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A.1.36.4 Associations of the "Session" package

Class name Designation Definition Stereotype Abstract

Session Session A Session describes the actual act of parking (or other use of a Right Specification). May contain multiple segments. D2VersionedIdentifi able no

A.1.36.3 Specializations of the "Session" package

There are no defined specializations in the "Session" package.

A.1.36.4 Associations of the "Session" package

Table Error! No text of specified style in document..91— Associations of the "Session" package

Class name Association end Designation Definition Multiplicity Target

Session segment Segment Segment for the associated Session 1..* Session.Segme nt

identifiedCredential Identified credential Identified credential for the associated Session 1..* Right.Credential

identifiedVehicle Identified vehicle Identified vehicle for the associated Session 0..1 PkCommon.Veh icleAncillaryIden tification

A.1.36.5 Attributes of the "Session" package

Table Error! No text of specified style in document..92— Attributes of the "Session" package

Class name Attribute name Designation Definition Multiplicity Type

Segment actualEnd Actual end The date/time of the end of the segment. 0..1 PkCommon.Dat eTime actualStart Actual start The date/time of the start of the segment. 1..1 PkCommon.Dat eTime

assignedRightId Assigned right id Identification of a specific AssignedRight that is associated to the segment. 0..1 PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e (pkrit:AssignedR ight)

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Overview 4.0 Version release June 7, 2021

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