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Althoughwewenttothesamecollege,we only met each other when we got to law school ShechoseBlockDbecausemostof her college friends were there, while I chose Block D because of my close friend sincehighschool.
Because of all the restrictions due to the pandemic, it was very hard to get close to blockmates. We only started to get close when we decided to study together on discord with other friends We would usually stay on the call for hours, even untilthesunwouldrise.Somecallswould be us seriously studying, while most of themwouldusbetalkingaboutourlives.
We were always accustomed to guys making the first move. However, this was not the case between me and Kat We would “beat around the bush” and flirt with each other during our Discord calls, butthefirstevermovewaswhenwewent to Xylo and Kat held my hand. The rest washistoryfromthatpointon.
4. How would you describe your
Our dynamic is me talking about random things,whileKatwouldlisten I’mmoreof the extroverted one, while Kat’s the “would-rather-stay-at-home introvert” (notduringcollegetho,iykyk) Andlastly, wejustgeteachother.It’snotallthetime that a person can give his 100% in the relationship, and whenever one of us can’t, we just meet each other halfway. I don’tthinkIcanputintowordsthewhole pictureofourdynamic,butIguessthat’sa glimpseofit.
5. How has being in law school changed the way you view relationships?
Mostpeoplewouldsay“aralmunabago landi” but Kat and I believe that you can “Aral and landi”. Most couples would think that being in law school would greatly affect their relationship with each other badly. But for us, it actuallystrengthenedours.Mostofour dates would always involve studying, and we wouldn’t mind that. Because of law school, we ’ re able to help each other in everything, whether it be about academics or not So I guess, the myth was busted, law school won’t destroyyourrelationship.Youcanlove somebody without having to let go of yourdream,folks.
6.FavoritedatespotsalongRockwell orPoblacion?
Since we ’ re both law students, our usual date spots are cafes and generally,placeswherewecanstudy.
UCCin8Rockwellhasbeenastaple,aswell as After Hours in Poblacion. But when we don’tfeellikestudying,ourgo-todatespot is usually Cafe Fleur or Dr Wine Kinda pricey, but worth it, especially if you ’ re spendingitwiththerightperson.
7. Any words of advice for the students whohavecrushesontheirblockmates? Justlikewhatthefamoussportsbr