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Brown to speak at Lagro Community Church
The Lagro Community Church welcomes you to church.
Sunday School is from 9 to 10 a.m. every Sunday from and worship service is at 10 a.m.
Tim Brown is the speaker for Feb. 26.
Dora Christian Church, 2325 S. Salamonie Dam Road, welcomes you to worship service at 8:15 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. Minister Mark Wisniewski’s sermon for Feb. 26 will be “The Wrath of God,” based on Romans 1:18-32.
Everyone is invited to the Elders Luncheon on Saturday, Feb. 25, 12:30 PM, at Braves Breakfast and Grill Restaurant, 380 Manchester Avenue, Wabash.
Lagro United Methodist Church invites you to its
Sunday morning services at 9:00 a.m., and Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 a.m. Youth group activities for students in the 4th through 12th grades are also offered. Those activities and times vary each month depending on the service project. For more information on youth programs, parents can email the church at LagroUMC@gmail. com.
Kids’ Klub at Lagro United Methodist Church meets on
Wednesdays (on days MSDWC is in session from Sept. through the end of March) from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Activities include: Bible lesson, singing, game time in the gym, and supper.
Grief Support group meets at the Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 N. Wabash St, Wabash, every Monday at 3:30 p.m. You are welcome to join them. If you have questions, contact Donna Wendt, 260-782-2160.
The Norse Honor Student for last week was Blake Aderman. Blake was nominated for helping a teacher carry in supplies from their car. Thanks for the helping hand, Blake!
Upcoming events for Northfield
Junior/Senior High School: Feb. 22 – BBB; 6th
GBB – Crestview; Baseball Open Gym.
Feb. 23 – BBB; Club VB 3/4; Wrestling (7/8) at Eastbrook JrSr HS; 6th GBB at Maconaquah HS; Club VB 6/7/8.
Feb. 24 – CANCELED –Basketball (Frosh Boys) at TriCentral; Basketball (JV/V Boys) at TriCentral.
Feb. 25 –Wrestling (7/8) at
Oak Hill Inv.; Basketball (7/8 Girls) at RRC Round 2.
Feb. 27 – Club VB 6/7/8; Wrestling (7/8) – Rochester; Softball Open Gym; Baseball Open Gym.
Feb. 28 – Club VB 3/4/5.
March 1 – Club VB 7/8; 6th GBB at Blair Pointe; Baseball Open Gym.
There are people in our community who are in need of our prayers at this time. Their names remain on our lips and their concerns linger in our hearts.
Let us not forget to personally be a presence in their lives, to offer hope and help. Their names need not be mentioned; God knows them by name.
Lagro Happy Birthday: Feb. 22 – Arden Heagy; Feb. 24 – Jessica Funfsinn.
Late Anniversary greetings to Hubert and Lynn (NHS 1972 graduate) Baker, who celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on Feb. 12. They met on a blind-date when Lynn was 16 and Hubert was 18.
Do you have a birthday or anniversary to celebrate? Do you have a special event to share? If so, just send me an email.