Nov. 7, 2018 Issue

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November 7, 2018

Est. 1948

Volume 70 | Issue 2

the pace press






November 7, 2018

Package bombs sent to top Democrats ALEXANDRA PUGA News Intern On the morning of Oct. 22, news outlets across the country reported that a series of suspicious packages were being sent to top Democrats and prominent critics of President Donald Trump. George Soros, billionaire investor and philanthropist, was the first of many to receive a pipe bomb in his mailbox. The following Tuesday, another pipe bomb was intercepted at former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York. The potential device did not pose a threat, according to the Secret Service. On Oct. 24, a total of five devices were found in Washington D.C, New York City, Florida, and Los Angeles. One was addressed to former President Barack Obama but was quickly intercepted by the Secret Service. The second device of the day was addressed to former CIA director John Brennan. The device was found in the CNN mailroom at the Time Warner Center in New York City where Brennan has no relation to. Shortly after, another device was found in Florida at the office of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) It was wrongly sent to Schultz but intended for Eric Holder, formerly a part of the Obama administration. The wrong address was written and sent to Schultz because she was listed as the return address. The last two packages of the day were directed for Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) but intercepted by the FBI. The next day, three devices addressed to two targets were recovered. Around 5 a.m., security for Robert De Niro’s film company discovered the package. Security noticed it was similar to the other packages being discovered, and proceeded to transfer the package to Rodman’s Neck, where the New York Police Department disarms and discards bombs. The next two devices were addressed to Joe Biden. Two separate mail facilities in Delaware found similar packages addressed to the former vice president, one addressed to Joe Biden and the other to Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The last set of packages were sent out on Oct. 26 in Florida, New York, and Sacramento. The FBI discovered a potential explosive in Florida that had been addressed to Senator Cory Booker. The next device was addressed to James Clapper, President Obama’s former director of national intelligence. Clapper’s package was located at a mail sorting facility in New York where the package had been addressed to him at CNN. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) was the last to receive a suspicious package. The package was found at a Sacramento mail facility after the bomber was taken into custody. Each package was sent in a bubble-padded manila envelope with a pipe bomb inside and no message attached. None of the bombs actually exploded and mostly traveled through mail, but they also could have been hand-delivered. That same day, Cesar Sayoc Jr., 56, from Aventura, Florida, and a registered Republican was taken into custody and charged with five federal crimes. He “had a criminal history dating back to 1991 that includes felony theft, drug and fraud charges” according to the New York Times. Evidence shows he has been planning the attack since

possibly July. Sayoc’s van played a key role in the investigation. A sufficient amount of evidence was found on a laptop and phone within the van, which is also where he lives. The van seemed to be covered with stickers of Donald Trump and Mike Pence along with antiCNN and anti-Hillary Clinton messages. He has been a supporter of President Trump since the start of his campaign. These suspicious packages led to an extensive investigation of President Trump’s words as well as the Democratic party. University sophomore Owen McGonigle shared his view, saying, “Donald Trump’s words have always been something that have frightened me. His use of violence, hatred, and complete bigotry have struck me in ways I have never felt before now.” Although it is not entirely certain exactly why Sayoc chose to target only these individuals, it is known that the targets were prominent Democrats who have made firm claims against President Trump’s politics in the past. McGonigle continued, “Therefore, I do believe that Trump’s words and messages of hate have spawned these bombings. These said messages of hate spread by Trump have been allowing people to feel more comfortable in expressing and acting upon their ignorant thoughts, which I find is a direct threat to the safety of our society.”

Recipients of mail bombs.

CBS News

Michelle Obama launches Global Girls Alliance KELSEY NICHOLSON Executive Editor

On Oct. 11, Michelle Obama and The Obama Foundation announced the launch of the Global Girls Alliance. The organization “seeks to empower adolescent girls around the world through education, allowing them to achieve their full potential and transform their families, communities and countries,” according to the GGA website. The announcement for the GGA launched on the International Day of the Girl, helping to cement Obama’s goal of proving that women can be strong, even in today’s contemporary environment filled to the brim with sexual assault allegations and violence against women. The GGA seeks to overcome the oppression of women by helping them to get a quality education. Obama wrote for CNN, stating that women are taught to believe “that because they’re girls, they’re simply unworthy of an education. It’s the same toxic mindset that keeps girls here in the United States from believing they can become computer scientists or CEOs.” The Alliance plans to use education as a gateway to changing this mindset. Obama continued, “With the Global Girls Alliance, we’ll lift up the grassroots leaders in communities all over the world who are clearing away the hurdles that too many girls face.” The GGA is similar to one of Obama’s programs, Let Girls Lead. However, the GGA offers up affiliations that Let Girls Lead did not. According to Dr. Emily Bent, Assistant Professor in the University’s Women’s and Gender Studies Department, the GGA has “the intention to connect grassroots leaders, organizers and organizations directly to funders interested in girls’ education.” She claimed, “This linkage has the possibility of strengthening best practices in the field rather than increasing competition for funding between nonprofit organizations with similar missions and visions for girls globally.” However, Dr. Bent offered some criticism on the new program. “I keep

hoping to see some attention paid to girls’ education in the United States as well as girls in the so-called developing world. Girls in the U.S. face similar constraints to receiving an education when living in poverty and under radicalized oppression; their schools are underfunded and over-crowded with the school to prison pipeline affecting girls at increasingly alarming rates.” Bent continued, “While I applaud Michelle Obama for taking on this important issue, I also want us to think about what it means when we claim that girls’ education is not also an issue in the United States.” “When you educate a girl, you educate a family, a community, a country,” the former First Lady told NBC’s Today Show.“If we care about climate change, if we care about poverty, if we care about maternal child health, then we have to care about education.” As of today, 98 million adolescent girls are not enrolled in school. The Obama Foundation has partnered with celebrities such as Meryl Streep, Amy Poehler, Julia Roberts, and Jessica Alba, among other celebrities, to spread the word about the alliance. The GGA also partnered with GoFundMe to provide a platform for grassroots organizations called the Global Girls Alliance Fund, and to inspire people around the world to contribute to the cause. As of Oct. 18, the GoFundMe has raised $122,754, nearly half of its $250,000 goal. You can join the fight for women’s education by signing up for email alerts for the Global Girls Alliance on their website. Anyone interested can also read facts and quiz themselves on the site under the “Learn” tab, as well as access resources for spreading the word and teaming up with other organizations in the “Take Action” tab.


November 7, 2018


A look inside JFK Airport’s $13B renovation project goes to JFK at least 4 times a year, I think the efficiency and order of the airport should be very important”, said University sophomore Ricardo Delgado. Construction on the new terminals is expected to begin in 2020. The first new terminal gates will open in 2023, with completion of the construction set for 2025. The two other airports in the New York City area, LaGuardia and Newark, are also undergoing significant transformations and improvements. The multi-billion dollar renovation of JFK Airport comes with the hope that all three airports in the area can reach the efficiency and modernity of international airport around the world and preserve an image of reputable transportation in the city.

SAM UNGER News Editor

Anyone who has ever stepped, driven, or flown into New York City’s John F. Kennedy Airport can attest to its hectic atmosphere and perpetual movement. With traffic mounting on unpaved roads and a layout that seems to generate more confusion and chaos than efficiency, the number of irritated passengers has grown to an unprecedented level. After decades of disorganization and numerous complaints, a proposed renovation of the largest airport in the New York City area is finally underway. The $13 billion plan will turn JFK airport into a modern hub that will accommodate 15 million more travelers per year with the expansion. The proposed project will modernize the airport’s buildings, improve infrastructure, as well as construct two new international terminals. The plan will also improve the airplane congestion on taxiways, upgrade the JFK airtrain system, and include a number of security enhancements that will benefit passengers and employees alike. Renderings for the planned construction revealed new features that would be on display throughout the airport. One proposal includes a section dedicated to Central Park, while another proposed a miniature version of the High Line. The features aim to incorporate the city’s most notable and beloved locations into a place that often incites more stress than excitement for travelers. The construction is based on a master plan created by Mott MacDonald and Grimshaw Architects. They have said the revamped airport will be known for its high ceilings, abundance of natural light, local artwork on display, green spaces, and free Wi-Fi. Governor Andrew Cuomo detailed funding information soon after the updated proposal was announced. $12 billion will come from the private sector, he said, while the last billion will be provided by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The efficiency of airports is essential for frequent flyers, especially international students who rely on airplanes as their primary mode of transportation between college and home. “Whenever I go to JFK airport, the terminals by itself are crazy. Usually Rendering of revamped JFK Airport. there is a lot of movement everywhere and as an international student that


City jails to replace Rikers KAYLEE NGUYEN Contributor A plan to close down New York City’s main jail complex on Rikers Island seemed like a far stretch for many when it was first introduced in 2015. However, in recent years, Mayor Bill de Blasio has vowed to close the notorious facility by the year 2027 with a proposed plan to implement borough-based jails. Mr. de Blasio recently released potential addresses and preliminary renderings that may offer some insight as to what these community-based facilities may look like. The boroughs of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens will be affected by the new facilities that will house approximately 1,500 beds each. The plan pursues the city’s goal of significantly shrinking the incarcerated population from 8,000 to 5,000. The smaller detention centers would include education and employment training centers as well as mental health facilities. This is a drastic difference in comparison to the nine jails on Rikers Island which have been plagued with allegations involving human right abuse, violence, and corruption. Speakers from the City Council stated that the closing of Rikers Island marks a new chapter of criminal justice in New York City. By creating detention centers closer to local

courts and family homes of those on the inside, the de Blasio administration believes it will create a “smaller, safer, and fairer” criminal justice system within the city. “I have heard of issues where incarcerated mothers and fathers have issues with Rikers Island because their children have to travel so far in order to see them. With that being said, I think smaller jails scattered throughout the boroughs is a better idea so that families can be closer to one another,” said University freshman and Political Science major Angela Lytle. University freshman Sydney Solenthaler also viewed the city’s decision from a humanistic approach. “Personally, I think it’s a great idea. This would enable incarcerated people the opportunity to acclimate back into their communities, said Solenthaler. “It also gives them a chance to feel more humane rather than isolated. I say, go for it.” The city released a statement that listed the addresses of the new facilities as: 320 Concord Ave., in Mott Haven, the Bronx 275 Atlantic Ave., in Downtown Brooklyn 126-02 82nd Ave., in Kew Gardens, Queens 80 Centre St., in Lower Manhattan

Riker’s Island.

Tim Rodenberg

However, with plans moving quicker than anticipated, backlash from local communities and families within the boroughs is prevalent. Some of the disadvantages protesters have been drawing attention to include tenant displacement, pollution, traffic, and lowering of real estate within the existing area. Furthermore, some feel their community has no say in the mayor’s plan to implement borough-based jails, and that the potential danger of the facilities being so close to their homes is being ignored. To address these issues, public hearings have been held across the boroughs throughout the month of September and continuing into October. The next step on the city’s agenda is to present a single land use application for all four jails which will go under City Council votings next summer, in the hopes of accelerating the plan that aims to improve the criminal justice system and reintegrate those on the inside into society.



November 7, 2018

Gender X joins M, F

NYC adds third gender option to birth certificates ARIANNA GOODHAND Contributor New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a new bill into legislation that adds a third gender option to New York City birth certificates on Oct. 9. Gender “X” will be a third option alongside male and female that will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2019. This bill will allow any gender non-conforming individual to fix their birth certificates to more accurately describe their gender. This legislation showed a great deal of support for the LGBTQ+ community in the city, and showcased the city council’s efforts in recognizing LGBTQ+ rights, specifically transgender and gender non-binary rights. University freshman Carter Cardona Bustamante who identifies as gender nonbinary, and uses they/them/theirs pronouns, commented on the bill, “I am so excited because it encourages parents to allow their children to express themselves freely. It crushes the gender binary and I’m 1000 percent here for it. It feels very validating as a non-binary person.” “Considering recent attempts by this Republican administration to erase the trans community, legal recognition of non-binary folks on documents is a critical step in creating a more inclusive, equitable, and just society,” said Emmett Griffin, the graduate assistant for the LGBTQA and Social Justice Center on campus. The proposed bill has political implications as well. Many New York candidates running for office in November have stated their positions on LGBTQ+ rights during their campaigns. Incumbent Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and has outwardly supported same-sex marriage by voting to prohibit same-sex marriage discrimination. Her opponent, Republican Chele Farley, has not spoken on her stance for LGBTQ+ rights. For New York District 10 in the House of Representatives, incumbent Democrat Jerrold Nadler voted favorably in the House for the protection of LGBTQ+ rights and same-sex marriage. He supported transgender rights in articulating his opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2018 that would deny transition related healthcare to transgender service members in the military. He also acts as the Vice-Chair and founding member of the House LGBT Equality Caucus. In an interview with The Advocate, he recognized how transgender people of color played a large untold role in the Stonewall uprising. His Republican opponent, Naomi Levin, has not reported her stance on LGBTQ+ rights. For the statewide gubernatorial election, incumbent Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo is a strong supporter of same-sex marriage and a proponent of transgender rights. He has directed agencies to expand and affirm transgender healthcare policies. His Republican opponent, Marcus Molinaro, has said that he considers gay marriage and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals as basic civil rights. The Independent opponent Stephanie Miner also supports same-sex marriage, while the Green Party opponent Howie Hawkins has not taken a strong stance for LGBTQ+ rights. One month after Mayor de Blasio announced the addition of gender X, the Trump Administration introduced a plan to propose a legal definition of gender based on the gender that is assigned at birth. Soon after, the hashtag #WontBeErased flooded social media, with users identifying as transgender or non-binary sharing pictures of themselves

in response to the removal of certain gender identity protections, as well as a wave of support for the community from social media users. When news of the proposed legislation reached the University, organizations on campus gathered to take a stand. Members of the HeforShe club on campus and the University’s LGBTQA center took to the steps of City Hall to represent the University and show their support for transgender and non-binary students. “I had the privilege to stand with my transgender/gender non-conforming/nonbinary/intersex friends on the stairs of City Hall to fight for their rights,” said HeForShe President Liz Liquori. “We fight with love, passion, and fire. I am so thankful to love those who are strong enough to live their truth.” An email sent to the University community by University President Marvin Krislov followed not long after the proposal was announced. He emphasized the University’s support and value of the transgender and gender non-conforming community, as well as reaffirmed the University’s protection of individuals on the basis of sex, gender identity and expression, as well as sexual orientation. Amidst the political debates over transgender rights that have present for years, the legislation is a monumental step towards securing the rights that the gender nonconforming community has been passionately and outwardly fighting for.

University students rally for Trans rights on the steps of City Hall


Bloomberg re-registers as democrat ahead of elections ALEXANDRA PUGA News Intern Former Republican mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg announced through an Instagram post on Oct. 10 that he has switched party affiliation and re-registered as a Democrat. The post, sent out to his 177,000 followers, read, “Today, I have re-registered as a Democrat­—I had been a member for most of my life—because we need Democrats to provide the checks and balance our nation so badly needs.” Bloomberg was a Democrat for a majority of his life until he launched his political career in 2001. He later won the race as a Republican for mayor of New York City, and became an Independent. He finished his three terms as mayor as such before stepping down in 2013 to be succeeded by current Mayor Bill de Blasio. Despite being an Independent, he spoke at the 2016 Democratic Convention in hopes of informing people of the threats a Republican White House could lead to. In 2016, Bloomberg considered running for president as an Independent, but instead endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In the past, Bloomberg has shared his doubts that an Independent candidate could become president, leading many to believe this was the driving force behind the shift. “Personally, I wouldn’t vote for him due to the

fact that I am too liberal to vote for someone who was too ashamed to identify as a democrat or was never fully committed to the party,” said University sophomore Julia Rourke. “I also don’t know his current standings on political issues but based on the past, I wouldn’t vote for him.” While he has previously hinted about a possible 2020 presidential run, on Sept. 17 he clarified the only way he would run is as a Democrat. “I’m just way away from where the Republican Party is today,” he stated. Bloomberg shared his view on the Democratic Party as well, suggesting it needs to step up and act against “those who threaten our Constitution.” Bloomberg continues to be a philanthropist, providing funding to left wing initiatives that tackle issues such as public health, education, and climate change. He also gifted the House of Representatives and the Senate a donation of $100 million, according to the New York Times. The announcement came as midterm elections inched closer, and campaign speculation became increasingly present within politically active individuals. New potential candidates are announced at rapid rates, and the country has seen a sudden a spike in voter registration ahead of Election Day.

Although a majority of current University students were not of legal age to vote during the former mayor’s term in office, it is evident that students today are more politically active than ever, and will continue to shape the future of politics.

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Ralph Alswang


November 7, 2018


High times in Canada

Canada passes legislation to legalize marijuana ALEXANDRA PUGA News Intern As of Oct. 17, it is now legal to grow, buy, use, and possess recreational marijuana in Canada. “The Cannabis Act” makes Canada the second country to legalize cannabis nationally, behind Uruguay. Medical marijuana has been legal in the country since 2001, under the new act, there are still ways recreational cannabis could be illegal. “The Cannabis Act” is as follows: adults will be allowed to possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis, are only allowed to grow four plants in their home, and are able to possess cannabis oil. Cannabis edibles won’t be legal for another year. The government has also announced plans to initiate legislation to pardon those convicted of possessing small amounts of marijuana. New York City laws on legalizing marijuana have rapidly developed through the decades. The “green aid” movement came around in the late 1980’s, and has been described as the forerunner to legalize medical marijuana. Once Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani took office, aggressive politics were in place to crack down on marijuana in the streets. At one-point New York City was the “pot arrest capital of America,” according to the New York Times.

However, in recent years Mayor Bill De Blasio aimed to cut down marijuana arrest. He has stated that legalization of marijuana would cut arrests by about 10,000 a year. Legalization talks have also occurred at the state level. Incumbent Governor Andrew Cuomo made it a point for his 2018 budget to add a study of the pros and cons of legalizing cannabis in the state of New York. Medical marijuana in New York City has many limitations. The legislation was passed in 2016 and progressed within two years with only 12 conditions that are qualified to receive medical marijuana. The drug is available at five dispensieries throughout New York City, and may not be smoked, rather only vaped in private. Despite medical marijuana being legal in New York City, the question of legalizing recreational marijuana is looming. University sophomore Julia Rourke said, “I think it’s a good idea, definitely. But first there should be decriminalization, then legalization.” University sophomore Julia Bush added, “Maybe some initial consequences but not anything dramatic. It is a big concern at first, but perspective can change and some may look at it the same in 10 years like tobacco and

prohibition.” Whether it should be the state or national government that reaches a decision about legalization is up for debate. Rourke continued, “I believe this should be a national issue.” With legalization seemingly on the horizon, marijuana tax could be inevitable, yet also beneficial. for the city. Rourke shared her view, saying, “It would be ideal to tax and make revenue.” Bush agreed, saying, “Use the tax to fund road work, schools, and scholarships. It would be a tremendous step in helping citizens of New York that don’t have traditional means to excel.” The world’s view on the use and sale of cannabis, both recreationally and medically, is continuously evolving. “The Cannabis Act” may be the dawn of major economic change for Canada as a nation. However, many are still against the use of the plant and are aggressive in their campaigns preventing its growth. The realization of the economic benefits of marijuana on a scale this large may mean significant changes in interest for other international powers who might be tempted to follow in Canada’s footsteps if the legislation proves to be successful.

Recapping the gubernatorial debate KATRINA ALONSO Editor-in-Chief For what is the first, and probably the last, time ever, incumbent Governor Andrew New York was so rigid when it came to medical marijuana, Cuomo placed the blame on Cuomo and Republican candidate Marc Molinaro faced off in the gubernatorial debate his opponent for voting against legislation that would have legalized it. Molinaro rebutted, that aired on CBS on Oct. 23. In what became quite a heated exchange, the pair were saying that he is in favor of it now, though he wasn’t when he served in State Assembly. asked questions regarding the following subjects: the cost of living and tax relief, waste For voters who rely on medical marijuana and want to learn more about the future of in the MTA budget, the state ethics commission, the criminal justice system, health care, marijuana use when it comes to the law, this back and forth might seem ineffective. the opioid crisis, medical marijuana, and charter schools, among other things. While the To answer the question about waste in the MTA budget, which affects the majority candidates attempted to answer these questions, their responses for voters whose voting of voters and nearly all of the University community, Cuomo said he wasn’t afraid of decisions would be “angering unions” and that shaped by this debate left “we can do better” about the much to be desired. waste and abuse in the MTA The New York program. Molinaro criticized Times put it succinctly Cuomo’s handling of the when they wrote that MTA, citing on-time rates Cuomo acted like “the declining and inaccessibility front-runner that he is.” of subway platforms for The governor, they said, people who use wheelchairs “with all the benefits of as consequences of the incumbency, faced no budget problems, and said such pressure [to use he would “take ownership” the debate as a platform and “wipe clean those people for his policies.]” In who are in leadership today his responses, Cuomo who have entanglements and focused mostly on what conflicts of interest.” he and his administration When the debate came accomplished over the to a question about singlepast seven years, and payer health care, Molinaro he neglected to clearly said that New York state delineate what his plan could not afford the tax would be should he win increases that would come office for his third term. with a state-sponsored Molinaro, as the health care system. Cuomo’s executive of Duchess rebuttal consisted of accusing 2018 New York Gubernatorial Debate between Andrew Cuomo and Marc Molinaro News 8 WROC County, had a lot more Molinaro of siding with riding on this debate, as President Donald Trump, this was one of the only chances he had to appeal to the entire voter base and reinforce saying, “They think if you’re rich, you should be able to have health care. If you’re his policies. However, as Cuomo’s backward-looking responses were ineffective, so were poor, good luck, don’t get sick.” Molinaro responded to Cuomo’s statement, remarking Molinaro’s strategies to criticize Cuomo’s leadership. The incumbent governor took up a that he came from a low-income background and wanted to “do more to ensure that the considerable amount of air time recounting his achievements, some of which the Times system more effectively assists those struggling and those who are poor because I’ve later fact-checked proved to be false, and Molinaro used the time that he had to condemn never forgotten where I come from.” Cuomo’s approach during his term to the issues brought up in debate—a strategy that At the debate’s close, the opponents were asked what songs they would each use would have been effective had Molinaro provided clear, salient solutions of his own for to represent their campaigns. Cuomo responded with “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z those problems. and Alicia Keys and Molinaro said he would choose “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey, Voters, especially those at the University, are not likely to find these approaches which was certainly an unusual ending to a tense hour of debate. useful as Election Day approaches and decisions have to be made. For example, on why



November 7, 2018


EDITORIAL BOARD Katrina Alonso Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Nicholson Executive Editor Sam Unger News Editor Brooke Sufrin Arts Editor Mae Martinez Features Editor Dylan Share Graphic Design Duke Huang Photo Editor Nathan Siegel Social Media Dr. Seong-Jae Min Faculty Consultant

To the Pace Community, For the November issue, we’re bringing you stories that relate to this year’s general elections. Nothing is more important to us as a newspaper than making sure the stories of our community are accurately and comprehensively represented. And in the eyes of the law, there is no other way for you to make sure you’re getting the representation you need on the local, state, and federal government level than by going out to the polls and voting. As of this writing, the election for the 435 seats of representatives, 33 senate seats, and 36 gubernatorial seats has yet to be decided, but I hope that those of you with the privilege to choose your representatives in Congress and in office have done so. Until these decisions are made, we hope that these stories help bring the community the information they need to make an educated choice, and that whatever happens, we will all continue to do what we can for the greater good. In our case, we’ve accepted the responsibility of acting as the media voice of the community and welcome the opportunity for discussion and collaboration when it comes to the betterment of our collective experiences at this school. I sincerely hope you enjoy these stories, and as always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me at Sincerely, Katrina Alonso, Editor-in-Chief

In memory of Professor Charles Maryan: AWARD WINNER FOR BEST IN SHOW 2017

The Pace Press is the student newspaper covering Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as they appear above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 906 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2018

Charles Maryan, devoted husband, father, and beloved professor of English, Theatre, and Communications at the University, passed away the morning of Nov. 4, 2018 at the age of 83. He is survived by his wife Lana Maryan and daughter Abigael Maryan. Born in Chicago, Ill., on Dec. 30, 1934, Chuck grew up spirited and undoubtedly creative. After graduating from Dartmouth College, he went on to train in New York with Stella Adler and Sanford Meisner. In New York, Chuck directed many Off-Broadway plays, including premieres of “Cantorial” by Ira Levin at Lamb’s Theatre and the Jewish Repertory Theatre, “New York 1937” by Joe Iglesias JRT, Anne Sexton’s “Mercy Street” at the American Palace Theatre, “First Week in Bogota” by Robert Cessna at Playwrights Horizons, Deborah Grace Winer’s “The Last Girl Singer” at the Women’s Project, “The Aunts” by Gary Bonasorte at the 47th Street Theatre, “The World of Wallowitch” conceived with John Wallowitch, and “Algonquin Sampler: a Literary Revue” conceived with Fred Voelpel at the Joseph Jefferson Theater. Charles also was frequently engaged in the world of opera, and had directed several New York and world premieres of contemporary operas, many of them for the Center for Contemporary Opera. He directed the world premiere of Nosferatu (Henderson/Gioia), a co-production of Opera Idaho and Rimrock Opera in Montana. Chuck was in his 24th year of teaching at the University, and had guest-directed or taught at Juilliard, Columbia University, Purchase College, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, The O’Neill Theatre Center, The Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre, the Stella Adler Conservatory of the Theatre, City College, and The College of Staten Island. Chuck will be remembered fondly by his family, friends, and the University community for his enthusiasm for artistic expression and creativity, as well as his skill as a director. Communications professor Satish Kolluri put it best: “The sudden passing of Professor Chuck Maryan is a huge loss to the department of Communication Studies and Pace University at large. It’s a personal loss too, as Chuck was a colleague I treasured for the gentle and wise presence he brought to the department, the amazing conversations we had on theater and film over the years, and our customary walk together to teach in the mornings at 1 Pace Plaza. Those walks became gradually slower, but his energy and enthusiasm to teach and share his wit and wisdom with students and colleagues never wavered. We will miss you immensely, Chuck. Rest in Peace.”

DISCLAIMER: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration and staff) to The Pace Press. These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind of arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.

November 7, 2018



The year of political art: politics in all art forms ARELYS PEREZ Contributor Childish Gambino recently made history by winning the first ever “Most Political Award” at the Video Music Awards, which aired on MTV on Aug. 20. The 34-year-old rapper won for his buzzed-about “This Is America” music video. The video contains symbolic messages addressing gun violence, the history of white supremacy, and the oppression of African-Americans. Gambino’s video made waves and has been viewed over 405 million times since the release on May 5. The VMAs implemented the “Most Political Award” category this year, signifying how politics has propelled to the forefront of entertainment. Politics has taken center stage in almost every art form such as comedy, art exhibitions, and widespread political protests. Oppression has played a repetitive and continuous role in the narrative illustrated in the pages of history books. Through the years, citizens have retaliated against decisions made by people in power. Movements have originated from individuals and have morphed into large societal movements, many of which have led to the advancement of society. Artists used their craft to express disdain for the opposition and give the voiceless a platform. Whether citizens are vocalizing their distrust of the government or opposing wars, artists push boundaries and have been at the forefront of groundbreaking political shifts. Comedy, music, exhibitions, and protest are art forms that showcase how politics and art are forever intertwined. Comedy, like many other art forms, provocatively tackles prevalent issues, which are often swept under the rug. Politicians are directly addressed and spoofed in almost every late-night talk show, award show, sitcom, and more. The 70th annual Emmy Awards, hosted by comedians Colin Jost and Exhibition at Whitney Museum of American Art. Ruth Ann Vasquez Michael Che, recently had a politically charged show due to the upcoming reform. The group’s version of midterm elections. The show’s opening musical “We Solved It!” addressed the lack of diversity in show-business. The musical included lines such as, “We solved it/ the wall contained a few colorful bricks with statements President Trump has made. One We shot with the times/ There’s room for all of our voices but mostly Shonda Rhimes.” of the bricks read, “A person who’s flat-chested is very hard to be a 10, OK?” which is The dialogue poked fun at the fact that this year’s nominees were the most diverse group a statement that President Trump made from a 2005 interview with radio host Howard in the show’s history. This shift has come after countless past award show scandals such Stern. Another states, “I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating as the 2015 #OscarsSoWhite controversy. The musical number mocked the notion that her,” from Trump’s 2006 appearance on “The View.” The protest art in the march is a because diversity has increased in their categories and in entertainment that diversity prime example of how protest art is a powerful artistic avenue which has symbolically issues in America are resolved. The monologue by the two comedian hosts included portrayed political stances through the years. Political art is not only present in the streets of New York City but also prevalent topics such as the #MeToo Movement and jokes at the current establishment’s expense. The hosts’ comedy is an example of the way in which comedy has endlessly been a vessel in the walls of hundreds of art exhibitions. Many art presentations are overtly politically charged and aim to evoke anger showcasing disdain at the political climate. The Whitney to push the envelope and ease tensions during divisive times in politics. Additionally, this year through many marches, protest art drove many political and Museum of American Art did just that when they opened an art exhibition titled “An social movements. Protest art consists of originative works which don’t only consist Incomplete History of Protest” from Aug. 18, 2017, to Aug. 27, 2018. The exhibition of posters but also pertain to body paint, costumes, and symbolic displays of protest. showcased archives of protest art from the 1940s to the present. The museum described There have been thousands of protests this year alone with topics such as gun violence, the artist’s motives as “challenging established thought and creating a more equitable women’s rights, and immigration in the forefront. On Jan. 20, the Women’s March Global culture.” A notable section of the exhibit was the “Abuse of Power” section where the protest was an energetically influential start to the year. Individuals from all walks of life museum displayed work from artists in the 1990s. Artists Mel Chin and Carl Pope expressed themselves through posters, costumes, and chants. An impactful example of challenged the systematic oppression of African-Americans. Chin’s famous “Black symbolic protest art at the march occurred when a group of individuals held hands as they Male” installation in the Whitney symbolically makes the voice of young African dressed up as the Mexican border. The border is a literal representation of comments from Americans heard. An example is the display of Nike Air Jordan’s which signifies status President Donald Trump not only regarding building a physical wall but on immigration and a yearning for better economic standing. The aim of the Whitney was to instill the belief that the issues raised in these exhibition archives are not resolved and that systematic oppression still affects the masses. The age-old affair between politics and arts will continue to be subject to controversy. The art which is born from the current political climate brings forth positive and negative results. In regards to the positive effect of political art, University art Professor Charlotte Becket said, “We live in a time marked by a political divided-ness. The issue then becomes how the political topic is introduced in the artwork,” said Becket. “If it prompts dialogue that allows people with differing opinions to have insight into each other’s perspective, I would say it would be a positive outcome.” Whilst Art Department Chairperson Professor William Pappenheimer, identifies some of the setbacks in political art, “Politically oriented artworks that express a one-line preaching point are less likely to be effective since they will probably not attract the audience to explore the issues at hand,” said Professor Pappenheimer. “Identity politics is playing an important role in contemporary art because it is playing an important role in the society at large. Even the forces that claim to criticize it are using it in relation to their own forces. This has opened up yet another very rich dimension to artworks that are both personal and political.” So whether it be art on television screens, on the streets of New York City, or in the walls of a museum, political art is a vessel for selfexpression which has been a powerful tool in uniting the masses. The seemingly symbiotic relationship between politics and art make it a tool of reflection, expression, and progression. When done correctly, political art is timeless and opens up discussions that tackle thoughtprovoking dialogues. Childish Gambino in his “This is America” music video YouTube



November 7, 2018

The red logo that changed media Charles has inspired many to start their own beauty channel on YouTube. University freshman Bridget Fitzpatrick said, “I think James Charles is honestly really smart with his marketing tactics and content. He is only 19 and already so Ever since it was bought out by Google in 2006, the popular website YouTube has successful, and I think his work ethic is so smart and he’s really someone to look up to in changed dramatically over the years. The site is used as a creative outlet for so many and that sense,” Fitzpatrick continued,. “Of course he has had a few scandals, but once again, has even given people a platform to build a career out of. Whether it is spreading comedy, he is so young, and everyone makes mistakes.” showing off makeup skills, gaming, composing music, cooking, or just documenting Many YouTubers seem to solely intend to purely have fun and make people laugh. your day (vlogging), everyone on YouTube has a reason to be making videos. The person notorious for this is none other than Jenna Marbles. This 32-year-old lives What comes to mind in terms of the word “YouTuber?” University freshman Julia with her boyfriend and three dogs, and is known for creating hilarious videos. Some of Starr said, “The word ‘Influencer!’ YouTubers are so accessible with the internet, and her recent videos include: “My Boyfriend Teaches Me Jiu Jitsu,” “Camouflaging Myself because their target audience is young people, they have a huge influence on pop culture Into A Chair,” and “Making My Dog A Bed Out Of Soap.” Marbles often says that she and trends.” is aware of how pointless these videos may come across, but she knows that they will YouTubers seem to have a target audience of mainly younger generations, due to the ultimately get more love than criticism. rise in social media and digital accessibility in youth. To wit, younger audiences seem While the majority of these borderline famous YouTubers are flooded with love to be attracted to the idea that Youtubers are “just like us.” The concept of “vlogging” from fans and subscribers, they do experience hate as well. Negative comments can be (blogging in video form) is rapidly spreading throughout the phones and cameras of hurtful but many of the major YouTubers claim that their strategy is to simply focus on millenials and younger generations. Many will vlog by documenting an exciting event, the love. Remembering the fact that there are people out there who support and believe or simply showing their whole day through the camera. This has inspired thousands, even that YouTube videos can be uplifting is enough. middle school aged students and younger, to vlog their own dayOften enough, YouTubers have been able to stretch their to-day life, whether it be on YouTube, Snapchat, or an Instagram careers in different directions. Star has developed his own story. The idea is that through the vlog, YouTube fans can see makeup line as a result of his YouTube success, and with that how similar they really are to these online personalities. It is an gained even more success, and other business experience. expression that is intriguing and so many are inspired to do the Marbles vlogged for a time period in addition to her regular exact same thing, especially if success is a possible outcome. videos. Now she has a podcast with her boyfriend, the “Jenna and For the “celebrities” of YouTube, 2018 has definitely been a Julien Podcast.” Dawson has written two books and even made monumental year. Shane Dawson is a successful Vlog personality a movie. Many online stars have turned to music, or used their in the YouTube community. He is most known for his addicting YouTube popularity to gain separate recognition for their music. conspiracy theory videos, food tasting videos, and the occasional Pop singer Troye Sivan started on YouTube, and is now playing random comedic collaboration. He has most recently, however, shows at Radio City Music Hall. The online platform gives these taken his channel in a different direction. Dawson has begun to influencers leverage to access managers and agents within the create multiple-part documentary-style series focusing on certain Wikimedia Commons respective business. They can turn their name into a brand by people, mainly other YouTubers that tend to be controversial, making and selling merch. These top names also receive their or just plain fascinating to him. He is currently wrapping up his own meet and greet booths at popular YouTube conventions such third series centered around Jake Paul. Dawson’s main goal in creating and producing as VidCon. Company sponsorships are noticed by implementing ads into their videos and these videos is to dive into the creators’ minds and find out what their lives are like. The using mentions in the video dialogue. These tactics generate success for the YouTube star recurring theme so far is Dawson trying to find out why and how a YouTuber has received and can make more money for the business/brand in more ways than one. either a huge amount of success, or hate. This new aspect of Dawson’s channel seems The popularity and love of YouTube and its many “faces” has grown into something to be very appealing to fans. His shooting and editing styles are craving more of this incredible over the years. If you are someone who wants to be seen and recognized for relatively new theme on his channel. a certain talent, YouTube is the go-to “start small” platform, and can be used to build to Popular makeup gurus such as James Charles, Jeffree Star, NikkieTutorials, and build a personal brand. Jaclyn Hill have changed the way the world looks at the beauty community and have University freshman Nikki Nguyen said, “I think YouTube is a great form of gained tremendous admiration for their hard work. 19-year-old James Charles is rapidly communication. Your audience becomes so much bigger, and people who probably approaching one billion subscribers. Besides being an incredibly talented makeup artist, would never have heard your message will hear it.” She continued, “It’s an easy way of Charles has had more of an impact on the world than one might think. He was the very appealing to a mass group of people.” first male CoverGirl, which broke glass ceilings for the beauty community and largely, For an audience member, it can be rewarding to watch your favorites and feel like the gender stereotype. It isn’t exactly “easy breezy” to be a male in the beauty and makeup they are truly talking to you through the camera. Many people, younger generations community (at least it wasn’t for quite a while). Charles has played a huge role in changing particularly, can feel a real connection to something a YouTuber says or feels. What this, showing the world that this is his talent and form of expression, and has inspired YouTubers have done for themselves and others over the years has changed so many countless others to emulate him. He has done so much to break down the construct of peoples’ perspectives on YouTube itself. The red logo seems to have inspired many. gender and as he is so young and appeals to younger generations, his contribution is even YouTubers unapologetically express themselves and they have truly been able to show more special. Many young children and teenagers struggle with expression, and James the internet how valuable this is.

GRACE POTTER Contributor

The MTA and the power of poetry GRACE VESPA Arts Intern

The Metropolitan Transit Authority first released their literacy initiative “Poetry in Motion” in 1992, as part of a collaboration with the Poetry Society of America, but have expanded it since then. Although the collaboration with the Poetry Society of America went on hiatus from 2008 to 2011, it returned in 2012 under the MTA’s Arts and Design section. The new program now displays two new poems each quarter on the subway cars. Submissions are not accepted, as the PSA chooses the poetry used out of the existing literary canon. The MTA and PSA has promoted over 200 full length and excerpts of poems to show the commuters that ride the subway. The artwork shown on the background of the poems is drawn from permanent installations in the Arts and Design program, and is often based on sketches from the artists themselves. Additionally, in 2012, the poems were featured on the back of MetroCards and on the MTA’s On-the-Go kiosks. According to dnainfo, the MTA cards appeared on the back of 3 million

MetroCards, which was almost 11 percent of cards in circulation, and some were available for purchase in the New York Transit Museum. Recently, the MTA promoted its “Free Subway Reads” over the summer, and the “Poetry in Motion” series seems to be another initiative to promote literacy for commuters. According to the Poetry Society of America, this series is “one of the most popular public literary programs in American history,” especially in the New York City area. The new literacy initiative promoted by the PSA and the MTA increases readership for wellknown and emerging poets to show off their work. The promotion and influence of this series has not stopped in the New York City subway area. PSA states that they have expanded to 20 cities over the past twenty cities, which is included but not limited to Austin, Baltimore, Chicago, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, Nashville, New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. According to the New Yorker, the PSA featured Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is a thing with feathers,” William Butler Yeats’ “When You Are Old,” “Love In the Ruins” by Jim Moore, among other poets.

The MTA closed the “Poetry in Motion” series with a stylish exhibit titled “Poetry in Motion at 25” at the Transit Museum in Grand Central Station. PSA and the MTA showcased many of the poems that have taken residence in a subway car over the last twenty-five years. The exhibit took place through the last week of October and was hosted by Amy Hausmann, who is the Transit Museum’s senior curator and the deputy director. In the exhibit, visitors weave through a wide range of blown-up poems with the featured artwork from the subway cars in the background. Hausmann also conducted tours of the show since the exhibit’s opening, reflecting to visitors that those poems speak to the cultural diversity of the New York City. From the New Yorker article, Hausmann stated that the poetry featured on the subway cars “provide a window into another way of thinking and feeling about the world we inhabit.” Every expressive viewpoint paired with the beautiful artwork enables commuters to feel connected to a specific poem on whichever subway car they choose to ride in, which demonstrates how the “Poetry in Motion” series has affirmed the power of poetry.


November 7, 2018


The new Latin wave

Latin music makes its way to the American mainstream ARELYS PEREZ Contributor

More people than ever before are bopping along to songs they don’t quite understand as Latin music takes over American airwaves. One of the newest songs you may have added to your playlist may be Drake and Bad Bunny’s new song “MIA,” which dropped on Oct. 11. The song has accumulated 95 million views since its release on YouTube and is Drake’s 12th Top 10 single on Billboard’s Hot 100. Drake has broken a record previously held by The Beatles, who hold 11 number one singles. Drake didn’t break this record without help, he employed Puerto Rican rapper Benito Ocasio to create the trap-salsa single. The 24-year-old Latin trap and Reggaetón singer, who goes by the name, Bad Bunny, is credited with helping establish the new Latin trap sound. Ocasio was working at a grocery store in Puerto Rico only a few years ago while uploading his music onto the music sharing website Sound Cloud. After his first hit “Diles,” he then went on to prove his star power with many recordbreaking hits such as “Soy Peor” and “Amorforda.” Puerto Ricans at the University have been buzzing about Bad Bunny’s quick rise to the top. “I loved that he wanted Drake to sing in Spanish. He’s not doing what everybody else is doing he’s setting his own trend. I love it,” said University freshman Eric Colón. “It’s different because it goes away from the pop on the radio. He’s doing something different, especially with his fashion. I think he just finds new ways to innovate himself and by collaborating with Drake and Cardi B because they help him,” said Colón. The modern Latin wave began in 2017 with an increase in collaborations between Latin artists and Western superstars. A Latin wave on the global scale is nothing new with Jennifer Lopez hitting it big with 1999’s “Let’s Get Loud” and Ricky Martin’s 2007 smash “Livin’ La Vida Loca.” These artists managed to break into the

mainstream world but in a distinctly new way. While their Latin songs topped the charts, the new Latin wave has collaborations with English-speaking mainstream artists giving Spanish their best shot. Only now are we seeing Latin flavor being delivered to the U.S market with collaborations between Western and Latin stars in Spanish that are not packaged to be radio-friendly pop hits. In 2016, only four Latin tracks made it onto the Hot 100 and Hot Latin Songs. Then in 2017 a whopping 19 tracks earned a spot on the list, according to Billboard. The sudden Latin wave can be tracked to one specific song in 2017 which transformed the game. Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi was already a well-known Latin star with hits such as “‘Llegaste Tú” and seven studio albums. At this point he had yet to cross-over with a hit in the U.S. On the other hand, fellow Puerto Rican Daddy Yankee is known as the ‘King of Reggaetón’ with “Gasolina” being his first internationally acclaimed single introducing the world to Reggaetón. The two artists collaborated on “Despacito” which then quickly became a huge hit in Latin music. It wasn’t until Justin Bieber asked to jump on the track after hearing the hit single that it became a global sensation. Bieber not only, delivered the chorus with Fonsi but the Canadian singer even sang in Spanish. The rest is history. In 2018, we have seen new releases such as Beyoncé and Ozuna’s “Mi Gente,” Will Smith’s “Está Rico,” and Bad Bunny and Marc Anthony’s hit, ‘Taki Taki’ with Selena Gomez, Ozuna, and Cardi B. It seems like every artist wants to get on this Latin wave and it’s clear as to why: Latin sells. Last year’s worldwide music sales grew by 5.9 percent and while that number is staggering, Latin America’s sales increased by 12 percent. Although the wave offers great exposure for the often segregated Latin community, there has also been a debate as to whether they are merely exploiting the culture to make a profit. Danielle Farray, who is Trinidadian and Venezuelan, a University junior, and a member of

Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi at 2018 Billboard Latin Music Awards. Leila Cobo

Caribbean Students Association, touched on the debate, stating, “I am happy for Spanish artists getting a platform in mainstream music and mainstream Billboard charts. They’re not just on the Latin section or the Urban Latin section anymore,” said Farray, “But what I don’t like is people just putting random people together and halfway making a song and trying to get twice as much money from two separate audiences.” Other students hold different opinions on mainstream artists jumping on the Latin wave. “I disagree, of course, if they’re popular now people are gonna wanna do collaborations with them but that’s obviously been happening in the music industry for ages,” said Venezuelan University senior Alessia Tedino Morandi. “Like when rap was famous people wanted to do collaborations with rap artists so it has nothing to do with the music being in Spanish it’s because the music is becoming more popular,” said Morandi. To address concerns, Luis Fonsi told NBC News, “I think it’s about coming together. Language is not a factor anymore.” To wit, it is important to acknowledge the exposure the culture is getting on the main stage as an upside of the Latin wave. This was evidently seen when Cardi B, Ozuna, and Bad Bunny performed their trap-salsa song “I Like It” at the American Music Awards on Oct. 9. The artists brought aspects of the culture such as vibrant colors, salsa moves, and flags to their performance. In the long run, Latin music breaks down language barriers and has the ability to make all individuals of all cultures sing and dance. The modern Latin wave has brought the Latin culture center stage making every Latino proud of their heritage. Whilst some have reservations, the collaborations aid in the Latin representation and assimilate the culture into the limelight as well while making us all practice our salsa moves.

Drake in his latest hit, Mia, a collab with Bad Bunny

‘Mia’ Official MusicVideo


November 7, 2018


“Sabrina” updates the witch mantra for modern day KELSEY NICHOLSON Executive Editor

gender. Shipka certainly portrays Sabrina as a strongwilled, rebellious but earnest young witch, and audiences truly root for her from the get-go. However, there is a darker side to the power of women in “Chilling Adventures.” To have magic, one must fully dedicate their life to serving the Dark Lord Satan. Sabrina finds the obvious conflict in this; she wants power, but she still wants to maintain her own free will. As a half-witch, half-mortal, choosing either path requires her to give up another part of herself. The decision of whether or not to give herself to Lucifer remains a prominent roadblock for Sabrina throughout the series, one that doesn’t truly get resolved until the very end of the season finale. Sacasa uses Satan as a clear yet clever reference for the patriarchy, which is just as inherent in witch society as it is in that of mortals. In a scene in episode 3 of “Chilling Adventures,” Sabrina is put on trial in front of the Witches Council after choosing her own autonomy during her Dark Baptism. Her aunts reprimand her for tarnishing the Spellman family’s reputation, as well as her own. The head of the Church of Night, Father Faustus, claims that a “deplorable crime has been committed against our master and savior,” to which the crowd replies with utterances of “Hail Satan.” The victim blaming taking place in the Court of Night is eerily similar to the recent hearing of Brett Kavanaugh, in which he was confirmed to the Supreme court, despite the allegations of sexual assault levied against him. As in the Kavanaugh hearing, the witch world takes the man’s side. However, later on in her trial, Sabrina is able to prove her innocence and reclaim her autonomy—for now. Throughout the series, the question remains whether or not Sabrina will be able to maintain a semblance of free will and her magic, or if she will have to truly give herself over to the Dark Lord. “I want both,” Sabrina tells another witch Prudence. “I want freedom and power.” Prudence replies that the Dark Lord will never give her both. When Sabrina asks why, Prudence replies, “He’s a man, isn’t he?” Themes of feminine autonomy are sure to resonate with viewers throughout their binge-watching, especially for those @kiernanshipka discovering how to make it in a man’s world.

own plot, with only the occasional overarching plot per season. One glaring difference to fans of the original ‘90s run is the cat—Salem doesn’t talk in Sacasa’s reboot. Instead, Sabrina’s cousin Ambrose takes on the role of sarcastic sidekick to our heroine. He is trapped inside of the Spellman mortuary, rather than being trapped inside the body of a cat. Additionally, the new series focuses more on issues in today’s political landscape. In the original live action “Sabrina,” the teen witch dealt with issues of finding herself among the struggles of regular teenage life, including how to get a boyfriend and ace all of her classes. However, teens in the #MeToo era find themselves facing more serious issues, and “Chilling Adventures” reflects that in full. Witchcraft has always been portrayed as a powerful thing. “Chilling Adventures” shows Sabrina using both her own presence at school and her magic to assert her own powerful femininity and protect her friends. Sabrina, Roz (Jaz Sinclair), and Susie (Lachlan Watson) create the club WICCA (Women’s Intersectional Cultural and Creative Association), dedicated to protecting and promoting women at Baxter High, while Sabrina herself uses magic to set spiders on her misogynistic school principal, and takes away the metaphorical “manhoods” of a group of football players for mocking the way her friend Susie presents her

Spoilers for the series ahead. Witchcraft has recently become a rising trend among the younger generation, along with bringing back classic franchises we know and love. From revamps of series such as “Charmed” to the new iteration of “Harry Potter” (seen in both “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” as well as “The Cursed Child” arriving on Broadway), ‘90s nostalgia and magic have never been more popular. “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina,” Roberto AguirreSacasa’s Netflix reboot of the beloved ‘90s sitcom “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” brings fans a darker, grittier version of the witch that they haven’t yet seen on the small screen. Based on the comic book of the same name, Sacasa’s “Chilling Adventures” takes place in the Riverdale universe with other fan-favorites Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge. While Sacasa told The Hollywood Reporter that “strangely Sabrina is a little more wholesome” than Riverdale, viewers will still see unsavory things like cannibalism and Satanism. The series deals with half-witch Sabrina Spellman (Kiernan Shipka), who is about to turn 16 years old. Upon her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina must sign her name in the Dark Lord’s book, fully giving herself over to Satan in exchange for more powerful magic. Signing his Book of the Beast allows Lucifer to call forth Sabrina and her powers to do any deed He wants. Along with this particularly heavy fact, Sabrina will have to join other teen witches at the Academy of Unseen Arts to hone her talents, leaving her mortal life—and all of her mortal friends and lovers—behind. The first season, which contains a total of 10 episodes that run an hour each, follows Sabrina before and after her “Dark Baptism,” and all of the things that becoming a witch means for her and the rest of the world. Besides the basics, “Chilling Adventures” has little in common with the ‘90s iteration of “Sabrina.” The new Netflix series is more suited to today’s bingewatching culture. Theshow follows several arcs over the course of its first season run, whereas in the ‘90s, each episode had its Shipka as Sabrina Spellman in “Chilling Adventures.”

Rebooting Broadway for a new era BRIANNA ADKINS Arts Intern

With nostalgia at an all-time high, audiences of media can see that throw-backs are rapidly setting the scene across television, theatres, and most recently, Broadway. With integrations of cult classic films and television series like “Spongebob Squarepants,” the “Harry Potter” series, “Mean Girls,” and more stealing the spotlight of the Broadway scene, it’s becoming apparent that revisiting the past is bringing in more people and revenue than ever before. While originality shines on its own, there’s something about watching fan favorites like Harry Potter, Regina George, and even King Kong shine on the New York City stage. These popular characters have already connected to audiences through other media outlets so reviving them through the illustrious Broadway platform isn’t just good for show—it’s good for business. This integration of social media and popular nostalgic characters into Broadway has given a voice to the theatre community that was never before seen. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook posts sharing about how someone saw the most recent play or musical are strokes of popularity—and everyone strives to be popular in these outlets. Analise Scarpaci, Musical Theatre major and sophomore at the University said, “I think that this integration of nostalgic media into Broadway is kind of a tacky approach in certain circumstances. For example, in ‘King Kong,’ I think that it’s definitely extremely commercial,” Scarpaci said. “For other circumstances like, ‘Mean Girls,’ I think that it could work out really really great. I think that some of the music is really good and they have Tony nominated actresses… I believe that the show really works.” While some of the most raved-about shows have already completed their season run—“Spongebob Squarepants the Broadway Musical” shut down in September due to theatre construction—fans can still view other favorites for the current season. Karissa Lee Carlton, University sophomore and Musical Theatre major, holds a slight

distaste for the current Broadway trend. “I really do like that they’re bringing movies back from our childhood, because it’s kind of fun to see it on stage. But at the same time I think that it’s just for tourism,” Carlton said. “I think it’s a tourist attraction and I don’t know. I don’t like any of the ones that I have seen.” No matter what your opinion is on the current trend, this season you can snag tickets to all of these musicals and plays inspired by the characters that stole the hearts and minds of audiences universally: “Mean Girls,” “School of Rock – The Musical,” “The Lion King,” “Pretty Woman: The Musical,” “Anastasia,” “Aladdin,” “King Kong,” “Frozen,” and “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.” The newest announcement of an Off-Broadway musical based on a cult-classic favorite is “Clueless, The Musical.” The limited engagement series will feature Disney Channel favorite, Dove Cameron, starring as Cher. This particular series will only last from Nov. 20 of this year until Jan. 12 of 2019. Tickets for the upcoming show can be purchased at this time. University students can get special access to some of these musicals and plays with cheaper prices upon logging into their student accounts. As for a Broadway experience closer to home, the University Performing Arts students have put on a production of “Les Misérables” from Oct. 24 to Oct. 28. The fall musical event was performed by students who are directly studying in the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre program. University students have free access to this event and future University Performing Arts events, if they show up an hour before the performance begins. For all other students the production of the show is five dollars and general admission can pay 15 dollars. Whether the opportunity to view Broadway or off-Broadway comes across a University student’s lap, one thing is for certain: having the chance to view the theatre industry’s best and brightest is a privilege others do not get to experience. Grab your tickets and head to the nearest show as soon as you can.


November 7, 2018 11

How to update your fall fashion BRIANNA ADKINS Arts Intern The leaves are falling with the brisk New York City winds, which means a new leaf has turned over in the world of style. It’s time for fall fashion. Pulling on those knee-high boots and crawling into a chunkyknit sweater has never felt more suitable for the current climate. As for changing up those autumn staples, there are many ways to update the fall fashion inventory. The trends are coming in with plenty of room for interpretation this season. Style is taking a route on an individualistic road, and diversity is one of them. Conforming to the status quo of style is out, and breaking style rules is in. Whether it’s minimalism, color-blocking, animal prints, or mixing them all together, there’s a style-setting trend for everyone. Sweaters are a main staple for the chilly weather, and there’s a huge trend among the streets. Instead of going towards solid neutral tones, updating fall wardrobes with some color is the perfect way to bring a sense of warmth to the monochromatic city scene. Whether it’s opting for an emerald green, mustard yellow, or ruby red knit, the update will bring a sense of newness to every outfit you pair it with. President of Profashionals and University senior Brennan Bodin explained how staying comfortable and warm this fall and into the early winter season is important when it comes to style. “My go-to item Runway Fall 2018.

for cozy fall fashion is a thick chunky/boxy sweater. They are a perfect way to stay comfortable and fashionforward, and the styling possibilities are endless,” said Bodin. “Pair a thick turtleneck sweater slightly tucked into a slim pair of pants (perhaps cigarette pants?) for a nice contrast of loose and tapered to look sharp. You could throw it over a button up or even use it as a layering piece under many coats and vests as we protect ourselves against the rapidly-cooling temperatures.” Among University students, the most popular way to upgrade a sweater is with a cozy cardigan made of extra soft material. Kristina Kane, University junior, is one of these students who expresses their style with a cuddly cardigan. Another hot topic to test out: a colorful twist on footwear. Shoes are a hot trend of discussion this autumn. While darker neutral toned ankle boots are a wardrobe staple, try evolving your usual pick by trying out a pair of white leather, colorful brocade, or kneehigh boots.

University junior Hana Gottlieb has chosen to adopt this trend. Instead of wearing predictable black ankle boots, Gottlieb expresses her fashion through her ankle-length ruby boots. They’re a perfect update to her muted outfit. Updating denim with an unexpected twist is also a stand-out way to show off personal style. Whether it’s updating standard denim with a solid panel down the side, pairing ripped jeans with tights, or opting for flare instead of skinny jeans, it’s the originality that counts. Dormaris “Dori” Rapsac, University junior, is one of these students tackling the denim and tights trend. She pairs her ripped jeans with fishnet tights, creating a grungy and unique look worthy of being posted on her Instagram feed. Lastly, jackets bring in the most opportunity to score huge fashion trend points. With faux faur, colorful leather, and ski jackets hitting the streets of New York City, it’s clear that self expression is a statement made clear with the perfect outer layer. As aforementioned, Bodin said, “Statement coats—mainly in the form of oversized patterned topcoats and trench coats—are a large trend at Pace this Fall,” said Bodin. “It’s definitely a great move for anyone wanting to stay warm and chic this fall.” Making the streets your runway has never been easier with these quick and cheap updates to a fall wardrobe. Scoring these looks from thrift shops and clearance outlet stores is a fun way to bring in your own polished sense of Vogue style.

Voting will never go out of “Style” Taylor Swift uses Instagram to move fans to the polls BARBARA RUCCI Features Intern

As the polls are beginning to open for November midterm elections, everyone is coming together to encourage fellow citizens to vote. Social media users are sharing links that connect their friends and followers with voting registration, information about the candidates running in their area, and capitalizing on why their vote matters. Celebrities have not shied away from implementing their own political beliefs using their populatr presence. On Oct. 7, just a month before the midterm elections, pop singer Taylor Swift shared her first political post on Instagram, and it sparked interest from her followers. Under a simple polaroid photo of herself, she expressed her personal thoughts and explanations regarding the upcoming political event. Swift, who is registered to vote in her hometown of Tennessee, thoroughly explained who she was voting for and why. She also expanded on who she was not voting for and why this candidate will not win Swift’s vote. Marsha Blackburn, who is running for Senate in Tennessee, represents the Republican Party. Swift states that Blackburn’s voting record in Congress “appalls and terrifies” her. According to Swift’s post, Blackburn goes against equal pay for women, does not believe in equal rights for LGBTQ citizens (i.e. occupational rights, marriage rights), and does not support the protection of sexual assault victims. “These are NOT my Tennessee values,” Swift wrote. She then moved on to explain suitable candidates according to her beliefs. These candidates, who represent the Democratic Party, are Phil Bredesen running for Senate and Jim Cooper running for House of Representatives. Both Bredesen and Cooper stand for values that align with Swift’s political beliefs. As media naturally analyzes each of Swift’s words and actions, she turned her comments off after sharing the post. Shutting down the opportunity for fans to give feedback is a bold move to make, however, the comment section tends to be a toxic zone for people of influence since the forum is known for growing very aggressive. University

junior Lisa Moran said, “Swift probably wanted to express her own opinions without reading anyone else arguments, and that is why she turned off her comments.” Celebrities such as Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian, and Millie Bobby Brown have taken the same action in disabling the Instagram public comments due to the surplus of hate-comments on their profiles. University junior Veronica Cabrera said, “It seems like millions of young people read Taylor Swift’s post and felt encouraged to go vote during midterm elections.” Taylor Swift seemed to present her post in a professional and fair manner while simultaneously addressing the problematic qualities she views with Blackburn’s policies. She highlighted why she sees Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper as suitable candidates in hopes to inspire young people to vote for who they see as a proper representative for this country. In the final part of Swift’s post, she encouraged young people to go out and make their votes count while also including registration deadlines for the state of Tennessee. It is clear to see that Taylor Swift deeply cares for her country and the rights of her fellow citizens. University junior Julia Slattery said, “It is positive for celebrities, such as Taylor Swift, to express their political beliefs, as long as their beliefs are backed up by informed opinions.” After reading this post, young people of America seem to be more motivated to be heard and exercise their right to vote during the upcoming midterm elections, taking place on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Following this profound young voter motivation, on Oct. 19, Taylor Swift furthered her encouragement for her fans to vote. She shared a post on her Instagram story that stated, “If you just voted, take a pic and tag me with #justvoted. It may end up on my story.” Less than an hour after the story was posted, she began sharing screenshots of fans who voted. Some of these individuals were first-time voters and voters in the state of Tennessee. These posts from young and new voters alone was confirmation that Swift’s first political post was taken into action by the readers as it challenged her fans, friends, and fellow citizens to go to the polls.



November 7, 2018

Speed dating The Supreme Court: The lifetime MADISON KERTH Contributor The Supreme Court is the highest court in the U.S. federal judiciary system. Its purpose is to ensure that legal cases amongst all courts uphold constitutional rights for our citizens. Although the court has the jurisdiction to preside over cases with political involvement, it claims to remain neutral and fair to partisan involvement. As the dust settles on the United States Supreme Court’s newest Associate Justice nomination, take this oppurtunity to get to know the men and women who make decisions that affect us all. John G. Roberts Jr., Chief Justice of the United States Roberts Jr. was appointed by George W. Bush in 2005 as the Chief Justice of the United States. After receiving his B.A from Harvard College and his JD from Harvard Law School, Roberts served as a law clerk for Judge Friendly of the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, a law clerk for then-Associate Justice Rehnquist of the Supreme Court, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, Associate Counsel to President Ronald Reagan, Principal Deputy Solicitor General, and practiced law in Washington D.C. In 2003, he was appointed to the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Roberts typically leans towards a conservative ruling. Roberts most John G. Roberts Steve Petteway notably ruled in favor of corporate election involvement in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. This case was presented to the Court in January 2010. With a 5-4 ruling, the case allowed for corporations and unions to provide for political campaigns through the establishments of Super PACs, which are independent political action committees that are allowed to raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals who are otherwise not allowed to contribute directly with campaigns. Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice Thomas was nominated by President George H. W. Bush in 1991 as an Associate Justice. He earned a B.A. from Holy Cross College and a J.D. from Yale Law School. After school, he was admitted to law practice in Missouri, served as Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, worked as an attorney with the Monsanto Company, and was a Legislative Assistant to Senator Danforth. Thomas served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights for the U.S. Dept. of Education, Chairman of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He typically rules with conservative views. Thomas historically secured the conservative majority in the Good News Club v. Milford Central School. Thomas ruled that Clarence Thomas Steve Petteway the public school violated the First Amendment by prohibiting a religious club to convene on the premises. He is considered to be the most conservative judge on the court.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice Ginsburg was appointed to the Court by Bill Clinton in 1993. She serves as an Associate Justice after she received her B.A. from Cornell University, attended Harvard Law, and received an LL.B. from Columbia Law School. She served as a law clerk to Judge Palmieri, a research associate, and later, associate director of the Columbia Law School Project on International Procedure, a Professor of Law at Rutgers University School of Law. Ginsburg was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences in California, an essential member to launch the Women’s Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, General Council for the ACLU and served on the National Board of Directors as well a Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. She is traditionally a liberal ruling judge. Ginsburg is known for her fight for women’s equality. She front lined the majority opinion in United States v. Virginia. In this case, she declared that qualified women could not be denied admittance to Virginia Military Institute because of their gender. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Steve Petteway

Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice Breyer joined the Court in 1994 following a nomination for Associate Justice by Bill Clinton. He received an A.B. from Stanford University, a B.A. from Magdalen College, Oxford, and an LL. B. from Harvard Law School. Breyer worked as a law clerk to Justice Goldberg of the Supreme Court, a Special Assistant to the Assistant U.S. Attorney General for Antitrust, an Assistant Special Prosecutor of the Watergate Special Protection Force, and Special Counsel, later Chief Counsel, of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. He was an Assistant Professor, Professor of Law, and Lecturer at Harvard Law School, a Professor at the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a Visiting Professor at the College of Law, Sydney, Australia and at the University of Rome. He served as a member of the Judicial Conference of the United States and of the United States Sentencing Commission. The majority of his rulings align with a liberal perspective. Breyer often is able to maneuver around realistic life Stephan G. Breyer Steve Petteway consequences of those affected by his rulings. Thus, he offers a different interpretation than his fellow judges. He wrote the majority opinion in Stenberg v. Carhart which ruled that banning late term abortions in Nebraska was unconstitutional because it infringed on women’s right to decide about their own reproductive health.


November 7, 2018 13

commitment we don’t get to swipe right for

Samuel Alito Jr.

Steve Petteway

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Sotomayor joined the Supreme Court as an Associate Justice in 2009 after a nomination by President Barack Obama. She is the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice to serve. She received a B.A. from Princeton University and a J.D. from Yale Law School. She was Assistant District Attorney on the New York COunty District, and litigated international commercial disputes at Pavia & Harcourt in New York City. She was nominated to U.S. District Court in 1991 by George H.W. Bush. Sotomayer also served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She is a liberal judge. Sotomayor notably voted against the majority in Citizens United v. Federal election Commission and ruled in favor of the majority in Obergefell v. Hodges to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

Samuel A. Alito Jr., Associate Justice Alito, Jr. was appointed to the Supreme Court as an Associate Justice by George W. Bush in 2006. He attended Princeton, Yale Law School and served as law clerk for Garth on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Assistant U.S. Attorney in the New Jersey district, Assistant to the Solicitor General, and later, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice. He is one of the court’s conservative judges. Alito Jr. authorized the majority decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby that allowed family-owned corporations the choice to be exempt from the requirement to provide female employees with access to free contraception because it infringed on the religious freedom of their owners.

Sonia Sotomayor

Steve Petteway

Elena Kagan, Associate Justice Kagan was voted into the Supreme Court in 2010 after a nomination for Associate Justice by Barack Obama. She earned an A.B. from Princeton, an M. Phil. from Oxford, and a J.D. from Harvard Law. Kagan then served as a clerk for Judge Mikba of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and for Justice Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court. She practiced law at a Washington, D.C. law firm before becoming a law professor as Harvard Law and served for four years in the Bill Clinton administration as Associate Counsel to the President, and later as Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. She served as the Dean of Harvard Law School and was nominated as the Solicitor General of the United States. Kagan is the only sitting justice with no prior judicial experience. Steve Petteway Elena Kagan She traditionally rules along liberal ideology and joined the majority to rule in King v. Burwell to secure that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional.

Neil M Gorsuch, Associate Justice Gorsuch was nominated as an Associate Justice by President Trump in 2017. He received his B.A. from Columbia University, a J.D. from Harvard Law, and a D. Phil. for Oxford. He served as a law clerk to Judge Sentelle of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and to Justice White and Justice Kennedy of the Supreme Court and worked on private practice before serving as Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice. He was appointed to the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and served on the Standing Committee on Rules for Practice and Procedure. Gorsuch also served as chairman of the Advisory Committee on Rules of Appellate Procedure and taught at the University of Colorado Law School. He is a conservative justice. As a Constitutional originalist, Gorsuch has continued to withhold opinions that supports the original drafting of the Constitution. This is evident in his dissent from denial of certiorari in Peruta v. San Diego County. This ruling deferred a change in action Franz Jantzen and upheld the Appeals Neil Gorsuch Court decision involving California’s restrictive concealed carry laws. Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice Kavanaugh was appointed as an Associate Justice in 2018 by President Trump after a long confirmation process and FBI investigation involving sexual misconduct allegations. He received a B.A. from Yale College and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Kavanaugh served as a law clerk for Judge Stapleton of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, for Judge Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and for Justice Kennedy of the Supreme Court. He was an attorney in the Office of the Solicitor General of the United States and Associate Counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel. He was a partner at a Washington, D.C. law firm and Associate Counsel, and later Senior Associate Counsel to George W. Bush and served as Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary for President Bush, as well as an appointed Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He is a conservative justice. Kavanaugh has not yet ruled on any cases.

Justice Kavanaugh was swore in as Associate Justice on Oct 6.



November 7, 2018

In the modern day, consumers make the product Personalized products are on the rise ERRIN MAYE Contributor It is no surprise that as media thrives in today’s society, digital content has become products have made their way to customers; the prices are generally cheaper than other more interactive and immersive for the consumer experience. In the digital age, businesses stores and there is generally not a log waiting period to receive the products. Almost are experimenting with innovative marketing tactics in order to garner customer attention. anything you want can be found at your fingertips on Amazon and delivered within a Whether companies opt to reach consumers with day or two.” tailored coupons and newsletters, home delivery From the clothing industry to food and subscriptions, or products with consumer names beverage, other departments such as the beauty printed on them, it’s evident that companies want industry have been taking the necessary steps customers to feel special when spending money to provide valuable experiences with customers on their products. University graduate student as well. Cassy Eledu, marketing coordinator at Shauneice Robinson believes this tactic to be a Drunk Elephant, a skincare brand, knows that clever mode of business, saying, “Personalized sales is about the basis of relationships with products have always been popular. It gives a consumers. “[We try to foster] long term love person a way to have something that is uniquely stories between the customer and the brand. An theirs and theirs alone. This marketing tactic is a example would be simply inserting someone’s great way to get customers to feel like a part of name on something—whether it be an item or a the company which will make them support their conversation, it creates a bond. It’s the process of products.” brands becoming friends with the clients in the An example of this strategy includes Coca most authentic and refreshing way possible.” Cola’s name branding bottles. In 2014, Coca University Marketing Principles and Cola debuted their “Share a Coke” campaign Practices Professor Tina McIntyre points out that where customers could enjoy their favorite coke personalization is not entirely a marketing tactic beverage with their name written in the company’s service, but rather a new business model: “Some famous font. Coca Cola designed an interactive will argue this is customer relations or brand website allowing customers to digitally design management but I wouldn’t be surprised if a coke bottles for a friend, a family member, or marketing person was involved! I don’t see these just themselves. As we look to the future of services as marketing tactics, rather new business e-commerce, marketing is evolving to better suit models and revenue streams for companies. the consumer and working to ensure that a desired Meaning that I don’t feel a company would invest product can only be found via that company. Julia in personalization unless there was a direct way St. Clair, Writer and Development Associate at to make money these products.” Pace University’s Department of Development Share a coke, Personalized 8 fl oz. glass bottle of Whether it’s showcasing custom charms on and Alumni Relations, says, “It makes the normal Coca-Cola the latest Coach bag, taming textured hair with act of buying a soda interesting and exciting.” Form Beauty’s personally formulated haircare University graduate student Peter Goddard believes convenience is a major factor products, or even taking Care/Of’s personalized supplements, consumers crave a within the modern generation. “People are generally busy and do not want to spend personal touch no matter the product. In an age of advanced marketing, there is no telling valuable time travelling to stores or malls to purchase products, so they are turning more where the phenomenon of personalized products will reach next. and more to the online environment. Amazon is a prime example of how personalized

Is minoring worth it? BARBARA RUCCI Features Intern For University students, the month of November can also provide employers with a better understanding On the contrary, some majors require students to is normally consumed with two things—midterms and of who the student is. Minors shed light on the personal follow a strict track of courses that do not allow for many registration. This is a time of preparing potential Spring interests of an individual as they go through their outside electives. For students in this situation, graduation 2019 schedules with the help of advisement, University academic career and also provide students with content time could be effected by the requirements a minor would 101, and the Explorer feature on Pace Portal. Students are that specific majors may not cover. For example, Business add to their responsibilities. working towards their major, as well as making sure all majors may decide to minor in a more concentrated field, In addition to the extra work commitment, minors of their core requirements, AOK courses, and electives which enables them to better understand the overall field may cost students more than they would anticipate. At can be met within a certain period of time. While every of business. Employers can also see the variety of skillsets the University, if a student has declared a major within undergraduate student is required to declare a major, some within the students’ educational experience. If a major is Dyson School of Arts & Sciences and is looking to pursue students pursue two majors or choose to declare a minor. flexible enough to add, then it seems only natural to earn a minor outside of their school, there is a fee, ranging Students minor in various areas of study for both future multiple minors to further develop your educational pallet. in price depending on the course, that is added to the student’s tuition bill. While some students are not occupational purposes and to focus on an area of willing to pay this additional fee, others remain personal interest. While this is a popular route, content with taking various kinds of electives students often ask, “What is the purpose of a outside of their major. minor?” Working towards a minor, or multiple Whether a student is a Finance major minors, can be a great way for students to focus pursuing a Photography minor, or an English major pursuing a Business minor, students will on specific areas of study without the hefty most likely learn something new in their minor commitment of another major. While minors studies no matter how alike or different it is from are not written on graduation diplomas, there their major coursework. University freshman are other ways students can communicate their extra educational experience. In job interviews, Jessica Paredes states, “While I am not taking a resumes, and cover letters, students can minor right now, I do believe that pursuing one in the future is a great way for me to dip my toes into voice their learning experience, coursework, studying what interests me. This also allows me and connections to professors gained while to take courses outside of my major curriculum pursuing their minor. that has a more focused end-goal instead of University freshman Cynthia Jaalouk states, “Taking up a minor gives students an extra signing up for random elective courses.” Pace University advantage to their major.” Pursuing a minor Pace Univerity minors

November 7, 2018


And the prize goes to...

Updates on The Nobel Peace Prize cancellation GRACE VESPA Arts Intern In the era of #MeToo, there has been a ripple effect of allegations involving sexual assault and misconduct across the television, music, and movie industry. It seems that the Swedish Academy, the institution that presides over the Nobel Prize in Literature, would be next. In 2018, the Nobel Prize in Literature was cancelled after a sexual assault scandal rocked the Academy. The jury cancelled the award after allegations against Jean-Claude Arnault, French photographer and the husband of Swedish Academy member Katarina Frostenson, were confirmed in legal action. According to The Independent, the Swedish Academy was forced to postpone the Nobel Prize in Literature after the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter published detailed accusations of sexual assault from 18 women over the course of 20 years. Additionally, the Swedish newspaper reported that the Swedish Academy concluded that Arnault may have leaked the names of seven Nobel Prize laureates in Literature, most notably the laureate Bob Dylan in 2016. The Independent reports that allegations against Arnault have all but one been dropped due to lack of evidence. Although Arnault, now age 72, denies the accusations, he has recently been sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay the victim 10,000 euros in damages. The allegations against Arnault, which include physical abuse and rape, led to a bitter internal feud within the Academy as its members did not know how to respond adequately to the claims. The Academy partly subsidized the Forum, a cultural club run by Arnault and Frostenson that showcased exhibits, readings, and Nobel Prize laureates. Arnault and Frostenson’s club closed down, prompting Maryse Condé accusations of a conflict of interest. Three members resigned in April over the decision to not expel Frostenson, along with protests from permanent secretary Sara Danius and Frostenson herself, stating that a woman should not be punished for her husband’s actions. Frostenson and Danius both withdrew from the Academy, along with novelist Klas Ostergren, scholar Kjell Espmark, and historian Peter Englund. Technically, the members are appointed for life and cannot resign, and can only withdraw from future proceedings. As a result, the Swedish Academy and King Carl XVI Gustaf decided to postpone the Nobel Prize in Literature on May 4. in order to regroup and decide on the next course of action. The Academy has to fill the newly empty seats, and the judges believe that postponing the prize will save its reputation. In a statement by the chairman of the board, they have decided not to award the prize because the situation “is so serious that a prize decision will not be perceived as credible.” Now, the Academy can use this time for internal reform and reconstruction. Moreover, in 2019, they will award two people the Nobel Prize in Literature: one for 2018, and one for 2019. According to The Guardian, the judges review 200 nominations, release a shortlist in May, and then decide on five authors over the summer. It has not been revealed how the Academy plans to pick two winners for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature, but this is not the first time the judges have not awarded the prize. In fact, the literature prize has not been awarded on seven other occasions, although those were primarily due to WWI and WWII. In protest to the postponing, an alternative Nobel Prize was awarded by a Swedish

non-profit organization titled the New Academy. The New Academy was founded by Swedish journalist Alexandra Pascalidou and was established with over 100 Swedish librarians and readers. Pascalidou wondered, “Why do the authors have to pay the price for this mess?” Her thoughts led to the start the one-off alternative prize, alongside over 100 prominent Swedish figures. They released a longlist of Swedish and international authors nominated for the alternative prize, and it was created after the New Academy reached out to different librarians, asking them to nominate 2 authors each. A list of 155 authors was created, which was then curated to 47 authors based on the number of nominations. According to BookRiot, the longlist had thirty women, seventeen men, eight women of color, and five men of color. This longlist is vastly more diverse than the longlist curated by the Swedish Academy, which is typically white, male, and French. The longlist represents the diverse reading tastes of the Swedish public, and how the Swedish Academy must reform its internal organization in order to better reflect the diverse literacy of the people. On Oct. 12., a Guadeloupean novelist, Maryse Condé, was announced as the winner of the New Academy Prize in Literature in a reception held at the main branch of the Stockholm Public Library. She received one million kronor for her works depicting race and colonization. In her statement she states, “I am happy that our country is now known for other reasons, for this literature prize which I am so happy and proud to receive.” Her novels showcase the human experience involving slavery, postcolonization, gender, and class and gives the citizens of Guadeloupe a Instagram/@afirikapolici voice in literature. Condé’s success highlights that the Nobel Prize can be more open, inclusive, and reflective of contemporary perspectives. Recently, the Swedish Academy announced the election of two new members: Swedish Supreme Court Justice Eric Runesson and poet Jila Mossaed. Both new members will be formally inducted on Dec. 20. Runesson will be taking the first chair as a person of law, and Mossaed will be taking chair 15, previously held by Kerstin Ekman. As a result, the Swedish Academy now has enough active members to be present at a meeting, but there is still intense friction between the current members. Danius, Espmark, and Englund are still considered “current” members and able to participate in choosing the new members, but will not return full-time unless Horace Engdahl, chair 17, resigns. Amidst this power struggle is the request from the Nobel Foundation for the Swedish Academy to form a new Nobel committee with members untouched by the scandal. However, the Academy refuses to comply, and Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation Lars Heikensten warns that the Academy will lose the prize to another organization if they do not solve their internal issues. It is too early to tell how or when the Swedish Academy will reform its organization, but for now the public has the Alternative Nobel Prize to celebrate. Fellow Alternative Nobel Prize nominee Kim Thuy Ly Thanh stated, “This prize to me is so precious because it comes from the movement of citizens...It’s a reaction from the population.” The alternative prize created by the New Academy shows what the Swedish Academy can be, if they are able to reconstruct their once unshakeable institution.



November 7, 2018

Preparing for your next opportunity: Internships BROOKE SALAMONE Features Intern

profile is definitely a plus when applying to internships. LinkedIn can help you not only find internships that are suitable, but also help you build connections. Building reputable connections is a key component in the professional world. LinkedIn will also allow you to connect with other members, which only enhances your networking. In adding past work or leadership experience, you become more marketable to employers. In addition to public job search sites, Handshake keeps University students informed with all events happening on campus that are run by Career Services, ranging from career fairs to resume building workshops. Career Services is located on the 14th floor of 41 Park Row and is an office designed to help in every aspect of career searching.

A resume is your marketing tool. All past jobs, experiences, and leadership positions you have held now have their time to shine. While resume writing can be stressful, Career Services offers both group and oneon-one resume writing workshops. Along with these workshops, career services has a guidebook that can help students take their first step at creating a resume. “I attended a resume workshop during my first year here, which was very informative. I came in with a good amount of knowledge, and left with so much more,” shares McGovern. “I then got my resume approved, which took a few one-on-one meetings to perfect. Following that, I attended an interview workshop so I could know what to expect and how to handle difficult questions.”

It is, yet again, the time of year when spring internship applications are beginning to appear on Handshake, the University’s very own version of indeed. com. Whether students see signs on campus or postings on the web, it is no shock that employers are starting to open up internship applications for Spring 2019. While this can be overwhelming, it is also exciting for students. Internships are not only resume and experience builders, but also gateways to possible job offers after graduation. Specifically for University students, being located in New York City is an automatic advantage as there are a multitude of positions available to apply So how are fellow University students for. But applying for internships requires feeling about finding internships? time, organization, practice, and patience. “I think my biggest fear about Luckily, the University offers a multitude of interning is that when I get to the internship, resources to help students prepare to find an I will find that my field isn’t the right fit for internship that best suits their interests. me,” shares University sophomore Emma Before applying for internships, it is Note. “I have put so much time and effort important to research University resources, into my major and to get there and find out student advice, and some general tips to help it’s not for me would be heartbreaking.” keep calm and organized when preparing to “I think the process for applying is apply. definitely overwhelming, solely because Organization is key. The application you have to find one that not only aligns process can be extremely overwhelming, with your interests, but is also compatible but take a step back and a deep breath. The with your work and school schedule,” best way to start may be with a list of your shares University sophomore Phil Sbogga. goals for yourself. What do you want to “Applying for an internship is accomplish? What type of internship do you intimidating, you have to convince want to apply for? How many places would the employer to hire you,” continues you like to apply to? Knowing the answers Sbogga. “And ultimately make good first to these important questions can help keep impressions.” your application process on track. While applying to internships can be Goals are a key component in your stressful for everyone in all different ways, internship search. Keeping a list of goals they can be the best experience of your while searching can be a helpful reminder Tsun-Chueh Huang college career. of what exactly you are searching for. Read Career Service is on 14th floor in 41 Park Row. Staying organized, keeping on top of each job description thoroughly, and take your applications, and taking advantage of note of the places and positions that seem “I have had a great experience with career services at all the resources the University has to offer are just a few to be fitting. Pace,” shares McGovern. “Career services has helped me ways to stay on the ball during this overwhelming time. “A great search engine to use is WayUp. I learned in a million ways as an individual and also as the secretary “My last bit of advice for students who are looking about them through our current campus rep Ciara Negron, of The IN.” for internships is to get involved,” says McGovern, “is and I find the site to be very helpful when applying,” Handshake also connects students with a multitude that there are so many recruiters coming to Pace who shares University sophomore Colleen McGovern. of job and internship opportunities. To have full access are actively looking to hire interns. I have made many McGovern is currently interning a KPA Talent to applying to these opportunities, students must attend connections by going to Recruiter events the Industry Management as a Social Media Coordinator. a resume workshop and then meet with an advising Network, and other Pace clubs have held. Pace also brings LinkedIn, Handshake, Indeed, WayUp, and Intership. counselor to be deemed “market ready.” Once a career in a lot of alumni to events who are more than willing to com are just a few websites that will make the search service member reviews and approves your resume, you help. Ask questions and follow up with them, you never easier. You can narrow down exactly what you are looking will then be able to access Handshake to the fullest ability. know what may happen.” for into the search bars at the top, to cut down the time Once you have selected where you would like to you spend reading through postings. Building a LinkedIn apply, it’s time to perfect your resume and cover letter.

Announcement: The Pace Press travels to the West Coast

The Pace Press is pleased to announce that a portion of our hardworking staff will be travelling to La Jolla, California to attend the Associated Collegiate Press National Journalism Convention from Feb 28. to Mar 3. 2019. During this conference, The Pace Press team will have the opportunity to attend more than 100 practical and professional learning sessions, from high-profile keynotes to specific, problem-solving breakouts, hands-on workshops, and discussion groups. The Pace Press plans to seek solutions to the most challenging publishing and broadcasting problems, share success stories, see what’s new in the media marketplace, discover trends, and network with other student publications. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay updated on our time at the conference!

La Jolla, California

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