October 27

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OctOber 27, 2010

Serving The Community Since 1948

VOlume lXV Issue VII

The Pace Press

photo illustration by HILDA ADENIJI

Financial Aid Dept. confronted with students’ anger about lack of progress

Director of Financial Aid, Mark Stephens assures ‘if you’re struggling, contact me’ StEpHANIE BouvIA staff writer

the University’s student Government association (sGa) met with various faculty members on Oct. 19 to discuss how the University handles student financial aid—or mishandles as many students explained during the meeting. this was the second Organizational Council Community Meeting of the year. Dean for students Marijo russell O’Grady, several heads of departments, representatives from dining services, members of the security department as well as financial aid officers met with the sGa to discuss the issue of how poorly run students find the financial aid office to be. the meeting primarily centered on a presentation aimed at the financial aid department, given by Judicial Council Chair, sophomore Breanna romaine. the presentation exposed the frustration and grief that many students have with the department. romaine explained that she was there to

represent students’ disappointment with the “poor communication and lack of knowledge” from the financial aid department. romaine backed her presentation with quotes from University students, statistics and testimonials. romaine began her presentation by explaining that last year every student at the school received extra money by accident— putting the University $20 million short of what they had anticipated.

Mistake after mistake, error after error, student after student. -Breanna Romaine, Judicial Council Chair what the school then did was cancel many students’ grants and other financial aid they had previously received.

romaine explained that she was not arguing that this had happened, but she was “fighting the fact that [financial aid] didn’t tell students.” she explained that many students did not receive their bill until september. when these students were finally able to make payments, they were charged a late fee. “students didn’t know, until they got to Pace, that they had to take out another loan because they were never notified,” romaine said. sophomore Michael Boyle can attest to this frustration. He struggled all summer, trying to get the financial aid department to certify his loan. “i was continually told, ‘the financial aid counselors will be certifying the private loans this week’ and that it should be done by the end of the week,’ Boyle said. “when i called back [at the end of the week] i was told ‘the counselors haven't completed certifying the private loans yet, but they will be doing them over the weekend.’”

after getting no information via telephone from financial aid, Boyle stopped by the department to speak with a financial counselor in person. “i was told that my ‘loan could not be certified until a lease was provided’ since i would be living in an apartment off campus. However, everyone failed to mention this detail in the two weeks that i had been calling prior,” Boyle said. Boyle was not alone in his struggles with financial aid. in her presentation, romaine explained that she had surveyed 90 students and spoke with over 200 students. from this survey, she gathered that 67 percent of students have had difficulties with financial aid. romaine also said that many students felt that financial aid representatives were not helpful, not polite and not knowledgeable. she drew attention to the fact that it was not just a few students who had these issues, but it was “mistake after mistake, error after error, student after student.”

Continued on Page 3

CMJ FEStIvAL tAKES ovER NYC on page 8 • FEWER CoLLEGE StuDENtS AppRovE oF oBAMA on page 15

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October 27, 2010

English Department welcomes new full-time professor Dr. Hsu MEL BAILEY staff writer

this semester, the University’s english Department hired Dr. stephanie Hsu as a full time associate professor. Dr. Hsu received her doctorate from new York University and taught at the University of California-santa Barbara and City University of new York (CUnY)-Hunter College prior to teaching at the University. when asked what made her decide to come to the University Dr. Hsu said, “they were hiring for exactly my field in my favorite city in the world.” Dr. Hsu’s field of interest is in asian american Literature and Queer theory. when asked what made her choose this select field she said, “i like to talk about myself.” Dr. Hsu said that her greatest achievement while in college as a professor that she “was a part of the United auto workers (Uaw) Union graduate association strike at new York University which lasted one year and five months, the longest strike on an academic campus in the country.” Junior abigail Kochersberger is a student in Dr. Hsu’s Composition theory and Practice class. Kochersberger said, “i like

this class i think it’s good. Most of my other professors don’t try to interact with everyone. not being an english major in an advanced english class is kind of hard, but she makes it interesting.” Currently Dr. Hsu is working on her dissertation and soon to be published book, “transgender transnationalism: representations of immigrant Genders and sexualities in twentieth-and twenty-first-Century american Literature.” Her dissertation is “jointly inspired by the transgender subject and the undocumented immigrant.” Dr. Hsu described what she hopes to argue within the text. “in my dissertation i argue that contemporary american texts enable us to see the challenges posed by the transgender transnational subject to the categories we use to define ourselves,” she said. with a dissertation in progress, holding the position of assistant professor in the english Department and preventing students from becoming mass murderers as she said in her class. “Part of our job is to make sure you’ re not going to become a mass murderers, we weed out possibilities of this in your papers,” Dr. Hsu joked. she noted that, “it is very likely” that the University will be her last stop in seeking professional employment.


Seidenberg students win scholarships New York City Council

Awarded for pursuing careers in cyber security proposes two new laws quINN WASSoN staff writer

the national science foundation (nsf) recently awarded prestigious scholarships to three University students who plan to pursue careers in cyber security. Junior Matthew Kendris of the seidenberg school of Computer science at the nYC Campus, junior Marcus Hernandez at the PLV Campus and junior Michael D’angelo of the Dyson school of arts and sciences at the nYC Campus, were the recipients.

I see it as an extraordinary opportunity to get a job where I can help my country to the best of my ability and I look forward to getting to work once I graduate. -Matthew Kendris, student D’angelo is a criminal justice major, while Kendris and Hernandez both major in information technology. all three are also minoring in information assurance, while D’angelo also is an information systems minor. the scholarships are funded under nsf’s scholarship for service Program. Kendris, Hernandez and D’angelo are awarded full tuition and a partial living stipend for the next two years and full payment for their textbook costs and student fees. they are also given a chance to intern for government agencies over the summer. in exchange, scholarship recipients are required to work for the government after graduation, in a job that will allow them to utilize the skills they learned in school and at the internship. “receiving this scholarship was one of the best things that has ever happened to me,” D’angelo said. “it’s allowed me to already start repaying my student loans from the previous year. i am extremely thankful for the great people i am able to meet now, and to see and use firsthand, the technologies that will allow me to help make a difference in society.” Kendris said that the scholarship would have appealed to him even without the financial aspect. “in all honesty, even if it wasn't a full ride, i would have jumped at the opportunity to take part in this scholarship for service,” he said. “i see it as an extraordinary opportunity to get a job where i can help my country to the best of my ability and i look forward to getting to work once i graduate.” Hernandez was not available for comment. One of D’angelo’s professors told him about the

scholarship, but as a Dyson student, he was wary of his chances. “i did not think i would receive the scholarship because i was a criminal justice major and the scholarship is based on an information assurance curriculum,” he said. “i did, however, have an information assurance minor and expressed my desire to be in such a program and that i would do my very best to excel.” D’angelo went on to say that, due to the “wide range of passions and goals” of students within the criminal justice field, the growing field of cybercrime is often not pursued. Both D’angelo and Kendris said that they looked forward to working for the government. “i applied for the nsf scholarship because i want to serve my country in the best way i can,” Kendris said. D’angelo had a similar outlook. “it has always been a dream of mine to work for the federal government, so i see this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that could help propel me to that dream,” he said. “i know that this opportunity is not given to everyone and i am enjoying every moment.” Both D’angelo and Kendris had experience in their fields prior to receipt of the scholarship. Kendris had a paid internship at the Bank of tokyo-Mitsubishi, where he still works, while D’angelo was put in charge of an fBi-funded terrorist mapping project. next year, three more University students will receive the nsf scholarship. to be eligible, a student must have junior standing and a minimum 3.0 QPa. they also must take courses in information assurance as well as a second field.


a recent new York City Council hearing has proposed a new ban for smokers as well as Hayley and Diego’s Law, which affects careless drivers in nYC. if the smoking ban is passed, new Yorkers will not be allowed to smoke in city parks, beaches, playgrounds and highly populated pedestrian areas. the bill was proposed in september and would add an extra four public areas that smokers enjoy. Currently, smoking is banned in 18 different public areas including places of employment, bars and food establishments to name a few. Originally, the bill proposed designated smoking areas in outside public spaces such as parks and pedestrian plazas. now, the ban extends to these places where designated smoking areas once existed. nYC’s health commissioner Dr. thomas farley declined designated smoking areas in parks as they were “impractical.” the bill itself, in more ways than one, appears to exempt smokers further. Many on the board were accused of being too restrictive to smokers.

Question began to arise as to where smokers would be permitted to smoke in nYC aside from their own private property. the ban brought the council to question long term effects. “are we going to be back here in five years talking about a ban on smoking in households that have children in them?” Dr. farley asked. “what’s the line in the sand?” “we pay exorbitant sin taxes and now on top of it we can’t even smoke it? we make the conscious decision to slowly kill ourselves. we have the right to do that, but the new bans are heinous, outlandish and un-american,” junior ryan LaMarca said. another new law that has been implemented that affects nYC drivers went into effect on Oct. 21. Hayley and Diego’s Law, named after two children. in 2009 a runaway van in Chinatown struck and killed Hayley ng and Diego Martinez when a careless driver left his van idle. the vehicle reversed down a hill into the two preschoolers on their way to class. this van’s driver was never charged or convicted for his crime. this law could place a careless driver into jail for fifteen days upon injuring or killing a pedestrian or cyclist.

Interested in applying for the National Science Foundation Scholarship? the next deadline for 2011-2013 applications is March 31, 2011 For more information visit: seidenberg.pace.edu cbs.com


October 27, 2010


Organizational Council Meeting shows student disappointment From Page 1 romaine explained that many students transfer out of the University because of their extreme struggles with financial aid. she reiterated that many students cannot afford to attend the University as it is and that a poor financial aid department only makes things worse. the presentation ended with some student suggestions for financial aid. students believed that financial aid should be upfront early on, be organized, be knowledgeable, be professional and be responsible. all of these things, students felt, are not currently present. “i now have to pay monthly out of pocket money, a measure that should not have to be taken by me,” Boyle said. “there have also been other consequences of the sluggish pace and negligence in the way my loan has been handled by the Pace financial aid office. “My sister attends a school of 30,000 undergraduate students and she has never had a problem with her school certi-

fying her loan,” Boyle added. Director of financial aid Mark stephens, spoke briefly after the presentation, which ended with a standing ovation. He was not able to speak very long, due to time constraints, but he said that “students who struggled [or are struggling] with financial aid should contact [him] individually at Mstephens@pace.edu.” stephens addressed the need and desire for financial aid to sit down with sGa and get the financial aid department on track. romaine’s speech truly struck a chord with many students. “i felt it was very uplifting to see that someone is trying to make a change, because so many students have been through the same things i have, and it was nice to know that i was not alone,” sophomore stephanie Kozofsky said. another Organizational Council Community Meeting is scheduled for nov. 16 and is open all students who wish to attend.

Are you struggling with your financial aid? Is your enrollment at the university at risk? Contact Director of Financial Aid, Mark Stephens, at: Mstephens@pace.edu

University hosts sold out Homecoming concert at One Pace Plaza Fabolous and others perform at P.A.C.E. Board’s annual music event IvoNNA tHoMpSoN news eDitOr

the University’s nYC campus’ Programming and Campus entertainment (P.a.C.e.) Board and student Development and Campus activities (sDaCa) hosted the fall 2010 Homecoming concert, which sold out this year for the first time. the three artists featured — r&B singer Miguel, hip hop group Cali swag District and rapper fabolous — performed in the University’s gymnasium. Mike Barber from the series “i want to work for Diddy” hosted the concert. DJ spynfo played music throughout the night and in between performances. spynfo played a variety of music including pop, hip hop, club music, r&B, techno and more. all world Music and DJ stylez from the PLV campus opened the concert and paid homage to the recent passing of both Max Moreno and Danry “DJ” Henry respectively. stylez asked the crowd to put their cell phones in the air for Henry and a moment of silence.

after the moment of silence stylez said, “now i didn’t know Max Moreno but i heard he liked to party and i knew my boy DJ he loved to party.” the performers from all world Music wore t-shirts dedicated to Henry. One of the shirts read, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” stylez asked the crowd to put one finger in the air for Moreno and another for Henry. in unison the crowd put their fingers up making peace signs. stylez then followed and said, “Let’s spread more peace.” all world Music performed their singles “Queens i see You” and “i’m smacked.” they thanked the audience for their time and closed their set. after their set spynfo did a Jay-Z montage for Moreno — particularly the song “forever Young” — because Jay-Z was Moreno’s favorite rapper. Miguel took the stage shortly after and performed his singles “sure thing,” “strawberry amazing” and current hit “all i want is You.” “i really enjoyed the show i was surprised by Miguel — he can dance

university mascot t-bone setter and rapper Fabolous

r&b singer miguel

and sing. Pace did a good job,” junior whitney Delbridge said. Before Cali swag District Barber decided to have a “Dougie” competition. the Dougie dance is what goes along with Cali swag District’s hit single “teach Me How to Dougie.” the winner of the contest was able

to meet Cali swag District after the concert during the meet and greet. Cali swag District kept the fans entertained and connected with them by singing directly to an individual fan, jumping into the ViP section and jumping off stage to touch fans. the main songs they performed were current single “where You are” and their aforementioned smash hit “teach Me How to Dougie.” Before fabolous performed, Dean for students Marijo russell O’Grady crowned the Homecoming King and Queen. the winners were sophomore Michael welbrock for Homecoming King and junior samantha Bassford for Homecoming Queen. spynfo started a rave as he hyped the crowd with techno and screamed into the microphone, “i wanna see everyone jump up and down and pump their fists.” in unison, the crowd jumped up and down pumping their fists in excitement prior to fabolous’ performance. after the interval of music from spynfo, fabolous’ deejay took the sound system and said, “Pace University, make some noise!”

from backstage fabolous said, “Can i do what i came here to do? i don’t know what i’m a do, but i’m a do it.” fans welcomed fabolous with both applause and cheering. fabolous performed all of his hit singles from the past decade including, “Can’t Deny it,” “Young’n,” “Make Me Better,” “Can’t Let you Go,” “Breathe,” “Baby Don’t Go,” “so into You,” “superwoman,” “Lights Out (i Don’t see nobody)” and “throw it in the Bag.” fabolous also performed several of his songs that he was featured on like “rockin that shit (remix)” with the-Dream, Chris Brown’s “Deuces (remix)” and ne-Yo’s “she Got Her Own (remix).” at the end of his set fabolous thanked the University for having him. senior Christian Contreras said, “i thought the concert was great. all the artists did a really good job. fabolous tore it down. He is a true performer.” the next P.a.C.e. Board event will be amateur night at the Michael schimmel Center for the arts on nov. 11 from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m.

Hip hop group cali swag District all photos by David Clark



October 27, 2010

N.J. Governor Chris Christie opposes Hudson River Tunnel Interstate commuters are displeased with the decision regarding the budget CRAIG HELD staff writer

new Jersey Governor Chris Christie ended the project to build a new transit tunnel under the Hudson on Oct. 7. the project, called access to the region’s Core (arC), was to double commuter train capacity from new Jersey to Midtown Manhattan. according to arC’s official website, the project consisted of two new tracks under the Hudson river and the new Jersey Palisades which would service the newly constructed Meadowlands station. it would have included a new six-track expansion of the new Jersey transit hub in Penn station, a new rail loop adjacent to the frank Lautenberg secaucus Junction that would allow train lines from northwestern, n.J. to reach Manhattan without a transfer and a new storage yard in Kearny, new Jer-

sey initial plans were open for further expansion into Manhattan contingent on future funding. in 1995, under former Gov. Christine todd whitman, arC began its initial testing of the environmental impact a project of this capacity would have. tests continued until 2003 when contracts began to be awarded for the construction of the first part of the tunnel. On June 8, 2009, the first ground was broken in north Bergen, n.J. for the first railroad underpass. at the time of the cancellation, construction had already begun on the Palisades tunnels. Gov. Christie has pledged to slash government spending across the board. in september, Gov. Christie halted all construction of the project claiming that it could go over $1 billion over budget, which new Jersey could not afford to pay at the time. On top of mass transit delays and train crowding, riders

DADT policy and DOMA in jeopardy of getting overturned StEpHANIE BouvIA staff writer

federal Judge Virginia Phillips issued a nationwide injunction immediately stopping the enforcement of the military's 17-year-old "Don't ask, Don't tell" (DaDt) policy, declaring it unconstitutional on Oct. 12. Judge Phillips also ordered the government to suspend and discontinue all pending discharge proceedings and investigations under the policy. the DaDt policy prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of service members and bans those who are openly gay. Under the 1993 policy, men and women in service who acknowledge being gay or are discovered engaging in homosexual activity, even in the privacy of their own homes off base, may be discharged. Both Democrats and republicans have debated the policy. supporters of the policy believe that the disclosure of sexual orientation among homosexuals in the military could lead to discomfort and a loss of morale among troops. those against the policy claim it is a violation of an individual’s natural rights and anyone in the military, homosexual or not, should be allowed to acknowledge their sexual orientation. “i feel that if you are gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian and want to fight for our country then you should be able to,” sophomore Gina DeMay said.

“if you can pass all the physical tests then [sexual orientation] shouldn’t matter,” sophomore Lindsay Mitchell agreed. Homosexual military members were warned not to make their sexual orientation public yet. it is believed that the Justice Department will appeal the decision. if that happens, the case would be brought to the U.s. Court of appeals for the 9th Circuit, where the decision could be reversed. the federal government has 60 days to appeal the decision made by Judge Phillips, but the Justice Department attorneys have not said whether or not they will. the Obama administration appealed a court ruling declaring the 1996 Defense of Marriage act (DOMa) unconstitutional on Oct.13. the law defines marriage as being between a man and a woman only. this excludes states such as Massachusetts, iowa and Connecticut, which have allowed same-sex marriage, challenging the federal law. the U.s. Justice Department filed an appeal, in favor of the original court ruling. the future of equality is currently unclear, however many people are speculating as to whether or not these policies will be declared unconstitutional. “i feel like [the government] will validate [same-sex marriage] as a legal partnership, not a ‘marriage,’” sophomore stephanie Kozofsky said.

saw a 25 percent increase on n.J. transit rail fares this summer. according to official n.J. transit documents, the fare increase is attributed to a $300 million budget gap, the loss of federal stimulus funds and a decrease in ridership. sophomore and new Jersey commuter Kristen Hamue was not happy when the news of the cancellation broke. “after the price went up, i really thought the [arC] would allow me to finally see where all my money is going.” she added, “now, we’re right back where we started,” Hamue said. a day after Gov. Christie’s announcement, it was reported that he had met with representatives from the Department of transportation in order to revive the project. since new Jersey had withdrawn its initial funding, all federal funding was pulled from the project as well. if arC is to continue, new Jersey would have to enter into another agreement with the federal government to subsidize the cost of the project.

Criminal Justice Society takes a trip to Manhattan District Attorney’s office JoRDYN GARCIA-CAREY COntriBUtOr

the University’s Criminal Justice society went on a visit to the Manhattan Courthouse and District attorney’s (Da) office located in Downtown Manhattan on Oct.15. the new York County Da’s Office is responsible for prosecuting a variety of crimes, but it focuses on driving under the influence (DUi) charges and domestic violence cases. students met assistant District attorney (aDa) Dwayne Hansen. Hansen is two years into his standard three-year commitment to the Da’s office. the cases seen at the courthouse arraignments are offenses committed within the past 24 hours, creating a large number of cases to be heard and prompting what Hansen refers to as the “constant battle against the pile.”

I didn’t think there would be so much commotion. It’s definitely not like “Law and order.” -Ieasha Ford, student in January, Cyrus Vance was appointed to the Da position. according to Hansen, one of Vance’s chief objectives is attempting to “relieve the congestion of criminal courts.” the majority of students in the Criminal Justice society want to pursue criminal justice or law. the de-

mands of working in nYC’s legal system were apparent, as were the mistaken perceptions of life in the Da’s office. “it was very chaotic. the justice system is totally different from what the media shows us,” freshman angelica rodriguez said, about the stressed nature of the job. amidst the hustle of some of new York’s finest attorneys, the stressful nature of the job was exemplified. Other students saw the difference between perception and reality. freshman ieasha ford said, “i didn’t think there would be so much commotion. it’s definitely not like ‘Law and Order,’” freshman ieasha ford said. the majority of the ‘commotion’ could be seen during the arraignment process, where the criminal is seen before a judge for the first time. it is here that an aDa suggests an appropriate bail for the criminal’s offenses. Hansen described the experience as, “exciting, very rewarding [and] very stressful.” while the courtrooms have a strict no cell phone policy, during arraignments phones are often used to check the validity of an offender’s addresses and employment. at times an observer can even see various security guards checking the status of their PDas. when asked about the possible rivalry between prosecutors and defense attorneys, Hansen described the relationship as being “two sides to the same coin.” Both need the other to maintain their own professions and to uphold citizens’ constitutional rights. He also emphasized that the philosophy of the office is “we prosecute crimes, not people.”

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October 27, 2010

Maria’s Tower fourth floor green roof slowly sees progression Professor and interns seek funding and help from faculty and students JAMES RYDER staff writer

the United states environmental Protection agency (ePa) region 2 has partnered with the University to develop a 30,000 square foot green roof on the fourth floor of Maria’s tower. University biology professor Dr. Michael Levandowsky and student interns, seniors syed Mohsin and Michelle Passalacqua, are maintaining the green roof project. according to the ePa’s website, the green roof is supposed to be the largest and first publically accessible, municipally supported green roof in Lower Manhattan. engineered green roof systems differ from traditional rooftop gardens by implementing much more vast cultivating techniques, rather than heavy pots and planters. according to the ePa, green roofs are viable solutions to pollution from water runoff. the lack of information on what they are and whether or not they are monetarily profitable has so far proven to be the biggest detriment to their usage. while green roofs may take a lot of time and energy, requiring extensive drainage and structural developments, the benefits are immeasurable. for instance, green roofs may mitigate urban heat and reduce energy emissions caused by an increased usage of air conditioning in urban settings. in addition, green roofs may improve the air quality in cities by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. according to Dr. Levandowsky, green roof projects have begun in other cities as well. in Chicago, ill., half of the City Hall roof is currently a fully functioning green roof. the other half is owned by the county and is therefore inaccessible to the public for green roof purposes. in Chicago, ill. the engineers have stated that in summers the green roof portion of City Hall is at least ten degrees Celsius cooler than the portion owned by Cook County. Other cities, such as salt Lake City, Utah have also begun to implement green roof projects into their building plans. “Usually, native and shallow root plants are preferable for such developments. Highly-functioning green roof projects, anything above and beyond simple rooftop planter gardens, is a technology that was originally developed in Germany,” Dr. Levandowsky said. Dr. Levandowsky also explained that one of the main benefits to widespread green roof projects all over urban environments is their ability to absorb rainfall runoff. During rainy seasons, many cities’ sewage systems are overwhelmed and result in flooding and, in some cases, raw sewage leaking into the streets. “it is exciting that students are allowed to tour what will be the future garden. it is a step. when you look at it, however, it looks like the same state it has been in forever. “i do not know why it takes so long to create an inexpensive green roof, but things move slow i guess,” University Dyson Greenhouse group Peer Leader Justin teitell said. the cost of maintenance and upkeep of such a project, as well as the structural adjustments to the University’s roof that would allow for students to actively participate in

green roof activities, far exceeds the funds allotted to the current project. Originally the head of the regional ePa suggested to former University president David a. Caputo that the fourth floor of the University would be an ideal location for a working green roof. some federal money became available for the project, Dr. Levandowsky said, “but the idea was that the city would largely control the design [and] designers, etc.” following Caputo’s resignation as president, the University was in debt that prevented the continuation of the green roof project. a small grant from the ePa was given for initial measurements of the area and for the small, experimental plots, which are currently on the roof. when asked what the green roof project would need, Passalacqua said, “More students need to get involved if it’s actually going to take off.” in addition, more funds need to be available for the project, maintenance and expansion of the green roof. a student-involved, working green roof would add to the University community immensely, Dr. Levandowsky and his interns said. in terms of providing a hands-on supplement to several science departments and to Dr. robert Chapman’s environmental studies program, the project could also involve students in the University community. teitell plans to speak with interim Honors College Director and political science professor Dr. Meghana naya about potentially partnering with Dr. Levandowsky, Passalacqua and Mohsin.

1. Dr. Levandowsky maintains the green roof along with other students and is positive on the possibility of expanding the green roof even further.



2. several more plant boxes were placed as a part of the experimental phase to see how the vegetation would thrive. 3. the ePa hopes that the University’s project will eventually cover the entire rooftop, as it could be an essential addition to the City.

all photos by JAMES RYDER





October 27, 2010

University’s Oktoberfest celebrates traditional fall festivities BEtHANY o’GRADY staff writer

the University hosted an Oktoberfest event for students in the campus courtyard on Oct. 20. to start off Homecoming weekend, the University provided free food, drinks, entertainment and music with a German twist. “i think that all students like free stuff,” junior Diyala shannak said. “Like any other event at [the University], Oktoberfest is a nice break for us. the space is open and it’s nice and relaxing.” Beer hall inspired benches were placed in the courtyard for attendees to sit down and eat their dishes and gulp their drinks in between classes. Caterers served beef stroganoff,

sausage, sauerkraut, potato pancakes and baked potatoes for attendees. a pretzel machine was set up next to the dessert table with German chocolate cake, carrot cake and cookies. “the food is good. i tried everything and liked the sausage and potatoes. it was typical German food,” sophomore Leonardo Cassin said. the biggest draw to the University’s Oktoberfest was the beer garden. students who were 21 and older were allowed to select from a variety of German-inspired beers in a sectioned off area underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. “they have Paulaner in the beer garden. i don’t know if i should go buy one. i want to, but if i start drinking i won’t stop!” senior

andrew Goncalves said. an array of games and entertainment added to the exciting atmosphere at the University’s Oktoberfest. students battled each other with blow up batons on the inflatable pseudo-wrestling ring as students took their turns throwing beanbags at metal bottles. a “Dance Dance revolution” machine attracted a long line of people and so did the ‘clawdrop’ toy machine. a band set up in the middle of the courtyard and played tunes appropriate for the occasion. “they had some nice Bavarian inspired music going,” senior Bill fiedler said. “aside from the music, the whole event was great. it showed how the University’s community tries to give back to the students.”

Have any thoughts about Homecoming or other festivities from the weekend? Email us at news@pacepress.org!


1. a sign for the Oktoberfest 2010 event’s entrance hung in the University’s courtyard to attract students. 2. Decorations included German-inspired street signs affixed to street lamps placed throughout the courtyard area. 3. students over the age of 21 gathered in the beer garden for a drink and some snacks after classes.


3 all photos by BEtHANY o’GRADY

October 27, 2010





Editorial Board


The era of tech babies A woman in charge

My 20-month-old son, Luca, was watching his first episode of “tom and Jerry.” i pointed to Jerry and said “Look, mouse!” He went into the other room and came back holding a computer mouse. i sat, stunned, before breaking out into laughter. it struck me as odd that a baby’s first experience of a “mouse” would not be a cute animation on tV or a drawing in a storybook, but a component of a computer. then i started to think about all the electronic-related activities that make up my son’s day. since the age of 13 months, he has been watching Youtube videos. it started off innocently with my motherin-law showing him italian songs such as “Volevo un gatto nero” and “ninna nonna mamma.” these songs had videos composed of little animations that made the message of the song clear even to me, someone who is still in the process of learning italian. “ninna nonna mamma” is our favorite, a lullaby which has a video composed of various photographs of babies sleeping in the arms of a teddy bear, rose petals and the like. Luca even calls sleeping “ninna nonna.” By the time Luca was 16 months, he knew Youtube as we know it — a Godlike compilation of anything and everything in the world. He knew that he could watch entire episodes, or only theme songs, of his favorite shows: “Yo Gabba Gabba” and “Dora the explorer.” One day, when he was being particularly aggressive with the computer, my mother-in-law turned it off and told him it was broken. He then proceeded to “fix” the problem: he banged on the keyboard keys to bring the computer back from screensaver mode and turned the screen on and off. realizing the computer was turned


off; he then pointed at the tower and told her to turn it on. all at the age when i was possibly amazed by cartoons running around in a little black box. aside from the computer, he also knows how to call somebody on the cell phone and the house phone. He knows how to turn the phone on when it rings and off after saying “bye!” Luca knows that there is a button on cell phones that can take him to “pictures” where he can look at the “baby.” He also knows that cameras are only for pictures and that the pictures can scroll back and forth. although Luca may not know that the little black square is called an iPod touch, he knows that the headphones put into his ears have music. He is aware that the box with “Yo Gabba Gabba” on the cover has a disc inside that will show an entire episode when put into the DVD player. it may seem that we are far too young to say “back in my day,” but are we really? although we hear much about our preteen siblings and cousins spending too much time on facebook and video games, rarely do we hear about technology’s impact on babies. it seems like only yesterday when i walked into the public library and learned how to use a computer and a search engine. now, anyone can access virtually anything with an internet connection. Grandparents are being forced to learn the computer in order to stay in touch with family, and for some, to keep their jobs. amidst all this, babies are coming into the world learning how to use a computer before they can even speak in full sentences. the babies of today are being born into an era of technology; where technology grew up along us, they are growing up into it. i wonder, what impact will this have on their generation?


GreenPace giving out sustainability awards a new award has stepped onto the scene here at Pace University, and is pushing for the spotlight over blue and gold — Green! GreenPace (a university-wide committee dedicated to promoting sustainability at Pace), is now offering awards to students, staff, faculty members, clubs, groups and organizations that put forth the effort to go green! sustainability — well more like lack thereof — is an increasing concern in our world today. it is important to recognize people who take steps toward creating a sustainable world. for those who aren’t familiar with sustainability, it basically means "development that meets the needs of

the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” anyone can be nominated for the GreenPace award as long as there is an obvious commitment to helping our beautiful campuses become as green as the emerald City! the award can be extended to any person or group of people on any of the Pace campuses. to nominate someone for the GreenPace award, go to: Pace.edu/sustainability. for questions, contact angelo spillo (aspillo@pace.edu) or sue Maxam (smaxam@pace.edu). nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis!

the pace press Lynn Rickert Editor-In-Chief Natalie Gavilanes Executive Editor Kim Bui Associate Editor Kaitlynn Blyth Managing Editor Ivonna thompson News Editor Katherine Riley Features Editor Brian Rentas Arts Editor Kate Hamzik Copy Editor Hilda Adeniji Digital Illustrator Leucepe Martinez Business & Ads Manager DJ McErlean-Hopson Web Editor Rachel Menth Distribution Manager Mark McSherry Faculty Consultant



i’m a Democrat. it’s certainly an awkward way to preface an article but it’s important in the context of what i am about to say. this election season i am putting aside my partisan difference to give my full support to the republican candidate for Congress in the 19th district, Dr. nan Hayworth. i had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Hayworth in early October as i traveled to her campaign office in Carmel, nY to assist her in debate prep at the behest of a close friend, Jesse Dwyer. i came into the her campaign office that day a staunch supporter of her opponent, Congressman John Hall, and left the office that day firmly convinced that Dr. Hayworth was the best candidate to represent the 19th district in the U.s House of representatives. i have met a number of politicians including President Obama and sparred with the likes of former House speaker newt Gingrich and have never been as impressed and passionate about a candidate as i am about Dr. Hayworth. speaking with Dr. Hayworth on a number of occasions i can say undoubtedly that the 19th district will have an honest, passionate, thoughtful and consistent conservative in Congress if she is elected. while Dr. Hayworth and i disagree about certain things i can certainly agree with her when she says that our government has spun out of control and our politics have devolved into an appalling circus show where people get ahead by trying to beat one another in a game of

“who can be more outrageous.” this country needs more adult leadership in the halls of power and unfortunately that is just not what we have been getting. we deserve better as americans and Dr. Hayworth can set the tone for what real leaders should be like. Dr. Hayworth is a consistent conservative who has made it clear that the only thing government should be doing is insuring that the homeland is protected and justice is administered under the law. Government shouldn’t be running up massive deficits and telling law abiding citizens what they can do in their personal lives. that is not the role of the federal government, never should be and Dr. Hayworth has been consistent in stating that. Dr. Hayworth wants to reduce the size of our federal deficit and return power back to the private sector where jobs are created. with a $13.6 trillion national debt, that can be attributed to reckless policies of both republicans and Democrats, i cannot agree with her more. strong fiscal policies that favor individuals and not government is the best remedy for fixing our ailing economy and Dr. Hayworth can deliver that prescription for the 19th district. i have been so impressed by Dr. Hayworth and her message and leadership that i have become an active volunteer on her campaign. On nov. 2 i urge the voters of the 19th district to send a strong leader to congress, Dr. Hayworth.

Mel Bailey Anneliese Blommestein Stephanie Bouvia Cristina Cerbelli Kimberly Cung Joanna Gonzalez Stephanie Hansen Craig Held Tony James Erica Kelly Jessica LaRosa Nazary Nelebuk Bethany O’Grady James Ryder Amanda Schiavo Vibha Solanki Christa Tandana Quinn Wasson Julia Yeung

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 NewYork, NY 10038 www.pacepress.org editor@pacepress.org Copyright 2010

October 27, 2010



College Music Journal Music Marathon comes to NYC music venues Guitar cases, hipsters and bright laminated badges — it must be CMJ time! College Music Journal (CMJ) Music Marathon 2010 took over hundreds of NYC venues over the past week. With over 1,000 different artists performing, CMJ badge holders were able to experience many great performances — on top of all of the individual music showcases, CMJ hosted film festivals, panel discussions and even an event entitled CMJ Play that celebrated the intersection of music and gaming. With events hosted everywhere from dive bars in Brooklyn all the way to the enormous Madison Square Garden, the variety within the line up allowed music fans to find their own niche.

The Pace Press was able to check out a handful of showcases and events throughout the week. Here are some of the highlights!



2 INNERPARTYSYSTEM innerpartysystem performed a jaw-dropping set at the Music Hall of williamsburg Oct. 20. Combining their potent brand of electro-rock with an amazing stage presence and some killer stage lighting, the threepiece originally from Pennsylvania set the bar high for other performances throughout the week. the venue acted as a perfect nightclub setting for this band, who have a sound that is equal parts thought-provoking and dance-ensuing. Blasting through hits from their

to kick off CMJ week, Comedy Central and the syndicate hosted the Conflict of interest party at rebel Oct. 18. a night filled with music and comedy, the lineup for the evening included music by bands Kitten, Oh Land, Dale earnhardt Jr. Jr., comedian Bo Burnham, vocal magician reggie watts and music veterans nada surf. with limited space, attending the event was on a first come first serve basis, with a line starting outside the venue well before doors opened. Kitten, a pop-rock band from Los angeles, Calif. warmed up the crowd. singer Chloe Chaidez gave off a Karen O vibe, donning face

paint, a short pixie-bob type hair cut and her exuberant stage presence. Jumping on amps and with headbanger type head shakes, Chaidez was all over the stage. Oh Land had a tantric feel with her soothing vocals and light tribal like rhythms and keys. Her set included bright lights and a cluster of balloons that later turned into a cluster of "floating heads" with the help of a projector, displaying an array of faces that appeared to be singing along with her. Bo Burnham's tall frame hovered over the audience as he made his way to the stage. Playing some of his more familiar comedic songs, Burnham

Continued on Page 10



self-titled debut as well as their latest single, “american trash,” and unreleased material, innerpartysystem kept up the pace with their set, constantly laying out epic live remixes and samples. One song that stood out from the pack would be “Last night in Brooklyn,” a slower song with a heavy rhythm. the song incited huge dance pits within the packed venue. adding to the already edgy song were three light panels displayed on the stage, which, when

used in conjunction with house lighting, led to a display that meshed well with the music. while they played an extremely impressive set, the band served as only openers for Head automatica, which started as a side project for Glassjaw frontman Daryl Palumbo, showed off their electro-pop flair to the audience, who craved the chance to see this band live. while innerpartysystem did perform astonishingly, Head automatica stole the show for most of the audience.

1- Jesse Gabriel of The Narrative 2- Suzie Zeldin of The Narrative 3- Zach Gehring of Mae 4- Reggie Watts 5- Fred Mascherino of Terrible Things all photos by KIM BuI


October 27, 2010



The Pace Press was able to speak to performer reggie watts at the Conflict of interest party and talk to him about his voice, his music and how he gets his hair so big. The Pace Press (TPP): Your sounds are very organic, is there a certain way you come up with them? Reggie Watts (RW): i usually start with a feeling, a mood i’m in…and just kind of go for it. i start a beat, and then that beat forms the next thing and i build on everything on top of that. it’s really kind of in the moment, but it usually starts with a kind of feeling. Maybe i want something experimental sounding or maybe like a slow tempo and then i just go for it. TPP: Do you have your sounds and

beats reflect certain emotions? RW: Yeah. i don’t want to do something i’ve done before. so i’ll actively try to do something different. a lot of times when i’m just hanging around my house or walking down the street i’ll think of really interesting ideas that are very different than what i end up doing on stage. [Ones] that i would like to do on stage but end up forgetting because i’m improvising when i get on stage…sometimes i try to stop and force myself like ‘what was one of those ideas?’ and try to do something close to it. TPP: Do you have any way to keep track of those ideas? RW: it’s hard because i’m horrible at remembering to record things. even if

i bring recording gear to record myself, i’ll always forget. i’ll go onstage and forget to press record. i mean, if i had someone following me like ‘i’m going to record your stuff for you!’ but even then i wouldn’t even know how to go through [with] it. i’m so used to just doing it, and then if it’s a good enough idea it will come back. TPP: since your voice is very unique, how do you take care of your voice? Do you refrain from smoking or drinking at all? RW: Yeah. i use a vaporizer…or cookies. [laughs] i don’t like drinking either. it don’t really like the taste of alcohol and it also makes my throat feel fucked up. so i just try and stay away from anything that hurts my throat…and i al-

Continued on Page 11

Turn to page 11 to read The Pace Press’ interview with comedian Bo Burnham!


5 Nada Surf


a new project composed of former taking Back sunday guitarist fred Mascherino, Coheed and Cambria drummer Josh eppard and Hot rod Circuit vocalist and guitarist andy Jackson called terrible things performed at Gramercy theatre Oct. 20. the band is currently on the "Goodbye, Goodnight" farewell tour for indie band Mae. Mascherino, eppard and Jackson came together to bring us a new rock sound with their debut album Terrible Things released this past august. with pounding drums and anthem-like guitar riffs, their sound supported Mascherino's claim that rock isn't dead. the band intertwined various songs throughout their set. "terrible things," the self titled song is the perfect example of what this band is all about. the catchy chorus had crowd members singing along, "we're doing terrible things/ Just doing terrible things." their latest single "revolution" was also a crowd favorite. with guitar solos, faster tempos and group choruses, the song really does feel like chants to a youth's revolution. "Been Here Before," and "Lullaby" were dramatically softer, while the strong lyrics belted by Mascherino's voice were full of emotion.

Continued on Page 12


nada surf performed to a packed house at Mercury Lounge for CMJ friday night at 1 a.m. the band, who have released six albums to date, definitely have developed a following since they first formed in the 1990s. while it might have made more sense to let a bigger band like nada surf play at a larger venue to fit the crowd they would likely draw, the intimate venue made for a more personal performance and a chance to see the band close up. nada surf also performed at Monday night’s CMJ kick-off Conflict of

interest party and played a similar set at their friday night showcase. they mixed it up a little by including “Blonde on Blonde,” a track from 2002’s Let Go that the crowd met with much applause, and talking to the crowd more between songs. Lead singer Matthew Caws told the crowd about his “brush with crime” earlier that day when he sampled some soup from a grocery store, felt guilty about it and ended up telling the cashier and paying her for more than the amount of soup he’d had. some audience members seemed amused by

his awkward storytelling, while others just screamed for more songs. the band played a few cover songs from their latest record If I Had a Hi-Fi, released this year and featuring many other cover songs, including the Go-Between’s “Love Goes On” and Depeche Mode’s “enjoy the silence.” they closed out their set with two songs from 2005’s This Weight is a Gift: “always Love,” which was requested by many in the crowd, and “Blankest Year,” their most danceable tune.

4 Generationals BY LYNN RICKERT new Orleans-based band the Generationals performed in the back of Littlefield, a performance art space in Gowanus, Brooklyn. the room was a small overly air-conditioned warehouse with a stage area barely a foot off the ground. the band mainly consists of ted Joyner and Grant widmer, who alternate vocals and guitar with back-up vocals and bass, as well as drummer tess Brunet. another unnamed guitarist also performed with them. the audience was a mixed crowd of both older and younger people, who widmer described as “a drunk family reunion” as the group seemed to know a lot of the audience members. when he wasn’t singing lead vocals, widmer grinned the whole time he played and seemed to be having a great time. He mainly carried the between-song banter, with Joyner occasionally speaking up. the crowd appeared to know most of the songs, especially “when they fight, they fight,” which features Joyner on lead vocals with back-up from Brunet. On their album, Con Law, this track makes Joyner sound so high-pitched that he

could be mistaken for a 1960s female pop singer. the song overall has a very old-school rock’n’roll vibe. On “faces in the Dark,” a track sung by widmer, the band “rocked out” more than on the album version, as widmer said they would before launching into the song. the band also explained that they have been working on an eP called Trust, which will be released in november. they played a song from it, which the audience danced along to and which widmer said, “you’ll have to dream about” until the eP comes out. after playing a cover song by another CMJ artist, Lower Dens, called “i Get nervous,” widmer promoted Brunet’s band au ras au ras. Brunet has a Kickstarter.com project set up to raise money for her debut album and widmer suggested everyone donate to the project. Before launching into their last song of the night, widmer said, “i just have the urge to play [aerosmith’s] ‘sweet emotion’ right now.” instead, the band finished up with “trust,” the title track off of their yetto-be-released eP.

Other CMJ bands worth checking out: With over 700 different showcases occurring throughout the week, it was easy to miss a couple of awesome performances. Next time around, be sure to check out these great artists.

Avey Tare Bad Books Fake Problems First Aid Kit Lady Danville Lower Dens Neutral Uke Hotel The Pains of Being Pure at Heart The Postelles Wavves



October 27, 2010

The Metropolitan Museum of Art presents “Big Bambu” Outer aspects may challenge the makeup of our bodies, but we continue to evolve and flourish despite of them. the naturalness of the almost chaotically composed bamboo is a fixture among views of the buzzing urbanities that make up nYC. the bamboo poles that were once bright and callous during the first phase of its installation are now browned, having bore the brunt of the city’s pollution. Yet “Big Bambu” remains strong and intact during its final weeks at the Met, just as our bodies do over the course of our lives. During its run, “Big Bambu: You Can’t stop, You Don’t stop and You won’t stop” endured bouts of heavy rain, dropping temperatures, sporadic hailstorms and the weight of approximately 400,000 visitors who climbed the spindling thickets of bamboo. the exhibit, which is open during regular museum hours, will close on Oct. 31.

BEtHANY o’GRADY staff writer

statuesquely perched atop the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of art lies a monumental bamboo structure entitled “Big Bambu: You Can’t, You Don’t and You won’t stop.” “Big Bambu” combines the pleasing aesthetics of sculpture, with the science of architecture in an interactive performance art piece. the installation invites museum patrons to explore the interior of the work, akin in semblance to that of a colossal bird’s nest. twin brothers and artistic innovators, Doug and Mike starn, completed the first phase of the three-phase roof top exhibit in april. set against the twinkling skyline of the Upper east side of Manhattan, the initial piece consisted of a network of 5,000 30 to 40 foot long interlocking bamboo poles bound together by nylon roping. the piece boasted measurements of 100-feet long, 50-feet wide and 30feet high. throughout the summer months, the artists continued to build the structure upwards with imported organic bamboo from a farm in Georgia and a plantation in south Carolina. Currently, it is in its third phase,


Over 5,000 individual bamboo poles comprise the massive exhibit.

reaching 50-feet in height. the evolution of the work, along with the ever-changing appearance of the materials used, is symbolic of life itself. the innumerous singular pieces of organic bamboo intertwined to cre-

New York Comedy Festival set for Nov. 3-7 MEL BAILEY staff writer

the seventh annual new York Comedy festival will be hosted at numerous locations throughout the city nov. 3-7. the festival welcomes several famous comedians, promising to leave you telling humorous stories of your own. the festival is an annual event that began in 2004 and is produced in association with Comedy Central. Comedians scheduled to appear at the festival include Gabriel iglesias, Kevin Hart, Louis C.K., adam Carolla, aziz ansari, Brian regan, Joel McHale, Margaret Cho, Luis Jimenez, Patrice O’neal, Maz Jobrani, ed Lover, tracey Morgan, Dick Gregory and the infamous rosie O’Donnell. this year, comedians will perform at locations such as the Beacon theatre, Carnegie Hall, town Hall, Hammerstein Ballroom, Carolines on Broadway, the avery fisher Hall and Lincoln Center. Of all comedians in the lineup, junior sarah ashey is most excited about Louis C.K. “Louis C.K. is an amazing comedian. He’s brutally honest and talks about things people don’t even dream about talking about with their friends. Case in point, his stand up about masturbating after 9/11. C.K. is brilliant!” events will be hosted throughout nYC, giving the public an opportunity to meet and greet with their fa-

vorite comedians from their favorite television shows. On nov. 4, the cast of Comedy’s Central’s “Ugly americans,” will make an appearance at the apple store in soHo. time Out Live is an event that will be held at the Upright Citizens Brigade theatre also on nov. 4. for only $5, audience members can see break out comedians performing stand-up, storytelling and musical comedy. tickets for the shows range from $20 to $56, depending on the comedian performing. tickets are available for purchase on the festival’s website and all shows are currently 18+. ashey said that what makes good comedy is “honesty. it’s always painful to try to watch someone be over the top just for a laugh. Cheap laughs are what they are, but there’s nothing like an ‘aha’ laugh. the laugh when the audience gets ‘it’ is so much more rewarding.”


ate a solid whole suggest both the complexities and wonders of the very systems that our bodies are crafted of. “Big Bambu” represents the arteries we possess that enable our blood to flow, the synapses that fire in

our brain to carry information and the bones that join together to give us a stable foundation. intricate multifaceted networks rely on each other and culminate within our bodies to erect the human’s majestic composition.

visit Big Bambu at the Met before it gets too cold! tickets are available to purchase for a guided tour of the symbolic structure’s interior.

CMJ festival took over NYC From Page 8 also performed new material with a new style. with loops tracks and even wittier material — if that is even possible — Burnham was well received with nonstop laughter and applause from the audience. reggie watts amazed everyone as a human beat box machine. Using just his voice, a looping machine and a few beats or a stroke of a keyboard key, watts' sound is like no other. Combining humorous one liners and music, his sound is experimental and very much organic and created in the moment. Dale earnhardt Jr. Jr. appeared on the stage in — what else? — nascar-style car racing suits of course. with the words "Jr. Jr." in giant lights on either side of the stage, their set was very interactive with lights flashing along with choruses and beats. some songs played included "simple Girl," with light whistling and chimes, while "nothing But Our Love," had more definite backbeats, keys and synths. with a folk-psychedelic type feel, their set was energetic but relaxing at the same time. audience members found themselves either dancing of swaying along. either way, it seemed no one could help tap-

ping a toe or bobbing along to the songs. nada surf, the headliners of the evening were welcomed by a large eager crowd when they finally took to the stage a little after midnight. nada surf played songs off of almost every one of their albums, including Let Go, This Weight is a Gift, and Lucky. they played fan-favorites like "weightless," "what is Your secret" and always Love." it seemed they had something for everyone during their set that lasted nearly 90 minutes. a nada surf show would not be complete without performing "Blankest Year." with lyrics like "aw fuck it!/ i'm gonna have a party!" they finished out the show with a bang. after the band finished, however, they performed it a second time with fans rushing onto the stage to sing and dance along. not only did guests get to see this amazing line-up for free, but anyone who arrived at the event early enough was able to receive a free giftbag provided by various sponsors. swag included promotional material like CDs, books, t-shirts and more. the Conflict of interest party was an amazing way to start off one of the most anticipated festivals in new York City.

THE VANGUARD BY LYNN RICKERT the Vanguard, a quartet featuring members from the United states, Poland, serbia and argentina, performed for a small crowd in the cozy basement of fontana’s Bar friday night, opening for Locksley, the Pass and the Canon Logic. the band set themselves up onstage prior to their performance as the crowd milled around the venue. Lead singer aaron Barr interrupted audience conversations to announce, “all right, here we go,” before starting their first song. the crowd didn’t seem to be familiar with the Vanguard and mostly just stood and nodded their heads despite the upbeat tempo that caused the band members to dance around the small stage. People trickled in slowly and a few songs into their set, the band hit a groove as more of the crowd began to dance along. some fans near the front of the audience even screamed, “i love you, Luke!” seemingly at the group’s drummer Luciano rovner. the Vanguard has a sound that could likely appeal to a much younger audience than that of a 21+ show. their song “Both sides” has a cheery chorus of nonsense sounds — “duh da duh da duh da duh duh.” the band also tried to get a handclap started during this catchy song, but the crowd in the bar did not assist. Many more people began streaming into the venue after the Vanguard’s set for Locksley, who have a very similar sound to that of their openers, but likely more publicity as the bar was at capacity once they launched into their first song.


October 27, 2010


Bo Burnham discusses new material, being on a desert island and keeping Pace ers.


TPP: are there any instruments that you don’t know how to play or want to learn and incorporate into your material?

BB: i don’t know what i’m doing. what’s worked for me is to just write as much as you can and research as much as you can. if you love a comedian or musician, research them as much as you can. find out why they do it and how they do it and just write and constantly try and challenge yourself to do something different. the moment you get comfortable doing something, switch. that could be wrong. i mean, that’s what i did but i could be wrong.

BB: Maybe like little silly instruments. i incorporated a triangle in my last one, and i’ve looked at a million of those little percussive instruments and those are fun, but i think piano is the best. i don’t even know if i would want to pick up a guitar again. i think piano is the most expressive and easiest to create a mood with just one person. Maybe an electric guitar for a song could be funny, or a harmonica…that would be nice. Maybe a xylophone on something. it depends if the joke comes first. i won’t like, pick up an instrument and then try to make a joke out of it. the joke has to come first. TPP: so, if you were stuck on a desert island, what three comedians would you bring with you and why?

Marc Deley/comedycentral.com

burnham’s quick quips and wisecracks has catapulted him from bedroom comedian to touring superstar.


TPP: why’s that?

assOCiate eDitOr

The Pace Press was able to catch up with comedian Bo Burnham as he prepared for the Conflict of interest party. He may not have his own show just yet, but he is quite the punny fellow. The Pace Press (TPP): so where do the ideas for your material come from? Bo Burnham (BB): i try and take vague subjects like love or irony or something…religion, and start writing as many jokes as i can. i never draw from real life experience.

BB: i don’t know. i’ve never been a good story teller. My life isn’t that interesting, and i think i’m too young to express my viewpoints on life. i feel like it would come off as a little distasteful and unappealing, so instead i just write lots and lots of jokes. TPP: is there any reason you gravitate more towards those subjects? BB: Yeah. i think they’re more rich for my kind of voice, which is a bit sarcastic. there’s never really a topic that’s off limits…it’s more just trying to tear down the meat of all those things. it’s kind of

just reducing everything to meaningless jokes so that everything becomes really silly. i like making serious things silly. TPP: is there any sort material you’re maybe trying to push yourself more towards? BB: Maybe a little more poetry, instead of doing more stand up and songs. i want to just push the poetry of it. and more than that, i want to focus more on the subjects rather than the jokes. not any particular subject where i’m like ‘Oh, i want to write a political bit,’ but try and make bits that really synthesize the jokes but also make a point at the same time than just a series of one lin-

“Goodbye, Goodnight” tour comes to NYC From Page 9 although the band’s members have been around for a while, they are together under a new name and are bringing a new sound. Virginia natives Mae took to the stage after their performance, decked out in twinkling Christmas lights and projected colors.the floor gradually filled with audience members as the time neared for Mae to begin playing. the band played songs off of all of their albums: Destination: Beautiful, The Everglow and Singularity. with keyboardist rob sweitzer hitting the few introduction key strokes to "we're so far away," the audience went wild. singing from the very first line, "remembering everything about my world and when you came." frontman Dave elkins did not even need to join in until later because fans carried the song themselves, like they did with many that night. Mae played song after song, includ-

ing "suspension," "the Ocean," "Giving it away" and "summertime" to name a few. elkins used a xylophone sporadically to add light twinkling chimes to softer tracks as guitarist Zach Gehring would move about the stage during faster songs. Gehring and elkins would even play their guitars in a duel like manner, playing nonstop guitar riffs and showing that this tour is all about just having fun. Cutting out the middleman of having to leave the stage with the audience shout for an encore, Mae decided to play straight through until their stage curfew. as this was the only new York date on their farewell tour, many die hard fans were present that evening. One concert goer proudly showed his tattoo featuring Mae lyrics to the band after the show. "Your song helped me get my girlfriend!" another fan exclaimed. the "Goodbye, Goodnight" farewell tour ends in their hometown of norfolk, Va. at the norva on nov. 27.

BB: i think reggie (watts) would be one. this young dude, anthony Jeselnik, and someone that looks like they could do a lot of stuff….like Ben Bailey from ‘Cash Cab.’ Because he’s big, and he’s strong and looks like he could cut firewood. TPP: i actually asked nick swardson the same thing once and he said he would bring Carrot top to try and make props to get off the island. BB: that’s a good call. [laughs] that’s why he has a t.V. show and i don’t. TPP: [laughs] well, you never know.

I wander when I think. I like to pace… Pace. -Bo Burnham, using his quick wit to make a quip on the University TPP: is there anyone you look to or listen to for inspiration? when you’re stuck, is there anyone in particular whose stand-up you watch or bands that you listen to? BB: Maybe George Carlin, radiohead or something. when i’m worried about doing something new, [i look to] people that weren’t worried about doing something new, and i’m always thinking ‘well, if this comedian screws up, that’s alright because i did something that people i really look up to did,’ which is what i try to do. But usually i just walk around my house. i’m a wanderer, totally. i wander when i think. i like to pace… Pace.

BB: no, not until i can quip like that. TPP: [laughs] TPP: is there any advice you’d like to give to any aspiring comedians or musi-

BB: Look! Maybe i will get a show!

Reggie Watts performance helps start off CMJ week From Page 9 ways use throat coat. it’s a really good tea. it makes your throat feel really good. it has really nice herbs. and just getting sleep, getting tons of vitamin C. [with that] i can usually not get sick. TPP: is there anything you do to practice or build up your voice? RW: Most of the time i’m just beat boxing or singing all day long. i like coming up with ideas. i do record a lot of my ideas into my phone, but i never go back and listen to them. i literally have hundreds of beats and if i went back and listened to them, a lot of them would probably be really similar. it’s just constantly practicing by just doing what i do anyways. i don’t really pick a time to practice. i just am singing and beat boxing all day to the annoyance to my friends. TPP: Being CMJ week, is there anyone you’re looking forward to seeing? RW: Yeah! His name is Dylan LeBlanc. s. Cary is another guy i’m looking forward to. and then this girl tamaryn, she’s really cool. and then of course nada

surf. i’m a really big fan. i think they’re an amazing band. TPP: Do you have any advice for any beat boxers or musicians? RW: with music it’s like, never be afraid to do things that are untraditional. it sounds a little cliché, but there’s a problem with people thinking that you’re supposed to do things a certain way. it’s good to figure out how people do things, but a lot of times, the people you look up to or the people you’re inspired by never did it any formal way either. they created a system all their own, and i think it’s important for people to realize that you just need to do things that are a mixture of things that have worked and things that maybe no one has never done before. TPP: and also, how do you get your hair so big? i mean, i try but… RW: [laughs] i think a lot of it is genetics. i just let it grow and don’t fuck around with it too much. that’s how i do it.



October 27, 2010

Jackass 3D promises a repulsive, yet hilarious time once again LuKE BERGStEDt COntriBUtOr


Johnny Knoxville, one of the Jackass films’ stars, hangs from a telephone pole.

the third installment of the Jackass movies, Jackass 3D, was released on Oct. 15. Like the title suggests, this time around, it was shot in 3D, bringing the usual nauseating experience to a completely different level. 3D movies appear to be the trend of our generation’s movies — adding at least $3 to the ticketing price. Major motion pictures are being shot in 3D, with the most notable being the beautifully portrayed Avatar, which was beautifully portrayed in 3D. Jackass 3D, however, is a different story. though the majority of the film could have been left in normal 2D, some aspects did play well with 3D — during some scenes, objects too lewd to mention were hurled at the audience, coming off of the screen.

Other than that specific instance, the 3D cameras were not essential. Jackass 3D was still a Jackass film. Johnny Knoxville did appear to be launched out of the screen into the audience on a Jet ski, but for the most part, the 3D was unnecessary. even if it were seen on a normal DVD setting at home, the experience would still be a Jackass experience. the vile aspects of the film, however, took use of 3D in every way possible. not many would be comfortable seeing bodily fluids in 3D. regardless, people should not be discouraged from seeing the film with the full 3D experience. interestingly enough, Jackass 3D was the first of the Jackass movies that featured most of the cast’s sobriety, having pulled stunts such as being rammed by a full-grown male bull. when it was announced that cast member steve-O was

completely off drugs and alcohol for almost two years, it was feared that Jackass 3D would be lame. fortunately the reviews on multiple accounts have been positive. for example, in the trailer of the movie, steve-O is sitting in a porta-potty, attached to bungee jumping cables held by two cranes. steve-O does not look too excited to be strapped into the seat, wearing safety goggles, nose plugs and a helmet. the movie is filled with the usual “stupid people doing stupid things,” sophomore siddhant adlakha said. Jackass 3D itself is an experience. to view it on the silver screen in 3D only amplifies the experience itself. whether you vomit, cry or are repulsed, you are certain to laugh at least once. Based on the content of the film, the series, and the premise of the film, Jackass 3D is certainly the best of the series.

Traditional T.V. and entertainment shifts with new technology Products like Apple TV and others are changing the way television is viewed CRAIG HELD staff writer

Over the years, the face of television has changed more than Heidi Montag’s, and it does not show any signs of slowing down. Last month, steve Jobs debuted the new apple tV, which will now directly compete with the newly released Google tV and the year old Boxee system. apple tV, quite possibly the most visible of all three, has its own exclusive benefits. it can stream from itunes, but apple has already hit a speed bump in its initial offering. when apple tV was announced, Jobs also unveiled itunes’ new tV rental service. Like its film counterpart, the user would pay 99 cents to have access to one episode for 48 hours, however, only aBC and fox have cleared their programming for the service. time warner and Viacom have both gone on record denouncing the price. Beyond its itunes rentals, apple tV also streams netflix and Youtube, along with flickr integration. in the next software update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, users will be able to stream content from their iOs devices straight to their apple t.V.. Google tV, which officially launched Oct. 17, has a lot to offer right out of the gate. it can stream netflix, amazon Video on Demand as well as Youtube. Users also have the ability to utilize applications from the nBa, Blip.tv, VeVO, Pandora, napster and twitter. the most stunning feature that Google tV has to offer, however, is Google Chrome,

a full-fledged web browser. Google Chrome allows users to access any content through the web that is not offered as an app for Google t.V.. Google has also stated that android users will be able to control content from their phones. Plans have also been announced for an android app store for the Google t.V.. freshman computer science major, allon Hadaya, thinks Google tV has a better chance of success than its apple equivalent. “Despite some of Google’s poorly implemented projects, the company has a chance at developing a great web tV platform. Google has a lot of resources that may help them unify media content in an appealing way. By having a web browser, Google tV opens a range of content that apple tV does not.” the lesser known of the three, Boxee is meant to act as a full integration between the home theater and the internet. Boxee users are required to make an account, which creates a social network of sorts for Boxee users. through the appBox, users can download third-party applications, which stretch the features of the Boxee system. Boxee allows the user to store content directly on the box in order to organize their media collection, something that is not offered on the other systems. finally, Boxee comes with a built-in Bittorrent client that allows torrent downloads directly onto the device. while each device sounds incredibly exciting at first, each comes with its own list of setbacks. apple tV can only stream content from

itunes, netflix or Youtube which already puts it at a disadvantage in comparison to Google and Boxee. On the other hand, its price of $99, places it as the most affordable of all three. Google tV has the most benefits built in, but like most things, it comes at a high cost. sony is releasing a line of High-definition televisions for the holiday season with Google tV already integrated into the set which costs $200 to $400 more than an average set. Logitech has created a separate box that allows a standard definition television to partake in Google tV for $299. Boxee, quite possibly the most exciting of all three, is already facing a hard disadvantage, as nobody knows what it is. without a huge corporation like apple or Google backing it, Boxee has not received as much mainstream buzz as its counterparts. “the average consumer isn’t interested in connecting their computer and home entertainment system. Otherwise they would have done it already. furthermore, apple and Google have a larger share in the technology market with experience in both hardware

and software.” Hadaya said. while actual costs haven’t been announced, rumors place the price of a Boxee box at around $200. this might prove to not be enough to make Boxee a household name. it remains to be seen if any of these will revolutionize the way we watch t.V.. as long as the public continues to be tied to cable

service providers, these systems will just be hobbies and not necessities. “the success of web tV relies on its ability to unify media sources and deliver them to the home entertainment system. Unfortunately, television shows and movies air long before they are available on the web. web tV will revolutionize the way we watch tV if the entertainment industry manages to deliver all media content directly to the web rather than through television service providers,” Hadaya said.


Apple tV is able to beam user content from itunes, Netflix, Youtube and others.


October 27, 2010


Celebrity-owned restaurants actually gain a good reputation Robert De Niro and the late Heath Ledger whet your appetite with signature cocktails and comfy atmosphere StEpHANIE HANSEN staff writer

in today’s society it seems that almost everyone can be a celebrity, but for those who already are, the next step is to become an entrepreneur, which is why a lot of celebrities invest in or endorse restaurants. there are new restaurants popping up all the time, especially in nYC. some restaurants are famous for the chefs that own them, but little known the celebrities that own them. a lot of the restaurants that celebrities decide to endorse, like any restaurant, do not make it in the restaurant industry but there are a few who have survived and prove worthy of the new York restaurant scene. Five Leaves 18 Bedford Avenue (718) 383-5345

Southern Hospitality 1460 Second Avenue (212) 249-1001 southern Hospitality features Memphis style barbeque with menu items ranging from crawfish and cheddar hush puppies and BBQ nachos to beef ribs and a pulled pork platter. the restaurant also hosts events such as all-youcan-eat, tuesday night trivia and a Halloween party with a $45 all-you-can-drink open bar, but you do not have to be 21 to go enjoy some comfort food. each restaurant caters to a different side of new York, the grab and go with teany, the sophisticated sit down at tribeca Grill, the laidback sunday brunch at five Leaves and the night life hot spot southern Hospitality.

Teany 90 Rivington Street (212) 475-9190

five Leaves has a great dinner menu, simple and tasty “in between” menu and an amazing brunch menu.the restaurant was a dream of Heath Ledger’s and unfortunately he was not alive to see it open in september 2008. His good friend Jud Mongell is the owner, while Ledger’s father helped fund the completion of the project after his son’s passing.some menu items include the five Leaves burger — a burger with a fried pineapple ring, pickled beets, harissa mayo and a sunny up egg. there is also the Hanger steak with harissa butter, carrots, cipollini and celery root mash.five leaves also makes signature cocktails like Bees Knees, gin honey syrup and fresh squeezed lemon juice. there is even a hot cocktail, the farmer’s daughter, made with house-made vanilla infused bourbon, muddled apples, lime juice and brown sugar.

teany, is a small teashop on the lower east side. with 98 types of tea, it may become a winter hangout to warm up at. the manager Monica, who herself is not a vegan says that “teany gets a lot of regulars, if you like tea you should go.” teany is primarily vegan, but meat-eating customers can choose non-vegan bacon. the sandwiches range from vegan BLt to turkey, brie and apple with mango chutney, a very sweet and savory sandwich.

Tribeca Grill 375 Greenwich Street (212) 941-3900


Inside view of Justin timberlake’s southern Hospitality.

tribeca Grill, owned by robert De niro has a fabulous Mediterranean inspired menu that goes with the laid back atmosphere. the plates are sophisticated, simple and presented beautifully. the dishes are very straightforward and simplicity is what brings the dish together. new York style cheesecake with berry gelee and graham cracker gelato and Moroccan spiced cod with saffron cous cous, eggplant puree and picholine olive tapanade are just a few of the revelations at tribeca Grill. restaurant goer ashley Veltre, a junior at fit, who says she rarely eats meat because she doesn’t like the taste, said, “the short rib perogies made me want to classical dining room at the tribeca Grill. eat meat.”


Walmart to become more ecofriendly with smaller stores RuvEENA vIRK COntriBUtOr

for those that like to save money and live better, now they can do it ecostyle. walmart is going beyond its reusable shopping bags and starting a revolution among big-name retailers by launching a global commitment to agriculture. in an attempt to become ecofriendly, walmart is undergoing a series of steps. it is committing to sell local produce, expand the business of small and medium sized farmers and reduce food waste. typically, the average produce travels 1,500 miles to get to someone’s plate. walmart will not only be selling locally grown produce, but will also have a hand in ensuring the production of it. the retailer plans to provide training to 1 million farmers and farm workers nationwide — this training includes farming practices and crop selection. the best thing about this plan is that it will not benefit the already successful big farms in the U.s but will bring productivity to the less-known ones. walmart will increase the number of small

and medium farmers by 10 to 15 percent. the $1 billion in food sourced will be directly from small and medium farmers. this could also be a huge step economically for the Us, which has been lacking in the use of locally created products. walmart will be doubling its sale of locally-made produce with walmart’s Heritage agriculture program. One can even go as far as saying that this will spur a change in the economy, urging more and more retailers to use local products. One of walmart’s goals is to establish the sustainability index. this index includes a sustainable Produce assessment that will be sent out to top producers in the Global food sourcing network. this assessment will be a survey which focuses on four critical areas: energy and climate, material efficiency, natural resources, people and community. walmart’s top suppliers were required to fill this out by Oct. 1, 2009, which means that walmart is ahead of the game. the basic idea behind the

sustainability index is to give customers product information in a simple and convenient way. walmart plans on investing $1 billion to the global fresh supply chain from now to 2015. it will be reducing food waste by an added 25 percent between its emerging market stores, clubs and other markets. this is a huge step since studies show that a whopping 40 to 50 percent of harvested food in the U.s. goes to waste. the eco-friendly plans extend to walmart’s attempt at reducing global deforestation. it will be focusing on two of the leading causes — beef production and palm-oil. walmart will be reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5 million metric tons by 2015 simply by requiring sustainably sourced palm oil. it has been proven that 60 percent of deforestation in the Brazilian amazons related to cattle ranching expansion and walmart is making a move to reduce this by expanding the good habits of the walmart Brazil branch of only using beef that does not cause deforestation. the unofficial slogan for protecting the environment has always been “what can one person do?” this slogan urges

people to leave their footprints so that the “one” footprints turns to thousands, thus making a small change in the environment. with 1.6 million people as em-

ployers and millions more as customers worldwide, walmart will be leaving one giant footprint on the environment.




October 27, 2010

“You Are Here” exhibit at Pratt Institute maps the psychology of NYC Artists question where our anxiety comes from and relate it to where we live NAzARY NEBELuK staff writer

the Pratt institute is showcasing a new exhibition in their Manhattan Gallery entitled “You are Here: Mapping the Psychogeography of new York City.” the exhibition combines psychology and topography — two seemingly different disciplines — to give attendees bold new ways of looking at the city. the exhibit is curated by Katharine Harmon and features a wide selection of artists and mediums. Various emotions are mapped in different mediums to give new perspectives on nYC. Daniela Kostova and Olivia robinson open the exhibit with their project “waste to work: anxiety Map.” the artists divide a map of new York state (nYs) by its area codes and assign each a jar. the jars are filled with an amount of sweat equal to the rate of unemployment in the area code. then a LeD light is attached to the sweat and the light is placed on the map to showcase which areas of nYs have the highest rate of unemployment. Loneliness in the city is reflected in a piece by ingrid Burrington. working with the Center for Missed Connections, Burrington takes data from the missed connections sec-


“some Heavy Indulgences” by Dahlia elsayed.

tion of Craigslist and maps the spots of missed connections across nYC. Burrington’s “Loneliness Map” showcases loneliness throughout nYC using pins. every pin represents a possible connection

between two people. the biggest group of pins were located Union square. the exhibits play around with different mediums and senses very adeptly. Liz Hickok makes a jelly replica of nYC that is called

“fugitive topography: Jelly nYC,” which attendees are able to shake by jumping. nicola twilley’s project “scratch ‘n sniff nYC” features her 12 different scents based on a map of nYC. she has the 12 vials of scent placed near a nYC map and asks attendees to pick out their favorite scent and place a sticker reflecting the scent onto another map. attendees are able to create their own map, and it can be compared to twilley’s. the exhibit’s title “You are Here” is appropriate as it places attendees into a role within the exhibition. the exhibition challenges the attendee’s perception of the city and makes them wonder about their role within nYC. the entire exhibit is about personal topography. every artist has their own image of nYC that they reflect in their art. there is one common city that inspires them all, yet no particular interpretation is correct. some exhibits even allow attendees to share their view of nYC with others. this individuality is reflected in the Hand Drawn Map association’s exhibit of maps. Hand drawn by people without reference, they are distorted and shaped based on people’s biases. Gallery worker andy Chavez stated, “[it has been the] best attended [exhibit] thus far.”

Animal abandonment hurts, “no kill” shelters can help AMANDA SCHIAvo staff writer

Owning a pet can have a positive influence on a person’s life. Pets provide love, companionship, keep you active and unlike people, a pet will never judge you. some people, however, take the privilege and responsibility of owning a pet for granted however. when owning a pet gets to be too much for them to handle, people often abandon their animal on the street. “an animal left on the street has a very limited life; odds are they will be killed by another animal or a car,” staten island veterinary assistant Jean Mcardle elia said. there are many alternatives to abandoning your animals such as taking them to a “no kill” shelter. a “no kill” shelter means that the animal that is left with them will not be put to sleep if they cannot find a home right away. there are animal rescue organizations that are breed specific. Meaning if you have a Great Dane that you need to surrender, you can find an organization that deals specifically with that breed. One can also surrender an animal at a local veterinary hospital. “alternatives usually take a little bit of work and many people can’t be bothered,” veterinarian Cheryl augustyne said. animals left out on the street are at risk for numerous health problems. Despite the obvious dangers of being hit by a car, abandoned pets must deal with finding enough food to stay alive, seek shelter and try to avoid fleas, ticks, intestinal and urinary diseases. “Cats have a very low chance outside, especially if they have always been an indoor cat and if they are declawed,” augustyne said. “Dogs have a better chance if friendly, but have almost zero chance if they are an unneutered male pit bull.” Of all the dog breeds, the pit bull is probably the most misunderstood. they have a reputation as aggressive and dangerous, but this is not always the case. training is very important when it comes to a pit bull, not everyone out there should own one. if you have the time to train one, a pit bull can be a great companion. “Out of the Pits” is a non-profit organ-

ization that, according to their website “showcases the true nature of the pit bull and its ability to perform as a therapy, sport and working dog.” while, you can never know what drives a person to abandon their animal to a life on the street, know that for every person who abandons an animal, there is a person willing to put the time and effort in to saving them. “i could never abandon any animal that is just too cruel for me...because i respect animals just as much as humans, there’s no difference in my eyes,” sophomore ariel Bukhsbaum said. if you own an animal that you feel you need to give up, do not abandon it to a life on the street. Do your research and find a place that is able to take in your pet, and they will do all they can to find that pet a home.

to help an animal in need, visit these New York City Animal Shelters: North Shore Animal League 25 Davis Avenue Port Washington, New York 11050 (516) 883-7575 Staten Island Council for Animal Welfare (S.I.C.A.W) 3801 Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY 10314-6759 (718) 948-5623 Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition 253 Wythe Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211 718-486-7489 The Animal Center of Queens 8910 Eliot Ave Flushing, NY 11374-1039 (718) 424-3340 emharrington.com


October 27, 2010


President Obama’s approval rating among college students is on the decline JuLIA YEuNG COntriBUtOr

President Barack Obama’s approval rating in college students has declined according to the associated Press-mtvU poll. the poll showed just a 44 percent approval rating of the job Pres. Obama is doing, while 27 percent of the students are unsatisfied with his performance. this is a big difference, considering that in May 2009, Pres. Obama’s approval rating among college students had been 60 percent, while only 15 percent were unsatisfied. “He concentrates too much on health issues, the economy and other countries; he needs to put more focus on us,” sophomore Candy Leung said. Young voters, some of whom have lost faith in Pres. Obama’s job performance, are causing Democrats to worry. Pres. Obama and Democrats have been trying to renew young voters’ faith before the midterm elections on nov. 2. reasons why Pres. Obama and Democrats are worried about the midterm election are because during the Presidential race in 2008, about one in eight voters were new. the exit polls showed that 55 percent of new voters were in the age range of 18 to 24-years-old. the young first-time voters had strongly supported Democrats and Pres. Obama’s endorsements during the campaign were found to be focused towards the young adult population. in response to Pres. Obama’s declining approval rating sophomore Paul Vasilakos stated, “i didn’t like him from the start because i am a republican.” Currently in the midterm elections, Pres. Obama can be seen trying to capture the votes of young adults again as he visits college campuses. Pres. Obama and first Lady Michelle Obama visited Ohio state University in Columbus, Ohio for a rally that had approximately 35,000 students attend on Oct. 17. at the rally, President Obama urged the young voters to not be disheartened. Pres. Obama stated, “Don’t let them tell


you that change isn’t possible,” referring to the republicans who are continuing to expand. the first Lady campaigned for the first time with her husband in both Cleveland and Columbus to try to build support for the re-election of Democratic candidate Governor ted strickland. the white House chose Ohio for Pres. Obama and the first Lady because Ohio is a swing state that would hold one of the closest governor’s races in the country. there are enough close Congressional races in Ohio to have the potential to determine control of the House of rep-

resentatives and also the state will be important for Obama’s own re-election campaign in 2012. “i think his job performance is not so bad, but also not so good,” sophomore Cathy Zhu said. ‘the bailout program was not successful, the stock market is going down, and there is still unemployment. i don’t think he made an obvious improvement in the economy. i don’t know much about him, but this is just generally speaking, my opinion,” Zhu continued.

Facebook privacy settings are not as private as one would think Protect your privacy on Facebook by not posting what you don’t want others to see KRIStIE DASH COntriBUtOr

You may or may not remember the days when “friend” was not a verb and “unfriend” was not a word at all. while it seems like facebook has been around for ages, it was only launched in feb. 2004. since then, the world of mass communication technologies has been given a total facelift. the question has been raised as to whether this online profile invades too much privacy. while facebook was originally created for the purpose of networking for college students, today there are over 500 million active users, according to facebook’s “Press room statistics” website. these users range from students to teachers to young children to — the most controversial amongst teens — parents. according to freshman Jackie Glazman, “i log on to facebook around two times a day. i am not really big on facebook like many of my friends are." Posting a status every hour explaining exactly where you are headed and uploading pictures of every little experience seems to be quite innocent, but also is very revealing. while it is not something people publically admit, facebook is, for lack of a better term, a website made for stalkers. facebook can be considered an invasion of privacy or a way to reconnect with old acquaintances. in the recent news, there have been many stories of parents creating accounts to “find old college friends.” while this may be truthful in some cases, most of these parents have been found snooping on their son’s or daughter’s facebook page to see if anything looks suspicious. Often, the kids find out about this and feel that their privacy has been violated. even worse, however, is when parents sign on as their kid and look

photo illustration by HILDA ADENIJI

What are you really revealing when putting your information on Facebook?

around to view even more personal information like private messages. according to freshman thatiana Diaz, “i found out my mom is my number one stalker using an application that counts how active my friends are on my page. i just felt like i didn’t have any privacy at all.” On Oct. 18, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), released an investigation on user information being transmitted through the popular applications on

facebook such as “farmville” to advertising and internet trafficking companies. according to the article, basic yet significant information was being released through these “apps” such as the facebook iD, which is unique to each user. WSJ reviewed some of the apps and saw that they were giving information such as these “iD’s” to at least 25 advertising firms. now it may seem harmless to give access to these marketing firms, but the facebook iD acts as a key to all of your in-

formation on your profile — even under the strictest of privacy settings. to put some perspective on this, 59 million users alone are on “farmville,” according to the aforementioned WSJ article, and can be considered vulnerable against facebook’s privacy policies. since the article’s release many have been questioning whether facebook is as secure as they claim. One must always be conscious as to what information they release for everyone to see. while there are numerous privacy settings that are always adjustable, people still seem to find ways to view something if they really feel the need to. there are certain rules that have now become common knowledge to the thousands of users on facebook and other social networking sites. never post exactly where you will be at any given hour of the day. there have been proven cases of people disguised as school-aged kids, but are really older men and women using facebook inappropriately. this also means you should never be friends with someone you have never heard of. while facebook is supposed to be a networking site, you don’t have to add random “friends.” Keep it safe by rejecting them or click on the new option, “not now.” finally, never post anything you would not feel comfortable with your parents seeing. Many employers today have decided to use a kind of “facebook scan” to see how the potential employee naturally represents his or herself. You do not want an inappropriate picture or status to affect your future career. with the way things are going now, it looks like soon enough, all parents will have a facebook account. so if there is questionable content you are considering adding to your facebook page, do yourself a favor and do not post it.

October 27, 2010



Synthetic marijuana may be more harmful than the real thing Marijuana alternative now sold in stores and is not detectable in drug tests that way they’d be having less people do it out of rebellion.” now that a replica of the drug is legal, many have actually come chasing for it and, to their surprise, ended up running away from it. staffers at places such as the Georgia Poison Center have fielded more than 50 calls about K2 in the last two months in reference to the toxicity of the drug. Jason schmider, a K2 drug user, commented, "it's like a dream come true for an addict." schmider tried the drug more than 50 times until he wound up in the hospital. then, he found himself at drug treatment center called Phoenix House outside new York City. “we started seeing a mushrooming of calls," Dr. Gaylor Lopez, director of the Georgia Poison Center, said. nationwide, more than 500 people have phoned poison centers about the drug in the past year, up from just 12 calls last year. K2 can be up to 15 times more powerful than marijuana and lead to a disturbing range of symptoms. Lopez added, "we've seen people with slight tremors to even seizure activity.” the drug moves quickly from the lungs into the bloodstream where it is carried to other parts of the body, including the vital organs. evidence shows that K2 has the potential to damage the lungs, brain, heart and other vital organs. the drug affects different people in different ways, meaning there is no way to determine how the synthetic drug will react in an individual. tests are deciding whether spice and K2 should be a controlled substance. “the fact that they're legal really is almost irrelevant," Dea special agent Gary Boggs said. "People are just basically playing russian roulette with these every time they take them."


across the country the demand for a synthetic form of marijuana is increasing. the much wanted fake drug — called K2, spice, spice Gold or skunk — has finally hit stores. Only sold for $10-$20, the synthetic drug can be found online, in convenient stores, in smoke shops and stores where incense is sold. K2 resembles potpourri with confetti in it. it’s a mixture of herbs and spices sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to tHC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. the fake drug’s ingredients can include natural ingredients such as Pink Lotus, Marshmallow, red Clover and rose. People smoke it in joints, pipes, bongs and vaporizers — just like marijuana. Unlike real weed, this drug — not detected in drug tests — is legal in most states. the states banning the drug are alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Missouri. illinois, Michigan, new Jersey and new York are still considering banning it. “i don’t think it should be banned. if they’re going to do anything they should legalize real Marijuana since they sell K2 — a man made drug — on the market,” freshman tJ nicholas said. “the same thing happened with real marijuana,” freshman ivan Kovalov said. “it was legal for a while until they realized the effect it had on people. then, they took it off the market and made it illegal. Obviously, the same thing is going to happen: kids are going to think it is bad-ass to smoke an illegal drug and before you know it, as many people that buy weed will be buying K2.” Kovalov continued, “i think they should just keep it on the market.


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