvements - new content management system - further development of eportfolio - xpressConnect wireless services made available - its help desk adds additional hours of operation Digital illustration by hilda adeniji / the pace press

ivonna thompson news editor

information technology services (its) has implemented new changes to the University on both the PLV and nYC Campuses. the changes are available through wireless connections, Blackboard and other University departmental services. the most recent development was the University’s Mobile Beta webpage that can be accessed via M.pace.edu. it is both internet and mobile device accessible. the webpage provides information on finals schedules, room directory lookups and the University shuttle schedules on both campuses. the Mobile Beta webpage is available on mobile devices including iPhones, iPads, droids and the latest BlackBerry models. Blackboard Analytics was launched by Blackboard, inc. offering new developments with better quality of the data that col-

leges and universities nationwide are using in their institutions. students can access Blackboard to look up their grades, class schedules, class correspondence and drop boxes. this app is compatible with droids, iPhones, iPads and itouches. For more in house technology, the University has improved Video Conference technology within the past year. recently, the University connected with darfur live through the United nations (Un) and Movi technology connections. University law school students in the Law 602A externship environmental diplomacy practice spoke with Un Ambassador and member of African Union/Un Hybrid operation in darfur (UnAMid) Advisory Board on Justice, Accountability, truth and reconciliation robert Van Lierop. For the University website, there is a new Content Management system (CMs) called dru-

pal which was launched March 1. the University homepage has a faster loading time and there is also a new design for the homepage with the most important University stories on the top half of the page. the University 311 system has also changed. the University switchboard is now called “the Pace information Center” (PiC). instead of routing calls, PiC now answers callers’ questions and expedites service within any department of the University. PiC is accessible to all members of the University as well as prospective students and visitors. For those who are calling PiC from an external line, they will immediately interact with a staff member. staff members will attempt to assist the caller. if the staff member is unable to answer a question or contact the caller with the department needed, then the caller will be referred to submit an on-

line Help desk ticket at Help.pace.edu. its is also supporting the new e-Portfolio for the University community to utilize. students can post their resumes and manage important additional materials online through ePortfolio. during the spring 2011 semester its will be hosting the second Annual ePortfolio spring Contest. the submission deadline is April 22 with the winners receiving an ePortfolio excellence Award along with a $100 gift card. the winners will also showcase their ePortfolios. the award day for the nYC Campus is May 5 and for the PLV Campus — May 4. For wireless connection, its has created the new auto-configuration wireless system called XpressConnect by Cloudpath. it is available to all University wireless users. XpressConnect is a onetime process which provides automatic wireless configuration

for computer devices including laptops, itouches, iPads and tablets within the Pace_secure network. For those who are configured for Pace_secure or are using a University machine on the domain, no changes have to be made for wireless connection. its is currently testing out browser capability for the University. its advises not to use the newest versions of internet browsers, including Mozilla Firefox 4 and internet explorer 9 them. they have not certified that all University systems are compatible with the new browsers. once the certification is complete, its will notify users when an upgrade for is available. the its Help desk has implemented additional hours on sunday nights from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. there will also be a representative in the libraries on both nYC and PLV Campuses to provide assistance to students.

Student Parliament and Senate elected for the 2011-2012 academic year LauREn RogERs ContriBUtor

the student Government Association (sGA) held their end of the year elections March 28 to 31. All sGA candidates attended the sGA debate and candidate meet and greet March 22. the first portion of the program was a panel of all e-Board candidates, followed by questions from moderator dr. Christine shakespeare asking candidates the kinds of contributions they will make to the University. on March 31, the polls were closed and the student body received an email with the results. President for the 2011-12 school year is sophomore and current sGA executive secretary Michael wellbrock. wellbrock has been a member of sGA since his freshman year as the freshmen class president. He also will be a resident Advisor in the Fall 2011 semester. wellbrock’s first order of busi-

ness is to work closely with the student development office on planning Homecoming and welcome week. “i hope to be a visible and transparent President. someone who not only students know, but who student leaders know and can bring problems or concerns with,” wellbrock said. working with wellbrock as sGA’s Vice President will be current sophomore Caitlin Meuser. Meuser is currently the Lubin school of Business President and a member of Lambda sigma. Meuser wants to address those who have concerns with the University and said, “i want students to feel that they can approach me with anything and feel that their voices are truly valued by the sGA.” wellbrock’s running mate junior Javier Grullon, was elected to the executive secretary position. Grullon is currently the junior class’ president. He also holds a position

on the residence Hall Association (rHA) executive board and will also be a senior orientation Leader for upcoming summer.

nity. “i just want to make it evident that i wanted to be elected solely to make a difference. i see a lot of things with Pace that are great and a lot of things with Pace that aren’t so great. My main goal was to share my main my ideas about how i can enhance goal was to share my things that are already here at Pace and fix [and] re-invent some things ideas about how i that just aren’t working for the stucan enhance things dents,” Grullon said. that are already here in charge of the Judicial Board is sophomore Breanna romaine at pace and fix Guiliano who was re-elected to the and re-invent position of Parliamentarian. she is somethings that just also a student - aide in the women’s aren’t working for and Gender studies department and plans on working on the structure of the students. org Council meetings. when the results were announced and the treasurer spot was -Javier Grullon, student vacant; many were curious as to when asked about his campaign who would fill the position. treasstrategy, Grullon made it pretty ev- urer-elect, Cindy Vargas decided ident that he wanted to make a not to take the position. the newly change for the University commu- elected e-Board met with numerous

candidates and selected sophomore, Maria rubino. rubino has acted as a member of the Budget Allocation Council (BAC) and plans on becoming the executive treasurer. Besides the e-Board, other students serve the University community on the sGA senate. the senate is made up of class presidents and school presidents. Freshman diana de Paula and junior Adrian simpson will represent the Lubin school of Business. de Paula is studying international Management with a minor in Marketing. simpson is studying Hospitality Management. when asked about their duties in the new school year, simpson and de Paula said, “Goals we want to accomplish to work closely with business organizations on campus, and begin planning for the Lubin school Banquet.” Freshmen emilie Hayek and Continued on Page 3

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April 15, 2011


Matthew Bonilla gets appointed as the new Assistant Vice President Bonilla expects OSA to be number one University service in the nation by 2012 From Page 1 isfaction that the University community has with osA. even faculty and Administration will receive the surveys. “our primary goal is going to be proactive communicators so we can all do our part in helping to eliminate what students have described as the ‘Pace runaround,’” Bonilla said. some of the new methods that osA plans to implement for the 2011-12 academic year include transitioning from paper to electronic submissions in order to make the work flow easier for students to make academic assessments, working to increase degree Audit and transfer Credit services and regulations in order to make the processes easier for everyone. Bonilla also stated that osA wants to be known as “solution developers” instead of “rule enforcers.” He said, “we want to be

pected to help solve problems, create solutions and implement any improvements as needed. if members of the University community are not satisfied with the assistance they are getting my expectation level is for osa to be from osA, Bonilla wants them to him directly. the number one university service “[i am] publishing and proorganization in the nation in one year. in moting my email address and the end students and comprehensive metrics phone number. i will be asking people to reach me directly if they [are what] we are tracking, [we] will be the are not receiving the support they judge of that. need. i will encourage students, faculty and staff to contact me -Matthew Bonilla, personally if they feel they have Assistant Vice President an issue, which is not being adof OSA dressed to their satisfaction,” Bonilla said. For future plans with new accountability for mistakes for He added, “My expectation strategies and results, osA plans when they occur. level is for osA to be the number to be nationally recognized for its some other new ways osA one University service organizanew methodology. will be working with the aca- tion in the nation in one year. in Aside from surveys and talk demic departments will be to have the end students and comprehenback sessions, osA plans to as- them work directly with an osA sive metrics [are what] we are sign each school and department representative. tracking, [we] will be the judge of a personal osA liaison who will the representative will be ex- that.” known institution-wide as the department that will do anything to ensure student service expectation levels are dramatically exceeded.”

take responsibility for the different aspects of the program or school that they will be working with. it will also increase direct

Graduating seniors may see a light at the end of the tunnel after the spring semester mEL BaiLEy stAFF writer

the U.s. Labor department has increased employment rates for the job market, in the past two months which gives graduating seniors hope in finding jobs after graduation. According to an economic news release by the Bureau of Labor statistics, “nonfarm payroll employment was increased by 216,000, yet the employment rate was little changed at 8.8 percent.” these job gains are in the fields of professional and business services, health care, leisure & hospitality and mining. every other department of the work force has remained unchanged as did the number of unemployed persons at 13.5 million, 25 percent of whom are teenagers. Another survey was completed by the Bureau of Labor statistics of people who are over the age of 25 based on the highest completion of their schooling. 11.9 percent of high school graduates with little to no college education are unemployed, 8.7 percent of people holding an associate’s degree are unemployed as of March 2011 and 4.7 percent of people over 25 years of age with a bachelor’s degree or higher were unemployed. Many University graduates have plans in place for after graduation, but some will continue to

add to these statistics of unemployment. senior Keira stewart had much to say about why she believes college graduates are hav-

“America does not produce anything anymore and because of that, a lot of jobs have fallen by the wayside. i’m not saying i want to build cars or refrigerators, but

america does not produce anything anymore and because of that, a lot of job have fallen by the wayside. -Marco Margaritoff, student ing difficulty finding jobs. stewart said, “i think that many students remain unemployed after graduation because they choose majors that society has no need for. they pick easy majors like communications or social work. the list goes on. they believe that it’s all about just getting a B.A. in anything. it does not work that way. if you invest $30,000 a year on education, why pick a major that’s a dead end and pays nothing?” other students like senior Marco Margaritoff believe our unemployment rates have more to do with our import-based economy. Margaritoff said, “i’m fairly confident that the lack of opportunities within the American economy stems largely from the complete eradication of the manufacturing industry.

with the loss of the manufacturing side of it comes the loss of dozens of jobs around it.” some students are hopeful that the new jobs will increase job function in the United states and unemployment rates will decrease significantly. “these new jobs that were recently added is a good sign that maybe some of these unemployed college graduates will finally find jobs,” senior Laysha duran said. Although the job market seems to be turning around based on the statistics, graduates still need to find jobs after they graduate. “the economy added 200,000 jobs in March, but at this rate it has a long way to go before recovering the 8 million jobs lost since the recession began,” senior nan wu said.

INFORMATION Undergraduate Registration began on April 11 For those who run into any problems registering, email Matthew Bonilla at mbonilla@pace.edu

TELL US How has your experience with OSA been this semester? Tell us at news@pacepress.org

New candidates elected to Student Government positions From Page 2 Jennifer Fabian were elected as dyson President and Vice President. Hayek is studying Biology with a minor in Music and Fabian is studying Forensic Chemistry. Both will be serving as orientation Leaders this summer. in the upcoming school year the two have plans, “to help unify the students of dyson College of Arts and sciences through planning frequent and fun events. we also want to encourage students to inform us of their concerns and ideas so that we can do our best to make improvements.” sophomore Austin delaney has been elected as President of seidenberg school of Computer science. delaney is currently studying information technology. He is a member of the Honors College and on the University Affairs Committee through sGA. delaney was also responsible for his presentation during the Lackmann town Hall meeting. He plans on bringing creativity and outside the box ideas for events. As of April 8, the seidenberg school of Computer science Vice President position has not been filled. senior class President samantha Bassford and Vice President Alyssa donigan plan on igniting big changes in the upcoming year. “we want to continue building community and having orgs inter-

act more with each other, working with Administration on commencement and hopefully have a senior fundraiser. we are not working only to have a senior ‘week,’ but a senior year,” Bassford and donigan said. representing the junior class are President Zaidy Morales and Vice President ty rosa. they plan on preparing for their senior year and addressing the changes in the dining hall services. sophomore Class President Michael Creneti and Vice President omnia Khamis want to make the University a place where people are happy to come to and enjoy spending time. they intend to listen to all issues students have and do everything in their power to help fix them. the pair also wants to remodel and better the student Union so that it is more desirable for students to want to relax and hang out there. For more information on the sGA elections and positions being filled visit The Pace Press’ website or pick up a future issue.

CONTACT SGA Meetings take place on Tuesdays at Common Hour from 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. To contact SGA send an email to: pacesga@gmail.com

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April 15, 2011

University faculty and students receive bronze medals for Jefferson Awards stEphaniE hansEn stAFF writer

the Center for Community Action and research (CCAr) announced that six University individuals were selected to receive Jefferson Awards Bronze Medals for 2010-11. University students Michael Boyle, naphtalie Librun, Hannah tall and faculty members’ professor John Cronin and dr. Yvonne rafferty received the awards. According to CCAr’s press release, “the Jefferson Awards for Public service were established to recognize and honor individuals whose community service efforts best exemplify dedication to enhancing the quality of life in their Community.” Prof. Cronin will be representing the University at the Jefferson Awards national Ceremonies in washington, d.C. He will also be competing for the Gold Medal Award. According to the press release, “the selection of the Gold Medal awardee is made at the national level by the Jefferson Board


of selectors.” The Pace Press got in contact with Boyle, dr. rafferty and tall and discussed their accomplishments towards receiving the Bronze Awards. Boyle’s community work at the University includes working at the Leadership Conference, mentoring incoming freshmen through the Pforzheimer Honors College, volunteering for the Yorkville Common Pantry (YCP) in east Harlem, working at the national Book drive for Lambda sigma and volunteering for the Holy Apostles soup Kitchen in Chelsea. “i volunteered in thessaloniki, Greece at an english-learning summer camp as a gym teacher [in] summer 2010. i also volunteered for the Mike Bloomberg campaign,” Boyle said. He has also done volunteer work in his hometown of south Plainfield, n.J. As for his future in community service Boyle said, “i plan on continuing at various soup kitchens throughout nYC. i am also trying

to implement a community service aspect to tri-Beta, the club i am Vice President of. i would like to also volunteer abroad over the next few summers, using my experience to raise awareness of social, political, economic issues of the citizens of other countries.” dr. rafferty was recognized for long-term achievement. she volunteered for the non-governmental (nGo) committee on the United nations Children Fund (UniCeF): working Group on Girls (wGG). this organization is geared towards fighting against discrimination of the girl child. dr. rafferty has taught University students in the Area of Knowledge (AoK) 1 community service learning course. some of the courses include the impact of war on Children, international issues in Child Protection and Children in Urban society. this past February, dr. rafferty organized the training program for young women for the 55th annual Un Commission on the status of women in partnership

with the University women’s and Gender studies department. the event “Girls stand Up,” included a 17-year-old coalition of nGos that are fighting against discrimi-

i’m one of those people that get a little awkward when people say ‘congratulations,’ because i feel like i was just doing what i was supposed to be doing to help others. -Hannah Tall, student

nation against the girl child. the event included different seminars that trained girls in advocacy techniques as well as increasing women’s participation in technology, science and workshops. it was also opened up to University students which most

prominently featured women’s and Gender studies majors and minors. tall said, “when i heard that i received the Jefferson Award i was ecstatic. i’m one of those people that get a little awkward when people say ‘congratulations,’ because i feel like i was just doing what i was supposed to be doing to help others. “My involvement on campus and in the community is something that i use to help mobilize others to educate themselves about what’s going on around them, and take an active role in creating change. i am a firm believer in the quote “be the change that you wish to see in the world.” tall added, “i think that the change starts with getting up and showing people that you care about them. that’s really what this award was about for me, a thank you for caring award. there are so many other people that do great work here in Pleasantville and in the entire Pace community. i feel honored to be the recipient of this year’s award.”

President Barack Obama launches his 2012 re-election campaign What are your thoughts on Pres. Obama running for re-election in 2012?

“obama’s 2012 re-election campaign will allow him to present and carry out his long term goals.

“i think that it’s going to be a very controversial election, a lot of people are in upheaval. -Beth Daddona, senior

“i think the last president left with a lot of shit. there always has to be more change with anything.

“i’m all for it. although i’ll be honest, i haven’t been up to date with politics, but i’m all for it. -Brent Clarke, junior

-Matthew Linker, sophomore

-Chris Schweitzer, junior

“i was for him the first term. no matter who goes into presidency they are faced with a lot. -Jeanna Damm, freshman

“i’d rather he not [run]. i was unimpressed with how he reacted to certain events during his term. -Jason Mehmedovic, junior

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OPINION AND EDITORIALS DisCLaimER: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration, and staff) to The Pace Press.These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff, or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.





abs? Be like Nike — Just do it Responsible parenting does not Want Lose 10 pounds in a month! biggest change i made, these three How many health magazines have quotes were my secret weapons. include tattooing children i bought with this written on the “You’ll never regret working so, apparently Georgia really needs to stay away from tattoo needles and guitar strings. what am i talking about? well, in 2009 a guy named eugene Ashley got really drunk one night and decided that his son wouldn’t remember that he is a boy or that he has a dad, so he tattooed “dB” for “daddy’s Boy” on his 3-yearold son’s shoulder. i guess eugene really didn’t think about the spot — it’s really hard to look exactly on your shoulder, let alone tattoo a really vital reminder. Poor kid. when he grows to be a teenager and decides to go out swimming, people are going to ask him what it stands for. what is he going to say? “oh yeah, my dad tattooed me when i was 3-years-old when he was hammered.” Uh…i really doubt it. or maybe the boy could get creative, like, “well dB stands for determined Bachelor” and then pretend he’s this really huge player and in order to prove his insensitivity to romance and masculinity, he got a tattoo. i

mean, there are different wonders about the way this will all turn out, but still, they all kind of suck. so what happened to this drunkard? He got a kick in the shins basically. He got a fine of $300.00 (which can buy you a good pair of sneakers if you’re lucky) and got his child taken away. He should be in jail. that is child abuse. Cruelty. it is forever—tattoos are forever. Hello? i can’t believe this. the reason why i incorporated guitar strings in my first sentence was because in July, another wonderfully happy family in Georgia decided to tattoo six of their children with a needle made from guitar strings. they however, did get slapped with child cruelty charges. Georgia, come on. ray Charles is thinking about you, he might even write a song about you! oh Georgia, don’t let him down. Put the needles and the alcohol down instead.

Are you interested in journalism? Are you a writer, photographer or designer? Contribute to

The Pace Press! Come to our last meeting of the spring semester on

April 25th at 12:20pm 41 Park Row, Room 902 or email: editor@pacepress.org for more information

cover? enough to be the monetary equivalent of a few iPads, that’s for sure. Yet how many times did i really believe i was going to lose those 10 pounds? not even once. we always believe that weight loss has to be painfully slow, and that those who are doing it fast are either starving themselves or doing something equally unhealthy. so we buy the magazines to stare at Kim Kardashian’s curves longingly and then promise to start a diet — on Monday. i lost six pounds in two weeks from eating right and exercising — within moderation — and i’m not one of those people who lose weight quickly. For two weeks i ate food from my diet plan — no counting calories required. i made simple switches like moving from italian bread to whole wheat and whole milk to non-fat. i stopped going to my father-in-law’s restaurant between classes to have a hearty lunch. when i got on the scale this morning, i screamed, scaring my mother-in-law to death. “Guess what my weight is?!” i said. “125 pounds!” i posted this as my Facebook status and a girl i knew from high school immediately messaged me. “Congrats, girl,” she wrote. “what’s your secret?” Hmm, what is my secret? Although the diet was the


out, but you will regret not working out.” “don’t focus on what you can’t eat — focus on what you can eat.” “You can’t just walk on a treadmill while reading a magazine — you have to constantly push yourself.” Losing the weight was both easy and not easy. it came off fast, and i know that the diet plan has the bigger hand in this, but i’m proud to say that i pushed myself. on every other day i hit all the weight machines in the gym, and increased the weight by five pounds every week. right now, i’m doing 35 lbs. for arms and 60 lbs. for legs. Cardio is definitely the hardest part. i tell myself that i can’t just stand around, i have to go hard for every minute. so i get on the elliptical and do just that — and hit at least 700 calories every time. i used to inspire myself for the gym in the same way that i did for a paper or homework, by telling myself to be like nike. Just do it. But now, looking at the change in my body is enough. i’ve never seen my stomach look so flat, and the muscles seem to explode out of my arms and legs with every move that i make. now, when i need inspiration, i just look at the mirror. oh, and my iPod helps too. it’s my right hand man.

The Pace Press Editorial Board Lynn Rickert Editor-In-Chief natalie gavilanes Executive Editor Kim Bui Associate Editor Kaitlynn Blyth Managing Editor ivonna thompson News Editor Katherine Riley Features Editor Brian Rentas Arts Editor Kate hamzik Copy Editor hilda adeniji Digital Illustrator Leucepe martinez Business & Ads Manager DJ mcErlean-hopson Web Editor nazary nebeluk Distribution Manager mark mcsherry Faculty Consultant

staff Mel Bailey Betty Fermin Stephanie Hansen Craig Held Bethany O’Grady Alex Rufino James Ryder Fotini Sachpatzidis Amanda Schiavo Ruveena Virk Quinn Wasson Julia Yeung


Being able to afford to pay your dues with summer just around the corner, i find my to-do list moving away from “buy groceries” and “do laundry” to “update resume, write cover letters, buy shoes for interview.” summer internships, let alone internships in general, are hard to come by in the journalism field. when talking to my family about internships, they do not understand why they are all unpaid. Given my field, i just shrug and tell them, “that’s just how it is. i don’t expect to have a paid internship for a while. i probably won’t even get paid until i get a real job.” Anyone who has interned in the publishing or journalism realm knows that you just have to get your foot in the door before it opens for you. whether by getting coffee for

your editor, running errands or returning samples, you do it because the experience is worth it — right? really think about an internship position before you jump at your first offer. weight the pros and cons. i have seen girls who intern at publications, thinking that their life will magically transform into The Devil Wears Prada. You will not get a designer makeover overnight — sorry. You have to show that you are willing to go above and beyond coffee runs. Voice your opinion when the opportunity arises, stay a little bit later if possible, and always ask “would you like me to do anything else?” Your unpaid internship could turn into a paid one if you work hard enough and pay your dues.

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 NewYork, NY 10038 www.pacepress.org editor@pacepress.org Copyright 2011

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April 15, 2011


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April 15, 2011



Radcliffe shows How To Succeed on Broadway


KaRLiE CoLangELo ContriBUtor

over the past few months, Broadway has been abuzz with the news that daniel radcliffe, star of the successful Harry Potter movie franchise, would be making his way back to the Great white way in the revival of the Pulitzer Prize winning musical How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. this time however, he will not be strutting around naked, as seen in his 2008 production of “equus,” but instead doing something far more vulnerable: singing and dancing. starring the young and talented radcliffe, previews for the musical began in late February. Many fans and skeptics alike have spent the time leading up to previews wondering one thing: if radcliffe could pull off the role at his age. everyone can let out a sigh of relief — radcliffe is phenomenal in the show. radcliffe plays young window washer, J. Pierrepont Finch, who aspires to work his way up to the business world. with the help of his handy guidebook, “How to succeed in Business,” which is narrated by Anderson Cooper, Finch does just that. He quickly and stealthily climbs his way up the metaphorical ladder in a matter of weeks. this character is something totally new for radcliffe. Audiences who are used to seeing him as the brooding “boy who lived” won’t even recognize him as this self-assured leading man. the musical, directed and choreographed by the incredibly talented rob Ashford, is full of spectacular sets and inspiring dance numbers. there’s not a dull moment in the entire show. while it’s easy to see that a lot of choreography for the character of Finch was developed around radcliffe’s abilities, it is in no way to say that it is not dazzling or spectacular to watch. For most of the songs, radcliffe only has a few small movements around the stage while the insanely talented ensemble members of the cast dance around him. there are two huge show stopping

numbers in which radcliffe is involved, that will force the audience to their feet in applause. radcliffe has turned into quite the dancer and all of the hard work he puts in really shows. radcliffe spent over a year training for the dance numbers, which he knew would be his biggest weakness. while he spends a good majority of the show dancing and acting his heart out, he also spends most of it singing — and in an American accent to boot. His voice, while strong and steady, may not be the best on Broadway, but it is truly pleasant, clear and overall nice to listen to. By combining his hidden vocal talent with his new dancing skills and formidable acting talent, radcliffe is a bona fide triple threat. warner Brothers studio is renting out the Al Hirschfeld theatre for a week in July when radcliffe promotes the final Harry Potter film. while he is clearly the star of the show, one must not forget about the incredibly talented cast that dances and sings alongside him. the real scene-stealer of the show, however, is Christopher J. Hanke who plays Bud Frump, the boss’ insufferable nephew. Hanke is a true comic genius, as every single thing he does as Frump gets well-deserved laughs. if he doesn’t walk away with a tony nomination for Best supporting Actor in a Musical this year, it will be surprising. overall, the revival of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying is, at its heart, a very fun show with some incredibly talented people at its helm.

ONLINE The show is now open at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre located at 302 W 45th St. Ticket prices vary, but there is a $30 rush available as soon as the box office opens at 10 a.m. For more information, visit: howtosucceedbroadway.com

The Pace Press talks to Scream 4 star Emma Roberts about the new thriller and how “virgins can die now” nataLiE gaviLanEs eXeCUtiVe editor

the highly anticipated Scream 4, directed by wes Craven, stars a new crop of beauties on the “chopping block” along with veterans neve Campbell, reviving her role as sidney Prescott, and Courtney Cox, as Gale weathers-riley. Actress emma roberts plays Jill roberts who, in the film, is sidney’s cousin. The Pace Press spoke with roberts who gave a bit of insight into the new and improved Scream as well as working with Craven. “i remember when i auditioned i had short blonde hair, and when i got the part [Craven] called and told me he was going to give me really long, dark brown hair. [so i figured] i’m going to be reminiscent of sidney Prescott.” roberts worked with Campbell to hone her skills and become familiar with the environment sidney is thrown into the former Scream installments. Yet, some might not call this just an addition to the Scream series, but a reboot. in the other films, many conventions and “rules” were set up to protect certain characters from dying, however, this 21st century update throws all of those rules out of the window while simultaneously upping the ante. Scream 4 adds a fresh take

to the horror genre and finally does away with at least one car-

[they are] literally going to kill you with a knife and he’s going

...most other scary movies are about the supernatural or ghosts — it’s never so simple and that’s what freaks me out about Scream. -Emma Roberts, actor

dinal rule, “virgins never die.” “You’re no longer safe if you’re a virgin, which you have been for the past 50 years. that was a funny one,” roberts said. Craven has worked closely with Campbell and Cox before, but roberts soon came to find that Craven was quite masterful at scaring the cast on set. “[Craven] was the biggest prankster of everyone, which i was surprised. He would have someone dress up as the Scream guy and put him in places during a scene where he was not supposed to be. Hayden had to open a closet and no one was supposed to be in there and then this guy jumps out and scares the crap out of her,” roberts said. roberts herself isn’t a fan of scary movies, especially the Scream series — yet there’s something exciting about becoming a part of a pop cultural institution. “Scream has a sense of realness to them because when you think of the logistics, it’s really simple. someone dislikes you,

to dress up. that’s scary because most other scary movies are about the supernatural or ghosts — it’s never so simple and that’s what freaks me out about Scream,” roberts said. the simple logistics are exactly what attracted roberts to the film and when she found out she got the part, her excitement overwhelmed any sense of hesitation about acting in a horror film — that was, until Craven makes you open a closet door.


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April 15, 2011

My Perestroika details life after Charlie Sheen’s tour flops, career goes with it the fall of the Soviet Union RuvEEna viRK

nazaRy nEBELuK stAFF writer

the documentary My Perestroika, chronicles the lives of five people in russia after the fall of the soviet Union — a simple premise that leads to some wellcrafted cinema and interesting social query. the film centers on the couple of Lubya and Borya, who are teachers trying to raise their son Max. it also focuses on some of their former classmates — Andrei, olga and ruslan. All of the main characters were children before the fall of the soviet Union and their flourishing into adulthood coincided directly with the fall. they openly discuss the problems they experienced under the old system and the ones they face under the new one. director robin Hessman does an excellent job of collecting scenes, with the entire movie proving to be beautifully cut. no scene feels unimportant and each adds an element to the story; with Hessma managing to get each of the participants to be very honest. A very striking visual aspect of the story is how she uses old

archival footage to compare the lives of children before the fall, to those of the present. ruslan’s son, Andrei’s daughter and Max are used as foils to their parents. while the same sense of childhood and innocence purveys, there’s a clear divide in terms of values. while children of older generations are shown doing public work projects, their descendants seem much more materialistic and self-obsessed. the film however, never gets preachy. there’s no sense that one system was better than the other or that there was a shift of values or ideas. it’s almost like the fall had no effect, yet we are contracted at every turn by the characters telling us how their lives have changed. there are no politics to this movie — it’s almost as though the movie’s characters reminisce about Communism as the “good old days.” the documentary doesn’t employ experts or try to explain anything; this isn’t a film about social change, global politics, Communism or even russia. it is a movie about people and how they will always be the same. no one changes, but everything is differ-

ent. As the situation changes so does the person, that’s how it is. Ultimately, My Perestroika doesn’t leave the viewers with a clear message. You are left with the opinion that maybe the soviet Union was good, but that maybe it was also bad. this air of uncertainty permeates the movie and adds an almost palpable tension. Viewers expect answers, but much like the russian people, they aren’t guaranteed anything. the whole thing may fall apart at any moment, so do the best that you can.


stAFF writer

though some may agree that Charlie sheen’s recent “success” has been overly-publicized to the point of frustration, diehard fans of sheen’s rants now have the opportunity to see him live. the former star of the successful comedy “two and a Half Men,” has launched his own traveling show called My Violent torpedo of truth/defeat is not An option. with the first two shows selling out within 20 minutes, fans are paying anywhere from $35 to $80 to hear his rants. Contrary to the show’s ticket sales success, sheen was reportedly booed out the detroit, Mich. show, causing it to end 20 minutes early. with production and “storyline” aspects that can only be described as typical sheen; the once adored actor took to the stage to preach his “word.” He reportedly burned his “two and a Half Men” t-shirt and addressed the audience from a podium like a president, calling them “the warlock states of sheen.” sheen’s tour can be described as unnerving and genuinely disturbing. the rest of the night featured skits like a video of sheen playing the popular “Call of duty” video game

and what can only be described as rants on various subjects. though sheen faced ticket sale success in some markets, he hasn’t been welcomed to nYC with much gusto. Contrary to popular belief, sheen’s shows at radio City Music Hall never sold out. Although it was impossible to buy tickets from ticketmaster, it is only because many scalpers bought them in bulk. According to The New York Daily News, these scalpers, who would make a profit from purchased tickets, turned them over to ticket reselling websites. though the shows have already taken place, many came and went with hundreds of tickets still available on popular ticket websites like stubhub.com. sheen’s out-of-control antics gained much support from sites like twitter, as his many rants were proudly showcased on various t.V. shows such as “Good Morning America,” “the today show,” Cnn and websites like tMZ and radar. in every interview, his claims left the audience unsure about whether to laugh or be worried about his mental condition. Although sheen calls himself a “warlock” made of “tiger blood,” it apparently isn’t enough to help him do more of what he loves: “winning.”

French Horn Rebellion debuts new album ivonna thompson news editor

The Infinite Music of French Horn Rebellion lives up to its title as an album of diverse sounds and musical inspiration. Hailing from Milwaukee, wis. and nYC, the duo comprised of robert and david Perlick-Molinari produced an album that’s reminiscent of the 70s and 80s. French Horn rebellion gained popularity the Fall 2010 College Music Journal (CMJ) Music Marathon. Kicking off their album is the track “Up All night,” which instantly puts the listener in a happy go lucky mood with fun opening claps and upbeat synthesizers that sound like they are out of a video game. the sounds of the vocals playfully go along with the beats, which makes a pleasant combination as a whole. “this Moment,” has a disco feel with violins and rhythmic guitars that is sure to get the listener. the lyrics are just as enjoyable as the beat and values taking in a special moment in life with the chorus stating, “Could we be really having this moment/ Could we be really having the time?” the third track, “Last summer,” places the listener in a time warp in which they instantly feel like they are in the 80s. the vibe slows down a little bit and is similar to the Cure’s “Just Like Heaven.” the tempo also slows down and has a horn medley supporting the meaningful lyrics in regards to losing someone you love — in this case, “the best summer i’ve ever had” refers to the girl as “summer.” A few songs later is the short-lived funk-inspired “Geomancer’s Compass and other Quasi-scientific Findings,” which seems to be an interlude given the fact that it is one of the shortest songs on the album. the drums, keyboard, guitar and bass create a feel-good vibe. the album becomes instrumentally-based when it hits the sixth song, “the Cantor Meets the Alien.” the first 30

seconds are made up of pure instrumentals . Vocals slowly and swiftly come into the song and last for the rest of the duration. “what i want” sends the listener right into a 80s time warp again with synthesized instrumentals. even the vocals are synthesized — it first seems too much for the listener’s ears, but the vocals transition into more pure, less synthesized sounds. the album finishes off with the completely instrumental “Antarctica / the decision.” it begins with a very slow tempo piano with different synthesized sounds quietly playing in the background. Although this is a very different vibe from what the album started out as, the song still fits together with the rest of the tracks perfectly. French Horn rebellion may have an old synthesized sound, but it is very refreshing to hear a contemporary band utilizing music techniques from the past.


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April 15, 2011


Panic! At The Disco are back with their lastest album Vices & Virtues Kim Bui AssoCiAte editor

And then there were two. with the departure of Panic! At the disco’s guitarist ryan ross and bassist Jon walker in 2009, fans were wary about any future album releases from the band. now a duo, singer/instrumentalist Brandon Urie and drummer spencer smith, have continued on with the band, releasing Vices & Virtues this past March. with ross and Urie writing much of Panic! At the disco’s lyrics over the past few years, Vices & Virtues was a way for Urie and smith to start anew with producers John Feldmann and Butch walker. Having worked together before, the main focus for this album was direction and finding the balance between their original and new sound. not straying far from their previous work, Vices & Virtues is a revived combination of the band’s

debut album, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out and a matured continuation of their second album, Pretty.Odd. the trickling chimes in the introduction of “the Ballad of Mona Lisa,” immediately take you back to A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. Urie’s voice and plucking stings tease the listener with a nostalgic sound. Also the first single from the album, the video is like a continuation of their first single ever, “i write sins, not tragedies.” Less carnivallike, and more steampunk, the video is just as cinematic, featuring Urie at his own funeral as a ghost, seeking revenge on his murder by revealing the killer. with a poppy chorus, the orchestra adds to the unique burlesque, vintage sound that Panic! have come to be known for. the real twist comes in the second song of the album, “Let’s Kill tonight.” with a faded opening, Urie’s voice sounds distant and

slowly fades in. Beats and synthesizers that seem fit for the 80s find their place on the track. the surprise is in the chorus, with an interjection of stomps, claps, guitar, keyboard and synthesizers that manage to give a feeling of darkness and gloom, accompanying the chorus of “Let’s kill tonight/ Let’s kill tonight/ show them all that you’re not the ordinary type.” Villainous violins bow as siren sounds introduce Urie vocalizing ‘ohs’ with a sinister orchestra outro. similar to “Let’s Kill tonight,“ “Hurricane,” turns at the chorus, immediately picking up and going into shouts. the band moves so cleverly between the sounds, performing in various styles like the drum and guitar infused chorus to a smooth, more salsa-like pleading chorus. “Memories” and “trade Mistakes” are a bit more pop than fans may be used to, but with the undertone of instrumentals and Urie’s voice, the


songs camouflage their way into the album well. stealing a page out of the collaboration book, producer timbland lends his vocals to “ready to Go (Get Me out of My Mind).” the spectrum between his voice and Urie’s shows that they are able to maintain their old sound but with a new twist, like many artists attempt to do, as they introduce new material to fans who may be more in favor for the sound of the “original” Panic! At the disco. their love for theatrics is evident in the album, but in an older, reminiscent way. one may listen to the album and be able to divide it into

songs that belong on A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, while other’s may find a better place on Pretty.Odd, but together they bring a new sound all their own. Melding their unique lyrics with an array of instrumentals, Vices & Virtues is for fans both old and new. the boys have spent their time writing, recording and maturing their sound — and it was well worth the wait. the songs still contain those daring punches of orchestra and instrumentals with storyline lyrics but with new techniques and sounds to give you a new, revived Panic! At the disco.

“I Am My Own Wife” proves survival is in the artifacts One-woman show recounts perseverance through WWII and Cold War nataLiE gaviLanEs eXeCUtiVe editor

“Art survives.” A simple enough statement to understand, but behind the words is a transvestite’s story of living in Germany through world war ii and the Cold war as the “American friend” in the play “i Am My own wife,” starring only one actor, shannon Agnew and directed by junior Colton Childs. Performed in studio 501, multiple characters were brought to life quickly and yet Agnew fully indulges the audience in each one seamlessly. the primary character, the transvestite — Charlotte Von Mahlsdorf — owns a museum with furniture, paintings and clocks collecting 100 years worth of history. what is unique about this play is how the story is told from multiple standpoints and doesn’t just unveil Charlotte’s life, but how American journalists, John Marks and doug wright — characters two and three — unravel it. the shift between Charlotte John and doug rests on a time continuum of about 50 years, between 1945 and 1993 — when Charlotte hits fame. the play originally began off-Broadway in dec. 2003 and was written by the real doug wright, character three — the reporter who went to Germany to interview Charlotte. Childs had the opportunity to work closely with wright, not for regurgi-

tation of direction, but to answer questions about Charlotte that one might have. “there’s a lot of things that remain unclear in terms of [her] stories and if some of the things are fact or fiction because she’s known to elaborate on her story,” Childs explained. in previous productions, the part of Charlotte has always been played by a man to portray the cross-sexuality, which becomes the driving force of the play. Yet, as Agnew approached Childs about doing the play, they were both met with some resistance to let a woman play the main role. “surprisingly, it’s just something you… know what you have to do and you do it — it’s so funny how many critics we had, even at this school. Professors…who were so [verbally] against a woman doing this part. i mean we loved it because it became more ammo for us to prove them wrong. i was worried [wright] would have a problem with it, but he was so encouraging,” Childs continued. Agnew does a wonderful job becoming the fearless tour guide while remembering her tragedies. she also offers comedic relief — sometimes in German — that pushes the boundary of being sexually explicit. But no worries — it’s all in good fun. even for those who don’t quite understand German, you’ll understand Charlotte well enough. the language barrier is a universal obstacle that when overcome usually

leads to a closer relationship, a deeper compassion and between wright and Charlotte, the relationship grows into a belief that “the furniture isn’t the museum, she is.” Given the lack of set — just a table and a chair in a blackened space — Agnew draws a world where each room is filled with memories and every corner is utilized by one character or another. in total, Agnew plays 36 characters. “she spent months researching the work, in terms of physicality and voice. it’s just a lot of exercises we did; we had about a week to just talk about what we had in mind for the characters. there were some that slightly resembled each other, so we had to figure out what habits some would have and whatever their backstory was,” Childs said. the final scenes of the play not only wrap up two hours of trying to find out the real story behind Charlotte, but they bring the audience a real understanding of who she is. Although the University rendition has some changes from the original version, “the final moments we kind of took some liberties. we wanted something that could pay homage to Charlotte and the femininity that exudes in her that you never really see. “we tried to take advantage of [Agnew’s] femininity in any way that we could. we took some liberties with her gen-

der and i think we made the female characters in the play much more textured than they really are because i pose the same question for any man, ‘well how do they play the female part?’” Childs said. this play does what many try to achieve, and that is to invoke an emotional response to Charlotte from the audience Agnew truly made this character hers and it is proven when walking out of the play. one may have difficulty imagining anyone else play Charlotte’s role — much less a man.

Courtesy of Colton Childs

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April 15, 2011

In an exclusive interview with The Pace Press, the students behind Eduhookups.com talk about ‘the college hook up’ aBBEy BEatson ContriBUtor

technology is an ever-present force in today’s society. with social networking websites like Facebook and twitter constantly at our fingertips, face-to-face interaction is on a steep decline. Going out and making new friends in person is becoming an outdated practice, even amongst college students, now with the help of the new website eduhookups.com. strictly for college students, the website is a way for co-eds to chat anonymously with the common goal of meeting and “hooking up.” self described as, “where fun comes to thrive,” eduhookups was made for college students by college students. According to their website, eduhookups was originally made for a coding project and learning experience by undergraduate students at the University of Chicago. After ample positive feedback from students, the anonymous creators decided to improve the site and make it available to more universities. College student “danny,” the Public relations representative for the website, explained that the popularity and demand for the

website is a reflection of today’s culture. “we’ve seen a shift in the world to use the internet for everything from shopping to taking classes,” danny said in a recent phone interview with The Pace Press. He explained that the reason the website exists is because of the demand from users. “we do not understand the stigma that goes with sites like ours,” danny explained. shock and disgust are some of the reactions of those first hearing about the site. “i can’t believe that something like this would exist or that it could be safe. i’m really surprised people feel comfortable using this site,” sophomore Christopher Bernaudo said. “i feel that this site is unnecessary. in college it’s easy for people to meet others who are just looking to hook up. it’s kind of sad that some actually needs this site to help them,” junior Asad Zanjani said. the website has received national attention, with many questioning its safety. Under the terms of use listed on the website, the site explains that the user is confirming that they are 18-years-old or older and cannot under any circumstance hold eduhookups ac-


Spring clean for a cause; your trash can be someones treasure nazaRy nEBELuK distriBUtion MAnAGer

it is that time of year again, when the weather gets warmer and we start packing up winter items and getting ready for the summer. spring cleaning is a big part of this time of year: cleaning up our homes of clutter, so that we can be just as fresh as the season we are in. we shouldn’t throw away every single thing we don’t need, as many organizations reuse old items to help people in need. Here are some items you can donate during your spring clean out:

Shoes You may be thinking of buying a new pair of sneakers to go running in the nice weather, or you may just want to replace the ones you wore out over the last year. this does not mean your old shoes are out of life. soles4souls will take your lightly used shoes and redistribute them in poorer countries to people that need them. Last year they collected over 300 million pairs. if your shoes are worn down, you can send them to nike for their reUse shoe program that melts down old shoes for rubber and uses the materials to build tracks, playgrounds, basketball courts and more. Check out more information at soles4souls.org and nikereuseashoe.com

Glasses Your old glasses can still serve a purpose, even if you don’t want to wear them anymore. Many children in poorer countries can’t afford new glasses, so the organization new eyes for the needy collects old glasses to send them to medical centers across the world. Your old

countable for any negative outcomes stemming from contacting other users. this includes the occurrence of rape, violence and the contraction of sexual diseases. “it is taken very seriously that all users must be 18 or older to use the website,” danny said. when asked about the safety of the site, danny heavily stressed the details in the terms of use and that they are in no way affiliated with any of the universities that are able to use the website. “we are protected by the terms of use clearly listed on the site and we are an independent and public site,” danny said. eduhookups also promises that no personal information stored on the website will ever be released. As of now eduhookups is only available for use at 11 universities, including Yale and Brown. there will be expansions to more universities in the near future as long there is still a demand for it. “this could never work at Pace, the campus is too small. everyone knows everyone so there is no anonymity,” Bernaudo said. only time will tell if eduhookups will gain more popularity and replace parties and personal friendships for faceless and unsafe chats.

frames could help someone in a third world country see a whole new light. More information for this organization can be found at neweyesfortheneedy.org.

Bikes if you’re thinking of getting a cool new fixed gear or are just tired of your current bike, don’t let it rust somewhere — send it to someone who needs it to get to work or school. the organization Bikes for the world collects old bikes and sends them to impoverished countries where they help people commute throughout their day. Learn about this movement at Bikesfortheworld.org.

Bras Bra recycling helps women in impoverished countries get an item that many people take for granted. if you are updating your selection for the spring, you might want to have your old ones do some good. More information on this recycling cause can be found at Brarecycling.com.

Gadgets each year our gadgets get sleeker and faster. if you’ve upgraded to the newest iPhone or bought a nice new camera, then there is an old one that you don’t need and would just cause a hazard at your local landfill if thrown away. instead, give them to someone who could really use them. recycling for Charities collects old electronics and sends them to charities that could really use them. For more information visit recyclingforcharities.com.

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April 15, 2011


NYC and the University prepare to get their hands dirty for aLEx Rufino stAFF writer

Digital illustration by hilda adeniji / the pace press

NYC  and  the  University have  prepared  for  Earth Day  on  April  22  by  organizing  a  plethora  of  events throughout  the  month  to raise awareness.  “I  think  it’s  really  important  because  we  don’t even  pay  attention  to  the environment,”  junior  Judy Tangata said.  We  don’t  value  it,  we should  take  the  time  to contribute  as  much  as  we can, like handing out re-usable  bags  and  planting trees.” Earth  Day  is  projected to inspire awareness of the Earth’s  threatened  natural environment.  Earth  Day was  first  founded  by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental  class  held  in  1970 along  with  environmental activist Denis Hayes.  Hayes  became  Earth Day’s national coordinator and  developed  Earth  Day internationally in 1990 and organized  events  in  approximately 141 nations.  Earth Day is now organized  globally  by  the  Earth Day  Network  —  who

helped create Earth Day organizations  worldwide, and  is  now  celebrated  in more  than  175  countries every  year  during  the month of April. Earth  Day  New  York  in partnership  with  NYC  will host a public celebration in Times Square on April 22.  They will also present a six-day  indoor  exhibition in  the  Vanderbilt  Hall  and a two-day outdoor festival on  Vanderbilt  Avenue, which  will  include  a  large exhibit  area  featuring green  businesses,  organic and healthy food, environmental  groups  and  live music.  In  addition,  Starbucks Coffee  will  give  away  free coffee  on  April  22  if  you bring  in  a  reusable  mug. Target is also joining in on the action by offering free reusable bags on April 17.  The  University  community has begun to mobilize by  educating  students  on how  to  protect  nature. Throughout  the  month  of April,  the  Environmental Center on the PLV campus is  hosting  activities  and

special events designed to promote  awareness  about issues related to the natural environment. The  University  will  be having  a  spring  cleaning event hosted by the Sigma Gamma  Rho  Sorority,  Inc. on April 7 and 8 at the PLV campus.  They  will  be  collecting shoes, clothing and monetary donations.  The  PLV  campus  will also be having events such as  tree  planting,  an EcoTech  Drive  and  Eco Talk Week. While  many  are  gathering to appreciate the Earth for  at  least  one  day,  some don’t find it necessary.   “For me, it always takes like  a  tragedy  like  the tsunami for me to actually start  caring  and  start  appreciating our planet,” junior Adriana Raposo said. It  will  not  be  hard  to participate  in  many  of these outdoor activities as the weather gets nicer.  Convince  some  of  your friends,  dig  up  your  gardening  gloves  and  celebrate our planet.

Mark your calendar for these Earth Month events at the University: April 13 Tree Planting and discussions about “Globalization,” “Brave New World Economy” and “Nuclear Power” April 16 “Hands on New York” April 18 “Earth Charter” and “Eco-drive” April 20 “Planting for the Planet” and “Green Capitalism” April 21 “Material For The Arts” Donations April 25 Interpretive Campus Walk April 28 “Fit Walk” and Earth Month Reception April 29 “Meeting the Millennium” Development Goals

For more, visit: www.pace.edu/dyson/earthmonth

Unemployment goes down but minimum wage is not enough CamELLE Dumo ContriBUtinG

since March, the employment rate has gone up with 190,000 new jobs now being offered. the task of finding a job has become easier but the minimum wage is not enough to pay for basic needs. According to The New York Times, the unemployment rate has fallen to 8.9 percent for the month of March, pointing towards a steady economic recovery. industries such as manufacturing have added 17,000 jobs, healthcare added 37,000 jobs and professional and business services added 78,000 jobs. Mcdonald’s announced that on April 19 they will hold a nationwide hiring event — opening up 50,000 job opportunities. the billion dollar fast food restaurant hopes to change the company’s image as a “dead end” job, providing a number of management and cashier positions. Google inc. is another major company contributing to the job growth, offering 6,200 new positions this year. with an average of 34.3 hours a week and with minimum wage salary of $7.25 though, many people are still struggling to make ends meet.

“i don’t think minimum wage provides financial stability. it is barely enough to pay for utilities and groceries. Unless you are living at home with your parents or rent an apartment with several friends, minimum wage is not enough to survive on,” senior Ashley Joseph said. not all aspects of the economy, however, are doing well — as a record number of foreclosures plus higher food and gas prices leave consumers with hardly any income left to spend on other goods and services. the wider opportunity for women held a study to determine how much income is actually needed to pay for fundamental expenses without help from public subsidies. According to the nonprofit group, a single worker with two children would need $57,756 a year and a family with two employed members with two children would need $67,920 in order to attain financial stability. A single worker would need to make $30,012, which would mean they would need an hourly wage of $14. According to MsnBC.com, Vice President for research, Policy and education at the Food Bank for new York City Áine duggan claims that households with children that earned less than

$25,000 don’t make enough for retirement or emergency savings. According to duggan, 83 percent of these households would not be able to afford food within three months of losing the family income. “taking into consideration the needs—which i define [as] housing, food, transportation, health insurance and college, but then you add personal debt (credit cards and loans) — there is no way $7.25 an hour can fully support all of these assets without sacrificing or taking up another job — especially when tax is taken out of your paycheck. Living in nYC on minimum wage is even worse to endure,” senior ellen sea said. “As an individual who has been given the opportunity to pursue a degree, i’m making sure i’m utilizing every opportunity to achieve my career goals. Ultimately, finding a job where i’m happy and where i don’t need to make sacrifices,” sea said about how this issue affects her career path as a student. the dramatic increase in jobs shows promise for the economy, but in a year from now anything could happen. As more jobs become available, the more likely wages will stay flat.

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April 15, 2011


FEATURES Donate two cans and get $2 drafts at the Village Spring Bar Tour nataLiE gaviLanEs stAFF writer

It’s hard to think of a much better way to celebrate the spring season and raise goods for charity than a bar crawl and this year’s Greenwich Village Spring Bar Tour proved it. Upon donating cans to City Harvest as a part of registration, one received get a complimentary cup that often came in handy, party beads and a map of all 12 bars on the tour. The bars spanned over three blocks and offered something for everyone — for those who like the high-amped party atmosphere or the calmer, more relaxed bars. Of the 12, here are some of our top picks for spring: all photos by Efren sandi

Slane 102 MacDougal Street, Greenwich Village, 212-505-0079 A low slung bar with a medieval vibe, Slane displayed some of the Spring Bar crawlers in a large front open window, welcoming in people from the street and maybe slurring just a bit. Slane offered $6 chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks and wings, allowing attendees to sober up before going home.

Red Lion

Amity Hall 180 West 3rd St., Greenwich Village, 212-677-2290 A more rustic themed bar, Amity Hall split into two levels. The bar exudes the intimate atmosphere with low-lit candles and tables set for groups of two to six. For the Bar crawl, Amity Hall featured burgers at half-price as well as $2 draft specials. Located the farthest daway from the rest of the crawl, only a few of Bar-goers trickle in at first. It wasn’t until the very end of the event that ‘crawlers’ packed the bar.

151 Bleecker, Greenwich Village, 212-260-9797 This spacious bar with live music featured the endurance crowd: the ones who had been drinking all day. With soccer on the television screens, it was pretty safe to assume that most of the crowd was either British, drunk — or both. This is where crawlers primed up before kicking the Bar Tour into high gear.

Village Lantern 167 Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, 212-260-7993 Village Lantern is an obvious watering hole for the young 20-something crowds who are to known hit the bars every Friday around 5 p.m. Lantern played Top 40 tunes at near ear-splitting levels, but those with the beloved yellow cups just raised their glasses higher as more beads were handed out — we won’t tell you how.

Digital illustration by hilda adeniji / the pace press

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