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November 13, 2014

Est. 1948

Volume 67 | Issue 4

the pace press

Dyson Houses join forces for Qirin Con convention MAXIMILLIANO ONOFRE Editorial Assistant On Oct. 18, the Ace House of Dyson College joined their efforts and co-sponsored a massive event, Qirin Con, with the Office of the Dean of Students, the Seidenberg School, the OASIS program, and the Syndicate of Fanology to bring an enormous amount of fun filled activities to many students. Qirin Con can be described as a convention that caters to those interested in Japanese culture, anime, and gaming. It was able to bring in an audience from around the city to join in a mini-Comic Con that was run entirely by University students and alumni This free, one-day con featured interactive and discussionbased workshops on the art, craft, and enjoyment of anime and gaming culture, plus guest speakers on how to develop professional skills for anime and gaming related careers. Qirin Con also included a gaming tournament, a cosplay contest, a small marketplace, an after party, and special entertainment

continued on PAGE 9

University students host University’s first TED Talk MARC SAGGESE Advertising Manager

On Monday Nov. 3, the iconic TED Talk logo was posted proudly on the second floor of Fulton Hall as Ted X Fulton Street began. The intimate event featured snacks, punch, and a handful of University students with inspiring talks, incredible talents, and interesting stories. Ted X Fulton Street kicked off with the humor and insight of ventriloquist Matt Bailey. Between doing a comedy bit with his slacker, sarcastic puppet, Bailey told his personal story of being involved in a craft that’s not particularly easy to find success in, especially if you wait for opportunities to come to you. The theme of his talk was to seize opportunity yourself, highlighted by his story of starting the first podcast for ventriloquists. And in the spirit of the act, his puppet ended the talk with a stinging insult to Matt, met with the loudest applause of the night. The most valuable part of Ted X Fulton, was the range of topics covered, and the curating of those talks so that each new speaker was excitingly different from the last. Chris Thomas, a junior and transfer student, spoke about his work as an on-campus activist, and how there are opportunities for activist work within the University that we may not know about, such as the PaceU End Rape club, whose goal is particularly topical in light of many mishandled rape cases in colleges. Jackie Cirello walked to the stage with the posture and

Presenters of TEDXFulton pose together after a successful night.

INSIDE @thepacepress

Jaeseo Park

continued on PAGE 15




Students enjoy Cosmopolitan two-day empowerment event Page 2

Poet r.m. drake brings poetry to 21st Century platform Page 11

Photo editing in social media posts raises concerns Page 12




November 13, 2014

Cosmopolitan magazine hosts two-day event University students learn from industry’s top women

MELISSA VARGAS News Editor On Nov. 8 and 9, Cosmopolitan magazine and WME Live hosted the first annual Fun Fearless Life Weekend in New York City. The two-day event brought together a variety of A-list talent, fashion industry leaders and top executives in the business and the tech world. Among them: model Chrissy Teigen, actress Gabrielle Union, fashion designer and actress Kelly Osbourne and LearnVest CEO Alexa Von Tobel. The conference was meant to empower and inspire women to ‘dream big and live bigger.’ Cosmopolitan is the best-selling young women’s magazine in the United States, described as ‘a bible for fun, fearless females,’ with a reach of more than 20 million monthly readers. On the Fun Fearless Life website, the event was described as, “stepping into the pages of your favorite magazine!” Many of the attendees would agree that that is exactly how the weekend turned out to be. Both Express and Maybelline sponsored the event. On Nov. 7, the Express store in Times Square held an exclusive shopping event to kick off the Fun Fearless Life Weekend. Loud music played throughout the store while cocktails and hors d’oeuvres were served. Attendees were able to get exclusive styling tips from Express stylist as well as Cosmopolitan and Cosmopolitan for Latina editors Aya Kanai and Niria Portabella. Attendees were also given the opportunity to win a $1,000 shopping spree from Express. Anne Marie Nelson-Bogle, Vice President of Marketing at Maybelline New York, said “At Maybelline, we are all about encouraging young women to be bold, confident, and make their mark on the world through their ideas and passions. We want to give women the tools they need to look and feel confident as they pursue their dreams.” This is exactly what the company did as they had various Maybelline stations, where guests were able to get touch-

Joanna Coles moderating “Change the World” panel at Fun Fearless Life Weekend. Photo: Joanna Coles/Instagram

I am super excited because everybody looks so good. This is such a sexy attractive, ambitious crowd and it’s thrilling to see so many young women together in one place, all trying to figure out how they do their own business and push themselves. -Joanna Coles,

Editor-in-Chief, Cosmopolitan

ups and learn tips and tricks from Maybelline professional makeup artists. The rundown of the two-day conference was divided into different panels covering different topics from “Find Your Power,” “Building Your Brand,” “Make Your Mark,” “Love Your Body” and a fun “Manthropology” panel moderated by model Chrissy Teigen, who was named one of the funniest voices on Twitter by the magazine. The Pace Press was able to get a hold of Cosmopolitan Editor-in-Chief Joanna Coles. “I am super excited because everybody looks so good,” said Coles, adding, “This is such a sexy attractive, ambitious crowd and it’s thrilling to see so many young women together in one place, all trying to figure out how they do their own business and push themselves.” Coles was seen walking around during the extended lunch break, taking the time to speak to young readers who sought advice, or simply just wanted a photograph. University senior Alex Osten said, “I was very happy to attend Cosmo’s Fun Fearless Life Weekend. I got to network and mingle with several editors-in-chiefs

of major magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Seventeen. I was also able to hand out some business cards and get some in return. One of the most important things was that it allowed me to discuss the SWAP network at the University, and meet potential speakers for the SWAP network panels.” During the hour-long lunch breaks, the attendees had the opportunity to walk around the concourse of the David H. Koch Theater. Rochelle Baez, an intern for Cosmopolitan for Latinas, said, “I am so happy to have had the opportunity to meet so many fun and fearless women from so many different backgrounds. From the speakers to the attendees, I am beyond honored to have been able to be among so many inspirational women.” The event finished off with an exciting performance by singer Elle King, who had the crowd cheering and dancing.


November 13, 2014


Forty-three students abducted in Mexico Protests continue as questions remain unaswered

Parents of the 43 students holding a candle light vigil in the Zócalo, the historic central square in Mexico.

ASHLEY SPENCER Arts Editor On Sep.26, what started as a constitutional exercise of human rights quickly escalated into violence leaving 3 students dead, several wounded and 28 missing. Six weeks later little has been done to find the missing students with reports that they had been murdered surfacing only to dismissed by DNA evidence confirming the later. This debate has launched further discussion on the state of human rights in México, a country that is over run with drug related crime. The students involved were in Iguala, México for a fundraising and protest event in support of federal financial aid and discriminatory hiring practices of teachers. Upon their return trip home to their small men’s- teachers college in rural Tixita, gang members and local police open fired on the buses. When the students exited their bus peacefully, the police responded with violence. This outburst left 3 dead, and 43 missing students. According to the Guardian, following the attack on the students, the state government arrested 22 police on murder charges, though its likely more were involved. Is it reported that following the attacks government officials suspended the authority of local police in its place implemented their own government police force. In the weeks following the attack, there having been many varied reports claiming the bodies were found and some even that the students were still alive and being held by their kidnappers. It is suspected that local gang, Guerreros Unidos, is behind the kidnapping and attacks on the students in Iguala. Mexico has a long-standing history of corruption with lines between government and special interest blurred. Current President, Enrique Peña Nieto ran on a platform admitting to the corrupt past with hopes for a better future, but little change has been implemented. In México those that go missing are never found and that has become the norm. Protestors through out México and abroad have had enough. In Iguala, protest led by the parents of the missing students led to the burning of a municipal building. The mayor of Iguala and his wife are suspected of working with corrupt police and local drug cartel member’s in a plot to kidnap the student, kill them, and burn their remains. It has been reported that three cartel members came forward and confessed to burning the bodies and dumping their remains in a river. Although the students have been missing for over

a month little internationally is being said about the issue. “I feel like it should be more important because Mexico is a neighboring country. Civil discord down in México could cause turmoil to reach the United States”, said Sergio Fernandez Junior. DNA results negated the claim that the bodies of the 43 students were among the remains found near Igaula. The Mexican consulate in New York hosted a vigil and protest outside the consulate on Oct. 26. One protestor, Miguel Angel Villalobos told

I feel like it should be more important because Mexico is a neighboring country. Civil discourse down in Mexico could cause turmoil to reach even the great United States. -Sergio Fernandez,

University Junior

the Dailynews, “Violence, that’s what I fear the most”. Villalobos, one of the people demonstrating outside the Consulate who himself survived a kidnapping in Mexico City 13 years ago. “I know what people are going through and I worry that things could explode in Mexico because of the authorities’ lack of commitment to the safety of the people and to punishing the criminals.” Even still the families of the students and citizens of México remain hopeful for their return, as the people of Mexico are tired of the corruption that rules over democracy in their country. This tragic event has led to historic protest.



November 13, 2014

IRS seizes American accounts based on suspicion Law meant to catch drug traffickers used to target Americans MELISSA VARGAS News Editor For some time now the Internal Revenue Service has been seizing many American accounts based on suspicion. According to the IRS, when an account holder deposits less than $10,000 at a time, this might be a signal that the depositors are doing this to avoid a government report on the deposit. This law is enforced to catch drug traffickers, terrorist, and money launderers who follow this pattern. With this law they are able to track criminals by tracking their cash deposits, which are usually under $10,000. However, this is affecting many small business owners and innocent people. According to The New York Times, “The government can take the money without ever filing a criminal complaint, and the owners are left to prove they are innocent,” they also have concluded that many victims end up giving up, because it is difficult and complicated to get their money back. Regarding the situation, Professor Treu, assistant professor of Legal Studies and Taxation said, “One of the problems in the context of structuring is that individuals who are suspected of violating the anti-structuring provisions are only out $20,000 to $35,000 and the attorney fees for seeking recourse can easily exceed the full amount of these lost funds. “So individuals who were never intended to be subjected to the scrutiny under the law that didn’t even violate the anti-structuring laws may be walking away from seized funds and settling because it doesn’t make economic sense to seek relief. While the IRS has indicated it will no longer seek to use this seizure authority so broadly, the law clearly

needs to be reconsidered so that it can better achieve its actual purpose.“ Joseph Lovell, business analyst at the University agreed with Prof. Treu: “There will be some positives, but with these types of laws there are not any real filters. So anyone who is doing any of these types of transactions, legal or not, are going to be affected by it. It’s a double edge sword, because it will catch some people who are mishandling accounts but its also going to get people who aren’t.” Lovell continued, saying, “I feel that the government is just extending the laws that they have in place because I know that there is a law that if you are traveling with a thousand dollars or more and you cant prove where it came from, they are allowed take your money, the rule is your money is guilty until proven innocent. If you keep that in mind and start thinking about the law versus what is happening now, they are pretty much strategically putting it in these laws to legally taking your money without much of a fight.” Many of the innocent people whose accounts have been seized were never informed that they could be raising a red flag if they were depositing less than $10,000 frequently. Banks are actually not allowed to tell their clients if the way they deposit their money is illegal or not, unless the client asks. According to The Daily Mail, the IRS has seized $446,000 from a NY candy and cigarette distributor. These distributors deal mostly with cash, making them targets for the IRS. Students and young professionals could also be affected. It is very important that employers issue checks instead of cash as form of payment. Lovell adds, “I would be upset if the IRS just took my money, it is just another burden on me. And it’s another way of big brother keeping his eye on me. So I would definitely feel invasion of my privacy.”

Assisted suicide debate heats up after Maynard death ANNA YESILEVSKIY Contributor The Recent case of Brittany Maynard, which has been covered by many news and social media platforms, stirred up awareness, interest, and debate regarding assisted suicide, a highly controversial topic. Maynard, a twenty-nine year old who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, had previously launched a campaign to promote laws for terminally ill patients to die with dignity. She passed away on Sunday Nov.1 after deciding to take lethal medication. Since her death, news platforms such as CNN, ABC News and The Daily Signal have all covered Maynard’s case. A day after Maynard’s death, CNN reported that Maynard wanted to die with dignity and therefore chose to take life-ending medication. However, before doing so, Maynard and her family had to move from California to Oregon; as it is one of the five states in which the death with dignity act, (an act that allows terminally ill patients with only six months left to live, to end their lives through voluntary self-administration of lethal medication), has been enacted. CNN also covered the publics’ reactions regarding Maynard’s death on media platforms. Twitter, as CNN reported, “was flooded with messages of grief.” Most people supported Maynard’s decision and wished her to rest in peace. However, one twitter poster, ‘ZEFFeREEn’ said, “Anyway you look it at it, suicide is wrong because it does not end suffering, it ends hope.” Nadin Naumann, a freelance publicist who wrote an article for The Daily Signal, had a similar opinion to the aforementioned twitter poster. In the article, Naumann stated that her mother was diagnosed with stage four-glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor, the same type of diagnosis that Brittany Maynard received and that Naumann’s mother was told that she

would only have fifteen months to live. However, Naumann stated that it has been twenty-one months since the diagnosis and her mother is still alive. Naumann, used to say that although things have been tough, she and her mother have had a lot of great experiences in the past year and in conclusion Naumann understands that Maynard did not want her family and friends to see her at her worst but does say, “Well, I’ve now seen my mother at her worst- and I will tell you that’s still not comparable to not having her here at all.” ABC News, has also covered the recent case of Brittany Maynard. The news platform asked Jennifer Glass, a two-year cancer patient with a five percent chance of surviving past the next five years for her opinion on the debate. Glass stated that as another Californian, she also hopes that the state changes its law and allows a “death with dignity.” She would like to have a say in the decision to end her life. Glass also hopes that she will not have to move like Maynard did and states, “I would be devastated if I have to leave my home just so I can die the way I want to.” University students have also given their opinions on the highly controversial debate. Senior, Camila Pérez said that she did hear about Maynard’s case through social media and when questioned about her opinion on the matter, Pérez said, “I think anyone should have the right to decide what they want to do but it definitely should not be enforced.” Sophomore, Jackson Morris, on the other hand, has not heard about Maynard’s case and said that he is unsure whether people should have the right to die. Although Maynard’s case has recently brought a lot more attention to the rightto-die debate, there have been a lot more cases in the past that people did not pay close attention to. As with many sensitive topics, assisted suicide debate will to continue to be argued by many.


November 13, 2014


Burkina Faso president resigns after 27 years West African nation in turmoil after ousting

Oposition leaders celebrate Presidents resignation

SARAH HARTZELL Contributor The president of Burkina Faso has resigned after 27 years in power, amid protests from citizens and a military coup on Oct. 31. President Blaise Compaoré has fled to the Ivory Coast, along with most of his senior administration officials, after tens of thousands of Burkina people marched on the nation’s capital, Ouagadougou. Compaoré had attempted to pass a constitutional amendment that would allow him to run for a third term in the upcoming presidential election. After two days of mass protests that resulted in the death of one protester; and the Burkina parliament being set on fire, Compaoré stepped down and Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida took power as interim President. Burkina Faso is a land-locked country in West Africa. Formerly called Upper Volta, it gained freedom from French control in 1960. Since then, it has been

subject to political unrest due to a series military coups and dictatorial presidents in the 1970s and 1980s. Burkina Faso is the 16th poorest country in the world, has the lowest level of literacy in the world, and has highly restricted human rights. Currently, Burkina Faso is considered a semi-presidential republic. Its constitution was ratified in 1991 and established a presidency and a parliament. It was amended in 2000 to reduce presidential terms to five years and to set a two-term limit. Compaoré initially took power in the coup of Thomas Sankara in 1987 and was officially elected to his first term under the new constitution in 1991. He served two terms of seven years and was grandfathered into the previous term limit, allowing him to run again and win in 2005 and 2010. As these two terms would have satisfied the new term limit, he would not have constitutionally been able to run in the 2015 election. Herein lies the cause of the protests. Compaoré’s attempted third term would really have been his fifth, in addition to

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four years of unelected leadership. Despite the relative stability of the nation under his rule, the Burkina people and military were not willing to sacrifice their burgeoning democracy for an autocratic presidency. The proposed amendment and its blatant self-service was the last straw for a people discontent with decades of corruption and unimproved living standards. Since taking power, Lt. Col. Zida has heeded the urgings of the African Union to transition into a civilian government and eventually hold elections. The presidents of Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal have met with Burkina military, religious, and tribal leaders to mediate negotiations of a new civilian leadership, but so far they have failed to name a candidate. Discussions were almost derailed by opposition leaders who refused to sit in the same room as Compaoré loyalists. Ultimately, the factions agreed to reinstate the constitution that had been temporarily suspended, to form a transitional government for one year, and to hold elections in Nov. 2015. The

constitution provides for the speaker of Parliament to take power in the event of the president stepping down, though it is unclear if that will happen under the current circumstances. If Burkina Faso fails to name a civilian leader by Nov. 14, the African Union has said it will impose economic sanctions on the impoverished nation. The United States foreign policy calls for an end to military aid in the event of a coup d’etat, however, officials have yet to decide whether this military takeover qualifies as a coup. Canada has suspended its development assistance as a result of the political turbulence. Burkina Faso’s fate remains important to Western powers because of its location as a base to fight Islamic extremism in surrounding countries. American and French forces have Burkina bases to monitor threats in Nigeria and Mali. Additionally, Burkina Faso has a wealth of mineral resources, and whichever faction controls the government will likely control mining revenues.

“Burkina Faso has a wealth of mineral resources, whichever

Faction Controls the Government will Control Mining Revenues.”


THE PACE PRESS EDITORIAL BOARD Erick Mancebo Editor Christian Gomez Executive Editor Marc Saggese Advertising Manager Shannon McMahon Copy Editor Melissa Vargas News Editor Ashley Spencer Arts Editor Courtney Michelle Johnson Features Editor Maximilliano Onofre Editorial Assistant Dr. Stephanie Hsu Faculty Consultant

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2014

November 13, 2014


The relationship between generosity and success ALEXANDRA OSTEN Contributor For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Alexandra Osten. I currently am a senior here at Pace University, double majoring in Arts & Entertainment Management and Global Marketing. This year I launched a new initiative at Pace; I created the Successful Women at Pace Network (a.k.a The SWAP Network). After completing 10 internships, being an active leader on campus, and volunteering back in my hometown of Bloomfield Hills, MI, I carefully assessed what I could do to make a difference and give back to the Pace Community, this resulted in the development of SWAP. Over the past few years, I have had many peers, colleagues, and acquaintances ask me, “How do you do it all? Why do you work so hard?”, and I’ve never known how to respond back to them. Finally, everything has come together and I’m able to answer those questions. I recently attended a conference that had a fierce line-up of influential and successful women. I was drafting a tweet, when out walked Dr. Meg Jay. Known for her TED talk, “Why 30 Is Not the New 20” (over 6 million views so far), Dr. Jay wrote ‘The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now. Dr. Jay began her speech and went on to explain what a ‘weak tie’ was, “a weak tie is everyone you’ve ever met in your whole entire life that you’re not good friends with.” She then proceeded to say how even the smallest bit of serendipity from a weak tie can have an enormous impact over the years to come for you. What did she mean by this? Dr. Jay was explaining how the people who are different or distant [from you] are the ones who lead to new things. She says the people in our inner circle, while great for support, aren’t going to open new doors for us, because we’re already all

Osten at the Cosmopolitan ‘Fun Fearless Life’ Conference Photo: Alexandra Osten in the same room. I never realized the relationship between happiness, generosity, and success until then. Instantly this made me think of the SWAP network. When I decided to form the SWAP Network, I reached out to both friends and weak ties. I asked for help, there was no way I could do this on my own. To my surprise, everyone was on board. I learned then that by reaching out to my weak ties for help, they in return felt good. People like to help people, and when you reach out to them and ask for help, you will get one of two answers: yes or no. The ‘no’ can’t be taken too seriously, there are a plethora of reasons why someone would say no. However, the ‘yes’ is the complete opposite. If someone says ‘yes’ to helping you, they in return have a positive association to you—they like you! Not only do they like you, but they like themselves, they know how valuable they are and that

they are making a difference. To answer those earlier questions, the reason why I work so hard and constantly add new things to my plate is because it simply makes me feel good. I like helping people, I love seeing them grow and succeed in life. By definition, success is a person (or thing) that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity and generosity is showing kindness towards others. In my opinion, you can’t have one without the other; to be successful, you must also be generous concurrently. A question Dr. Jay asked was, “if you keep living your life as you are now, are you happy with where you’ll be in two years?” Many women at the conference couldn’t honestly have said yes, they focus on self-interest and superficial goals. When you give back, connect with your loose ties, or help others in life, the answer to Dr. Jay’s question will be an easy “yes.”

November 13, 2014


Five New York eats you can’t find anywhere else City lives up to “greatest place to eat” reputation

ASHLEY SPENCER Arts Editor There is nowhere as diverse as New York. From the people to the food there is always something unique and innovative to try. Praised for its fast food dinning options NYC is home to some of the best. The Pace Press has listed five eats that are truly iconic. 1. Whitman’s East Village: located at 406 E 9th St, New York, NY 10009 in the East Village. Whitman’s described, as cozy comfort food is known for their famous cheeseburger called a “Juicy Lucy”. The Juicy Lucy hailing from Minneapolis, feature’s pimento cheddar cheese between. The end result is a juicy patty with a gooey molten cheddar cheese core. What’s more, Whitman’s is serviced by popular food delivery companies,,, and, making it great for students dying to sink their teeth into this New York eat. 4. Salted Caramel Chicken FingersNew Yorkers knows being eccentric is just part of City’s charm. Sticky Finger’s chicken spot with two locations, in the Greenwich Village, Murray Hill innovates the fast food staple with creations that are inspired by every culture from Mexican to Japanese. Stick Fingers is open until 11:30 Sunday thru Wednesday and until 1:30 am on a Thursday and 3:30 am on a Saturday & Sunday making it the perfect ending to night out in the City. 2. Pomme Frites (123 2nd Ave. New York, NY)- Belgian for fries; everyone’s favorite form of potato is quickly becoming a favorite to New Yorkers. Open Monday- Thursday and Sundays from 11:30 am-1am Friday/ Saturday until 3:30 am. Pomme Frites puts a twist on what you typically think of fries. Revolutionizes the ketchup fry combo in favor of sauces like fig, Sweet mango chutney mayo, peanut satay, and pomegranate teriyaki. There’s something for the adventure in all of us.

3. The Cronut Featured on nearly every food blog and list of New York specialty foods the Cronut is a must try. Imitated by many the traditional creation can only be sampled at the Dominique Ansel bakery in SoHo (189 Spring Street New York, NY). With foodies, tourist, and pastry lovers alike lining up and waiting hours just to try this viral creation. A Cronut is a gettymedia. com hybrid between a doughnut and a croissant. Filled with cream the Cronut only comes in one flavor that changes every month. Past flavors include: Lemon Maple, Peanut Butter Rum Caramel, and Apple Crème Fraiche. November is Caribbean Rum Raisin (with Tahitian vanilla sugar and sultanas). The Press can’t wait to try this masterpiece.

Instagram 5. Birthday Cake Cream Cheese BagelYes you read that write, and yes you may have died and gone to bagel heaven. Tompkins’s Square Bagel features flavors such as Chipotle avocado, Wasabi, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Birthday Cake. For no dairy eaters they also feature tofu options with flavors such as tofu lox and olive pimento. Located at 165 Avenue A, offers free delivery and was featured as a must try on “Elite Daily’s” Must try NYC List.




November 13, 2014

Fall T.V. debuts: Where are they now? Mid-season review determines future of fall T.V. SARAH HARTZELL Contributor November sweeps is upon us and as networks vie for ratings and advertisers, the season’s new shows are fighting it out to be saved from cancellation. It’s still early to know for sure which shows will return in 2015, but there are certainly some safe bets for both renewal and cancellation. ABC’s “Manhattan Love Story” was the first show to get the ax, followed closely by fellow romantic comedy “A to Z” on NBC. The third member of the rom-com triad, NBC’s “Marry Me,” seems to have won the battle for the genre as NBC has just ordered five more episodes, but even its ratings aren’t yet strong enough to assure its survival. NBC has also already cancelled new comedy “Bad Judge,” which seemed doomed to fail before it even aired with the negative hype it garnered. The sitcom genre had an influx of newcomers this year and with existing competition with popular series like “Modern Family” and “The Big Bang Theory,” “Bad Judge” surely won’t be the last to go off the air. ABC’s “Cristela” has yet to draw significant ratings, but its Friday night timeslot complicates typical standards. “Selfie,” also on ABC, overcame its initial image problems¬ to become a favorite among critics, but the lack of audience excitement led to the shows cancellation. Fox has decreased its initial order of “Mulaney” from sixteen episodes to thirteen, which does not bode well for its future. “Mulaney” was expected by many to be the first victim this fall, and while it has escaped that title, its cancellation is surely on the horizon. “The McCarthy’s” on CBS only

premiered on Oct. 30, so sweeping judgment is premature, but its poor premiere performance doesn’t warrant renewal on a network that consistently puts up high ratings. The only new sitcom that seems to be doing well is ABC’s “Black-ish.” Its post-“Modern Family” timeslot has been a black hole for new programs in the past, but “Blackish” has managed to retain most of its lead-in audience. It has already been picked up for a full season, so a second season seems likely. The season’s new dramas are more of a mixed bag. While none are obviously set for cancellation just yet, there are some that have a target on their back. ABC’s “Forever” has steadily dropped in ratings, but not so drastically as to be automatically cancelled. Fox has ordered four more episodes of “Red Band Society,” but the order seems like stalling the inevitable: ratings continue to decline, but Fox is doing so poorly this season that it doesn’t have an alternative to fill the Wednesday night slot. Unfortunately for Fox, CBS has lived up to its title as television’s most watched network with most of its new shows succeeding. The newest NCIS spinoff “NCIS: New Orleans” has the highest ratings of any new show this season and was just picked up for a full season. CBS also picked up “Scorpion,” “Madam Secretary,” and “Stalker” for full seasons, all of which are either first or second in their timeslot.After getting panned by critics and viewers in the beginning of its season, “The Mysteries of Laura” on NBC has redeemed itself to many. Ratings have remained steady and NBC recently ordered three more episodes of the Debra Messing crime drama. “How to Get Away with Murder,” the newest from

Shonda Rhimes, is in a category of its own. The perfect ratings storm: a large lead-in audience (“Scandal”), name recognition (Rhimes and star Viola Davis), and a steady stream of scenes guaranteed to make headlines. If any show is a sure thing for a second season, it’s “How to Get Away with Murder.” The superhero genre has proven to be just as lucrative on the small screen as on the big screen. “The Flash” on the CW has taken off since its premiere and has even surpassed its predecessor, “Arrow.” On Fox, the Batman prequel “Gotham” has seen a recent jump in ratings that are expected to continue with the introduction of fanfavorite characters the Scarecrow and Harvey Dent. On the other hand, NBC’s “Constantine” has continually dropped in viewers and will most likely be cancelled. This could be a result of a number of factors, but it is most likely because the Hell- blazer adaptation focuses on a far less famous comic book character and did not emphasize the tie-in in its marketing or its title. As DVR and online viewing continue to affect the eight given to traditional ratings. Networks have their own standards for assigning value to each viewing medium, as well as other factors like projected change in ratings, production costs, and the dedication of fans and critics. A struggling network may value a small but dedicated fan base, like NBC did with “Community” for so many years, but a network like CBS can easily replace a low-rated show with something more successful. All of this may mean very little, though, as predicting the fates of shows is a complicated process. The only way to know for sure what we’ll be watching in 2015 is to wait and see.

November 13, 2014



From cosplay to crafts, Qirin Con is a hit The University opens its doors to Ace house’s new convention continued from FRONT PAGE MAXIMILLIANO ONOFRE Editorial Assistant

provided by the Triforce Quartet. The break away rooms had much to present. Some of the highlights of these rooms were things like the “Voice Acting 101” class, the “Inside Look at Convention Press Coverage”, and the “Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Class in Anime”. One of the well-attended session was the cosplay lecture where the ways of making costumes and preparing in time was taught. This lecture finished by letting those who were in attendance make their own stuffed plushies. In this case, everyone there was able to sew, stuff, and decorate their own stuffed dumpling based on a tutorial given by the lecturer. There was also a room where various video games were set up around screens in every wall of the room. This event also created a day long competition for those who were interested. The players in the competition battled out to see who could win on Smash Brawl, a popular Nintendo video game. In the end, there were final winners left with prizes provided by Performance Designed Products. Separate from these sessions there was a room reserved for movie viewing. Various films were screened throughout the course of the day for people to enjoy and rest with while waiting in between sessions or to sit though entirely. Another large event at Qirin Con was the cosplay costume competition. The costumes were very elaborate and anyone in attendance had the opportunity to enter. The winner was elected by those in attendance, in order to keep things fair. The people who were in costumes were introduced half-way through the event, allowing the voters to take their time and deliberate who would win. Costumes ranged from original characters, such as the steampunk pirate and the new Princess Tutu character, to well-known characters like Ash Ketchum from Pokémon and Black Widow. The winners in this completion left with a few months’ worth of a Lootcrate subscription. Some of more notable Qirin Con attendants included the SoHo Host Club, who formed from the idea of the show “Ouran High School Host Club.” The SoHo Host Club describes itself as “establishments [where] the servers go above and beyond the call of duty to serve [their] customers. The emphasis is on making the customer feel very important and relaxed through the attention and servicing of the worker.” The convention was also able to service the attendants with a small booth set up that allowed anyone and everyone to have their picture drawn in chibi form, a popular Japanese drawing style for just a small tip. And for those interested in merchandise, there was a small marketplace with many items up for sale. The convention closed off with a bang, going from a performance by the Triforce Quartet- a traditional string quartet that plays video game music from fan favorite games, including Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy- and finishing with a dance in the Student Union for all attendants. All that is left now is to look forward to next year’s Qirin Con, which promises many more surprises.

Photographer: Daniel Molina



November 13, 2014

Snaps and claps for Andrea Gibson ASIA LETLOW Contributor On Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014, poet Andrea Gibson will be performing at the University. This event is made possible through the work of the student organization, the Stonewall Coalition, P.A.C.E Board, and the LGBTQA & Social Justice Center. Every semester, students request performers and notable people to make appearances on campus. Gibson has been one of popular demand at the University, and she will grace students with her presence. Gibson has been credited with several awards for her work involving justice for the LGBTQ community. She was the first winner of the Women of the World Poetry Slam for her poetry detailing issues surrounding sexuality, gender, war, and privilege among many other topics. Her work is of high regard as it touches audiences nationwide, informing them frankly of the most hard-hitting tribulations everyday people face, simply because of their differences. The poetry she recites if full of passion and fervor, since her beginnings in her first show at an open Mic in Denver. Though Gibson is originally from Maine, she now locates herself in Boulder, Colorado. Since her start, she was grown into her poetry and is now a full time poetry, actively touring the country through the year. “Andrea is an accomplished queer poet who addresses social justice issues with fierce tenderness and love. She is a sort of living symbol of what it means to confront discrimination, bigotry, homophobia, and senseless hate with passion, courage and art,” noted Kelly Herbert, Assistant Director of the LGBTQA & Social Justice Center. Visitors of the LGBTQA and Social Justice Center are very excited to also see Gibson’s show, stating praises over the event. With many visitors invited and coming along, the show looks like the event will be a hit. Since it’s opening up to the public, more and more visitors are planning to attend. Gibson has been featured on BBC, C-SPAN, and Air American, and has also authored three books of her poetry, Pole Dancing to Gospel Hymns, The Madness Vase, and We Will Be Shelter which is to be released on Nov. 14. Additionally, she has albums of her work, both live- and studio-recorded.

Support the Miners of 1984


On Oct. 30, the LGBTQA and Social Justice Center had the chance to watch the British film “Pride”. The movie was focused on Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, a real life activist group formed in 1984. They were one of the many partners of mining communities during the United Kingdom’s miners’ strike in 1984 because they felt that both groups had gone through a lot of the same struggles while fighting for their rights. During the time of the film’s setting, the Thatcher government had taken away all the funds of the National Union of Mineworkers, leaving many of the workers in a pinch, because any donations sent to them were lost. This led to many support groups joining directly with various mining communities around England, Scotland and Wales. The London LGSM group made history when they joined with Neath, Dulais, and Swanesea Valleys Miners Support Group and raised heaps of money. One of their most iconic fundraising events was held at the Electric Ballroom and cleverly named “Pits and Perverts” after a publication in The Sun from Rupert Murdoch that slandered the groups support. This alliance, however, was also a huge marking point in history because it led to many of the mining communities to support and endorse the progression of LGBTQA issues in the UK. The main actors of the film included Ben Schnetzer, who portrayed Mark Ashton, one of the founders of LGSM and George MacKay who portrays Joe, a young man who comes out

during the course of the film. The well-known names of Andrew Scott and Dominic West also come up in the film, as they portray the two characters of Jonathan Blake and Gethin Roberts, two of the first people diagnosed with AIDS in the UK.

LGSM rallies for the mining communities


November 13, 2014


Identity joins the dinner table in “Disgraced” Post 9/11 statuses are challenged in a new way

MAXIMILLIANO ONOFRE Editorial Assiant In just one night, through the passing of one dinner, emotions can burst into an array of fiery explosions that can tear families apart and create the biggest separations in culture. That is the just part of the story that is created in “Disgraced,” a Pulitzer Prizewinning drama that explores identity after the Sept. 11 incident. “Disgraced” opened at the Lyceum Theater on Oct. 23 and was received with great reviews. The play is centered on Amir- played by actor Hai Dhillon- who is not prepared

The dinner party begins with a good mood that will soon turn sour.

to deal with the struggles of his identity as an Indian-American, and cannot reconcile with his heritage. Amir and his wife Emily, played by Gretchen Mol, decide to have a dinner with work acquaintances, and thought the dinner, they began to discuss politics and religion, two of the sins of the dinner table talk. Sitting around the dinner table, they give in to the instincts of their culture, failing to see where the boundaries of being an American with another identity lies. The show delves deeply into the implications of what being Indian-American means in the modern world, and giving the audience a glimpse of the simple truths of this life, from being picked for random selection at the airport to getting judged and receiving unwanted attention when doing mundane things. Students of the University were able to watch the show and gave their own thoughts on the story. Sophie MacArthur, thoroughly enjoyed the show and stated that “I thought the acting in in Disgraced was appropriately causal for the clam moments but could have been scaled up a notch for the parts with more tension.” MacArthur was moved by the shows acting but admits that the intensity never reached the full potential. Chris DunnMeynell on the other hand thought the show was, “a great concept that could’ve use an extra half-an hour for character development.” The show was much shorter than the class expected, with four acts that had no intermission, Other actors in the show included Josh Radnor, who played Isaac, Emily’s boss and husband to Karen Pittman’s character, Jory, a coworker of Amir’s. These two were catalysts in the events that unfold at the dinner table. Along with them, is Danny Ashok, who play’s Amir’s nephew, Abe. Between him and Emily, they began the process of unraveling Amir’s conflicted decision to identify solely as an American, nothing more and nothing less. The show’s setting is concentrated from late summer of 2011 to spring 2012, which is how the events of the incident of Sept. 11 became so gripping to this tale. The trauma that comes from this dire time in the United States moves the plot forward as the characters all dwell with their identities. This contemporary tale is nothing short of being a focus of life now a days, and as Dhillon states, it “highlights the ‘otherness’ that all of a sudden you feel.”

Making sense of a generation through poetry “Insta” poet r.m. drake releases third book

TAYLOR GORUSSO Contributor Robert M. Drake is a growing phenomenon amongst celebrities like the Kardashian’s, and vast majority of Instagram users. Robert M. Drake, also known as R.M. Drake is a Miami-based writer who posts a lot of his work online. His beautiful and inspirational quotes and poetry have become a reposting sensation on many social media sites. He has over 550 original quotes and counting, which he has decided to make into his new book titled, “Beautiful Chaos”, is available now on amazon, Barnes & Noble, and his personal page on Etsy. R.M. Drake’s writing has been a powerful part of our generation’s selfexpression and journey into the truths of the world we live in. Drake states in his new book, “Chaos is not pretty. It’s like feeling a hundred things. Hearing a hundred voices, and somewhere in the riot we tend to lose ourselves. And as we depart reality we find the truth. This book is the truth, it’s everything we’ve been feeling for so long.” Our generation appears to be challenged by a society that trains people to believe that the means of survival is by suppressing their feelings. He aims to reflect the inner thoughts of this generation’s youth. His work alone

is relatable to everyday struggles such as love, loss, and insecurity, conjuring a sense of hope. He presents his book in such an engaging and simple way that makes reading it effortless. “I really want to get his new book. I’ve been a fan of R.M. Drake for so long and his quotes always make me think of the positives in life. He makes people feel like they aren’t alone and that they have a true purpose in this life. He writes beautifully”, said sophomore Brittany Ziarko. “Beautiful Chaos” is the third book of poetry from Drake. He also has two other poetic works out such as “Science: The stars in me are the stars in you” and “Spaceship: A Collection of the Words Misunderstood”. “Science: The stars in me are the stars in you”. These books bring an alternative way to view life’s injustice and unfairness. He also shows how environmental problems contribute to the common youth and society as a whole. “We all are broken and broken is its own kind of beautiful”, says Drake. Just like his new collection of works, Drake focuses on his audience and makes them the center of each page. He creatively crafts his personal experiences to spark a fire in his audience by raising the importance of being aware of yourself and not letting people define you in ways you know you are not. That is hard to achieve without persuading the audience to reflect deeply and know that the hardships in life affect everyone universally, but he does achieve this brilliantly. R.M. Drake is a writer for those that are afraid to raise their voice. He promotes peace and self-discovery by encouraging our youth to appreciating the world and the obstacles they face instead of letting it consume them. The world will always

throw challenges at people and it is very short, his positive reinforcement will impact how many people look at life. His new book “Beautiful Chaos” is out now and is a truly good, lite read. Drake has a very refreshing take on life. “When we are alone we discover who we really are. I myself do not understand myself. But can you really imagine being alone in a world that was meant for so much more?”



November 13, 2014


Students weigh in on photo editing in social media ASHLEY SPENCER Arts Editor The presence, or lack of presence of filters has become synonymous amongst the community of picture shares as representing a standard of beauty. User use hashtags such as “no filter” or “iwokeuplikethis.” in captions to emphasize their “natural” beauty, prompting followers and lurks alike to comment or like a photo based on this image put out. Accounts have been made on sites such a Tumblr and Instagram dedicated to girls with natural hair, beauty, or those with who work out and have fit bodies. Creative photo editing provides the opportunity for more that just quick photo boost. Editing can be used to construct a whole new virtual persona. News media and celebrities have been featured in segments instructing viewers on how to take the perfect photo. In an episode of Candidly Nicole, reality star turned fashion designer, Nicole Richie instructed a friend on how to take the perfect selfie. Nicole joked about the perfect lighting and poses for laughs but actually asked a professional photographer for his expert advice on how to take the perfect selfie. The photographer provided tasteful guidelines on how to achieve the perfect photo. What started out, as a fun social way to interact and share pictures has become a competition, with users altering their photos to look their best. The over use of flitters and Photoshop has become an issue of debate due to the negative and potential harmful implications’ altering your image has on society. Photo editing has become the norm, with many indifferent to the use of a little black and white or lo fi here and there. The over use of editing has become controversial of late especially in regards to celebrities. Celebrities have recently been criticized for their use of photo enhancement

in pictures. Celebrities like Beyoncé has even been criticized for photo shopping a thigh gap to have more attractive slimmer looking thighs. Recently, teen reality star Kylie Jenner has come under fire for the enhancement of her lips and quality of her Instagram pictures. With some arguing that her use of these tools is projecting an image that is to mature for a 17 year old, especially one with young teenage fans. “You can’t just say don’t filter because everybody filters but sometimes Kylie over filters when she doesn’t really need it. She could maybe tone it down a little, said junior Anna Glazer. Similar Beyoncé has also been attacked online for the professional quality of her Instagram photos, making her appear un-relatable to fans. The use of flitters has become the norm in our society to the point where smartphone devices and apps such as snap chat and Instagram already come equipped with photo editing tools. Most would agree that there are limits to ho much editing is acceptable and how much editing crosses the limit and wavers along the lines of deceit. Internet memes featuring a before and after photo of a woman doing her makeup circulated last spring with the caption: this is why you take your girl swimming on the first date. The before photo was the prior to wearing any make with discolored dull appearing skin. When asked students had varying opinions on photo editing. Junior Ali Whitney said, “I think photo edit is negative because it creates another falsehood on society we already things such as airbrush makeup, tattoos, and hair dyes and things that can be used to create another image of ourselves. For instance, I have a family friend who admits to photo shopping her baby because he looks to chubby, that’s just crazy.” “I don’t think it is at all deceitful,” said sophomore Hana Stanjovic. “If done tastefully it can only enhance an image. If there is however a heavy use of distortion, the resulting image can indeed be deceitful.”

“You can’t just say don’t filter because every ““I think photo edit is negative because it... can be used to create another image of our- body filters but sometimes Kylie over filters when she doesn’t really need it. She could selves.” maybe tone it down a little” -Ali Whitney, Junior

-Anna Glazer, Junior


November 13, 2014


Students weigh employment options in the city On campus and off campus jobs present different alternatives BRIANNA WILLIAMS Staff Writer College students are always looking for ways to make a few bucks with their tight budget. Getting a part-time job has become the easiest way for college students to make extra cash. At the University, on campus jobs have become a popular choice for many students instead of an off campus job. In New York City, there are endless job opportunities for students looking for a part time job. Popular choices include working in retail or working at a restaurant as a waiter or a host. In a big city, however, the search can become a bit overwhelming especially in terms of where to start when looking for a part time job. The job pool becomes much smaller when students take into account their busy class schedule and factor in time for studying and extracurricular activities. It can become quite the challenge to find a job that is willing to work around college student’s schedule. On campus jobs have a popular option for student looking to find a reasonable balance between school and work. Sophomore, Monica Casabona, enjoys her on-campus employment. Casabona said, “On-campus jobs are awesome, I meet important people, work with friends, and get paid; what’s not to love?” This is true for many students working on campus. These jobs are more relaxed and less demanding than off campus jobs. Many students opt to work at their university because they know they can work in between classes with ease. On campus jobs are specially designed to cater to students. They offer students the flexibility that some off campus jobs don’t offer. Students don’t have to worry about

commuting to their jobs especially in New York, where most people rely on public transportation. Many on campus jobs at the University are federal work-study jobs that are offered to eligible students in their financial aid package. This gives students that need additional financial aid the opportunity to find available employment on campus. University student, Laura Vallejo said, “Having a work study job is great, they understand that you are a full-time student and are accommodating as well as flexible with your school schedule. It makes it a lot easier to balance your school work and work.” For students that don’t qualify for work-study positions, there are plenty of non-work study positions available as well. Also, the university has available resources to help students find an on campus jobs. This takes the stress away that often comes with finding an off campus job. Having an on campus jobs has it benefits but it also has its disadvantages. On campus offer students a flexible work schedule within certain limits. Typically, students work an average of 10-15 hours a week and are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week when classes are in session. In addition, on campus jobs are not the best paying jobs for students looking to make a sufficient income. Most student positions start at the legal minimum wage of 8.00 dollars an hours, which can put a strain on students looking for the best-paying job possible. The opportunity for a potential raise or a high paying position is quite limited for on campus jobs. For students looking for more money, off campus jobs may be a better option for the best payoff. Students can work more hours if needed, unlike the restrictions of an on campus job. This also gives students the opportunity gain real life experience. Both on campus and off campus jobs have it’s perks and flaws. However, deciding which is option is better, truly up to needs to the student.

Holidays present non-traditional experiences University students detail their holiday preferences ANNA YESILEVSKIY

Contributor Fall coming to an end creates an onset of many events such as midterms, registration, and eventually finals. In these weeks, students cram for exams and count the days till the break. They buy their tickets and get ready to visit their homes for the holidays. Whether it is due to circumstances or personal choice, some students do not go home and choose to stay at the University instead. Junior Eline Fjermestad is one of the students who do not go home for the holidays, because she “does not celebrate Thanksgiving and it’s too far to go home to Europe.” Fjermestad also stated that she does not celebrate the holiday because, “it is not a thing in Norway.” Regarding her thoughts on being away from her family, Fjermestad says “it’s okay, I’m here by choice” and although they do not celebrate the holiday, her mother will be visiting from Norway during the break. Freshman Sihan Zhuang is another student who does not go back home for the holidays. Zhuang stated, “I stay in the dorm and review for my final.” Zhuang plans to have fun during the break despite the fact that she stays home. “My friends and I go shopping and we also go to central park and hike,” said Zhuang.

Sophomore Serena Sweeten, on the other hand, does go home to celebrate the holiday. Sweeten returns home for a grandiose holiday celebration. “I celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family from my hometown,” said Sweeten. During the holiday, her family either hosts a dinner at their house or they travel to an extended family member’s house for dinner. After the family bonding, she usually spends time with her friends by visiting their houses or going to the movies later on at night. Although Sweeten does go home for the holidays, she can imagine staying at the University for the holidays. “I can imagine myself staying at the University for a holiday if I had no choice but to,” said Sweeten. “It would be unlikely for me to stay because I am only a two-hour commute away from my family in Philadelphia, but, if conditions called for me to remain at [the University] during the holidays I wouldn’t mind staying.” She further stated that “as long as I’m being kept busy or doing something worthwhile, I would not mind being at the University.” Although Thanksgiving is usually thought of as a holiday spent with family, the opportunity to do so is not always present for some students. Whether they cannot afford the trip back home or do not even celebrate the holiday at all, the sentiment of enjoying your holiday break is always suggested.



November 13, 2014

Cosmetic surgery a growing concern

Students share their opinions on controversial procedures ARIZE LEE Contributor

Cosmetic surgery is quickly becoming the norm in the USA. Persons across the globe are altering their physical features through medical procedures, in an effort to remain young and beautiful. Yet this pursuit for perfection is not without its dangers. In early October, a British girl traveled to Thailand to undergo buttocks augmentaton surgery and died. The 23-year-old chose to go abroad for a relatively cheap surgery of £2,000. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has issued a warning against these practices. Susumu Takayanagi, MD, President of ISAPS stated, “Cosmetic surgery abroad can be incredibly risky because the standards vary from one country to the next. It is essential that patients find board-certified plastic surgeons, regardless of where they have a procedure performed.” Sophmore Wendy Smith also pointed out the health risks involved.

to look perfect which harms their self-esteem. Psychotherapist Dr Susie Orbach said, “It’s hard for mums to understand the enormity of the cultural shift that has taken place where girls grow up under inordinate pressure to be perfect.” There are some benefits to cosmetics surgery indicates Laurie Casas, MD, associate professor of surgery at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In an interview with WebMD, she identified cases where patients had asymmetrical breasts. ““They truly feel they have a deformity,” Casas said. “It’s a body image issue, not a self-esteem issue. They want that body part to look more normal, to look better in clothes and bathing suits.” Although he thinks some people overdo, Sophmore Peter Papi does not condemn plastic

surgery. “If you’re unhappy [about your body], you should fix it,” he said. As an industry, cosmetic surgery has no signs of slowing down. “People are once again investing in their appearance and perhaps have more disposable income to do so,” stated Michael Edwards, MD, President-Elect of ASAPS. “Given the state of the economy and the competitiveness of the job market, we expect to see the numbers for antiaging procedures continue to increase.” Smith agrees. She added that advances in medical technology have made patients bolder and procedures more available. “More people are willing to do it,” she said. “It’s getting worse.”

“If they insist on traveling to another country, it is imperative that they choose a licensed surgeon who will provide them with service, post-operative care and advice, not just an operation.” -Nigel Mercer,

President of European Association of Societies of Plastic Surgeries “You’re putting foreign objects in your body,” she said. Smith believes that undergoing cosmetic surgery is “going way too far,” but advises consumers to do their research first. Nigel Mercer, MD, president of the European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery urges travelers to ensure that doctors are certified. “If they insist on traveling to another country, it is imperative that they choose a licensed surgeon who will provide them with service, post-operative care and advice, not just an operation. The only way to find board-certified surgeons internationally is on the ISAPS website.” Domestic procedures are on the rise however, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. They issued a report this March that noted a 12 percent increase in US cosmetic procedures last year. In total, 11 million surgical and nonsurgical procedures from board-certified professionals were conducted, costing over 12 billion dollars. Women had more than 10.3 million cosmetic procedures, 90.6% of the total, while men had over 1 million, 9.4 percent. Liposuction and eyelid surgery were within the top five procedures for each sex. Whereas females were concerned with tummy tucks, breast lifts and breast augmentation, men preferred male breast reduction, nose surgery and ear surgery. Junior Joshua Dwight believes that women are “more harsh on themselves.” “Men are not very focused on getting plastic surgery,” he explained. Today the media is packed with images of the ideal physique. Billboard advertisements display super models and television shows depict gorgeous actors and actresses. Many worry that youth are constantly pressured by society

Reality star “Tiny,” wife of rapper T.I. had her eye color altered abroad

November 13, 2014



TEDxFulton hits University

ontinued from FRONT PAGE MARC SAGGESE Advertising Manager confidence of a seasoned beauty pageant contestant for her talk on how pageantry is wrongly depicted in the media, and what the reality of pageantry is (that on-stage question everyone likes to focus on, only counts for 5 percent of the actual score!). Ibby Hussein, senior and finance major, followed with a personal story about his roller-coaster ride of a Study Abroad experience, and how getting yourself to the Study Abroad office is often the hardest part of the process. Willie Wheeler and Vinnie Troiani went onstage together to talk about fraternities, and not in the way you often hear about them. Their talk stressed family, opportunity, and support in Greek life, and debunked negative tropes such as hazing in the University’s fraternities and sororities. The night of insightful and interesting talks came to a close with Briana Vecchione’s story about how she found her unlikely passion for computer programming and research. In an interview conducted after her talk, Briana expounds on how she went from auditioning as an actress to coding: “My change in career direction came from the fact that I didn’t feel personally or academically fulfilled enough through the work that I was doing through the show business industry.” When faced with the decision of what path to pursue, she chose something more challenging: “I wanted to pursue a direction where I was able to make more of a tangible difference by combining both logic and creativity.” Briana’s talk concluded with a brief explanation of her research work with Microsoft Research, where she’s working on algorithms that could simulate a better flow of traffic within New York’s Bike Share Program (CitiBike). After Briana’s talk, a group picture with all the

night’s speakers signaled the end of the show. Not pictured, however, was the Fulton RA staff, whose hard work behind the scenes made the whole event possible. The Pace Press spoke with RA Elena after the show for some insight on how the event came together. “We wanted to inspire students through other students’

experience, and make it accessible” said Elena, proud of everybody’s contribution to the event. “We reserved space, made calls for proposals and got snacks.” The rest happened organically. Everybody stuck around for quite a while afterwards, eating candy, drinking punch and talking.


November 13, 2014


Gym alternatives now available to University students NATALIE CONDRILLO Contributor

Yoga To The People Not only is it one of the best yoga studios in the city led by experienced instructors with a clean & vibrant place to de-stress, it’s FREE! Yoga To The People is a donation-based yoga studio, designed for people who can’t afford the yuppie vinyasa yoga package at Equinox. Mat rentals are $2, unless you bring your own. An average class consists of a full hour work out, and a five-minute meditation cool down. If you’re feeling generous, a donation box will go around. If you can’t scrape up a few dollars, don’t worry about it. The instructors are kind and understanding, and most importantly, they want you to feel rejuvenated and have a clear mind. Money isn’t the sole purpose of this yoga studio. Locations can be found in the East Village on St. Mark’s Place and in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Bridge Park With plenty of things to do only a short subway ride away, the Brooklyn Bridge Park has a lot of new and exciting fitness additions. On the beautifully renovated Pier 2, there are basketball & hand/wall ball courts, a skating rink, a turf field, along with swings and picnic tables. For nicer days, kayak rentals are also available to take into the Hudson. Other piers offer different activities such as running trails, intricate playgrounds, beaches, and a turf soccer field with a panoramic view of downtown Manhattan. A day of playing sports either with friends or alone, being outside at the picturesque Brooklyn Bridge Park definitely beats being cooped up in a stuffy weight room. Central Park Track Club If you prefer a higher intense cardio as your choice of fitness, the Central Park Track Club is just for you. To be officially apart of the club, you need to apply. But everyone is welcome to attend the coach-led interval training workouts, obviously with a desire to join the team. Whether you are a road runner, marathoner, crosscountry runner, sprinter, hurdler, thrower, or jumper, the Central Park Track Club welcomes you. Different groups meet up at different times and locations. The mission of the club is to help prepare athletes for competition and help them be as well trained as they can be. More information and paperwork about joining the club can be found on their website. Blink Gym, New York Sports Club, & Equinox For your typical gym-rats, they only need a generic space to work on their bodies. Gyms in the area that offer just those are the Blink Gym, New York Sports Club, and Equinox. The Blink Gym has locations all over the city, and only $20 a month for a membership. This includes gym access, guest visits, and even a free personal training session. These gyms are spacious, bright, high-tech, and most importantly, very clean! Free trials are available as well. We New Yorkers are all very familiar with New York Sports Club, seeing them historically scattered around the city. Locations in other cities such as Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington DC also welcome you when you are a “passport member,” allowing you to use any NYSC and its

branches. This membership will you run you about $100 per month. Smaller memberships such as the “core member” will only be about 55$ per month, guaranteeing unlimited access to your main gym location and all of its amenities. Equinox, one of the most luxurious gym facilities in the country & Canada, has a new location on Wall Street. At $160 per month, you can take advantage of everything Equinox has to offer. State of the art gym and weight facilities as well as boxing, cycling, yoga, pilates, boot camptype classes and many more are included in the membership. After a hard workout or personal training session, unwind at the spa located inside the gym. Services from massages to facials to manicures are offered to both members & nonmembers.

OM Factory Already an experienced yogi? Looking for something different? Aerial silk yoga has become a vastly growing trend, along with circus aerobics. At the OM Factory, you’ll learn new and exciting ways to move your body. They offer 12 different classes that are all anything but traditional yoga. Soft suspended fabric turns ordinary poses into acrobatic ones. If you’ve always wanted to “run away and join the circus”, aerial circus, or Sky Box, classes are for just that. Learning how to become a trapeze artist just got easier! Student discounts are also available, costing no more than $20 for a 75 minute class. Locations are in Union Square and the Fashion District in Manhattan.

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