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A.1.41.1 Location of "Supply" package

Class name Attribute name Designation Definition Multiplicity Type

photoUrl Photo URL Specifies a URL at which a photo of the supplemental facility can be found. quantity Quantity Number of the supplemental facility (e.g. number of toilets, restaurants, park & ride places, etc.) with respect to given restrictions. Dynamic overridable. regularlyCleaned Regularly cleaned Indication, if the supplemental facility is cleaned on a regular basis. rightSpecificationId Right specification id Specific hierarchy element associated to this Supplementary Facility 0..1 PkCommon.Url

0..1 PkCommon.Non NegativeInteger

0..1 PkCommon.Boo lean 0..* PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e

specificallyReferenceP lace Specifically reference place Limitation to a set of special users. 0..* PkCommon.Ver sionedReferenc e

supplementalFacilityIn dex Supplemental facility index An index to link this supplemental facility between the static and dynamic publications.

SupplementalServiceF acility distanceFromOriginFa cility Distance from origin facility

Approximate distance (given in metres) between this supplemental facility and some origin facility to which it is clearly related (typically a larger facility, e.g. a parking site). numberOfSubitems Number of subitems The quantity of sub items to this service facility type, e.g. the total number of restaurant places or fuel dispensers etc. 1..1 PkCommon.Inte ger

0..1 PkCommon.Met resAsNonNegati veInteger

0..1 PkCommon.Non NegativeInteger

serviceFacilityType Service facility type One type of service. 1..1 Place.ServiceFa cilityTypeEnum

A.1.41 "Supply" package

A.1.41.1 Location of "Supply" package

The location of "Supply" package is:

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Overview 4.0 Version release June 7, 2021

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