1 minute read
Foreword Agape
Agape, a greek word, simply means the "highest form of love", standing several notches higher thanothergreekwordsfor the same such as philia, brotherly love or philautia, self-love. Agape is characterized by deep and profound love that is sacrificial in nature, persisting regardless of circumstance.
Inthebattlegroundthatis law school, such a love could not be more appropriate. In between mountainsof readings and hours spent prepping for recitation, it's no small wonder that love is able to take root and bear fruit withinthehallowedgroundsof ourcampus
This issue celebrates precisely that. Inside this issue you'll read about the love stories of students and our very own school professors. "Flip" throughthesepagesandswoon along with them as you relive their love stories; or perhaps check out the section on great restaurantstocheckoutjustin timefortheseason.
This issue started out as a passing idea before gradually morphing into the magazine you now read It was created notonlythroughtheeffortsof the publication's editors, artists, writers and photrographers, but also throughthecandorandhonest insight of those featured in thisissue.
We sincerely hope you enjoy reading the firs issue of Agape as much as we ' ve enjoyed its creation.