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Lions Club has February meeting
Roann Lions Club met on Thursday, February 2, at Town Hall.
President Phil Dale opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and leading the pledge to the American flag.
The minutes from the December meeting were given by secretary, Donna Harman. The treasurer’s report was given by Keith Ford.
For the business meeting, Donna reported on the upcoming Special Friend Valentine Banquet.
The banquet was planned for February 11 in the Roann Community Building. Donna had asked several Lions club ladies to help by preparing food for the event. The meal will be cheesy potatoes, pork loin, green bean casserole, dessert and Marcella Palmer’s delicious rolls. The entertainment will be a men’s quartet from the Friends Church. Several door prizes will be given to our guests. We will also be doing carry-out meals. We have a total of 15 carryouts this year.
In other business, Keith reported that he had tried to contact Raber’s Grocery Store to see if they would like the Lions Club to do the meal for their open house in the spring. However, they were in a meeting. Keith will get back with them. This was in May last year.
their current equipment or buying new. Come out and support this great group serving our community.
The Department is also accepting applications for new members.
day of Roann “Booster Days” held September 27. (I question this but that is what the records show!). 1953 – Roann celebrates its Centennial.
The Lions Club is still waiting on the follow-up in receiving the grant we were awarded for the completion of the caboose.
The Remote Control Races in Roann have been on hold due to the Butchers family events. The Lions Club is waiting to hear from Shawn Butcher about selling concessions for the races.
Due to a conflict with the club president’s schedule in March, the meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 7 at 7 p.m. Refreshments were served to those who attended the meeting.
ROANN VOLUNTEER Fire Department is having their annual fundraiser of grilled tenderloin dinner from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. February 25, 2023, at the Roann Community Building. It will be a drive-through again this year. Cost is $10 for either just meat or a dinner. The dinner consists of meat, applesauce, green beans, and chips. Money raised by this fundraiser will go toward updating
They are looking at applicants who are at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or a GED. Please call 765-833-2111 and leave a message. Someone will get back with you.
PASTOR BALMER of the Roann United Methodist church sermon for February 26, 2023 will be from Revelation 3:14-22 titled “Neither Hot nor Cold”.
February birthdays will be celebrated. You are invited to worship in person and on Facebook at 9 a.m. The Church is located at the corner of Adams and Arnold Streets in Roann. It was announced that the women’s group will be starting up again.
MORE FACTS, Fads, and Fancies of Roann: 1934 –The tax rate for Wabash County is 78 cents. In addition, the thermometer reached 108 degrees. 1937 –Wabash County Hospital increases size to 60 beds. 1943 – Shoe rationing begins. 1946 – 10,000 estimated attendance of opening
TINUE praying for: Jackie Slee, Russell Quillen, Jeff Krom, Coy Eads, Ken Musselman, Larry Smalley, Robin Stanton, Tiffany Howard, Rob Mace, John Stinston, and our country. Stay safe and stay healthy. God bless you all.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Vigar family on the passing of their mother, Ruth. She will truly be missed by everyone.
CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARIES: Feb.22 –Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wall and Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pell; Feb. 23 – Mr. & Mrs. James Pell.
CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS: Feb. 22 – Beverly Renz and Waylon McWhirt; Feb. 23 –Mary Jane Pell; Feb. 24 – Braylon Frieden and Jessika Krom; Feb. 25 – Anita Krom and Miles Delgado; Feb. 26 – Bruce Galbraoth, Stella Stephens, and Cory Brault; Feb. 27 –Phil Dale; Feb.28 –Natalie Schuler and John Vigar.
I CAN BE reached by email at meyerann@centurylink.net.