September 28

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September 28, 2011

Volume 63 | Issue 3


Netflix spins off DVD business into Qwikster

NAZARY NEBELUK Circulation Manager Soon, customers will no longer receive the familiar red Netflix envelopes in their mailboxes; it will have a new name–Qwikster. In a Sept. 18 blog post titled, “An Explanation and Some Reflections,” Netflix co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Reed Hastings outlined how Netflix is splitting into two companies. Qwikster will handle all DVD-bymail customers and will soon add video games to its roster, while Netflix will remain the title of the second company and will focus solely on streaming content. The post also specified that no price

changes would occur. Now, the basic plans for each of the services will be $8 each. This equals the current minimum plan for Netflix subscribers, which is $16, for one DVD at a time and content streaming. This move comes in response to the news that Netflix lost nearly one million of its 25 million subscribers this summer after the company initially announced the splitting of DVD and streaming services while increasing prices for both. The price hike was beneficial for many of its competitors, with Blockbuster running ads specifically pointing out the 60 percent increase in price. In his post, Hastings apologized for a lack NETFLIX continued on PAGE 11

America’s Growing Obsession with the



Long before the days of Diddy, he was known as Puff Daddy and he would rap in short films that featured music playing behind them. They were called “music videos” and played on T.V. networks like MTV. It was back when Michael Jordan had a full mustache and Shaq was an appropriate age for basketball. All of the aforementioned have something in common—they were icons of the ‘90s. Yet, as we move into the second decade of the new millennium, it is starting to look like we are re-entering the ‘90s. In all likelihood, this has nothing to do with the space-time continuum, but

Photo illustration by Hilda Adeniji | The Pace Press

‘90s continued on PAGE 12


NEWS Bicycle share program coming to New York City PAGE 2

ARTS Makers Faire showcases art and science in Queens PAGE 7

Tweet us @thepacepress

FEATURES Mind your subway manners PAGE 11

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September 28, 2011

Rebirth of Lower Manhattan

Downtown rises as fastest growing residential neighborhood post 9/11 NATALIE GAVILANES Alumni In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, the once vulnerable area has now reawakened with new subway stations, offices, residential buildings and the opening of the 9/11 Memorial. According to, the reconstruction has cost $22 billion as a result of various city organizations culminating in the modernization of the area.


To lure back New Yorkers, new luxury apartments and office buildings have popped up all over. In Battery Park City, a 33-story mixed use tower and a green luxury condominium called Riverhouse at One Rockefeller Park was built in the area. The 33-story building on the waterfront of the Hudson River consists of eco-friendly design and luxury amenities such as a City Bakery and a branch of the New York Public Library.

One of the newest residential buildings to be completed is New York by Gehry at 8 Spruce St. The tower is the tallest residential building in Manhattan at 76 stories, 870 feet tall. The building was designed by architect Frank Gehry. Inside the building will be hospital offices, retail shops, public plazas and 10,000 feet will be dedicated to a public school. At 75 Wall St., another 43 story residential building stands in the heart of the Financial District. Converted from an office building to a condominium and luxury hotel, the building features a 360 degree view of New York Harbor and the East and Hudson Rivers.

World Trade (WTC):


The WTC site will not only serve as a memorial and modern offices, but will also include a performing arts center. The Joyce International Dance Center, the Freedom Center, the Signature Theatre and the Drawing Center will also occupy the space. While the 9/11 Memorial opened on Sept. 11, there is

still more construction underway. The underground museum and entrance pavilion is expected to open on Sept. 11, 2012. 1 World Trade, formerly known as the Freedom Tower is expected to be 1,776 feet tall when completed. The building will feature a 1,368 feet observation deck with an antennae topping off the skyscraper. The space will soon be home to offices, worldclass restaurants and retail shops on the lower levels.


The Fulton Street Transit Center construction began in 2005 and is expected to open in 2014. The hub will connect 12 subway lines as well as the New Jersey Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) train. The transit center will be a metaland-glass structure rising four stories.


Plenty of parks have been revived, including the current reconstruction of Peck Slip. The Landmarks Preservation Commission

has approved a design for a park that crosses between lush greens and a stone “piazza”—a nod to the Slip’s maritime history. Brooklyn Bridge Plaza, which once stood as a city parking lot, now houses enhanced sport courts, lush vegetation and seating areas. The synthetic turfstyle carpet sprawls over an 80 by 20 foot activity area with a five-foot circle meant for resident’s to practice Tai Chi. With ping-pong tables, volleyball and basketball courts, the “jungle” theme of the city now takes on a more organic feel.


Located on 30 West Broadway between Barclay and Park Place, Fiterman Hall sustained significant damage from Sept. 11 due to falling debris. The University has set plans to erect a 24-story dormitory at 180 Broadway. This will be the fourth domitority for the University’s Lower Manhattan campus and will be replacing the dorms leased in Brooklyn Heights. The building is expected to be open and occupied by 2013.

Bicycles coming soon for commuters in the five boroughs Mayor Bloomberg introduces affordable, environmentally friendly transportation to NYC ERICK MANCEBO Contributor Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Office announced that it had cut a bicycle-share development deal with Portland, Oregon based company Alta Bicycle Share. Alta Bicycle already operates bicycleshare programs in Washington, D.C. and Melbourne, Australia and hopes to roll out 10,000 bicycles and 600 rental stations throughout the city—making this the largest bicycle-share program in the country. Although Alta Bicycle has no plans for an immediate launch of the program, they hope to have a test run set up in the city by Spring 2012. After the initial trial, Alta plans to have the bicycles and rental stations set up by the end of next summer. The bicycle rental station locations are undecided as of yet, but will be evenly spaced out below 79th Street in Manhattan and select areas of Brooklyn. The solar powered stations will accept

credit cards from new users and a predesigned key from existing subscribers, with a yearly membership costing $100. Officials are considering making daily and weekly subscriptions available to customers as well. The bicycles are designed to deter speeding, with each one weighing in at about 40 pounds. The fully integrated GPS system will make for easy retrieval in case of a lost or stolen bike and each bicycle will be equipped with a bell. New York State law requires that all bicycles have a bell that can be heard at 100 feet, as a safety precaution. The one thing the bicycles do not come with are helmets. Alta Bicycle has previously offered helmet-buying stands at busy bicycle rental stations, while previous participating cities have made discount coupons available for cyclists who need to purchase a helmet. The Mayor’s Office stressed that the bicycle-share will not be publicly funded. The $50 million program will be completely funded by up to four corporate sponsors, with Alta Bicycle agreeing to

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split any profits it makes with the city. Along with sharing their profits with the city, Alta Bicycle will also be responsible for the maintenance of the bicycles, as well as the rebalancing of the stations. Rebalancing stations will prevent situations in which bicyclists find a rental station to be sold out of rental bikes, or too crowded for bicycle drop-off. The program could potentially change the way New Yorkers commute forever. Some students remain skeptical about the reputation of bicyclists on NYC streets, while others displayed interest in seeing it in action and measuring its success. “It’s a green effort, and I would totally do it,” sophomore Maggie Schweppe said. As a commuter, Schweppe says the program would help her because she travels back and forth between school, her apartment and voice lessons uptown. She says the program would “save money on transportation,” and for students like Schweppe, the low price point is very appealing. Others were more enticed by the city’s renewed interest in providing

an environmentally friendly form of transportation for New Yorkers. Sophomore Megan Spaulding stated, “I think it’s a good idea, it’s eco-friendly, smart and something people would use.”


Scan this QR Code to check out New York City Bike Share and vote for a bicycle station.

THE PACE PRESS you’ll love writing for us!

Meetings are every Monday at 12:20 P.M., Suite 902 in 41 Park Row


September 28, 2011

Zuckerberg announces IPO future for Facebook JOANNA GONZALEZ Staff Writer Before the end of 2012, the world’s number one social networking website Facebook will be forced to launch its initial public offering (IPO) due to exceeding a $10 million value. According to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, rule 12g51(b)(3), companies that are worth more than $10 million in assets are required to register as public companies, meaning that it will be available for major companies and the public to invest in according to the Though it might sound great for investors, it does not necessarily mean that these types of companies have to be listed in public markets. They are however, demanded to disclose their financial stances, such as incoming profit and revenues. Facebook is currently considered a private company owned by Accel Partners Digital Sky Technologies, who each own 10 percent of the company, and Grey Lock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners who own between one and two percent. The individuals who started the company and partook in the website’s development also own a share of the company as well. While Facebook is striving to conceal their potential worth as a private company and fear that it might affect employees and owners due to its enormous value, many investors are anxious. The company’s IPO is expected to hold a high estimated value if released to the public. The company claims that it is worth roughly $800 million, but

is not certain, since the company has been secretive about their financial status. As much as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, attempts to withhold this information, investors know that the company’s real value, especially after their IPO release, can be worth over $50 billion, possibly $65 billion. Although these are only estimated endeavors done by investment companies like Goldman Sachs, no one can really pin point Facebook’s potential until the company officially goes public. Research estimates that a transaction of 100,000 shares of Facebook Class B Common Stock priced at $32 a piece could give the website a value of over $80 billion. This is more than expected, since Facebook only intends to keep their shares limited to only 500 according to a post by Emerson Equity, LLC on “For people like us we don’t care, but if it’s for the company I think it’s bad. I hope it doesn’t go public because then that means the website won’t be able to make any changes to Facebook like it has,” junior Vaibhav Jain said. Aside from the investment aspect of the company, Zuckerberg’s major concern is the website’s privacy and potential on a productive level. According to Reuters, Zuckerberg intends to delay the IPO until late Sept. 2012. If it were up to Zuckerberg, he would never go public, as he fears that some employees will lose focus on developing new products and devices for the website and become more concerned with getting paid.



We asked seniors and faculty, “Who would you like to see as the commencement speaker and honorary degree recipient this year?”

“Jane Lynch”

Samantha Bassford, Senior Class President

“Bill Gates”

Alyssa Donigan, Senior Class Vice President

“President Obama” Joshelle Wright, Senior

“Michelle Obama” Tashauna Bagby, Senior

“Tina Fey” Javier Grullon, Senior Mark Zuckerberg depicted as the new face of $100 USD.

ATTENTION SENIORS: Remember to apply for graduation! You can find graduation forms at Degree Audit/OSA in One Pace Plaza or online at:

“Jon Stewart” Seong Jae Min, Communications Professor

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Submit your nomination online for commencement speaker by Oct. 5. Go to to nominate your ideal candidate!



September 28, 2011

University hosts events promoting global citizenship RONIT KAPOOR Contributor The Center for Community Action and Research (CCAR) offers global citizenship opportunities to students to learn about and discuss important topics and issues. The center will host Common Hour Conversations, which are a discussion series that will bring students together to discuss issues of social importance. These discussions will be held on both the NYC and PLV campuses. Director of the Student Development and Campus Activities Center (SDCA), Rachel Carpenter, on the PLV campus states, “I have long believed that if we expect to play a part in this world, we must keep up with the world. That means being informed about international issues, understanding how cultures impact one another, and participating in discussions or activities supporting such a wider and worldly perspective.” As she emphasized the importance of keeping track of the news from around the world, Carpenter continued, “I challenge students, faculty, and staff to really pay attention to the news outside of CNN, FOX and other American news channels. Listen to or watch BBC news and other international sources to gain a different perspective on what is happening in the international community.” In addition to understanding different social issues around the world, students can demonstrate global citizenship in other ways. Junior Alyssa Marie Betancourt explained how students can become global leaders. “I would like students to demonstrate Global Citizenship by first learning what it is and becoming educated on the topic. I would then like them to jump on board and help out by informing others and participating in programming or events for it. The best thing they could do is show support in any way possible,” Betancourt said. The University offers many activities and events that allow students to learn more about how they can give back to their community and make a difference in the world. Many of these events serve to educate students on issues impacting people worldwide. Dean for Students, Dr. Marijo Russell-

O’Grady, highlights the importance of Convocation in teaching others about Global Citizenship. “Convocation is such a wonderful coming together of our community to celebrate the beginning of the semester for first years and all. Creating an event around a common reader and theme is important in embedding the concept of Global Citizenship in our vernacular in action and word,” Dean Russell-O’Grady said. PLV campus Office of Student Success Advisor Brandon McCluskey, describes another event that focuses on global leadership. “The Office of Student Success will be focusing on the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals at Pre-convocation and will lead to a lecture about them later on in the fall semester,” McCluskey said. The lecture will be held on the PLV campus. Assistant Director of CCAR on the PLV campus, Daniel Botting, highlights the value of these discussions. “It’s important for students to have a forum where they can come together, discuss controversial topics, and make their opinions heard,” Botting said. In addition to gaining an understanding about different social issues, students have the opportunity to make an impact on the lives of others. CCAR will host an event on both campuses called “Paint A School Day,” where 100 University students will be going to paint and organize a needy school in the Bronx. Students on the NYC campus will have the chance to participate in the event, “Thanksgiving with Survivors of Domestic Violence,” where students will travel to a shelter in the Bronx to serve Thanksgiving dinner and play games with children from families that have experienced domestic violence. The center will also host “Alternative Spring Break,” which will be offered on both campuses. Students will spend a week learning about poverty and helping organizations dedicated to assisting those in need in NYC. PLV campus Dean for Students Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, also highlights different activities that will take place throughout the year on the PLV campus. “In the residence halls this year, the staff will be programming on what it means to be a global citizen. Also, we hope students will participate in ‘Make a Difference Day’ Capture







(ITS) has implemented new changes and updates to programs available to students, faculty and the Administration. ITS also has a new Chief Information Officer (CIO), Thomas Hull hired from Siena College. The various updates that ITS has made include the ECHO 360 Lecture

A Global citizen: •is aware of the wider world and has a sense of his or her own role as a world citizen •respects and values diversity •has an understanding of how the world works •is troubled by social injustice •participates in the community at a range of levels, from the local to the global •is willing to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place •takes responsibility for her or his actions •feels an ethical responsibility to others around the globe For more information about University events and activities on Global Citizenship, please visit:

on Oct. 15.” “They can feel the power of giving back. The world is a large place but making a difference locally can help to make the world feel smaller,” Moscaritolo said, on what students can gain from participating in the “Make a Difference Day” event. Moscaritolo further describes the impact she hopes that these events and activities can have on students. She added, “My hope is that students will begin to recognize injustices when they see them, will be more globally aware, and will begin to understand their purpose in the world and how the choices they make have an impact on the world.” As students learn about how they can work toward the benefit of the world around them, they can also inform and guide peers on how they can demonstrate global citizenship themselves. “Students should demonstrate global citizenship by improving ways to help educate students and bring a more

general awareness about the concept of global citizenship onto campus. Students could help do this by holding events and programs hosted by various organizations,” senior Amanda Carterstates said. By demonstrating global citizenship on campus, students may not only make a positive difference to the University environment but also to the rest of the world. “If we start doing [things] on a local level, hopefully it will have a snowball effect. Sort of like the movie Pay It Forward, you do one good thing and eventually it goes around the world without you even knowing this occurred,” Betancourt said. Becoming a global citizen can be much easier than one can imagine. Betancourt continued, “I hope students will realize there is a change to be made and they have the power to do so. I want them to see that it doesn’t take much time or that it is not difficult. The smallest action can contribute to Global Citizenship.”


Resources Benefits, Security and ITS. The

halls but still need University assistance,

classroom lectures, is now available to

Web Help Desk will continue to integrate

can use the Pace Information Center (PIC).

students through their MyPace Portal. This

other University departments in the future.

PIC is available through any University

eliminates the process of having a separate


The definition of a “global citizenship” applies as according to Oxfam, an international confederation of 14 organizations working with over 3,000 partners in around 100 countries to find lasting solutions to social injustices.


phone line by dialing 311 and the caller will

username and password to access the

system in which phone calls are queued

be directed to the appropriate department

recordings. Faculty members will now be

instead of going to voicemail. This feature

based on their inquiry.

able to view the statistics on student usage

includes updates on how long the wait time

The Homer Screens are now being

of ECHO 360 for their classes.

is for each caller and when their call will be

managed by ORCA in which they will run


University updates and advertisements.

For technical support, ITS now offers a University Web Help Desk in which an






All information for the NYC Campus is

online ticketing system was implemented

phones have been replaced with new

distributed through ORCA and are now

along with the consolidation of various

phones located in the in the lounges

accepting student input and student

University departments. This system allows

and hallways. The new phones will give

submitted updates.

students to submit paperwork online

students the ability to get in touch with

ITS will be making periodic updates

without having to stop by department

University faculty and administrative staff

throughout the school year. For more

offices. Some of the departments included

as well as University security and 911.

information visit the ITS homepage at

Office of Student Assistance (OSA), Human




For those who are not in residence

September 28, 2011

ON CAMPUS EVENTS Portraits of Grief Sept. 6 - Oct. 1 Fingesten Gallery

Gallery exhibit of work by Photographer Carla Shapio.

Zumba Class

Sept. 30, Oct 3 & 5 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Civic Center Gym

The Syringa Tree Performance

Sept. 28 - Oct. 2 Wed. - Fri. 8:00 p.m. Sat. 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Sun. 2:00 p.m. Schaeberle Theater


Sept. 30 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Civic Lobby “The walk is to raise awareness about the hard of hearing in this world of ours.”

“An inspiring story told through the eyes of a white six-year-old child in South Africa during the times of Apartheid.”

For more information, please contact Patrick Dehahn at

Graduate Information Session

Hillel’s Rosh Hashanah Lunch and Learn

Oct. 3 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Midtown Building 805B

Oct. 4 12:20 p.m. - 1: 00 p.m. One Pace Plaza, W619

A graduate admission advisor, faculty member, and financial aid representative will be available to provide prospective graduate students with graduate program information and answer any questions you may have.

Latin Sensation

Oct. 4 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Student Union Hosted by Sigma Iota Alpha

Fundamentals of an Effecive Job Search

Oct 4. 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Multipurpose Room Hosted by Career Services

A salsa instructor from Piel Canela New York Latin How to look for a job in a Dance & Music School will difficult job market. teach a 90 minute salsa class and then have a team perform for the Pace community.

Study Abroad Fair

Oct. 5 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Multipurpose Room/BLevel Come to the Study Abroad Fair to learn more about our Study Abroad programs!

Improv Night

Oct. 5 7:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m. Student Union Hosted by Pace Cares



Editorial Board Kim Bui Editor-in-Chief Kaitlynn Blyth Associate Editor Ivonna Thompson Managing Editor Hilda Adeniji Creative Director Fotini Sachpatzidis News Editor Stephanie Hansen Arts Editor Craig Held Features Editor Kate Hamzik Copy Editor

Leucepe Martinez Advertising Manager Brian Rentas Web Editor Nazary Nebeluk Circulation Manager Michael Oricchio Faculty Consultant


“Out in the Open”

Oct. 4 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Schimmel Theatre An original work of spoken word theater by Pace alumna Andrea “Andy” Cofino and featuring 92 interviews conducted across diverse cultures and communities, “Out in the Open” explores the effects that homophobia and transphobia have on all communities.

Movie Night

Oct. 5 9:00 p.m - 1:00 a.m. Multipurpose Room Movie screening of Dias de Futbol with Spanish cuisine and refreshments.

Abby Beatson Betty Fermin Joanna Gonzalez Bethany O’Grady Ruveena Rossitto

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2011


September 28, 2011


Bryant Park Fall Festival showcases NYC arts

Fall Festival entertains kids and adults alike with jazz and puppet shows ERICK MANCEBO Contributor

photo by Henry Zhao | The Pace Press Jazzmobile: Winard Harper Septet performance at Bryant Park Fall Festival.

Formerly Leisure Time Bowl

This year marked the fourth annual Bryant Park Fall Festival. The festival ran from Sept. 16-23 showcasing a variety of performances put on by a number of the city’s, as the program puts it, “premier cultural institutions.” The eight-day event was sponsored by Bank of America and produced by the Bryant Park Corporation, which operates the park. The daily festival was divided into afternoon and evening sessions. The afternoon sessions were geared towards children and young adults, while the evening sessions were geared towards adults. On Sept. 16 there was a poetry reading held by City Winery and Bowery Poetry Club. That night, Burnt Sugar The Arkestra Chamber took to the stage for an interesting performance which set out to “mash R&B, rock, and jazz” into one fluid and entertaining sound. On Sept. 17, the afternoon session featured a puppet mobile with a show from Kids Club Thirteen. The half-hour show told the tale of Bessie, the talentless circus cow and her quest to find a viable talent that would allow her to live out her dreams of becoming a circus performer. The show was a hit, especially among the four to 10-year-old demographic That night, the China Institute presented their take on the music of modern China. The highlight of the evening was performer Le Zhang’s performance of three jazz pieces, sung in Chinese. Combining the beautiful sounds of the spoken Chinese language and the familiarity of jazz music proved to be a winning combination. The dance company Ballet Hispanico had the kids dancing in the aisles and the adults dancing in their seats during their performance on Sept. 18. The company’s take on Perez Prado’s “Caballo Negro” was extremely entertaining, and the performers obviously enjoyed themselves. The energy that filled the park that evening kept on into the next night as Jennifer Muller/ The Works danced their way through a sevenpiece production on Sept. 19. The Metropolitan Opera took to the stage for a series of stirring and truly beautiful performances on Sept. 20. Evan Hughes, Emalie Savoy and Paul Appleby all did an incredible job, tackling pieces in Italian, English and German. Savoy’s rendition of “Someone to Watch Over Me” from the musical Oh, Kay! and Appleby’s heartfelt ode to NYC in “New York Lights” were crowd favorites. On Sept. 21 there was a performance from Jazzmobile, a jazz education and performance company. The Winard Harper Septet took to the stage for a good 20 minutes before the rain sent most of the audience ducking for cover. The short-lived performance was extremely soulful, with Winand Harper making use of unconventional African drums, combining world music with jazz. Jovan Alexandre had an amazing saxophone solo and Bruce Harris followed suit on trumpet. The Bryant Park Fall Festival marks the beginning of the autumn/winter cultural season in NYC.

September 28, 2011



Eccentricity comes to life at Maker Faire in Queens

The New York Hall of Science hosts event for innovative creations and experimentation

MONA KHALDI Contributor The Maker Faire took place on Sept. 17 and 18 at The New York Hall of Science in Queens, where families, students and other curious attendees gathered to see innovators and artists display their newest creations. In the center of the hall stood a giant fire-breathing dragon, with its scales made of scraps of steel and legs made out of torn up tires, which were red and blue. Under its tail, there were stairs that kids eagerly climbed with their parents to explore the piece. Off to the side of the belly hung speakers that played funky electronic music as the kids in it danced. Every few minutes the mouth would blast fire. The dragon set the tone of the faire as it was an incredible work of art that took exceptional knowledge of mechanics to build. The stations at the event featured work from a varied number of categories including: medicine, sustainability,

robotics, clothing, play structures, vehicles, devices, music and others. By the entrance there were handmade leather tophats, a computer run portable organ, followed by a station displaying costumes made from materials used to make prosthetics. Dr. Adventure, the eccentric maker of these costumes stated, “I used to work in biotechnology, I got out of it because there is so much more you can do with it, look,” he said while fixing his cape and goggles. He pointed to a remarkable black-studded bra and garter belt made by the same material used in prosthetics. “Lady Gaga would pay thousands for this,” Dr. Adventure said. Other work also seemed like undiscovered gems. For example, 3D printers—which most don’t seem to hear about even though they are used everywhere—were featured all throughout the fair. 3D printers have been around for 25 years. They make

things out of plastic by designing it on a computer and then printing it with the machine. 3D printers have been made available to the public thanks to companies at the faire, such as MakerBot. Some other amazing innovations included a human sized mouse trap game set up on the grass. Nearby was a neon robot drum machine, and in the electronics section, trip glasses that had some people seeing rainbow tunnels and some seeing purple fireworks. A crowd favorite was the Sashimi Tabernacle Choir from Houston, Texas, which consists of the famous Barry Bass, Cool Catfish and Lucky Lobster, all electronic singing animals. Almost a hundred of them were seen wired to a bright blue Volvo, flopping happily as the car played “The Age of Aquarius,” Mozart and the Beatles. Everyone that passed by the car was humored and baffled. The Faire had innovative ideas and surprises that were ridiculous and crazy, but certainly not boring. Who knows what next year’s Maker’s Faire will bring.

all photos by Mona Khaldi | The Pace Press



September 28, 2011

‘90s Nickelodeon shows are all that and back in style University student hosts ‘90s Nickelodeon marathon of classic cartoon favorites AMANDA BAKER Contributor

Recently, social networks have been buzzing about Nickelodeon deciding to bring back all of the ‘90s shows everyone loves. Twitter and Facebook have been filled with “90s are All That” hash tags as people talk about which show was their favorite. The target audience for bringing back the 90s shows consists mostly of college age students, who were children when the shows first aired. On Sept. 22, the University held an event called “Nickelodeon Throwback Night” in the Student Union and was hosted by junior Stephanie Miles. Some of the cartoons shown at the event included “Rocko’s Modern Life,” “CatDog” and “The Wild Thornberrys.” Junior Chloe Buckner says she’s happy that Nickelodeon brought back the ‘90s cartoons because, “Cartoons now are so different. I like reliving how things used to be…simple humor and stuff.” People between the ages of 16 and 22 may not

watch any new cartoons, but they still love the ones they used to watch as children. Miles did admit that being at the event made her feel like a kid again. “There’s still a part of my childhood that I can hold on to. I felt like I didn’t have to take things in life too seriously. It was a nice time to relax and reminisce,” Miles said. Bringing back the ‘90s means bringing back childhood memories that everyone cherishes and this might explain the current infatuation so many people have with the ‘90s era. Although being a college student means growing up and putting childish things behind, it doesn’t mean that you have to lose your inner child. Every weekday night starting at midnight, you can catch all your favorite shows like “All That,” “Kenan & Kel,” “Doug,” “Hey Arnold!” and “Clarissa Explains It All.” Viewers can also vote for the show they want to see the most at The shows with the most votes will be aired on Friday nights.

Adult Swim picks up Odd Future Series

The rap group teams up with Dickhouse Entertainment for hilarious new show DAMIEN MORGAN Contributor If one enjoys the escapades of “Jackass” and the “Chappelle Show,” then a thrilling new series is just around the corner. “Loiter Squad” is a 15 minute live show picked up by Adult Swim that features pranks, sketches, man on the street segments and music from the creative styles of Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA). The show is set to air beginning in 2012. OFWGKTA is one of the most critically disruptive hiphop acts that has a fan base of millions and is led by rapper and producer Tyler, The Creator. The number of fans hasn’t weakened, especially with “Best New Artist” awarded to Tyler, The Creator at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards for his music video “Yonkers,” which has received more than 22 million views on YouTube. With television shows such as “Jackass,” “Nitro Circus,” “Rob & Big,” “Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory” and “Wildboyz” under their belts, Dickhouse Entertainment seems to be the perfect partner for “Loiter Squad.” When one watches any of these shows they can’t help but laugh at the hilarious pranks and artistic styles, which is exactly what “Loiter Squad” is aiming to give their audience.

What’s great about working with Dickhouse is that they have a great sense of humor and we all found the same things funny, so there would be jokes and pranks going on throughout the whole day of filming.

have all done a good job keeping a lot of the details, including when the show will air, out of the media limelight. The only information that can be found out about “Loiter Squad” is that a few members filmed a pilot during the summer

and pitched it to Adult Swim. When looking for a sneak peak on the internet, the most that someone can find are a few videos of skateboarders performing amazing tricks on the streets of Los Angeles and a video of OFWGKTA carrying out some

pranks in their everyday life. One can only imagine the hilariousness that the Adult Swim staff got to witness when they were pitched the pilot. For everyone else though, the wait seems endless for this soon to be thrilling series to premiere.

-Lionel “L-Boy” Boyce


During the filming process of the show, OFWGKTA member Lionel “L-Boy” Boyce used his blog, Blogs.laweekly. com, to talk about Dickhouse Entertainment stating “What’s great about working with Dickhouse is that they have a great sense of humor and we all found the same things funny, so there would be jokes and pranks going on throughout the whole day of filming.” In most Dickhouse Entertainment, the chemistry between producers and the cast is the way Boyce describes it. The relationship between everyone involved is promising for the final outcome of the show, which is sure to be an epic showcase of antics and entertainment. Adult Swim, Dickhouse Entertainment and OFWGKTA


September 28, 2011


The written word thrives at the Brooklyn Book Festival Downtown Brooklyn hosts an array of authors and publishers from around the world platforms, authors and poets read some of their work, talked with one another and answered audience questions. Crowds were larger than ever before as the events were spread out between Borough Hall, Columbus Park, St. Francis College, St. Ann and the Holy Trinity Church and the Brooklyn Historical Society.

cultural energy,” she added. During her talk, Lahiri discussed a statement she once made, that most of her inspiration had come from her parents. She stated that she felt that her entire life had been defined by the fact that her parents left India and settled in the U.S. The festival also featured writers from outside Brooklyn like Larry McMurtry,

The Brooklyn Book Festival embraces and celebrates this unique cultural energy.

many ways and that definition is affected by the time we are living in. Panels ranging from sex, race, humor and basedon-a-story books definitely helped develop thinking. The Brooklyn Book Festival highlighted the positive changes that are occurring in the publishing industry despite the rise of new technology and the move towards a digital audience of readers.

-Jhumpa Lahiri,

BoBi award winning author BETTY FERMIN Staff Writer They say that print media is dead, but on Sept. 18 the Brooklyn Book Festival was filled with the presence of the written word. The area around Brooklyn Borough Hall was lined with rows of vendor stations loaded with a number of novels, leaflets of poetry, zines and comic books. Thousands of visitors came to the book festival, which featured 260 top national and international authors, literary organizations and booksellers. On several

This was the sixth anniversary of the book festival, which can be called the city’s best literary event. The festival is a tribute to Brooklyn, which is home to a number of great authors, past and present that includes: Truman Capote, Norman Mailer and Jhumpa Lahiri to name a few. Lahiri was this year’s Best of Brooklyn (BoBi) winner “for an outstanding contribution to literature.” She is highly recognized for The Namesake and Interpreter of Maladies. “Reading matters in Brooklyn and writers thrive,” Lahiri said. “The Brooklyn Book Festival embraces and celebrates this unique

Joyce Carol Oates and Fran Lebowitz. In a panel about apocalyptic visions in fiction, Colson Whitehead, author of Zone One, got a few laughs when he recalled, “When I was 15, I was taken to see Dawn of the Dead on a family outing. After that, everyone else was scared of, say, getting in front of a room and speaking in public, but I was constantly scared of zombies.” There was something for everybody, whether they were looking for books that were funny, serious, poetic or in this case—about zombies. The panels were eclectic, mainly because good fiction can be defined in

Polar Bear Club releases new album, Clash Battle Guilt Pride ERICK MANCEBO Contributor Polar Bear Club is described as an “American post-hardcore/indie rock” band, but their sound is more complicated than that. Imagine someone taking a splash of samples from the members of Coheed and Cambria, mixing it with a bit of Hoobastank, adding a dash of My Chemical Romance and serving it with a side of Third Eye Blind. Hailing from Upstate New York, the band is comprised of Jimmy Stadt (vocals), Chris Browne (guitar), Nate Morris (guitar), Erik Henning (bass) and Tyler Mahurin (drums). Their latest full-length album, Clash Battle Guilt Pride, was released on Sept. 13. If you’re looking for this album to be a departure from the band’s previous two, beware that the new one is nothing innovative—but that is not necessarily a bad thing. The album starts off with the emotionally charged song “Pawner.” Keeping with the band’s knack for in-your-face, gritty songs, the guitar riffs serve as the frame for the powerful lyrics. As loud and powerful as the song is, the end result turns out to be a simple and thought-provoking track, thanks to well, thought-out instrumentation. “Pawner” flows effortlessly into the second track, “Killin It.” This track is the closest the band comes to being screamo throughout the course of the album. This may or may not be a good thing depending on personal preference, but it definitely fits the attitude of the record. The album continues its flow to the next track with “Screams in Caves.” This song is where the Hoobastank sound becomes a bit more pronounced as Doug Robb, lead singer of Hoobastank, and Stadt sound strikingly similar at times. “Screams in Caves” is also where the band makes the best use out of Browne, Morris and Mahurin as both guitar and drums play a large role in driving this song. “Kneel on Nails” solidifies the band’s reputation as an anthem-maker. Mahurin starts off the song with solid drum playing. By the time the guitar kicks in, you would have to be dead not to be jamming along to it. The lyrics, “For you I’d kneel on nails and never give a reaction,” make this track indie rock’s answer to Bruno Mar’s “Grenade.” “My Best Days” is where the album begins to stagnate. “I’ll Never Leave New York” and “Bottled Wind” fall victim to what, in the context of the entire album, can only be described as filler tracks. Thankfully though, “Religion on the Radio” kicks in. The track manages to truly be original while keeping some of the same old Polar Bear Club charm. The album, freshly resurrected from the risk of being boring, wraps things up with the final track, “3-4 Tango.” The final track is the best of the whole bunch lyrically. “3-4

Tango” takes on a narrative style and tells the listener a story. The album, for what it’s worth, ends on a high note. The album is worth a listen with its only flaw being that the tracks do not vary enough in sound. The band tries their best to temper this effect with a few interesting change ups, but overall, the listener is left with the vague feeling that if asked to name a standout song, they would be unable to do so. This might not be a problem for listeners who were already fans of the band, but in terms of gaining new fans, it may take a few tries.



September 28, 2011

Fast food companies lobby to accept food stamps

like a good idea. Food stamps can already be used to buy cookies, soda, and pre-made sandwiches as well as In the U.S., over 15 percent of the population microwavable food. Unfortunately, while the goal of receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance SNAP benefits is to avoid hunger and malnutrition, Program (SNAP) benefits, more commonly referred there’s really no easy way to ensure recipients are to as food stamps. That amounts to over 45 million buying healthy foods. people receiving aid. The purpose of these programs Currently, food stamps cannot be used to is to provide food options to those who cannot purchase prepared food. The person shopping is afford to provide food for themselves. expected to buy food and make it themselves. That The U.S. Department of Labor reported this being said, anyone who has food stamps can walk month that the August unemployment rate was 9.1 into a supermarket and buy any food item aside percent. It’s no surprise that more people are turning from things like a precooked chicken or alcohol. to SNAP benefits hoping to receive assistance With the obesity level in the U.S. as high as it because they cannot afford to pay for food for is, many are opposed to the idea of having fast food themselves or their families. restaurants accept food stamps. Allowing people to According to reports, SNAP distributed more buy fast food with their benefit cards will simply than $64 billion in federal funding to needy families, encourage unhealthy eating habits. with the majority being spent in supermarkets. Now, Sophomore Dylan Albo doesn’t agree with the fast food giants want a piece of the action. lobbyists, either. “Fast food chains are already Yum! Brands, the parent company of KFC, targeted toward low income families, by offering Pizza Hut, Long-John Silver’s and Taco Bell, is options like the dollar menu. All this would do is trying to get federal approval to accept food stamps. increase an already large number of health problems While many people on food stamps would probably that could easily be avoided,” Albo said. be thrilled to be able to get a pizza or a bucket of Lobbying to have food stamps accepted at fast chicken with their benefits, it simply doesn’t sound food restaurants is an obvious attempt to broaden CAROLYN HACHMEYER Contributor

the customer base of Yum! Brands and increase profit. As it is, the SNAP benefits are considered stimulus for the economy because people tend to spend the money faster, and with the current economic situation, the government may have no choice but to allow the lobbyists to get their way. “With rising fuel costs, and with larger industries closing down small town farmers, the larger industries have monopoly-like power to raise the prices of milk, eggs, meats and veggies. The government has no choice but to find what is most cheap at this point in our economic period and go for the fast food chains,” sophomore Jordan Hirsh said. Unfortunately, the odds that consumers will be able to use their food stamps for fast food in the future is incredibly likely. There are already several states including Florida, Michigan, Arizona and California that have set a precedent, permitting food stamps to be used in restaurants. Hopefully, those who use SNAP benefits will make the decision to eat healthier foods rather than use the money towards fast food.

University of London study shows effects of caffeine on the mind PATRICK DEHAHN Contributor In April 2011, a group of researchers at the University of London conducted a study on whether or not coffee really woke people up. They tested the expectation of having consumed caffeine and how it would affect people’s performance and mood. There were 88 student volunteers from ages 18 to 47 that participated in this experiment. They were given cups of coffee every day and were falsely told what kind of coffee it was. People were separated into four groups with different combinations of coffee and “caffeine expectations.” For example, the researchers would give some volunteers decaffeinated coffee but told them it was caffeinated and others the opposite. Only select groups of people were told the truth about the caffeine in their coffee. Everyone was given five minutes to drink their coffee while they had close to an hour of time to relax and do their own things before taking examinations. These tests were for the researchers to evaluate their thoughts, mood and enthusiasm. Those who believed they were given caffeine but really got decaf coffee

responded to their expecting caffeinated coffee by acting more energetic, optimistic and focused on both their mental and physical skills. Participants in each group reported feeling down when those people who drank or thought they drank caffeinated coffee didn’t feel this way. The journal Appetite published the study declaring that expecting a caffeinated coffee and unknowingly getting a decaffeinated cup will make you feel the same way as getting one with actual caffeine in it. This study tries to prove to people that caffeine in coffee has a placebo effect. However, people cannot go into a coffee shop and get decaf coffee while trying to believe it is caffeinated. People cannot be in on the trick themselves. Junior Michael Wellbrock admits that he usually drinks a cup of coffee a day. He “believe[s] that the caffeine does help, but that it’s also how much you believe the caffeine works for you.” After hearing about the study, he says that he “would have to read over the study” in order to fully believe it. If people keep ordering caffeinated cups of coffee and expect that it is so, then they can go about their day as energized as they feel, which may be only a placebo effect. Caffeine is after all, a stimulant which works on the brain and can combat drowsiness and fatigue, so the energy people get from coffee may be at least partially due to consumers anticipating a caffeine “jolt.”


September 28, 2011


New York City subways become manner-free zone SARAH AIRES Contributor Despite the convenience and affordability of the NYC subways, there are instances that subway riders would rather forget. We are constantly reminded by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) that our bags are subject to search for who-knows-what, that we should not stand past the yellow platform line and that we should travel in groups at night. Yet, no one warns against all the obnoxious habits we endure every time we board the train. There is no escaping all of those annoying New Yorkers when you are underground in a bouncing train car. It might help to determine which habits are most disturbing. There are websites dedicated to posting pictures to expose the gross habits of subway riders for all of us to gawk at such as which contains pictures of train riders you would have to see to believe. The website has shown a man giving himself a makeshift shower from a gallon jug of water, a wannabe Chippendale’s dancer practicing his sultry moves on the train pole and several people sleeping in awkward positions taking up inordinate amounts of space. Though there are crazy stories of subway loons, sometimes the most angering behavior on the trains is someone just being inconsiderate. University students found

lack of manners to be the worst subway habit. “The people who talk over everyone in the subway really bothers me,” sophomore Andrew Meyer said. “Like when a big group of people are talking so loudly that you can’t hear your own conversation with like a friend next to you.” Senior Asad Zanjani has become increasingly aggravated with pole huggers. “You know, when a person is fully wrapped around the pole when other people are literally just left hanging there. Or during rush hour when people decide not to move when you are trying to enter or exit the train,” Zanjani said. For those commuters coming from the St. George Residence Hall to downtown, their ride is only two quick stops, but for those who come into the city from farther boroughs like Queens or the Bronx, it is much more important that their train ride not send them into a bad mood tailspin for the rest of the day. The crazy happenings in the underground tunnels are few and far between, but basic rude behavior is all around us. It is understandable that for some commuters, the subway ride is a dreadful experience. All we can hope for the future of subway riders everywhere is that everyone agree to be more self aware and considerate of our fellow New Yorkers. A passenger gets a little too comfortable on the R train.

Netflix users feel the effects of the transition into Qwikster continued from PAGE 1 of communication and his “hubris” in executing the earlier price change. However, he gave no rationale for this new split in service, such as declining DVD rentals or the number of increased streaming users, saying that with separate companies each would be able to deliver better service. While many have strong negative opinions about all these changes on the internet, few University students seem fazed by it. Sophomore Sierra Chandler said, “I am such a slave to Netflix Instant that they could make a lot of changes and so long as I can still stream my favorite T.V. shows and movies I will be a happy customer.” For some, the two services are seen as beneficial. “I am not affected by the change because I only use Netflix for online streaming. I don’t have a need for DVDs or an interest in video games or the patience to wait for anything in the mail,” junior Maykel Khilla said. “This just makes it cheaper for me to watch movies online,” she added. Sophomore Elizabeth Caplan echoed this sentiment saying, “I’m embracing the change because I only regularly use Netflix’s online streaming anyway. I’ll probably only subscribe to Netflix’s website, and stay away from Qwikster. In my case, this makes the same service actually less expensive.” It’s clear that the changes are beneficial to people our age but we have no idea how it may affect students academically. Students taking film classes still need sources to watch movies. One particular class, FRE 161 “The French Speaking World Seen Through It’s Films,” has Netflix stated in its syllabus

as a source for movies. It will remain to be seen how this change affects students. It will most likely be cheaper to maintain a digital copy of a film and stream it instead of maintaining a DVD stock, but the company will need the distributor to agree to its terms. While a last minute streaming is good on the night before an essay is due, there may be situations where a DVD is required. The need for more streaming support is clearly evident with more devices ready to stream out of the box. All major video game consoles support a Netflix application and select T.V. manufacturers are building Wi-Fi capability into their T.V.s and shipping them with Netflix preloaded. In fact, certain models of the Sony Bravia T.V. have a remote with a dedicated Netflix button. Customers are also able to stream from their Android and iOS devices with the Netflix application available in Google and Apple’s respective app stores. With the focus on streaming, it’s clear where the future of Netflix is headed. This moves the company away from competing with services such as Redbox and Blockbuster into the territory of Hulu and direct streaming from television networks. Each coming with their own sets of restrictions. Hulu Plus makes customers watch advertisements after a monthly fee, but also offers a wider range of recent content while streaming from an individual television network is typically dependent on the cable or internet provider. In response to all these changes, Blockbuster has started a partnership with Dish Network called “Blockbuster Movie Pass” set to launch on Oct. 1, and will initially be available only for Dish Network

customers. The service will cost an additional $10 a month. While this doesn’t change the landscape of video rentals significantly, the press release called for everyone to stay tuned for more developments. It remains to be seen how studios and networks will react to this myriad of changes. Netflix recently had a dispute with Starz network, causing them to lose hit shows such as “Party Down” and “Spartacus” as well as the network’s repertoire of movies. They were however able to secure a contract for shows such as “Mad Men,” “Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead.” The most successful video service may then be determined not by their price point or treatment of customers, but by their relationships with the content providing studios. It’s also unclear what role advertisers will play in the future of video subscription services. Netflix envelopes usually have a small ad printed on the inside tear of the sleeve, but by focusing on streaming they may alienate advertisers, while Hulu may gain their trust since they force their members to watch ads. Advertisement has always played a role in media development and Netflix’s lack of ads may end up hurting them, despite their customers seeing it as a major selling point. The future of Netflix is unclear, but it’s clear they’ll be around. What will happen to Qwikster remains unseen. With more people gaining high speed internet access and more devices capable of streaming Netflix entering the market, maybe the future of those little red envelopes is set to go the way of the VHS cassette.


September 28, 2011


Contrary to popular belief, students can save in NYC SARAH AIRES Contributor

continued from PAGE 1

Zeytuna 10% Off Purchase with Student ID

Panini & Co. 15% Off Purchase with Student ID

Utrecht Art Supplies offers 10% discount and sale prices.

Full-time college students can save 25% on NJ TRANSIT Monthly Passes

Please present your current school ID when you register for the artsmart card.

Topshop 10% Off Purchase with Student ID The penny-pinching ways of students all across the U.S. are no secret. At only 33 cents per pack, things like Ramen noodles have become a college staple. Between classes, work and attempting to maintain a functioning social life, it is important to try to save money where it counts. NYC has one of the highest costs of living in the world. Rent and transportation prices are sometimes so unreasonable that it is hard for college students to remember that the city is brewing with great deals for them to take advantage of. Websites like have been created specifically for students looking to squeeze everything they can out of their last $5. There are student discounts for just about everything from groceries to gym memberships, if one knows where to look. As for groceries, Key Foods is a great option for students on a budget. There is a Key Foods located just around the corner from One Pace Plaza at 77 Fulton St., making it easily accessible to students living in the area. There is also a location on Montague St.—just a short walk away from the St. George residence hall and has much more reasonable prices than competing grocery store Gristedes. Key Foods also offers students 10 percent off their purchase on Sundays with a student ID. For the fashion forward, there are plenty of clothing stores that offer student discounts. Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, J.Crew and the Limited all offer 15 percent off of regular priced items, while Club Monaco offers 20 percent off their clothes with a student ID. Many stores do not

Why the ‘90s are “All That”

Key Foods offers 10% purchases made with Student ID on Sundays widely advertise their discounts, so it is always a good idea to carry your student ID at all times, and don’t be afraid to inquire about any student discounts. For nights out and things to do around the city, there are always special deals around every borough. AMC Loews theaters offer students discounted movie tickets on Thursdays. The New York Philharmonic, New York City Ballet and the Lincoln Center Theater offer drastically discounted student rush tickets for their shows to fill empty seats. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden offers students $5 admission, and the Modern Museum of Art (MoMA) offers students $12 admission and is free on Fridays after 5 p.m. Regardless of whether or not one knows of a student discount, tons of stores— especially ones that surround college campuses—offer some sort of student discount. Researching online, one can find many companies that offer deals on their products for college students who are trying to get the most bang for their buck. A great way to find out about of any student advantages going on around the city is to subscribe to the publication Time Out New York. Time Out lists fun things to do around the city with friends or on your own, and the cheapest way to do them every week. No matter the time of year, the borough, or what you like to do for fun, it is a universal need to save some extra cash. Take advantage of every discount made available to you and the pay off may be surprising. A penny saved is a penny earned.

rather the current generation of young adults that are entering the “real world” and grasping onto pieces of their childhood. The neon colors, the T.V. shows and the fashions are all coming back as Generation Y begins to take the reigns in determining what is cool. The ‘90s were somewhat of a golden age for genres like hip-hop, pop punk and R&B. These genres haven’t become extinct, but they were certainly placed on the back burner for dance-pop. However, the ‘90s influence on today’s music is incredibly apparent. While Justin Bieber is one of the most polarizing figures in pop music, his career is closely modeled to that of his mentor, ‘90s R&B artist Usher. The current range of female hip-hop artists like Kreayshawn and Nicki Minaj are reminiscent of artists like TLC, Foxxy Brown and Lil’ Kim. The current fashion trends are also throwbacks to a time gone by. Urban Outfitters and American Apparel are pushing bright neon tank tops that haven’t been seen in 20 years outside of “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” reruns. The New York Knicks and Chicago Bulls hats that have been sitting in closets for years are now selling on eBay as vintage fashion items. The dingy flannel shirts similar to the ones worn by Kurt Cobain are now a hot ticket at the Gap. This year’s clothing has been littered with ‘90s-esque colors and cuts. From the flashy outfits worn by hip-hop stars to the typical skater boy style, there has been a ‘90s renaissance in the fashion world. Of course, the most recent resurgence of ‘90s culture lies in Teen Nick’s block of classic Nickelodeon shows entitled, “The 90’s are All That.” Sophomore Chanel Anders stated that she has missed every show that aired during the ‘90s like, “Angry Beavers,” “Catdog,” “All That,” “Doug,” “Rugrats,” “Are You Afraid of the Dark” and “Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.” Graduate student, Samantha Campanile stated that she, “would definitely prefer to watch ‘The Rugrats’ over current television shows, just because it was a huge part of [her] childhood.” Whether it’s a marketing ploy or current Nickelodeon employees realizing the brilliance of “Kenan and Kel,” the network has made an incredibly popular decision to revive these shows.

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