April 6

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April 6, 2011 Volume lXV issue XiiI

Serving The Community Since 1948

The Pace Press NYC Campus dining halls temporarily shut down by the Health Department Ivonna thompson news editor


he student Government Association (sGA) held a town Hall Meeting with student leaders and the University Administration as a result of the closure of the nYC Campus dining Halls by the nYC department of Health and Mental Hygiene (doHMH) on March 30. starting in the Fall 2011 semester, Lackmann Culinary services will no longer be the University’s food vendor. Lackmann Culinary services did not notify the Administration of the closure according to the University Administration. “we were very disappointed; we did not know up front what [was] going on,” Auxiliary services director Mary Lieto said. According to the Administration, they were notified of the failed health inspection at 6 p.m. March 24. the Administration found out about the closure by the signs placed by the doHMH on the dining halls. the Administration assessed the

situation of the closures by meeting with dante’s restaurant. dante’s was chosen as the backup restaurant because the University used it as a catering service for the downtown Conference Center. University President stephen J. Friedman called for a strategy session meeting with the Administrative in regards to the dining halls for the rest of the semester on March 28. dean for students Marijo russello’Grady stated that the University will send a request for Proposal (rFP) and search for a new food service vendor. in the new proposal, students will have the opportunity to change the meal plan options, such as the meal plan being able to work both on and off campus. the reason why students were unable to use their meal plans off campus was due to the restrictive contract with Lackmann. in addition, to the University community becoming more involved, students can address what they are

looking for when searching for a new vendor. Pres. Friedman addressed the students in regards to the food policy prior to the shutdown of the dining halls. there was a quality service inspector who inspected the dining halls on a monthly basis. since the closure and reopening of the dining halls, the inspector will be making weekly inspections. Pres. Friedman said, “we [had independent] monthly checks on Lackmann, we do not rely on the vendor for check-ups.” Pres. Friedman also added that Auxiliary services is currently collecting and accepting receipts from the money that students spent on food when the dining halls were closed. the office of student Assistance (osA) is processing the receipts and placing all students’ reimbursements on their Pace one Cards. receipts were honored up to $30. students in attendance questioned Pres. Friedman in regards to

the unused money on students’ meal plans if students are uncomfortable eating food from the dining halls. some students requested having their money refunded or to open up the meal plan to outside facilities for the rest of the spring 2011 semester. Currently, the Administration is discussing the possibility of the Meal Plan being extended further this semester, but it is not set in stone. students also asked what caused the dining halls to fail the doHMH inspection. the Administration’s response was that none of the food was contaminated, but there were a total of 13 violations adding up to 79 points. some of the violations had higher point values than others. the violations included food being kept at the wrong temperatures and thermometers not being placed in food areas. there was no soap provided in the cleaning stations for workers to use before and Continued on Page 3

digital illustration by Hilda adeniji / the pace press

the who’s tommy performed at university on page

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April 6_October 6 4/6/11 4:29 PM Page 2



April 6,2011

News Briefs University changes co-sponsorship policy

William St. closing due to building construction

Shake Shack to open in Battery Park City in May

Bronx Zoo cobra is found and waiting on a name

Yankees start off the season with a bang

The university is making changes to its co-sponsored events policy starting march 15. Co-sponsored events are to help promote academic events on campus while creating relationships with companies and organizations outside of the university. Currently, the university charges outside companies anywhere from $300 to $30,000 that co-sponsor events on campus. Now the university is giving a 70 percent discount on room rentals to any event that is co-sponsored by any university Administrative office or academic department with an outside company. The change in policy was due to a review of the co-sponsored events policy and comparing it to other college and universities in the Northeast.

The walkway on William street from spruce street to Beekman street closed march 28 and will remain closed for two months due to construction on the Beekman Tower. starting April 4, scaffolding from the Beekman Tower will be removed from the north side of spruce street. Designed by architect Frank Gehry, The Beekman Tower is 76 stories and the tallest residential building the western hemisphere. Construction on the building started in 2006 and is currently on the market for buyers to rent and/or purchase apartments and penthouses.

shake shack will be opening up in Battery park City this may at 102 North end Avenue. it is part of a Goldman sachs plan to take over the former embassy suites building. The entrance to shake shack will be located on the building’s east side and will be the first new restaurant to open in the building. Currently, shake shack is hiring workers through Craigslist to begin training in mid-April for the may opening. The first shake shack opened in madison square park in 2004 and currently has five locations in NYC, one in miami’s south Beach and one in saratoga springs, N.Y.

The Bronx Zoo cobra was found march 31 — after being missing for six days — by a zoo worker in the zoo’s reptile House. The 20-inch egyptian cobra, native to Africa and the Arabian peninsula, escaped out the fiberglass box with sliding glass doors that it was living in. While on the loose, an anonymous person created a Twitter account called @BronxZooCobra for the cobra, having it visit places such as the American museum of Natural History, ellis island, Wall street, the metropolitan museum of Art, the empire state Building and rockefeller plaza. Currently, the Bronx Zoo and The New York Daily News are teaming up to give people the chance to name the cobra, with the winning name to be announced April 7.

The 2011 major league Baseball (mlB) season started on march 31. The New York Yankees (NYY) won their first game against the Detroit Tigers 6-3 at Yankee stadium in the Bronx. Former NYY pitcher mike mussina threw out the first pitch of the game NYY’s first baseman mark Teixeira and center-fielder Curtis Granderson both hit homeruns to help win the game. NYY pitcher CC sabathia started off pitching the game. While Joba Chamberlain, rafael soriano and mariano riveria followed sabathia by all having hitless innings. it was the first time in 35 years that the mlB began their season on a Thursday, with five other games on the same day.

OMA gives students the chance to “tell their stories” to promote diversity dj mcerlean-Hopson WeB eDiTor

in 2009, the office of multicultural Affairs (omA) created a side project called Telling my story. As a result, omA Director Denise santiago asking students in her classes to tell their personal struggles and how it helped shape them. The students were given an open forum to discuss topics such as racism, emigration, immigration, class, ethnicity, religious practices, cultural traditions, gender, sexual orientation or any other significant topic they felt shaped their identities. since its start up, Telling my story has only been offered to the students of the university and City university of New York (CuNY), but submission restrictions are changing. “We want to open this up to staff and faculty because they have a wider range of experiences,” santiago said. The goal of this project is to compile narratives to raise awareness and compassion for hidden struggles that those may not notice and that someone may not freely talk about. Another objective of this project was to promote the cathartic effects writing can have on a person. “i feel that this would be a great opportunity to learn about the backgrounds of others and share my experiences of growing up as a person of mixed race,” junior Devyn silverstein said. For those who are interested in students’ stories they can read different stories online. These include the story of Brandon, who experiences what it is to be handicapped, or Joy, as she struggles to express her encounters with harassment and racism. “Don’t be afraid. Don’t be silenced. share your experiences because it may

$1,000 a Minute for Great Ideas

make a difference for someone else,” omA Assistant Director melanie robles said.

i feel that this would be a great opportunity to learn about the backgrounds of others and share my experience of growing up as a person of mixed race. -Devyn Silverstein, student

“i think that telling a story and sharing personal experiences about this type of thing will help bring people together, maybe people can bond over similar experiences. it could also help figure out what psychologically makes or breaks a person,” sophomore Angela plura said. Telling my story is an ongoing project with omA. There is hope for the submitted stories to be eventually integrated into the communications department, sociology/anthropology department and omA co-sponsored by the journal called, Race, Culture & Identity.

CONTACT INFORMATION To read personal accounts of Telling My Story visit: pace.edu/multicultural-affairs If you would like to share you own experiences please contact Denise Santiago at (212) 346 – 1546 or dsantiago@pace.edu



PITCH CONTEST Come watch six finalists pitch their Social Ventures and New Business Concepts.

Presented by: Entrepreneurship@Lubin In association with: The MIT Enterprise Forum of New York City, Inc.

Monday, April 11, 2011

5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. | Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts One Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 (Enter at 3 Spruce Street, between Gold and William Streets)

Special Guest

Sal Khan founder of the non-profit Khan Academy, who is also “Bill Gates’ favorite teacher”

Keynote Speaker

Stanley S. Litow IBM’s Vice President of Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs, and President of the IBM Foundation

Please register to attend at at:


April 6_October 6 4/6/11 4:30 PM Page 3


April 6, 2011


New food service vendor to take over NYC Campus dining halls From Page 1 after their shifts, some workers did not use hairnets and some workers were seen eating or drinking near open food sources which can lead to contamination. Followed by the Administration’s explanation of the dining halls closing, student representatives gave presentations on the student view of how the university should get a new vendor. sGA seidenberg school of Computer science Vice president Austin Delaney created the Facebook group, “pace university: Hungry for Change.” Delaney also created the university-wide boycott of lackmann Culinary services on march 29. Delaney’s presentation entailed how the closing of the dining halls by the DoHmH can deter prospective students from attending the university to the media coverage it has received. media networks that have covered the

closure include NY1 News, piX 11 and DNAinfo.com. Delaney also stated how lackmann Culinary services has failed DoHmH inspections, particularly this past February according to the NYC DoHmH website. Following this example, Delaney included how students were sent to Dante’s restaurant, which was closed down for 101 violations a few days after the dining halls were closed and reopened. Advertising Club president Jon Hand made a presentation on student reactions towards the current vendor system. According to Hand’s presentation, students were not satisfied with the quality of food, food prices, poor customer service, inflated uncompetitive prices and restricted meal plans. student clubs and organizations have no alternative except lackmann Catering services to provide food for their events. Hand suggested that stu-

dents should have access to the contract between the university and its food vendor. Following Hand’s presentation, resultions Business Development Director robert Caucci, discussed future plans for the NYC Campus dining halls. This included a shorter contract period between the university and food vendors and how meal plans should be offered at other food eateries in the surrounding areas. Caucci also stated that it is essential in the future for the food vendors and the student body to have more open communication. After the presentations, lieto addressed the students, stating that students will have a large impact on the new food vendor. The rFp will be created in the upcoming weeks and will be sent out to food vendors applying to be the main service provider at the university. students who are interested in being on

the food vendor selection committee should contact Dean o’Grady. For the current semester, there have been changes made to the management of the dining halls such as a new head chef. Former lackmann Culinary services Head Chef William Clancy was “relieved of his duty,” according to pres. Friendman’s address. A new quality insurance sanitarian has been implemented and is monitoring the food in the dining halls. lackmann Culinary service’s parent company Compass Kitchen has been observing lackmann and is working to keep the dining halls clean. students wanted more open communication with pres. Friedman to help prevent future crisis from occurring again. The option pres. Friedman discussed was having new office hours for students to come in and voice their concerns and suggestions. on April 5, Dean o’Grady emailed the NYC Campus pres.

Friedman’s spring 2011 office hours on April 20 at Common Hour from 12:20 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. and on April 25 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. pres. Friedman will have regularly scheduled office hours in the Fall 2011 semester with students on both NYC and plV Campuses. “i feel as though this has been something the student body has been waiting for,” sGA executive secretary michael Wellbrock said. “All of the students have desired to have their meal plan work outside of campus, and now finally this fall they will. it will be excellent for the incoming class of 2015, and i believe that returning students will now opt for bigger meal plans. “it is also an amazing fact that students now have a voice in the future food vendor who comes in; this is important and key if we wish to continue to bring change to our university.”

The following are violations from the 03/24/2011 Inspection of Lackmann Culinary Services

"Critical" violations are displayed in italics. The establishment was closed by The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on 03/24/2011. Violations were cited in the following areas and those requiring immediate action were addressed.

sanitary violations: 1. Hot food item not held at or above 140º F. 2. Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. 3. Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment. 4. Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking, cooling, reheating and holding. 5. Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided. 6. Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant. Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared.

7. Tobacco use, eating or drinking from open container in food preparation, food storage or dishwashing area observed. 8. Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service. 9. Food contact surface not properly washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred. 10. Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution. 11. Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items. 12. Food contact surface not properly maintained. 13. Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non- food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed,raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.

past health Inspection Evaluations and violation points Feb. 11, 2011

Dec. 4, 2009

Oct. 26, 2009

Aug. 28, 2009

51 points

27 points

51 points

11 points

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April 6, 2011

Residence Hall housing rates sky rocket for the Fall 2011 semester University defends the new price increase in order to compensate new and old costs angelica razack CoNTriBuTor

The university office of Housing and residential life (oHrl) will be increasing residence hall housing rates for the upcoming academic year. The 55 Clark street residence Hall will also not be leased out by the university, which eliminates a housing option for university students. When asked about the increase in housing rates, sophomore michael Hill said, “i think the rates are ridiculous, i don’t think there are any changes that are dramatic or of worth, they nickel and dime us for every single thing, like missing a floor meeting is $50 to $100. You can get an apartment for $1,500 a month.” “That’s ridiculous [and] repulsive after living here [at 55 John street] for a year paying $7,800 for a room i can barely sneeze in is unfair,” junior Katie Blake said, The Pace Press had the opportunity to speak with oHrl Director Andrew patrick roger-Gordon in regards to the housing rates. in regards to the increase in the residence hall rates, Gordon said that the rate increase “is an effort for pace to convert the increase in operating costs such as utilities, maintenance, staff and repairs which are also increasing.”

Gordon added that there is a specific budget that must be met every year that covers the occupancy of the dorms. For instance, when students apply for housing they are paying a certain amount of money to occupy a room. sometimes students cancel their residency before moving in and that causes the university to lose that money that goes towards the budget. For students who are waitlisted for residency, there are times when students cancel their residency at the last minute which may leave an open bed for another student. some students may choose to commute or live off-campus instead, leaving another open bed. in summer 2010, there was a report of 241 cancellations for returning students causing the university to lose money for their budget. Also according to Gordon, a higher occupancy will lead to lower rates. similar to the idea of getting roommates for an apartment, the more roommates you have, the less each person has to pay for rent. With more residents there will be less empty beds that will be paid for. The university is now implementing deposit refunds so students will get their housing deposit refunded within a short period of time. They hope this will help them avoid last minute cancellations.

new york english department

According to Gordon, the decision is not made by oHrl, but comes from the office of Finance and Administration. This year, the university has a contract with educational Housing services (eHs) for 55 John street, the st. George residence and 55 Clark street where they have a set budget that must be met to accommodate students, cover occupancy, operating and lease costs as well as the costs of personnel and insurance. The upcoming room selection process will be different for Fall 2011. students who are applying for housing in the residence halls must submit a $400 deposit and receive a confirmation email with their room selection number. Applicants will then submit their housing applications online once they received their room selection number. After completing the online application students will have received another confirmation email with their room selection appointment and directions on how to select a room.

ONLINE For additional housing rates and changes, visit the University’s housing website:

Awards Directors: Prof. Sarah Blackwood & Prof. Eugene Richie. Application Deadline: Friday, April 8, 2011, by midnight Electronic Submission: nyenglishawards@gmail.com For the application guidelines, go to room 1512 in 41 Park Row or check out http://www.pace.edu/pace/dyson/academic-departments-andprograms/english---nyc/studentactivities-and-resources/writing-awards/ Eligibility:You must be a current Pace University NYC undergraduate English or FSS major or minor, or an undergraduate Pace student in any major who has taken a 300-level ENG, LIT, or FSS course. Categories: Fiction, Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, and Journalism in 1st ($300), 2nd ($200), and 3rd ($100) places. The David A. Bickimer-Promise of Learnings / Academy of American Poets Prize ($100), established by John Ashbery, will also be awarded in the poetry competition.

Maria’s Tower Double


First Year John Street Double


Upper Classman John Street Double


Fulton Hall Double


Fulton Hall Triple


First Year St. George Double


Upper Classman St. George Double


Clarke Street Double


Clarke Street Triple


2011-2012 Estimated Housing Rates Maria’s Tower Double


First Year John Street Double


Upper Classman John Street Double


Fulton Hall Double


Fulton Hall Triple


St. George Double



Body bullying conference helped promote and praise diversity dj mcerlean-Hopson WeB eDiTor

Ashbery, Cannon, Owens, Rose Creative Writing & Journalism Awards (Spring 2011)

2010-2011 Housing Rates

Child development specialist and body image expert Dr. robyn silverman spoke at the university march 22 about body bullying and how our obsession with weight can affect those around us — especially young girls. The office of multicultural Affairs (omA) along with Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, inc., Black student union, Caribbean student Association, Greek Council and sigma lamda Gamma National sorority, inc. sponsored the event. The night began with the first 50 attendees receiving a free copy of Dr. silverman’s book “Good Girls Don’t Get Fat: How Weight obsession is messing up our Girls and How We Can Help Them Thrive Despite it.” omA Director Denise santiago gave an overview of what to expect from the event and introduced the omA Theater Troupe. The Troupe directed, acted and produced their own short film on how they feel body image is reflected in daily life. Next, graduate student Nanna ohene introduced Dr. silverman

who started out by saying that our “children are to be developed, not managed” on how to keep girl’s perspective positive about their own bodies. The object of the evening was to expose the body bullies and for the audience to love themselves for the way they are. she revealed that this subject was a personal project for her because she was shocked when someone had commented on how her baby’s thighs were fat. Dr. silverman decided that if we are told from birth that our bodies are fat then we will believe we are fat. she believes this is not a healthy way to live and decided to make sharing positive body image a life goal. According to Dr. silverman, 95 percent of 16- to 21-year-olds are worried about their weight. When Dr. silverman asked the audience how many felt they were part of that statistic almost everyone in the room raised their hands. This number is so high because if bullies are unsure of what will disable a person’s self-esteem, usually any comment about the target’s weight will cause the

sought after self-despair. Dr. silverman also spoke about how we are our own worst enemies. she gave an example of one girl who would beat herself thin. meaning whenever she felt hungry or heard her stomach make noise she would hit her stomach or put the eraser end of her pencil into it. if the urge to say, “my thighs are so fat,” comes over an individual, Dr. silverman recommends a two-minute vent zone. After that time is over, the individual should not talk about weight anymore. she also discussed how the media plays a huge influence in b ody image. To give the situation some clarity she tried to put it into a math formula format: media + our own body bullying + other body bullies = death. Dr. silverman also paralleled a parent’s concern about what they eat or how they look to their children’s concerns about the same things. The outcome of the presentation was to show the audience that they can rewrite how they look at themselves and how they treat others.

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April 6, 2011



The Pace Press

disclaimer: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration, and staff) to the Pace Press.These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of the Pace Press, the members of the Pace Press staff, or Pace University. the Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.


kim bui Associate Editor

A foodie’s guide to the “D” word — Diet.


set in. i was going to miami Beach, and i was still sporting my “mamma pack.” so i did what any other selfrespecting person on a journey to an itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini does — i bought a bikini. But not just any bikini, but a customized one that has Just married written on the back with my soon-to-be last name under it. Now it was official: i had to lose weight. i wanted to lose 20 pounds in the fastest, most healthy way possible. i knew that i couldn’t do it by simply doing kick-ass workouts anymore. i had to face the four letter demon. so i started researching diet books and came up with the Look Better Naked six- week makeover plan, created by Woman’s Fitness magazine’s editor-in-Chief, michele promaulayko. The book features a six-week non-starving diet plan featuring

recipes that don’t require you to count calories. in the meantime, i hit up Whole Foods. Now, i know that Whole Foods has a rep of being super expensive — and it is, — but it’s well worth it. i found more organic food than i thought was possible, plus all-natural skincare products for my problem skin. it’s been two weeks since i started eating healthy. i say healthy — and not on a diet — because it isn’t a diet. i go out to eat with my friends and have all the nachos i want in the world, but then i come home and have a small dinner. i treat myself with italian Gelato, hazelnut flavored. But surprisingly, i’ve actually learned to enjoy the taste of whole what. my favorites? Thomas english muffins and Bagels and Weight Watchers Whole Wheat bread. i’ve also discovered guacamole, which tastes great as a post workout snack on a turkey

kaitlynn blyth Managing Editor

and whole wheat wrap. i’ve also bought lean meat instead of regular. i switched from soda to V8 and stopped sharing whole milk with my son and bought fat-free instead. And the greatest switch? stevia, a zero calorie sugar that isn’t made from unhealthy chemicals like other zero-calorie sweetners. stevia is actually derived from a plant, and is completely organic. results? i’ve been dieting, combined with a kick-ass workout plan alternating between cardio and cardio/strength training days. so far, i’ve lost two pounds and put on some arm muscle. While the weight coming off is exciting, the best part is eating healthy. i’ve realized that healthy food doesn’t have to be any less appetizing than fat-filled food. my fiancé, who picks at the fridge while he’s on the computer, has told me that he actually enjoys the “whole wheat stuff.” Bring it, miami!


The War Against Unions

i did not expect the real reason for the war on unions to be coming from the building at 1211 Avenue of the Americas. But it did in fact come from Fox News studios during a segment with Fox News contributor Juan Williams and “studio B” host shepard smith. “There is no budget crisis in Wisconsin,” smith said, adding that the unions “[have] given concessions.” The real point of the fight, he said, could be found in the list of the top ten donors to political campaigns. seven out of the 10 donated to republicans; the other three were unions donating to Democrats. There in a nutshell is the real reason why the republicans have declared war against public employee unions this year. For years public employee unions have been one of the biggest benefactors to Democratic campaigns on the state and national level. The best way for the Grand old party [Gop] to squash the Democratic party is to destroy those groups that support it. This is where the unions come in. public employee unions gave Democrats $400 million during the 2008 election. in 2010 the American

Federation of state, Country and municipal employees (AFsCme) spent $87 million, which makes AFsCme the single biggest source of outside cash outpacing republican corporate groups during the same period. republican Governor of Wisconsin, scott Walker, The Wall Street Journal, the republican National Convention [rNC] and other republican party outlets, however, have masked their true intention of union busting and destroying a big Democratic funder behind talk of balancing state budgets. Bull. The Wisconsin union rights Bill that was passed by the republican controlled Wisconsin state Assembly and sent to the republican controlled Wisconsin senate would strip Wisconsin state employees of their right to collectively bargain benefits and working conditions. Wisconsin has a $137 billion deficit that Gov. Walker is seeking to close. unions have said that they would accept the provision that requires them to contribute more to their pensions and healthcare costs, provided that they still can bargain collectively. Walker has refused to

lynn rickert Editor-In-Chief natalie gavilanes Executive Editor


The dirtiest four letter word there is, striking fear in the heart of food lovers everywhere. i was one of those people. i loved to work out, but hated the idea of eating healthy. The idea of giving up the freedom of eating for the sheer pleasure of my taste buds repulsed me. shopping at Whole Foods? Who can afford that! eating whole wheat and lean meat? Yuck. so the majority of the 30 pounds i lost after having my son, who is now two, came off painlessly, but slowly. every time i felt the need to kick up my weight loss program, i always turned to working out harder. until now. so my wedding is exactly 61 days away. i, like other brides, think i could afford to lose a few pounds. But my insecurities didn’t set in during the dress fittings, like most brides. i thought i looked perfect in my size 8 dress. But as soon as i booked my hotel suite at Fontainebleau, miami, it

editorial board

ivonna thompson News Editor katherine riley Features Editor brian rentas Arts Editor kate Hamzik Copy Editor Hilda adeniji Digital Illustrator leucepe martinez Business & Ads Manager dj mcerlean-Hopson Web Editor nazary nebeluk Distribution Manager mark mcsherry Faculty Consultant

staff Mel Bailey Stephanie Hansen Craig Held Betty Fermin Bethany O’Grady James Ryder Fotini Sachpatzidis Ruveena Virk Quinn Wasson Julia Yeung

the Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. steve breen

compromise. What Walker and other republicans have demonstrated is that this is not about the good of Wisconsin and closing their budget gap. This is about destroying the Democrats. Cutting off state workers right to compromise would cut off the dues that unions collect and use to fund the Democratic party.

With the Citizens united ruling in 2010 that would allow for corporations to donate unlimited amounts of cash anonymously and the 6 percent of private sector private employees unions left in the country, corporate America has nearly won the battle. The public employees unions are the last troops standing in this war on middle class America.

The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 NewYork, NY 10038 www.pacepress.org editor@pacepress.org Copyright 2011

April 6_October 6 4/6/11 4:30 PM Page 6

April 6, 2011



Soul Surfer tells legendary tale of Bethany Hamilton ruveena virk sTAFF WriTer

A soul surfer is someone who surfs for the sheer pleasure of surfing, not to win a competition. Although the lead character of the upcoming film Soul Surfer does enter and win several competitions, her true story is so remarkable that it seems the term was coined for her. The movie closely follows the true story of 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton (Annasophia robb), a surfer who loses her arm in a shark attack. she returns to the water a month later and goes on to win first place at the National scholastic surfing Association National Championship. Director sean mcNamara and screenwriter Deborah schwartz do not disappoint. While the disclaimer proudly exclaims that the movie is “inspired by a true story,” the script follows Hamilton’s life pretty closely. The notorious shark attack is shown perfectly, without taking away from its horror or conjuring up memories of Jaws. The brilliant cinematography, casting and score deserve nothing but five stars. The movie opens with views of beautiful Kauai, Hawaii, where Hamilton was born into a surfer family. Hamilton’s life consists of surfing competitions with her childhood best friend, Alana (lorraine Nicholson), and quality time spent surfing with her two brothers and parents. Hamilton places first in a competition and becomes sponsored along with Alana, but the happiness is short lived. While surfing, a 14-foot shark comes out of the water and suddenly attacks her, severing her left arm. After losing 60 percent of her blood, she miraculously lives and struggles to readjust to life; faced with the fear of never doing

again the thing that she loves — surfing. robb is amazing in her role of Hamilton. Her acting is effortless and natural, both in the water and out. she is completely convincing in the role of a 13-year-old girl living the good life, but also shows emotional maturity beyond her age after the attack. Her parents, Tom and Cheri Hamilton, are played flawlessly by Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt. Hunt portrays a free-spirited mother who is supportive yet worrisome, while Quaid is the handsome, charming father with a “fix it” attitude who pushes his daughter when she is weak. Carrie underwood appears in her debut role as a church youth leader who helps Hamilton through her crisis. The role of malina Birch (sonya Balmores Chung) adds spice to the story, giving it an athletic angle, showing her as Hamilton’s icy rival. Astonishing camera angles take us on a journey both in and out of the water. The scenes in which Hamilton is surfing resonates with the audience, who feel as though they are gliding on the water with her. The soundtrack of the movie is equally amazing; with a mixture of english and Hawaiian feel good songs like, “The sound of sunshine” by michael Franti and spearhead. Soul Surfer is perfect, gliding in along with summer. it is the perfect inspirational movie, one that reinforces your dreams and questions your motivation.

ONLINE Soul Surfer releases in theaters April 8. For more information, visit the official site soulsurferthemovie.com




AnnaSophia Robb as star surfer Bethany Hamilton in Soul Surfer.

NEAR YOU! 220 South St @ Catherine Slip 28 Second Ave @ E Second St

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April 6, 2011

April 9th – April 17th only!

Charlie Chaplin Meets Shakespeare In A Riotous Collaboration!

The Acting Company In Association with The Guthrie Theater’s production of


William Shakespeare’s

Directed by

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April 6_October 6 4/6/11 4:30 PM Page 8



April 6, 2011

“South Park”creators try their hand at a Broadway musical Matt Stone and Trey Parker talk to The Pace Press about The Book Of Mormon kali ponzo CoNTriBuTor

Best known for creating one of television’s most successful animated series, “south park,” matt stone and Trey parker are trying their hand at Broadway. Their musical, The Book of Mormon celebrated its official opening march 24. This is stone and parker’s first foray into a full-length stage musical, which they are both avid fans. “For me,” parker said, “This is something i’ve wanted to do since i was a kid, probably even before movies or television.” The musical is co-written by stone, parker and Broadway veteran robert lopez, who also cowrote Avenue Q. “The plot follows two mormon teens, elder price (Andrew rannells) and elder Cunningham (Josh Gad) from salt lake City, utah to uganda, where they have been assigned as missionaries. “When matt and [i] got together, it always seemed like [the thing] we were always sort of heading toward,” parker said in a recent phone conference with The Pace Press. “Just as storytellers, we’ve really gotten into the effect that music has on [stories], and how a piece of music can make you feel a certain way.”

The Book of Mormon takes its place as a quintessential example of a modernized traditional musical — especially when examined in the context of rock musicals as a growing trend. “We really wanted to make a very traditional musical,” stone said. “There’s a lot of rodgers & Hammerstein influence,” parker said, who likens writing a musical to writing a term paper. “it’s really all about having great songs. A Broadway musical is going to live or die by that alone,” parker added. The score has indeed garnered attention from audience members and critics alike, being hailed by many as the best and most original in years, and not for lack of effort. “We’ve been working so many years on this,” parker said. “it takes a little more planning and a little deeper into the storytelling [than an episode] that’s only 22 minutes. it really became...a completely different animal.” He and parker also forged ties with new collaborators. in addition to lopez, they also collaborated with choreographer Casey Nicholaw, who choreographed Spamalot and The Drowsy Chaperone, and also co-directed the musical with parker. “[Casey] was recommended [to us]. We were talking to other direc-

tors, and the really big thing was we were trying to find a good choreographer, [be]cause we had learned that a really good choreographer was like having a really good cinematographer and we were told about this guy that did both,” Casey said. “This guy Casey who actually was a choreographer, was also starting to direct. We met him and just clicked right away, and immediately knew that we had a big step up in the learning curve of the whole thing,” he added. in the past, stone and parker have earned reputations for being blasphemous, foul-mouthed and outright shocking. While The Book of Mormon does make use of the pair’s trademark satiric, biting sense of humor, the musical is undeniably optimistic. “We didn’t just sit down and say, ‘let’s rip on mormons, how do we do it?’” stone said. “We really started [wanting] to do a story about these two missionaries, that go to a place that is just about as far from where they grew up as they can imagine. They’re confronted with all these challenges that what they’ve been taught, doesn’t really jive with.” As an audience member, this story is nothing short of enthralling. stone and parker are thrilled with


the reception the musical has been receiving, showing that all their hard work has paid off. “The Book of Mormon is something that we’ve been working on for almost seven years, so just to get it done is crazy, it feels great,” stone said.

ONLINE The Book of Mormon is playing at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre at 230 West 49th Street. For more information, visit: bookofmormonbroadway.com

Britney Spears is back to claim the title of the Queen of Pop


quinn wasson sTAFF WriTer

A breathy voice warbles near the beginning of Femme Fatale, and it is immediately clear what you are in for — a Britney spears album. The voice is an unmistakable, pleasant coy mix of cyborg and sex kitten. Not only that, just the way

she says the word that made her career, “baby,” makes it sound like a piece of candy in her mouth. spears’ is certainly not known for the strength of her voice — it’s paper-thin — but her vocal delivery is always on point. Just listen to the way she tosses off the words “fire,” “hazy” or “body,” and try to think of one other pop singer that wouldn’t sound like an idiot singing them

the same way. spears’ oft-maligned moans and purrs are actually what make her stand out from the pack. it is no accident that she is the last commercially-viable survivor of the late ‘90s bubblegum-pop boom. in truth, vocal delivery was one of the things missing from spears’ half-baked last album, Circus, in 2008. At times it sounded like she was singing with a gun to her head, a contrast from what makes Femme Fatale such a superior album. on the very first track, “Till the World ends,” spears sounds more joyous and lively than she has in literally, years. it’s one of the best songs of her career, an unabashed clubber that refreshes and exhausts all at once. spears’ doesn’t broach much new lyrical territory. she’s still singing about sex, the club and sex after the club with no ballad in the bunch. Despite her lack of writing credit on the album, it isn’t hard to start making connections to her well-publicized former troubles. When in the song, “Trouble me,” spears’ sings “i know you’re only a danger to me/But the party ain’t the same without ya/That’s why you’re so good for everybody

else/But you’re trouble for me.” one gets the idea that she’s not even singing about a man at all. The most impressive part of the album is how lean and cohesive it feels, especially for a fluffy pop album. every song makes an argument for single status such as “i Wanna Go,” a fist-pumping jam with an awesome whistle hook; “seal it With a Kiss,” a dubstepkissed ‘90s throwback and “inside out,” a Billboard-produced grinder that has spears demanding makeup sex. The most out-of-the-box song on here is also the best, and that honor goes to “How i roll.” produced by the team of Bloodshy & Avant, to who spears is evidently a muse, as they co-wrote and produced the best pop song of the last decade, “Toxic.” “How i roll” is an almost-bizarre collection of claps, whistles, bubbles popping and staccato breaths, but it all just works so well that it becomes strangely addictive. rarely does pop sound this pretty. even the weaker songs of the album can’t be considered bad, but they just don’t hold up as well. “(Drop Dead) Beautiful” has a great bass line and a fun vocal perform-

ance from spears, but the track just never goes anywhere, and newcomer sabi’s rap is dead on arrival. similarly, Will.i.am’s contribution “Big Fat Bass,” has a weirdness that works unpredictably well, but it’s still from one of the worst producers on the scene currently and takes at least a minute to really lift off. The last song on the standard album, a deluxe version with four bonus tracks is also available, is “Criminal.” it is another surprise to see spears singing in a natural tone over guitars and flutes, before it switches gears into a great bridge that sounds lifted straight from her songs earlier in her career. spears and her producers deserve a boatload of credit for Femme Fatale. it’s a current and cool summer album that gives spears’ legions of fans exactly what they want, while making a strong case to gain new listeners. if it does end up being her final album — her contract with Jive records is now up, and her recent interviews certainly indicate that a break is coming, it is a worthy note to end on. pop music though, would certainly not be the same without her.

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April 6, 2011


University Theater department presents The Who’s Tommy at Schimmel Musical turns traumatized boy into a pinball wizard natalie gavilanes eXeCuTiVe eDiTor

set in the 1950s, The Who’s Tommy is a musical about the traumatic events a young boy named Tommy — played by lyle mackston — has in his early life and how it affects him growing up. The university’s rendition took on this plot and gave it room to breathe, but focused more on the movements of the cast versus the non-movement of Tommy and the props which illustrated the backdrop rather than a full set. The musical focuses much on body movement, in contrast to the main character who for most of the play, is mute and barely responds to the environment around him. From the touch of a cheek to each twirl on the stage, the exaggerated movements provide direct spatial relation not only to the characters within themselves but to each other. What captures the audience is not only the relationship between each character, but the relationship Tommy has with himself. During the play, Tommy is split into three entities, four-year-old Tommy (river Alexander), 10 -year-old Tommy (richard Cramer) and fi-

nally the full-grown version of Tommy (mackston). This motif extends beyond the physicality to a period of time where it focuses more on a person’s rites of passage. The essential “acid queen” scene is a pivotal moment for Tommy sexually as those are his first responses to an environment outside of his nuclear family. Tommy’s mother and father, played by junior Whitney Winfield and junior matt Farcher respectively, sustained well the roles of parents for the entire show giving the audience a chance to relate to them further with each tragedy and frustration. There is also a duality that exists where Tommy (mackston) connects with a pinball machine, of all things, instead of his family members. Where the audience can easily relate to the frustration his mother and father have. This empty relationship Tommy has with his family is in direct contrast to their attempt at a relationship with him and it is most evident in the song when his mother repeats “Tommy can you hear me?” each time with strength and growing tension. This is comparable to his relationship with the pinball machine that has more symbolism

than it may seem. The largest prop on stage, the pinball machine, has an immense role, as it is something that Tommy identifies with personally for most of the play. For a period of time, the cast members literally dance around him as he is in his own world with the pinball machine, controlling every move slowly gaining score and popularity. For Tommy, it is a suspended moment in time where he can control how fast or slow his world goes instead of everyone else. “Whether it was uncle ernie’s flask or the 27 Tommy Dolls that were brutally beaten every night, each and every prop had an important job. some props were even made on campus — like the pinball machine, which was created primarily by pat Brennan and Brittany Kressler,” junior Adam Chhab said. The university production tried to mimic it’s Broadway counterpart as closely as possible. “As a matter of fact, the same production crew that helped create the set for Tommy on Broadway helped create the set for pace’s rendition. it was a pretty cool experience working amongst those who had already created the play before,

and on Broadway nevertheless!” Chhab continued. other props in the show, such as the gun and shot glasses, pay homage to the time period when alcohol was considered second nature and a crime of passion was the new fad. This allowed cast members to create a world of tension, which they did successfully.

What they didn’t, do successfully however, was achieve the perfect British accent. it might be a result of the lack of set, but it isn’t until three-quarters through the musical that one would figure out the setting is in london. Yet this comes only as minor setback as the singing, acting and dancing were all executed beautifully.

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April 6, 2011

is moving back in with


mom and dad after graduation julia yeung sTAFF WriTer

Generation Y (Gen Y), also referred to as the millennial Generation, has been criticized by many adults for taking too long to enter into “adulthood.” There have been various studies on the age group delaying marriages, having several career switches and continuing to receive financial help from their parents. Gen Y are young adults born between the years of 1982 to 1991, which currently ranges from about the age of 18- to 30years-old. According to The New York Times Magazine, one-third of students who graduate from college move to new residences every year and about 40 percent have moved back home to live with their parents at least once. According to The Huffington Post, researchers from the university of minnesota have found

that parental assistance during early adulthood may be beneficial to help insure progress towards economic independence and self-reliance. Through the university of minnesota study, a sample of about 1,010 adolescents was taken in 1988. The results for this study were conducted during the years from when the subjects aged around 24- to 32-years-old. About half had received money for living expenses, lived with their parent or received both financial help and housing from their parents during their mid-twenties. only 10 to 15 percent of these adults received parental assistance when in their thirties. The statistics showed that the likelihood of receiving financial aid from their parents decreased 15 percent each year and the likelihood of living with their parents decreased by 18 percent each year. “even though i don’t really like the percentage of people hav-

ing to live at home after college, if it helps them develop financial stability, then it’s worth it,” sophomore steven Wong said. According to the The Huffington Post, the study also found that parents tend to step in more and offer help to their young adult children when they experience difficulties, such as job losses, illnesses or divorce. researchers believe that parental aid helps young adults work towards supporting themselves to become financially independent and create safety nets when needed. parental support diminishes, however, when their children begin to take on adult roles, such as earning higher income or forming families, regardless of what age they are. other demographics of Gen Y include that 52 percent of this generation care more about parenting than getting married. According to The Huffington Post, most believe that being a good parent is one of the most impor-

tant things in life, while only 30 percent believe it for marriage. it was also found, through a study conducted by the university of michigan institute for social

generations. so, in a way, us delaying adulthood could be our reaction to help us learn to be better prepared for the real world,” sophomore Angie ip said.

i think that after all the events generation y has been exposed to, our perspectives have changed as well, which is what makes us different from other generations. -Angie Ip, student

research, that college students now are less empathic when it comes to other people’s unfortunate experiences and events than in 1979. most believe that the affairs of others do not usually concern them. “i think that after all the events Generation Y has been exposed to, our perspectives have changed as well, which is what makes us different from other

in regards to workplace priorities, the first impression of Gen Y is that they take on a lazy, work-adverse attitude. The pew studies cited in The Huffington Post revealed that they seem to be taking on a more realistic, humble viewpoint towards work because of the current harsh economy and recent recession.

Reservations about dining down under on the train Recent viral video ignited the old debate of eating on NYC subway fotini sacHpatzidis sTAFF WriTer

After footage surfaced on the internet of a subway brawl between three women over eating a carton of spaghetti in the A train car, the debate of whether it is right to eat on the subway has come up again. in 2005, metropolitan Transit Authority (mTA) officials banned drinking on the subway, but due to public outrage, were forced to remove the ban. Now with news of the viral spaghetti video and media coverage, the mTA has not made any initiative to ban food underground. major cities such as Washington, D.C., Chicago, ill. and singapore all ban food consumption on board their transit system. The mTA though, does not have the means to properly secure that eating and drinking does not occur on the train. There are simply not enough police officers to monitor every subway car for food perpetrators. if subway riders actually followed this rule subway riders, every car and station would be a lot cleaner. According to NBC News mTA


A subway rider reacts badly to The Daily News reporter Simone Weichselbaum as she eats messy food

Board member Doreen Frasca did not propose a ban on eating and did not even bother discussing it in an mTA meeting before her fellow board members. This behavior angered

many NYC transit riders who have to deal with subway diners during their commute. many can relate to the situation of seeing someone eat on the subway

and enduring the nauseating stench that fills up the car. The various meals that people consume underground range from something as small as a granola bar to

a messier food such as barbecue chicken wings. Wet seats, empty water bottles and spilled food are some of the many sights that subway riders experience daily, as a result of diners who failed to clean up after themselves. The litter that people fail to dispense properly finds its way on to the subway tracks, which can cause fires and rats that feed on the leftover food on the subway platforms. “it is perfectly fine to eat on the subway, it is a personal choice and not a health hazard to anyone so why not?” sophomore Johanna rodriguez said. While this opinion seems more accepting, other subway commuters disagree, since the subway after all is not the most sanitary environment. such as our hands touch germ infested poles, seats, arm rests, metroCards and turnstiles while underground. “i guess if you like eating on the train go for it, but after touching the railings and seats, eating on the subway isn’t an option for me” sophomore Katherine De la Cruz said.

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April 6, 2011


NFL 2011 season in jeopardy due to dispute over players pay The NFL lockout is still in effect; disagreement over collective bargaining agreement abbey beatson CoNTriBuTor

The National Football league (NFl) announced that there would be a lockout beginning march 12, ending 24 years of labor peace in the NFl. During the lockout, team owners are not allowed to negotiate or do business with football players. players are also prohibited from entering practice or stadium facilities and may not communicate with any team officials. rumors of a potential lockout have been talked about for a few years, but have only become serious toward the end of 2010 with the disagreement over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The owners initially wanted to extend the regular season from 16 to 18 games, though owners have backed off of this proposal due to widespread disapproval. According to Forbes.com, owners make more money from the regular season games from a greater volume of tickets sold. instead of looking at how this will affect the players, the owners strictly see this as an opportunity to

bring in more money. Although the number of games would be extended, the amount of pay the players would receive would be reduced. in the past eight years, the revenue made from ticket sales, advertisements and merchandise has been split 50-50 between the players and the owners. in the owners’ ideal CBA, the players’ pay will be cut 18 percent. in simpler terms, the players would be paid less to do more. “i find it disturbing that the desire to make a greater profit has overruled the desire to enjoy football, a great American pastime,” freshman Katie James said. one of the main changes players are demanding is concerns about post-career health care. According to Nfllockout.com, the average NFl career lasts only 3.6 years and for a retired player to receive five years of post-career health care, three accredited years of playing are required. By increasing the number of regular season games, more players may fall short of the threeyear mark, ultimately affecting their health care. The owners sought to reinforce their bargaining power three years ago, when they

signed contracts with five television networks that would have paid $4.5 billion regardless of whether the 2011 season was cancelled due to a lockout. The NFl players union won a significant victory on march 1, however, when Judge David Doty ruled the lockout provisions unenforceable. Those most affected by the lockout are not the billionaire owners and players, but the ticket sellers and stadium employees. According to The Wall Street Journal, the cities that are homes to the NFl teams are estimated to lose $160 million dollars and 150,000 jobs. With the NFl draft quickly approaching, the state of the 2011 football season is still unclear. “Football should be about the love of the game, not the money. The owners have no idea how many people they are affecting with their greed,” freshman sean Green said. sportstvjobs.com

Two iconic NYC parks propose ban on cars to create a pedestrian friendly area betty fermin sTAFF WriTer

Both Central park and prospect park have allowed cars to pass through on designated roads but now council members want to restore the parks to their original car-free status. City Council member Gale Brewer introduced legislation on march 23 to ban private cars from using either park while official cars would still be allowed to use the roads. Currently, cars are banned from both parks except during the hours of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays. This schedule was part of an initial version of the car-free bill proposed in 2006 by Brewer. Car-free parks would be about giving the park back to pedestrians and cyclists because back when Central park was built in 1859, the automobile and bicycle were not invented yet. According to streetsblog.org, a car-free Central park also has the support of park administrator Doug Blonsky, the man responsible for running the park. The city has been pursuing an incremental approach to re-creating car-free parks

for decades. it has consistently cut back the hours in which cars are allowed and closed many park entrances to them. The problem with cutting off the park to cars is that drivers who use the park as a shortcut, will now have a longer commute.

“[The new plan] could enhance Central park’s ability to help escape the city and pretend you are around real nature, but the big buildings all around are pretty good at reminding one that you are in a city,” sophomore Zachary Tierney said.

[the new plan] could enhance central park’s ability to help escape the city and pretend you are around real nature, but the big buildings all around are pretty good at reminding one that you are in a city.



-Zachary Tierney, student According to parkslope.patch.com, “people are using these parks by the millions,” Brewer said. she’s “a big believer that without the cars you have more pedestrian safety, bicycle safety and air safety." if the proposed restrictions are passed, it will increase traffic on the outside of both parks. “i do think that it will take some time for the park to change. such a significant change can’t happen overnight,” sophomore michael Wellbrock said.

According to Nbcnewyork.com, a recent study performed by the transportation advocacy group Transportation Alternatives found that traffic volume in Central park is currently at an all time low and recreational demands have risen. Brewer is establishing a traffic study in Central and prospect park to determine the effects of not allowing traffic. The studies results will be released by December 31, 2011.

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April 6_October 6 4/6/11 4:30 PM Page 12

April 6, 2011



r u o T K i c d k O e f f p P a r r t y a a t W s n a V the House of Vans kim bui AssoCiATe eDiTor

The Vans Warped Tour held their official kick-off party on march 25 at the House of Vans in Brooklyn — the first time the kick-off party has ever been held in NYC. With 69 bands announced for the summer line up, the anticipation of the night was to announce the headlining bands that will be performing on the main stage of the tour. in its 17th run, the Vans Warped Tour has become one of the most successful, if not the most successful music festival in recent years. A warehouse turned skatepark and venue, the House of Vans was the host for the evening, including live performances, skate demos from pro skaters, live graffiti art and more. At the press conference held with Kevin lyman, the producer and founder of the Vans Warped Tour, he shared what changes the tour will have this year and talked about the future of the tour. This year, attendees can look forward to free water stations throughout the grounds provided by Kleen Kanteen, pre-paid food services so ticket buyers can purchase a meal prior to the show and lyman has worked to sell Warped Tour 2011 tickets at Vans retail stores across the country without a surcharge. A lot goes into running and maintaining the tour, so the Warped eco initiatives (Wei) was created to monitor and maintain the innovative environmentally-conscious techniques used while


on the road, like biodiesel fuel for touring trucks and buses and the solar powered sound-system on the Kevin says stage of the tour. lyman introduced bands throughout the night, including sets by very young performers from The school of rock. They played a few cover songs, including a unique rendition of Johnny Cash’s “ring of Fire.” lionize showcased cathartic rock, while moving mountains’ played a head-banging set. singer and guitarist Gregory Dunn’s voice and powerful screams with their bass heavy sound was just a taste of what they have in store this summer. mC lars, the original DJ of hip-hop and rock played a crowd-pleasing set, while pop-punk band The Wonder Years ended the night with great songs, great energy and a few mosh pits forming in the crowd. “Tonight’s line up is definitely a reflection of where i tried to take the tour this year,” lyman said. “Two months after the tour i just started listening to music. i stopped listening to agents and stopped listening to managers and started listening to music…trying to feel where things were going and [to] book a tour that i think is reflective and very diverse, very cool and in my mind you’re going to find gems out there. “if you look at this year’s line-up, there’s [sic] very few major label bands on Warped Tour this year. it’s back to where we were in 1995…this year’s Warped Tour is very reflective of where we are [sic] then. it hasn’t changed in 17 years — it’s gone full circle.” With bands of every genre, from punk, hip-hop, metal, rock and pop, the original “traveling punk rock summer camp” has become so much more. The 43-date tour begins June 24 in Dallas, TX and ends Aug. 14 in portland, or. For additional dates and information, visit: Vanswarpedtour.com or follow them on Twitter, @VansWarpedTour.


Can you describe the Warped tour and vans relationship in one word?

“ “

One word: Steve Van Doren -Kevin Lyman, founder of the Vans Warped Tour

I would probably say ‘authentic friendship…’ It’s a nice match made 17 years ago that keeps everything real and authentic. It’s a good friendship…Success. That’s one word. Legacy. -Steve Van Doren, Vice-President of Vans


5. 3.

1. Gregory Dunn of moving mountains 2. mC Lars 3. singer of school of Rock 4. Frank Graniero of moving mountains 5. singer of school of Rock performing Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” all photos by brian rentas / the pace press

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