The Freshmen Guide 2011

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The Pace Press

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: - Welcome from the Dean.......................................A - Newly Elected Student Government.............B - Lower Manhattan Shopping Guide..................C - New York Safety Tips..............................................D - Getting an Internship in the Big Apple.....E AKA all the things you need to know about college life in NYC!

The Freshmen Guide


May 4, 2011

A letter from

Dean Marijo Russell O’Grady

Dear Student, It is a pleasure and an honor to welcome you to the Pace University New York City Campus. As the Dean for Students, I have the distinct honor of serving you throughout your tenure at Pace University. Pace has many resources, services and opportunities for you to take advantage of — and we hope that you will. Some of the key offices are the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), Career Services for those great internships, the Tutoring Center and the Writing Center will assist you with academics, the Office of Student Success, the Office of Student Assistance and the Counseling Center can assist with your transition from high school to college. Your University 101 class is a great course that will help in acclimating you to college, help with study, time and social management as well as serve as a connection to your classmates, your faculty member and your peer leader in the course. With over 90 student clubs and organizations on campus, there is a place for everyone and every interest. The University is an intellectually rigorous environment that will provide you opportunities to debate in the class-

room, integrate new ideas and concepts, meet people from around the world, and offers a myriad of curricular activities from lectures to featured speakers to the cultural arts. Located in the heart of the civic financial district of Lower Manhattan, you can catch a free concert in City Hall, to the South Street Seaport, hang out in the beautiful parks of Battery Park City and City Hall, and venture above Canal Street to the many museums and historic and fascinating neighborhoods of Manhattan. There is just so much to offer. We hope that you have the best experience ever at Pace University and that you too, will join the Pace family with pride. We look forward to seeing you this summer for orientation programs, for our Fall Welcome Weeks and for Convocation 2011, whereby we will celebrate global citizenship through our common reader “Little Bee” by Chris Cleave on Sept. 6, 2011 from 12:30 to 5pm. We will bus to the Pleasantville campus for the celebration which includes a fair, BBQ, games and Chris Cleave! Congratulations on choosing Pace and welcome! Please let me know how I can assist you in any way, today or throughout your time at Pace University.


Marijo Russell O’Grady, Ph.D. Dean for Students Pace University, NYC (212) 346-1306

Acronyms You Definitely Need to Know at Pace BHP

Business Honor’s Program


Center for Academic Excellence


Challenge to Achievement at Pace


LGBTQA Taskforce Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning Allies Taskforces PIC MT


Information Technology Services P.A.C.E Board

Center for Community Action and Research


Center for Teaching Learning and Technology


Maria’s Tower RHA Office Assistant SDACA

Pace Information Center Resident Hall Association Student Development and Campus Activities

Office of Housing and Residential Life SGA


Office of Multicultural Affairs


Office of Student Assistance

Desk Attendant OSS

Office of Student Success

Center for Undergraduate Research Experience

Programming and Campus Entertainment Board

Student Government Association


Center for Teaching and Researching Autism


Your Excellence Shows Recognition Program


The Freshmen Guide Elected Student Government Association Positions for 2011 – 2012

May 4, 2011

MAKING CHANGES SGA Executive Board Executive President Michael Wellbrock

“Being involved on campus is imperative for you to enjoy and get the most out of your college experience. I've learned so many new skills and built so many friendships that will help me over the course of my life.”

Executive Vice-President Caitlin Meuser “As Exec. VP, I am looking forward to working with Pace students to improve their college experiences. I will ensure that every student's voice is heard and will represent them to the best of my ability!”

Executive Treasurer Maria Rubino “I am looking forward to a great year and cannot wait to tend to the needs of the Pace University community!”

Executive Secretary Javier Grullon “No one stops growing until he stops asking questions, either of others or of himself.”

Executive Parliamentarian Breanna Romaine-Guiliano “As Parliamentarian I hope to continue to increase the visibility of the Judicial Council and Constitution Committee. I would also like to increase student communications with Administration, including student placement on university committees and involvement in other University affairs.”


MAKING PROGRESS 1 SGA Senate Positions

Lubin School of Business President Diana De Paula

Lubin School of Business Vice-President Adrian Simpson

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences President Emilie Hayek Dyson College of Arts and Sciences Vice-President Jennifer Fabian Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems President Austin Delaney Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems Vice-President Brent McDonald Sophomore Class President Michael Creneti Sophomore Class Vice-President Omnia Khamis Junior Class President Zaidy Morales Junior Class Vice-President Ty Rosa Senior Class President Samantha Bassford Senior Class Vice-President Alyssa Donigan

The Freshmen Guide


ROOMIE LOVE OR HATE? Coming to college means having a roommate, unless you’re lucky enough to find a small studio apartment or score a single in housing selection. If you are like the majority of us, you’ll have to deal with sharing your space with at least one other person. Which type of roommate you will have? Which type of roommate do you think you’ll be?

May 4, 2011

Student guide to shopping

in Lower Manhattan Craig held INTERN

For The Student Looking For Perfect Bedding: Century 21 22 Cortlandt Street (Across from World Trade Center) This giant discount store is extremely daunting at first, but make sure to take the escalator to the basement and straight into the bedding section. You’ll able to find brands from Calvin Klein to Ralph Lauren at amazing prices. Be ready to elbow through some tourists, especially during holiday seasons.




For The Girl Searching For The Perfect Going-Out Outfit:



Strawberry 258 Broadway



As a student, you’ll need clothes that look expensive, but are justifiable on your parents’ credit card bill. Instead of heading up to SoHo, make your way to Strawberry where you can find an assortment of affordable labels. If the knock-off offends you, cut off the tag. Besides, when your roommate steals your blouse, you’ll feel better knowing that it only cost $10.

For The Guy That Needs Something Other Than Jeans To Wear:

has forgotten to do laundry for the fifth week in a row, it may be time to light some candles. Since candles are a no-no in the dorms, take a stroll down Fulton to The Body Shop. Their home fragrance diffusers are potent and flame-free. If your roommate is afraid of water, specifically the kind that comes out of a showerhead, maybe you could pick up one of many scented body washes that the UK brand carries. Don’t be afraid to pick up some of The Body Shop’s award winning skin care either. Midterms are no excuse for poor hygiene.

For The Perfect Internship Interview Outfit: J. Crew 203 Front Street (South Street Seaport) Here’s your chance to channel your inner 30-something and beef up your wardrobe to look like you belong in the corporate rat race. Ladies have a better chance of finding pieces at this location because of its small size. If the hunt for office attire is unsuccessful, you can relish in the fact that you just shopped in the first J. Crew ever. Make sure to take advantage of the 15 percent student discount on all full price items.

For Everything Else: Lot Less 95 Fulton Street

Banana Republic 220 Vesey Street (World Financial Center) Yes, there is such a thing as classy jeans. No, the ones you wear to class everyday are not those jeans. Until you can afford a pair of A.P.C. denim, make the trek to the Winter Garden and treat yourself to a range of jeans, khakis, cords or any other pant that the mighty Banana deems worthy this season. Choose wisely for this may be the outfit that gets you the perfect internship.

For The Student Suffering From An Odorous Roommate: The Body Shop 16 Fulton Street (South Street Seaport) Let’s be honest not everyone was blessed with parents who taught proper hygiene. If your roommate

Seriously, Lot Less has everything. This close-out store can carry anything from DVDs to Crystal Light and most of the time it’s less than $10. If you have cash to spare and you are feeling frisky, head to Lot Less where your dollar can stretch itself farther than any other store will allow.

The Freshmen Guide

May 4, 2011

This line runs express from Brooklyn to the Bronx and through the East Side of Manhattan.

This line runs local from Brooklyn Bridge to the Bronx and through the east side of Manhattan. It makes all of the Manhattan stops of the 4 & 5 plus more

Stops at: Canal St - Chinatown Spring St. - SoHo Astor Pl. - East Village

This line runs express from Brooklyn to the Bronx and through the West Side of Manhattan (via Broadway).

This line runs local down Broadway through Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens.

Stops at: 14th St - Union Square 42nd St - Grand Central 86th St - The Met & Central Park West

Stops at: Clark St. - Brooklyn Dorms 34th St. - Penn Station 42nd St. -Time Square 66th St. - Lincoln Center 59th St. - Columbus Circle 110th St. - Central Park North

Stops at: Borough Hall - Brooklyn Heights Canal St. - Chinatown Prince St. - SoHo 14th St. - Union Square 34th St. - Herald Square 42th St. - Times Square 59th St. - 5th Ave

This line runs express from Brooklyn to the Bronx and through the west of Manhattan (via 8 Ave.)

Stops at: W 4th St. - West Village 42nd St.- Port Authority 59th St. - Columbus Circle

new york city safety If you ever feel uncomfortable traveling around the city, be sure to travel with a friend or in a group. Walking confidently helps avoid unwanted attention. Although a map may scream “tourist,” it is better to be safe and know your location and surroundings. You can also carry a smaller, more discreet map. And if maps are not your style, you can easily find maps and directions using a smartphone. Always try to take yellow taxi cabs instead of black gypsy cabs because they are better regulated and more safe. Try not to display electrotonics, jewelry, money or other valuable items. It is always safer not to carry around too much money. If needed, there are various bank ATMs located around the city. And whatever you do, do not go to Central Park at night. Enough said.


nyc subway safety tips When on the subway platform, do not stand by the edge. Also do not go on the tracks for any reason. Try not to display cell phones or electronic devices. Keeping items in internal pockets or bags helps lower your chances of being pick-pocketed or robbed. Remain aware of your surroundings, especially at night. Keeping the volume down on your music helps significantly. Although subway stations are mostly underground, they tend to get wet when it is raining or snowing. Do not run down the stairs or on the platform to avoid slips, trips or falls. When taking the train late at night, try not to travel alone. If traveling alone is unavoidable, stay towards the middle cart for easy access to the train’s conductor.

The Freshmen Guide



May 4, 2011

Career Services, New York City Campus Real Students . Real World Experience . All in the Big Apple . All at Pace Written by Kaitlynn Blyth, Managing Editor | Photos provided by students

When you start your college career, you need to start thinking about your future career as well. This arduous and seemingly difficult process can be turned into a more simplistic and enjoyable ride with the help of the University’s Career Services department. Located on both the NYC and PLV Campuses, Career Services helps students as early as their second semester of their freshmen year in the search of finding an internship and work towards their ideal job. Many University students have obtained noteworthy internships through the department. There was recent buzz around PLV communications major Melissa Recine, who received an internship at “The Rachael Ray Show” after submitting her resume while being on an episode featuring her receiving a Taylor Swift makeover. Many students on the NYC campus have also had a worthwhile experience getting an internship and possibly, a job offer afterwards. The NYC Campus offers a prime location for obtaining internships, which is something recognized by both students and staff. “There are so many opportunities in New York City that choosing one may seem daunting,” women & gender studies and English major Christina Lalama said. After visiting Career Services and interning at two non-profit organizations — CLUSTER Community Services and the office of U.S. Senator Charles Schumer — Lalama says that Career Services has definitely helped her grow professionally. “The career counselors at Pace are educated and trained to work with students to weed through thousands of opportunities and find which might fit them best and then take advantage,” Lalama said. “I enthusiastically encourage students to obtain an internship at least one semester or summer throughout their time at Pace for two reasons: to gain experience that the classroom or any extracurricular activity cannot offer and to develop a professional identity,” she continued. Career Services at the NYC Campus certainly takes advantage of its location while outreaching and posting for many companies, all to enhance a student’s professional career. All of the counselors are educated about

ny students’ and parents’ worries about finding a job after college can officially be laid to rest while attending the University. With abundant opportunities in the city and the help of Career Services at the NYC Campus, students can take the knowledge they gain and apply it to their search of what they want to be when they grow up.

I think that by taking on internships in New York City, you are gaining the most incredible experience ever. It's like the famous saying,

"If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."

ANTOINETTE MANIGBAS Marketing Major Marketing Intern, CBS Outdoor

digital illustration by hilda adeniji / The Pace Press

the potential job opportunities and internships available to students. They also conduct site visits throughout the year at various companies. Counselors visit new employers to learn more about the company and employers who already have an established relationship to ensure University students are getting the best internship possible. Assistant Director of Internships & Cooperative Education at the NYC Campus, Jenna Campolieta, believes it is important that the department connects with the students. “It’s not just career development, it’s personal development. It’s a very special, unique thing to be able to do. Not a lot of people have that interaction with students,” Campolieta said. Students agree that the interaction amongst counselors and students is one of the best aspects of Career Services. “I always felt welcomed whenever I entered the building, and I was 100 percent certain that I would walk out of Career Services with more insights on how to be successful,” marketing major Antoinette Mangibas, who interned at CBS Outdoor, said. Many companies have relationships with Career Services in various fields ranging from media industries in publishing, television and radio to business-related fields like finance and marketing; non-profit organizations and other fields. Some companies include MTV, Morgan Stanley, Hearst Magazines, New York City Council, NBC Universal, American Museum of Natural History, SONY Music Entertainment, JP Morgan, Ernst & Young, The York Theater Company, National Organization of Women, WABC TV, Hilton, National Hockey League, etc. Counselors can reach out to companies students are interested in working at. Additionally, a student can obtain an internship on their own and work with Career Services. Career Services caters to all undergraduate and graduate students and they keep coming back. Unique appointments for the 2010-2011 school year at the NYC Campus were approximately 2,600, whereas overall appointments in total were over 5,000. Counselors visit freshmen University 101 classes, a course which acclimates students to Continued on Page F

The Freshmen Guide

May 4, 2011

[My supervisor] has been very generous and offered to reach out to contacts at agencies I am interested in working at to see if they have available openings. She has made this internship a very joyful and worthwhile experience.

ASHLEY HAMILTON Marketing and Psychology Majors Brand Development Intern, AgencyNet

I love having the opportunity to not only meet great people, but to network with business executives and CEO’s all around the NYSE building as well.

ALYSSA DONIGAN Marketing Major with Finance Minor Global Marketing & Branding Intern,

New York Stock Exchange Euronext

[Internships] are invaluable to your career, educational, and personal development. The things you will learn and the people you meet, you cannot get in a classroom. The people you work for and meet will be life long friends and will helped you develop your career.

CHRISTOPHER BRUNO Finance Major with Economics Minor Graduate Broker Trainee, ICAP

My favorite project was definitely working on the NAACP 100th Anniversary event. I was all hands on with the event for weeks and right up to the actual main event where we hosted President Barack Obama as the guest speaker and Chaka Khan as the main performer!

ADRIAN SIMPSON Hospitality and Tourism Management Guest Service Agent and former intern, Hilton New York

My colleagues helped me especially at the beginning of the internship by explaining the work and with detailed on the job training. They took a lot of time to walk me through the company specific procedures and are always available if I have any questions.

BENJAMIN BERGHAENDLER MBA in Investment Management Finance Intern, Altfest Personal Wealth Management

I was treated as a first year associate. I had the opportunity to review and prepare realized gains, financial statements, price and volume testing on Bloomberg, meet with the client and wrap up the entire audit.

MARIA GLIGAN BBA / MBA in Public Accounting Ernst & Young Audit, intern at McGladrey and Ernst & Young


From Page E college life both at the University and within the city, and introduces them to the services the department provides and the process to use to the department. By introducing the Career Services early, students are more likely to utilize the department and reap the benefits. Manager of Graduate Programs and Services Genevieve Chorhummel, said, “We get to know our students over a few years and get to see their growth. We recognize that each student has their own individual goals.” The process to use Career Services is very simple: come into the office, meet with a counselor and attend an orientation and interview workshop. Then, it’s onto revamping resumes, practicing for interviews, receiving guidance on selecting a major and possible occupation, assessments of your strengths and weaknesses and more processes to sharpen your professional career like videotaping mock interview sessions. Students can also visit the Career Resource Center at Career Services equipped with computers, directories, references and other materials. Counselor Lisa Scott states that spending a lot of time preparing a student before they apply to an internship is how Career Services at the University is set apart from other schools. “Resume review, proof reading and overall orientation on how to apply the knowledge they learn from Career Services creates the foundation on how to be successful on [a student’s] search for an internship,” Scott said. Hospitality & tourism management major and one of Scott’s students, Adrian Simpson said, “Career Services on the NYC Campus does a phenomenal job. They provide all the resources students need. It's up to the students to go there and seek out those resources. The results will definitely be positive.” “My career counselor was absolutely amazing! She helped with everything from my resume to the interview process and interview skills and everything in between. She was always available through email or in person whenever I had a question or was unsure of something and has been a tremendous support and guide,” Simpson continued. Simpson started out as a Catering & Events intern at the Hilton New York and soon after, was hired as a full-time Guest Service Agent at the hotel. He will be graduating in May 2012. Many students are utilizing their internship experiences to gain jobs before they even graduate. Approximately 42 percent of graduating students who responded to the Career Services’ survey reported that they received a job offer from their Career Services employer. Finance major Christopher Bruno, who interned at premier global financial service firm UBS, recently obtained a job because of the skills he learned while at his internship obtained through Career Services. “The Financial Advisors were very supportive of me during my time working for them. They have helped me develop my skills in the field of finance, as well as helped me network in the industry, which has lead me to a job for when I graduate,” Bruno said. Bruno is now a Graduate Broker Trainee at ICAP, the world’s premier voice and electronic interbroker and will graduate in May 2011. If you’re not one of these students, do not fret — Career Services also advises in the job search. With services such as the Campus Recruiting Program, giving students the chance to interview for jobs beginning after graduation and other events such as Career Fairs held annually on campus, allows for an entryway to a possible job opportunity and growth in professionalism. Career Services and students at the NYC Campus really prove that if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere in the employment world.

The Freshmen Guide


University’s annual restaurant makes you ‘Live & Love’ raChel loria CONTRIBUTOR

The slogan for this year’s student-run restaurant Rio is “Live. Love. Food.” Certainly is not the most original motto, but one that many can relate to. The restaurant provided good eats, close friends and a convenient location for bringing a community of students together — or maybe it was just the ample supply of sangria. This year’s restaurant, run by students in the restaurant and operations management course, is Brazilian themed. The restaurant is certainly making a statement with an excellent menu, prompt and attentive service and a welcoming and humble atmosphere. At prime dining hours, there was a waiting list, which is not always favorable but can be a good sign of the popularity of the restaurant. The mood upon entering was a bit chaotic, employees seemed stressed and anxious, the bar staff looked overwhelmed and strained. The hostesses, although busy and a bit disorganized, kept their composure while also making sure diners were warmly greeted and seated in a timely fahsion. Once in the restaurant, there was vibrant energy. The packed dining room was buzzing, customers mingling, laughing and noshing on what looked to be generous portions of colorful and aromatic dishes. The bowling ball size fish bowls of sangria might have had a little something to do with this celebratory atmosphere. The decor, a cross between a masquerade ball and a Rio de Janeiro vacation, was a bit lacking in class but well matched the jovial mood. If you have never been to Brazil or indulged in traditional Brazilian cuisine, Rio comes close to bringing that experience to students. That is, if you compare Brazilian food to a mixture of Cuban and Mexican, with a touch of Indian flair. The restaurant management class made a risky but successful choice in deciding their theme and the students did an excellent job at executing it. Of all the types of culinary feats out there, they choose something so out of the box but it indeed worked in their favor. Maybe opting for such a non-traditional choice enabled more room for experimentation, because unless you are from Brazil, it is highly likely you wouldn’t know the difference between a Brazilian empanada or a Spanish one. The menu, limited but yet appropriately curated, was exciting and also thought provoking. The dishes, prominent with flavors such as coconut, mango, curry and peppers all sounded appetizing. Some of the dishes offered included baskets of warm cheese rolls, pugliese toast mounted with fresh diced mango, avocado puree and chopped corn, seasoned red wine-marinated grilled skirt steak and slow roasted pulled pork simmered in Rio’s authentic barbecue sauce. The bruschetta was excellent as was the lightly fried calamari, or lula frita, which had a hint of spice and was a nice way to start off the dining experience. The sweet plantains, basically a fried banana, were just sugary enough and outfitted with the perfect layer of crispness. The executive chef of Chartwells deserves a compliment especially considering the last minute construction and organizing. Like all restaurants, there’s always going to be some kind of mishap and either you accept and move on or crumble. Chartwells took on the task at hand and excelled. Moving on to entrees, the fish dish was fulfilling at best, but could have used a touch more seasoning or maybe just some sauce accompanying it. I was pleased however, with the presentation: lightly breaded with coconut and crushed almonds and embedded with colorful herbs and peppers. What it lacked in flavor it certainly made up for with its side, the delectable yucca fries. Yucca fries are like deep fried starch, slightly sweeter than a French fry and less dense than a potato. The Empanada is a fried dough turnover filled with marinated beef and spicy sausage mixed with bell peppers and onions, was although small, worth ordering. The meat was flavorful and juicy and paired with the slightly sweet palate of the bruschetta and fish, this savory meal hit the spot. The bottomless sangria leaves you feeling fully satisfied. While at Rio, you will live, love and eat good food. If you go there solely for the yucca and sangria, even just for a quick break in between class, you are bound to have a delightful experience.

May 4, 2011

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