Dec. 3, 2017 Issue | Volume 69, Issue 3

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December 7, 2017

Lil Peep’s death sparks conversation on mental illness ADRIANA CHIVIL News Intern




Original painting: Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle by James Sant (1850) On Nov. 15, Warped Tour announced it will be holding its last concert series this coming summer. Warped Tour, for years, provided now-college aged concert goers with a venue to listen to music about heartbreak, and show off their darkest clothes. The poppunk/emo based music which Warped Tour featured both allowed middle schoolers and angsty teens to express their

genuine feelings of anxiety and depression, and was cause for concern for parents that believed the music spread messages of glorified mental illness, self-harm, and drug abuse. Whatever it was, the fact remained that an entire broad-based cultural scene of young people was able to proliferate purely on the basis of emotional trauma. The Warped Tour scene, along with other cultural trends


regarding mental well-being, was and still is indicative of a mental health crisis at large. The very next day after Warped Tour announced its end, Lil Peep, the 21-year-old up-and-coming Internet emo-trap sensation, was pronounced dead from an overdose on fentanyl, the most deadly drug on the evergrowing opiate market today. For many, it was no surprise that he died, given Lil Peep had “Die Young Eat Cake” tattooed on his forehead and regularly featured lyrics such as “Take her to the crib and show her how I die / Wake up in the morning and I’m still f*cking high.” In the past few months, however, Lil Peep’s group GOTHBOICLIQUE began seriously influencing both the rap scene and the culture at large, promoting Diplo, Post Malone, Pete Wentz, Marshmello, Zane Lowe, ASAP Nast, Rich Chigga, Playboi Carti, Lil Uzi Vert, Bella Thorne, Sam Smith, Mark Ronson, and others to make statements supporting Peep and his loved ones, as well as addressing the general state of mental health and drug addiction today. Lil Peep posted public playlists featuring Warped-era bands which sang songs about popping pills to avoid thoughts of suicide (see: “7 Minutes in Heaven” by Fallout Boy) and feelings of severe self-alienation (see: “Note to Self” by From First to Last), among other topics. The coincidence of Lil Peep’s death and the end of Warped Tour, for all they represent, truly marks the need for, and has already opened up, one of the most difficult discussions the millennial generation has had to face thus far: mental health. Lil Peep was outspoken about his struggles with mental illness, which in all likelihood prompted his drug use and consequential death. As a young American living today, Lil Peep certainly was not alone. Approximately 40% of adults suffer an anxiety disorder of some kind, making anxiety amongst the most common form of mental illness in the United States, followed by depression. Both

Lil Peep continued on PAGE 3

Anxiety on the rise among millenials AUSTIN SANDERSON Contributor

The image of a college student studying for a week straight, living off of nothing but and that there are ways for them to improve their mental state. coffee, is a typical scene on an American college campus. While it is common knowledge Besides schoolwork there are many other sources of anxiety. Social media has that high school and college can be stressful for teenagers, there is an alarming increase in emerged in recent years and is considered by many to be a major source of stress for students not only suffering from general stress, but also from clinical anxiety. young people. As Paul Lewis’s piece in The Guardian points out, many social media The New York Times reported that in 2016, 62% of undergraduate platforms were specifically designed to exploit vulnerabilities in the human students reported having “overwhelming anxiety.” The same psyche. Little aspects of social media such as the like button and the red article also stated that hospitals are admitting twice as many notification badge were specifically designed to catch one’s attention teenagers for suicidal thoughts as they were ten years and provide small rewards to one’s brain, so a user keeps coming ago. back to the app. It make’s the user feel that they are being social Richard Shadick, the director of the when in reality these interactions are between a person and Counseling Center says he sees a pattern of their device rather than an interaction between two people. increased mental strain as well. Shadick says that This often causes the users to feel isolated and alone, it the Counseling Center has seen, “about a 70% is claimed. The social networks are completely aware of increase in students since 2009.” Additionally this as The Guardian also reported on a leaked Facebook there are, “more students reporting suicidal memo that read: “the company can identify when a teen thoughts even though [there is] not an increase feels ‘insecure’, ‘worthless’, and ‘needs a confidence in student suicides.” While the statistics are boost’.” staggering, Shadick commends the changing While everyone resolves their issues differently, culture surrounding mental health here at the it has been shown that discussing one’s feelings with University. He explained, “Professors are more another trustworthy person can help. A student who likely to identify problems students are having and prefers to remain anonymous says that going to the reporting them, they have a greater awareness and counseling center, “made me feel less isolated and more like appreciation for the Counseling Center.” He added, a normal person with valid feelings and emotions.” “Students are more comfortable about talking about Not only is it the responsibility of one to speak up about their mental health concerns.” anxiety, but it is also the responsibility of everyone to be aware The concern for mental health is also felt throughout the of those around them to see if someone is showing any symptoms student body. Chris Aceto, a University psychology student, said, of anxiety. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association “A lot of people who are stressed think it’s stupid and don’t want of America, symptoms of anxiety include restlessness, being easily Anxiety depicted in Edvard Munch’s to tell anyone; stress superstition is not a good thing because it fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and any The Scream (1893) will rebound and come back later. The amount of college students sleep disturbance. These symptoms are important to know because, as Wikimedia who are stressed is at an all time high.” It is important for those Aceto said, many people with anxiety believe that they are only mildly struggling with stress and anxiety to know that they are not alone stressed compared to everyone else.


December 7, 2017 continued from PAGE 2 are particularly pronounced in millennials. According to the American Psychological Association, “Anxiety is the top presenting concern among college students (41.6%), followed by depression (36.4%) and relationship problems (35.8%).” Bloomberg News reports that “millennials [exhibit] higher rates of depression than any other generation, and are now the biggest sector of the workforce, creating new challenges in work culture and mental health treatment.” As financial concerns in the 21st century are increasingly prevalent, this both contributes to the increase in depression and anxiety as millennials approach the job force before, during, and after college. The Bloomberg article affirms, “Between 2005 and 2014 the number of depressed teens jumped by more than half a million, three-fourths of which were teenage girls according to a recent study in the journal Pediatrics.” According to Business Insider, “The U.S. suicide rate, which had adjusted for age, rose 24% between 1999 and 2014, from 10.5 people dying by suicide per 100,000 to 13 people dying by suicide per 100,000 population.” Like suicide, drug use and addiction is also on the rise, and Peep exemplifies both these trends. The link between drug addiction and mental health is undeniable, given that, as addiction has skyrocketed, mental health has declined significantly, particularly among demographics susceptible to the opiate crisis.

“Anxiety” Unfortunately, Lil Peep’s death was not an isolated incident by any means. Lil Peep’s death is just one among many implicated within what has come to be considered a genuine crisis of addiction in the United States, particularly addiction to opiates and opioids. According to the Center for Disease Control, “from 1999 to 2015, more than 183,000 people have died from overdoses in relation to prescription opioids.” Additionally, “from 2002 to 2015 there was a 2.8-fold increase in the total number of deaths, in 2002 from an average of both female/male deaths totalling in over 10,000 to, in 2015, under 35,000 deaths.” Millennials have been particularly devastated by this. The American Council on Science and Health recently reported that heroin overdoses has quadrupled among millennials. As a result, according to the Center for Disease Control, “The United States is experiencing an epidemic of drug overdose (poisoning) deaths. Since 2000, the rate of deaths from drug overdoses has increased 137%, including a 200% increase in the rate of overdose deaths involving opioids (opioid pain relievers and heroin). CDC analyzed recent multiple cause-of-death mortality data to examine current trends and characteristics of drug overdose deaths, including the types of opioids associated with drug overdose deaths.” Additionally, according to the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, “In 2013, an estimated 169,000 individuals aged 12 or older used heroin for the first time in the past year. Among individuals aged 12 to 49 who initiated heroin use in the past 12 months, the average age at first use in 2013 was 24.5 years.” As the epidemic of opiate use in the United States gets worse, the users seem only to be getting younger. The opioid epidemic, however, should not be considered in isolation, as it is symptomatic of neglect towards the need for an adequate discussion of mental health in an entire generation, namely, the millennials. On Oct. 26, President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency under the Public Health Services Act. Recognizing the crisis as a public health emergency is a tangible step toward combating the epidemic, as more grant money can now be provided by federal agencies. According to a fact sheet, the Public Health Services Act can now take “action to

overcome bureaucratic delays and inefficiencies in the hiring process.” However, there is a distinction between recognizing the opioid crisis as a public health emergency and declaring it a national emergency. Designating an issue to be a national health emergency, under the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, enables the federal government to allocate funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Disaster Relief Funds toward finding solutions. Some perceive the mere acknowledgement of the existence of an issue futile if solutions are not put forth. Democrats are concerned about the President’s response to this crisis. Senator Edward J. Markey, a Democrat representing Massachusetts, is among the many people who took issue, stating, “America is hemorrhaging lives by the day because of the opioid epidemic, but President Trump offered the country a Band-Aid when we need a tourniquet.” Furthermore, the Senator highlighted that, “instead of a commitment to emergency funding for our states and communities, President Trump offered empty words and half-measures.” Another concern points to the fact that Congress has not funded the Public Health Emergency fund in recent years, augmenting the public distrust in the efficacy of using this as a means to finding solutions to the issue. As Dr. Andrew Kolodny, co-director of opioid policy research at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, responded to the emergency declaration: “What we need is for the President to seek an appropriation from Congress, I believe in the billions, so that we can rapidly expand access for effective outpatient opioid addiction treatments.” He added, “Until those treatments are easier to access than heroin or fentanyl, overdose deaths will remain at record-high levels.” Such claims that suggest the inadequacy of the Trump administration in handling this paramount issue have prompted administration officials to respond. One official stated, “Under the Stafford Act, as unfortunately we have seen on multiple occasions over the last several months, the Stafford Act is designed to respond to mostly natural disasters that are (of a) very short time duration and a specific geographic region.” While some claim that the Trump administration ought to take a more severe approach, others argue that funds provided by FEMA will not be able to adequately deal with long-term, complex issues such as the one at hand. Additionally, to quell skeptics, President Trump pledged a donation of his thirdquarter salary to the Department of Health and Human Services in an effort to fight the opioid epidemic. Whether any of these actions will actually effect the change needed to stop the opiate crisis is still controversial and, realistically, unlikely.

“Despair” Regardless of whether or not the federal government under President Trump’s administration is fit and/or willing to adequately deal with the national crisis of mental well-being in general and the opiate crisis in particular, the University has worked throughout this semester to provide students with the emotional care they need. As events locally, nationally, and globally are becoming increasingly palpable through mass media and digital interconnectivity, individuals, particularly collegeaged millennials, often find themselves affected deeply and personally by devastation near and far. Individuals with pre-existing depression and anxiety are prone to experiencing exacerbated emotional difficulty in the face of external threats, such as terrorism, mass shootings, and political shortcomings, even if they are themselves not directly affected. The University has maintained a keen


awareness of the ways in which the world around the student body today can deeply impact individual internal experiences. On Sept. 12, following the Trump administration’s alterations of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals act, the University issued a statement explaining that “the University supports all students regardless of their immigration status.” Clearly, support and acceptance for students in particularly trying times was an utmost priority for the University, as the statement continued, “Please reach out if you need assistance.” Resources were then provided, including access to the Counseling Center, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the International Office.

“Courage” According to their website, the University Counseling Center, “strive[s] to create a safe, affirming, respectful, accepting and welcoming environment that embraces all forms of diversity: age, race, ethnicity, language, national origin, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, physical and mental ability, and socioeconomic status. In this climate, we hope that students will feel comfortable to freely explore their unique identities, personal experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and values. In turn, we hope to help students with the issues that bring them in and encourage their intellectual, emotional, and social development.” Like the response to DACA, in the wake of the shooting scare that took place at the beginning of the fall semester, University faculty and staff quickly sent out an email reaching out to students who may have been affected by the incident in any way. The email explained exactly what happened, so sense could be made and safety could be felt once again for the student body. The email continued, “Counseling Center staff members are available for anyone who would like to speak with a counselor. The New York City Campus Counseling Center is located at 156 William Street on the 8th Floor, Phone: (212) 3461526. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., MondayFriday.” While this is the case consistently, the fact that the University made a point to reiterate these resources exemplifies an emphasis on mental health. Additionally, following the tragic act of terrorism that took place not far from campus on Oct. 31, President Krislov reaffirmed the University’s commitment to ensuring that students are equipped with the necessary resources during such distressing events, which may evoke existing feelings of stress, anxiety, and generally poor mental health. As stated in the email, sympathy and care on campus is extended to everyone, particularly those “trying to cope [who may be experiencing] feelings of fear, helplessness, vulnerability, and grief.” The statement subsequently encouraged students once again to reach out to the Counseling Center. Under University President Marvin Krislov’s administration, the NYC campus Counseling Center has recently received increased funding. This is indicative that the administration is facing up to the larger issue that is mental health in our generation. This is notable, especially in contrast to the Trump administration’s handling of the opioid issue. It is of utmost importance that as a student, one engages in activities to de-stress oneself, especially as the semester comes to a close and the threat of final examinations draws near. If prevention, however, is not enough, there are always emergency resources available, such as numerous hotlines (available on PAGE 6). Experts maintain it is important to always keep a keen eye on the mental well-being of both yourself and those around you, as the symptoms of mental illness are not always immediately obvious. Contact 911 in the case of imminent danger.



December 7, 2017

University Fed. Challenge Team wins nationals CHRISTIAN HALSTEAD News Editor The University’s Federal Reserve Challenge Team won the national competition in its entirety on Dec. 1. This is third time the team has won in the past four years, beating out Ivy League competitors Harvard and Princeton, among others. The challenge consists of teams of students from across the country who are prompted to analyze the macro-economy, including inflation rates, interest rates, and growth in the gross domestic product, and from there present the United States Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C. with a set of monetary policy suggestions. This, “prestigious competition [is intended] to test students’ understanding of the U.S. economy, monetary policymaking and the role of the Federal Reserve System,” according to the University’s press release, put out the same day the team won. That same press release explained, “Participating teams analyze economic and financial conditions and formulate a monetary policy recommendation, modeled on the work of the Federal Open Market Committee. Teams competing in the finals gave presentations and answered questions for a panel of senior Federal Reserve officials.” In wake of the Fed. Challenge Team’s victory, University President Marvin Krislov said, “I am deeply proud of the Pace University team. This team’s dedication and success, as well as that of their professors, is a great example of the experiential learning and meaningful mentorship that is the hallmark of the Pace Path. The team members are exemplary students and their drive and determination has paid off with this great victory.” The Fed. Team consisted entirely of Economics/Business Economics students in the University’s Dyson College of Arts and Sciences. The team members are as follows: Klejdja Qosja, Marina Testani, Salil Ahuja, Carly Aznavorian, Scarlett Bekus, Alexandra Bruno, and Argenys Morban; Professors Greg Colman and

The Fed Challenge Team as they are presented with their award

Photo provided by Klejdja Qosja Mark Weinstock served as the team’s advisors. The Federal Reserve Team’s captain, University Junior Marina Testani, spoke with The Pace Press about the big win. She explained, “I would say it was a humbling and thrilling experience, being in the room where these huge decisions are made. I was confident in our ability to do well and hearing our name called last for the first place title made me feel that all of the hard work we put in paid off!” Testani continued, “I absolutely believe [the competition] already has affected my career path; I am sure that I want to do something that involves monitoring Fed. decisions or directly involved with the Fed. Over the summer,

my internship basically felt like a real like version of Fed. Team and I will be returning there this summer. Eventually, I think I would love to work at the Fed. in the future.” The Team’s co-captain, University senior Klejdja Qosja also had nothing but praise for the experience. Qosja affirmed, “It was an amazing feeling, seeing all of our hard work pay off. I’ll miss the team when I graduate, but I’m glad I’ll be leaving them with a national victory.” Like Testani, Qosja made a point to speak on the professional opportunities the challenge has made available. She explained, “Being co-captain last year helped me secure offers for summer programs from top firms and secure a job

at Goldman Sachs. I’ve gained so much knowledge and interpersonal skills and newfound appreciation for the Fed.; it’s definitely a long term goal to work there one day!” All in all, the future looks bright for the members of the University Fed. Challenge Team, as well as the University as a whole. The University’s academic and professional excellence has been affirmed yet again. This truly highlights how lucrative an investment in one’s education at the University can be, given the proper time, effort, and care. Victory at the Federal Reserve Challenge is a momentous win, proving that our University’s Economics Department truly is one of the best in the nation.

Global attitudes towards the LGBTQA community LAURIANNE GUTIERREZ News Intern

A new study by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) has uncovered exciting new information regarding how countries around the world feel about gay rights. A question from the 2017 “ILGA-RIWI Global Attitudes Survey on Sexual, Gender and Sex Minorities,” asked participants whether they strongly agreed that, “equal rights and protections should be applied to everyone, including people who are romantically or sexually attracted to people of the same sex.” It should be taken into account, however, that the survey participants were people who incorrectly typed in an internet domain name and thus, landed on a site owned by RIWI. RIWI is a firm that uses something called “random domain intercept” to conduct global predictive analytics. Nevertheless, the findings indicate a positive outlook for the future of the LGBTQA community’s integration into the world as a whole. The results from different countries within Africa were staggering, exemplifying that countries that share the same hemisphere do not necessarily share the same ideologies. Disparities in opinion were particularly pronounced in the contrast between Sub-Saharan Africa’s liberal-leaning views, and Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco’s vast opposition to gay rights. Other African countries such as Angola, Ghana, Kenya, and Mozambique’s stances on gay rights parallel those held in the United States. Asian countries such as China and Japan however have been shown to be less keen to support the LGBTQA community. While the United States is generally known to be a rather progressive country, South Africa may actually be more embracing of gay rights comparatively. After all, South

Africa is the fifth country in the world to legalize gay marriage. Some more recent advances in Africa include Cape Verde, Mozambique, and Namibia being “tolerant” of homosexuality, with Mozambique decriminalizing same-sex relations in 2015. An article from the Council on Foreign Affairs cites that, “A 2017 Pew Research Center poll found that support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage is 16 percent in Belarus and just 9 percent in Ukraine. Support in Poland and Hungary, which both have constitutional bans on same-sex marriage, is 32 percent and 27 percent, respectively.” This study reflects Eastern Europe’s weak support for same-sex marriage. This is intuitive given that more than half of the countries in Europe which allow same-sex marriage are in the Western region. The Council on Foreign Affairs writes, “Same-sex marriage has been legalized in the Netherlands (2001), Belgium (2003), Spain (2005), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Portugal (2010), Iceland (2010), Denmark (2012), France (2013), the United Kingdom (2013), Luxembourg (2015), Ireland (2015), Finland (2017), Malta (2017), and Germany (2017).” Looking forward, advocates for the LGBTQA community hope this trend will one day extend to the entire globe. Ultimately, as revealed by the ILGA’s study, the world is making progress. Through relentless activism and an inexorable global effort to advance lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights, legislation has been passed to legalize same-sex marriage in multiple countries and the LGBTQA community is steadily becoming more integrated into society. As conveyed by multiple studies’ data, there still remain countries that strongly oppose equal rights for all people. As the LGBTQA community’s presence grows more and more palpable throughout the world, it is believed that ideologies which seek to alienate this community will be increasingly considered obsolete.

December 7, 2017



Conspiracies in the age of fake news

President Trump’s administration releases classified JFK assassination files “Still, Trump’s decision to keep some documents secret is likely to keep conspiracy theories alive, fueling those who have long questioned official conclusions about the assassination and argued that the government has helped cover up the truth,” CNN states. Historians have studied every aspect of this case, despite previously not having direct access to the evidence. Gerald Posner, the author of “Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK”, spoke about how he believes the release of the evidence would not reveal

Political science students have found it difficult to explore the different ways to expose these files, given their complexity and the wealth of speculation revolving around the JFK assassination. The government has made One of our very own here at the University, it known that, after a number of years, the files must be Communications Professor Adam Klein, was interviewed released with the exception of some, due to the Trump by news platform Mother Jones for his professional administration’s judgments. Since the files’ release there opinion regarding conspiracy theories in general and the has been a renewed conversation nationally, and globally, Former President John F. Kennedy 1963 assassination about the nature of government secrecy in particular and conspiracy theory in particular. Many wonder whether trust in current political institutions generally. Whether or a new wave of conspiracy theories will arise from the not more players were truly implicated in the murder newly released government documents regarding of the Camelot president than can be explained by the assassination as ordered by the administration Lee Harvey Oswald’s gun alone, the fact remains of President Donald Trump. Commenting on this, that a growing number of people believe this is a Professor Klein asserted that he believes “the legitimate avenue to explore. The proliferation JFK assassination conspiracy has been a part of of conspiracy theories, in short, suggests a deepAmerican culture for the better part of six decades. seeded distrust in government today. Even if the President had released all the classified Technology has played a very important evidence upfront – which a 1992 Congressional act part in our society today. In the last six decades, set in motion – I believe people would still continue technology has changed drastically and has helped to speculate and theorize conspiracies surrounding with so much. As a result, technology has had a Kennedy’s assassination.” This effectively suggests deep impact on political discourse and conspiracy that no matter how much evidence is handed out theories. Klein was asked to comment on how to us, intrigued and suspicious American citizens technology plays a visceral role in the demand for, may never understand or want to believe the truth and the release of the JFK assassination files. He regarding any number of conspiracy theories, explained, “The thing about technology—and the especially one that runs as deep as the JFK Internet specifically—is that you find what you want assassination. to find online. If you’re looking for “evidence” that A conspiracy theory is known as a belief will support a belief that somehow flu vaccines are that some covert but influential organization is dangerous or that global warming is a deep state responsible for a circumstance or event. Everyone hoax, you can find that online. So, I imagine, no has their own beliefs of some conspiracy theory matter what this latest trove of documents reveals, that is occurring today or has in the past. It is hard Former President John F. Kennedy moments before his assassination to differentiate between facts and a theory that Wikimedia conspiracy theorists will continue to find “new evidence” that supports their narrative that there is backed up with so much information. Some political scientists believe Americans today hope to read anything conspiracy theorists and historians didn’t really was more than one shooter in Dallas, that Oswald had things and believe they are true when, in reality, it is already know. According, to Posner, however, one thing been working for the CIA, or the Russians, or the mob, just them trying to convince themselves of unlikely, yet that was certainly revealed is how much evidence the CIA etc. etc. etc.” and FBI repeatedly hid regarding the case. There are many factors to consider while discussing exciting, possibilities. It is believed that not all the evidence has been a conspiracy theory, but motive specifically is crucial. As discussed by Klein, the conspiracy theory that has been getting attention recently is the suspicions of foul revealed due to the fact that some materials may shed This is to say that there must be a good enough reason play in the assassination of Former President Kennedy. some unflattering light on U.S. intelligence and law conceivable which could incentivize such a mass scale On Oct. 26, President Trump ordered the release of files enforcement. CNN reports that the Trump administration act of deceit. Some secrets will still remain even after pertaining to the JFK assassination. Most, but not all, was permitted to selectively block the release of certain the release of the JFK files. One day many Americans available information has been released to the public. documents if they contained, “an identifiable harm to the hope to see all the files released so every question can be There have been a number of conspiracy theories between military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement answered. Maybe then this particularly ambiguous matter or conduct of foreign relations.” will be settled once and for all. today and Nov. 22, 1963.


Americans relinquishing citizenship at historic rate SOPHIA TAN Contributor

American citizens have been renouncing their citizenship at an all-time high in 2017. The total for people turning in their passports was 1,313 in the first quarter of the year, and has risen up to 1,759 in the second quarter, this being the second highest quarterly number ever recorded. The number has since decreased to 1,376 in the third quarter. Although the resignation of citizenship numbers still remain inconsequential on the larger scale, these are still staggering numbers that contrast with the recent appearance of more foreign nationals trying to become residents of the U.S. than ever. A seemingly go-to explanation for this would be the recent election of President Donald Trump, which has been met with particular aversion by the media and the political left. The conclusion that all of those “if Trump gets elected, I’m leaving this country” assertions are being brought to reality might be a reasonable one, but the true impetus for these departures actually turns out to be the enduring tax issues. Promises of tax reforms do not seem to be doing too much to help the cause, either. Despite these official numbers on those who are leaving the U.S. have been released, it is still uncertain if all those who have left have been accounted for. The numbers are presumed

to be even higher than what has been announced. This notion may appear strange when taking a look at current events, being that there has been unprecedented amount of controversy over things like the Trump administration’s newly implemented travel ban and the repeal of the DACA program established under the Barack Obama administration. From the perspective of those who are trying to provide help and support to these victims as much as possible, it would appear that the U.S. is facing an influx of foreigners demanding citizenship; however, those who have already attained this position are finding that they would rather settle elsewhere due to other factors that had been unaccounted for. This speaks deeply on the state of American politics today. Prominently among the issues regarding taxes is a law called the FATCA, or the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. This act, intending to preclude tax evasion, requires expats, or U.S. citizens living or working outside of the U.S., to face taxation from both the U.S. and their nation of residence. Foreign banks holding assets for these citizens living abroad are forced to disclose the private banking data of their depositors, or else face large penalties for failing to do so. These tax compliance and

disclosure laws are being revealed as significant burdens to American citizens due to the fact that those living abroad may be refused service from foreign banks that do not want to work with American account holders. It does not help these citizens that are leaving the country is a very expensive ordeal as well. This highlights just how urgent this matter must be for these individuals. Citizens are charged an exit tax for those who have a net worth greater than $2 million, or have made an average annual net income of $162,000 over the past five years. Longstanding green card holders may be required to pay this tax as well. In addition to this, the U.S. charges $2,350 to hand in your passport as well, an amount twenty times the average in other high-income countries. Most recent news has been focusing on the extremely important, controversial and divisive nature of the travel ban and the relinquishing of DACA. It is interesting however to see the aspects of the U.S.- particularly the tax code- that current citizens encounter that make it difficult or undesirable to remain in the country, subsequently leading to U.S. citizens renouncing their status at an astonishing, record-breaking rate.


December 7, 2017



EDITORIAL BOARD Chase Ballas Editor-in-Chief Katrina Alonso Executive Editor Amoreena Crispino Executive Editor Christian Halstead News Editor Caroline Cardoso Arts Editor Kelsey Nicholson Features Editor Justin Knoepfel Graphic Design Nathan Siegel Social Media Dr. Kelley Kreitz Faculty Consultant

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above.

To the Pace Community, As we approach the conclusion of the Fall 2017 semester, we at the Press would like to thank you for your readership and dedication to our publication, and extend our utmost gratitude to those who have contributed articles to our publication. We hope that our message of inclusiveness at the University has radiated in our efforts this year and will continue to grow and strengthen during the Spring 2018 semester as we continue to foster a creative environment for all opinions. We hope to see you all for our first general pitch meeting of the Spring 2018 semester on Jan. 29, 2018. For our last print issue of the Fall 2017 semester, we wanted to focus on an unspoken crisis going on throughout universities in the nation. Drug abuse and the decline of mental health are epidemics that have gone unnoticed, and at times, been ridiculed or mocked in the mainstream media, politics, and society. Please focus on pages 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, and 14 for our coverage of this. We hope that our coverage will help inform you and make you aware of one of the most prevalent trends in our generation’s culture. We have collaborated with the University’s Counseling Center to obtain the most current statistics and working knowledge about mental health and stress on campus, and we encourage those suffering to speak with them. Mental health is real, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at or stop by our office, Suite 906 in Park Row. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (@thepacepress), web (, and OrgSync as we continue to publish during the winter intersession.

Chase Ballas Editor-in-Chief

The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 906 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2016

For Immediate Help, Please Call: For More Information on Mental Health, Please Visit: Pace University Counseling Center 156 Williams Street Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 1-800-622-4357 National Hopeline Network 1-800-784-2433 National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663

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December 7, 2017



Artists tackle mental health during the holidays SAM UNGER Arts Intern Luminous snowflake decorations, festive music playing on the radio in your Uber, and overpriced festive drinks can only mean one thing: the holidays have arrived. A time for celebration and joyful gatherings, the city seems to have a more cheerful atmosphere and less New Yorkers pushing and shoving each other. However, for those who struggle with mental illness, the holidays often bring about complex emotions that are difficult to deal with. The holiday season and the copious amounts of stress compiled from last minute preparations are often a package deal, and while it is normal to feel overwhelmed by the inundation of duties to fulfill this time of year, persistent symptoms can point to mental illness. During the colder and darker months, many experience Seasonal Affective Disorder, a form of depression that exhibits a recurring pattern with seasonal change, most notably during the fall/winter months. While not all known causes of SAD are clear, the leading ones are comprised of trouble regulating serotonin (mood stabilizer), overproduction of melatonin (hormone that regulates sleep), and vitamin D deficiency. SAD can affect anyone, but a majority of those who are diagnosed are women, live far away from the equator, or have a family history of depression. The disorder is often confused with situational depression, a form of depression that can occur after traumatic events or major adjustments in one’s life. This in turn brings about misconceptions about SAD, which is a biological disorder rather than situational. The treatments that have been used over the years are similar to those used for treating clinical depression, including light therapy, cognitive behavior therapy (a form of therapy that emphasizes positive behavior and thoughts), regulated doses of vitamin D, and medication that can help to treat the many forms of depression. Mental health during the holidays has seen increased representation this past year, as more individuals are speaking up about the often hidden struggles experienced during what is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. Singer- Songwriter Kesha recently released a letter (in conjunction with other influential media personalities who have contributed their own experiences with holiday hardships) on the TIME Magazine website addressed to all those who find themselves struggling during the holiday season. She discusses her emotional experiences with her mental health during the holidays, including the moment she, with the support of her mother, sought help for her eating disorder. The difficulties that often arise with the breaking of routines are more prevalent this time of year, as time off from work or school can induce feelings of loneliness, as well as having to balance negative family relations during gatherings. To fight these distressing feelings, Kesha has developed a mantra; “It’s not selfish to take time for yourself.” She recommends walk in nature (a great way to get your vitamin D in, by the way), confiding in loved ones or a therapist, and focusing

more on activities you enjoy. It can be frustrating and confusing to experience these feelings during a time that is expected to breed joy, but Kesha reminds readers that there is no reason anyone should feel guilty for having a hard time this holiday season. Your mental health is just as important as any other concern. Spend time alone, engage in activities that bring you joy, and remind yourself that your struggle does not go unsupported, and that there are ways to seek professional help. Kesha is not the only celebrity to use her platform to start discussions about mental health this year. Back in September, the release of Lady Gaga’s Netflix documentary “Five Foot Two” gave viewers an inside look into her humble life despite her eclectic performances, and details her experiences with depression. She speaks of the loneliness that often accompanies fame, and her severe pain from fibromyalgia that is often intensified by depression. A beacon of strength in the music industry, both her and Kesha have used their platforms to speak about the effects that sexual abuse has on mental health, and have truthfully and fearlessly given important representation to mental illness in the industry. A month after Gaga’s film, Demi Lovato released her documentary on Youtube, “Simply Complicated,” where Lovato shares personal obstacles, including her road to sobriety and struggle with an eating disorder. Having been outspoken for many years about her experiences since beginning her career, Lovato’s documentary displays a powerfully honest woman who has dedicated her life to creating music that is emblematic of her struggles and recovery in hopes of inspiring those

who have encountered similar obstacles. Along with the acclaimed pop singers, Chance The Rapper has been bringing attention to the topic of black mental health. In a recent interview, he spoke about his symptoms of PTSD which he attributed to the death of his friends during his youth. He expressed his desire for more educating of black mental health in order to help those who have not had the same exposure to resources or services. Outside of the music industry, SNL comedian Pete Davidson recently spoke on the show about his diagnosis with Borderline Personality Disorder, and how depression has been something he has dealt with his entire life. He talked about treatments, such as medication and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even making audiences laugh by implying that perhaps more air time for his sketches could help with his depression. Influential people in the art world have helped create larger and more frequent conversations about mental health this year and have used their art and their influence as a platform to create more awareness and understanding of mental illness. In a time of unrest and increasing tensions, mental health is as important as ever. Sometimes engaging in what seems like basic routine is difficult, and sometimes we forget to drink water, to eat, to call those we love. This holiday season, the next, and all of the seasons in between, remind yourself that being overwhelmed is okay, that asking for help is okay, and that caring for yourself should always be an ultimate priority, even when you feel the impending need to please the rest of the world first.

Kesha performing before releasing her open letter about SAD.

Flickr/Jeff Denberg

Wikimedia/Jennifer Zambrano

Flickr/Philip Nelson



December 7, 2017

The soundtrack to my break

A list of albums you should be looping this winter break SAM UNGER Arts Intern


Songs of Experience x U2

Wikimedia/Daniel Hazard The globally renowned Irish rock band U2 will make their return with their 14th studio album. “Songs of Experience,” which comes as a complimentary piece to its 2014 predecessor “Songs of Innocence,” which garnered national attention when iTunes users discovered it had been added to their song library overnight. Though it was a gesture of good intention, it was not as well received as the band had hoped; many listeners believed it had been forced upon them, ultimately posing a risk to the success of the album. “Songs of Experience,” however, will not end up in your song libraries, so there is no need to delete those songs from middle school in order to avoid the mildly intimidating “Storage Almost Full” message. Despite the recurring “love conquers all” theme in the album’s track titles, U2 has inserted their own commentary on the international political climate, including the song “Red Flag Day,” referencing the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, as well as other statements. Their method of slashing negativity with optimism remains, however underlined with a hint of defiance and criticism, emblematic of the struggles faced this past year and U2’s desire for unity in times of adversity.


The Beautiful & Damned x G-Eazy

Flickr/Tiffany Ronquillo

On his third rap album, Cali native G-Eazy is further cementing his name in the rap hall of fame, joining a new era of hip hop stars. At twenty eight years old, the “Me, Myself & I” singer is giving fans a darker side of his music. The new 20-track record focus on G-Eazy’s struggles in the limelight; he describes the album as a “fantasy of, like, sex, drugs, & rock ‘n’ roll... It’s dark.” Currently half of a power-couple, G-Eazy invites his girlfriend, singer Halsey, to be a part of his work, featured in “Him & I,” a brooding, dangerous duet reminiscent of two supervillains. “The Beautiful & Damned” will also feature verses from ASAP Rocky, Cardi B, Kehlani, and Charlie Puth. Release Date: Nov. 8

Voicenotes x Charlie Puth

Release Date: Dec. 1

Mania x Fall Out Boy

Wikimedia/Jeff Terrell

Flickr/Megan West After the immense commercial success of their 2015 album titled “American Beauty/ American Psycho,” Fall Out Boy will make their return at the beginning of the new year with considerable anticipation from their fan base. The American rock band’s 7th album “Mania” has drawn some inspiration from other genres, including that of EDM. Regardless, the sound many have come to associate with Fall Out Boy continues to reside within their powerful vocals and the memorable beats that accompany them. Having already embarked on their Mania Tour, the band should expect the same level of success as previous years as they continue challenging the limits of their sound and success. Release Date: Jan. 19, 2018

Still speeding up the charts since his Fast and Furious soundtrack debut, “See You Again,” with Wiz Khalifa, the twenty-five year old singer-songwriter is exploring a less romantic theme in his new album, “Voicenotes,” The first single, “Attention,” which Puth released in May to a #5 spot on the charts, is an call-out track directed at a girl who wants to keep Charlie to herself because she can’t bear to see him with someone else. The second track he teased fans with was, “How Long,” a dancy apology to a girl he cheated on. “Voicenotes” was primarily recorded on Puth’s personal phone during his first tour, which gave the album its name. Release Date: Jan. 19, 2018

No-One Ever Really Dies x N.E.R.D

Their recent Rihanna collaboration, “L.E.M.O.N” may have put them back on the charts recently, but Pharrell-fronted trio N.E.R.D has been on and off again since 2001. The funky hip-hop blend features experimental songwriting techniques (those who have heard “L.E.M.O.N” know that a solid part of the single is strictly Pharrell repeating the words “bath salts) and has hinted that some of the biggest names in hip hop- Kendrick Lamar, Andre 3000, MIA, Future, Gucci Mane- will make appearances on the album. With Pharrell’s expertise and impressive collection of ten Grammy’s, another golden gramophone may not be much of a stretch. Release Date: Dec. 15

December 7, 2017



Empowering women take back Hollywood SAM UNGER Arts Intern With the current turmoil prevalent in the film successfully denounced the inexcusable actions of industry, it is imperative that we look to the future Hollywood predators, emphasizing the intolerance and gain inspiration from the work that women in towards their abuse of power. the industry have contributed to dismantling the Taking a stance on this issue in Hollywood is decades of institutionalized sexist culture that exists not the only thing being done. It is often forgotten within it, while continuing to empower the upcoming that these actions against women are not only leaving generation of women in film in the fight for social them feeling silenced and ashamed, but it is also effect justice. Impactful women in film have been leading a their mental health and state. The Women in Film movement that has strived for greater representation organization launched a Hollywood helpline on Dec. 1, and equal opportunities which is extremely important according to the company’s Executive Director Kirsten for women in film and here’s why. Schaffer. The company created the helpline soon after In light of the increasing sexual allegations in the increasing sexual assault allegations within the Hollywood and beyond, actress and model Rose industry. The helpline aims to be a collective place and McGowan has served as a beacon of light in inspiring resource for survivors to find information on recovery the speaking out against those who have abused their services, ranging from counselors to attorneys. Women high esteem to exploit individuals fueled by the belief in Film hopes this service will inspire those who have their actions will not garner consequences. Her memoir been assaulted to speak out, and find comfort in the “Brave,” to be released in January 2018, recounts knowledge that they have access to resources and the how she was thrusted into the Hollywood spotlight support of an entire web of individuals who have gone from a young age, starring in hits like “Scream” and through similar experiences in the industry. For those “Charmed.” whose have been told their careers will be at risk for Apart from writing the memoir, McGowan has speaking out against their abusers, this is a revolutionary been using her social media platforms to spread her act that proves support is existent in an industry as message of unity in forms of art, using #ROSEARMY to intimidating as that of Hollywood entertainment. bring attention to the often silenced voices of survivors Misogyny does not only exist in the entertainment of sexual harassment and abuse, and empower them in industry, as we have seen, but is also found rooted in their fight for justice. Her platform grew significantly successful companies all over the world. After leaving after the allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein Uber as a site reliability engineer last December, Susan came to light. Although McGowan was not one of the Fowler’s blog post detailing her experience working at women whose stories were published in the initial New the company and her decision to leave gained global York Times articles, the knowledge of a settlement recognition. Her post discussed the sexually explicit reached between her and Weinstein was detailed in the messages she received from her boss, as well as the papers, to which she praised the women and writers for unprecedentedly low number of female employees at releasing such powerful and important content. With Rose McGowan of #ROSEMARY Uber. It also revealed a deeply embedded history of the revelations, McGowan took to social media to share Wikimedia/penguino k sexism within the company since its creation in 2009. her story and her art. Since then, she has been a leading Fowler’s post eventually led to the resignation of Uber’s voice for those who have been silenced, and continues CEO, Travis Kalanick, who was accused of allowing to inspire others to continue in the face of adversity and the toxic culture founded on sexism to continue. speak out against injustices. Susan Fowler has since teamed up with Good Alike McGowan, Italian director Elena Rossini Universe production company and “Hidden Figures” has taken her stand in the film industry to change its screenwriter, Allison Schroeder, to create a film path. Rossini has teamed up with Giphy, the animated titled “Disruptors,” surrounding the allegations and GIF search engine, to flood social media with GIFs of workplace culture existent within the company. female directors and filmmakers. The project, titled This comes at an opportune time, with the current “This is What a Director Looks Like,” is meant to Hollywood climate, and will be another step in the right increase female representation in the film industry. direction of breaking sexist ideologies and pushing for Rossini explains the default image of a director as equal opportunities for the sexes in society. usually being a man with “a bit of a beard, dressed In light of Hollywood’s dark time, comes the 2018 casually, standing behind a camera,” implying the often Oscars. As the 90th Academy Awards nears, the total forgotten role of women as filmmakers. Her project number of women nominated for Best Director remains has been running since September, and has included at a remarkably resounding low- four. Four women. GIFs of directors Sofia Coppola and Patty Jenkins. In the soon to be 90 running years of the Oscars, four Rossini’s work to inspire young female filmmakers women have been nominated for Best Director, and only and break stereotypes in a largely male-led industry one of those women, Kathryn Bigelow for “The Hurt has successfully given exposure to new wave of much Locker,” has won; however, with the recent increased needed representation of not only women behind the attention towards Hollywood’s rooted misogyny, this camera, but any woman who has felt overshadowed in ceremony is set to be different from its predecessors. her contribution to the creation of cinematic works of With contenders like Jenkins and actress and director art. Greta Gerwig, larger female representation at the 2018 From directors to other female powerhouses in the Oscars is eagerly anticipated. film industry, women are taking back the industry they Jenkins’ success with “Wonder Woman” did not love - including many outspoken actresses. Actress Gal go unnoticed, as it quickly became one of the highest Gadot, star of the internationally acclaimed Wonder grossing movies of the year, leaving her a strong Woman movie, has refused to star in the franchise’s and merited chance at a nomination. Gerwig in her sequel unless Brett Ratner is fired from the production directorial debut “Lady Bird” is also expected as a team. Ratner, who has been accused of sexual assault frontrunner for Best Director. Her coming of age film on several different counts, is part of a co-financing starring actress Saoirse Ronan has received critical deal with Warner Brothers Studios, and helped to acclaim, and has captured the hearts of audiences produce “Wonder Woman.” everywhere, leaving an expectation that it will contend Gadot’s statement was met with praise, as the idea for many different categories in the awards. of a character emblematic of women’s empowerment Director and writer Greta Gerwig of “Lady Bird” Here’s to hoping these, and other, powerfully allowing someone who abused his power to belittle and creative women in contention get the well-deserved Flickr/nickon recognition for all they have brought to the cinematic assault women to benefit from the global success of the franchise seemed out of question. Ties have since world, and continue to disassemble the damaging movie in the first place sparked controversy. Regardless been severed between Ratner and the Warner Brothers ideologies of sexism while empowering females (in any of the production company’s intentions, Gadot felt she production company; however, the comment that Ratner industry) through their films. had a role to use her platform to empower women and was never set to work on the second “Wonder Woman”



BROOKE SUFRIN Arts Intern WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD: The hit Netflix Original starring Winona Ryder and about twelve other glorious cast members, made its supernatural return in October for another fun, thrilling, nostalgic, and energetic season. The Duffer Brothers, creators of the smashing success, have proved with “Stranger Things 2” that sequels can be just as addictive, passionate, and as excellent as the original. With seasons three and four already brewing, things have gotten, may I say, stranger? If you are unaware or are unfortunate enough to not have a Netflix account, Stranger Things was the cinematic hit that rocked Netflix and all TV binge watchers last year and continues to be a hot topic of conversation especially with the release of season two. The cast consists primarily of young teenagers, with the exception of the wonderful Winona Ryder (Joyce Byers) and David Harbour (Jim Hopper). The show is primarily centered around four perfectly awkward boys and how their lives literally get turned “upside down”, beginning with the disappearance of one of their own, Will Byers, played by the adorable Noah Schnapp. This story however is more than just a typical, interesting, missing person thriller, it’s supernatural yet ordinarily realistic in the best way possible. The three other young men meet Eleven, played by the beautiful and ridiculously talented Millie Bobby Brown. In season one we learn just the beginning of her captivating story and how she ultimately is the key to defeating the Demogorgon and closing the Upside Down Gate, or so we thought. Season two is surrounded by a few central stories and themes that the audience completely falls head over heels for. From the start, we see in season two a fatherly side of our favorite tough-love cop. Hopper rescues Eleven, reeling her in with her favorite breakfast classic, Eggos, and takes her in, delivering the audience a beautiful and much needed, for both characters, genuine father-daughter experience. The relationship between the characters is nourishing, careful, honest, and simply heartwarming for the audience and the actors. However, this pair has an unusual relationship creating some atypical fights as well. Eleven’s dangerous telepathic powers don’t help Hopper too much either when it comes to disciplining. As a Stranger Things Fan, rights for Eleven advocate, and human being, the relationship between these two was stunningly satisfying and extremely well written and acted. The Duffer Brothers new exactly what they were doing and how it would play out for the audience when they discovered the connection of these two broken

December 7, 2017

yet immensely strong characters. It’s broad vs. brains (literally) and we are loving it! Dustin and Steve; name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait. The Duffer Brothers unearthed a gold mind when stumbling upon the genius yet obviously natural relationship between these two quirky characters. From brotherly advice about girls and hair, to some awesome “demodog” fighting, Steve and Dustin, together, leave us with a warm smile that generates a sense of family and familiarity. Of course we love the Snowball dance at the end too where we get to witness some adorable, fun, and awkward intimacy between our favorite young characters and that all too relatable rejection that Dustin receives. Although, Nancy comes to the rescue at the end. Besides the greatly written and acted character dynamics, which were sequentially phenomenal this season, especially since the audience has built an understanding and appreciation for the characters when we met them in season one, the actual filming and conceptual ideas in the season were beautifully conveyed. The story dives deeper and focuses on the after affects of the Upside Down on Will and the heart break Mike feels after Eleven’s disappearance. Season two plays on similar concepts from season one but does so in a more mature fashion, yet it still gives the audience a playful and youthful feel. Questions are answered in season two; Nancy and Jonathan, justice for Barb, and the iconic scene with Eleven’s mother (sunflower, rainbow…). However, like any quality show, the audience feels satisfied at the end, then is left with a million more questions and an itch for the next season. Don’t worry, we are already signed on for two more seasons! Season two also played homage to many classic eighties movies and politics in a thoughtful manner and truly blessed viewers with a fantastic sense of nostalgia. Despite this, I am curious where the next couple of seasons will go. Season two is laid out almost identically to season one. The boys start out playing some type of game that metaphorically reveals what conflicts or antagonists the characters will face over the course of the season. This technique makes for an interesting re-watch and it serves as a great guide of foreshadowing. However, I don’t want the Duffer Brothers to grow too comfortable in their format and lose the creative spin Stranger Things as a whole so clearly possesses. With an increasing budget that was obvious with season two compared to season one, special effects wise, I don’t think we have to worry too much. I trust the people that gave us Stranger Things and I hope it continues to be one of the only shows the generates themes of family, nostalgia, friendship, and hope. As our boys say, “friends don’t lie”, and I look forward to seeing how strange things will become, and how the story will continue to prosper in the next couple of seasons.

T. Swift challenges her “reputation”

DYLAN SHARE Graphic Design Intern


Three years after her last album “1989,” Taylor Swift has just released her newest album “Reputation” which has taken the music world by storm. In a matter of days it has not only music records, but personal records her herself. This is the first album to contain songs where Taylor curses, mentions drinking, and alludes to sex. The old taylor is certainly dead; the new Taylor knows how to enjoy herself. Her marketing strategy for “Reputation” was nothing but pure genius. She would slowly release a single every two-four months to hype up the release of her album. When she released the first song “Look What You Made Me Do,” the world was in frenzy. The song even broke records on YouTube and Spotify, drawing the biggest weekly streaming and sales numbers for a single this year. Her iconic lyric in the song, “I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why, oh, cause she’s dead,” left everyone with questions and only furthered the anticipation for “Reputation.” Not only was “Reputation” popular, the album sold over one million copies in four days. For additional icing on the cake, you may remember that Swift famously had feuds with both Katy Perry and Kanye West. Well, “Reputation” sold more in the first two hours than Perry’s “Witness” album and West’s “Life of Pablo” album sold in their first weeks combined. Though her rival artists might have “killed” the old Taylor, the new Taylor buried them in album sales. This new album marks the transition of Taylor’s young adolescents into one of her newfound adulthood. In her album, she brings out a her confidence and backbone which wasn’t as prevalent in her older music. Song titles like, “I Did Something Bad,” “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” and “Look What You Made Me Do” only further her new image as a bold Resilience. Though not every song in her album discussed her ruined reputation, her gentler and more intimate songs still contain more adult themes we’ve lacked from her in the past. University freshman and music theater major Karissa Carleton had the following to

say about the album, “I really think that her new album provides a very strong message and how she leavings behind her “goody goody” image is a really empowering thing. I support her decision to declare the current issues she has been having with other celebrities and the media through a creative art form.” University freshman and self proclaimed swiftie Colleen McGovern loved the album. “For those who don’t like Taylor Swift, the album will grow on you; trust me. Her new music is so catchy and make you want to dance,” McGovern said. Taylor, who has always flourished off of antagonism, has certainly not disappointed fans with this new album. Though many people believe her music isn’t their cup of tea, I recommend they listen to a few songs from “Reputation.” They might be surprised.


December 7, 2017 11

Politics take a new platform in the art world CAROLINE CARDOSO Arts Editor



Art, in all its forms, has always been as it does seem to be true that many other artists and increases to be a major attribute in and news outlets will follow FKA twigs’ trend modern politics. Controversies are born, and take to social media as well. What will they represented, and protested through art. post? We will just have to swipe and see. Politics in art is practically inescapable as University students have also used art they do seem to have an innate relationship. as a platform to send a political message. The This trend was especially seen after the 2016 University’s philosophy club created a zine presidential election. The entire concept of titled THINK (-) BEING as an art, thought, art is derived from passion and it is this and activism journal. The new student-based passion that is seen in political perspectives publication aims to promote open, critical as well, creating a rising uproar of creative thinking tackling issues in culture and politics genius morphed and displayed in a political in the form of photos, words, and generally, fashion. Discovering the hidden yet obvious art. Without any spoilers, the zine offers the politics behind this passion and witnessing campus with strong minded University activist its continuation, will transform the art expressing their thoughts. The publication is world into a whole new realm of silent yet free and can be found at the front desk of the incredibly loud activism . library, as well as the 7th and 9th floors of 41 Willow Smith, born into the spotlight, Park Row. at only seventeen has been extremely Another young artist utilizing her vocal and prideful about her politics in art and platform in a political fashion is her personal music. The girl known for Rowan Blanchard. The sixteen-year-old is whipping her hair back and forth has found predominantly known for her starring role a new entity guiding and fueling her music; in Disney’s hit series, “Girl Meets World.” politics, and her words have been heard. In addition to her success from the show, On Oct. 31, Smith released her album she has acted in several major films and most titled, “The 1st,” including tracks like, importantly continues to be a political activist “Romance,” that speak to body image, and young role model for women and girls sexual assault, and sexism. From songs everywhere and of all ages. about hair to something of such importance, Blanchard spent time modeling for the although equally great songs, it seems that popular brand, Chanel, this year and has spoken recent events, like the election, truly have about her fashion choices and clothing in general sparked a fire of political vengeance and as a political inspiration for girls and embodying vocalization within art for many artists, the idea of comfort. She speaks out about being including young musicians. yourself and feeling comfortable with who you Smith has always been vocal about are and what you wear. “They’re interested in her political views and it seems fitting that how you’ll feel in the clothes rather than how she decided to incorporate them in her you’ll look in the clothes,” said Blanchard when music. In her interview with i-D in 2015, discussing Chanel backstage with i-D Magazine Smith spoke of a society where “…we we by VICE. wouldn’t be fighting nearly as much, we Rowan Blanchard spoke at the U.N. wouldn’t be using unnecessary sources Women and U.S. National Committee’s annual of power.” For such a young artist to try conference this year and continues to be a to make a difference, in her own way political activist through her social media. She through her own music, this alludes to the has recently announced on Instagram that she ‘THINK (-) Big’ by the Philosophy Club Christian Halstead multitudes of artists and people in general will be taking on yet another project which is taking strides by demonstrating political her book, “Still Here,” featuring art from many activism through creative art. Smith has different artists, including herself, that represent ethnic, confidence. Highlighted in the post, underneath followed in the footsteps of other artists like Solange who a braided haired model, reads, “NATURE’S MAGIC, social justice and the work of young people. A model and has also been extremely political in her music. NATURE’S BEAUTY. THE NATURAL CHOICE AND promoter for the brand, Converse, as well, Blanchard Social media has become a major platform for THEN SHE ROARED.” continues to showcase comfort and acceptance in her people to protest or attest to what they believe in. This is Representing individualism and creativity in a fashion choices and as a whole seems to be a positive evident for celebrities, politicians, and everyday people personal and relatable way, such as on an Instagram page, celebrity for young people to aspire to, as she leads a who command that their voices be heard. Popular singer, is working for the artist as people are seeming to truly politically positive life through her fashion and ideals. FKA twigs, furthered this use of social media as an outlet grasp the concept of her art and appreciate the meaning Alongside many politically motivating young artists by creating the very first “digizine” (digital magazine). behind her work on such a public level. comes artists who are often hidden from their own art. FKA twigs created a ten post publication making use of “This (the digizine) sends a message to embrace the Political activism is seen every day, whether it’s obvious Instagram’s sliding feature. It generated praise from fans beauty of originality and ethnicity. It represents pride,” or transparent. Politics guide our way of life, so naturally and media leading to a potential outbreak for social media University freshman, Carlos Sanchez says, “However, people should and do care and that is apparent through networks to become the new and efficient way to not the publication feels limited as it only speaks to a certain works of art. From a less public scale, like Smith and only receive important and meaningful information but to group of people. Although I love the message of black Blanchard, street art is a common yet typically unnoticed share it as well. “Roots. Shock. Beauty.” hair beauty, I would like to see the publication grow and form of political activism that represents truth and AVANTgarden is officially the first of what is extend to women of all races and ethnicities.” embodies passion. assumed to be many new publications and social media Political cartoons, graffiti, posters, ads, billboards, The digizine is supposed to embody “magic” and users are eager to “like” more of this creative culture. “memoir.” While aesthetically pleasing, the visual braid murals, and more, each distinguish different features of In October, FKA twigs released her publication, designs convey acceptance, an embrace of black culture, modern politics, specifically the presidency and the 2016 AVANTgarden, via her personal Instagram with help from as well as heritage, while simultaneously promoting election. From an actual house dedicated and designed editor, Suzannah Pettigrew and stylist, Matthew Josephs. femininity. This display through social media, while being to be pro-Trump, to depictions of President Trump as The ten posts all form into one another and when reading, culturally relevant, adequately speaks to this generation a clown, this form of art is vital in political expression. or rather swiping, the reader can use two fingers to hold of technologically advanced movements. FKA twigs However, it is more than just a therapy for the artists, it the screen as the pictures do not appear individually but as and her publication seem to be a genesis for more online is a method of doing. Art is active. To ignore these signs a mural of sorts in a very impressively, creative fashion. publications, via social media, to arise on user’s timelines. from all around seems to be ignorant as arts and politics The publication, which FKA twigs hopes to renew The post is one of positivity, however, not all publications are everywhere. monthly, features black models sporting many different may capture the same cultural awareness. Hopefully, kinds of eccentric and “natural” braids. The goal behind social media will continue to generate these same values her work is to convey and build female, specifically black



December 7, 2017

IUDs may prevent endometrial cancer RUMIYA MALIK Features Intern

Good news for intrauterine device users and people contemplating getting one, studies have begun to show that women who use IUDs are possibly at a reduced risk for endometrial and cervical cancer. An IUD is a tiny device that’s inserted in a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. It’s long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods out there. Both copper IUDs and hormonal IUDs prevent pregnancy by changing the way sperm cells move so they can’t get to an egg. Now, as one of the most effective forms of birth controls, it has the possible upside of preventing cancer. People who use an IUD for birth control seem to have a lower risk of getting endometrial cancer. Information about this protective effect is limited to IUDs that do not contain hormones. Researchers have not yet studied whether newer types of IUDs that release progesterone have any effect on the risk of getting endometrial cancer. However, these IUDs are sometimes used to treat pre-cancers and early endometrial cancers in women who wish to preserve childbearing ability. Researchers think IUDs might promote an immune response that kills off human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes virtually all cases of cervical cancer. “The data say the presence of the IUD in the uterus stimulates an immune response, and that immune response very, very substantially destroys sperm and keeps sperm from reaching the egg,” explained researcher Victoria Cortessis to “It stands to reason the IUD might influence other immune phenomenon.” Also, women who use IUDs for birth control, even for a short time, have a lower risk of cervical cancer than those with no history of IUD use, new research suggests. Compared to women who had never used an IUD, the international study found that those who had used the implanted contraceptive had almost half the risk for developing cervical cancer, which is caused by infection with the sexually transmitted HPV. IUD use is known to reduce the risk of contracting endometrial cancer, but the impact of the birth control method on cervical cancer and HPV infection has not been clear, says study researcher Xavier Castellsague, PhD, of Catalonia, Spain’s Institut Castala d’Oncologia. The University seems to be a huge advocate of college students using IUDs as a primary source of birth control. Often when students go into the health center for something completely unrelated, students will still be given information on IUDs or have


IUDs promoted to them. IUDs provide great, long-term protection against pregnancy — they’re more than 99 percent effective. They work as well as sterilization and the birth control implant. IUDs are one of the most effective methods a person can get because there’s almost no way you can mess it up. It doesn’t need to be remembered (like the pill or ring), and it can’t be used incorrectly (like condoms). IUDs are “set-it-and-forget-it” birth control. All of these studies are fairly new but they definitely add to the value of IUDs. IUDs are something college kids should consider for birth control and is advertised a lot toward students, mainly because IUDs can be inserted forgotten about without harm. It has little to side effects and is the most effective form of birth control. They can even be put in up to five days after to help stop pregnancy from occurring. When considering what to use for birth control, this is an obvious “pro” for an IUD,

Putting the “me” in “mental health” Where to go for alone time in NYC


gorgeous fountain catches the light of the afternoon sun at the center of a safe and clean little spot of nature. It’s a great place to read a book, get some fresh air, or take a simple walk, especially if you need to get out of claustrophobic dorm rooms. Museums. It can be hard to go to museums with other people. It is difficult to figure out everyone’s interests and plan the best way to go about satisfying all of them. Museums in New York City are diverse in what they explore, from the Museum of Sex to the Museum of Ice Cream, you’ll find something that suits your fancy. I suggest the MoMa, which has free admission on Fridays! Seaport. Close to home, the docks offer a peaceful

College is said to be “the best four years of your life.” Whether this saying speaks to you or makes you laugh in response, the four years you spend here will allow you to expand your knowledge, opportunities, and state of mind. It’s important to find the balance between responsibilities and college freedom, especially when college is a major overload of responsibility, freedom, and choices, all in one major whiplash. How can students deal with these shocks? Well, a great option that most busy bees forget is spending time alone. Psychology Today hashes out exactly why spending time alone is beneficial to your health. Rebooting your brain and unwinding enables you to revitalize your mind and body at the same time. Spending time alone also allows you to improve concentration, increase productivity, and think deeply about the events going on in your life. Why are these things important? They give you an opportunity to discover yourself outside of the distractions of other people; in doing so, you can have a better understanding of yourself and the people around you, enhancing the relationships you already have. University students express how easily it is to be involved in the city, there is almost always something to do, many of which are great opportunities to share with friends. To stick to the spirit of spending some crucial “alone time,” here are a few hot spots to relax and get to know yourself for a change. Parks. For a concrete jungle, New York has some amazing parks. Closest Nearby to the University campus, City Hall Park to the University is City Hall Park—a

experience to anyone looking to spend some time alone. Dyson College freshman Olivia Hanewald states, “Seaport is a great place to feel calm, especially with dealing with college, which is obviously stressful. The water, and the great view of the Brooklyn Bridge is a way I deal with all of it.” Take her word for it, especially all of the freshman who may be new to stressful experiences college may surprise you with. Coffee Shops. For all of the University’s inspired artists, writers, and dedicated students, coffee shops are the perfect place to spend a day and hash out some work. Nothing is more therapeutic then spending an afternoon with the wafting smell of coffee and in the bars of free WiFi. I challenge you to go on an uptown train, pick a random train stop and find a coffee shop to spend the morning in. Not only will it tap into your sense of adventure, but it may help you find your next go-to spot, because even Starbucks is over-rated. Shopping. You hear about the crazy Target runs with your group of friends, but spending a paycheck shopping by yourself is even better. You won’t have to worry about waiting in stores you don’t want to go to, and can be practical with what you really want to buy. Shopping by yourself is more productive than staying inside watching Netflix. Go out and do something! Don’t forget to take some time for yourself. Without alone time, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with responsibility and adulthood. You never make good decisions with a clouded mind, so be sure to use one or more of these locations to clear the air before finals, which are Wikimedia coming faster than ever.


December 7, 2017 13

Wanted: space in my apartment

A guide to separating your lack of space from your mental health TANNER JOHNSON Contributor There is something to be said when the amount of money in a college student’s bank account exceeds the square footage they are living in. For students living on campus or in studio apartments, small spaces are in no way scarce. While making the transition to New York, regardless of where you are coming from, finding a place to call home that meets both financial and special requirements may result in nesting in a closet rather than an actual bedroom. The Atlantic published an article describing this situation that New Yorkers often find themselves in, and within that article, University of Texas psychology professor Samuel Gosling said, “An apartment has to fill other psychological needs as well [along with functionality], such as self-expression and relaxation that might not be as easily met in a highly cramped space.” While living on the budget of a student is not going to provide the spacious options that a non-metropolitan area might, there are ways to make any small dorm or apartment feel a little more like the home you left in favor of the Big Apple. “When I know that I am going to have a hard week, I let my roommate know beforehand that I may need some space and vice versa. Also, candles and plants really make my apartment, though small, feel like home,” University junior Liz Carroll said. When sharing a small space with a roommate, these open lines of communication can be a great benefit when the week is long, your patience is low, and you can get from your bed to your refrigerator in less than five steps. “If my apartment starts to feel a little too tight, I try to go for a walk or camp out at a Starbucks for a little while. Taking a step away usually works for me when I’m feeling cramped or anxious for space,” said University junior Jake Cameron. When natural light is available in your living space, open the blinds and let it in. If it comes as more of a luxury that the sun makes its way into sight, take a walk or

A clean, neat room in the 33 Beekman residence hall. transition every few hours during a study session. A little fresh air has yet to hurt anyone. In order to maximize space, lofting your bed and moving dressers and drawers underneath, similar to how the University styles their dorm rooms, will create an open floor plan that will give residents the option to lay out on the floor, if, for any reason, that was the comfort they were seeking. According to psychologist Lynn Saladino, “decluttering” and “softer colors” are vital components for

Carrie King livening up a small living space. Making a conscious effort to pick-up after yourself will keep your space from feeling as if it is closing in on you. Also, keeping a theme of brighter and softer colors consistent throughout your room, as Saladino said, will deliver positive effects to your mental health. Although the saying is “home is where the heart is,” if vital organs are the only objects that will fit in your living space, adjustments may be necessary to maintain happy and healthy mental health.

Pace Press survival guide: spending break at home RUMIYA MALIK Features Intern It is hard to believe that the first semester of the year is coming to an end and it is time to prepare for finals, research papers and wrapping up classes. While this is a very stressful time for everyone, one thing they are all looking forward to is their winter break, when students can have one whole month without their rigorous schedules filled to the brim with classes, work, responsibilities and extra-curricular activities. During this holiday season, there is just so much to be feeling: from excitement for vacation, to stress of finals, to joy for the holidays. While winter break is going to give students the rest that everyone desperately needs, being home for a month is a long time. Here is a small guide that will hopefully help you get through it in a way that leaves you happy at home. Not to say that going home is something that is terrible, but for an entire month, it can be a long time away from your normal routine, friends, and the best city on the planet. First things first, you need to remember that having a vacation for a month is a luxury very few people have and that students most likely won’t have this after they graduate, so take the time to enjoy and relax. For the past four months, students have been stressed to the point their hair has been falling out, and all of their food consists of something sugary. Thankfully, you are home now and there is no need to be stressing about anything and you can actually have real home-cooked food. As you probably don’t get to see your family much during the semester, try to spend some time with them, but not too much. Parents—you love them, but too much time with them can definitely cause unnecessary stress, so remember this: take time for yourself. Go for a walk, ask for some privacy in your room, or go visit some high school friends. Just because you’re home, does not mean you need to actually be at home 24/7. Take this break to do things you didn’t have time for while at the University. It is going to be great to have a warm bed to crawl into at night after seeing all your old high school friends, but you are definitely going to miss all of your friends here. Even after Thanksgiving break, I’m sure you all were very happy to be reunited with our friends. Luckily, this is a great era when technology is a useful thing. Keep up with what your friends are doing on social media so it never feels like they are so far away from

you. Text or call them when you miss them so then you can at least not miss them for a little bit. Finally, FaceTime is one of the most curative ways to not miss your friends because it is just like they are with you. Going home for college students over winter break is definitely not a walk in the park, but know you are coming home to people who really missed you. You have been away for a while! Whether you go to school across the country or one state over, your parents miss you. They have spent years having you around the house all the time, and now you’re off doing your own thing. Know that they really miss you, and they don’t quite know how to handle it. If your parents are bugging you, don’t be rude or blow them off. Just remember that they miss you and want to hang out with you. Another quick tip, be prepared for a lot of questions. Parents are probably going to have a lot of questions, like “What are you going to do with your life?” and “Why don’t you come home and go to school in-state?” This is normal. Just be prepared for a lot of questions and know that it’s okay to not have answers. Another thing about winter break is you have a lot of time to do things, so if you were strapped for cash during the semester, look for a seasonal retail job or do some babysitting. As we all know, every dollar helps. After being pulled in so many directions at school, it can be hard to adjust to having so much free time. This can bring boredom, frustration, or a worsening of symptoms for those with mental health disorders. While it is important to take time to relax, making a plan or list of things you would like to do over break is a good way to fill up your schedule. You could make plans to see friends you have been away from or take time to visit relatives. If you enjoy reading, you may have only had time to read books for your classes. Break can be a great time to read any books that interest you. Volunteering for causes important to you is an option that allows you to feel good and add experience you may be able to call on later. Whether you prefer to be at the gym, painting, or watching movies, winter break is an opportunity to fill your time with things that make you feel accomplished. Just remember, you worked really hard this past semester and you deserve this break. While going home has some challenges of its own, it will be good to have some time just for you. Also, The Pace Press will be posting articles on the website for you guys, so if you are bored, you can check them out during the vacation! The end of the semester is upon us. Remember to breathe.



December 7, 2017

Is Café 101 giving students money anxiety?

Megann Martinez KELSEY NICHOLSON Features Editor It’s the beginning of December, which means students are only a few weeks away from the end of the semester. While getting your grades up last minute and impending finals are sure to be large stressors for students, a less obvious anxiety-inducer is creeping up behind them: the prices at Café 101. Students have been running out of meal plan money as early as mid-October, and they still have to last an entire semester. They wind up whipping out their credit cards after being greeted by a zero-dollar balance. It’s the food prices and quality in general that are creating an overwhelming sense of anxiety for students, especially for those without much money in their bank accounts, and rely on the school for most (if not all) of their food. Students buying three meals a day at the cafeteria are in for a nasty shock—their meal plan is based on buying only two meals a day, not all three. Joseph Vaina, Executive Chef at the University’s chapter of Chartwells shared, “At freshman orientation, we talk to the parents, telling them that the meal plan is based on two meals a day, not three, and not including snacks or Starbucks. Although it covers those things. You buy everything a la carte. But it’s only based on two meals a day.” “It’s basically impossible to get three meals a day, even if I don’t buy any beverages,” University sophomore Colin Borden shared with The Pace Press. When told that the meal plan only accounted for two meals, Borden was shocked. “As someone who eats most of their meals at the caf, I think it’s ridiculous to assume that students only need two meals a day. And at that, it’s still impossible to get enough food with the amount of money we have.” A survey conducted by The Pace Press showed that 43.5% of students polled are on the University’s “Blue” meal plan, which allows for $970 a semester, but only $8 a day. On a two meal-a-day basis, that means students get $4 per meal. However, salads with protein are $8, sandwiches are $8, and pasta with protein is $8, twice what students are able to pay per meal. “I ran out of meal plan money a few weeks ago and had to refill it. I put $400 back on just a couple weeks ago and in these few weeks am already back at $300 after only eating at the dining hall a few times a week. My typical meal at the café is a soup, a croissant, and a soda, and this very basic meal is $10,” shared Sarah Baker, a sophomore film and screen studies major at the University. Many students shared Baker’s sentiments: 78.3% of students polled said they do not feel they can get a balanced meal with the current prices. When asked to comment on the price of the school’s food, Vaina said, “We try to give as much of a discount as possible, competing within the market. Obviously the majority of your money is in the café on campus. And you have your Flex dollars

are outside of campus. But if Rosella’s Pizza decides they’re going to do a dollar slice pizza, we have to stay competitive with that. We do our market research.” He mentioned Dante’s and Bareburger as restaurants with prices to compete with: Bareburger offers $13 hamburgers, and Dante’s has some pricey sandwiches as well. Compared to these restaurants, the caf seems pretty reasonable. “You can go to Whole Foods, but you’re not getting the same options for $8,” Vaina mentioned. He also stressed the importance of the meal deals that Café 101 offers, which allows students to get full meals with water, fruit, and a main dish for $3, $5, or $8. Though an $8 deal may still be a bit expensive for students on the Blue plan, it is reasonable for students with more meal plan money. Vaina also explained that later in the semester, Café 101 rolls out some discounts. He mentioned that to familiar people, he may give away some meals. “We try to give the customer back as much as we can, within our means.” Near the end of the semester, Vaina and Café 101 introduce a rollback on food prices. The rollback concept, similar to Walmart’s concept, will knock $0.10 or $0.05 off of the ounce, or 20% off for students to get a little more bang for their buck, and to “show that [they] appreciate everyone who comes through those doors.” “At the end of the day, this is your home for four years. We want you to stay on campus, we want you to feel like you can go to the caf.” It stands to reason that this rollback will ease some of the anxiety that is spinning through the student body currently. However, for students with very little money left, it may not be enough. Sophomore Mikayla Drab commented that as of Nov. 30, she had only $40 left on her account. “This is supposed to last me until the end of the semester. When food is almost $10 a meal, this will last me three days, if that. I’m going to have to be careful with how I eat for the next few days.” One possible remedy to this stressful money issue is the implementation of a swipe system. This model, which many universities nationwide employ, allows students to merely swipe in to the cafeteria and get as much food as they want. Students would have a certain number of swipes per semester, but it would allow them to get as much food as they need for a healthy meal. In our survey, 76.2% of students polled said they would prefer a swipe system. When asked about the possibility of a swipe system, Vaina was adamant against it. “At some colleges, you pay one fee and you eat anything you want. That’s not fair either, because what if you don’t eat something? Why should you pay for things you don’t eat?” There may not be one simple solution to the meal plan crisis. However, in order to ease the stress and make your meal plan last as long as possible, be on the lookout for meal deals, reuse water bottles by filling them up at the school’s Brita stations, and take advantage of all University events offering free food.

December 7, 2017


It’s beginning to look a lot like Halloween

The University decides when it’s the right time to start being festive


It’s the most wonderful time of the year… again! Turkey day has just passed, as seen by the emerging decorations on every corner store in the city. It is evident that we are becoming engulfed in “the holiday spirit” in New York City, but many question when the holiday season officially begins. When does the official “holiday season” truly take off you may ask? Typically, the American culture is noted for going above and beyond, celebrating and decorating for the holidays. Some people may whip out their decoration boxes from the attic as early as mid October. Just look at commercial stores like Target and Walmart that have stocked their shelves with holiday decorations even before Halloween. On the contrary, other individuals may wait until the last minute to decorate their homes for the holiday’s and often find the early emergence of holiday decorations bothersome and unnecessary. For example, University freshman Lauren Moser shared her story, “Last year my family and I did not get a Christmas tree till 2 days before Christmas Eve…there was no need to rush, we will get it eventually, we thought and have it up by Christmas, and we did!” The dichotomy in beliefs makes this question an even harder one to answer. The answer can vary depending on people’s culture, age, personal opinion or other factors. To narrow down the answers, I surveyed 30 students ranging from 17-20 years old asking, in their opinion, what date the holiday season begins (the students are all from

the United States). The results were rather interesting. Out of the 30 students, 13 responded November 1st (43.3%). November 1st surpassed all other dates. The next most popular date chosen was November 24th, the day after thanksgiving, which 6 out of 30 selected in the survey (20%). As depicted by the survey, American teenagers feel the holiday season begins the day after we pack away our Halloween costumes and are shoving our mouths with candy, showcasing the significance holiday spirit has in modern American Culture. So far, Americans have only begun to discuss the holidays. Internationally the holiday season phenomenon varies. For example, I interviewed Jenny Murray, University freshman from Holmfirth West Yorkshire England, who shared her holiday experience back at home in England. Jenny stated, “The holiday season in England is not as festive as it is here in America. Although we do not celebrate Thanksgiving at home in England, my family and I start to prepare for the holiday’s rather early… around November 1st. We do not have any parades and celebrations leading up to the holiday either. In fact, some of my friends don’t start decorating until Christmas Eve. My family just likes to prepare early.” Murray’s story showcases the difference in cultures during the holiday season. In her town during the holidays, preparation depends solely on the choice of families. She also noted how department stores aren’t as showy as they are here in America. But in Murray’s case, her family likes to plan early in comparison to her friends that decorate the day of Christmas Eve.

But not all countries are different from us. For example, University student Alyssa Mittiga is from Adelaide, Australia. I asked her when the holiday season begins in Australia, and her answer was similar to the 30 American students surveyed. She stated “In Adelaide, Australia, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so our main holiday is Christmas. Like America, our department stores dictate when we are allowed to start celebrating (aka when ‘Christmas’ things appear in the shops). I’d say in Adelaide that day is the third Saturday of November, the day of the ‘Credit Union Christmas Pageant’ (it’s sort of like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, minus the balloons, budget, crowds.. and the winter... and the fabulousness) At the end of the parade, Santa is revealed to the crowd of excited Adelaidians. Santa struts his stuff into our oldest department store, ready to take his throne for the holiday season.” Alyssa’s story helps draw a parallel between cultures. While some countries’ traditions vary depending on their culture, others are similar to the culture we have here in New York. All in all, the holiday season is a time of harmony, cheer, and giving. This is a time to spend with loved ones, and to give back to those in need. Whether it begins in October, November, or December, the holiday season brings bliss to all. The city lights and decorations warm the hearts of the millions who walk the streets everyday. Stop and take a look at the outstanding sights and sounds the city has to offer during this time. Although the weather outside may be frightful, warm your heart with the spirit of the holidays.

Oh what fun it is to not go broke buying gifts

The extra festive version of Starbucks in Cafe 101

Pace Barnes & Noble

Chase Ballas CHASE BALLAS Editor-in-Chief

As the winter holiday season ice-skates along, already broke and debt-ridden University students are beginning to feel the struggle of finding affordable, yet thoughtful, gifts for family and friends. Luckily for all, the city is full of gifts options that will appease any tastes, and better yet, won’t involve you shelling out hundreds of thousands to get that nice watch for your father, or tickets to “Hello, Dolly!” for your mother (that is, if your parents are anything like mine). Scenario 1: Starbucks One of the often forgotten facts about the Café 101 Starbucks is that you can buy anything there with your meal plan. That means mugs and coffee blends are all at your disposable, and you don’t have to spend a penny of actual, real money on them, providing that you didn’t finish you meal plan back in October. This option will cover those coffee-loving hipsters in your friend circle, as well as that one relative that everyone seemingly has that collects mugs. However, one should be weary, as a gift from Starbucks does not necessary say “originality” or “thoughtfulness.” Scenario 2: The Bookstore Parents love college apparel. The bookstore has a whole section of clothing, accessories, and gift options to choose from, and is offering free shipping until Dec. 15. There is also a selection of eight special Pace-festive ornaments, which you could get and pass out to eight different relatives. But, since the bookstore is online only, you must act fast to have your order delivered on-time before winter break starts.

Scenario 3: “I Love NY” and other Giftshops New York is full of touristy gift shops, but none more iconic than the “I Love NY” shops that bear the famous heart logo. The nice thing about these stores in particular is the variety; there are still the classic New York-themed mugs and shirts, but also figurines, glasses, toys, and other accessories that give you a wide range of options and prices. There are also more jokey options in case you are one of those people that prefer to give gag gifts instead of serious ones. Scenario 4: Pop-Up Winter Markets As the city gets decorated for the holidays, more and more holiday-themed stands open up in major areas, such as Union Square, Bryant Park, and the nearby Seaport. At these markets, one can find the typical clothing, ornament, and figurine accessories, but also food options, like candies, macaroons, and chocolates, and other items like candles, bags, and special winter wear. Of course, if getting food as a gift, be cautious of expiration. Also be cautious of price; out of all the scenarios given, this is probably the priciest, due to the touristy nature and demand of winter market goods, as well as some high-off vendors that sell in them. Scenario 5: You The best gift you can give is yourself. Make yourself available to spend time with your family and friends. After all, the holiday season is a time for togetherness. Be there to decorate the tree, or light the menorah. These are the gifts that are truly priceless.



December 7, 2017

Set the Pace at Pace High School

Katrina Alonso KATRINA ALONSO Co-Executive Editor Tucked away on Hester Street in the heart of Chinatown, Pace High School shares a city block with two other educational institutions. The University’s sister school is unobtrusive compared to the buildings it stands adjacent to: the high school’s entrance is out of the way, marked only by thin, steel letters embossed on the brick façade, and a small, colorful patch of artwork flanking a big, blue apple on one wall. The school’s discreet presence on the city block it occupies mirrors its presence within the sphere of consciousness at the University that shares its name. University students often react with statements of disbelief when informed of Pace High School’s existence—“We have a high school?” many say. However, among the students who are aware of the high school, the disconnection is deeply felt. “There isn’t really that much connection of Pace University students to Pace High students to begin with,” says University sophomore Kelly Dutertre, a member of the Beta Alpha Psi business honors society that has a small mentorship program established between the two schools. Dutertre was one of its organizers and paired mentors with mentees based on application responses, though she played the role of mentor, herself, as well. “My mentee was Cynthia, a sophomore at Pace High School,” Dutertre shared. “When we first met, she was very shy, would look down when talking. After some workshops and hanging out [together], she started to get more comfortable and confident when talking to others. We even had mock-interviews for them and it was such a rewarding thing to see her grow into this confident person in an environment that is really nerve-wracking.” The positive experiences she had while participating in this mentorship program are not unusual: according to U.S. News, mentorship has been shown to improve attendance and achievement rates amongst the mentees and foster a sense of community between participants. The demand for a program like this at the University where both college students and high school could benefit is slowly growing. Jaclyn Kopel, the Director of the Pforzheimer Honors College at the University and a former teacher at Pace High School, noted that there is a demand from both schools for a more accessible intellectual bridge. “I think you could have students that would be interested in doing that and going over there,” she said. “I would think for Pace High School, you’d mentor the juniors and seniors because they could really benefit from advisement and help and mentoring. I think that [college] students that are interested in education or psychology might want to participate in that, but I also know that there are students who aren’t School of Ed. majors who are interested in working with younger students and would benefit from knowing that those venues exist.” With President Marvin Krislov at the helm, the new administration at the University has begun to acknowledge that a more prominent connection between Pace High School and Pace University should exist: both Kopel and Pace High School Principal Eric Glatz were optimistic in their interviews that President Krislov would pursue interests in the high school. Pace High School is still exceptional on its own. Like the University, the high school encourages an emphasis on civic engagement, academic excellence, and college and career readiness. Students receive a well-rounded education in an environment that, to an outsider, seemed remarkably friendly and open. During an exclusive tour of the school, it was observed that, even in the bustling hallways of Pace High School, students would never fail to greet the principal, and he would know them all by name—an impressive feat for a member of the administration at a school that is 600 students strong. It is this personal interest in the students that it educates that sets Pace High School apart—that, and its unyielding drive to prepare them for college, to the point where they are regularly being exposed to university life. According to the school’s website, juniors and seniors in good academic standing at the high school are eligible to take entry-level classes at Pace University for free. The students are given transcripts and may use those classes for transferable credit at other institutions, even if they decide not to go to Pace. They are also free to use the gym on C-Level at One Pace Plaza. They are never separated

Katrina Alonso or treated differently from college students in class or around campus, which ensures that this dip into college life is entirely authentic. However, a program in which they receive guidance from University students, coupled with this immersive experience at the school, could only make their chances of success in college more pronounced. Glatz notes, “We want to see if we can expand our relationship with [the University] and provide more opportunities for students. We’ve had good success with that the past year or two that I’ve been here: we actually had members of the Chemistry [and Physical Sciences] Department come and they had a day where they shared what they do as Chemistry majors, and it really motivated some of our students. They say, ‘Oh, that’s what happens in college.’ There’s an abstract concept of what college is, and the more they see it, the more they get excited about the field they want to get into and the more they want to explore it, and that’s what we’re looking to broaden.” Glatz and Kopel both feel that, considering the trajectory that the University is taking with regards to building a connection, a more robust and accessible mentorship program between the schools could hopefully exist within the next few years. Until then, however, Beta Alpha Psi will be piloting their own small mentorship program during the spring semesters in which they host workshops with Pace High School students and teach them about Microsoft Excel, building soft skills, writing resumes, and preparing for college. All Pace University students are encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in participating in the program, there will be an introduction meeting on Dec. 8 at 3:30 p.m., location to be announced. Applicants are asked to attend at least three out of the 10 workshops, which will occur on Dec. 15, and every Friday between Jan. 5 and March 2 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Beta Alpha Psi’s Chairman of Mentorship Luis Chauca at

Katrina Alonso

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