2 minute read
American Legion Auxiliary seeks items for auction
The Women’s Auxiliary of American Legion No.286 is seeking donations for their Silent Auction to be held from March 18 to April 15. Funds raised from the auction will be used to support Veterans at home and abroad. Items will be accepted until March 10. Those wishing to donate can contact 260-982-8224 for more information.
American Legion Post 286 is located at 215 E. Main St., N. Manchester.
Mu Science
LAB AT NMPL: Assistant Professor of Biology
Cassandra Gohn and students from Manchester University will host a multi-station science lab between 10 a.m. and noon Saturday, Feb. 25 at the North Manchester Public Library, 405 N. Market St. The lab is primarily for children, but teens and adults are also welcome. It is free. Participants may drop in at any time during the lab. It will feature the muscular system and offer participants the opportunity to learn about their muscles and the muscular system.
Dar Monthly
MEETING: The monthly meeting of the Frances Slocum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) took place on Tuesday, Feb 14th at the GrandstaffHentgen Activity Room, Wabash. Eight members were present, and guest Clarence McNeeley. Tammy Wise reported on the book, “The Woman Who Smashed Codes” by Jason Fagone.
Elizebeth Smith

Friedman, from Huntington, Indiana, was an American cryptan- alyst and author who deciphered enemy codes in both World Wars and helped to solve international smuggling cases during Prohibition. Over the course of her career, she worked for the United States Treasury, Coast Guard, Navy and Army, and the International Monetary Fund. The next meeting of the Frances Slocum Chapter will be Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at Grandstaff-Hentgen Activity Room, 1241 Manchester Avenue, Wabash.
Prospective members and guests are always welcome to attend. DAR membership is open to any woman 18 years of age, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution. Those having questions about their family history lineage information may contact www.dar.org or Tamra Wise at 574527-2208 or Barbara Amiss at 260-9824376.
Griefshare Begins March
8: The next session of GriefShare will begin on Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 from 6-8 p.m. at the Congregational Christian Church. GriefShare, is a 13 week session of discussion, video seminars and individual work to guide those dealing with the loss of a loved one through a difficult time. Participant will need to purchase a workbook at a cost of $20.
Scholarships are available for those who need. The church is located at 310 N. Walnut Street. Please contact the church at 260-982-2882 for more information or to register.
MOM OF AN ADDICT SUPPORT GROUP every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Mom of an Addict support group is open to all family members or friends with loved ones who are struggling. For more information visit www.themomofanaddict.org
. The meetings are held at the Congregational Christian Church located at 310 N. Walnut Street, N. Manchester.

Located at the Market Street ‘porch area’ of the N. M. Public Library, a small outdoor pantry is open 24/7 for those in need. The outdoor shed has been well-stocked by the community with items such as canned goods, pasta, diapers, toilet paper, hygiene products, and snack items. The Community Pantry is available for anyone to take anything they may need.
THURSDAY’S CHILD: Do you have a newborn?
Thursday’s Child has a lovely gift bag of useful items for you and your child! We recently changed our inventory to newborn through 4T (some 5T). Diapers, wipes, jackets and other necessities for little ones are also in stock.
All items are free, and there are no income requirements! Thursday’s Child is open from 1-4 p.m. on Thursday in the same building as the Thrift Shop (410 N.