March 8th

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March 8, 2012

Volume 63 | Issue 16


Alternative Spring Break ARBAN ZENELI Contributor

for a


The Center for Community for Action and Research (CCAR) is continuing their Alternative Spring Break (ASB) program March 12-15. The program gives 15 University students the opportunity to help homeless families across NYC. Lasting five days, ASB is an attempt to create a form of communal awareness about the intrinsic problem of poverty. “The cause of so many things…so many problems that lie in poverty have become the cause of so many other problems in our society,” CCAR’s Assistant Director Daniel Botting said. As a result, Botting has successfully organized ASB for four consecutive years, viewing the program’s lifetime as having a direct correlation with the ongoing cycle of poverty’s effect on low-income families. In his speech “Hunger and Homelessness in NYC,” Botting addressed this issue, stating, “The national poverty line is set at $18,310 per year or less for a family of 3…even in New York City.” When referring to the 70 students that initially signed up for ASB, Botting said, “Pace students actually care.” According to a study done by CCAR, Botting said that students from the NYC Campus have provided over 36,000 hours of community service and volunteering, which makes ASB’s selection process a little rigorous. The process involves an essay submission, where Botting determines each student’s dedication to aiding homeless families. Meriting a student’s commitment to fighting poverty is difficult. “We’ve got to pick 15 people…We didn’t want to say your essay was [...] bad,


but we did want students to critically think about the issue…and by providing a B paper, you clearly care about the issue,” Botting said. When dealing with nonprofit organizations like the Greystone Foundation and Social Entrepreneurs, ASB organizers focus on attaining a solid and small group of volunteers which they view as an integral part of the program’s success. “I wanted to experience for myself what ‘poverty’ actually is. After today, the experience has most definitely already fulfilled my goal,” sophomore and 2011 ASB volunteer Amanda Capaccio said. For the ASB program, the experience it provides has become its calling card. Botting stressed the importance of volunteering, finding that although many students may offer their time to volunteer, few realize the impact they’ve made on themselves, as well as others. Botting has found that the University is the perfect place for volunteer work. “Pace believes there is a value to be had in experiencing social issues through nonprofit organizations,” Botting said. “You bring purpose or meaning in life…Volunteering helps a person understand their own identity as well,” junior Alireza Vazirani said. His group, A Dollars Difference, is working to make the same impact.

NEWS Interracial marriage reaches new high in U.S. PAGE 5 Tweet us @thepacepress


ARTS Wellness Week events educate and inform PAGE 13-14

FEATURES The most exciting places to enjoy Spring Break in NYC PAGE 9

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March 8, 2012

NEWS BRIEFS Protestors arrested as a result of proposed Virginia Abortion Bill

U.S. and Europe plan to utilize diplomacy to ease tension with Iran

The Virginia State Legislature passed a bill requiring women to have ultrasounds prior to having an abortion. The bill passed the Senate with a 21-19 vote with Republican Governor Bob McDonnell signing the bill into law on March 7. Prior to going through the Senate, the bill was amended twice with exemptions for victims of rape and incest if they reported their abuse to the authorities. It was also amended from having a transvaginal ultrasound in which a probe would be inserted into a woman prior to an abortion; however it is now a regular ultrasound prior to abortion. Since the bill’s proposal for legislation, prominent women’s rights organizations have protested against bill. Approximately 500 women’s rights activists gathered at the Bell Tower on Capitol Square in Richmond, Va. on March 3 to protest the bill. Approximately 31 protestors were arrested on the steps of Capitol Hill because they did not have a permit.

The U.S., Europe and other countries have pulled together to try to bargain with Iran in regards to its nuclear programs. President Barack Obama has met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prevent Israel from taking military action and assured Prime Minister Netanyahu that sanctions and diplomacy were helping alleviate the tension. Pres. Obama reacted negatively to the GOP candidates and critics who criticized him for not advocating and launching U.S. military action against Iran. He believes that diplomacy and possible sanctions should be given time and not rushed into military action. Internationally the European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany had agreed talking with Iran again after a hiatus due to frustration from a lack of compromise. Although Iran seems to be willing to engage in diplomacy with other countries, it has yet to make any distinction about what it will do with its nuclear program.

FDA approves of the first 4-in-1 Flu Vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first vaccine that protects against strains of the common flu virus called FluMist Quadrivalent. FluMist is from AstraZeneca’s MedImmune unit and was approved for distribution to people, ranging from ages two to 49. It is a nasal spray with is consumed as an inhalant and is also free of preservatives, including mercury and thimerosal. FluMist protects against two strains of influenza A and two strains of influenza B. The strains are weakened forms of influenza, which are not supposed to cause the flu, but help the body build immunity against potential infection. Before the passage of FluMist, most flu vaccinations only protected against the maximum of two flu strains, one with both influenza A and B. Medical experts chose the vaccines based on the severity of the virus spreading. According to the FDA, having an extra strain of influenza B in the vaccine will increase immunity against the flu.

Super Tuesday presents a possible GOP candidate for Election 2012 March 6’s Super Tuesday held GOP primary elections and caucuses in the states of Georgia, Massachusetts, Virginia, Vermont, Ohio, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Alaska. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had the most victories winning Ohio, Virginia, Massachusetts and Vermont along with the Idaho and Alaska caucuses. Trailing behind Romney was former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum who won the caucuses in Oklahoma, Tennessee and North Dakota. Coming in third was Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich winning his home state of Georgia. Texas Representative Ron Paul did not win any of the Super Tuesday state primaries or caucuses. For the Republican nomination, both Romney and Santorum seemed to be the top two GOP primary candidates who will obtain the most Super Tuesday delegates. Romney obtained approximately 183 of the 419 Super Tuesday delegates while Santorum gained about 64, Gingrich 52 and Paul 15.


March 8, 2012


17-year-old debate continues over religious practices in schools SARAH AIRES News Intern NYC officials have been voicing concerns about the current practices by houses of worship throughout the city that have been using public school building spaces for their religious ceremonies. According to The Los Angeles Times, “Approximately 60 churches, mainly small Christian denominations, use space in the New York public schools for their Sunday worship services. The space would normally be vacant because schools are usually closed for classes over the weekend.” New York City legislators and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have expressed concern about whether or not this practice violates the U.S. preservation of the separation of church and state. Legislation has been brought to the attention of federal district judges requesting that the churches be evicted from their current locations in the schools. U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska said that there were still issues that needed to be resolved before the ban could be put into place. She instead issued a 10 day order in which there is not allowed to be any ban made until the issues are resolved. Mayor Bloomberg stated that he has “real concerns” over the issues and the Department of Education (DOE) has insisted that the schools be evicted, citing that it is a clear violation of church and state to have religious services held in public education buildings. The battle over churches using space in public schools began 17 years ago

NYC Foreign-born parents choose public education FOTINI SACHPATZIDIS News Editor Public education has been the choice for foreign-born parents according to recent census data by the American Community Survey. Out of the 15,000 households surveyed where parents were born abroad and had an income of at least $150,000, 68 percent sent their children to public school. While location and quality were part of the school selection process, many foreign-born parents valued diversity in the classroom. Many wanted “the greater ethnic and economic diversity of the public schools,” according to The New York Times. Public schools in Manhattan and Brooklyn have had an increase in applicants from foreign parents due to the surge in interest. Education costs for private schools in the city have also risen. Many parents who choose the public school system not only expose their children to more diversity, but also avoid expensive tuition costs. Some private schools in the city begin at $20,000 a year and increase upwards in price. Public school also offers a real world experience that parents believe private education limits. Unlike private school, public education exposes children to other cultures and value systems. “Private school has more advantages when it comes to education. With more money they can provide better resources for their students which leads to a greater advantage later on in life. It’s also a safer atmosphere,” junior Samantha Braga said. The survey also found that “foreign-born parents with household incomes of $200,000 or more…send their children only to public schools, compared with 28 percent of native-born couples in the same income bracket,” according to The New York Times. The debate may continue about which form of schooling is correct but parents, both foreign and non-foreign, can agree that education is a priority in their children’s lives.

OPINION What do you think of public school versus private school? Email you opinion to:

according to The Wall Street Journal. In order to be granted space for a worship service, congregations must first obtain a permit from the DOE. The DOE wants legislation to be passed, making these permits unattainable. A Bronx church, the Bronx Household

of Faith, has made strides in challenging the courts, citing that the, “First Amendment assurance that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” “I just don’t think you can do that. The Constitution is built on a separation of church and state. It’s not right,” sophomore Sean Green said. Leaders of each congregation affected by the potential ban and their attorneys have cited a “severe inconvenience” as a reason for their challenge for the legislation that could oust them from the schools. Pastor of Grace Fellowship in Queens Reverend Jon Storck stated, “As a congregation, we’re looking at this as a time to reconsider our goal as a church, and to realize we’re not tied to a specific building, but to the community,” according to The Wall Street Journal. “This is just a way to further divide the community,” University English Professor Ellease Oseye said. Given that next year is an election year, Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign could be trying to strengthen support from the DOE. There will not be any further developments decided until the Federal Courts make a decision within the next month.



March 8, 2012

Alternative Spring Break 2011 volunteers

Students planting flowers for the community.

Leslie Roberts, Natasha Komninos and Lisa Ko repaint a wall in the community.

Leslie Roberts picks up litter and cleans the surrounding area.

continued from PAGE 1

TO VOLUNTEER OR SIGN UP FOR EVENTS The Center for Community Action and Research One Pace Plaza Office Y31 Phone: (212) 346-1807 To learn more about upcoming events, please visit:

all photos by

Additional volunteer opportunities in NYC: City Harvest 575 8th Avenue 4 fl. New York, NY 10018

New York Cares (located in all boroughs)

American Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 424 E. 92nd Street New York, NY 10128

The Door 121 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10013

Apple’s Mountain Lion brings mobile-friendly features to the computer screen FOTINI SACHPATZIDIS News Editor Apple has announced their new software program, Mac OS X version 10.8 Mountain Lion, will be released this summer. Many features currently found on the iPad will be able to be accessed on the new software. Developers aimed to update their old program and bring mobile device friendly software to desktops and laptops. Now programs will give users the ability to share on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and email. This eliminates the process of signing into other websites to access information and creates a more efficient method of sharing data. Mac users will also be able to use iMessage instead of the iChat application, Vimeo, the Game Center for online gaming and a Notes feature. Documents will be easier to sort through on the new version through the Documents feature on iCloud. Users have the option of selecting certain files

and emailing them to other networks. The application iWork, will integrate the Documents feature by managing presentations and work related data on the Mac.

Center, Apple incorporated Reminder for customers. The main purpose is to allow users to set up dates and to-do lists in one area. This method of organization will prove to be useful for those who are detail

“[Apple] has proven that even in the worst of circumstances they can revitalize the simplest product and make millions from it.” -Johanna Rodriguez,


One of the most talked about features is the Notification Center. According to, “[It] delivers bannerstyle alerts for incoming messages, calendar entries, reminders, Mac App Store updates, Twitter updates and even Game Center invitations to games.” In accordance with the Notification

oriented. Pictures and attachments can also be added as well. AirPlay is another new aspect of Mountain Lion that lets Mac users stream media and data from their laptop to an Apple T.V. Anything that is found on a computer can be transferred and displayed on the T.V. screen including movies and

music. Security is a significant aspect of Apple products and one that is found in the new version of its software. Sandboxing and Privilege Separation are two applications that both work to keep files and network systems secure on Macs. By allowing an application to only execute the functions it needs to, developers help protect users from being hacked and damaged. Apple appears to cater to their customers with Mountain Lion. The use of internet friendly applications and timesaving features put Mac at the forefront of its competition. “[Apple] has proven that even in the worst of circumstances they can revitalize the simplest product and make millions from it,” junior Johanna Rodriquez said. While Microsoft may have the Windows 8 program, Apple’s innovation challenges it. The balance between cell phone and computer is displayed efficiently by Apple’s developers. The summer will provide customers will a much awaited product that will not disappoint.


March 8, 2012


Interracial marriages breaks records and taboo for the first time SHYAM NOOREDEEN Staff Writer A study released by the Pew Research Center on Feb. 16 showed that interracial marriage in the U.S. had risen 15 percent in 2010. This increase more than doubles the result of a study on interracial marriage in 1980 when it was 6.7 percent. To put this into perspective, a 15 percent increase means that 4.8 million Americans got married outside of their racial or ethnic group which turns out to be one in every 12 marriages. Hispanics and Asians topped the list for marrying outside their race. However, the report showed that there was a new trend of African-Americans being more likely than ever before to marry someone Caucasian. According to the report, newlyweds who married outside of their race were nine percent White, 17 percent AfricanAmerican, 26 percent Hispanic and 28 percent Asian. Interracial marriages were 43 percent white and Hispanic, 14.4 percent were White and Asian, 11.9 percent were White and African-American and the remaining consists of other combinations. There are critics who say that this report poses many faults as the study only covered White people in marriages with another race and focused less on other ethnicities.

In addition, biracial couples are likely to reside in western states rather than else where in the U.S. In Hawaii, more than four in 10 marriages are mixed which is the highest of any state. Conversely, Vermont had the lowest proportion of interracial marriage where it was only four percent.

thing. It’s great that the rate of interracial marriage is rising, I think education is the only way to completely break this taboo,” sophomore Yasmine Nazlioglu said. According to the survey, onethird of Americans said that someone of their immediate family is currently

“It’s great that the rate of interracial marriage is rising. I think education is the only way to completely break this taboo.” -Yasmine Nazlioglu, Sophomore

In states like Nevada, New Mexico and California, interracial marriage accounts for one in five couples. Education also seems to play a key role in this newly released study. Compared to those who only attain a high school diploma, college graduates are far more likely to have a positive attitude towards interracial marriages. The study showed that many mixed couples are college educated. “In history, interracial relationships used to be an unusual and even an illegal

married to someone of a different race and that two-thirds of Americans said that interracial marriages are acceptable like any other marriage. Only onethird of Americans believed interracial marriage was acceptable in 1986. For some people, the idea of sharing values and tradition intrigues them, trying to find someone who they have more in common with. “Over the years, our country has become more and more diverse; people are accepting other cultures and races. I

believe interracial marriage has increased because of this very reason. People no longer look to see where someone’s from or judge them based on the color of their skin, but rather for who the individual is and their personality,” freshman Stephanie Deodat said. The media has also played a major factor in portraying interracial couples. The reality T.V. show, “Ice Loves Coco,” which follows the life of rapper and actor Ice-T and his wife Coco, is just one of the many examples. Like non-mixed couples, viewers see them facing the same challenges and burdens life throws at them. Additionally, researchers have used government data and found that interracial marriages have a higher divorce rate compared to couples who marry inside of their ethnic or racial group. One of the most recent famous breakups between an interracial couple is that of supermodel Heidi Klum and musician Seal. When all is said, it is estimated that by mid-century, a majority of the U.S. population will consist of multiracial Americans.

New York English Department Ashbery, Cannon, Owens, Rose Creative Writing & Journalism Spring 2012 Awards Awards Directors:

Prof. Sarah Blackwood & Prof. Eugene Richie Application Deadline: Friday, March 30, 2012, by midnight

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Eligibility: You must be a current Pace University NYC undergraduate, and either an English or FSS major or minor, or a Journalism minor, or a student in any major who has taken a 300-level ENG, LIT, or FSS course. Categories: Fiction, Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, and Journalism. Awards for 1st ($300), 2nd ($200), and 3rd ($100) places. The David A. Bickimer-Promise of Learnings / Academy of American Poets Prize ($100), established by John Ashbery, will also be awarded in the Poetry category.


March 8, 2012




THE PACE PRESS EDITORIAL BOARD Kim Bui Editor-in-Chief Kaitlynn Blyth Associate Editor Ivonna Thompson Managing Editor Hilda Adeniji Creative Director Fotini Sachpatzidis News Editor Stephanie Hansen Arts Editor Craig Held Features Editor Kate Hamzik Copy Editor Leucepe Martinez Advertising Manager Nazary Nebeluk Web Editor Kathryn Bosch Circulation Manager Michael Oricchio Faculty Consultant

EDITORIAL INTERNS Sarah Aires Olivia Beteta Erick Mancebo Nicole Morales Damien Morgan

STAFF Amanda Baker Patrick deHahn Betty Fermin Joanna Gonzalez Anthony Mastroianni Ruveena Rossitto Shannon McMahon Julia Yeung


The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 New York, NY 10038

Copyright 2012

March 8, 2012



Tracing the history of Spring Break to its 1930’s roots AUTUMN FOX Contributor

Spring break has been the highlight for college students across the U.S. for years, but its origins are widely unknown to most students today. If it weren’t for a swim coach, spring break would not be close to what it is today. Sam Ingram, Colgate University’s 1936 swim coach, took his swim team from Hamilton, N.Y. to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. to practice during their winter intermission. When Ingram realized this experienced strengthened his team, he decided to make this trip a yearly event for the team. Fort Lauderdale saw this as an opportunity to make a lot of money and began hosting the first College Coaches’ Swim Forum in 1938. At the time, the Sea Breeze Hotel was opened right on the beach. A couple of alcoholic drinks on the beach made up the perfect scene for college students, which led to a large number of students traveling to Fort Lauderdale

during their spring break. Shortly afterward, Time magazine recognized the phenomenon and established Fort Lauderdale as “Spring Break Headquarters.” In 1960, the movie Where the Boys Are came out in theaters and created a legend throughout the nation. Every college student in the U.S. wanted to be at Fort Lauderdale while other Floridian cities quickly started catching on. Daytona Beach started to advertise their city as the perfect spring break destination, soon becoming one of the most popular cities for students to visit on their spring break. By the ’90s, spring break wasn’t just for college students. High School students started looking into vacationing, along with nostalgic young professionals who wanted to taste what it was like to be in college again. Panama City, Fla. and South Padre Island, Texas became new hot spots. As students yearned to skirt the legal drinking age stateside, spring break went international with Cancun, Mexico and the Bahamas instantly becoming popular destinations.

While some students are going back home to see family and friends, many University students are packing their bags and heading for a trip they will never forget, such as traveling outside the U.S. “My family and I are going on a cruise to a bunch of countries in the Caribbean for two weeks,” sophomore Jimmy Dirck said. Other students are visiting popular tourist attractions like junior John Hooper. “I’m going to Disney World for spring break. It will be a good vacation from school,” Hooper said. Today, nothing has changed. When spring break comes, numerous students pack their bags and head to their favorite partying destination. Spring break is for relaxation and the destinations keep increasing as the years go by. Even though the break is usually a week long, that is all students need to recharge their batteries for the rest of their spring semester.

Students opt for cheaper, domestic vacations this spring SARAH AIRES News Intern

Spring break is quickly approaching and as it is customary for this time of year, students all over the country are preparing for their midsemester vacations. Planning spring break vacations is often a process that college students start months before their trips are set to begin. StudentCity, one of a few companies that specializes in spring break trips for college students all over the U.S., has helped approximately 10,000 students with their spring break plans every year since the company launched 12 years ago. StudentCity is offering 13 trips this year with their most coveted destinations being Cancun and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Las Vegas, Nev. and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. All of these locations, with the exception of Las Vegas, are gorgeous beachside paradises perfect for cabana drinks and lounging around. Las Vegas has brought the “beachside” feel to many of their resorts’ pools, despite the city being located in the desert. Spring break has long been an excuse to get away with friends to tan, party and forget the pressure of midterms and tuition payments back home. According to the State Department, 100,000 students went to Mexico during Spring break in 2011 alone. It comes as no surprise that Mexico is among one of the most popular spring break locations. This year, like in many years past, Cancun has consistently ranked as the number one spring break spot for college students. However, with high levels of criminal activity in Mexico, specifically towards American tourists, students have begun choosing uncommon places to spend their week off. “I’m going to Denver to visit my best friend. I know she snowboards so we might go and do that but other than that I think we might do some hiking or other outdoorsy stuff. I’ve never gone anywhere for spring break because in high school I had sports so I could never go [anywhere],” freshman Kailey Adametz said. The University’s student body is diversely represented, ranging from all over the country, with many students using spring break to visit family rather than spend money on a vacation. “I’ll be in Delray Beach, Florida visiting [my] grandparents this year. I’ve never done a ‘typical’ spring break. I normally stay home,” sophomore Doug Kandl said. Many college students are also opting for domestic, less expensive and safer vacations this season. Spring break student exclusive companies like StudentCity and Student Travel Services have begun to offer students more affordable all-inclusive vacations to several locations within the U.S. like Panama City Beach, Fla., the Florida Keys or South Padre, Texas. Panama City Beach has become one of the most popular cities for students because of climate and the Florida beaches that are less crowded during spring break weeks. These domestic locations offer a lot of the same amenities as a Caribbean or Mexican vacation, but without the dangers that come with vacations abroad. Though the travel and airline industries rarely take as hard a hit as other industries during times of economic turmoil, college students on a budget have forgone expensive trips. The student travel website,, gives students tips for how to be mindful of their budgets and still enjoy a road trip with friends during break.

Sophomore Myles Friedman, who is opting for a budget friendly vacation this year said, “I’m going to San Francisco for break. Spending the money on a resort trip just isn’t worth it especially if you work part time. There’s a bunch of other things you can do with that money.” This spring break, saving money and staying

safe are at the top of students’ priority lists. With new locations emerging as top vacation stops, spring breakers are straying away from huge, drunken crowds for their own private nirvanas where it’s possible to have a fun and not lose control of themselves or their wallets.



March 8, 2012

SPRING BREAK STYLES BY VACATION LOCATION As the University disperses to respective vacation spots, The Pace Press has compiled an assortment of looks to inspire students to dress their best for their impending break. From the beaches of Cancun to the streets of New York, we’ve got you covered.


March 8, 2012


The greatest places to enjoy a NYC “staycation” on a budget CRAIG HELD Features Editor

Radio City Stage Door Tour: Running year round, this

inside look at how the most famous theater in NYC operates is a great opportunity for anyone. Besides enjoying intimate looks at the lobby and auditorium, the Stage Door Tour takes viewers everywhere from beneath the stage to see its innovative hydraulic stage lift system, all the way up to meeting an actual Rockette who is more than happy to answer any questions one has about the famed dance troupe. University students should take advantage of the student discount, which takes $4.95 off the ticket price.

Madison Square Garden:

Before the Barclays Center opens and steals Manhattan’s sporting thunder, head over to the legendary Garden to enjoy a hockey or basketball game. There’s even a Muay Thai kickboxing event happening on March 16. Be sure to look for tickets on the day of the event to get a last minute deal.

Enjoy an unprecedented look at the Radio City stage during the Stage Door tour. Erick Mancebo | The Pace Press

New York Aquarium: If one’s idea of a vacation is escaping the island of Manhattan, take the Q train

to Coney Island and visit the country’s oldest continually operating aquarium. The New York Aquarium boasts a multitude of water dwellers like sea lions, turtles and of course, fish. To save some money, visit on a Friday after 3 p.m. when donations are optional. Don’t forget to visit Nathan’s on the way back to Manhattan.

MSG is easy to get to from anywhere in NYC.

Rockefeller Center Ice Skating:

With the holiday tourists gone, now is the perfect time to take advantage of this great NYC tradition. Enjoy a memorable ice skating session, potentially watch someone get engaged and laugh at everyone who falls from one of the restaurants on the Rockefeller Center concourse. Although this rink is one of the more expensive ones in the city, skating on Tuesday only costs $7.50 to commemorate Rockefeller Center’s 75th anniversary.

NYC’s only aquarium is free on Fridays after 3 p.m.

With no tourists, the rink is considerably less crowded.

Bronx Zoo: Continuing the theme of animals on display, the

Bronx Zoo is home to all kinds of animals ranging from as small as a chinchilla to as large as an Asian elephant. Be aware that the special exhibitions cost more money, including Asian World, which is the only way to see otters, tapirs and gibbons. If visiting on Wednesday, admission is by suggested donation and the special exhibitions are discounted.

Lemurs are just one of the many animals one can see at the Bronx Zoo.




March 8, 2012

Enjoying a solitary Spring Break in New York City NICOLE MORALES Features Intern

­­While most students are planning their weeklong getaways with friends and family for Spring Break, there is a select crowd who will be spending spring break alone. For whatever reason it may be, just the idea of spending Spring Break alone can be daunting. However, there are a number of activities one can partake in to keep the mind distracted from the reality of one’s misery. Shopping: While one may not have enough money to join friends in Cancun, in light of the week alone, one can afford to splurge a little as leisure shopping is the most relaxing activity. At this time of the season, stores are stocking up on vacation ready spring collections and swimsuits. Although it may be reminiscent of the lack of plans for the break, use this as an opportunity to stock up on cute tropical themed prints. By the time everyone returns from break, they’ll be wondering where that adorable floral print number is from. Take advantage of Topshop’s South Pacific inspired collection. With their affordable prices, anyone’s wardrobe can look like it just made its way back from an exotic paradise.

Visit NYC’s only Topshop for a spring fashion spree

Kite Flying: Perhaps enjoying the windy sun filled weather is preferable to staying in the basement for a pottery class or knitting in front of the T.V. Kite flying is definitely a way to shake off the winter blues and jump right into action. Central Park is a great place to fly kites and during the early spring there are tons of kite enthusiasts doing the same. FAO Schwartz sells adorable Thomas the Tank Engine kites, perfect for unleashing one’s inner child. By the time the kite gets stuck in a tree, the afternoon will have flown by.

Pick up a kite from the famous toy store and head over to Central Park Knitting: For those on a tight budget, knitting is a great alternative activity. It takes some concentration, so putting the mind and needles to good work can effectively distract from the solitude. Though it does take some effort to learn, practice makes perfect. Starting now will allow for a perfect fall collection by the time temperatures drop again. If in the mood to meet other yarn junkies and take part in some intense knitting circles, Bluestockings hosts workshops for such things and is a great place to start.

Prepare for next winter by knitting a scarf now

Exercise: Some alone time during Spring Break may be all the motivation one needs to shake off that winter weight by doing some regular exercise. With no friends or family to distract, there’s nothing but time to indulge in some mind numbing exercises. If feeling even slightly depressed in light of the lonesome state, the added endorphins from the exercise will cheer anyone up. For traditional cardio based workouts, sign up for a membership at Crunch Gym or New York Sports Club (NYSC). If searching for a body conditioning while channeling one’s inner Zen head over to Yoga to the People in the East Village.

Check out a free Yoga class at Yoga to the People.

Pottery: If looking for a creative release over break, try enrolling in a pottery class or workshop. La Mano Pottery offers workshops over break that allow one to familiarize themselves with the techniques involving pottery wheels. It’s a great investment if looking to add artistically misshapen vases and bowls to one’s collection.

Reenact the famous scene in Ghost by taking a pottery class


March 8, 2012


Art thrives in NYC during Spring Break with events and fairs DAMIEN MORGAN Arts Intern With spring break drawing near, many students can’t wait to have some time off from school, professors and exams. NYC has a lot to offer those who are staying local for their week off. Whether it’s parades, art shows or even an album release from a big artist, there is so much to look forward to this upcoming spring break. The Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA) is organizing the 24th annual Art Show to be held at Park Avenue Armory from March 7-11. As one of the longest running art fairs in the U.S., this showcase of exhibits presents a variety of museum quality pieces from modern 21st century, to works from both the 19th and 20th centuries. The showcase is benefiting the Henry Street Settlement, with admission of $20 per person. Another major annual art fair that takes place every year in March is the Armory Show which is celebrating its 14th year. The contemporary and modern art fair hosts its annual events on Piers 92 and 94 in Manhattan. The award-winning architectural firm Bad Stageberg Cox has completely redesigned the fair to create a more comfortable atmosphere and experience. Next, hop on over to the Broadway stage to see the

return of famous rock musical Jesus Christ Super Star. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s landmark play about the life and death of Jesus Christ will keep anyone on the edge of their seat as they’re treated to dynamic acting and unforgettable music. With its new staging by Des McAnuff, known for Jersey Boys and leading roles of Paul Nolan as Jesus and Josh Young as Judas, this show gives you something to talk about all through the break. Then, let loose within the city by taking part in one of their numerous parades. Stretching from 44 St. to 86 St., the NYC’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade will take place on March 17. Whether one is Irish or just likes the color green, celebrate shamrocks and bagpipes with fellow New Yorkers. While waiting for these multiple shows and events to come to the city, numerous musical artists will be releasing their new records over the break. After her explosive performance at the Super Bowl’s half time show, Madonna will be breaking out her brand new record MDNA to be released on March 26, featuring the new hit song, “Give Me All Your Luvin’.” With so much to look forward to, this is sure to be a jammed pack spring break. From the art fairs and Broadway musicals to the parades and album releases, there won’t be a moment of boredom for anyone staying in NYC.

Carolina Chocolate Drops perform at Schimmel Center CHRISTA TANDANA Contributor

Carolina Chocolate Drops gave their first live performance of songs from their new album Leaving Eden as part of the University’s inaugural “Pace Presents” series at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts on March 2. The band took the audience on a musical journey from the ’20s to today, with some detours in South Africa and other musical traditions. They are committed to both redeeming and recreating traditional folk music, taking old—and some new—tunes and putting a new spin on them. Like jazz, folk music was originally an African American tradition, made popular by Americans. In between songs, the band gave a little background about their music. They explained how African Americans developed the banjo from a similar instrument that Africans had been playing for centuries. According to the band, who has done extensive research on the subject, the statistic of how many people played the banjo in the ’30s was greater than the amount of people who played the guitar at the height of the rock revolution in the ’70s. The band’s album, Genuine Negro Jig, won a Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album in 2010. Leaving Eden is the band’s second album with Nonesuch

Carolina Chocolate Drops band members Rhiannon Giddens, Dom Flemons and Adam Matta. Records and features the amazing multiinstrumentalist original members— Rhiannon Giddens from North Carolina and Dom Flemons from Arizona—along with a couple of new faces. Guitarist, banjo player and singer Hubby Jenkins, beat-boxer Adam Matta and New Orleans based cellist Leyla McCalla are guest artists for this album. It was a musical treat to see these five perform together live.

The band proved to be dedicated to their craft, each member a virtuoso of their own. But together, their talents shined through their ability to improvise with their material and just have a good time. Using traditional instruments like the jug, the 4-string banjo, the 5-string cello banjo, bones, harmonica and the fiddle, they took tunes from the ’20s and ’30s and gave them a new sound with fresh arrangements and even beat-boxing.

Many songs paid homage to an array of musicians who came before them such as Etta Baker and their mentor, fiddler Joe Thompson, who died this past year. “West End Blues” was originally an instrumental by Baker and Wayne Martin, but the band put words to it and rearranged it to an irregular, changing, mesmerizing rhythm. Others were originals like “Country Girl,” where Giddens brought it home to her upbringing in North Carolina’s countryside. Flemons and Jenkins beautifully performed “Mahalla,” a unique and wonderfully melodic South African song from a YouTube video made by Hannes Coetzee and David Kramer. Their rendition of Blu Cantrell’s “Hit ‘Em Up Style” from their album Genuine Negro Jig got both young and old cheering. Throughout the show, they included the audience by encouraging them to sing and dance along, explaining that the more the audience gave, the more they could give. By the end, the crowd was clapping and singing and did not seem to want to stop. They received a standing ovation and the band returned to the stage for one more song sung acapella, leaving the audience full and satisfied.



March 8, 2012

Bon Iver brings indie music to the mainstream scene Indie artist has some people scratching their heads over recent Grammy wins

Bon Iver frontman Justin Vernon at the Grammys. OLIVIA BETETA Arts Intern From Grammy wins to “Saturday Night Live” performances and skits, the name Bon Iver has been popping up everywhere, leaving many people left to wonder who Bon Iver is. Bon Iver is an indie band from the Midwest whose name means “good winter” in French. Their first album, For Emma, Forever Ago, was released in 2008 and was a success among critics and fans. The emotion that the album seemed to breathe was inspired by frontman Justin Vernon’s life as he poured his miserable, lonely heart into the music and lyrics which led to the indie label Jagjaguwar picking the band up.

After the success of their first album, fans were waiting with baited breath for a follow-up. Instead of hopping straight into the studio, Vernon began a grueling schedule filled with world tours and festivals, not to mention working on an array of collaborations with other artists such as Kanye West. In June 2011, Bon Iver finally released their much anticipated sophomore album, Bon Iver, Bon Iver. Some fans worried that this album release would not measure up to their first one. The band surprised everyone with the album, which featured a mature, refined sound. For the album, Bon Iver enlisted the help of five more members to create a nine piece band. With all those instruments, there were countless layers of sound and texture. The album takes the listener on an emotional journey through the tracks. With the opening song, “Perth,” the listener is lost in the beat and the sounds, which quicken and build through the track leaving a feeling of elation. Then later during “Holocene,” the many layers are peeled back to reveal a desolate gem. Since the album’s release, it has won the approval of fans and critics and was listed on several 2011 best albums of the year lists. The album also got the coveted top spot for best album of 2011 on For the 2012 Grammy Awards, the band received four nominations including Best New Artist, Best Alternative Music Album and for their song “Holocene,” Song of the Year and Record of the Year. The band won for Best Alternative Music Album in a category that also included Radiohead, Death Cab for Cutie, Foster the People and My Morning Jacket. However, it was their win for Best New Artist that had people in a frenzy. The band ended up beating The Band Perry, J. Cole, Nicki Minaj and Skrillex to win the Grammy. “I guess I’m glad Bon Iver won. I don’t know who The

Band Perry is but none of the other artists are new. Not that Bon Iver is new but he’s at least newly popular…It’s good to see someone who’s been trying for a long time get the recognition they deserve,” sophomore Samantha Scadron said. Others however, are not as enthusiastic about Bon Iver being dubbed as Best New Artist. “I was honestly surprised he [Bon Iver/Justin Vernon] won. I thought for sure Nicki Minaj would have won; I mean she had her own album and was on everybody else’s track last year. It was impossible not to hear her,” sophomore Sandy Guerrero said. All of the artists aside from J. Cole and Bon Iver had a song on the iTunes top 100 songs of 2011. Many had no idea who Bon Iver was or what type of music they played. All that was clear was that Vernon, who looks like a high school English teacher, tweed jacket and all, had somehow beaten some of the biggest artists of 2011. Not long after their win, Bon Iver became a trending topic on Twitter. Instead of celebrating their win, people were asking who they were and how to pronounce the band’s name with people thinking the band’s name was “Bonny Bear” or “Ron Ivar.” The whole scene was very reminiscent of last year’s Grammy Awards when Arcade Fire won the Grammy for Album of the Year. People were left scratching their heads wondering who the indie band was. The band seemed to come out of nowhere and won one of the biggest awards of the night, similar to that of Bon Iver. No matter what anyone else thinks, the fact of the matter is Bon Iver won their awards and worked hard. It is obvious indie music is becoming more of a staple in popular culture. With bands like Foster the People, MGMT and Vampire Weekend climbing the charts, indie music has made an impression on mainstream music.

Tim and Eric come to the big screen for a “billion dollar” movie AUTUMN FOX Contributor

Tim and Eric Make a Billion Dollar Movie is a film that takes viewers on a comedic journey to acquire a billion dollars. Tim (Tim Heidecker) and Eric (Eric Wareheim) are given a billion dollars by the Schlaaang Corporation to produce a movie, but wastefully spend the billion dollars on everything but the movie itself. The film ends up being a bust and the Schlaaang Corporation is pissed, and now Tim and Eric have to pay back all the money. In an effort to regain the billion dollars and not be executed by the Schlaaang Corporation, Tim and Eric skip town to renovate a rundown excuse for a mall. On their journey they find love, friendship and stray wolves that lurk in the mall. Heidecker and Wareheim both wrote, directed and star in the film. Their co-stars include many famous faces such as John C. Reilly, Zach Galifianakis and Will Ferrell. This comedy is a satire on the Hollywood industry, but can easily come across as cheesy from time to time. The audience at the premiere was divided between hysterical laughter and blank stares towards the screen. Despite the film’s good reviews, the movie ended up being a bust. As the plot continued to develop, the film quickly fell into another Hollywood parody gone wrong. Regardless of Heidecker and Wareheim being considered by many as geniuses of satirical comedy from what our culture has seen so far; their attempts at bringing their wit to the big screen turned into one bad

joke after another. Heidecker and Wareheim, well known for their popular Adult Swim show, “Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!” are no strangers to cheesy witticism. Like their new movie, their show satirizes different aspects of society, namely advertising. The show utilizes surreal imagery and odd storylines that are either loved or hated by viewers. On the surface, their television show can be seen as only a series of completely random ideas combined with dated editing, seeming only to garner cheap laughs through shock value. Others find those same elements and their comedy style brilliant. Still, others believe that the duo is just on drugs. To some, the show seems to have blatant drug undertones, though the show’s creators have repeatedly denied these allegations. In a recent interview on, Heidecker stated, “All of our work is created stone cold sober.” Aware that a large portion of his viewers frequently alter their mental states while watching their show, Heidecker stated, “I don’t care what you do while you watch our show, but I think it can be used instead of drugs.” Their new movie has already in demand on iTunes before its premier, released in theaters on March 2. It is probably safe to say that their earnings for this movie will not be close to a billion dollars after all.


March 8, 2012


University students perform in “Phat Girls” for Wellness Week Student production addresses body image issues through stories AUTUMN FOX Contributor On of the Counseling Center’s events during Wellness Week was the play, “Phat Girls,” written by Debbie Lamedman and directed by Chris Giordano that took place on Feb. 29. The play tackles the struggles women often have with body image. The unofficial tag line was, “Fat: What no one wants to be. PHAT: Pretty, hot and tempting. What everyone wants to be.” The play starts off with the story of Adam, Eve, the snake and the forbidden fruit. The play then progresses to the current forbidden fruit and snake duo. The forbidden fruit is a symbol of the pressure of gaining weight and the snake represents each characters inner conscience. The conscience was characterized as a man. Throughout the play, the audience meets very different personalities and their struggles with eating too much or too little. As the play progresses, they conquer their conscience who is renamed as Mr. Horrible. “Phat girls was very realistic. I liked how the play put a physical character to the voice that tempts us,” sophomore Amber Rhabb said. Others didn’t agree, stating that the

conscience being a male was a flaw in their production. “I thought the script wasn’t the greatest. I also don’t think that a male is necessarily the reason behind an eating disorder. I did however think that [the] girls did a great job,” sophomore Jimmy Dirck said. All of the girls seemed genuine with their performances while also depicting the minds of real life personalities taken over by an eating disorder. One actress in particular had many members of the audience holding back tears. Sophomore Molly Wilson stood before the audience discussing her ritual every morning in complete silence, adding to the drama. As she spoke, a video behind her illustrated the words she was speaking. She did everything possible to be beautiful, but when she went to her room to look at herself she took off her shirt and cried, “I’m still fat.” “Being a part of “Phat Girls” was such a rewarding experience. We touched on a subject that isn’t usually touched upon in it’s entirely. Usually when people talk about eating disorders it is sugar coated to some extent,” said freshman Michaela Reggio, who starred in the play. “I think we told the truth about eating disorders and were able to reach

Above: Various photographs of the cast performing in “Phat Girls.” all photos by Chris Giordano out to anyone that has ever had an eating disorder. I think that was the brilliance of the script, nothing was neglected.” She then went on to discuss the difficulty of taking on a role of a character that has an eating disorder. “Preparing for these roles was definitely difficult.,” Reggio continued. “The girls, Chris and Heather from the counseling center and I met every week. We talked about our journeys through this play, found our own Mr. Horrible’s and

overcame them. These issues need to be confronted and I’m so grateful that I was able to participate in a show that captured the truth behind the eating disorders.”



March 8, 2012

Documentary brings eating disorder awareness to University Someday Melissa educates about the perils of bulemia

AUTUMN FOX Contributor The documentary Someday Melissa is about the death of 19-year-old Melissa Avrin. On May 6, 2009, Avrin died of a heart attack with the cause being bulimia. It is estimated that 8 million people in the U.S. alone have suffered from an eating disorder. Bulimia has taken ownership of many young lives, but the symptoms tend to go unnoticed. Melissa was what most people would consider to be a normal teenager. She had a creative soul and spent most of her time writing lyrics, poems and screenplays. She loved entertaining friends and family and had a really energetic personality. After the death of her daughter, Judy Avrin decided to make a documentary to help others who were struggling with the eating disorder. The documentary was inspired after Avrin read Melissa’s journal. The documentary takes viewers on a journey of Melissa’s life and brings out the seriousness of bulimia. “It’s such a touching story and I feel more interested in learning about eating disorders,” freshman Noell McCarthy said. Alyssa Mahoney, a guest at the event, has been struggling with an eating disorder since she was 11-years-old and relates to Melissa. “I have been dealing with an eating disorder on and off since around fifth grade. It has gotten worse recently, it’s nice to not feel alone,” Mahoney said. Like Mahoney, Melissa’s bulimia struck her at an early age as well. When she was 13-years-old, her mood started to darken and she began to experience stomach problems and constipation. When she was taken to see a gastroenterologist, the doctor suggested

she had an eating disorder, but her mother didn’t want to believe it. “I reacted the way most parents do,” Avrin said. We didn’t go back to him.” Avrin didn’t think it was possible for her daughter to have an eating disorder. Melissa wasn’t underweight and her mother saw her eat regularly. Avrin didn’t realize the truth until the signs of Melissa’s eating disorder became visible. “I found containers with chewed and spit-out food and I’d never heard of that before,” Avrin stated in the documentary. She went on to discuss having to lock up the refrigerator and having to hide her purse. She even overheard her daughter purging. Melissa’s energetic personality completely diminished. She suddenly became a different person, and her mother didn’t recognize her. Avrin gets mail everyday from people who have an eating disorder like her daughter did. She has helped people to become more aware of bulimia and has ultimately become the voice for not only her daughter, but also every other person who deals with the struggle of having an eating disorder.

VISIT The Counseling Center 156 William Street 12th Floor Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (212) 346-1526

Eating disorder documentary, “Someday Melissa”

Someday....I’ll eat breakfast. I’ll keep a job for more than 3 weeks. I’ll have a boyfriend for more than 10 days. I’ll love someone. I’ll travel wherever I want. I’ll make my family proud. I’ll make a movie that changes lives.

-Poem from the journal of Melissa Avrin Melissa Avrin and mother Judy Avrin


March 8, 2012


Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art honor Al Jaffee

Cartoonist known for fold-ins in the back of MAD magazine receives high honors DAMIEN MORGAN Arts Intern The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA) recently honored one of the most memorable cartoonists of all time, Al Jaffee. Most known for his wacky fold-in cartoons featured on the inside back cover of almost every MAD magazine, Jaffee was honored along with the release of his four volume set of The Mad Fold-In Collection, which displays every fold-in he has ever created since 1964. Jaffee’s trademark idea of putting a fold-in spread throughout every MAD magazine was originally based off of magazines like Life and Playboy. When MAD first came out, Jaffee realized that there seemed to be an entire craze on bright, full color fold out spreads featured in other magazines. With the low budget that MAD magazine had, Jaffee decided to go a completely opposite direction and design a full out black and white fold-in spread. These cartoons were written, designed and drawn by Jaffee and consisted of a full display of cartoon characters that seemed to just be there, but when folded in together, made up a new, funnier animation. Jaffe was born in Georgia but spent six years living in Lithuania until returning to the U.S. to study at the High School of Music & Art in NYC. He attended the high school along with future MAD magazine cartoonists such as Will Elder, Harvey Kurtzman, John Severin and Al Feldstein. As an up and coming artist in the early ’40s, Jaffee began working as a comic book artist for Timely Comics and Atlas Comics, which eventually turned into Marvel Comics. Throughout the years of working for these big name companies in the comic book world, Jaffee had made some unique and memorable characters such as Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal, which he had created alongside Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief at the time, Stan Lee. After drawing for the Tall Tales panel in the New York Herald Tribune, Jaffee soon found himself creating cartoons for MAD just before its transition from comic book to magazine. A few years after being hired by MAD, he created the first fold-in. Jaffee never thought or intended for his creation to become so widely popular, but soon

found himself creating one for every issue. Some of Jaffee’s earlier fold-ins incorporated some familiar pop culture of the time that could even give adults a laugh. For instance, at the time when Elizabeth Taylor had broken up with her husband Eddie Fisher for Richard Burton, Jaffee jumped on the idea for his first fold-in. In the center of the picture, Taylor is kissing Burton while Fisher is being flattened by a crowd of people, but when the two sides of the fold-in are pushed together, Taylor is pushed over as to look like she is kissing another random person in the crowd. Staying simple and silly has always been Jaffee’s view on art, so it was no surprise that he followed up his Taylor fold-in with one about President Richard Nixon. Standing on a stage, two gentlemen are holding what seems to be voting cards with the header reading, “who wants to be president more than anything?” Then when folded the two curtains come together displaying Pres. Nixon’s all too familiar face, reading “who wants anything?” Becoming one of MAD magazine’s most unique signature features, the fold-in only seemed to bring in one problem for the magazine artist, which was how to read the

joke without ruining the back cover. Every funny creation was printed on the inside of the back cover and Jaffee worried that if any of the readers wanted to preserve the magazine they wouldn’t be able to with two big creases on the back. The president of MAD magazine reassured him that if anyone truly wanted to preserve the copy then they could just go out and buy a new one. Since working for MAD magazine, Jaffe has become one of the most memorable artists in the cartoon world. He has won awards such as the Reuben Award from the National Cartoonists Society in 2007 and has even been featured on shows such as “The Colbert Report.” On Jaffee’s 85th birthday, Stephen Colbert commemorated the artist by presenting a fold-in cake that said, “Al, you have repeatedly shown artistry and care of great credit to your field,” but when folded the funny message read, “Al, you are old.” With his work presented in “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’s” book, “America” and on “Jeopardy” as a question, Jaffee’s creations seem to be everywhere. From multiple awards to countless recognition from the media, this cartoon artist has really left his mark on history.

An early Al Jaffee fold-in featured on the inside back cover of Mad magazine.

Project X adds X factor of consequences to teen party movies OLIVIA BETETA Arts Intern

Project X is the not so ordinary coming of age tale of three friends who throw a party that becomes the stuff of legends. The film was made by the producers of The Hangover and the writers of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and takes place in Pasadena, Calif. in a relatively nice neighborhood. Three friends, Thomas (Thomas Mann), Costa (Oliver Cooper) and JB (Jonathan Daniel Brown), take advantage of the fact that Thomas’s parents have left for the weekend. To celebrate Thomas’s 17th birthday, Costa comes up with the great idea to throw a party so awesome that it has the power to raise their social statuses. To remember the night, the boys enlist the help of one of the “AV geeks” to film the whole party. Costa takes control of the party and begins promoting it by any means necessary including text messages, emails and even Craigslist. By the end of the school day, everyone knows about the party and plans to go. Thomas has set the limit of 50 people, but little does he know that Costa has other plans. Costa is going to throw a party no one will ever forget. The party starts slow, but after an hour, people start arriving in hoards. The house has been set up with two DJs, drinks, a pool and a bouncy castle. After a while, hundreds of people are at the house and the party is in full swing with no signs of stopping anytime soon. The party quickly begins spiraling out of control as hundreds of people turned into thousands and the neighbors start to get angry, but this doesn’t slow the party down. People begin wrecking the house and terrorizing the family dog. Even after a visit from the police, the party just keeps on growing. It begins to grow so large that the news hears word of it and sends helicopters to film the action. As daylight approaches, the police visit again and this time it’s not just one squad car, but many. The partygoers have no intention of stopping and start throwing bottles and cans at cars. The riot brigade quickly shows up but not before a crazy drug dealer with a

flamethrower starts to destroy the once quiet and pleasant street. Needless to say, the party ends with multiple charred cars, trees and even Thomas’s house is partially burned. The house is in shambles and there is no chance of fixing it before his parents get home, but Thomas doesn’t seem to mind because now the three friends are legends. The film seems is a combination between The Hangover and Superbad. It seems as if the quirky threesome from were back in high school and the viewer actually gets to see the party versus the pieced together night. The high stake risks that the three teens take on in this film for the party is similar to those of their older more famous counter parts. However, with the younger ages of the characters in Project X, the film is more relatable for a younger audience to connect to. The fact that the three were basically losers in high school is parallel to the plot of Superbad. Costa is much like Jonah Hill’s character, in that he is the mastermind behind the plan. He is also dead set on being more popular but can’t do so without his best friend Thomas, who is comparable to Michael Cera’s character. Christopher Mintz-Plasse, best known as the loveable screw-up McLovin, is akin to JB whose most memorable moment is jumping off the roof into a bouncy castle. Obviously the idea of turning high school parties into movies is nothing new. Every few years or so there seems to be a new movie featuring an out of control house party. With each movie, the characters all seem to be seniors with nothing left to lose because they’ve been outcasts all throughout high school. What makes Project X so different is that you see the actual repercussions of these crazy parties. It’s hard to believe that no one gets caught at these parties and with two DJs it would be impossible that the neighbors wouldn’t hear what’s going on. With hundreds of drunken high school students stumbling around the streets, it’s always a stretch to get viewers to believe no one gets caught. The film consists of countless hookups, breakups, music, dancing, drinking and drugs. While at times the film may seem a little ridiculous, it’s still a good time. The film is a funny reminder of the crazy life high school seniors may have and a great way to relive those moments without the fear of being arrested.


March 8, 2012


Making healthier choices while living in the dorms SHYAM NOOREDEEN Staff Writer For many college students, living on campus seems like the perfect idea—no parents, no rules and an abundant amount of independence. With this new found freedom, however, new challenges arise. According to, many college freshmen are bound to gain approximately 15 pounds during their first semester. Certainly, the lack of exercise, late night eating, consuming unhealthy snacks and drinking are just some of the reasons why freshman are likely to gain weight. This problem does not just affect college freshmen. In fact, gaining weight during your first year of college may have a subsequent effect on the next three years unless drastic measures are taken. Many college students find it hard to watch what they eat when countless options are made available to them. With the obesity rate in the U.S. on the rise, more companies are releasing

healthier alternatives to popular products. For instance, many companies are looking into whole wheat and fat-free substitutions. Though many colleges and universities haven’t made the adjustment just yet, T.V. personality and chef Rachael Ray and many others are speaking out. “The reason I believe college students have a hard time staying healthy is because of the food offered in the cafeteria,” junior Alireza Vaziri said. “A lot of the options are not healthy and the healthy options get boring after a while. The variety of foods offered to the students is a huge complaint. The cafeteria could do very simple things like offering whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta.” Furthermore, many nutritionists suggest balancing one’s diet with more fruits and vegetables or perhaps becoming vegetarian. Conversely, it’s evident that the vegetarian option at most college and universities are very limited. Therefore, to get to the bottom of the problem, one needs to simply watch what he or she eats.



EAT BREAKFAST. Most college students tend to miss breakfast because they often over sleep or merely skip it. However, nutritionists say that skipping breakfast affects how much fat your body stores because it thinks you’re fasting. When you skip breakfast you’re likely to get hungry and may end up grabbing unhealthy snacks. Perfect breakfast options are yogurt, milk, fiber (apples and grains). HEALTHY SNACKS. Instead of stocking up on cookies and chips, try keeping fruits and vegetables on hand. Both often become tough to keep over-time, so it’s acceptable to buy canned fruits, but be sure that its 100 percent juice and not syrup. Canned corn, beans and other canned vegetables are great alternatives as well. Keeping soup in your dorm is a great idea. However, the soup in today’s market tends to be loaded with sodium and unnecessary fats, so try the light or fat-free options. Granola bars, protein bars, yogurt, instant oats and nuts are also great alterntives to unhealthy snacks. WATER. It is recommended that all adults consume at least eight cups of water a day. Many of us often turn to soda, coffee and other beverages and unconsciously skip water. LATE NIGHT EATING. Often you’re up late studying and may become hungry, so you grab a bag of chips or cookies and before you know it, it’s all gone and you end up falling asleep. Surprisingly, this is the number one reason why you’re more likely to gain weight because you’re not burning the energy from the snack you just consumed. If you absolutely have to snack late, try some of the options listed above for healthy options SLEEP. It’s recommended that we all should have approximately 8 hours of sleep at night—no less, no more. Some researchers say that those who sleep less than 8 hours are likely to wake up feeling tired so they turn to unhealthy snacks to elevate their energy.






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