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September 25, 2013

Volume 65 | Issue 2



SAMMI REED Contributor On the morning of Sept. 13, Makayla Minkel, a resident of Fort Collins, CO and a freshman at Front Range Community College was awoken by police officers knocking on her door. They warned her that due to an increase in rainfall, her home would soon be completely under water. Makayla’s neighborhood was just one of the many evacuated along the Front Range due to the worst flash flood in recent history. The Colorado Front Range consists of the area

continued on PAGE 4


NEWS Jersey Boardwalk recovery destroyed after massive fire Page 3

ARTS Fall in love with New York in the fall with these festivals Page 7

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FEATURES Eating healthy on campus gets easier. Page 10

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September 25, 2013

Twelve killed in Navy Yard shooting rampage Former Navy member kills workers in Washington Navy Yard

JAMILLA VAN DYKE—BAILEY Contributor Just after eight o’clock in the morning on Sept. 16, chaos erupted at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington D.C. when Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old military contractor on Navy’s Ready Reserve used his shotgun against innocent Navy Yard workers, killing twelve people, both military personnel and civilians, and then himself. John Weaver, who has been working at the Washington Navy Yard for 13 years, was a surviving eyewitness of the shootings where he saw Alexis shoot six of his friends. Only one of those friends survived. After witnessing one of his female coworkers get shot in front of him, Weaver hid under his desk in his cubicle and proceeded to call 911, eager to get help. Weaver said that when a fire alarm went off in the building he knew it was his time to make a move and try to get towards safety. Running down a corridor he came across his boss, Mary Frances Knight on the floor. After assessing her injuries he saw that Mary was missing part of her finger and suffered from a scrape wound at the back of her head. After concluding she was able to be moved safely, he helped her towards the stairs and their escape. Quick to help others as he was assisting his boss down the stairs, Weaver yelled for people to run, telling them that there was a man upstairs with a shotgun. John Weaver described Alexis’ demeanor while he shot and killed people as both methodical and emotionless, as if the gunman was on a mission to kill everyone he came in contact with. Within 24 hours of the shooting and with the theories of a second shooter proven false, law enforcement officials, local and Federal, began questioning the mental state of the deceased gunman, Aaron Alexis. Their investigation was in response to questions of whether or not the shooting could have been prevented, and whether or not there were red flags prior to the shooting. After a thorough investigation into Alexis it turned out that he had a history with disorderly conduct and guns long before the shooting. In

2004 Alexis was arrested in Seattle for shooting out the tires of someone else’s car. He defended his actions by telling Seattle detectives that he had blacked out from anger. In 2008, Alexis was arrested in the state of Georgia on a disorderly conduct charge. In 2010, the Navy was going to discharge him due to “pattern of misconduct” but instead he left the Navy in 2011 under a “general discharge,” maintaining his security clearance. Investigators also came across proof that close to the shooting date Alexis had approached two different Veteran Affairs hospitals in the D.C. area in order to be helped with his sleeping problems and the various voices that he was hearing in his head. The questions many are now asking center around whether Alexis could have been helped before the shooting, when his actions were clearly an indicator of unsound mental health. Many are anxious to know what is being done to prevent yet another mass shooting in America, when only months ago innocent children and teachers were killed at the hands of another mentally unsound individual. With the inkling of mental illnesses playing a part in the mindset of gunmen who have conducted these massacres many are still curious as how these individuals obtained such dangerous fire power. Elisabeth Balachova-Jordan, university junior, said, “I think that mental illness definitely should be checked when someone purchases a gun.” In most states in the United States one has to go through an intensive background and mental health check before they are given a license to own a fire weapon, Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter but in the wake of Aaron Alexis’ attack, more and more individuals are questioning whether or not mental health checks are intensive enough. Junior Emma Himmelhoch, also weighed in, saying, “I don’t think it’s enough to just say ‘guns are bad’… we need to fix this problem…” of a much needed conversation between citizens of the United States, their While Aaron Alexis’ attack ended many public officials, and public law enforcement about the dangers of accessibility valuable lives, it is also, hopefully, the beginning to firearms in our country.

Latino vote crucial to NYC mayoral race THATIANA DIAZ Features Editor In the wake of the city’s democratic primaries, in which Bill de Blasio emerged victorious, the city’s major candidates are looking to gain every vote possible. Experts say Hispanics could make up nearly a quarter of all potential voters this November, proof of which lies in candidates’ heavy focus on this crucial population. According to the latest Census, more than half of all residents identify themselves as Hispanic in the Bronx alone. Of the city’s 2.4 million Latinos, half are citizens over 18. While the city’s elections board does not track voter registrations by ethnicity, Hispanics are expected to have a significant impact on the November election. Latino voters have never been seen as more important. In the 2009 mayoral race, exit polls showed 21 percent of voters identified as Hispanic. The National Institute for Latino Policy reported that this number was expected to climb to nearly 30 percent for this year’s Democratic primary–placing them roughly on equivalence with African-American participation. Aware of how important the votes are, candidates this year are frequently seen at events targeted to Latinos. Some attended the National Puerto Rican Day Parade runs along Fifth Avenue every June. And some rushed to the podium to speak during a ceremony in May to name a portion of Broadway as Juan Rodriguez Way, in honor of a Dominican man who is thought to have been New York’s first non-Indian settler. Other candidates walk every week in Latino areas of Queens and the Bronx to greet voters. Some have met in private with the Hispanic Federation, an umbrella organization for Latino

nonprofit agencies. Bill Thompson, who quit the mayoral race and conceded to Bill de Blasio, seems to have made some of the biggest headway in at least securing key endorsements, encompassing both Dominican and Puerto Rican backgrounds that the vast majority of Latino voters will also share. Candidates are looking to Hispanic residents as they try to scrounge up votes. But they face several challenges, including the fact that the city’s Latino population represents a hodgepodge of communities: Dominicans, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans among them. “This is the great X-factor in this election,” said Democratic candidate Bill de Blasio, who counts himself along with the other candidates who have been making frequent forays into Latino neighborhoods, shaking hands with voters and often greeting them in Spanish. “This is a community that is politically independent in the sense of being open minded, and a big, big piece of the vote,” de Blasio added. “And we are making it very central to our strategy.” At this point, though, there is no outright winner among the throng of Democratic candidates. Angelo Falcón of the National Institute for Latino Policy told Politicker: “They’re divided; they’re all over the place supporting different candidates. We have something that is different from years back, the last couple of elections. It’s very more reminiscent of how things used to be a long time ago in New York City.” Sophomore Natalie Pena, has remained unswayed by the overzealous efforts of the candidates. She said she hadn’t yet decided who had her support. Bill de Blasio will face Republican nominee Joe Lhota on Nov. 5.


September 25, 2013


Fire on New Jersey Boardwalk eliminates signs of Sandy Recovery Unexpected fire destroys recently restored Jersey Shore boardwalk AMANDA PENA Contributor A fire roared through the newly rehabilitated Seaside boardwalk Sept. 12, proving to be a major setback for the full restoration of the area. Nearly a year after Hurricane Sandy, things seemed to be slowly and steadily returning to normal at the Jersey Shore—businesses along the famous boardwalk were coming back to life, and the busy summer proved individuals in the area are indeed “Jersey Strong.” The fire began at about 2:30 p.m., when a six-alarm fire broke out on the Seaside Park boardwalk, destroying more than 30 businesses. Due to high winds, the blaze quickly traveled a six-block stretch along the boardwalk. Owner of Kohr Ice Cream Shop Bruce Kohr told the New York Post, “They smelled the smoke. They came out. They saw the flames shooting out from underneath

the boardwalk.” One hundred firefighters stayed overnight to control the embers and make sure the fire did not reignite. An estimated 400 firefighters and various engine and ladder companies were called to help contain the blaze. To add to the destruction, 25 feet of boardwalk was removed to keep the fire from spreading further. “Just when the shore started to recover, there’s another setback,” said freshman Ashley Unangst of the disaster. Once investigators completed their work, Ocean County Prosecutor, Joseph Coronato, announced they would close all criminal investigations involving the fire. It was then confirmed that the fire started from old wiring from underneath the boardwalk. Businesses along the boardwalk were warned and told to check the wiring in their area. It is thought that the wiring was disturbed during Hurricane Sandy.

Firefighter attemps to put out blaze that began below Kohr’s ice cream shop

Gov. Christie surveys the damage Ironically, as the six-alarm fire blazed through much of the boardwalk, many of New Jersey’s firefighters were attending a convention in Wildwood, an hour and a half away. Hundreds of firefighters turned around, responding to the call for mutual aid. Eight Cape May County fire stations also responded to the aid call, while some fire companies are still in Seaside Park keeping watch over the smoldering debris. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie visited the affected area to offer condolences and answer questions on Saturday, Sept. 14. He promised aid and loans to business owners affected by the blaze. Early Monday morning, the governor’s office announced that Sandy aid would be used to cover the cost of the removal of debris from the fire. Through the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program the town will also receive funding with the aftermath of last week’s fire. Additionally, the government has already dispersed $1.8 billion in aid to businesses and will give more funding to those who apply for it, which will help cover expenses like debris removal and possibly demolitions for those businesses that are now structurally unsound. “It’s really upsetting because I used to go there every summer. We used to spend hours in that ice cream shop,” said University freshman Quinn O’Leary. Residents in Seaside Park try to remain optimistic as they once again begin to rebuild their livelihoods. “As soon as this is over, we’ll pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and get back to work,” said New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

University community celebrates Pleasantville’s 50-year milestone SHANNON MCMAHON News Editor Fifty years ago, the Marks family donated a substantial amount of land in Pleasantville, which became the grounds now known as the University’s Westchester campus. Classes were first held on Sept. 16, 1963. This year, the 50th anniversary celebration went into full swing on Sept. 3, when professor Susan Herman addressed the incoming student population on this year’s University 101 theme of justice at Convocation. The celebration will continue throughout the year, featuring countless exciting events. “It’s surprising to think that Pace Pleasantville is only fifty years old, because the New York City campus is much older. You can feel the history though, even though it’s not that old. The whole reason Pace Pleasantville was created, was so that people upstate could get the Pace experience. The Pace experience is different in both campuses, but the Pace students all have common grounds and common roots. That will always be shared. The New York City campus is very happy for them,” said senior Niyati Sangani, who attends classes on the NYC campus. The Pleasantville campus is also undergoing a drastic transformation, including the construction of two residence halls, a new Environmental Center, upgraded athletic facilities, beautifully landscaped pathways, a new central campus green, and a large expansion of the Kessel Student Center to add dining capacity and more student

gathering spaces. University President Stephen J. Friedman recently spoke of the history of the campus saying, “Thousands of people have met here, been educated here and launched successful careers here. Many have fallen in love here and married. And each one has a story to tell as the tagline of the 50th anniversary celebration reflects: 50 Years, 50,000 Stories.” This year’s homecoming celebration will take place Oct. 24 through Oct. 27 for Pleasantville students, and will be particularly special because of the 50-year milestone. Pleasantville Homecoming events include student award ceremonies, a student unity parade, a Halloween themed trip to Sleepy Hollow, community dinner, university community homecoming party, pumpkin picking, Broadway shows and a comedy show. New York City students will enjoy photos with T-Bone, an obstacle course, Oktoberfest activities, a pep rally, homecoming concert, annual homecoming formal, brunch, a variety of seminars, tours of NYC, a dinner and a farewell breakfast, along with many more events from Oct. 16 to 19.



September 25, 2013


Colorado struggles in wake of devastating floods Flash floods destroy countless communities in Colorado

Rain deters rescue efforts in fatal Colorado floods SAMMI REED continued from PAGE 1 west of I-25, east of the Rocky Mountains, and north of Denver. This area includes the cities of Boulder, Loveland and Fort Collins and countless streams and rivers. Typically these waterways serve as recreational areas for many Colorado residents. Kayaking, tubing, and fishing are common pastimes, even with droughts the past few years. Recently, the drought has been worse than ever, accumulating to wild fires that scorched across the state in the summer of 2012. Many Colorado residents were relieved when, instead of sunshine, many summer days were peppered with rain. When rain started on the evening of Sept. 11, not many residents took notice. However, within a few hours the small shower had progressed into an extreme storm. In a typical year, the city of Boulder gets approximately 25 inches of rainfall. A majority of this rain falls in the spring, with occasional light showers or in the winter with some snow storms. However, the recent storm system dropped 18.55 inches of rain and caused approximately $150 million worth of damage within Boulder County alone. Many New Yorkers are feeling sympathetic due to their similar experiences with Hurricane Sandy this past Fall. Freshman Michelle Siddiqui said: “It’s scary, because it can happen anywhere.” Minkel’s words of “[w]hat a nightmare this is” hardly begin to describe the situation. Officials have confirmed a total of 8 deaths and 1,253 people missing or unaccounted for. An estimated 19,000 homes were damaged or destroyed in an area about the size of Delaware. When Minkel was finally able to return, she found minimal damage to her home, however many of her neighbors were not as lucky. “It’s really depressing watching my neighbors get lots of water pumped out and everything ripped out of their homes, because it all got destroyed in the flood.”

Roads were washed out and some bridges collapsed. This includes Highway 34, one of the only ways to the mountain town of Estes Park, forcing evacuation of the entire area. Many roads have been shut down with no clear estimate of when they will reopen. I-25, a highway that runs from Canada to Mexico, and serves as a major artery for traffic in Colorado, was closed for a 12 mile stretch between Loveland and Fort Collins. Sections of the highway are still closed due to concerns about possible bridge collapses. However, even with the wide extent of damage, many people are hopeful. With the assistance they have already raised, clean-up efforts have begun and life is returning to normal. After closing campus for four days and evacuating some of the dorms, CU Boulder has started classes again. Both Thompson School District and Poudre School District in Loveland and Fort Collins have also reopened a majority of their schools. Many organizations all across the nation are flocking to Colorado to help with recovery efforts. People all across the state are helping where they can, such as Boulder resident Jenna Jorgensen who offered her home to those who had lost theirs. When asked about her generosity she simply stated, “What matters is that we are all safe.” Even with the countless heartwarming stories arising from the area, there’s still a long journey ahead. Colorado’s Flood Decision Support System tweeted, “We’re not out of the woods yet.” The Great Colorado Flood Relief Fund is currently selling shirts and stickers at to help raise funds to assist those affected by the floods. It was also granted non-profit status by PayPal, so people all across the nation can quickly and easily make donations. “I think whenever a national disaster happens, it’s important that we band together. People all across the nation donated when Sandy hit, we should do the same for Colorado,” said University freshman Tara McCauley.

Damaged road in Colorado due to massive floods

VISIT The Great Colorado Flood Relief Fund is currently selling shirts and stickers to help raise funds to assist those affected by the floods. To donate to those impacted by the floods visit:

September 25, 2013

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September 25, 2013

The stars dance their way into season 17 New celebrity contestants excite audience viewers IRENE SCHULTZ Arts Editor Gym, tan, dancing? Fist pumps rolled in Season 17 of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars this week. Dancing with the Stars has always been an audience favorite as many home viewers become excited about who the new contestants will be come each new season. This season, among others, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi shocked many Jersey Shore fans with her non-club moves. The same judges returned to DWTS this season, including Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman and Bruno Tonioli. Wellknown host Tom Bergeron also returned. Some changes this season included: the fact that the show only airs one night a week, instead of two and the stars waited for their scores onstage and received them immediately after the judges calculated their results. All the Jersey Shore fans that tuned in to watch their beloved meatball rock the ballroom on DWTS learned that “Snooki” Polizzi has officially grown up and will from now on be referred to by her true name Nicole or, according to Bergeron, ‘Snicole.’ Now, the 50-pounds-lighter mother of baby Lorenzo is ready to dance her best and move on from being a “hot mess” as she described her past “Snooki” persona. Pollizi performed well and did not prove herself to be the underdog of the competition Celebrity contestant Bill Nye, of the successful TV series Bill Nye the Science Guy, crashed and burned on the season’s premiere. Nye and pro partner Tyne Stecklein danced the cha-cha together, resulting in less-than-stellar results. The selfproclaimed “Beauty and the Geek” duo received the lowest score of the evening, a total of only 14 points. Judge Len compared their routine to being waxed: “painful while it happened and lovely when it was over.” Bill was awkward yet charming. His moves were a little stiff and stunted, most likely hindering the team to make it to the finals. For sheer entertainment value, however, home voters hope to keep him in for at least a few more weeks with their help. Sophomore Jyliann Davis said, “I loved Bill Nye the Science Guy. I thought the judges were very harsh to him when other contestants were doing just as bad as he was. He wasn’t the best but he didn’t need to be scolded that harshly on

Contestant Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi with her partner

the first day. I hope the rest of America votes for him and keeps him in the competition.” The most successful performance of the night was from Glee’s Amber Riley, as many expected from a self-labeled “theater kid.” Stunning in a sassy glittery dress, Riley explained, “I’m a big girl. I’m not small, but I think that it would be good for someone my size actively, actually trying to dance.” Alongside pro partner Derek Hough, she truly was an inspiring performer to watch work the dance floor in their snappy cha-cha routine. The duo made DWTS history by being the first pair to receive a score of all nines on the very first night of the competition, resulting in a high score of 27. “Amber was fantastic and she blew me away. She was awesome and I wasn’t expecting her to be able to dance and move like that. She did really well with the choreography she was given and I’m excited to see what she brings next week” Davis added. Contestant Valerie Harper was another to make DWTS history when she became the first ever to receive a full standing ovation at the beginning of her performance. Due to her much-publicized battle with cancer, Harper was a highly anticipated contestant this season. Before her dancing even began, the audience rose to their feet in honor and congratulation for her amazing courage and bravery in struggling and surviving through her cancer battle. Harper explained to cameras that she has “always loved dancing” and is happy to have a chance to “perform for people” again. Given only three months left to live, Harper is an inspiration to all and it is exciting to see her continue to dance and live her dream. Dancing nine months past her self-described “expiration date,” Valerie no doubt has the sympathy vote. Overall, the DWTS season 17 premiere was entertaining to say the least. With Derek and Amber leading the way after week one and Bill Nye and Tyne bringing up the rear, viewers are curious to see what the upcoming weeks bring. With science and fist pumping, this season is sure to be amusing.


September 25, 2013


NYC is falling in love with these fall festivals This season is littered with festivals to stimulate anyone’s schedule OLIVIA BETA Editor-in-Cheif The leaves are changing, the weather is brisk and there is a sudden resurgence of cashmere sweaters. It is safe to say it is once again fall in the city and with fall comes a slue of festivals.

tDumbo Arts Festival is an annual gathering of artists from around the NYC area for a weekend of live performances, visual arts presentations and activities for the whole family. With hands-on instillations and free events throughout the weekend on the 27 the Dumbo Arts Festival is perfect for any money conscious consumer.

tThe best way to sound infinitively more intelligent is by reading the New Yorker and mimicking key words and phrases. It can then be assumed that anyone who attends the New Yorker Festival will walk away with a greater sense of self and a more diverse understanding of the universe. There will be countless panels and interviews with some of the most prolific figures in media and arts today. Christoph Waltz will be having an unchained interview with The New Yorker Susan Orlean, Aziz Ansari will be screening his newest comedy special “Burried Alive,” and Funny or Die will host an evening of sketches. These are among the many scheduled events that will be running from Oct 4-6.

tA couple days later CMJ Music Marathon rolls into NYC for almost a week of non-stop concerts from Oct. 15-19. Shows will be taking place throughout the city with hundreds of up-and-coming artists from around the globe. CMJ has seen the start of numerous acts that went on to mainstream success such as Arcade Fire, Mumford & Sons, Iron &Wine, TV on the Radio, Bon Iver, MGMT and even Lady GaGa. Badge holders are granted access to shows at any of the 80 nightclubs and theaters CMJ showcases. People come from all around the world to attend CMJ to make bets on who the next artist to watch will be. Even just one day of the marathon will fulfill any music enthusiast desires for some time.

tNew York Film Festival is back for its 51st year. For over two weeks NYFF offers hundreds of movies and documentaries to entertain and engage the masses. In addition to the screening there will be open talks and dialogues with famous directors and producers. This year HBO is leading talks on their cinema style and director direction. There is also the famous convergence initiative, which NYFF uses to address the newest technologies and issues filmmakers face today, NYFF has something for everyone, but buy tickets soon as the spotlight films sell-out quickly. Make sure to catch a one of the festival screenings between Sept. 27 and Oct. 13.

tNew York Comic Con may not be called a festival but it certainly deserves to be on anyone’s radar. NYCC is possibly the largest gathering of comic book aficionados on the east coast and will be taking place Oct. 10-13. However gamers, artists and movie buffs all have countless booths and exhibits dedicated towards presenting the newest and trendiest items available on the market. This year fans should look out for the cast of “The Walking Dead,” William Shatner, actors from HBO’s “True Blood” and “Game of Thrones” and even Darryl “DMC” McDaniels. If the panels are anything like last years convention goers should be sure to get in line early as to not miss out on the fun.

tFoodies get ready for the New York Wine & Food festival from Oct 17-20. This annual festival thrown by the Food Network will feature some of the best chefs from around the world. Some of the celebrity chefs will include Bobby Flay, Tyler Florence, Robert Irvine and Duff Goldman. However NYCWFF is about more than enjoying some really great eats it is also about ending hunger. All of the festival’s net proceeds go to the New York Food Bank. Last year the festival provided meals for over 3 million hungry New Yorkers. This fall festivals are taking over NYC. Don’t miss out on the incredible array of events this season has to offer.



September 25, 2013

Upcoming shows at the Highline Ballroom

Robin Thicke, Mario and Huey Mack to perform in New York City STEPHANIE PITERA Contributor Most concert venues take years to build up artist galleries full of A-list performers. However, the Highline Ballroom has built up an impressive lineup in just less than six years. Since its grand opening in 2007, the Highline Ballroom has hosted hundreds of popular artists including 50 cent, Adele, Amy Winehouse, James Blunt and The Backstreet Boys. The ballroom, located less than 10 minutes from the University on West 16th street, is known for being “the artistic heart of New York.” Although it hosts artists of all genres, the ballroom is known for its jazz artists. Each year, the venue is host to the Blue Note Jazz Festival, which features performances by influential jazz performers. With a history of best-selling artists playing at the Ballroom, this fall’s lineup is as promising as ever. From R&B and top 100 artists to up-and-coming indie performers, the Highline Ballroom has something for everyone. Grammy-winning artist Vanessa Carlton is one of the stars set to perform at the ballroom in October. Carlton, a seasoned performer whose hits include “A Thousand Miles” and “Ordinary Day,” has been performing for just over thirteen years. “I was excited to hear that Vanessa Carlton will be performing at the Highline Ballroom,” said freshman Amanda Perez. “From what I’ve heard, she’s a great performer.” Tickets for Carlton’s Oct. 15 show are $35 in advance, and $40 on the day of the show. Fans should expect the show to start by 8pm. One of the fall’s most anticipated October events is the Gentlemen Give Back Concert presented by GQ. This year’s headliner Robin Thicke, was one of the summer’s most popular artist with his chart-topping single, “Blurred Lines.” Although Thicke’s show is one of the venue’s most expensive, proceeds from the Oct. 23 show will benefit the Gentlemen’s Fund, a charity that works to raise awareness to issues important to men. General admission to the event is $100, with VIP packages ranging from $200$300. VIP packages include access to floor seating, refreshments and much more. The Gentlemen Give Back Concert starts at 10:30pm. Grammy-nominated R&B singer Mario is also set to take the stage of the Highline Ballroom on Oct. 27. Since entering the music scene in 2002, Mario has achieved great success with songs like “Just a Friend 2002” and “Let Me Love You.” More affordable than Thicke’s performance, tickets to see Mario are $25 in advance and $30 on the day of the show. The show is expected to begin by 8pm. Other artists playing in October include Jonny Craig with William Beckett (formerly the lead singer of the band The Academy Is...), Kyle Lucas, Hearts & Hands and Bleach Blonde on Oct. 6, Alice Russell on Oct. 7, Good Life Saturdays, Diego Garcia on Oct. 22 and Huey Mack on Oct. 25. Good Life Saturdays plays every Saturday night at 11. The prices of these shows vary depending on the artist. Part of the Ballroom’s success comes from the fact that it gives fans the opportunity to see largely popular artists in a smaller, more intimate venue. “I’ve been to a lot of shows at the Highline Ballroom,” said freshman wwstudent Laura Sills. “It’s a small venue, but you can always expect to see big-name artists playing there.” Tickets to the ballroom’s upcoming concerts can be purchased through the venue’s website,

Thicke in hit “Blurred Lines” music video.

Mario performs on Oct. 27 at 8p.m.


To purchase tickets the the ballroom’s upcoming events

Alice Russell Vanessa Carlton Good Life Sat Gentlemen & Diago Garcia Give Back Con.


Huey Mack


September 25, 2013


Fresh perspective on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Literature classic opens this week on the great white way

CAITLIN HORNIK Contributor When one thinks of Shakespeare and his classic, beloved plays, Macbeth may be the first to come to mind, or perhaps Twelfth Night or Richard III. These and more are back on Broadway in a highly anticipated Shakespeare-filled season. Everyone knows of the story of Romeo and Juliet: Boy falls in love with girl, girl falls in love with boy, they become forbidden lovers and they both die passionate deaths. However, Broadway director David Leveaux brings simplicity and elegance to this classic tale of star-crossed lovers. Orlando Bloom stars as the handsome and daring Romeo, opposite Condola Rashad, offering a beautiful, charming portrayal of Juliet. Bloom is suave and captivating as Romeo, stealing one’s heart and commanding the stage right from the start. His presence is exceptional and the dialogue rolls off his tongue ever so eloquently. Rashad is the quintessential Juliet in an honest and heartwarming performance. Her youthful depiction allowed for a clear contrast between the older appearance of her Romeo. The supporting cast currently includes Jayne Houdyshell as Nurse, American Idol season one contestant Justin Guarini as Paris and Chuck Cooper as Lord Capulet. Without warning the show began with a blackout and crashing sound, resulting in audible gasps from the audience. Viewers were captivated immediately. The first few minutes were lived in excited anticipation awaiting Bloom’s first appearance, as audience members were eager to see his portrayal of a distinguished and iconic character in classic literature. If one is skeptical about Bloom taking the stage as Romeo due to his “Hollywood A-Lister” persona, or because he is seemingly too old for the role, reserve all judgments until seeing

this production. As expected, his entrance delivered as he rode in on a motorcycle with all the power and presence one would expect Romeo to bear. This is the first of many thrilling and emotional moments in the show.

Bloom and Rashad One of the highlights of the production was the iconic balcony scene. The chemistry between Bloom and Rashad was electric from the moment they met at the ball in the scene prior. This exchange contains some

of the most distinguished dialogue which some will argue is Shakespeare’s best work. This moment onstage between two genuine, passionate lovers is indescribably beautiful; surely a moment that has to be seen for oneself. A stark contrast to the balcony scene was the final encounter between Romeo and Juliet. It is during this scene that the true sense of the word “tragedy” comes into

play. Romeo drinks his poison just before Juliet wakes up from her deep slumber. Romeo’s realization of Juliet’s “death” is enough to make any grown man cry. The outpouring of emotion felt from both Bloom and Rashad during this scene was striking. Additionally, the lighting during the speeches of both characters added intensity to the scene and heightened the emotional state of the audience. At this point, there was audible weeping throughout the audience. The show ends similarly to how it began- simply and elegantly. While most aspects of this production were admired and thoroughly enjoyed, it is opinioned that the decision to have the actors perform sans microphones was a disservice to audience members. Sitting in the rear mezzanine, despite having a clear view of all the action onstage, much of the dialogue was lost. The heightened language of Shakespeare is difficult enough to comprehend on its own, so trying to decipher the words of the actors was distracting and frustrating. Fortunately, the story is much easier to follow when played out onstage as opposed to when simply reading the text. Of the production, sophomore Gabby Cascio says, “This show is everything and more. Classic with the perfect amount of modern.” Bottom line: There is no reason not to see this stunning production. Romeo and Juliet is playing now through Jan, 12, 2014 at the Richard Rodgers Theatre: 226 West 46th Street New York, NY 10036. Producers have implemented a special student and educator ticket policy for this show. 100 seats are reserved for each performance and can be purchased prior to the show at the box office or online for only $22.

Earl Sweatshirt’s Doris album review JAMILLA VAN DYKE-BAILEY Contributor Complex Magazine released their list of “The 40 Most Anticipated Albums for the Rest of 2013” on Aug. 1 where Earl Sweatshirt’s debut album, Doris, came in at number five; only a few places below Eminem’s’ Marshall Mathers LP 2 and Drake’s Nothing Was The Same. For those of you who are not familiar with the name, Earl Sweatshirt is a crucial member from the notorious California Hip-Hop Collective: Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA), or Odd Future for short, that is known for their controversial lyrics and music videos, their popular clothing line, their television show, Loiter Squad and their famous raging concert performances on their repeated sold out tours. What the group lacks in public acceptance, they make up for it with public support, resulting in a cult following. Earl Sweatshirt was away at a therapeutic center in Samoa when Odd Future started to become noticed, buzz still circulated about their missing man, Sweatshirt. Through praise from his fellow group members, his features on their mixtapes, his own mixtape Earl that he released before he left for Samoa and the “Free Earl” movement, Earl was welcomed home in 2012 to a large, loud and expectant buzz. As he worked on his album Doris Earl Sweatshirt stayed musically relevant with verses on the Odd Future collective album, Odd Future Volume 2, Frank Ocean’s channel ORANGE and Tyler, the Creator’s second solo album, Wolf. As the second half of the year came nearer, fans awaited Doris and Earl Sweatshirt’s public debut. Within the first week of his release, without a single on the radio, Earl Sweatshirt’s Doris sold 49,000 copies, placing him above radio favorite A$AP Ferg’s Trap Lord. Not only did Doris do well in it’s first week, it was accepted well across the board. Doris established who Earl Sweatshirt is as an artist and producer. It proved his growth as a rapper and a producer, that he had the ear and talent to make a good album

and that he was going to be here for a while. With the premiere of Doris, Sweatshirt managed to open himself up to the consumers and admit that he feels a lot of pressure to be successful, that he has a strained relationship with his mother and girlfriend that is getting worse by the minute, that he misses his father who walked out on him and his mother when he was younger, that he might have a problem with the type of fun he likes to have, that he is getting sick of being praised and that he doesn’t know what to do about it. In the songs where Earl isn’t rapping to show off his new lavish lifestyle, bash people who didn’t believe in him, take out his unique form of rage on others, or show off his skill in word play, Sweatshirt opens up that he is a young man who is scared and lost and feels the need to drink, smoke and behave badly to get away from his problems. But since Sweatshirt mixes these songs and these lines up with the false male bravado of all rappers and all young men, the honest and open songs don’t come off as whiney and the listener is still able to appreciate the tracks that seem to be about nothing of importance. Overall, for a first album that will never have public backing form MTV, VH1 or any major radio station, Earl Sweatshirt did well for himself and will continue to do well by mastering his lane of “outsider” music until the mainstream media is able to place him, and the other rappers of Odd Future, into a public category (if that ever happens). His well received album not only did well in immediate sales, but a few cities of his “EarlWolf” tour with Tyler, the Creator and his solo “Doris” tour have already begun to sell out. So no, one will not hear Earl on the radio and he will probably have a tough time getting this album to become platinum, but he managed to stay true to himself as an individual, grow as an artist and create a well written, well put together album featuring producers like The Neptunes, RZA and Alchemist and featuring artist like Frank Ocean, Tyler, the Creator, Vince Staples and Mac Miller. Doris is not Earl Sweatshirt’s last solo release by a long shot; this California kid is here to stay.



September 25, 2013

Frozen yogurt trend far from cold as it takes over the city THATIANA DIAZ Features Editor Since the economy first started going backwards three years ago, clothing boutiques, restaurants, electronics stores and retailers of every kind have closed their doors. But a chilly real estate market, topped with recession cravings and a self-serve obsession can make for a delicious business venture. Such is frozen yogurt’s case. Remarkably, Americans are flocking to frozen yogurt establishments because of the fact that yogurt is a much healthier and lighter alternative to ice cream and custard. And let’s face it, it’s a nice alternative to our previous fate of becoming the fast food nation that consumes high calorie desserts from Sonic, McDonalds and two guys named Ben and Jerry. Stand in Union Sqaure and you will notice that frozen yogurt shops are everywhere. A Joyride frozen yogurt truck idled by the park, Diet Lite Ice Cream is visible just down 17th Street, and a quick Yelp search reveals that a Pinkberry, a Tasti D-Lite, a Red Mango, a 16 Handles, a Yoqua Bar and a Yogurberry are all within a five to 10 minute walk. There are now around 22,000 frozen yogurt stores in the U.S. Pinkberry touched off a craze in 2005, then things slowed down, but yogurt’s getting a second wind. One of the fastest growing chains is Red Mango. After closing stores during the recession, Red Mango is launching new locations all over the country including one on Fulton Street. Tasti D-Lite, the frozen treat that is similar to but not quite ice cream or yogurt, is also sniffing around the area as it aggressively expands around the country and abroad. All the establishments are set up similarly: self-serve, many toppings and flavors, and cost is by weight. Choosing a favorite froyo place then comes down to

comparing tiny details and observing owners who put true passion into their stores. But many of these businesses are trying to differentiate themselves by claims of superior taste. Some claim others’ yogurt is too tart. Others say their competitors use a lot of preservatives. Some like to highlight their use of local dairy suppliers. Others emphasize their selection of flavors that appeal to the whole family. The question of why the sudden popularity of the treat remains. There may be a correlation between fro-yo fandom and the overarching trend of “healthiness.” After all, frozen yogurt got its start in the 1980s, a decade characterized by a nationwide health craze that spawned celebrity exercise videos, celebrity-endorsed weight loss products and Olestra. Today, natural food stores like Whole Foods are experiencing booming success, despite the fact that “organic” and “natural” items often carry heftier price tags. It is therefore not so unexpected that ice cream, a favorite go-to snack for many Americans, would be replaced by something more readily consumed by the health-conscious. According to research conducted by the NPD Group, an increased interest in probiotics, the healthful bacteria found in yogurt and some other foods, may be a factor in the popularity of this alternative to regular ice cream. Frozen yogurt is also lower in fat than traditional ice cream, and is served with “healthy” toppings like fruit, granola, and nuts (that is, in addition to options such as chocolate chips, brownie bites, sugary cereals and a variety of candies and syrups). It is also this level of freedom, with the customer being able to create exactly the dessert they want, that really brings them back time and time again. In an economy where so many people are being limited in what they can have, a self serve frozen yogurt franchise gives the power back to the people so they get exactly what they want every time. There’s almost no way a customer can be dissatisfied because they made their own dessert. For quite a while, the self serve frozen yogurt franchise had been considered a trend, but truth be told, it’s one trend that defies trend standards.

The secret to eating healthy on campus MEGAN LARKIN Contributor There is no secret to healthy living— medical professionals practically shout their advice from the rooftops, begging the public to take notice. As a very blunt cardiologist once put it, “Eat less. Exercise a lot.” He then expanded a bit by saying that the key is to eat mostly vegetables and to limit carbohydrates and red meat. However, in reality, it’s not quite that simple, especially when attending college. What you’re putting in matters nearly as much as quantity—and it’s the ‘what’ that tends to get particularly confusing. This is the all-too-common problem that students face every day in the bowels of the University’s Café 101. Here are some helpful tips to remember the next time you stop in for a meal on your way to class.

Let’s start off with something simple — drinks. Since liquid calories lack the ability to make you feel full, it’s easy for them to add up quickly. However, a few conscious switches constitute an easy fix. Try to avoid drinks with added sweeteners, like high fructose corn syrup, which is often found in soda. You should even be cutting back on artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, which have, in recent studies, been shown to be ineffective as weight loss aids. Café 101 carries a wonderful line of all-natural, sugar-free waters and seltzers under the Hint brand that can be absolutely delicious. Of course, we’re only human. If you ever want to treat yourself to that grande Pumpkin Spice Latte, do it, but make sure it is a single pump. Just cutting the syrup in the latte makes a huge difference in calories with a minimal impact on flavor. Sushi, the popular student grab-

and-go dish, can either be a smart inclass snack or a complete calorie bomb. The admittedly delicious sauce that makes spicy rolls so addictive is, in fact, a largely mayo-based condiment. This gives it the dubious honor of being not only high in calories, but also high in cholesterol. Instead, try finding a less fatty condiment, such as wasabi to give the sushi a spicy fix. Unfortunately, fatty dressings aren’t sushi’s only barrier to being a guilt-free treat. For students who are avowed tuna fans and frequent consumers of fish should consider expanding their palette to include a more varied selection of seafood. Due to its high place on the food chain, tuna has a well-documented history of high mercury content. While tuna is not entirely unsafe, it may be wise to reserve this particular fish for occasional indulgence only. Finally, nutrition labels: We all

have places to go, people to see, lives to live, so what should one look at when deciding whether to buy or put it back? Generally, nutrition labels can be pared down to four things — sugar, sodium, saturated (bad) fat and fiber. Ideally, an item should have no more than 10 grams of sugar, be low in sodium, have little to no saturated fat and be high in fiber. Also, be sure to check the serving size on the label. Often times, manufacturers will put two or more servings of a product into a bag if a single serving size appears small. Good nutrition in college is not the insurmountable obstacle that it at first may seem. Instead it is truly an exercise in awareness. It requires little skill — anyone can do it. All one needs to succeed is a little knowledge and a bit of dedication to their own health and happiness.

September 25, 2013


Debate erupts over honoring national tragedy


“Cuffing Season” sends singles into mad dash

FOTINI SACHPATZIDIS Contributor ADAM WELLS Contributor The country experienced another act of violence when a gunman opened fire at the D.C. Navy Yard, where the victim list capped at 12. The Washington Nationals were prepared to play a game that day against the Atlanta Braves at their home stadium, which happens to be in close proximity to the Navy Yard. As a result of the violence, the game was postponed and the teams played a double header the next day. The Nationals wore Navy caps during pregame warm-ups, but they could not wear them during the game. “I think sports should be kept separate from tragedies,” said sophomore Amit Shah. “I understand the sentiment when a team memorializes a horrific event but I think they should remain separate.” Junior Arvind Saini offered a different opinion on the matter: “I think sports should memorialize tragedies by having patches on their uniforms or having a moment of silence in the beginning of the game.” Sometimes, a community has a mantra after something horrific happens. Boston adopted the “Boston Strong” mantra after the ordeal of the Boston Marathon Bombing. The Boston teams even wore their “Boston Strong” patches on their uniforms and the American flags were flying in the backdrop of Boston Red Sox games. Designated Hitter David Ortiz took to the microphone to pump up the crowd. He told the citizens of the city that they are a proud bunch, they then sang the national anthem and moved on to playing the game. It seems that a few pageantry moments in light of an act of terrorism can help the people of the community, even if slightly. “People watch sports religiously and when they see a team they love rooting for is supporting them through a tragedy,

it makes the process a little easier,” said Saini. Anyone can look at this very city we live in as an example. After the Sept. 11 attacks, the New York Yankees wore patches and hats with NYPD and NYFD on them. President Bush even arrived in the Bronx to throw the first pitch in game three of the 2001 World Series when the Yankees played against the Arizona Diamondbacks. But sometimes there are exceptions and memorializing should be heavily considered. When Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher murdered his girlfriend and then committed suicide at the Chiefs practice facility, there was a legitimate discussion about teammates wanting to remember their falling teammate with a patch of his number. There was also discussion of the game possibly being postponed between National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell, then Chiefs Head Coach Romeo Crennel and other members of the Chiefs organizations. The conversation weighed the team’s desire to show their love of their teammate with the fact that he was at the time an alleged murderer. Sports are draped in patriotism. Before the start of games, teams honor our armed forces; flags are spread in the outfield, at midfield and at half-court. So if tragedy strikes, the love of America sky rockets. There are discussions as to what he right thing is to do. Whether it be a postponement, moment of silenc or the wearing patches and hats, there is no right way to handle such a situation. A sport that millions of Americans watch may be obligated for fear of public outcry to do something to memorialize the moment. They sing the national anthem; there is a moment of silence. There may be tears, there may be sad looks and there may be anxiety. The people may feel close but only for that moment—and then, the game starts.

The return of the “Hey stranger” text messages and out of the blue phone calls from a former fling all mark the beginning of Cuffing Season. For unsuspecting victims, Cuffing Season is a time during winter months when single men and women search for someone to keep them warm at night. Once March rolls around, prepare for all those movie nights and cuddle sessions to come to a startling halt and the long nights out at the clubs and Hamptons parties to recommence. But first one must survive the winter. In order to complete Cuffing Season successfully, one must choose the right person to “cuff.” The perfect candidate for this role can be a recent hookup or someone that always flirts with you in class, but should never be a co-worker or ex-boyfriend. Respecting each other’s boundaries is crucial for these wintertime relationships to work correctly. It’s best to maintain zero expectations and remember that the relationship won’t develop into anything long term. As long as both “cuffers” agree to the terms of the relationship, drama will be avoided in most cases. Boundaries are another element that needs to be established and respected. This means no password sharing on social media accounts, text message inbox creeping, and most importantly catching feelings. Emotions are always tricky, but they can go haywire during Cuffing Season if not handled properly. A key thing to remember once you find yourself “cuffed,” is that the relationship is only temporary. Titles such as boyfriend and girlfriend do not exist. After a cuff is chosen and boundaries are understood, the only thing left to do is have fun. Now it’s time to enjoy all the hours of cuddling, ordering takeout food, and late night meet ups that Cuffing Season has to offer. If the fling isn’t fun then it’s best to end it and find another potential cuff on the single market. One last thing: A successful “cuffer” must also be able to end the relationship once springtime hits. The best approach is cutting things off by becoming busy or tired from an endless list of duties and responsibilities. A simple “Hey, sorry I’ve been very busy at school lately, let you know when I’m free again,” will do. Of course, be polite and forward when offering excuses. After all, this was the person that answered your drunken text messages and spooned with you---respect should be given. End communication on a good note and leave room for a random hook up or two in the future. Relationships are winter sports. Now go out and find that special someone before they end up cuffed by somebody else.


September 25, 2013


Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto V lives up to hype Game delivers with visual experience and killer soundtrack

MICHAEL A. FINN Contributor After four long years, the wait is over. On Tuesday, Sept 17, Rockstar released its next installment into the Grand Theft Auto franchise: GTA V. Rockstar’s GTA series is one that pokes fun at American culture and society through an exaggerated depiction of its criminal underworld. Despite the controversy that has surrounded the GTA series as a whole, GTA is sure to attract both fans of the franchise and newcomers with its expansive open world, well-written dialogue, and great story. When players start the game, they are shown many different panoramic shots of Los Santos, the new expansive city that is modeled after Los Angeles, where the game takes place. After seeing these graphically amazing shots, the player is thrown right into the action.

The story of GTA V is one that is sure to grab and keep hold of players The character is in the middle of a bank heist and needs to grab the money and get out. However, it is never that easy because the police are there to stop you. Right away, the game seamlessly transitions between the cut scenes and the actual gameplay. The gameplay flows as great as it ever has with a new enhanced lock-on system and the ability to take cover. These new additions, along with an enhanced driving system, make the game very enjoyable to play. Another area where GTA V excelled is in its cast of characters. This has always been an area where Rockstar has never had any trouble and continues to succeed. In the previous GTA games, there was one main protagonist throughout the entire story. Now, Rockstar stepped up and gave players three different playable protagonists; Michael De Santa, the retired criminal, Franklin Clinton, the repo-man and Trevor Phillips, the career criminal. In many of the missions, these characters team up and Rockstar has introduced a system where you can switch between characters midway through the mission so that you’re playing the mission from different perspectives. The other characters that players come in contact with such as Franklin’s fellow repo man Lamar Davis and the members of the De Santa family who all have distinct personalities and seem to have received as much work as the main cast of characters have. The story of GTA V is one that is sure to grab and keep hold of players. Due to an unfortunate run-in with a wealthy entrepreneur character, Michael De Santa is forced to come out of his retirement and back into the criminal world. The excellently written dialogue helps move the story in a way that flows very well. After, three or four hours of the story, there had yet to be a mission that did not fit in with the rest of the story, which had been the case in some of the previous games. The GTA 5 story will take many hours to complete but will surely keep fans happy. If players ever do get bored with the story (though it is highly impossible) the city of Los Santos has many different activities. Base jumping, racing, sports such as golf and tennis, and gambling are just a few of the many activities that the game has to offer. Planes and blimps have also been added to the vehicles that are able to be used. Side missions are another way to get more out of the game and will show you another side of Los Santos that you do not see during the play through of the story mode. Like in the previous GTA games, the inclusion of the radio is back. You can still turn off the radio just like

in past games but the difference is that this time it is not necessary. The sounds of famous artists such as Kendrick Lamar, Rihanna, and Britney Spears all make appearances on the new improved GTA radio. Also, many talk shows have been added to the radio that will be sure to keep players laughing. The combination of new and old school hits make the GTA V radio a great improvement from previous games. This game is a must have for all gamers who appreciate a great story, good humor, and fun gameplay. Student Gianni Carson felt that GTA V is a game that “takes a great step forward in graphics with cleaner driving mechanics and witty dialogue, blowing its predecessors out of the water while still maintaining the GTA feel.” While everyone was talking about “next generation games” Rockstar has made a game for this generation that people will be playing for many years to come.

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