Volume 67, Issue 7

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February 11, 2016

Volume 67 | Issue 1

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February 11, 2016

Lead in the water City of Flint still in debate over unsafe water noam schuldenrein Contributor There have been problems with the water quality and content in the city of Flint, Michigan,that has yet to reach an end. There have been very treacherous amounts of lead detected in the water, and ever since that discovery, people have been using water filters. It was believed that a such a tool would do the trick and take away the effects of the lead detected in the water. But, it has been reported that a number of the filters have not been cleaning out enough of the lead in the water. This clearly raises some concern for the government of and citizens of Flint. The issues with the water in Flint began when the source of water in the city changed from the Great Lakes to the Flint River. For more than a year now, lead has leaked from pipes because the city did not add standard anti-corrosion chemicals to the water. According to Karen Weaver, mayor of Flint, the level of lead in twenty-six residences were ten times the federal limit. “I think what’s happening in Flint is an absolute disgrace. People should not have to worry about getting sick just by turning their faucets on for a glass of water or for a shower,” quoted University senior Lacey Donadia. “The fact that some homes have tested ten times the federal limit for lead contamination and the EPA says it is nothing to worry about is deplorable and sickening.” Based on what health officials have said, the amount of lead in the water at other sites are not considered to be much of a hazard. Albeit the amount of concern that has risen

A child protesting the poisoning of Flint children

in homes all over Flint, Mark Durno, of the Environmental Protection Agency, is still trying to ensure that everybody remains calm and does not panic, as he is sure that the filters are actually efficient. The lead has affected the health of Flint citizens. A number of children have tested positive for having a high amount of poisonous lead in their blood. Seemingly healthy individuals have reported abnormal blood tests, and there have been incidents of hair loss. Ever since President Barack Obama signed an emergency declaration earlier in the month to respond to the water crisis, there has been a list of steps to take regarding the crisis that has been issued by the federal government. These steps include the EPA working with the government of Michigan to conduct testing to ensure that the water is safe to drink, collecting samples of drinking water from residences in Flint to better comprehend how lead is acting in the plumbing of homes, and distributing NSF-International certified filters that remove lead from household water. “When the government lies to its citizens about the purity of their water, they are endangering the lives of thousands of people in their communities,” said University junior Brianne Morse, “Not only is it unjust but it is inhumane and I think the people of Flint, Michigan, need to band together to make sure their government is properly informing them.” Although health officials are going to continue to treat and test the water to make it potable An actual sample of Flint tap water to residents of Flint, they still warn that it will most likely be months before people can safely drink the water. mlive.com



February 11, 2016


Iowa Caucus foreshadows future of the presidency Melanie guptar Contributor The Iowa Caucus is arguably one of the most important primaries of the election cycle. Iowa happens to be the first major political event in the nation during an election cycle because it is the first state to vote in the primaries. No longer are the days where we sit in anticipation over who is popular this week with CNN and Fox News polls. Now, the real numbers come in. The top three contenders on the Republican side were former Texas Senator Ted Cruz, television host Donald Trump, and former Florida Senator Marco Rubio. On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, and former Governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley battled it out Monday night in a tight race that seemed almost too close to call. Only two hours in, the GOP front-runner Cruz was already taking the lead with about 28% of votes in his favor, and Trump in at a steady 24%, with Rubio coming in a close third. Cruz emerged as the winner on Monday with just a 2% lead on Donald Trump. While the GOP candidates were battling over the evangelical vote, and many thought that Trump basically handed over the win to Cruz because he had not attended the Republican debate two nights before. For the Democrats, the race seemed almost too close to call with Clinton in at 50% and Sanders in at 49%, often fluctuating back and fourth. Clinton emerged as the winner with 23 delegate votes and 49.9% of the popular vote. Sanders received 49.6%

and 21 delegate votes, and O’Malley only received a mere .6% of the vote that night with 0 delegate votes. University student, and identified moderate, Marc Rinosa says, “I think that it proves the gravity of Clinton’s campaign, that her winning is not inevitable. But she needs to campaign hard to set herself apart from Sanders, and that comes from a diverse voter base, which she does not have. Cruz winning shows that the Republican base wants tried and true conservatism.” Democrats and Republicans alike are sure to be on the edge of their seats in the following months as the stakes get higher. Prior to the Iowa Caucus, Clinton’s numbers in the polls seemed to exceed Sanders’ by only a few, so it is not much of a surprise that she took the win. The controversy surrounding the razor-thin numbers between Sanders and Clinton has taken Sanders up 33 points in a New Hampshire poll posted late Wednesday evening, as he called for the raw numbers of votes he received in Iowa. University student, and registered Republican, Feven Merid says that she thinks, “Ted Cruz’s victory was no surprise. Now that the real polling begins, Donald Trump’s words will come back to haunt him. I think Marco Rubio will shoot up to second place in New Hampshire.” Rubio came in a close third on Monday night in Iowa with only a 1% difference between him and Trump. It is very likely that Rubio’s numbers will climb as the months go on. We will know more once the New Hampshire results come in.




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February 11, 2016

Jonas freezes the East asia letlow Features Intern

The end of January came with a “bang”, or rather a blizzard, that seemed out of place in the midst of an otherwise bearable winter. North easterners were spoiled with conditions more suitable for fall, until the infamous winter storm Jonas came to town at the end of the month. Several homes were left without power, and flights, an upwards of ten thousand, were delayed nationwide, making travel difficult. According to Weather Underground’s reports, Jonas is the fourth most powerful Nor’easter since 1950, causing over two billion dollars in damage, and has claimed the lives of at least 58 people. It is marked as a Category 4 on the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale, commonly referred to as NESIS. The storm had a negative impact on the travel plans for University students living out-of-state. However, for some, travel was planned well in advance having no relation to the anticipated storm. University senior Noella James traveled to India over the break to see relatives, and came back in time. However, hailing from the Bronx, James was not exempt from having a fair share of travel issues. “Even to get to the train station or to catch a bus, we were literally standing on the road because there was no place on the side walk because it was covered with snow,” James said. Her travel issues, in turn, caused her to be late for her Monday classes. She said that her professors did not nydailynews.com expect their classes to be at full attendance. “Buses were running late, so I ended up being late to class. The bus I normally would have caught wasn’t running,” she added. but for others, it occurred too late. This was the case for freshman Camille Vitale. nydailynews.com A worker left by Jonas To ensure the safety of all residents in the affected areas, cities shoveling across the the Eastsnow “I was trying to plan around the storm, but it was kind of hard because we got last coast enforced travel bans to reduce the potential of injury or fatality as result of the minute warning about it,” she said. “My dad had to work on Friday, so we couldn’t storm. New York City imposed a travel ban on Jan. 23. On this day, snowfall reached really come early.” Upon her arrival, she noticed that John Street was the hardest record-breaking levels. The ban forbade vehicles from travelling to the city, with the to navigate through with the residual snow, despite Broadway’s clearer condition. penalty of an arrest or fine as a result of noncompliance. Only emergency vehicles were Given the strength of the storm and its impairments it produced for the city, permitted to occupy the roads. It was also suggested that pedestrians should say of the some say classes should not have been held the following Monday. Though the sidewalks, but was not against the law. Other states took necessary precautions by first days of classes tend to only cover the syllabus, vital information is missed having stocks of salt and rounds of snow plowing vehicles to make the roads accessible. and many professors concur that the initial class provides the framework for Students were given the opportunity to arrive early to ensure safe travel. The the course. Many aspects of the semester still must fall into place, and it will Office of Housing and Residential Life uplifted the request to move in early, allowing take time for students to get back on their feet, academically and otherwise. all students to move back prior to the storm. Some took advantage of this opportunity,

Wounded Warriors under investigation jessica kovac News Intern When a veteran returns from war, they are coming home to a foreign environment. For years they have lived in shambles, feared for their lives and have gone through multiple traumas. The Wounded Warriors Project helps veterans readjust as smoothly as possible to their homes and once again start their lives. The charity was founded by veterans whose mission is to provide services for injured men and women that return from war. The movement originally started by handing out backpacks stuffed with survival supplies to patients, and has grown into a multimillion dollar relief effort. Wounded Warriors now provides a variety of services to veterans, including stress recovery programs, transitional training workshops, and mentoring opportunities. Wounded Warriors began as a grass roots movement in 2003 and by 2009, the group accumulated 50 members and $21 million in revenue. They are expanding at a rapid rate. However, the more momentum the charity sees, the more disagreements rise to the surface. The disputes began amongst the founders within Wounded Warriors. Steven Nardizzi, the chief executive decided to model Wounded Warriors as a for-profit corporation, emphasizing that the prime focus of the organization should be expanding and growing the message. Nardizzi spent more than $34 million on fund-raising in 2014, doubling his average spending cost, and increasing it an average of 66% every year since. He was hired by the founder of the corporation, John Melia. Soon after Nardizzi began working for Wounded Warriors, he and Melia began butting heads over the priorities of the foundation. Nevertheless, Wounded Warriors has stayed true to this “for-profit” mentality, and in the past couple of weeks has landed in the news because of it. CBS News has launched an investigation into how the corporation is spending their money, revealing that spending on “conferences” and “meetings” has risen from $17 million in 2010 to $26 million in 2014 and that only 60% of its money goes towards veterans’ services. Charity Navigator gives them two out of four possible stars for their financial practices,

and Charity Watch gives them a C-rating compared to other veteran organizations. Former employees have spoken out about the allegations, but due to extreme concerns about backlash, they are refusing to be named or go on camera. A former employee told CBS News that Nardizzi has made entrances to staff meetings by rappelling down the side of a building, riding a Segway, and riding a horse. At least half a dozen former employees also spoke out, saying they were let go after raising questions about the corporation’s spending. However, a spokeswoman for Wounded Warriors fired back, saying those employees were let go for poor performance or ethical breaches, and they were all given fair opportunity to voice their opinions. This investigation has launched a widespread debate with theAmerican people. Julie Arconti, a senior at the University, says, “I was surprised to hear about the news of their funds being spent frivolously. I understand large, popular organizations need to spend money to make money, but the spending looks a bit excessive and likely unnecessary.” Social media spectators touch on the point Arconti makes. Wounded Warriors is a corporation that grew at an extremely rapid pace. As Nardizzi says, fund raising was the best investment to keep the charity growing. He, as well as others who have spoken out on the topic, do not agree that the corporations should be faulted for a marketing tactic. However, that still does not account for the excess spending; the fancy hotel rooms, dinners, and appearances. Wounded Warriors is also a fast growing organization. The corporation has been faulted for only spending 60% of their funds on veteran specific needs compared to similar charities who spend between 91-96%. In comparison, these charities are less than half the size of Wounded Warriors, not accounting for the administrative, marketing and salary funds that are essential parts of a big company. Money, fame, and power. Three very dangerous things. Three things that can quickly go to someone’s head, and three things that took over the minds of Steven Nardizzi and John Melia. Wounded Warriors started as a grass roots movement to do some good in the world. When it started to take off and these two men saw immense financial success, they lost sight of their true mission: helping veterans get back on their feet.

February 11, 2016




Occupation of Malheur comes to a bloody end chase ballas News Editor One month ago, a group of armed men stormed the federal buildings on the however, were not without incident nor causality, with supporter Robert “LaVoy” Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in protest. The group, led by Ammon Finicum being shot and killed by authorities after not cooperating with orders and Bundy, sought for the release of Dwight and Steven Hammond, who were sentenced appearing to be reaching for a gun. Ryan Bundy, another member of the Bundy family, to five years of imprisonment for causing fires on the federal land. However, the was also shot, but he only suffered minor injuries. In total, 16 people, including both standoff has now been deemed as a fight against the power in the federal government. Bundy brothers, were indicted with conspiracy to impede officers of the United States. In Oct. 2015, the Hammonds were re-sentenced for causing a series of fires on Throughout the whole ordeal, the White House did not label the incident as an act of federal lands, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. The Hammonds, who own ranch lands terrorism, or offer any substantial comments. Spokesperson Josh Earnest commented back that are surrounded by federal in January that, “ultimately this protected lands, including is a local law enforcement matter Malheur, have been arguing and the FBI is monitoring the with officials in the Fish and situation and offering support to Wildlife Service for decades. local law enforcement officials.” They argued the fires were The government did not use not intentional, and that they direct force until being requested started them on their property by an angry Oregon Governor, in order to control populations Kate Brown, who wrote to the of pest and invasive species president and FBI in the final on their ranch. They were week of January about why they originally sentenced and let the occupation last this long. served, lenient sentences, only Brown wrote that “the harm being three months for Dwight and done to innocent men, women one year for Steven. However, and children in Harney County the United States Attorney’s is real and manifest. With each Office argued that arson of passing day, tensions increase federal lands carried a five year exponentially.” After the letters sentence minimum, and the were made, the government two were re-sentenced for the still did not use arms, only five year minimum, minus the diplomatic-like negotiations. time they already served from The incident divided the their first sentence. Because major political parties. In an they are a part of a prominent interview, Democratic candidate family, the Hammond’s story and staunch environmentalist, caught the attention of another Bernie Sanders condemned infamous family, the Bundys. the protestors, arguing, Ammon Bundy is one “Obviously, in the United States of the sons of Cliven Bundy, of America, we cannot accept who staged an armed protest people with weapons taking against the Bureau of Land over federal property. These washingtontimes.com Management in April 2014 time.com people are breaking the law Ammon Bundy addressing the media following his takover of Malheur over grazing rights on federal and are going to have to be lands in Nevada. After being prosecuted.” Major Republican inspired by the Hammond’s case and a message from God, he led roughly 20 armed men candidates seemingly agreed that an armed takeover of a federal building needs to storm the federal buildings in Malheur on Jan. 2, ordering for the federal government a call to action, but generally agreed with them on their stances. Rand Paul and to return the land back to the public in threat of mass shooting. The local community in Marco Rubio both agreed that there is too much federal land in the western United Burns, Oregon, is mixed with support and opposition to Bundy’s tactics and message. States, but there should have been a more organized, lawful form of demonstration. The standoff has been in effect since then. On Jan. 26 and 27, law enforcement The standoff at Malheur symbolized both the growing antagonism arrested eleven people, including Bundy, in connection to the occupation in two separate towards the environmental movement and federal land protection. incidents, one in Oregon and one in Arizona, for conspiracy-based charges. The arrests,


The entrance to Malheur following the takeover


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February 11, 2016


editorial board christian gomez Editor maximilliano onofre Executive Editor ashley spencer Advertising Manager chase ballas News Editor sarah hartzell Arts Editor natalie carolina condrillo Features Editor deniah cagara Graphic Design traci thomas Social Media dr. stephanie hsu Faculty Consultant

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 New York, NY 10038 www.thepacepress.org editor@thepacepress.org Copyright 2014

Lest We forget, Survivors of Sexual Assault By: #PaceUEndRape

It started with one purple sticky note. Suddenly, they were all over the University - in bathrooms, hallways, bulletin boards, and the cafeteria. Each sticky note either had “Yes Means Yes #PaceUEndRape” or “We support survivors of sexual assault #PaceUEndRape” written on it. The oddity of a random sticky note in the middle of the wall caught students’ attention. At the time, #PaceUEndRape was a small group of students who acted on their frustration of the Universities then outdated sexual assault policies and procedures. Posting those purple sticky notes was our first non-violent protest in Fall 2014. Now, we’ve expanded our outreach beyond purple sticky notes. We’ve done sit-ins in front of the library, stand-ins in the courtyard, a march through the cafeteria, and we participate in other modes of non-violent activism with other University organizations. #PaceUEndRape is a volunteerbased organization that advocates for an end to all forms of sexual violence (rape, sexual assault, intimate partner violence) on the Pace University NYC campus. We are committed to sustained student-led activism that fosters a safer environment for all students. We were born out of an August 2014 Huffington Post article that shamed the University on how it mishandled a female student’s sexual assault case. We remember

the slur of Facebook and Twitter statuses that came out once the article was published. It was a rare time of online solidarity for University students. Students and alumni called University higherups out on the ineffectiveness in handling sexual assault cases; recommendations were made to get student input for policy and programming decisions. Based on those opinions, #PaceUEndRape initiated several activities: we gathered student input with our own campuswide survey, hosted bi-weekly student meetings, attended Sexual Assault Task Force meetings, proposed new student programs, and wrote suggestions to update the University’s sexual assault policies. While collaborating with University staff and administration to address students’ concerns, we also worked independently to facilitate dialogue with students. After Fall 2014, student behavior towards sexual assault activism plummeted. #PaceUEndRape experienced its own decline in the Spring 2015 semester. Some of us were burned out from coordinating events that only a few (often the same) students attended. We cared deeply about helping victims and survivors; yet we were firsttime organizers fighting our own battles and trying to understand why University students were not speaking out against sexual assault. We were confused to receive plenty

of online support, but to not have that translate to action-oriented results. There is more to address here than students having a “busy schedule.” Two years later, we continue to face the same apathetic climate regarding rape and sexual assault cases. This isn’t a stand-alone issue at the University -- it happens at every academic institution. News articles and social media campaigns aid in spreading awareness, but that is only one step to address institutionalized sexual violence. The equally important counterpart to awareness raising is grassroots action. Change cannot happen without people caring to take collective action; and that can only become sustained activism when enough people are willing to make the commitment to advocate for others. Sexual violence has always existed on college campuses. Quite frankly, student apathy is a part of the problem of campus violence. It’s unfortunate that it has to take a news article to foster short-lived (online) solidarity. What is more, it seems sexual assault falls into this new thought process that online support fixes the problem; a hashtag does not prevent sexual violence. We want to hold readers accountable to seeing how their actions match their words. While we require administration to do that, we also have to look at ourselves and think

#PaceUEndRape continued on PAGE 11 disclaimer: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration and staff) to The Pace Press. These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind of arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.

February 11, 2016




Marc Jacobs debuts inclusive ad campaign


marcjacobs.com amoreena crispino Editorial Intern In the past few years, people have argued whether or not the morals and values of fashion have transformed over time. Some aspects have definitely changed, such as the types of models involved, types of clothes, and other factors, but, there are still some fashion faux-pas. The legendary Marc Jacobs, who has been known to brand his clothing with his name more than deemed necessary, has had a fashion breakthrough in the eyes of many. The Marc Jacobs advertising campaign for Spring 2016 provides looks that involve equality, sexuality, and acceptance. “It is a personal diary of people who have and continue to inspire me and open my mind to different ways of seeing and thinking,” Jacobs explains. “The spectrum of individuals photographed in our Spring/Summer 2016 ad campaign represent a celebration of my America. In collaboration with photographer David Sims and stylist Katie Grand, the people featured in our campaign personify this collection of fashion through their individuality. Collectively, they embody and celebrate the spirit and beauty of equality.” Marc Jacobs has taken the world of fashion and modeling into a whole new perspective, having people of all different ages, races, genders, sexualities, and sizes involved in the same ad. Many people have been raving about this new, fashion-forward campaign, but some capture the essence of the new ads better than others. The Observer mentions that Jacobs has cast his “family” in his new Spring 2016 looks. This observation makes Jacobs seem

approachable and friendly, a divergence from the stereotype of fashion designers. As New Yorkers are in the midst of New York Fashion Week, people should keep their eyes open for this new campaign and notice how different Jacobs is from some other designers being portrayed in the shows. Fashion designers usually come off as rude and stuck up to many outsiders of the fashion world, but even if you are an “outsider,” it is clear that Jacobs has gone above and beyond in including everyone. Jacobs mentions the phrase “visual narrative” to explain his new campaign. On the topic of narratives and individuality, some students spoke out about their ideas on Jacobs’ “visual narrative” and how important it has become. Freshman Victoria Eaton says, “I think that Marc Jacobs’ new ad is ground breaking and everyone needed this, especially at a time like this for our fashion industry. The poses and stature of these models are so interesting and it makes me really happy to see such unique models being displayed.” Freshman Haley Doty says, “Other designers have obviously used different types of models before in their campaigns, Marc Jacobs isn’t the first one. But to me, he is the first to put a true and real meaning into his clothes and have so many different types of people show them off in the same ad. You can tell that he is being real.” Men and women of color, larger women, children, homosexual intimacy, different cultures, Cher, and even dogs are incorporated in Jacobs’ new ad campaign. People have claimed that they have never seen a fashion ad with more diversity than this one, and they are right. Marc Jacobs provides visuals of what he wants “his America” to look like. Many fashion enthusiasts have similar beliefs as Jacobs and would agree with this being an America they would like to see. Marc Jacobs is bound to come out with something else like this next season, but for now, this ad has provoked great responses. The fashion community and most students at the University seem interested in this ad because of the messages it is sending and how it relates to so many different types of people with a variety of styles. Marc Jacobs has been such a well-known brand for many years and the brand just keeps getting bigger and better. Jacobs is inspiring people of all ages to make America their own and change the fashion industry for the better.

New York Post


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February 11, 2016

Rihanna drops “Anti” album NICOLE FLEETWOOD Contributor Bad gal Rihanna has graced us with another album called “Anti.” The album was released on Jan. 28 debuting at number 1 on the iTunes pop charts, knocking out Adele’s “25” album, which held the position since its arrival on Nov. 20. “Anti” was released exclusively to Tidal, the music streaming service that Rihanna co-owns with Jay-Z. This was a tactic by Tidal to cause lots of traffic towards the service due to its underwhelming reception with the public. Rihanna and Tidal only allowed subscribers to hear and purchase her new body of music. This boosted her sales tremendously because Rihanna used her endorsement deal with Samsung to offer a million free album downloads to Tidal subscribers. The album was released to iTunes on Jan 29 the day after the Tidal release. University student Selina Robinson said, “I see nothing wrong with Samsung helping Tidal get more customers and Rihanna get more sales of her album. It’s just a smart business move.” The album has yet to be released to music streaming service Spotify. This could be extremely damaging for the Pop Princess’s fan base who are avid Spotify listeners. This business move seems to be a trend in the music industry amongst the elite of the Pop music scene. Soulful pop diva Adele would not release her album “25” to Spotify or Apple Music and Taylor Swift’s “1989” was also withheld from both music streaming sites. This is a shrewd business move on all these artist’s and their management’s behalf. Most people in today’s culture would rather pay for a subscription to a music service than actually buy the album and artists like Rihanna, Adele and Taylor Swift are trying to get people to start buying the albums instead of just listening without purchasing. The songs on “Anti” seem to be a different sound for the singer. The themes we are accustomed to for a Rihanna record, such as sexuality and tough-girl attitude, are still relevant on the album. She has even brought back her Caribbean sound to her songs. In Rihanna’s previous efforts, especially the first two albums “Music of the Sun” and “A Girl like Me,” were heavily influenced with Caribbean beats, such as on the first single of her career, “Pon De Replay,” along with the pop friendly songs we know of, like “SOS.” There seems to be a maturity in the content of her music. In the song “Needed Me,” Rihanna is expressing that in a past relationship a man she was dating, needed her to drown all his sorrows he was experiencing in his life. This could be linked to her ex beau R&B crooner Chris Brown, after their brutal fight that left RiRi battered; the two singers have unresolved issues with each other. The next song that is the 1st single for the album is “Work” featuring rapper Drake. University student Kevin Bumbury said, “That song is everywhere! It’s definitely a song a lot of girls are really into.” The song “Work” at number 5 on the iTunes charts is doing pretty well. It demonstrates the chemistry between Rihanna and Drake that we saw

Roc Nation on the songs “What’s My Name” and “Take Care.” There were even rumors that the two were secretly seeing each other, but neither one of the two ever confirmed or denied their relationship. There are many times it seemed the two would be friends, lovers and then enemies all in the blink of an eye, but that’s just the music industry. Rihanna’s “Anti” album is definitely worth the money if you are a diehard Rihanna Navy fan. There are songs about love, heartbreak, and strength which is exactly what Rihanna is all about.

The mixtape that is so fire it made the Earth flat Chase Ballas News Editor For those of you who did not pass middle school physical science, it is a proven fact that the Earth is, in fact, round. But somehow, in the year 2016, people still cannot grasp this very simple concept. Media star Tila Tequila, previously known for her anti-Semitic, Hitler-sympathizer rants on social media and short MTV dating show, took to Twitter and, in a series of all-capped posts, “argued” that the Earth is flat for reasons including that the horizon line is flat and that buildings stand up straight. Her biggest supporter is rapper B.o.B., whose new song “Flatline – Feat. Neil Tyson,” pulled another play out Tequila’s book, and blames the Jews for controlling the government. Also within the song, he mocks

The Daily Beast

celebrity astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who disproved all of B.o.B.’s claims over Twitter prior to the song’s release. Of course, science prevailed and Tyson, during an interview, ripped into B.o.B., focusing on the fact that “there’s a growing anti-intellectual strain in this country. It may be the beginning of the end of our informed democracy… If you want to think the world is flat, go right ahead. But, if you think the world is flat and you have influence over others, as with successful rappers, or even presidential candidates, then being wrong becomes being harmful to the health, the wealth and the security of our citizenry.” And on that note, the round world is eagerly awaiting the new deGrasse TysonBill Nye double mixtape to hit stores.

February 11, 2016




“American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson” “American Horror Story” creators delve deep into infamous trial SARAH HARTZELL Arts Editor Few men have contributed as much to the cultural canon of infamy as O.J. Simpson. The car chase. The glove. The tell-all—or perhaps imagine-all—book. The history of American criminal justice is fraught with sensationalism and public intrigue, but the reverberation of the People v. O.J. Simpson, though settled over twenty years ago, is still felt throughout pop culture today. The latest edition to the true crime anthology genre that is sweeping the nation is “American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson,” spinning the notorious tale of the 1994 murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, for which Brown’s exhusband O.J. Simpson was famously tried and acquitted. The defendant is played by Cuba Gooding Jr., with the people being represented by prosecutor Marcia Clark, played by Sarah Paulson. Simpson’s legal team is headed by John Travolta as Robert Shapiro and David Schwimmer as Robert Kardashian. The casting, hair, and makeup is uncanny for each and every character—including supporting players Kris Jenner (Selma Blair) and Faye Resnick (Connie Britton)— and is, at times, even a little unnerving. The series opens on news footage of the Rodney King riots in 1992, two years before the murders of Brown and Goldman. There is no direct connection between King and Simpson, but the inclusion of this footage declares a racial element to what is to follow. For such a sensationalized case, this aspect is particularly grounding, given the current sentiment towards law enforcement and the justice system. It is a perspective that is not typically included in the lasting narrative of this case, but it is certainly one that warrants exploration. “American Crime Story” was developed as a companion piece to “American Horror Story” and the creative parallels are evident even in the first episode. In the same way that “American Horror Story” riffed on the horror genre, bringing in elements of fantasy and even comedy, “American Crime Story” has a unique

style that changes the tone of a typical crime drama. Dramatic musical cues and camera movements conjure the suspense of a thriller, but it is done in an almost ironic way. After all, there is very little suspense in a real life story that is as well-known as the O.J. trial. There is also a clear influence from reality shows, which is particularly intriguing when considering that it was Kardashian’s involvement in the case that first gave the

family name its tabloid appeal. Unsteady camera work and dramatic fights within O.J.’s entourage feel somewhat like an episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” References to the soon-to-be famous family emphasize just how much this trial would go on to affect American pop culture. In deference to the cultural importance of the O.J. trial, the show does not seem interested in making assertions of guilt or innocence. It differs remarkably from other true crime productions in that sense; whether or not he did it is unimportant. It has been unimportant since the the trial began in 1995. What is important is the public’s opinion and interpretation of the chain events that has unfolded since then. The title “The People v. O.J. Simpson” is as much a reference to the trial as it is

to the unofficial trial that Simpson has faced ever since. The jury may have rendered a verdict of not guilty, but the people—the public, the press, popular culture— have not been so forgiving. In the year 2016, the name O.J. Simpson does not conjure the image of a Heisman Trophy-winning running back or the star of “The Naked Gun.” It is code for a celebrity evading justice, laughing in the face of the system and saying, “If I did it...” “American Crime Story” delicately balances these two sides—a man’s right to be innocent until proven guilty versus the overwhelming power of public opinion. Gooding Jr. portrays Simpson as unhinged by the murders and what they mean for his fate, but not clearly out of guilt or the shock of a wrongful accusation. Even characters like Clark and Jenner seem unconcerned with evidence or the truth; they have made up their minds according to their opinions of Simpson. Travolta plays the slimy attorney in such a way that implies he knows the truth but has no interest in sharing it if it compromises his own interests. Schwimmer— who is far more talented than “Friends” would have you believe—plays the torn friend with a nuance that shows his own internal struggle over justice and concern for Simpson’s well being. The first episode sets a solid foundation for the remainder of the series. It cleverly builds intrigue for characters like Johnnie Cochran (Courtney B. Vance) whose true leanings have not yet been revealed. The most iconic moments of the case have yet to occur and the pilot suggests ddotmen.com they will be handled with the appropriate drama and, to an extent, humor that they they deserve. Likewise, it seems capable of bringing such public figures into a more personal, human sphere. Unfortunately for those familiar with the creative team, which is known for “American Horror Story” and “Glee,” they do have a tendency to build truly amazing stories in the beginning of a season only for them to come crashing down in the latter half. They are not known for resolving storylines, staying true to their characters, or seeing things through to the end. But in “American Crime Story” it is innocent until proven guilty, so like Simpson himself, they should be given a fair trial. There are nine more episodes until we the jury can decide whether or not the proverbial glove fits, and it is certainly worth tuning in until then.


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February 11, 2016

Barbie receives dramatic make-over natalie carolina condrillo Features Editor The days when Barbie was a flawless, thin hourglass figured blonde haired bombshell that could do anything from being a domesticated housewife, to a rocket scientist, are finally over. Barbie, an iconic symbol of Americana since the 1960’s, hasn’t changed much, throughout the years. After a failed attempt to make dolls “normal and average”, the Lammily doll was introduced to represent a realistic physique of the standard nineteen-year-old female. The dimensions were proportionally relevant in comparison to Barbie, whose body is impossible for any human to ever have. This misguided idea can only create more body negativity, creating new body ideals that society can impose on impressionable children. Now, Mattel has revaluated its whole perception about effects toys can have on a child. Dolls featuring skin tones of all races, different hair color and textures, as well a range of shapes, sizes, and heights, are finally available to consumers everywhere. Mattel’s newfound acceptance also inspired others to join this revolution. Nigerian lifestyle blogger and medical student, Haneefah Adam, debuted an Instagram account featuring dolls dressed in hijabs and Muslimfriendly fashion. Named, “Hijarbie”, this Barbie doll comes complete with a collection of beautiful Arab apparel and traditional headdress.

The original Barbie reinforced and taught young females what a “perfect” physique is, leaving women of all sizes questioning their desirability due to their outer appearance. In literal terms, Barbie’s measurements, in reality, are impossible to achieve. However, as times changed, so did Barbie, and now she’s being consistent with keeping up with the current era. In the 1980’s Barbie entered the workforce, opposed to taking care of household chores and raising children. She became a heart surgeon, a zoologist, and even President. Views with gender roles gradually changed, so it is no surprise that Barbie is starting to spread body positivity and diversity. Complete with the hashtag, #TheDollsEvolve, this movement is more than just about a role-playing toy. By the time females reach the young age of 5, they are already aware and can differentiate between what is considered beautiful and what is considered ugly. Society’s influences construct certain beauty ideals that directly cause anxiety and insecurities about their own appearances. Females this age shouldn’t be so fixated on their looks or how others see them, but in a culture obsessed with looks, it’s an inevitable thing to happen. Although diverse Barbie dolls are a great step in the correct direction, a doll should not solely determine the confidence or be a role model for a child. Adults encouraging the growing generations can help much more efficiently than a Barbie doll dictating what beauty is or isn’t. Without the shame, guilt, and attitudes young females are projected to them in the media, they would be able to respect their bodies and themselves, thus creating body celebration and much happier children.


Donald Trump plaque defaced Melanie guptar Contributor Early last week, GOP Presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star was vandalized with a black swastika spray-painted on it, which in the western world is seen, as symbolic of Nazism. Donald Trump has made no comments about this vandalism, but clearly some Americans are not happy about his recent successes in the polls. University student Gabrielle Garcia says, “I think it’s funny, he [Trump] spreads so much hatred against non-whites throughout America, it’s no wonder people think he’s a Nazi.”Recently, Donald Trump has recently been compared to a Nazi with Anne Frank’s stepsister comparing him to “another Hitler”. This controversy surrounds Trump

after his supposed hatred for Muslims in America stating that all Muslims should be banned from entering the U.S. Trump supporter Frank Salerno says, “Well it was backwards, so if people want to compare others to Nazis they should probably at least be historically informed. The Swastika they drew is an Indian symbol for good luck and fortune.” Salerno adds “the Nazi comparisons only show that ignorance and misinformation are a huge flaw in the PC culture” Is it likely that the symbol spray painted on the star was placed there for his good fortune? Probably not, but people were very quick to point out the mistake made by the vandals. Trump is well known for ignoring all forms of political correctness, and doesn’t like to play by the rules. We’re all left wondering what he thinks about this.



February 11, 2016

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Valentine’s Day in New York City Make the worst day of the year the best day of the year katrina alonso Editorial Intern Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, which is an idea many would rather ignore until they absolutely have to address it. Single people out there are dreading the day when they are repeatedly reminded of their lack of a love life, while couples are awkwardly squeezing into the corners of every swanky restaurant in the city in an attempt to make this Hallmark Holiday a special one. Well, have no fear, residents of New York! There is hope yet for the bored and broken-hearted. If your heart is whole and happy, congratulations, this compilation could also apply to you! One reason people flock to New York City in droves is because of its never-ending list of things to do. Sure enough, even on Valentine’s Day, the City that Never Sleeps delivers. For those couples who believe they are the real-life Chuck and Blair, look no further than the Carnival of Venice Grand Masquerade Ball at 60 Pine St. Dress to the nines, grab a date and a mask, and prepare yourselves for a night of mystery and entertainment. Fair warning: this event is certainly not for the faint-hearted. Thrill-seekers might also enjoy Bloody Valentine, a haunted house set in a Victorian mansion called Blood Manor in TriBeCa. Scare the daylights out of your sweetie, or brave the

journey through this fear-inducing labyrinth on your own. More mild-mannered folks might prefer a romantic night out at Syndicated, Bushwick’s newest dine-in theatre. Grab a pair of $3 tickets to see “Once” or “My Bloody Valentine” and order up dinner while you enjoy the movie. At 54 Below, Broadway’s favorite bar, watch selections from “I Do! I Do!”, a musical about the ups and downs of marriage, which will be performed by the Great White Way’s real-life sweethearts. Those who are going stag this Valentine’s Day will not miss out on things to do, either. Single fans of musical theatre should see Justin Vivian Bond’s “Love Is Crazy!” at Joe’s Pub in the East Village. Enjoy a night of stunning, ridiculous stories about the complexity of love accompanied by amazing music performed by the legendary V. “Expect the unexpected!” say the advertisements, so surely a night here will be a night well-spent. You could also spend the night out with your friends

at a comedy show like “The Rejection Show” in Littlefield, Brooklyn, featuring comedians, performers and writers like Corinne Fisher and Mara Wilson. This show is an annual favorite and certainly should not be missed. If online dating apps give you life, get yourself a ticket to “Tinder Live!” with Lane Moore, a comedy show in Union Hall in Park Slope about terrible Tinderrelated stories that are sure to be a lot of fun. And, of course, whether you are single or not, it would be wise to pay a visit to the Brooklyn Chocolate Takedown at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Gowanus. Any offer to gorge on home-made chocolate heaven crafted by 20 Brooklyn home cooks is an offer of happiness. Apparently, four couples who are now married met at this event, so if you are partnerless, maybe this is where you could find your one true love! No matter where you end up going, or if you decide to spend a quiet night in, make Valentine’s Day a good one. As much as everyone loves to gripe about the cheesiness and the pandering, there is no such thing as a bad excuse to celebrate love. Besides, it never hurts to look at life more positively. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Kanye, Khalifa, and Rose cause social media uproar traci thomas Webmaster In a time where problems are always best solved through tweets, the social media world was all abuzz when a Twitter exchange went quickly awry. To sum up the basis of the public exchange, rapper Kanye West announced that the title of his much-anticipated eighth album would be “Waves.” This is the second title change West has made since the initial announcement in early 2015; the first option being “So help me God,” and the second being “Swish.” Not impressed with the latest update, rapper Wiz Khalifa quickly took to Twitter to express his dissatisfaction, ending his statements with a reference to a strand of weed called “King’s Kush,” or “kk,” as Khalifa referred to it as in his tweet. This abbreviation, misinterpreted as a reference to West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, ignited the now-infamous rant from West as he listed some unsavory opinions about Khalifa, including his fashion, his music, his view of the rapper as a subordinate of West, and Khalifa’s family dynamic. Unfazed by West’s outburst, Khalifa tried to double-back and explain his actual reference to West, but the “I Am A God” rapper was too far gone. Not long after the 20+ tweet rant, West’s and Khalifa’s ex, Amber Rose, took it upon herself to make a scathing rebuttal after West put her down in the tweets, citing her previous occupation as stripper, and labeling her as a “baby mama” stereotype. Rose’s response would go down as the most viral tweet of the debacle. Today, the Twitter fight of 2016 has subsided, and all members of the exchange have made peace amidst additional rumors created by different media sources. But

the exchange between Wiz Khalifa, Kanye West, and Amber Rose is an example how much work still needs to be done in society in terms of the image of women, sexual preferences, and overall communication. On the first hand, the entire fight was ignited by an opinion made by one of the most outspoken individuals in the music industry; the other step was a misunderstanding by said outspoken individual. The problem isn’t the confusion, it was the reactions, coming from both West and Rose. Kanye West’s comment putting down Rose for her previous work is an ongoing problem faced in the American and African-American community, due to the historical idea of those working as sex workers are “less than” anyone else. West, always true to his form, also demonstrated an over-bearing characteristic of being an alpha-male: claiming ownership to Rose and Khalifa’s child, Sebastian, as well as ownership to Khalifa’s career. The other problem is Amber Rose’s retort. While it is more than commendable for Rose to stand up for herself, her choice of exposing Kanye’s supposed sexual preferences as a means of demeaning Kanye is part of a larger culture of body-policing and even homophobia. It is another problem we face within multiple groups and cultures in America in regards to sexual freedom and the confidentiality of intimate details. If we can take anything from this entertaining, cringe-worthy and overall messy confrontation, it’s the hope that we, as a collective, become more responsible with our social media lives. The internet is full of differing opinions; it is something we simply cannot control. But what we can control is what we absorb and spew back out into the digital world.

continued from PAGE 6 #PaceUEndRape was created by students, for survivors. The University’s administration won’t prioritize and act on our needs unless students come together to voice their concerns. There is power in numbers. And

there is always a first step that a person can take to stand up for others - this is one of our innate senses that bounds us together by our humanity. Across the country, there is a rising tide of college student activism against

sexual assault. Those students are demanding the same things we advocate for: We will not be silenced. We will not tolerate living in a culture of heteropatriarchal sexism and rape. We believe and support our survivors.

12 www.thepacepress.org

February 11, 2016


NHL All-Star Weekend


natalie carolina condrillo Features Editor The National Hockey League hosted their annual AllStar West vs. East exhibition game and skills competition at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. Top players from around the league are chosen to participate in a weekend long event to demonstrate their talent, unique skills, and simply to have fun with fellow NHL players. Hockey fans all over the world have come together to enjoy the All-Star exhibition and benefit matches since the early nineteenth century. This year, the fanvoted Captains to represent the Western Conference & Eastern Conference teams were a total of four players: John Scott, of the Phoenix Coyotes and Patrick Kane

of the Chicago Blackhawks, for the West; as for the East, Captains elected were Jaromir Jagr of the Florida Panthers and John Tavares of the New York Islanders These four leaders played alongside other prodigies in the NHL; for the West, Patrick Kane, Shea Weber, and Tyler Seguin just to name a few. As for the East, players such as P.K. Subban, Patrice Bergeron, and Evgeni Malkin played together, as well as many more. Top scoring players, two of the best in the league, Jonathan Toews of the Chicago Blackhawks and Alexander Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals both missed the exhibition game, and faced suspension charges because of their absences. Toews had been experiencing flu-like symptoms, meanwhile Ovechkin was suffering from a lower-body injury. The skills competition consisted of speed skating, breakaways, shooting accuracy, and more. Overall the

amount of points accumulated for the Eastern Conference made them the winners. The friendly 3-on-3 games played were broken into divisions – Atlantic & Metropolitan for the East, and Central & Pacific for the West. The tournament final featured the Pacific Division and the Atlantic Division, resulting in the Pacific Division team winning 1-0, after beating the Central Division in the semifinals 9-6. Captain John Scott was named MVP of the All-Star game’s victory, as well as accepting a one million dollar check awarded to his fellow Pacific Division teammates. Hockey players and fans alike always enjoy this once a year event getting a chance to see the best talent in the league play on one sheet of ice. The 2017 All-Star Weekend will take place at the Staples Center in Los, Angeles, California, home of the Los Angeles Kings.


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