Dec. 2018 Issue

Page 1

December 5, 2018

Est. 1948

Volume 70 | Issue 3

the pace press

The Era of Acceptance

INSIDE @thepacepress



HIV/AIDS awareness, activism on campus and beyond

The rise of LGBTQA+ media and the path to social acceptance


FEATURES Interview with LGBTQA+ student leader Leo La Liveres



December 5, 2018

University goes red

HIV/AIDS awareness, activism on campus and beyond SAM UNGER News Editor Dec. 1 marked the 30th annual World AIDS Day, an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic and remembering those who lost their lives to the disease. As of 2018, AIDS has killed between 29 million and 41.5 million worldwide, with an estimated 37 million people currently living with HIV, according to UNAIDS. However, with antiretroviral treatments available, the death rate of the disease is steadily declining, and people who are HIV positive and receiving treatment are able to lead longer, healthier lives. On campus, organizations like the LGBTQA and Social Justice Center honor World AIDS Day by hosting week-long events that seek to educate and inspire change in the University community. Some past events include ribbon-making, where staff and students were invited to create ribbons of remembrance, a #NotJustWhiteGayMen Instagram takeover that highlighted minority groups at risk for AIDS, as well as a screening of the documentary “How to Survive a Plague” that follows the early years of the AIDS epidemic and the activist groups ACT UP and TAG. They also held a “Letters with Beau the Therapy Dog” event, in which participants wrote letters to individuals living in care facilities and battling AIDS. This year, the LBGTQA and Social Justice Center designated a space outside the cafeteria in One Paze Plaza to hand out fact sheets, promote events, and speak with students about resources available on campus and in the city. On Dec. 11, Beau and his owner, Caroline, will return to the Center from noon to 1:30. Within the University’s chemistry and physical Sciences department, University sophomore Celine Tse and Dr. Nanjie Deng have been working together on HIV drug research for the last seven months. “As part of the global movement to find a cure for HIV/AIDS, I have had the privilege of joining my professor Dr. Nanjie Deng in his HIV drug research. In Dr. Deng’s research, we aim to improve the computational screening of HIV drug candidates against HIV integrase (a key protein in the virus) using docking, molecular dynamics simulation, and free energy calculation. Basically, we are applying chemistry and high-performance computing in order to predict the success rates of various HIV drug candidates. We then determine which ones are the most promising for chemical synthesis. This type of in-silico screening and analysis is very useful, as it helps the research community focus time and funding on only the most promising handful of drug candidates, thus providing a more direct and efficient path towards finding a cure,” said Tse. Tse continued, “Dr. Deng has been working tirelessly at this important research for many years and has published 10 peer-reviewed research papers in this field. I am very humbled to be able to join him, learn, and contribute my skills towards this important cause. We are passionate about our research, and together with the rest of the HIV/AIDS scientific community we are determine to make progress in the discovery of novel therapeutics.” University sophomore Amberlynn Foote, who has previously worked on HIV research, also shared, “I think the most important thing to reiterate is that knowledge is power, which is why it is essential to not only educate people about AIDS to suppress the unfortunate stigma that exists around it, but to expand our scientific knowledge in an effort to combat the illness and help those who suffer from the virus.” World AIDS Day may be once a year, but organizations and advocacy groups around the world are working to support people living with HIV and AIDS year-round. A couple of stops on the 1, 2, 3, A, C, and E trains uptown will take you to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center in Greenwich Village, where ACT UP meets every Monday at 7 p.m. Formed in New York City in 1987, they describe themselves as, “a

AIDS activists at the 1990 Pride Parade. diverse, nonpartisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS Crisis.” They meet with government and health officials, work to educate the community on HIV/AIDS-related topics, and hold protests and demonstrations. This year, ACT UP New York staged actions in Times Square to bring attention to the fact that HIV rates remain prevalent in many American communities, as well as held an annual candlelight vigil at the AIDS Memorial. The Mercury Phoenix Trust, formed by members of the iconic British rock band Queen, Brian May and Roger Taylor, along with the band’s manager Jim Beach, honors Queen’s lead singer Freddie Mercury who died from AIDS-related pneumonia in 1991. The MPT primarily funds small and grassroot organizations that are not funded by government or large markets. The International AIDS Society, an association of HIV professionals founded in 1988 with members from more than 180 countries, is “working on all fronts of the global AIDS response.” Together, they “advocate and drive urgent action to reduce the global impact of HIV,” according to their website. (RED) is a nonprofit organization that partners with popular brands that contribute profits generated from (RED) products to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. On World AIDS Day, (RED) partner Starbucks donates a portion of drink sales in participating stores to the organization, while sales of Apple’s red iPhone and red cases directly support the Global Fund all year. Apple also contributed $1 to the Fund this World AIDS Day for every use of Apple Pay in stores, online, or in-app. In addition to contributing to or supporting these organizations, one of the best steps to take in the fight against HIV/AIDS is getting informed about the disease and your own health. Many people are still massively uninformed about the way HIV can be transmitted. Common misconceptions include transmission by kissing, hugging, toilet seats, or sneezing. HIV can only be transferred when infected body fluids get into the bloodstream through unprotected sex, from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding, injecting drugs with a needle that has come in contact with infected blood, or infected blood donations and organ transplants. Taking preventative and protective measures

AP Photo/Joseph F. Major has helped slow down the growth of the virus, and has contributed to the increased control of HIV without a vaccine or a cure. Clinics across New York City provide STI and HIV testing, while on campus, the University Health Care office provides STI testing and gives out free condoms. They can also prescribe the PrEP pill, taken as a preventative measure by people who don’t have HIV if they have a sex partner who is positive, have sex with people whose status is unknown, or share injection drug equipment. If someone does not know their status, they will not be able achieve viral suppression. When people living with HIV maintain viral suppression by taking medications as prescribed, they greatly reduce their chance of transmitting HIV to their partners. While significant progress to treat HIV/AIDS has been made since the first cases were introduced in 1981, the stigma surrounding the disease and the process of getting tested is still deeply embedded in educational, workplace, and healthcare environments. There is often internalized shame concerning HIV testing and misinformation regarding sexual health, so many would rather keep their status unknown to avoid the feelings that come along with sharing their status with possible partners, as well as their families. It is also important to acknowledge the relationship between HIV and low socioeconomic status. Antiretroviral treatment has helped to control the development of the virus in the body, but the $1600 monthly cost of medication makes it extremely difficult to use on a consistent basis. This prevents people without insurance from receiving proper and deserved medical care. Supporting the numerous organizations that have been working to end AIDS, whether that be joining local activist groups or contributing to nonprofits, is an effective way to get involved and enact change within a community that remains highly stigmatized. Although the number of HIV-related deaths has decreased by more than 51 percent since the peak in 2004, the virus continues to affect millions. The epidemic is far from over. With these new life-changing improvements, an HIV diagnosis does not guarantee the short life expectancy it did in the early years of the disease. That being said, there is still an extensive amount of work to be done at government levels and within the community to consider the lives of those affected and prioritize their health well-being.


December 5, 2018


A brief inquiry into the MTA

The MTA has been plagued with more safety measures, shutdowns, and fare hikes KATRINA ALONSO Editor-In-Chief The Metropolitan Transit Authority has been the subject of protests, town halls, and political debates of late thanks to the implementation of expensive new safety measures, the widespread and plentiful train shutdowns, and the hotly-disputed fare hikes that the MTA has proposed in the past. The MTA has been holding public hearings in Manhattan and Long Island for the past week to discuss the plans for fare hikes that would need to be approved by New Yorkers and would take effect in March 2019. Currently, the MTA board has proposed two options for fare hikes for subway riders, which can be found in the chart on the right. In addition to these subway fare increases, Long Island Railroad and Metro North riders would see four percent hikes on one-way fares and weekly and monthly tickets under both options. These fare hikes are garnering significant criticism from the public, especially as they cast in stark relief the multitude of problems and expensive new initiatives that the MTA are trying to fund. Issues that riders have complained about are the incline in train delays and signal problems that can double or even triple the length of a commute with little notice to passengers. The shutdown of certain lines at various points throughout the year—the most prominent of which is the L train but the A, C, E, B, D, F, G, J, Z, N, W, 1, 4, and 6 lines have also been affected—has also made passengers hesitant to pay more for the same service. University senior Belinda Ung said, “I think the proposed hike fairs are unfair considering the MTA already irresponsibly handles their funds. Riders, generally, do not feel that their money is being used to improve the quality of the transit system.” Nick Solomon, University junior, agreed, saying, “The fair hike is not ideal relative to planned improvements. It’s also bothersome that to pass the increase, they need to use false figures like ‘actual cost of ride’, accounting for the bonus.” The fare hikes, according to CBS, are considered a solution to raise the estimated $60 billion needed to return mass transit to working order, but they may also partially be used to implement new safety measures in subway stations. The MTA put together a platform pilot safety program that would include installing glass barriers on platforms that would prevent people from jumping, falling, or being pushed onto subway tracks and reduce the spread of litter in the system, which causes track fires, according to the agency’s transit chief. The $30 million plan, which has been postponed to prioritize the repairs and accessibility upgrades that would be covered by the fare hike, would involve placing “half-height” glass barriers that open and close with

train doors. A similar system is in place on AirTrain platforms at John F. Kennedy airport as well as in transit systems in other countries, including certain stations in Beijing, Paris, Seoul, and the London Underground system. Though the accidents and track fires that prompted the development of this initiative affects an average of 64 trains a day during the week, passengers may not be as enthusiastic about the installation of the barriers. University junior Bianca Garcia, who is currently studying abroad in London, said, “They have the glass doors here on some platforms. They’re okay, but I think, if anything, they just get in the way and don’t help as much as they are a nuisance. [They’re] just another thing in between me and getting on the train. They’re big and bulky, so there’s less room on the platform itself, which sucks when it’s crowded, and sometimes, they cannot work or open too slow, which is just annoying.” More public hearings will be held by the MTA to discuss the fare hike, so it is unsure whether these changes will be made or not, but the attitudes of riders both in attendance at these meetings and not suggest that the transit agency might have to find another way to fund the much-needed improvements to the transit system. The next hearing will be held on Dec. 6 in White Plains, NY.

Proposed Subway Fare Hikes (effective March 2019) Current Fares

New Fares (Option A)

New Fares (Option B)

Base Fare




Bonus (only applicable when more than $5.50 is added to the MetroCard)


No bonus


7-day Unlimited




30-day Unlimited




Master Plan grand opening date revealed ALEXANDRA PUGA News Intern After months of speculation regarding the completion of the work on the new student spaces, the official ribbon cutting ceremony for One Pace Plaza and 41 Park Row has been scheduled for Jan. 28, 2019, the first day of the spring semester. A sneak preview of the first floor of One Pace Plaza will be held on Dec. 11, from noon to 5 p.m. Since construction began in Fall of 2017, the University community has been navigating stairwell closures, packed elevators, and construction site noises audible from classrooms across campus, leaving the University community anxiously awaiting the new spaces. “We’ve still got some last-minute clean-up and minor work to do before we officially cut the ribbon, but the Pace community is invited to join us on Dec. 11 for the sneak peek. We’ll be serving refreshments, letting people explore the space, and SDACA will be hosting a Setters Rest Stop event just in time for finals,” shared Ibi Yolas, from VP Facilities & Capital Projects, the company that has been working on the renovations. When students and staff return from winter break, they will be greeted with a fully renovated campus, VP Facilities stated, “[By Jan. 28], the new space will be

looking forward to having more student spaces on campus for sitting and doing work. I am, however, disappointed about the amount of time it took to complete the renovations as well as how much extra traffic it has caused inside the Unversity buildings and in the surrounding area.” “I’m really excited for the Master Plan renovations to be completed so we can finally see what they’ve been working on. I think all the construction will really transform the space at the University and make it even better for the students and staff,” shared University sophomore Molly Linnen. Pace University For many, the finished The new University entrance is close to completion. renovations mean the creation totally clean and ready for full use. Details “The grand staircase to the lower level of what many see as an entirely on the ribbon cutting ceremony will be out will improve circulation and connect One brand new campus, and also an end to the within the next few weeks.” Pace Plaza to the Courtyard and William frustration of displacement and disorder. Some of the near finished features Street,” continued Yolas. Yolas left off on a positive note, include a new student union, collaborative As for 41 Park Row, the renovations stating, “By putting the student experience study areas, and student commons. A will include a new art gallery, student at the center of the New York City Master new Welcome Center, Spirit Store, and commons, Dyson advising suite, and a Plan, Pace is recognizing that learning Admissions Suite will also be located in faculty colloquia. On the second floor, a takes place everywhere and the effective the new area, along with a Lubin School new location for Dyson advising staff will design of all spaces as opportunities for branded entrance from the courtyard on be completed. learning is critical to a successful Pace B-level. The Lubin Business School will University sophomore Lauren Serino experience.” also find a new virtual learning lab and a commented on the news of the fastgraduate student lounge. approaching completion, “I am really



December 5, 2018

Coming soon to Washington...

Welcoming the newest members of Congress to D.C “We can’t knock on anybody’s doors; we have to build our own house,” said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, representative of the 14th congressional district of New While University students spend time working, York and the youngest person to ever elected to Congress. relaxing, or catching up on credits during winter break, She beat Democrat Joseph Crowley who had been in the newly elected members of Congress will be finalizing office since January 2013. their move to Washington D.C in time for the beginning of University sophomore Owen McGonigle shared, the spring semester. “As a Puerto Rican New Yorker, I am so glad to see The historic 2018 midterm elections saw voter female representation from our cultural background.” turnout numbers increase drastically from the 2014 He continued, “Overall, seeing the diversity of women midterms and a rise in politically active individuals, with elected to Congress was such a great sight, and I hope that youth and women voters forming the largest part of the our country is making a step in the right direction.” monumental win for Democrats. Representation in the upcoming Congress doesn’t The incoming group of elected representatives and just stop at New York, however. Palestinian-American senators are one of the most historically diverse to ever sit Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Somali-American Ilhan in Washington. Omar of Minnesota are the first two Muslim women to be sent to Congress. According to The Washington Post, “Omar, who came to the United States at age 14, is also a progressive, and she focused on universal health care and tuition-free colleges.” “We’re doing something disruptive, challenging conventional wisdom, narratives and norms about who has the first to run,” said Ayanna Pressley, the first black woman from Massachusetts elected to Congress after beating 10-term Democrat Michael Capuano. The elections also saw indigenous representation, as Democrats Sharice Davids and Deb Haaland became the first two Native Twitter/@mahyarsorour “Welcome to the 116th Congress!”


American women in congress. Davids is also the first openly LGBTQA+ member of Congress from Kansas, and identifies as a lesbian. There were a number of other monumental firsts, including Jahana Hayes, Connecticut’s first black woman in Congress, Marsha Blackburn, the first woman elected to the Senate from Tennessee, and Jared Polis of Colorado, the first openly gay man elected governor. For many University underclassmen, this year’s midterm election was their first-time voting. “As a newly 19-year-old, this election was my first. I felt so good finally voting, like I was finally putting my word out there,” said McGonigle, “I think that young people voting is so crucial. We are the future of America. We are the ones who will live with the decisions we make today. Therefore, it is our responsibility to step up and make our voices heard.” University sophomore Julia Rourke agrees, “I think it’s an enormous deal and hugely encouraging that women made such gains in politics during the midterms. I think the first step for any marginalized group towards gaining some systemic advantages is in gaining representation in office, so this is a great sign. However, being represented in office isn’t everything, and I hope that women in this country can continue with this forward momentum, and work harder to practice intersectional feminism and be inclusive to supporting greater education, reproductive rights, and representation in the law for all women, not just white women.” The individuals that make up the 116th split party Congress certainly have a smorgasbord of legislation and policies to enact in the remainder of President Trump’s term in office; policies that will personally affect the University community as well as the nation as a whole.


December 5, 2018


Salvation Army under fire for homophobic practices

KELSEY NICHOLSON Executive Editor As the holiday season arrives, The Salvation Army donation buckets have begun to pop up on street corners and in front of supermarkets all over the country, with volunteers ringing bells and asking for donations. Black Friday brought these bell ringers out in spades, and this time, the organization has a goal of $125,000, which is more than a 50 percent increase of what was raised in 2017. However, many citizens have concerns over who the money is really supporting. A viral post by @autodacryphilia on Tumblr has recently sparked debate about the ethics of the Salvation Army and their dealings with members of the LGBTQA+ community. The post claimed, among other things, that the Army has continued to discriminate against LGBTQA+ people by refusing housing to a homeless gay couple unless they separated, referring people to conversion therapy, and upholding a policy of not helping transgender people. The Salvation Army has denied these claims, saying on their website,“People who come to us for assistance will be served according to their need and our capacity to help – regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.” They have even created a public relations campaign, called “Debunking the Myth,” to disavow any word that they are an anti-LGBTQA+ organization. This campaign, however, does not acknowledge their past discrimination, of which there are a number of incidents. The Salvation Army is a Protestant Christian church organization. Their mission statement is, “The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God.” In the past, they have publicly stated their opinion that homosexuality is unacceptable, saying that it does not “conform to God’s will for society.” According to The Huffington Post, these statements were removed from the Army’s website in 2016, but they have never acknowledged their past or apologized, only stating fervently that they are pro-LGBTQA+. Now, it seems the Army has slapped what termed as a “gag order” on employees to not talk about LGBTQA+ issues. The guidelines for discussions in front of the red kettles was shared by Fox News pundit Todd Starnes. The guidelines instruct employees to stay away from speaking about “hot topic issues like LGBTQ marriage.” These instructions, both for personal interactions and online ones, come after an “increased number of complaints regarding comments made on social media by Salvation Army officers and staff,” according to Army personnel who reached out to Starnes. The Huffington Post also revealed a timeline of the Salvation Army’s past antiLGBTQA+ actions. In 1986, The Salvation Army of New Zealand opposed the Homosexual Law Reform Act, that would repeal the criminalization of sex between adult men, which they later apologized for. In 1998, the United States Salvation Army turned down over $3 million in contracts with San Francisco that would have supported programs for senior citizens and homeless individuals because of the city’s requirement for city contractors to provide spousal

Airmen preparing vegetables at a Salvation Army shelter.

Tech. Sgt. Jay Ponder

Salvation Army Protester in Union Square.

Equality House

benefits to both same-sex and opposite-sex partners. They also threatened the same action six years later for New York City based on the city’s non-discriminatory laws. In 2001, they began outlining a deal with the Bush administration that would ensure any religious charity that received federal funding would be exempt from local anti-discrimination laws, as they did not want to provide medical benefits to same-sex partners of employees. In 2012, The Salvation Army of Burlington, Vermont fired employee Danielle Morantez upon discovering she was bisexual. The Army’s spokesperson later supported the decision, which was explicitly allowed as per the Army’s handbook, stating, “A relationship between same-sex individuals is a personal choice that people have the right to make. But from a church viewpoint, we see that going against the will of God.” If you find apprenhensive about supporting and contributing donations for the Salvation Army, here are some LGBTQA+-friendly, NYC-based organizations without a history of discrimination you can donate to instead: Housing Works Not just a popular thrift store with locations all over the city, Housing Works has supported the homeless and those living with HIV/AIDS since 1982. The goal of their Housing Works AIDS-Free Campaign is to end the AIDS epidemic in New York by 2020, 2025 in the United States, and worldwide by 2030. Those interested in donating can reach out online at or in stores. There is one close to the University on Crosby St.! True Colors Fund The True Colors Fund is dedicated to reducing the amount of homelessness that affects the LGBTQA+ community. Their website states, “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people are 120 percent more likely to experience homelessness then the non-LGBTQ youth. The True Colors Fund is committed to changing that.” The fund is co-founded by none other than singer Cindy Lauper, and they offer free training and resources on how to help LGBTQA+ youth experiencing homelessness. You can donate on their websites,, as a one time pledge or as a recurring supporter. Brooklyn Community Pride Center Located just one borough away, this organization acts as a safe space for the LGBTQA+ community. Their goal is to provide “physical and mental health services, social support, recreational and cultural programming... thorough promotion of the empowerment, development, and general welfare of the community.” You can donate online at Ali Forney Center The AFC is dedicated to fighting the quickly growing LGBTQA+ homeless population, as well as “empower them with the tools needed to live independently.” The organization’s namesake, Ali Forney, was a gender-noncomforming teen that fled his house at just 13 years old. The system did not treat him kindly, and he was on the streets by the time he was 15, eventually losing his life on the streets of Harlem in 1997. The center was founded in 2002 by Carl Siciliano in Ali’s memory. The AFC runs a campaign called Homeless for the Holidays to give a voice to homeless LGBTQA+ youth. You can donate online at



December 5, 2018


EDITORIAL BOARD Katrina Alonso Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Nicholson Executive Editor Sam Unger News Editor Brooke Sufrin Arts Editor Mae Martinez Features Editor Dylan Share Graphic Design Duke Huang Photo Editor Nathan Siegel Social Media Jake Cameron Business Manager Dr. Seong-Jae Min Faculty Consultant

AWARD WINNER FOR BEST IN SHOW 2017 The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 906 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2018

Trans allyship at the University SYDNEY TISCH Contributor, Senior Student Assistant at the LGBTQA and Social Justice Center Between presidential memos on a proposed ban on allowing transgender people to serve in the military and on defining “gender” based upon one’s genitalia at birth, it is clear that the rights and respect for transgender people in America are under attack. These proposals are not only a cause for concern for the freedoms of transgender people if they were to be enforced, but they also send a dangerous message to the American public that trans folks are not welcome in America. The immediate social impact of these memos reveals that President Donald Trump’s administration does not view trans people as full citizens and that discrimination against trans people is a viable option. With this context, it is easy to understand the feelings of anxiety, anger, and invalidation that trans people are feeling in this political climate. Although it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by this information and difficult to know what to do with it, it is essential that cisgender people both inside and out of the LGBTQA+ community work through these feelings to stand up and speak out for trans people. Showing the trans community that they do have allies who are able to advocate for their rights and personhood in spaces where they cannot themselves is essential in such a hostile climate. Luckily, at the University, we already have a bit of a roadmap as to how we can all protect and respect trans students on campus. As per President Krislov’s recent email to the University, “students of all gender identities and expressions are welcome at Pace and always will be,” which is in part implemented through the University’s NonDiscrimination Policy that bans discrimination on the basis of “sex, gender, gender identity, or status as transgender or gender transitioning.” Our LGBTQA and Social Justice Center is also a focal point on campus for resources and information for trans students. However, policies and resources can only accomplish so much on campus. It is up to cisgender people who would like to be active allies to the transgender community to ensure that our campus environment is one that is welcoming and affirming to all trans folks. It is up to us to choose to set the example on campus and in our personal lives that discrimination against trans people is not okay. Ways that we can do this everyday include:

Introducing yourself with your pronouns—it signals that we know that you can’t always guess what someone’s pronouns are by looking at them, and alleviates the burden from trans folks to always do it first. Example: “Hello! My name is Jane and I use she/her/hers pronouns!” • Stay current on issues related to trans people – don’t expect your trans friends to educate you on what’s going on or what they’re going through. Show you care by doing some of your own research! • Knowing University policy and using it to point out any instance of discrimination you see on campus. For example, our Non-Discrimination Policy protects transgender students, which means that other students, staff, and faculty are required to refer to students by the names and pronouns they have shared with others, and actively choosing not to do so would be a violation of that policy. This also applies to students’ rights to use the restrooms that they feel most comfortable in, and those who insist they use a different bathroom are also in violation of the Non-Discrimination Policy. • Understanding your privilege and how to use it —think about spaces that you have access to or comfort in that may not be true for transgender people. But take it a step further and consider how your access/comfort may be utilized to advocate for trans folks who are excluded. Learn when it may be appropriate to stand beside, in front, and behind of trans people. • Checking in with your trans friends and supporting them in ways they find appropriate and helpful. By doing these simple things everyday we can create an environment at the University and for those around you that ensures that transgender people are protected and respected. Although it may feel daunting to start these conversations, it is imperative to remember that there are more of us than there are of the administration, and we have the power to change the climate in our community to one that affirms and empowers trans folks.

DISCLAIMER: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration and staff) to The Pace Press. These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind of arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.

December 5, 2018




For the past few months, the University School of Performing Arts has been brewing up something magical in the Schaeberle Theatre. From Nov. 27 to Dec. 2, the student performers in “Peter and the Starcatcher” left their magical spell on audiences. Writer and Tony Award winner Rick Elice wrote the play based on the novel by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. The mythical plot was accompanied by music from composer Wayne Barker. The University production was directed by Amanda Connors with a groundbreaking team of talented individuals. In her director’s note Connors describes the show as “the story of a girl who shows an orphan afraid of his own shadow that he can be his own hero.” The orphan Connors is referring to is beloved character Peter Pan. Peter Pan is a timeless character created by J.M. Barrie who never grows up and lives in a mythical place called Neverland. Though he has appeared in several of Barrie’s stories, the character is most remembered because of the classic Disney movie made out of one of the author’s stageplays. “Peter and the Starcatcher” provides a backstory for the character prior to meeting schoolgirl Wendy, as told in the classic tale. The treasured character was played by University sophomore Zach Moore. The actor describes the show as fun and exciting, adding, “It is a coming of age story. I worked on channeling his emotions and the struggles he faces in this unconventional take.” An actor’s preparation process isn’t easy though: “It was both vocally and physically challenging. I would describe it as fun and exhausting. But the audience tonight was great

[at giving us] an audible response. They’re responsible for our energy.” The ensemble rehearsed for two months with rehearsal sessions lasting four to six hours at a time. As opening night approached, the rehearsals intensified and lasted up to 12 hours. Production Stage Manager and University junior Abby Bittlinger, along with her team, overlooked the lighting, sound cues, as well as managing props. Bittlinger describes the experience of watching the show as “letting go of reality” and allowing individuals to “let their imagination fly.” Audiences did just that, with the students laughing and crying for almost the full two hours. A University freshman who goes by Jupiter stated, “I loved the use of people as props; it was a magical and beautiful chaos.” The show was full of laugh-out-loud moments initiated by characters such as Black Stache also known as Captain Hook. “The villain Black Stache was played so well,” said Jupiter. “He’s such an icon. There were so many funny moments, like when he cut off his own hand.” The actors’ performances were accompanied by a magical touch; the costumes were full of sparkle, mixed with a rugged pirate edge. This was thanks to University junior Sophie Stratyner and her team. “We started out with incredible sketches for the pieces. We actually collected them from the thrift stores. And then were able to make some really great and unconventional pieces,” said Stratyner. The show was a treasure chest filled with the University’s talented actors and crew. Audiences began their quest to Neverland and found magical tokens along the way. “Peter and the Starcatcher” reminded students that you are never too old for bedtime stories.

Both photos by Daniel Rader

University students respond to Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” tour The inspiring and motivational stories from the former First Lady BRITNI DUNN Contributor Former first lady and now author Michelle Obama released a memoir titled “Becoming” on Nov. 13. The book offers a look into Obama’s life, childhood, and marriage to former President Barack Obama. Her story is guided by the theme of the woman she has “become” through her experiences. From leading a nation, to raising daughters, and being active in her high-profile marriage, the autobiography gives insight into almost every facet of Michelle Obama’s life. During Obama’s time as first lady of the United States, she implemented policies to keep American schools healthier. Her initiatives in encouraging the furthering of education in women and girls, ending obesity in children, and promoting healthy lifestyles in Americans have proven to be inspiring as evinced by her popularity among audiences. Obama, educated with a law degree from Harvard, uses her platform to speak

up for women, children, and minorities. Students seem to agree with the positivity and equal representation that the former First Lady promotes. When asked what she admires about Obama, University freshman Shelby Pickelny stated, “Aside from her noteworthy biceps, I admire her continual involvement in the political and social issues of today, even after her husband’s final term.” Regarding her memoir, Cyrielle Talla, University sophomore, stated that she admires Michelle Obama’s openness. “By writing so openly, Michelle Obama only gave us more reasons to admire her. She allows us to see her as a girl, a young woman, a mother, and an amazing first lady in the most honest way possible.” Obama’s experience in the spotlight seems to guide her through her public book tour. The ongoing national “Becoming” tour allows

audiences to listen and communicate with Obama as she shares her, what some are calling “inspired,” story of the personal, political, and social obstacles she has faced. The “Becoming” tour is wildly successful. Most shows are sold out, or with few seats to spare. Tickets to this forum are at an incredibly high demand, with the Brooklyn stop at Barclays pricing at $1,401. The tour consists of various female moderators such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Elizabeth Alexander, who guide honest and open discussions on topics presented in “Becoming,” such as womanhood, representation, and equality. Obama stages her show and her novel similar to the way in which she portrays herself in life: relatable and passionate. According to Talla, “My respect for her has only grown.”


December 5, 2018



The rise of LGBTQA+ media &


Over the past few years, thanks to the their relationship was developed and growing public desire to see more minority established, the writers killed Lexa off on representation in media, there has been a the show when the actress had to depart notable increase in LGBTQA+ characters from playing the role, which proved to be across television, film, books, and other a controversial plot point in the fan base. media content. This started a debate in the gay community This year has seen a rise in LGBTQA+ over the “bury your gays” trope where individuals being represented in mainstream LGBTQA+ characters are often killed in American film. Some of these notable television and tend to not get happy endings movies released recently include “A Kid like their heterosexual counterparts. Like Jake,” released June 1; a drama film According to Forbes, “the storyline could that revolves around a family accepting have been better handled.” Nevertheless, that their son, Jake, is not cisgender. This this show is one of the few shows to feature film represents transgender and gender a well-written and -represented bisexual non-binary individuals like Jake, and main character. stars Claire Danes, Jim Parsons, Priyanka “The Handmaid’s Tale” is powerful Chopra, and Octavia Spencer. “Boy dystopian drama web television series Erased,” released Nov. 2, is a biographical about a dystopian future after a second drama film that follows the son of Baptist American civil war. The totalitarian parents who is forced to take part in a society forces fertile women called 20th Century Fox “handmaids” into child-bearing servitude. gay conversion therapy program. Starring Love, Simon Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, and Russell Two supporting characters in the show are and Bob Thompson (Cult), among others. The show has Crowe, it is based off of Garrard Conley’s 2016 memoir, lesbians. Emily, played by Alexis Bledel, suffers because also featured an abundance of gay characters: Mr. Gallant which features multiple gay main characters. of her sexual orientation in this exclusively heterosexual (Apocalypse), Guinness (Roanoke), Edward Philippe Mott “The Miseducation of Cameron Post,” released dystopian America. She had a wife and child as well as a (Roanoke), Jack Samuels (Cult), Chad Warwick (Murder Aug. 3, is a drama film set in 1998 about a teenage girl lover, whom she had to watch be executed. Emily ends House), and Harrison Wilton (Cult). However, there has who is found in the backseat of a car hooking up with the up abandoned and stranded in a terrible place. Moira, only been one trans character: Liz Taylor (Hotel). prom queen, and then is sent to a gay conversion therapy played by Samira Wiley, is a black lesbian who escapes “Will & Grace” is an NBC sitcom that was one of treatment center. Starring Chloë Grace Moretz, this novel the dystopian world called Gilead by murdering one of her the first cable TV shows to consistently represent gay to screen adaptation helps raise awareness against the rapists, and she eventually makes it to safety. These queer characters. The show follows a gay man and his straight practice of conversion therapy, as the main characters are women arguably experience more tragedy on the show female friend who move in together. In the past, the show not heterosexual. than the straight women do to the emotional and physical played into a lot of white and gay male stereotypes, which “Love, Simon,” released March 16, is a romantic abuse they receive because of their sexuality. had negative implications. However, this reboot in 2017teen comedy-drama film that centers on Simon Spier, a “Jane the Virgin” is a CW satirical romantic comedy 2018 brings gay main characters back into the spotlight closeted gay high school boy who is forced to balance his drama centered on Jane Villanueva, a hard working again as Will Truman, portrayed by Eric McCormack, and friends, his family, and the blackmailer threatening to out and religious Latina virgin who becomes pregnant after Sean Hayes, as Jack McFarland, return to the screen. him to the entire school. He simultaneously attempts to accidentally being artificially inseminated. The supporting “Shadowhunters” is a Freeform supernatural drama discover the identity of the anonymous classmate with character who artificially inseminated her, Luisa Alver, television series based on “The Mortal Instruments” by whom he has fallen in love with online. The film stars portrayed by Yara Martinez (a Cuban-American actress), Cassandra Clare. The show focuses on Shadowhunters, Nick Robinson, Jennifer Garner, and Katherine Langford. is a lesbian. Rose Solano, portrayed by Bridget Regan, half-human half-angel hybrids who hunt demons, and has “Bohemian Rhapsody,” released Nov. 2, is a is also a queer woman and love interest of Luisa Alver. multiple LGBTQA+ main characters being represented. biographical film about the British rock band Queen. It A main character, Petra (Natalia), portrayed by Yael Alec Lightwood, played by Matthew Daddario, is a gay follows singer Freddie Mercury’s life, leading to Queen’s Grobglas, recently in the show, was written as bisexual man whose story of coming out is featured on the show. Live Aid performance at Wembley Stadium in 1985. The when she experienced an attraction to and developed a His love interest, Magnus Bane, played by Chinesefilm stars Rami Malek as Mercury. The story discusses relationship with Jane Ramos, a queer woman. The main American actor Harry Shum Jr., is a bisexual warlock. A Mercury’s bisexuality, to an extent, as well as his HIV/ character, Jane Villanueva, dates Adam Alvaro, played by supporting character, Raphael Santiago, played by a halfAIDS diagnosis, but not his death resulting from his Tyler Poser, who is a bisexual man of color. Puerto Rican actor, David Castro, is asexual. diagnosis. “The Fosters” is a Freeform family drama television “The 100” is a post-apocalyptic science fiction For most of these American films, there seems to be series that followed the lives of the Foster family led by drama television series on the CW about a group of posta lack of people of color being represented on screen as a lesbian couple, Stef and Lena Foster, who raise one apocalyptic survivors, mainly adolescents, from a space the main and LGBTQA+ characters. There is a distinct biological and four adopted children. The show followed satellite. The main character in the show is Clarke Griffin, lack of LGBTQA+ people of color being represented in multiple adolescents, specifically the main character Jude played by Eliza Taylor. In season two, it was revealed movies – “Hollywood has made ‘no progress’ in on-screen Adams-Foster, played by Hayden Byerly. There was a that she was bisexual with the introduction of her love representation over the past decade,” according to The focus on his sexuality and relationships with other boys, interest Lexa, portrayed by Alycia Debnam-Carey. After Guardian. including the character being the youngest In TV, however, there has been a greater person to be featured in a same-sex kiss increase in LGBTQA+ characters and on television. Jude Foster’s love interests people of color portraying them on screen. included other gay male characters on the The following are some notable TV shows show, like Noah Walker and Connor Stevens. that have been highlighting LGBTQA+ Aaron Baker is a transgender recurring representation recently. character who dated the main character, “American Horror Story” is a Fox Callie, in the show. Elliot Fletcher, who is anthology horror series created by Ryan transgender in real life, plays him. Another Murphy and Brad Falchuk. In each of the character referred to as Cole is also a show’s individual season anthologies, there transgender recurring character on the show. have been numerous examples of LGBTQA+ He was Callie’s roommate and is shown to characters represented on screen. The series struggle with being accepted as transgender. has focused on a murder house, asylum, He is played by Tom Phelan, who is also coven, freak show, hotel, Roanoke, cult, and transgender in real life. Another recurring the apocalypse. There are several lesbian character, Ximena Sinfuego, is Latina and a character representations to note: Winter lesbian. Anderson (Cult), Ally and Ivy Mayfair“Black Lightning” is a superhero Richards (Cult), and Lana Winters (Asylum). television series airing on the CW that focuses There have also been multiple bisexual on the retired Black Lightning’s return as a characters, including Will Drake (Hotel), superhero and the effects this has on his family Countess Elizabeth Johnson (Hotel), Sally Freeform life. In this show, Nafessa Williams stars as Take from The Fosters Season 5. Mckenna (Hotel), Dell Toledo (Freak Show), Anissa Pierce, a lesbian medical student who


December 5, 2018


and the path to social acceptance doubles as the hero Thunder. Her love interest is Grace Choi, a recurring character, played by Chantal Thuy. “How to Get Away with Murder” is an ABC drama television series about Annalise Keating, played by Viola Davis, a law professor, who with five of her students, becomes entangled in a murder plot. In season two, Annalise Keating was confirmed to be bisexual when her ex, Eve Rothlo (Famke Janssen), was introduced in the story. Another main character, Connor Walsh (Jack Falahee) is a gay man in a relationship with other main character, Oliver Hampton, another gay man, played by Filipino actor Conrad Ricamora. At the end of season one, Oliver tests positive for HIV. Another main character is Tegan Price, a queer woman of color, played by Amirah Vann. Since 2018, there has also been an increase in LGBTQA+ fiction for adult and young adult novels. Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli are two popular young adult novelists that feature mainly all LGBTQA+ characters in their work. They recently collaborated on “What If It’s Us,” a YA contemporary romance novel about second chances. Albertalli is the author of “Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda,” the 2015 YA novel that became the box office hit “Love, Simon.” This year, she published “Leah on the Offbeat,” a sequel featuring Simon’s best friend Leah and her romantic struggles as a bisexual teen. All of Silvera’s books feature male teens who are gay, and his critically acclaimed novel “They Both Die at the End” is a devastating yet uplifting story about two gay teenagers who only have one day left to live. Ngozi Ukazu’s online comic “Check Please!” was published last month into a print graphic novel, and the storyline follows the romantic relationship between two hockey players, Bitty and Jack, at the fictional Samuel University. While the novel shows the protagonist Bitty’s first and second years, the online comic goes up to Bitty’s fourth year at Samuel and shows the progression of his relationship with Jack. Additionally, “Summer of Salt” by Katrina Leno is a YA novel about magical abilities, sisterhood, and growing up. The relationship between the main character, Georgina, and the female love interest, Prue, is centerstage in the narrative. Some recent LGBTQA+ novels that have been published this month include “Outrun the Wild” and “When Katie Met Cassidy.” The fantasy novel “Outrun the Wind” by Elizabeth Tammi features the romantic relationship between the fictional Huntress of Artemis, Katrina, and a character in Greek mythology known as Atlanta. “When Katie Met Cassidy” is an adult LGBTQA+ story that stars Katie, who was recently dumped by her male fiancé and forms a deep romantic bond with her female coworker Cassidy. However, there are disagreements between University students on whether or not the trend in media positively correlates with societal acceptance. University freshman Sabrina Vee states that the increase

Check Please!

in LGBTQA+ acceptance is caused by a social media bubble, because the “more people that have the same views…then it feels like there’s more acceptance around you as a whole,” when that is not necessarily reality for all LGBTQA+ people. University freshman Maxwell Stimpson says, “It’s easy to see the increase of acceptance in society with widely celebrated events such as Pride.” However, Stimpson also says that there is rampant homophobia in places such as Chechnya, “where there were reports of gay men being put into concentration camps” for their sexuality. Similar to Vee, Stimpson states that we “have a long way to go in the matter of LGBTQA+ acceptance, but…we are making much progress.” There has been an expansion of LGBTQA+ social media influencers and celebrities than ever before. Hannah Hart, Shane Dawson, Ingrid Nilsen, Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, and Connor Franta are well-known YouTubers who normalized being prominent members of the LGBTQA+ community. In 2015, Shane Dawson came out as bisexual and Ingrid Nilsen as lesbian in their candid and emotional videos about no longer hiding the truest part of themselves. Tyler Oakley has over 7.6 million subscribers on YouTube and is an avid supporter of LGBTQA+ charity organizations like The Trevor Project. Furthermore, Hayley Kiyoko and Troye Sivan are two positive cisgender celebrities who are writing Pride Parade 2018 @ep_jhu songs specifically for the LGBTQA+ community. Kiyoko has been dubbed “Lesbian Jesus” by her community has been silent. Big corporations make large fans after the release of her debut album “Expectations,” profits off of Pride-related products without supporting the which had LGBTQA+ pop anthems about first love, message of the community or contributing to LGBTQA+ coming out, relationships with women struggling with charities. The article brings to light that the main goal of a their sexuality, and being comfortable in your own skin. corporation is to raise brand awareness and make a profit. Sivan also released his second album “Bloom,” which There are a few consumer-driven companies like H&M, focused on femininity, authenticity, reflecting on the past, Nike, and Converse who donate a portion of what their and moving forward for the future. Kevin Abstract, the customers spend on pride merchandise to LGBTQA+ leader of the rap collective Brockhampton, is openly gay charities, but the majority big-name brands may not actually and frequently raps about his experience growing up as support the community or understand the underlying apart of the LGBTQA+ community in Texas. This year, problems LGBTQA+ people face that go behind marriage Kehlani, King Princess, and Years & Years are other and coming out. University freshman Jeffrey Wheeler popular LGBTQA+ artists with loyal fan bases and catchy states that although LGBTQA+ people have gained more songs based on their specific LGBTQA+ experiences. The rights and acceptance, “the discrimination comes in the rise in modern LGBTQA+ influences in music prompted form of micro-aggressions.” Wheeler states that most millennials to hashtag this year “#20gayteen.” LGBTQA+ media “reinforces terrible stereotypes,” which Miles Aaron McKenna became a social media hopefully an increase in LGBTQA+ media will combat. influencer overnight after his YouTube video “I Am For people living in NYC, and specifically students Miles” published on April 1. His documented year-long at the University, it seems like society is moving toward a gender transition has over 1,600,000 views, and Miles higher sense of tolerance because of the culture built into has 1.1 million subscribers to his YouTube channel NYC. Wheeler states that there has been “a willingness MilesChronicles. On his channel, McKenna discusses from allies to better themselves, as well as improve the being trans, the difficulty of coming out to homophobic ways they support the community,” rather than direct parents, and the aftermath of doing so. McKenna is most homophobia or faux acceptance. active on his Instagram, @themilesmckenna, where he Nonetheless, this year has seen a capitalization posts pictures and stories about and dehumanization of Pride and LGBTQA+ people. his daily life and his experience President Donald Trump’s proposal to take away federal being transgender. recognition of transgender and non-binary identities Overall, American media highlights the lack of tolerance that is still prevalent in seems to have become more society. Last month, the hashtag #Won’tBeErased trended diverse and LGBTQA+ friendly. as thousands of people tweeted to advocate for their rights There are dozens of more shows as transgender and non-binary citizens. that have diverse characters, and Although there has been a distinct uptick in there are far more LGBTQA+ diverse characters in media content this year, there is characters in mainstream still negativity that LGBTQA+ people face on a daily television now than in film. This basis. For example, LGBTQA+ youth homelessness is a year’s 2018 Pride Parade has widespread issue that is rarely acknowledged or discussed. seen an increase in support from According to the Human Rights Campaign, transgender politicians, celebrities, social and non-binary people are more at risk for a fatal hate media influencers, and family crime, especially if they are people of color. Even though members of LGBTQA+ people all LGBTQA+ characters and social media influencers have across social media. increased their presence in the media, there could still be Vox reported that while improvement in the underlying problems that still plague the “symbolic support for the LGBTQA+ people. LGBTQA+ community is ubiquitous,” the recognition of Ngozi Ukasu causes with a real impact on the



December 5, 2018

A tribute to Stan Lee: a comic legend ALEXANDRA PUGA News Intern

never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!” DC Comics, Marvel’s largest competitor, shared their condolences on Twitter: “He changed the way we look at heroes, and modern comics will always bear his indelible mark. His infectious enthusiasm reminded us why we all fell in love with these stories in the first place. Excelsior, Stan.” Holland shared to Instagram: “How many millions of us are indebted to this guy, none more so than me. The father of Marvel has made so many people so incredibly happy. What a life and what a thing to have achieved. Rest in peace Stan” [sic]. The impact Lee made on the comic community was immense, and students at the University certainly had things to say about it as well. “Lee’s impact was that he inspired creativity not only in the comic community but in the media industry. He pushed the limits and that’s his biggest contribution to the community,” said University sophomore Emma Note. When asked about the future of the superhero entertainment industry, Note said that Lee “will never truly be replaceable.” She continued, “I think he was able to create something so unique. Others might be able to come close [to Lee’s success] if creators continue to think out of the box.” Stan Lee will be missed but never forgotten, thanks to his impactful and Gage Skidmore celebrated lifelong comics.

moving forward, and if it’s time to go, it’s time. Nothing lasts forever.” Lee started at Timely Comics, Marvel’s predecessor, in 1939. The first heroes he developed, with the help of Jack Kirby, was a group known as the Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four are now a Marvel classic, and the superhero Marvel company began to align its branding with the superheroes that are flawed and human and based in real life cities like New York. Some other notable characters Lee and Kirby co-created for Marvel are Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and many more. Stars such as Chris Evans (“Captain America”) and Tom Holland (“Spider-Man”) shared their condolences on social media after Lee’s passing. Evans took to Twitter to share: “There will

Stanley Martin Lieber, also known as Stan Lee, passed away on Nov. 12 in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California after being rushed to the hospital from his home. The comic legend died at the age of 95 due to heart failure, according to USA Today. Lee was born in New York City. He was an American comic book writer, editor, and publisher, and he was beloved by comic book fans, superhero movie buffs, and lovers of entertainment in general. Aside from his comics, Lee was known for his cameo appearances in Marvel Studios films. During his famous “Spider-Man” appearance, he said, “I guess one person can make a difference.” This seems to be precisely what Stan Lee did in the comic book community, as his ambition and creativity brought to life a whole colorful universe of fascinating heroes and villains and changed the landscape of entertainment forever. Stan Lee was primarily active in the comic community from the 1940s to the early 2000s, and he returned to the industry recently to star in those cameo appearances that became signature of Marvel films. The word ‘Excelsior’ is the recognizable signature of Stan Lee in his superhero comics, as it is stamped onto the end of each story. Lee said in a Playboy interview in 2014: “You know, my motto is ‘Excelsior.’ That’s an old word that means ‘upward and onward to greater glory.’ It’s on the seal of the state of New York. Keep Stan Lee at the 2015 San Diego Comic Con International

University students criticize Victoria’s Secret exec’s anti-minority statements BRIANNA ADKINS Arts Intern On Nov. 8 the annual Victoria’s Secret fashion show laid out its elaborate fantasy like capitalist clockwork. The fantasy consists of angel-winged and extremely fit supermodels, who wear the company’s lingerie and sport full faces of high-end makeup. The glitz- and glamour-filled fantasy of the show this year was dampened by a statement released by a Victoria’s Secret executive. This message was conveyed in a manner that felt immoral to some consumers and fans: the company brands itself with thin and fit models, purposefully leaving out plus-sized and transgender women from their runway shows due to marketing reasons and the power of the lingerie brand and its fantasy reputation. While the show featured the most popular models of the year—Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and Kendall Jenner—and celebrated the end of Adriana Lima’s two-decade-long career as a Victoria’s Secret Angel, the spotlight seemed to be tainted by the statements from Ed Razek, the chief marketing officer of Victoria’s Secret’s parent company Limited Brands. The executive made remarks about trans and plus-sized people not being used as models in their shows because they were not deemed to be up to the company’s “fantasy” standards. In an interview in Vogue, Razek explained why VS does not include these people in their shows: “We attempted to do a television special for plus-sizes [in 2000]. No one had any interest in it, still don’t. …So it’s like, why don’t you do [a size] 50? Why don’t you do 60? Why don’t you do 24? It’s like, why doesn’t your show do this? Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should. Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy.” These comments spread a wildfire of uproar. Even Victoria’s Secret Chief Executive, Jan Singer, left the company after Razek’s remarks. Transgender and body positive activists took to social media to tear down the ideals of the lingerie brand. They expressed their distaste for the lack of inclusion, especially in a political climate where transgender people are fighting for their place in society. University students expressed their opinions as well. Florence Elle, University sophomore, explained that this exclusion felt “disheartening” and “disappointing” to her as a transgender woman. “Not because this is a departure from the norm, it is not, but the context in which the statement was made is incredibly hurtful. The idea that they don’t, ‘market to these demographics’ is not right. Not because every market, nor every business should be for everyone, but rather that

they sell products to both trans women and plus size women,” Elle said. “Very few of their models are going to be wearing a 40DDD bra or something with [an] XXL waist any time soon.” In terms of larger societal attitudes towards transgender and plus size women, Elle said, “To just criticize Victoria’s Secret for their comments is a good start, but moving forward people should ensure they talk about how plus size women and trans women are represented in fashion and media as a whole.” Lindita Kulla, University junior and social justice chair for the Student Government Association, stated that “the idea of European beauty standards still plagues our media.” “In today’s social climate, the inclusion of trans women and plus-sized women in the modeling industry has made fashion more accessible to women,” said Kulla. “By showcasing body types that are realistic to everyday women, companies are giving themselves a wider audience to sell to. VS has severely constricted its options in who they are marketing to.” According to Kulla, there is a way to make a change in how society perceives the actions of Victoria’s Secret. She said: “I think instead of bringing VS to light we should focus on looking into brands that are inclusive and lifting them up. Instead of talking about VS, we talk about Aerie. It is something that is proactive and can make better change. Rather than use negativity to highlight something, find its positive counterpart!” While the Victoria’s Secret show aims to highlight strong women through a lingerie fashion show, numerous University students highly disagreed with the choice to publicly condemn trans and plus size women from the show. With inclusion becoming more prominent, especially for representation of minorities who feel left out of the societal landscape, these comments can bring executives—even entire companies—under the scrutinizing gaze of University students, young adults, and activists. Illuminating more inclusive lingerie lines like Aerie, ThirdLove, and ASOS Curve, can help to show underrepresented women where they can find their own “fantasy” through a seemingly accepting and diverse company. Victoria’s Secret’s fantasy, if it included all women of all shapes and sizes, would possibly be a more realistic fantasy that diverse people could reflect upon. Representation is important, especially on a runway broadcasted on cable television. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show aired on national television on Dec. 2.


December 5, 2018 11

Laurie Anderson’s novel “Speak” in the #MeToo era GRACE VESPA Arts Intern Countless stories have been written since the #MeToo and #TimesUp feminist movements that have changed the dynamics of Hollywood, the Olympics, and dozens of other institutions. Women have come forward with stories of their own experiences with sexual assault, and as art is a reflection of reality, more and more new books, television shows, movies, and visual art pieces are being released. More than that, though, similar tales from older media are being rebooted or rereleased to show that the movement has not lost momentum and that these stories deserve to be heard. Such is the case with Laurie Halse Anderson’s 1999 novel “Speak,” which was made into a graphic novel and published on Feb. 6. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have spread internationally, across countries, cultures, and borders. They demonstrate the magnitude of those affected by sexual assault, and offer solidarity to those affected by trauma. #MeToo’s official website,, offers survivors and advocates a database that provides services, resources, and a glossary of terms to “give a voice to your experiences.” Before the #MeToo movement even began, however, the young adult novel “Speak” was published in 1999. It tells the story of a teenage girl struggling to find her voice after she was sexually assaulted. The powerful novel tells the powerful story of high school student Melinda Sordino who was raped at a party just before her freshman year. After the assault, she struggles to say what happened to her, especially as her peers shun her. During the party, before Melinda has a chance to speak to the police, the phone is ripped from her grasp and the students realize she called the cops. When school starts three months later, her peers bully her periodically and blame her for the arrest of some students at the party, and as a result Melinda does not tell anyone she was raped. Both “Speak” and #MeToo highlight society’s failure to denounce the perpetrators of sexual violence, although “Speak” takes place on a smaller scale at a local high school. Throughout the novel, Melinda barely speaks, preferring to stay mute rather than tell anyone what really happened, and none of the students ask her. The focal point of the novel comes when Melinda’s ex-best friend, Rachel, starts dating Andy Evans, Melinda’s abuser and Melinda is conflicted as to whether she should come forward with her truth, or stay silent and risk her friend getting hurt. In an effort to save her friend, she writes “Guys To Stay Away From” on a bathroom wall, placing “Andy Evans” as the first name. When she returns to the wall, there are comments from other women that say, “He’s a creep,” “He should be locked up,” and “Call the cops.” In a way, the bathroom wall is her high school’s version of #MeToo, before there was the technology or platform to make her voice heard. Once she sees the wall, Melinda realizes that there are multiple women who have been harassed or assaulted by him, and that she is not alone. When Rachel breaks up with Andy, Melinda breathes a sigh of relief. However, when Melinda is alone in the janitor’s closet, her “sanctuary,” Andy attacks her after realizing she is the only other person who could’ve told Rachel what happened. In a climactic scene, Melinda fights back and reclaims what he stole from her in the forest—her voice. She is able to open the closet door, symbolically shining a light on his crime, and she discovers other students standing in front of the closet who were ready to break the door open. The ending of “Speak” uplifts survivors of sexual assault and rape, as Melinda eventually fights back against her perpetrator, finds allies, and begins her healing process. Anderson is no stranger to writing authentic teenage experiences, given that she incorporates stories from her own life into her novels. “The Impossible Knife of Memory,” published in 2014, deals with the relationship between a daughter and her war veteran father who is suffering from PTSD, and Anderson noted that the relationship is strongly based on her father’s relationship with PTSD. Similar to Melinda from “Speak” Anderson shared her experience of being raped at age 13, and she told her therapist about what happened to her for the first time 25 years later. “Speak: The Graphic Novel”, the modern reboot, serves as a timely reminder of

Speak: The Graphic Novel published in Feburary 6, 2018.

how little our culture has changed since its original publication. Emily Carroll, whose work “Through the Woods” has won multiple awards for its design, illustrates the graphic novel. The graphic novel tells the same plot as the original, but it is the artwork that makes the written word shine. Carroll does a fantastic job of visually showing Melinda’s healing process, and at times the art is uncomfortable to look at as Melinda is visibly affected by this traumatic experience. The illustrations present the same emotional energy as the novel, but it is twice as effective as the readers visually see the way in which Andy, or “IT” as Melinda calls him, terrorizes her mentally Original Speak novel published in 1999. and physically. The font choice, the trees sprinkled on the corners of the pages, and the black-and-white color use all demonstrate Melinda’s sense of isolation throughout the novel. At the same time, the illustrations also evoke a sense of hope once Melinda opens up, and the last line of the novel “Let me tell you about it,” is the only line of white text on a dark background. It is necessary for novels like “Speak” to be published, especially in this format, so that young teenagers have the language and visualization necessary to understand events that happened in their own lives. The idea of a woman getting ostracized from society for speaking up about her experiences is no strange phenomenon, clearly shown by multiple stories shared throughout the #MeToo movement. However, it is disquieting to know that it took almost 20 years since the book’s publication to get to this point, and the work is still not done. Women who come forward, even in the time of #MeToo, face immense pressure from the public to prove their credibility. The culture in workplaces of various industries has yet to shame or blame all high-profile perpetrators of sexual violence, and there are still conversations about consent and victim blaming that need to be discussed. According to Bustle, Anderson states that not much has changed since the initial publication because parents, schools, police, and judicial systems still “ignore or belittle victims demanding justice.” Although social media and the #MeToo movement have advanced the conversation on an international level, there needs to be discussions in schools and inside family homes about rape culture, consent, and sexual assault to enact real change. As a tribute to the #MeToo movement, Anderson is releasing a free-verse memoir titled “Shout!” based on her own experiences with sexual assault. The memoir going to be published on March 12, 2019, and the Goodreads summary calls it “vulnerable as it is rallying, as timely as it is timeless.” Anderson will be using this memoir to advocate for sexual assault survivors alongside deeply personal stories from her own life that she has never written about before. According to The Washington Post, Anderson sees this novel as her “responsibility to help others move away from #MeToo to #UsToo,” so survivors are no longer isolated and have a sense of community, which she did not have after her assault. She further states that writing her memoir is “a second liberation for me,” as her rage at a society where sexual violence is normalized fueled her reflections. She calls “Shout!” a “declaration of war against rape culture and a celebration of survival.” Similar to the ending of “Speak,” her memoir will be one of resilience, hope, and strength for all survivors. Hopefully, her memoir will inspire survivors to find the courage to speak up, tell their truth, and say #MeToo. If you or anyone else you know experienced any form of sexual assault, RAINN, the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, is the nation’s largest organization for sexual assault survivors. They can also be contacted at National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.



December 5, 2018

The ‘T’ about Queer communication KELSEY NICHOLSON Executive Editor

“Sis.” “Tea.” “Wig.” These words are routinely used by members of the LGBTQA+ community in today’s era. They, and many others, are seen on social media sites (specifically Twitter) as well as in real life. Slang in the community goes back incredibly far, but there was one era in British history where the use of LGBTQA+ slang had a large impact on culture—it was practically its own language. A language called Polari. Polari was originally used in the 19th century by performers at theatres and circuses. At the time, homosexuality was illegal, so many of the homosexual men who worked at these theatres began to adopt the words they heard at work and use them to hide in plain sight, as well as identify other members of the community. Artist Jez Dolan told BBC Culture that “One of the things that makes Polari so powerful is that it is simultaneously about disguise and identification. You would be hiding what you were talking about from people who didn’t know it, but also if you were in a bar and you liked the look of somebody, you’d pop it into conversation and they’d either go ‘ah’ or they’d look blank and you’d be on your way.” Polari acted as both a way to avoid arrest for being a part of the LGBTQA+, and also as a small act of defiance. Polari was never truly a full-fledged language. Rather, it had substitutions for some words, and kept others the same, along with the grammatical structure of British English. Common words included “bona,” which meant good, “naff,” which meant either bad or heterosexual, “rozzer,” which meant policeman, “omi,” which meant man, and “omi-palone” and “palone-omi,” which meant a gay man and a lesbian, respectively. There were also some words that you can still find in the modern-day terminology, such as “butch” to mean a more masculine-presenting lesbian, or “zhoosh,” which is to make something more lively or presentable, as often

used by Jonathan Van Ness on Netflix’s “Queer Eye.” The language died out in the late ‘60s once homosexuality stopped being a criminal offense and there was less of a need to hide anymore in public. Slang words in the LGBTQA+ community today serve a different but similar purpose as Polari did. Both are meant to show a sense of belonging to the community and signify an in-group status; however, with Polari, it was about hiding from non-LGBTQA+ people to avoid persecution. Nowadays, the slang is used openly and frequently on social media platforms and in real life. We can’t just attribute today’s slang to the white gay men who made Polari popular. A lot of today’s common terms, like “spilling tea,” “throwing shade,” and “YAS, Queen!” These words originated in drag culture, especially among queens of color. One of the first uses of “tea” comes from the 1994 nonfiction book, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” In it, the author John Berendt interviewed The Lady Chablis, a prominent black drag performer in Savannah, GA. She said certain men are prone to violence when they find out her “T,” so she tends to avoid them. “Your T?” “Yeah, my T. My thing, my business, what’s goin’ on in my life.” The “T” she is referring to is her truth, and the “T” is that she’s transgender. As drag culture—particularly black drag culture— has increased in popularity over the years, the terms used have spread and are now a large part of the LGBTQA+ vernacular. One of the largest boosts to the use of black gay slang in everyday life is the reality show “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Since 2016, it has won four Emmys and doubled its viewership after its move to VH1. While the slang used on the show is no doubt used mostly within the LGBTQA+ community, the show boasts a wide viewership, and is at

least partially responsible for bringing this slang into the pop culture limelight. The use of these slang terms is currently up for debate. Many consider it appropriative and harmful to the black trans community, and that those who use the language fail to credit the early beginnings of the terms. Especially in today’s world of rapid media consumption and passing fads, people tend to absorb words and slang too fast to truly know what they mean and where they come from. American linguist Jane H. Hill defines language appropriation as “a type of complex cultural borrowing that involves a dominant group’s ‘theft’ of aspects of a target group’s language.” On the blog New York School Talk, public school teacher in Queens Vivett Dukes explains that “this cultural ‘borrowing’ of Black language and phraseology happens regularly, allowing non-Black folk to ‘try on’ Black culture through the use of AfricanAmerican English vernacular and slang without having to ‘put on’ the cultural consequences of actually being Black in a culture conditioned to devalue and dismiss it.” On the other side of the aisle, however, it is believed that those who do not belong to the original in-group can still be respectful in their usage of the language. “The line between cultural appropriation and cultural exchange is always going to be blurred,” said activist and actress Amandla Stenberg in her YouTube video on cultural appropriation, “Don’t Cash Crop my Cornrows.” The New York Times implores its readers in an article on cultural appropriation “to proceed with good faith and Google, to seek out and respect context.” The incorporation of language from the LGBTQA+ community shows little signs of slowing in today’s rapidly-moving world, so before you bring these terms into your lexicon, do a little research.

Big Gay Ice Cream comes to FiDi BARBARA RUCCI Features Intern

The Financial District just got a bit sweeter as it celebrates the opening of a new they also use their influence to support the LGBTQA+ community. ice cream shop. Big Gay Ice Cream’s South Street Seaport location opened its doors on University junior Gabby Boone states, “In terms of inspiration, the fact that an ice Thursday, Oct. 25. New Yorkers have raved about the Big Gay flavors, creativity, and cream truck went to a brick-and-mortar in New York City is extremely expensive and overall aesthetic for as long as the stores in the West Village and East Village have been shows the type of success you can get when you work hard and use your resources running. wisely.” In 2009, Big Gay Ice Cream started up Prior to this South Street Seaport shop, in a seasonal food truck run by fellow New Big Gay Ice Cream has parked a truck near Yorkers, Bryan Petroff and Douglas Quint. Seaport over the past couple of summers By driving around and selling their ice cream, to see how well business would do. Boone Petroff and Quint gained an immense amount continues, “The location is really convenient of publicity—so much so that it resulted in and central. They are doing a lot of building in the opening of a permanent location two that area, and since the West Village location years later in Manhattan. The East Village has become crowded over the years, it will store opened in 2011 and the West Village be nice to have a location that is a little more followed suit just a year later, in 2012. laid back.” The South Street Seaport is still A few of their notable flavors include re-building after the damage from Hurricane “Dorothy,” “American Globs,” and “Salty Sandy, so the new businesses are receiving Pimp.” The titles of the flavors are enough to plenty of attention from those who frequent draw customers in, and this was no mistake the Seaport area. on the end of Petroff and Quint. Their flavors To put a cherry on top of Big Gay Ice were created with the knowledge that “people Cream’s success, Bryan Petroff and Douglas liked to order things by name.” In fact, their Quint have written their very own book. “Big flavor, “Bea Arthur,” was inspired by an idea Gay Ice Cream: Saucy Stories & Frozen posted on the Big Gay Ice Cream Twitter Treats: Going All the Way with Ice Cream,” account (@biggayicecream). was released in 2015. The cookbook not only When the founders were formulating provides Big Gay recipes, but also highlights menu items, they sent out a photo via Twitter the accomplishments of the two proud Big Gay Ice Cream founders of the company. A customer enjoying a cone at Big Gay Ice Cream of Nilla Wafer topping a Dulce de leche flavored ice cream cone and asked if anyone It is inspiring to learn how Petroff and wanted to name the next iconic creation. Someone replied, stating, “The Golden Girl.” Quint built Big Gay Ice Cream into the empowering business that it is, as it began as a Petroff narrowed it down by naming it after Golden Girl, actress Bea Arthur, because she humble ice cream truck. Fans of this ice cream will always be fascinated with where they had recently left over a quarter of a million dollars in her will to The Ali Forney Center, will bloom next, and we can only hope for more Big Gay Ice Cream shops in New York an LGBTQA+ homeless shelter for teens. City. University students have the delicious advantage of watching Big Gay Ice Cream’s Not only does Big Gay Ice Cream work to invent incredible ice cream flavors, but success only steps away from campus.


December 5, 2018 13

Netflix takes on Twitter humor BROOKE SALAMONE Features Intern Netflix has become a staple stress reliever for college students across the country. For many, the humorous characters and plots on Netflix’s infamous shows take students away from the stresses of school. It seems the streaming site is not only focused on incorporating humor in our favorite shows, but also their Twitter page. In recent months, Netflix has been taking its humor to Twitter. Social media marketing at its finest—memes are here, there, and everywhere. Instead of Netflix flooding your Twitter feed with updates on new releases, the company has decided to take a more light hearted comedic approach to marketing. According to Mashable, the company gained true comfort in taking risks regarding the use of humor on their social media platforms in 2016, often poking fun at their own content and the users who binge-watch. While the team may have started this publicity tactic in 2016, 2018 seems to be the year of memes for Netflix. The memes are inspired by their very own shows and movies, paired with captions fit in with current millennial


interact, and spread their love of popular culture through twitter and other social media platforms. The U.S. account is often caught even responding back to their viewers. Netflix is changing the game for social media marketing, and their creative formula continues to grow stronger. Netflix takes this strategy even further, spreading it to their emails. According to Forbes, Netflix includes moving gifs in their emails when it comes to promoting a new title. It is clear that Netflix has a strong understanding of their audience. But for some, the use of this humor is already overdone. “Netflix incorporating Gifs and Meme’s does not change my opinion on it that much because I kind of expect every company to do that now,” shares University Sophomore Carla Peragallo. “It’s @NetflixUS such a normal thing that I don’t really pay attention to it.” and Gen Z humor online. Either way, finding a social media niche in today’s In one tweet, Netflix uses a meme from “Sex and the day and age remains a struggle and important aspect City” (which was recently added to the website within the for companies trying to gain the attention of younger last month) to promote their newest original movie “The generations, but Netflix seems to be breaking the Princess Switch.” boundaries of success. Many are unaware of Netflix’s use of such tactics. “I didn’t actually realize Netflix was doing this,” said University sophomore Elizabeth Byington. “I think this way of marketing it’s normal for companies to do now. I don’t find it innovative” While this may not be new news, what seems to be interesting about Netflix’s approach is how well it is working with its audiences. While this may attribute to the success that Netflix is currently having in our highly digital age, companies like Coca-Cola cannot seem to resist joining in on the comedic bandwagon. The number of interactions, including likes, responses, and retweets help show the success Netflix is having with their approach. Memes and gifs seem to be the key to this generation’s heart. “I think using this technique will help Netflix succeed by drawing qea younger audience,” said University sophomore Emily Fink. “I think the younger audience will see these memes or gifs and will want to watch whatever Netflix is advertising because they find the memes of gifs humorous.” In our highly digital age, Netflix seems to understand what their audience members want. Their tweets allow the @NetflixUS audience to not only agree with the messages, but share,

Reading for pleasure or reading for pain? EMILY DODARO Contributor

Whether it’s schoolwork, a part-time job, or any other extra-curricular activities, students are often spread thin and have a difficult time fitting in recreational activities. The concept of reading for pleasure seems to have vanished from the average college student’s busy days and sleepless nights, due to the combination of schoolwork and online entertainment, especially amidst the hustle of New York City. But is this the case for everyone? What some studies have shown is that students do in fact read during their free time—or attempt to. In an article on Barnes & Noble Collge titled “Do College Students Read,” Steven Mcspirit explains that “around 65 percent of students read between one and one hours each week.” Some factors that may contribute to these results are one’s field of interest. For instance, an English or journalism major would be more likely to read for class and attempt to read for pleasure, rather than maybe a science or business major. In a poll conducted on the topic of reading for pleasure, 20 University students responded, with 40 percent saying they enjoyed reading, 35 percent saying they don’t enjoy it, and the other 25 percent saying that they sometimes like to read. When asked about what they preferred to read, the majority chose fiction or creative writing, but the real question still stands—why do college adults read for pleasure less than when they were younger? Most respondents said that the abundant coursework and other responsibilities they have for college consumes the time they would use to pick up the latest bestseller. “I make time to read for pleasure because it brings me joy and offers a brief escape from

the severity of student life,” said Shelby Pickelny, a University freshman with a double major in English and arts & entertainment. “I know that there are other students who do not prioritize reading, and I think that is a shame.” On the other hand, others feel that reading anything other than what is assigned for class is no longer a necessity. “Reading books just isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when I think of free time. If I did have more free time, perhaps I would get back into reading,” explained University freshman marketing major Abby Thomas. Some people say that they enjoy reading, but not necessarily in the form of a book. In some instances, students prefer to read for pleasure through popular sites, such as BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Vulture, and more. If anything, our generation is ultimately reading more today than in previous years due to the constant news and information that is being spread through the media. The increase in accessibility and low cost of material makes this source of entertainment popular among college students. Bronwyn Eastlick, a freshman stage management major, explains how she doesn’t necessarily prefer reading books, but enjoys keeping up with news and current events. “One app that I use quite often is the CNN App,” said Eastlick. “I also enjoy reading the [New York] Times, because I like to be aware of things going on in the world today, while also expanding my knowledge on certain topics or stories. It’s just simply much easier to access while I’m out and about, rather than reading a physical book.” Whether you fall into one of these categories, or maybe want to get back into reading, think about picking up a book from the library, Barnes & Noble, or independent book stores like The Strand. Even if the practice doesn’t fit in your daily schedule, taking time out of your day to catch up on current events or the latest celebrity buzz can provide a bit of relief within the endless responsibilities of school. Reading not only broadens your knowledge, but allows for an escape from the rush and madness of everyday college life.



December 5, 2018

Romantic hotspots near you BROOKE SALAMONE Contributor

The Ainsworth With the crisp fall weather gone and the holidays right around the corner, a romantic feeling is taking over the streets of the city. This season is often accompanied by warm feelings, fun adventures, and plenty of gatherings with loved ones. If you are looking to find a restaurant to try with someone new, or planning a date night with your significant other, the Financial District is the place to be for such an occasion. The Financial District is surrounded by a multitude of different cuisine options, which makes dining near campus no problem at all. Check out these highly-recommended restaurants for your next date night plans. Il Brigante Located at 214 Front Street, Il Brigante is an authentic Italian restaurant just a five-minute walk from One Pace Plaza. The restaurant focuses its menu on traditional Southern Italian Cuisine. The intimate environment makes the restaurant a perfect place for a night out with that special someone. With a limited number of tables, it is recommended to make a reservation beforehand, especially for dining on the weekend. Open for dinner Sunday through Thursday from 4 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., and on Friday and Saturday from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., the menu is endless and reasonably priced. Luckily for those who prefer a lunch date, Il Brigante offers lunch specials as well. The restaurant is open for lunch Monday to Friday from noon to 4 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone looking for a true Southern Italian feel should give Il Brigante a try. The menu ranges from traditional Italian appetizers (Antipasti) starting at $9, to delicious pasta dishes (Primi Piatti) and meat dishes (Secondi Piatti) of all different styles. Each day, the restaurant updates their chef specials, which is a plus for anyone looking to try something new. Located less than a minute long walk from the seaport, you can end your romantic date night overlooking the beautiful East River and Brooklyn Bridge after your authentic Italian meal from Il Brigante. The Ainsworth If you are looking for the best burger in the Financial District on your date night, The Ainsworth’s FiDi location is the place to be. Located less than a five-minute walk from the University’s main campus complex, The Ainsworth sits at 121 Fulton Street, right near some flex-dollar favorites like Potbelly and Melt Shop. Hamburger lovers must try the Mac and Cheese burger, which has shown up on several viral New York hotspot videos, but burgers aren’t the only thing on The Ainsworth’s menu that taste great. The restaurant offers a variety of different meals ranging from salad to fish tacos. The menu overall is filled with typical American favorites, so if you are searching for a place with more diverse meal options, the Ainsworth might not be a prime choice. Open Monday to Wednesday from 11 a.m. to noon, Thursday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m, Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 2 a.m, and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., the Ainsworth is a perfect location for a brunch, lunch, or dinner date.

Brooke Salamone El Vez NYC Located at 259 Vesey Street, El Vez is a delicious yet affordable Mexican restaurant perfect for a date night on the town. Open Monday to Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., El Vez has a delicious lunch and dinner menu with plenty of options for any lovers of Mexican cuisine. On top of these two menus, the restaurant is open for brunch on Saturday and Sunday with its own unique menu. With choices ranging from tacos and enchiladas to churros for dessert, there is no better place to take your date if you both are craving a spicy yet savory meal. El Vez also has a burrito bar open Monday through Friday for breakfast (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and lunch (11 a.m. to 4 a.m.). After your meal, feel free to walk it off with your date at nearby Battery Park, where you can take in the crisp fall air and enjoy the beautiful view of Hudson River. Next time you are planning a restaurant date with that special someone, check out some of these amazing places right in our backyard. They will not disappoint.

Il Brigante

Brooke Salamone


December 5, 2018 15

Spreading all the way to NYC: Nutella Café BARBARA RUCCI Features Intern Peanut butter and jelly are arguably one of the most popular spreads in America. Recently, consumers are favoring Nutella—a sweet chocolate-hazelnut spread. While Pietro Ferrero, the man who invented Nutella, cherished this invention prior to its release, the product was sold on the market until 1964. The iconic jar was introduced the following year. To this day, Nutella is frequently used in households as a spread, a dip, or even a spoonful. New Yorkers are now given the chance to enjoy Nutella in a whole new way. The city’s first Nutella Café recently opened its doors on Nov. 14. Located in Union Square, the brand-new café offers various Nutella-inspired and infused items, such as breakfast treats, desserts, hot beverages, and gelato. While America’s first Nutella Café opened in May 2017 in Chicago, the New York City café is a special treat to those in the area, especially to University students who enjoy the spread. The café is located between 13th Street. and University Place. When crowded, the space can feel quite small, but the staff does a great job utilizing the space that they have and guiding customers to their seating. After an order is made, the customer is given a number, and their food is delivered to the table. The café even features its own station made for creating custom desserts. The customers consist of both tourists visiting the city and native New Yorkers. The majority of the people waiting in line and enjoying their Nutella-infused meal inside looked like college students or groups of young people in their mid-twenties. There were also families seated throughout the café, as it offers a homey and cozy atmosphere. At any time of the day, customers can choose from Nutella croissants, crepes, waffles, and pancakes, and even add their chosen fruit to the order for an additional $1.50. Not only are food and drinks available for purchase, but the café also has Nutella jars for sale, which come in various types of sizes. The overall prices on their menu are not out of the ordinary for the city, considering the location of the store and the large, well-loved company. Even though the Nutella Café is not located in the Financial District, it is only approximately two miles away from campus. “The Nutella Café would definitely be a fun place for Pace students to check out. It is a good opportunity to hang out and experience the new places in the city. There is even a variety of food for students to try while they enjoy the atmosphere,” said University freshman Amy Chen. While this is a great place to

try alongside campus friends, students can even drop in to study by themselves. University students should take advantage of all that is available to them in the city, especially the unique restaurants and cafés in the surrounding area. “I would love to try this café. It’s Nutella—you can’t go wrong with Nutella,” said University freshman Chelsea Hidalgo. The Nutella Café is only one stop away on the 4 or 5 train from the Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall station and just steps away from the 14th Street-Union Square Station. If students are in the mood for a coffee, a crepe with fruit, a hazelnut blondie, or a scoop of gelato, then the Nutella Café is the place to try.

Nutella Cafe

Barbara Rucci

Students create New Year’s resolutions for University BARBARA RUCCI Features Intern

Thanksgiving has come to a close, and the holidays are decking halls and spreading some cheer over the University. In the blink of an eye, the New Year will be celebrated and conversations of 2019 New Year’s resolutions with be planned as students set goals to live a healthier life style, make more friends, read more books, and possibly unplug from electronic devices—all with the intention of starting off the new year right. While New Year’s resolutions are reflected upon an individual person, University students were asked about what resolutions the University could benefit from, and make as their own official goals for the 2019 school year. Many students had suggestions to make, however the overall resolutions regarded some suggestions for Café 101, student spaces, and other aspects about the New York campus. It is not guaranteed that the University will prioritize these resolutions for their own list; however, the following students offered some suggestions regarding improvements that could be considered in the following year. The following requests and suggestions are made in regards to Café 101 and dining on campus. University senior Julia Briganti states, “Café 101 should be open longer on weekends. On top of that, I would like to see more stations opened on the weekends as well. Many areas such as the pasta and salad stations are closed when I get food

over the weekend.” University senior Dave Hundal states, “I would like to see Café 101 open later during the week.” When asked about the food options, University senior Marisa Pace states, “I feel like there are a lot of lunch and dinner options, but there could definitely be more breakfast options. I struggle every day and have to wait in the long grill line. If there were more options in breakfast, like a waffle iron, the grill line would not be as long.” “I would like to see Starbucks open on Saturdays. While not many, there are still students on campus studying over the weekend, and it would be convenient to have Starbucks open during the day” University junior Diara Pate states. The Library is another space students feel should be improved, as many students utilize the space. “I would love to see the library

Chinese Lunar New Year Parade.

opened up more in 2019. Towards the back of the library where the blue and green chairs sit, there is open space that is blocked off by dividers. I think it would be nice to open that area up and provide more room for tables,” University senior Tommy Hine shares. “I know that the library remains open later during midterms and finals, but I think it would be beneficial for it to stay open later all the time. I get a lot of studying done there, and I think students would definitely stay later throughout the semester,” University junior Diara Pate stated. The following observations are related to the Master Plan construction. University senior Saransh Godha shares, “Walking from class to class can be difficult. In 2019, maybe there can be a simpler way to organize the pathways and provide more ease when using the elevators.”

B.C. Lorio

“I would love to see the [Master Plan] construction finished by the time I graduate,” shares University senior, Noah Savini. University senior Elena Pinciaro states, “The elevators on campus and in the dorms always seem to be broken down, especially in the Beekman dorm.” Finally, students want to emphasize more on campus events. Activities are consistently offered to students, and this is how University students want to see them next year. University junior Eleni Guadadi would like to have therapy dogs around campus, “Whenever therapy dogs come in during midterms and final exams, it makes me feel so happy. I think these dogs should be brought to campus throughout the semester.” “I think better communication to students about upcoming events would be helpful. Sometimes, I get emails for events I would like to be a part of the day before, but cannot attend because it is last minute” states University senior, Olivia Gonzalez. While these New Years resolutions are not directed towards the individual aspirations of University students, they are made by students who are interested in bettering the University as a whole. Students should feel encouraged to know that they are surrounded by individuals who envision a positive future for the institution. Let us end 2018 on a strong note, and go into 2019 with high hopes and great expectations with what the University will have to offer in the new year.



December 5, 2018

A center for community and acceptance

Leo La Liveres, Student Assistant at the LGBTQA+ & Social Justice Center BROOKE SALAMONE Features Intern Recently, the Pace Press sat down well. We all know so much about Pace with University senior Leo La Liveres and what is going on. We know the ins and to discuss The LGBTQA+ and Social outs of everything. Justice Center and the work the faculty BS: Can you talk about some specific and involved students do within the events that the center puts on throughout University. the year? Brooke Salamone: What is your LL: The center holds a lot of great name, grade, and major? events! We have had events like drag Leo Liveres: Hello, my name is queen bingo, we did a trip to Big Gay Leonardo La Liveres. I go by Leo. I am Ice Cream and we have Q camp, which a senior and a Modern Languages Major is the leadership camp for queer people which means I’m studying Spanish and specifically where we can work on our Asian Languages. leadership skills. It is hosted upstate, so BS: What position do you hold here people from Pleasantville come with us at the LGBTQA+ center on campus? too. It’s a really great community building LL: I am a student assistant here at experience, and is really affirming for the center. your identity. BS: Can you share with me some of BS: What is your favorite event you your hobbies and passions, or what you have attended? like to do for fun? LL: I think my favorite event every LL: I definitely work a lot, but I try year is Q camp. Things like Drag Queen to balance that out because I really love Bingo are amazing because they are music. I try to find recluse or a safe haven affirming, but being at Q camp, you are in that. You’ll never catch me without my away an entire weekend, focusing on LGBTQA & Social Justice Center is in 41 Park Row. Tsun-Chueh Huang headphones on. your queer identity and celebrating your BS: Are you involved in any other organizations on campus? Do you hold any queer identity. You also meet people with similar identities and share different aspects of leadership positions? yourself in different ways. It is really transformative, every single year. I have gone four LL: My position at the LGBTQA+ center is what I am focusing on the most right times and I feel every time it has transformed me in different ways. now. I am a desk assistant for housing, and was an RA for two years. But currently, this BS: I know you touched on this a bit earlier, but how has the center impacted your position is my main focus. I am focusing on this community, and how I can be a better Pace Path? service for it before I leave and graduate. LL: I think that in many ways, if the center was not here I do not know if I would BS: Can you talk a little bit about the LQBTQA center on campus? have been able to stay. They just supported me so much in my emotional and personal LL: I think the center is great. We are located in 41 Park Row in room 902. We love growth and everything. Being in college is hard, I am not going to lie but being queer a promo. But yes, I think the center is super important. For me, it has shaped my entire makes it harder and being trans makes it even harder. So, having this space like a support college experience. I remember the first big event I went to on campus was a meet and system, like a home away from home, is amazing. We have a queer family here, and that greet the center hosted. It was there where I met my best friends, the people that I spend is so incredibly important and necessary. If you are having a rough day, everyone is here all my time with and the people I am going to live with next year. These people are like to remind you every single reason why you are fantastic and why you’re powerful. siblings now. I feel the center is an important and powerful catalyst for socializing. Also, BS: With Pace just recently being announced as one of the safest campuses for it gave me a chance to think about my identity in LGBTQA+ youth, how has the center celebrated honest ways, like me being queer and being trans. this exciting announcement? It helped me feel empowered through it, but also, LL: I think the news is great, but I think because I am very radical, helped me communicate that everyone who comes to the center regularly those ideas to people. So, it’s two fold—as a social just knows. So we are like yes, yes. It is one of experience but it also in shaping my ideas and how those things that we celebrate daily. We have this I think about things for the better. amazing space that not everyone gets. A lot of us BS: What are some specific services that the chose Pace because we knew we would have that center provides? space and that opportunity. LL: The center, of course, provides a space BS: What are some overall messages the for everyone. We have all of our resources like center would like to communicate to the University Queer Leaders who are absolutely amazing. They community? conduct peer led trainings for other students, such LL: I feel that something we are very as UNV 101 trainings for all first years. We also passionate about is the idea that students are have a lot of resources in the city for people who always protected and respected on this campus, no need health care, say like trans students that are matter your identity, no matter who you are, you searching for doctors. We have a lot of resources in are always protected and respected. I think we want that regard. We also have a lot of safe sex resources people to understand the center is more than just a and outside links in the city that can help people place for queer people, it’s a place for allies and understand everything and anything. We are also a place for everyone to be transformative. Even really great if people are having a hard time in their though we are in college, we can still have really classes, say a teacher says anything bad about the big impacts. LGBTQA+ community, we can help make sure BS: Is there anything else you would like to that the teacher is corrected. We have done a lot add that I may not have asked in regards to your of training for teachers specifically so that they are time at Pace and as a member of the LGBTQA+ comfortable in accommodating and giving better center on campus? support to queer students in their classes. We really LL: I am such a radical person, so I want to just touch on everything. We have gender neutral say get out there and radicalize, but I believe it is bathrooms on campus. We do a lot. just so important for people that are queer to care BS: Who are some leaders at the LGBTQA+ for themselves. Also, anyone that is marginalized or center? has a marginalized identity–take care of yourselves. LL: Erin Furey is our amazing director of the Surround yourself with people that understand you, center, she is a powerful woman. Erin can really that will affirm you on the daily, and if you need a help anyone with anything, she is just a great person space like that, come to the center, we are always to get in touch with and know. The assistants that welcoming. @lgbtqacenternyc are here at the center from 9 to 5 are amazing as Leo at the Queer Society event.

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