March 2

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March 2, 2011

Serving The Community Since 1948

VoluMe lXV Issue XIV

The Pace Press Annual statistics of services Planned Parenthood administers to patients

Digital Illustration by Hilda Adeniji / The Pace Press

U.S. House of Representatives approves bill to cut funding to Planned ParentAmAnDA scHIAvo staff writer

the United states House of representatives voted to pass an amendment to cut federal funding to the Planned Parenthood organization feb. 18. Planned Parenthood is an organization most well known for providing abortions, sex education, birth control, information about sexually transmitted diseases (stDs), body image education, pregnancy counseling and women’s health.

Currently, the federal funding that Planned Parenthood receives cannot be used to perform abortions. instead has to be used for testing for stDs, consultations on body image, pregnancy advice and general sexual education. “i don't feel its right for the government to get involved in this matter. Planned Parenthood doesn't only offer abortions. they will be cutting costs from cancer screenings, HiV testing and birth control help. there are women all over the U.s. who don't have the means to

go to a regular hospital to get these things checked. Cutting funding will leave a lot of women unaware of what's going on with their bodies,” senior rosalina Montilla said. the House of representatives passed the bill by a vote of 240 to 185. the bill still has to be approved by the senate, which is controlled by the Democratic Party and may have a hard time getting approved. if the bill gets senate approval, then it will go to President Barack Obama to be signed into law or ve-

toed. if the bill is vetoed, Planned Parenthood will not lose its funding. if the bill gets through to the senate, Planned Parenthood would lose $330 million and would no longer be able to offer cancer or HiV screenings to those who need it and cannot afford to get it. according to, the issue grew during the House’s vote when California Democrat Jackie speier took to the floor to speak about her own experience with abortion. speier explained to the House

that a woman’s decision to have an abortion is not made lightly. she said, “Planned Parenthood has a right to operate. Planned Parenthood has a right to provide services for family planning. Planned Parenthood has a right to offer abortions. Last time you checked abortions were legal in this country." after speier spoke, the room was silent for a moment and as she returned to her seat and was given a Continued on Page 3

VICE MAGAZINE AnD InTEL JoIn FoRcEs on page 4 • HULA HooPInG RIsEs In PoPULARITY on page 6

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Mar 2 - 8 pg_October 6 3/8/11 4:51 PM Page 2



March 2, 2011

WPUB station makes changes and becomes prominent on NYC Campus LAUREn RoGERs CONtriBUtOr

the University radio station Pace University Broadcasting (wPUB) is returning this semester with a new brand. the radio station has a new frequently updated blog, has been playing in Café 101 and will be holding events during the spring semester. wPUB allows students to participate in deejaying their personal sets with a variety of music genres and talk radio. students who participate can also add it to their resumes while exploring different aspects of radio media. Monday night DJ sache said, “Myself and other host DJ stevie believe it’s an exhilarating experience. it is a great way to entertain the Pace University community.” thursday night’s “Back in the Mix” host alireza Vaziri said, “Deejaying gives me a chance to show my love for music to members of the Pace community.” recently, wPUB has been

playing in the NYC campus’ main cafeteria and has received mixed reactions.

“It’s great to see WPUB making strides like this. I feel as though it will create more of a community among Pace students. -Yahdon Israel, student Junior Yahdon israel said, “it’s great to see wPUB making strides like this. i feel as though it will create more of a community among Pace students. if they promote more and advertise events, wPUB will be a great organization on campus.” sophomore robbie Otero said, “with wPUB, there is definitely more versatility in the

music played. it’s not all hip-hop, it’s not all pop. it’s a great mixture of music.” Not all students feel the same way as israel and Otero. senior saul Medina said, “the café should just stick to playing 92.3. it is contemporary and plays music for everyone. it’ll make everything easier.” “the music is fine, but the DJs need to address more interesting topics,” senior Naana Ohene said. for future events, wPUB plans on holding three huge events during the spring semester. Mainstream Misogyny will feature a discussion on misogyny in the entertainment industry. another event will be an entertainment panel with three speakers from the entertainment industry. the last event will be a dance party. The Pace Press had the chance to speak to wPUB President Matthew Bernucca about the radio station’s new improvements.

The Pace Press (TPP): How did the e-Board receive the green light to be played in the café? Matthew Bernucca (MB): we decided that it would be a great way for students to find out what wPUB is all about. we spoke to william Clancy, Director of Lackmann Dining services, and Dean for students Marijo O’Grady. Both were thrilled about the idea. we purchased new equipment. sooner than later, wPUB had its true first broadcast in the café. TPP: are there any new goals wPUB has for the semester? MB: By april 15, we would like to have all of [the] DJ spots full. we are currently halfway from that goal. we are also training DJs on how to use turntables, audio mixers and other equipment. we want a fleet of DJs. TPP: what criteria makes up a student DJ? MB: a student DJ must have a

love for music, want to find new music and have enthusiasm for wPUB and the Pace University community. if any student is interested in becoming a DJ, make sure they contact us at we would love to have anyone on board.

WPUB INFORMATION If you have any feedback for WPUB, shoot them an email at or call 212 -346 -1270 during station hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Check and bulletin boards around campus for the dates and locations. Make sure to tune in when you’re in the café or even on your Mac or PC.

Facial oreoes shift the competition in 2011 Class Warfare Challenge DJ mcERLEAn HoPson weB eDitOr

the sophomore engagement team, student affairs and the Office of student success sponsored the event “the Class warfare Challenge,” in which students from different class standings competed against each other feb. 23. “i think it was a good start,” Office of Housing and residential Life (OHrL) Director and member of the student affairs sponsorship andrew Patrick roger-Gordon said. “the students who came seemed to have fun, and we hope that they will help us build more enthusiasm for the second and third events.” the first of the three events was the Oreo Challenge. this idea was based off of the popular television series “Minute to win it,” where participants have 60 seconds to complete a wacky challenge to win a prize. students had to start with an Oreo on their foreheads and successfully move the cookie down their face to their mouths without using their hands. President of Lambda sigma and sophomore Max Bialy was in charge of the music and video in-

structions. He said that his organization tries to get involved with on campus activities and that this event seemed like a great opportunity. “we want everyone to come out and have fun, look stupid and get away from the stress of studying,” Bialy said. about 15 students took part, as there were a few representatives from each class. the game lasted 60 seconds for almost everyone, but junior Conrad Cantor took first place and 10 points for his class. “whatever i can do to make this class the best,” Cantor said. Cantor was followed by freshman alexx webb who earned her class five points. when asked how it felt to be one of the only two to finish she said, “it feels great! if you really put your mind to something you can do it, like putting an Oreo in your mouth.” No one from the sophomore or senior class completed the cookie’s migration from forehead to mouth. even though there was initial hesitation from the students to join the games, everyone who tried ended up laughing and having a lot of fun; as most students even seemed intrigued to come back for the following event in March. Center for Community action

Come out to the next two class warfare events and represent your class! “class Warfare 2011”

students competing in opening oreo competition.

and research (CCar) Program Coordinator and sophomore engagement team member Jessica anderson said, “i think that the first event was a hilarious success! it would be great to have more students participate, especially since each challenge is a lot of fun and there’s always free pizza. “i’m excited to find out which class will win Class warfare and be crowned ‘Classiest 2011.’

What: Balloon-Bust-A-Thon When: March 30 Where: Student Union Time: 12:30pm

Hopefully this year’s Class warfare will turn out so well that there will have to be a Class warfare 2012.” the next events that will be held as a part of the Class warfare Challenge will be the Balloon Bust-a-thon on March 30 and the tug-O-war tournament on april 27, followed by the awards ceremony for the winning class.

ONLINE For those interested in Class Warfare Follow the class rankings, videos, pictures and updates at classwarfare2011.blogspot. com

What: Tug-O-War Tournament & Awards Ceremony When: April 27 Where: The Courtyard Time: 12:30pm

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March 2, 2011

House proposes bill to change laws and status of rape in the U.S. sTEPHAnIE HAnsEn staff writer

House republicans have been trying to change the meaning of “rape” when it comes to taxpayer-funded abortions. New Jersey republican spokesman Chris smith introduced the bill. since 1976, direct taxpayer funding for abortions have been outlawed. the new health care reform has brought this issue back into question. there are certain exceptions to this law where Medicaid covers abortions where pregnancies occurred due to rape, incest and if the pregnancy is a threat to the mother. if the meaning of the word rape in

the law is changed, it means that statutory rape victims and incest rape victims would not be covered by federal tax money to get an abortion. also not included in the new definition of “forcible rape” are acts of rape where a woman drinks too much, was given drugs, has a limited mental state or was date raped. the only exception besides “forcible rape” is if a victim of incest was under 18 years old. “the [Grand Old Party] (GOP) has stepped too far, because by definition rape is with force. this is just another attempt at combining church and state,” junior Katie raffa said. Under the new bill, parents of

statutory rape victims would not be able to pay for the abortion with taxexempt health savings account money or deduct the expense of insurance that paid for the abortion. “absolutely appalling. from a feministic standpoint, women are being subjected to the ruling of the law not how they feel about the situation. when using cloudy adjectives it makes you wonder what exactly will constitute forced. Can incest not be forced? Or does being drugged and then raped really not count as being forced against ones will? isn’t that the definition of rape? that it wasn’t consensual and therefore forced upon the victim?” junior Nikita swatkowski said.


Bill goes to the Senate for approval From Page 1 round of applause. senior Nicole Matos feels that the House is cutting the Planned Parenthood funding in order to “take away options for young women who might consider this [an] option. it is also pushing the idea of ‘abstinence only’ programs, which do not really give much information to young women about issues like this. with reduced funding to Planned Parenthood, clinics will be forced to take away from the other programs. this can be especially troublesome for young women do not have the insurance or money to

just get a pregnancy test or even information about their pregnancy options. “in desperate time’s people resort to desperate measures and in the days before Planned Parenthood women who felt they had no way out would often perform abortions on themselves, i think if a woman [feels she] has no options she will try doing it herself or look for a black market doctor,” Matos added. “i think the government is trying to find money where ever possible. they're using the fact that Planned Parenthood performs abortions to masque [what] they're really doing,” Montilla said.

Alpine Youth Summit Challenge encourages youth to follow their dreams IvonnA THomPson News eDitOr

the foundation for Post Conflict Development (fPCD), athlete sophie Denis and event supporters academic impact and international Year of Youth hosted the alpine Youth Challenge summit feb. 24. the summit’s tagline and motto for the evening read, “everything is Possible!” encouraging youth to pursue their goals and dreams no matter what circumstances they were in. the summit had 13 distinguished keynote speakers, who each gave five-minute speeches and two-minute question and answer sessions. the summit was moderated and hosted by Denis, who gave the introduction along with an opening slideshow video showing children from around the world and adults giving inspirational quotes. Opening speaker and California’s Youngest assembly District Delegate Patrick ip discussed his experiences with making change happen. ip is a California native and University of Chicago undergraduate student. ip gave a speech entitled, “One voice can change the world.” He discussed how he was inspired by President Barack Obama to make change. in Dec. 2007, ip gathered a group of people and hosted a fundraiser to support Pres. Obama’s presidential campaign and raised $5,000 while he was still in high school. Pres. Obama’s campaign team recognized ip’s accomplishment and promoted him to be the state director for students of 150 districts throughout California for Pres. Obama’s campaign. ip continues to make change by heading the non-profit Project Yes we Can, which is geared towards education and giving Californian students an outlet to voice their opinions to politicians. following ip was performance professional athlete trainer Jason D’amelio, who began his speech with the quote from an unknown author that read, “Life isn’t about find-

ing yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” D’amelio explained how he was a former amateur baseball player who suffered a career-ending arm injury. as a result he went from focusing on athletics to academics while in college. He studied athletic training in sports medicine and later interned with the New York Giants for four years. D’amelio went on to graduate school at Michigan state University, lived in Germany for a year, worked with the New York Yankees and st. John University’s medical teams and worked at Columbia University Us fencing association. “i accepted challenges and adapted to changes in the original blueprint,” D’amelio said. He also encouraged the audience to “reinvent yourself, reinvent with passion.” aside from being a performance athletic trainer, D’amelio also thought of studying orthopedics and found a lot of excitement in the operations room while pursuing his career. Next was founder of the Congo, education and development program, Goma Mabika whose speech was entitled, “it’s all about dreaming, believing and doing.” Mabika told his story about how he grew up in the republic of Congo and lived 35 kilometers away from his family to work and strived for success. “this situation didn’t prevent me from being a successful student,” Mabika said. Mabika discussed how a man from his village inspired him and asked him what he wanted to be. Mabika told him he wanted to be a driver because it was an easy profession. the man told him to pursue a better career in which he would be successful. then continued to say, “sometimes people think the family can cause someone not to think and not to dream. i keep working until i can make change happen.” Mabika is now a graduate student at LeHigh University and continuing to pursue

a career dedicated to education. following Mabika was U.s. judo coach, Olympian saveur soriano, who complimented Mabika on his speech. soriano is a french native who grew up in a “ghetto” and started judo at age 12, even though he did not know what it was going to bring him. Not only did soriano acknowledge his personal talent and ability, he also discussed how his family helped guide him. since retiring, soriano has been training kids in judo and also promoting it throughout the U.s. after soriano, United Nations (UN) H.e. ambassador Christian wenaweser spoke to the audience. wenaweser is from the alps and represents the UN as a diplomat. He became an ambassador at a young age. it was a little difficult, however, working with older diplomats because he was so young. Originally, he studied classics in philosophy and wanted to pursue an academic career, but eventually saw that wasn’t the path for him. He went on to do some traveling and then ap- Mt. everest World record holder sophie Denis hosts alpine Youth summit. plied for a diplomat career not ing he would get it. the main point of motto: “everything is possible.” she when she was 21-years-old and had ambassador wenaweser’s speech said she fell in love with mountain many opportunities ahead of her. Unwas to give full effort in every task no climbing in 2008 after her first climb fortunately several years later, Chef matter what it is. ambassador we- on Mt. everest. Denis is one of the Greeley was diagnosed with stage 4 naweser said, “Do what you like and seven first women to ascent the five uterine cancer and became very weak do it with passion.” new climbing routes. and depressed after multiple surgerafter ambassador wenaweser in the alpine Challenge she ies. “at times i didn’t think i was spoke, acclaimed italian tenor singer climbed for six months. Denis said it going to make it. i had to keep my Luciano Lamonarca spoke about how is her dream to, “raise sports as a mind open,” Greeley said. while rehis mother supported him with his powerful tool to promote human and covering from one of her surgeries, singing career from a young age. women rights, peace, education de- Greeley came across a cake challenge “faith is what makes all things possi- velopment and core values such as re- on the food Network. Once she got ble, love is what makes them easy,” spect.” Denis explained that she has a better, she decided to enlist in classes Lamonarca said. He believes in help- vision to use sports a way of unity to at the french Culinary institute even ing youth in post conflict countries, find a common language to deliver though she did not have much cookvictims of natural disasters, empowerment. in terms of her expe- ing experience. HiV/aiDs victims and abused chil- riences of mountain climbing Denis Her instructors kept pushing her dren. said, “Climbing Mt. everest is like to the limit and after graduating, she Lamonarca then performed, and running a marathon, climbing alpine went on to win a gold medal for a 20received a round of applause and a is like a sprint.” pound chocolate hat for which Denis standing ovation from the audience as award winning chocolatier Chef was the model. he bowed with gratitude. Vanessa Greeley followed Denis’ Chef Greeley also does charity Moderator Denis also spoke at speech. Greeley, who is originally work with the Garden state Cake the summit. she used the summit’s from Lima, Peru, moved to the U.s. Continued on Page 7

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March 2, 2011


ARTS Vice and Intel’s The Creator’s Project rings in the new year with The Studio

nATALIE GAvILAnEs exeCUtiVe eDitOr

for underground artists today, the industry is seen as a monopoly of huge corporate music labels. it consists of talent that is more fostered than discovered, and an endless stream of endorsements rather than creative breakthroughs. in

2010, Vice Magazine teamed up with intel, the world’s leader in technology, to bring the Creator’s Project. the Creator’s Project bridges the gap between artists of multiple platforms and the resources they need to push their own imaginative direction. it is a multi-year project where the main objective is to “unite

a vast collection of artists, designers, musicians, and filmmakers who are using technology to push the bounds of creative expression.” this initiative began in Paris, france as a global forum. this year, the international event series returns to Paris, Lyon, New York, sao Paulo, seoul and Beijing. One of the most anticipated sec-

Academy Awards prove to be nothing more than a predictable snorefest cRAIG HELD staff writer

it’s inspiring when a risk is taken and pays off in the end. Unfortunately, the 2011 academy awards were not a shining beacon of good decisions. in what some call the oddest move by the academy in years, James franco and anne Hathaway hosted the ceremony. while the opening skit showed promise, the hosts quickly proved their ineptitude for emceeing a live show. franco, whose interview on e! before the show was incoherent and dazed, appeared to have just conquered an all-nighter at one of the many colleges he attends. franco’s critics questioned the sobriety of the actor throughout the ceremony. He seemed bored and unenthused. if he actually were high, it might have made for a far more exciting show. Of course the blame cannot be put squarely on his shoulders. Hathaway’s over-exuberance and downright giddiness was cute for four seconds, but quickly devolved into an irritating mess of giggles and shrieks. Luckily, her numerous cos-

tume changes created some depth to the character she was playing that evening. the academy undoubtedly tried to appeal to a younger base with its choice in hosts, but their decision to go with actors and not comics truly hurt the telecast. franco and Hathaway had no control over the crowd. the Oscars felt like a weekend house party in high school: no adults, no rules. Yet, this isn’t the crowd that gravitates to that atmosphere. when eight-time-host Billy Crystal emerged to present a projection of Bob Hope, the audience was clamoring for adult supervision; so much so, that they gave Crystal a standing ovation. since it is the academy awards, there were awards given out, but the winners were completely predictable. The King’s Speech won top honors with Best Picture, Best actor for Colin firth, Best writing and Best Director. The Fighter also had a strong showing with Best supporting actor and actress for Christian Bale and Melissa Leo, respectively. Leo made history by being the first

winner to use the “f-word” on stage during an acceptance speech. Of course, this was just the cherry on top of a completely classless campaign season for Leo who has gone as far as to take out her own “for Your Consideration” ad in the trade papers prior to the awards. Perhaps it was the lackluster showing of fashion on the red carpet that killed the momentum of the ceremony. at that crucial time when viewers gather around the television to deem the best and worst dressed of the evening, the at-home crowd was yawning from the lack of originality on the red carpet. even the ones crowned worst dressed weren’t that poorly dressed. it seems that this year was truly the pinnacle of predictability for the Oscars. in a time when stylists are paid six figure sums to dress actresses and film studios campaign harder than politicians to win awards, there really leaves no point for an Oscar telecast. Until next year, we can only pray to a higher being for some wardrobe malfunctions and a host with personality.

tors of the Creator’s Project to emerge is the studio, which was introduced feb. 23. throughout the year, the studio will produce and distribute works from artists representing “a cross-section of creative disciplines.” from the studio, the works are to be distributed through several mediums such as “traveling international exhibits, museums, concerts and digital platforms,” such as there is an aspect of the studio that sets it apart from other major distribution labels and that is the artist’s ability to retain intellectual rights. in short, the rights to the work will solely be that of the artists and cannot be sold — thus, the work cannot be rearranged or redistributed in any way. “we created the studio because the status quo in media right now is a tragedy. whether it’s in film, music or the fine arts, a lack of access to production and distribution has left some young artists disenfranchised and frustrated,” Vice Magazine founder shane smith said. this year, the studio has the opportunity to team up with United Visual artists (UK) to recreate the main stage at one of the top concert festivals, Coachella Valley Music

and arts festival, using a “combination of integrated lighting technologies.” the studio will partner with acts like interpol and animal Collective to “transform their sets into technologically advanced and dramatic multimedia visual experiences,” according to some of the upcoming acts to be featured by the studio are Brazilian rap sensation and returning Creator emicida and filmmaker Barnaby Clay, who plans to team up with rock photographer Mick rock on a video installation showcasing archival footage of David Bowie. these beginning works will premiere in april at Coachella and will continue to expand as the studio will partner with fashion designer Hussein Chalayan for the spring/summer 2012 fashion show in October. along with the studio, the Creator’s Project will continue to expand their horizons and exposure with a 12-part television series consisting of 30-minute in-depth documentaries on select Creators. it debuted on feb 23 with its first episode focusing on interpol. following its airing on the website, the series will be syndicated on major cable networks around the world.

Attention: new York Graduates! (Undergraduate and Graduate) A student speaker will be chosen from among the candidates for undergraduate and graduate degrees who apply for this honor. Speeches are to be approximately three to four minutes in length (about 400 to 750 words depending on rate). If you are interested in applying to be the commencement speaker, please contact Ms. Mary Stambaugh in the Communications Studies Department at (212) 346-1510 by March 4, 2011. If you are interested in auditioning to sing the National Anthem for commencement 2011, please contact the Dean for Students Office at (212) 346-1306, located at 41 Park Row, to arrange an appointment. Auditions will begin in early March. Look for postings with details or contact the Dean’s office.

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March 2, 2011


Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark caught in a web of bad press, safety issues Taymor may need to start calling this production Final Destination: The Musical cRAIG HELD staff writer

it is a project that is nine years in the making, but as everyone waits for Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark to spin its last web, the epic musical’s producers may have the last laugh. there is no shortage of drama surrounding the almost $70 million production, that has operating costs running at $1 million per week. with numerous cast injuries and the consistent delays of an official opening, it comes as no surprise that Spiderman will have much explaining to do once the curtain rises on March 15 — though rumors are swirling that this date will be changed again. it seems that everyone besides those involved in the project know that this titanic is sinking. with delays starting as far back as 2007, Spider-man has been plagued with problems since day one. after announcing the cast, rehearsals were delayed because of financial shortcomings while gutting the theater where it plays, foxwoods theatre. after the original cast left because of the delays, a new cast was announced and rehearsals continued. several delays would affect the course of the show’s opening with a first preview finally taking place Nov. 28, 2010. with the show’s countless attempts to push back opening night, which is when critics publish their reviews; the

musical has achieved the record of longest preview period in Broadway history. Director Julie taymor certainly bears the brunt of the culpability for this debacle. the musical is her vision and it was her direction that caused the musical to run itself $25 million into debt a year before previews started.

taymor, who directed such hits as The Lion King on Broadway as well as the film, Across the Universe, may have bitten off more than she can chew. in interviews, she has stuck to the fact that she isn’t directing a musical, but rather a theatrical experience. Yet, as we inch closer and closer to the newest opening date, more rumors are coming to light.

in order to fix the ailing book, producers allegedly approached popular playwright and former Marvel Comics writer, roberto aguirre-sacasa. aguirre-sacasa is most remembered in the theater community for completely rewriting the book to another superhero based musical flop, It’s a Bird...It’s a Plane...It’s Superman. Of course, it’s too soon to say

how this gamble will pay off in the end. while the musical received terrible reviews after critics grew frustrated at the never-ending preview period, Spiderman is still playing to almost 100 percent capacity every night. Many wonder how long this flawed musical can live, but it won’t become apparent until the musical performs for its opening night audience.

The Band Perry garners Grammy nomination with self-titled debut


the Band Perry, who recently released a self-titled first album,

have a wistful, genuine sound filled with emotions in which their acoustic sounds illustrate wisdom beyond their years. the band consists of siblings

Kimberly Perry (lead vocals, rhythm guitar and piano), reid Perry (bass guitar and background vocals) and Neil Perry (mandolin, drums, accordion and background vocals). they have remained a popular ‘underground’ country group since 2005, but have been receiving more success with the release of their debut self-titled album in 2010. the band deserves all the accolades they get because in just 11 songs, this album shows how much potential they have. the band’s songwriting abilities are showcased through their lyrics, which catches the listener off guard and can even bring a chuckle out. with the first song, “You Lie,” Kimberly showcases her sassiness against a cheating man by singing, “i'm gonna cry well maybe just a little/ then i'm gonna slip off the ring that you put on my finger/ Give it a big ol' fling and watch it sink/ Down, down, down/ there it's gonna lie.” their debut single, “Hip to My

Heart” is one of the many quirkier songs on the album —managing to mix a pop and country sound along with amusing one liner like “i like your lips like i like my Coca-Cola yeah/ Oh how it pops and fizzes.” the album takes a serious turn with “if i Die Young,” which touches on “the sharp knife of a short life.” the song illustrates deep and touching lyrics such as, “a penny for my thoughts, oh no, i'll sell them for a dollar/ they're worth so much more after i'm a goner/ and maybe then you'll hear the words i been singin'/ funny when you're dead how people start listenin'.” “if i Die Young” has received many accolades since it was released as a single, as it has hit number one on the U.s. Billboard’s Hot Country songs chart and was nominated for Best Country song at this year’s Grammy awards. the song “Miss You Being Gone” starts with a bass guitar and Kimberly’s angry voice as she no-

tices too late all the things she liked about a man. reid and Neil chime in with harmonies and bring the song full circle. the closing song “Lasso,” ends on a note that makes the listener question what the album was based on — whether it is about a multitude of men or just a single relationship that has its fair share of ups and downs. the chorus explains this sentiment perfectly, with lyrics like “i tried to hold on to you/ took a ride on a tilt-a-whirl that sits on top of the world/ Man, i thought i could show you/ i've always been afraid of flying/ But you can't blame a girl for trying.” the Band Perry’s debut album is a soaring example of a great album. it is safe to say that the band has quite a fruitful career waiting for them within the next few years. the band will be opening for tim McGraw and Keith Urban for the rest of the year — and with a CD like their debut album under their belt, any country music fan will be in for a treat.

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March 2, 2011

Hooping becomes a popular way to shape your waist and abs while having fun RUvEEnA vIRk staff writer

Late night infomercials are full of exercise fads, each more ridiculous than the other. the latest fad in NYC and L.a. fitness is something you’ve known since childhood and its here to stay: hooping. Hooping is not the same hula hooping you did as a child with those colorful plastic hoops from toys “r” Us. according to, “Hooping” is a term for hula hooping with large customized hoops. Hooping is easier than hula hooping because it uses a bigger, heavier hoop, which in turn rotates slower around your body. Once they learn to do that, they move on to dancing and tricks. according to, “the hoop has been rediscovered as a dancing partner, performance art, meditation tool, and unintentional exercise device.” the history of hooping is

much older than you would think. it grew into a popular activity, however, in the mid-90s, when the band the string Cheese incident threw hoops into the crowd. the fitness benefits of hooping are hard to hide as the constant movement used to swivel the hoops around one’s body burns calories, while the massaging of muscles from the hoop shapes the waist and abs. serves as a source for the hooping community, those who hoop for fitness and those who find deeper meaning in their hooping. Hooping is an exciting treadmill alternative for those who want to try a fun, new activity that actually works. to join the world of hooping as a meditative activity, learn dances and do tricks, there are many hoop communities out there to choose from. Pick your poison and find a class at DJ mcErlean-Hopson/The Pace Press

NY Winter Fashion Week had successes, failures and celebrities cRAIG HELD staff writer

that glorious time of year when the masses descend upon Lincoln Center for free frappuccinos and celebrity sightings has come and gone once again. New York fashion week, the pinnacle of american fashion, concluded its second week at Lincoln Center feb.17. while the who’s who of the front row is in front of everyone’s mind, we must not forget the reason for the season: clothes.

in comparison to other seasons, fall/winter 2011 was extremely low-key. Over-arching inspirations included the Victorian era and early 90s influences. some designers combined these two, like Brooklyn designer suzanne rae who presented a Victorian grunge collection that was shown in Julliard, just a few steps from the tents. even in an under-stated season, there were definite standouts among the week’s shows. Highlights include Libertine, whose neon prints livened up a rather dull week.

the design duo paired dark tartans with acid-tinged pinks, yellows and violets and quickly became the peak of the first half of fashion week. Michael Kors, who celebrated his 30th anniversary in the industry with this collection, gave us his greatest hits in subtle monochrome with a star-studded front row including Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Debra Messing and Bette Midler. Yet, it was rodarte, the ever-present star of New York fashion week, which brought chicness to the mid-west. with

Michael Kors at NY Fashion Week 2011

apron dresses in colors like sky blue and wheat, even the most city sophisticates were yearning for a small farm in the dust bowl. Of course, there are always the misses that come with every fashion week and this week had its fair share of fashion failures. Kira Plastinina, who managed to return from the dead after closing all of her boutiques in the city, presented a collection on the last day of fashion week. while many of fashion’s big guns like ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein show their

collections on the last day, Plastinina managed to close out fashion week, not with a bang, but with a tacky whimper. the models greeted us in cheap fabrics and poorly draped dresses, yet the most laughable piece was the dress that consisted of a leather tube top and panties with a sheer overlay. Needless to say, the collection was downright offensive. Cynthia rowley, another of fashion’s big names, delivered a boring, dowdy collection worthy of the tJ Maxx

sale rack. the long hems and overwrought prints read more desperate than trendy, but rowley is true to her audience: the over-40-crowd. so, what was the biggest trend that you should be saving up for next fall? Peta enthusiasts beware, because real fur isn’t going anywhere. after being seen on the runway from Donna Karan, Oscar de la renta, J. Mendel, Catherine Malandrino, Dennis Basso, and Kors, fashion’s elite has proven that they would much rather stay warm and cozy.

Rodarte at NY Fashion Week 2011

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OPINION AND EDITORIALS DIscLAImER: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration, and staff) to The Pace Press.These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff, or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.


Mosri, who recently avoided questions about the possibility of an iranian-type regime emerging in the wake of a governmental collapse. an islamic state would most certainly not adhere to the peace treaty signed by egypt’s former strongman, anwar sadat, with israel. and if it controls a significantly strategic shipping lane, the suez Canal, it would be a very risky negotiating partner. Consider the ramifications of an anti-western islamic state (sans 1.5 billion a year in U.s. foreign aid), governing egypt under shariah law, and looking for foreign investment to fuel growth and stability. Chinese anyone? a new and assertive China looking to undermine the U.s. diplomatically, would love nothing more than to poach a longtime ally away and acquire another bargaining chip in its quest to surpass the United states as the dominant economy and military power. in order to prevent a repeat of 1979 and possibly worse, the primary aspiration of U.s. policy

makers should be to help foster a democratic state, based on freemarket principles and basic human rights, including those of women. the U.s. can ill-afford a repeat of past mistakes. if washington is seen as assisting the egyptian elite and the revolting youth in forming a proper transitional government, which yields free and fair elections in september, we can once again be seen as a beacon of freedom throughout the world. However, this requires every ounce of diplomatic prowess on our president and state departments’ part to ensure that the Muslim Brotherhood does not “Hijack” the revolution of the egyptian people. as a bulwark of stability in a region prone to volatility, egypt’s revolution and possible democratic outcome can indeed be a bastion of hope for the arab world. it should be in the interest of national security, for this nation and any other egalitarian state to help ferment that dream.

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NEWS Speakers share their stories on achieving success From Page 3 Challenge. she also can be seen on the food Network competing in cake challenges. she ended her speech with, “the word ‘no’ doesn’t exist in my dictionary.” following Chef Greeley was Michelle Vella of LeHigh University who is pursuing her Ph.D. in psychology. Vella discussed how she wanted to be a role model for young women and said, “i wanted to lead by example, instead of superficiality.” she further discussed the “dire need of young females to hear about women who are successful.” Vella counsels women with HiV/aiDs and has even started a Latina group at LeHigh to help young women feel confident about themselves. after Vella, U.s. boxer, Olympic Gold medalist and five-time New York Golden Glove champion Mark Breland spoke. Breland is a Bedford stuyvesant native. at a young age, Breland saw a boxing match between Muhammad ali and Joe fraiser, which inspired him to become a

boxer. at age eight, he started boxing and at age 14, he made the Muhammad ali boxing team and won the Junior Olympics. at age 16, he fought at Madison square Garden (MsG) and won the New York boxing Golden Globes. for his amateur record, Breland had 100 wins and one lose. He broke the record for knockouts and was the only amateur boxer who made the covers of Ring Magazine and Knock Out Magazine. Currently, Breland is teaching kids how to box and how to protect themselves from bullying. He closed out his speech and said, “Live your dream and go as high as you want, if you don’t try you’ll never know what you’re going to get.” following Breland was award winning photographer ian MacDonald-smith whose motto was, “shooting for space.” even though MacDonald-smith is an award-winning photographer, he was born with a splint in his eye in which he’s had seven surgeries in his lifetime and can only see out of one eye, but he does not let that get him down.

Editorial Board Lynn Rickert Editor-In-Chief natalie Gavilanes Executive Editor


Perhaps our fears are justified since the ‘Day Of rage,’ i must have heard or read the words Muslim Brotherhood more times than i can remember; every time it was preceded or followed by some cautionary words of wisdom. Many have dismissed these assertions as fear mongering within the media and their desire to have some type of villain constantly present within the Middle east. But a more vigilant approach is indeed necessary when examining the aspirations of an organization whose alumni include those such as sayyid Qutb, a man whose writings of anti-secular and antiwestern thought, inspired the likes of ayman al-Zawahiri and his fellow islamic Jihad members. One of the primary directives guiding the Brotherhood is the goal of establishing an islamic state in egypt, based on the Qu’ran and sunnah. this is completely contradictory to the current rhetoric of “freedom, democracy and justice for all egyptians” coming from the group’s spokesman, Mohamed

The Pace Press

at age eight, he attended boarding school and learned how to “spot the difference.” MacDonald-smith started to experiment with perspective and started documenting change with his photography, which led him to become a photographer. the final speaker was U.s. sabre fencer and Olympic silver medalist Keeth smart, whose motto was, “Dreams are meant to be.” smart is a flatbush native who began fencing approximately 20 years ago with his sister. when he started fencing he had no knowledge of the Olympics. smart made his first Olympics team in 2000 and received a scholarship from st. John’s University. During his first summer Olympic performance he didn’t do as well as he wanted, but worked harder. since fencing is not a prominent sport in the U.s., smart achieved the number one ranking in the world and focused on being the best. for the 2004 summer Olympics, smart referred to himself as “america’s hope to winning a medal [in the Olympics for fencing].”

smart lost the match that he was supposed to win in 2004, which caused the team to lose the chance of a win. Despite the loss, smart’s family and friends were still supportive of him. One year later, smart’s father passed away, then he was later diagnosed with the rare blood disease known as iPt and was told that he could never do anything in fencing again. He did not heed the doctor’s advice and recovered fully. after his recovery, his mother died after a long battle with cancer. Despite the fact that smart went through many setbacks, he overcame his obstacles and went onto winning a silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. although smart has been a fencer for most of his life, he also holds a graduate degree from Columbia University in case he ever did encounter a problem in which he could no longer fence. for the conclusion of the event, fPCD representative David Gethings thanked all of the speakers, attendees and Denis for hosting the event.

kim Bui Associate Editor kaitlynn Blyth Managing Editor Ivonna Thompson News Editor katherine Riley Features Editor Brian Rentas Arts Editor kate Hamzik Copy Editor Hilda Adeniji Digital Illustrator Leucepe martinez Business & Ads Manager DJ mcErlean-Hopson Web Editor nazary nebeluk Distribution Manager mark mcsherry Faculty Consultant

staff Mel Bailey Stephanie Hansen Craig Held Jessica LaRosa Bethany O’Grady Jessica Owens James Ryder Amanda Schiavo Vibha Solanki Ruveena Virk Quinn Wasson Julia Yeung

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 NewYork, NY 10038 Copyright 2011

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March 2, 2011


FEATURES The power of Twitter: more than just your followers will see published tweets RUvEEnA vIRk staff MeMBer

the social networking site twitter lets “tweeters” tell the world what they are doing in 140 characters or less in a “tweet.” while at first twitter seemed to be another useless time-gobbling social network, it has since surpassed all others of it nature, becoming a major source for reference and advertising for the media. Yet perhaps its biggest achievement is to catch the attention of the Library of Congress, which according to The New York Times is the, “210-year-old guardian of knowledge and cultural history.” the Library of Congress has been archiving every tweet since 2006, a grand number of roughly 50 million tweets a day and has always been selective about the content it archived. according to the Times, “twitter has become an important marketing tool for celebrities, politicians and businesses, promising a level of intimacy never before approached online, as well as giving the public the ability to speak directly to people and institutions once comfortably on a pedestal.” Celebrities such as ashton Kutcher are known for tweeting and reaching out to fans that choose to “follow” them in a direct way, not offered by other social networking cites.

followers can “follow” celebrities verified by the twitter system and see what they are doing on a day to day basis, and even repost their tweets. this makes it easy for celebrities and companies to use twitter as a source of advertisement and for media to use tweets as a direct source. recently, according to New York Magazine, New York University (NYU) Professor and iraq war chronicler Nir rosen tweeted about CBs reporter Lara Logan's sexual assault in Cairo,

egypt. He tweeted, "Jesus Christ, at a moment when she is going to become a martyr and glorified we should at least remember her role as a major war monger.” rosen’s twitter followers attacked him on twitter and facebook alike for his insensitive comments, to which he replied in a tweet, “it's always wrong, obviously, but i'm rolling my eyes at all the attention she'll get.” since then he apologized for his remarks, removed the tweets and resigned from his job.

while the rosen scandal shows the negative side of twitter, there are success stories such as one that reunited a homeless man with his daughter. CNN reported that Daniel Morales joined twitter after being given a phone as a part of "Underheard in New York," a project aimed at giving voice to homeless New Yorkers. Morales tweeted a photo of his daughter, and followers found her on twitter and contacted her. His daughter had not been in touch with him since 2000, when she moved to Puerto rico with her mother. at the same time Morales, moved back to Harlem, lost his job and became homeless. the twitter miracle reunited father and daughter, helping him meet his grandchildren for the first time. On a much larger scope, twitter has influenced the masses. During the crisis in egypt, reporter andy Carvin’s twitter account became a personal news wire, searching out the voices of sources in egypt and sharing them in almost real time, with some 400 posts a day, according to the Times. twitter was also famously used during the election of President Barack Obama. it is safe to say that twitter remains unregulated, but with incidents such as rosen’s remind us to think twice before tweeting. remember, the Library of Congress is watching you.

Travel safely during spring break no matter where you go kATHERInE RILEY featUres eDitOr

spring break is a much anticipated week for college students; whether you are going home to your parents’ house for mom’s home cooking or boarding a plane to lie down under palm trees. traveling always has a great risk factor; especially when young people get too carried away and forget that safety is a bigger priority then having fun. student travelers must plan ahead and know what situation they are getting into; especially if going overseas. always research cultural differences and be aware of any social problems that are going on within the country that could interfere with a trip. Officially register your trip by registering for the smart traveler enrollment program on their website, it is a database for U.s. citizens to record where they are planning to be and any contact information. the government will directly contact you with any emergency information once you have left for your trip. Leave designer duds and smart phones at home;

using a pre-paid cell phone or calling cards is a safer alternative. if carrying valuables is a must, be sure to lock items in a secure hotel safe. inside front pockets and a shoulder bag with the strap draped across your chest is safe alternative to carrying around a regular handbag. the safest place to carry valuable items is in a pouch or money belt worn under your clothing. “i leave my cell phone, most credit cards and valuable items at home. it is better safe than sorry and it’s kind of nice to leave those things behind; making it a more relaxed carefree vacation,” junior tom Duffy said. a passport is not necessary for domestic flights, but it is important to double check the expiration dates on all travel documents such as a driver’s license, iD card or passport. according to, some countries will not let you travel if your passport is set to expire within three to six months. in many foreign countries the drinking age is usually

18 plus, but college students abroad must not let their guard down and drink excessively. avoid hard alcohol and mixed drinks that are powerful and will have fast and lasting effects. Mexico has been a popular spring break spot in the past, but in March 2010 the U.s. government posted a Mexico travel warning. the main concern was the potential danger along the Mexico/U.s. border where Mexican drug cartels run their deadly business. if travelers stay within their resort and tour groups then they will be less likely

to experience any danger. “Last year i went to Cancun, Mexico with friends. we always stayed by our side and researched the safest beaches and attractions so we always knew where to go and were safe,” senior taedra Pedonti said. Going on a cruise is great spring break idea; but there are a lot of precautions and rules to follow when traveling with a few thousand people on a boat. Be careful and watch your pockets when getting off the ship. according to, there have been cases of island residents pick pocketing tourists during the docking period of a cruise. Don’t forget a high sPf sunscreen, as most people will be exposing their skin to the sun after a long winter. if you haven’t already, start planning your vacation and get ready to leave NYC’s snowy sidewalks and wind chill behind.

Digital Illustration by kim Bui / The Pace Press

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